Chapter 58
The Doctor sat on the floor, her legs crossed surrounded by the force field and played with a JoJo. Her sonic was on the table at the other side of the room. So close and jet too far away. There was a guard in front of her cage and the camera pointed right at her. As the JoJo bounced up and down her eyes darted around the room, towards the screen on the left and across the control panel underneath it. Another man walked inside the room, door shut behind him. He picked up something from the table then punched in the code, opening the door. She continued playing with JoJo and started humming the song.
Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Baby Shark
The guard rolled his eyes as she continued to play with her JoJo and sing into her chin.
Mommy Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Mommy Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Mommy Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Mommy Shark
He huffed annoyed and yelled at her "SHUT UP!!!"
The Doctor went quiet looking up at him and as he turned his back on her she started singing again.
Daddy Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
Daddy Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo....
TARDIS landed, River and Yaz stepped outside. There was nobody around, so Yaz took the little cube out of her pocket and the hologram popped up.
"What's that?" River asked confused.
"Doctor gave it to me in case we ever get separated...She's down the hallway seventh on the right and second on the left.
"Clever...I might ask for one of those...Let's go."
River took her sonic out and disabled the cameras.
"You got a sonic?"
"Present from the Doctor"
"Really? " Yaz raised an eyebrow "I might ask for one of those."
The hallway seemed empty for a while until they came across two soldiers chatting. River gave her a look and signaled with her hand. They sneaked up to them from behind. River grabbed one of them in a choke hold knocking him out and Yaz poked another one with her finger in the neck, he passed out.
"I'm impressed" River commented and dumped the guy on the floor then removed his weapon.
"Venusian aikido...Doctor taught me" she said proudly and opened one of the doors. They dragged the men inside and proceeded down the hallway.
The guard keeping an eye on the Doctor was at the end of his nerves with her singing. "WILL YOU SHUT YOUR GOB!" he yelled again huffing then left the room frustrated.
As soon as he left the Doctor got up and took a sling shot out of her pocket, unwrapped little candy using it instead of a stone aiming at the control panel. It bounced off it and the force field around her disappeared.
Imidiatly it set off the alarm all over the ship. River and Yaz looked at each other.
"Doctor" they both said and ran down the hallway.
Another soldier came out of one of the rooms right in front of them, but River elbowed him knocking him out before he even realized what was going on.
"Bloody hell!" Yaz laughed.
Doctor grabbed her sonic and swiped across the screen. She frowned worried then tapped a few things on the control panel. As the Doctor ran down the hallway and turned the corner she slammed right into River.
"Doctor!" Yaz smiled.
"What are you doing here?" Doctor yelled.
"Rescuing you" River said.
"Where's Anaya?" And why are you carrying a gun?" She looked at Yaz.
"She's got one?" Yaz pointed towards River.
"It's a stun gun chill out" River said.
"Honestly, I leave you for one hour."
"Are we gonna have a chit chat or get the hell out of here?" River said.
"They're coming" Yaz looked down the hallway.
"There's just one thing I need to check before we leave.... Well two things" Doctor squirmed.
"No, you don't" River said
"We need to leave now!" Yaz said looking down the hallway.
"It'll just take a second..."
"Doctoooor!" Yaz whined and River rolled her eyes, but they followed her, nevertheless.
"Where is she!!!" Curnel Hughes shouted looking at the empty room.
"I don't know sir. I left her only for a minute. The security systems are down."
"If you don't want to spend the rest of your militarily career scrubbing floors FIND HER!!" he yelled.
"Yes sir!"
"I want every inch of this ship searched...Do we understand each other soldier?"
"Yes sir...clearly sir"
"What about the other problem sir" one of the soldiers asked.
Hughes pursed his lips staring at the screen.
"This is no time to do sightseeing" Yaz said.
"It'll only take a minute.... There’s something else going on here that is beyond your cargo. But I have to get on the other side of this ship. I saw something that is really bugging me."
"There's too many solders babe, we can't just walk around."
"She's right" River said.
"Well, if you give me a minute, I'll have a plan.”
"You better think fast" River said.
"I got it" she grinned.
"How much further?" Yaz asked as they crawled through the went shafts below the deck.
"Shhh" Doctor looked up as some men walked above them and as they left, they continued until they reached their destination. They carefully stepped outside and found themselves surrounded with cage after cage filled with trapped creatures from different parts of the universe. It was dark, dinghy and inhumane. Rusty cages staked up on top of each other and inside them creatures from all over the universe.
The smell was unbearable.
"OMG" Yaz gasped.
"They are trafficking" River said horrified.
"Yes" Doctor said saddened, her eyes roaming around the massive cargo this ship was carrying.
"We have to do something. We can't just leave them here" Yaz said.
"We are not leaving them Yaz...I'm working on it." The Doctor said, "There's something else...."
Suddenly the group of soldiers burst into the room pointing guns at them.
"I can walk you know. No need to keep poking me" Doctor said unnerved as the soldier kept pushing her with his gun.
"Well, well...if it isn't the rats" Hughes stretched satisfying smile.
"I'll take that as a compliment. Very clever rats. I always preferred them to cockroaches" Doctor said as they were led into the ships control room
"Professor Song finally we meet again....and you are?" He turned to Yaz grabbing her chin.
"Never mind her" Doctor stepped in " have a bigger problem.... Your ship is damaged, you're losing power."
"Never mind my ship...the ship is just fine...I want my cargo and one way or another you are getting it for me" he turns to River "or she gets a bullet" he points a gun at the Doctor's temple.
"Oi!" Yaz jumped but the man behind her held her tight.
"I swear by the end of today I'm gonna rip your throat out through your nostrils” River nudged at the grip of the man holding her arms behind her back.
"She keeps her promises you know" Doctor smudged "...You're delusional on top of being arrogant. Forget the cargo your engines are working under stress. You got less than 30 minutes before this whole thing explodes."
"Whaaaa?" Yaz looked at her in horror.
"Did you plan to share that at some point?" River darted her
"I was going to when they showed up...You have to save whatever power you have but you have to jettison the stern."
"I'm not jettisoning anything. There’re millions worth of cargo in there. And that beast out there is worth more than all of that put together. You must be mad " He yelled.
"Have been told..."
"Give up Hughes. You'll never get back home." River said.
"Wait a minute...your way to stuck on this cargo to risk everyone being killed...." Doctor frowns "Ooooh...ooooh....did you by any chance get the down-payment? You have, haven't you?" She grins.
"Take the deal" River said then suddenly an explosion ripped through the ship and the ground underneath them shook.
"If you release the cargo, I can divert whatever energy you have left to get you out of here. Save your men, don't be such an idiot" Doctor pleaded but he just pushed her aways.
Another explosion and the soldiers in the room looking at each other in horror.
"To hell with this" one of them said and ran out of the room.
"Get back here solder!" Hughes yelled.
Others followed as he yelled after them "Get back here! This is a direct order!"
"Too late you had your chance" the Doctor stepped in front of the console and swiped the sonic
"What are you doing?"
"Jettisoning your cargo" she said as her fingers were swiping across the screen.
"No, you're not" he pushed her so hard the Doctor flew across the room and fell on the floor
"Doctor!!" Yaz yelled running towards her.
Another explosion and the man fell to the floor.
"We gotta go" River grabbed her arm pulling her up.
"Did you, do it?" Yaz looked at the Doctor.
"Yes...let's get to the TARDIS.”
As explosions ripped through the ship the soldiers boarded the life pods. Hughes got up and ran towards them yelling as the last soldier entered one of the pods.
"Wait!" He screamed "I'm ordering you!" but the man gave him a wicked smile and disappeared inside, the door shutting behind him.
In the meantime, the three of them ran through the explosions towards the TARDIS. Sparks flying above their heads and pieces of broken metal falling on the floor around them as the ship shook with each explosion. Yaz tripped on some debris and fell. River grabbed her arm pulling her up.
"Go, go, go!!" She yelled as TARDIS was literally in arms length.
Doctor flew through the door and ran straight to the console, Yaz followed then heard the shot from the outside and turned to see River falling to the floor and Hughes standing with the gun behind her. She pointed the gun at him, but the massive piece of ceiling collapsed on top of him. River was still on the floor she lifted her head and waived.
"Get into the TARDIS!" She yelled.
"Not without you" Yaz ran to her avoiding parts of the ship falling around her
"Yaz get inside" River said.
"Yaz!" Doctor yelled from the console "River!" She left the console running to the door as realized something wrong.
"It's fine...I got her!" Yaz said walking through the door dragging River with her "Goooo!"
The Doctor ran back to the console and pulled the lever then, as they stopped, flew across the control room as River was lying on the floor bleeding from the side of her waist.
"He shot her" Yaz said.
"Just a scratch" she smiled "See" she showed her hand.
"What does she mean?" Yaz asked then it clicked, and she just looked at the Doctors worried face
An hour later River was lying in the infirmary. The Doctor next to her putting instruments back on one of those infirmary carts. River glanced at her softly then reached for her hand brushing her fingers over hers. The Doctor stilled.
"I'm fine" she said "See...not a scratch left."
"You were gonna stay" Doctor said quietly looking down.
"You're more important..." she smiled brushing her thumb over her hand.
"Nooo" the Doctor shook her head and lifted her gaze.
"You always were to me" she said softly and pulled her to sit on the edge of the bed. Silence was almost palpable as Doctor looked down to where their fingers joined "Do you miss me?"
The Doctor smiled from the corner of her lips "You know the answer to that" she said as her fingers closed over Rivers.
Yaz found the Doctor in the control room tinkering with the TARDIS. Soft light shining on her face as always. Sleeves rolled to her elbows as most times.
"Hey cupcake" she smiled as Yaz circled her arms around her nuzzling her neck.
"Hey beautiful" she smiled planting a small kiss to the soft skin inhaling her scent and rested her chin on her shoulder "What are you doing?"
"I'm locating that poor creature. We have to pick it up soon. It's injured"
"Oh nooo"
"It's gonna be alright Yaz. We got all of them safe. I have to make sure they are healthy and tomorrow we will drop them off before we get River back into her timeline" she said and fell silent.
"Talk to me..." she whispered kissing her shoulder.
The Doctor signed and turned in her arms. Her eyes filled with tears.
"Heeey....It's alright baby" Yaz raised her hand to the side of her neck and pulled her in "It's alright" she said quietly as tears ran down the Doctor's face and her arms tightened around her.
The next day after successfully catching the lost animal and dropping off all the other creatures back to their own planets it was time to say goodbye to River.
"Thank you" River said hugging Yaz as the Doctor stood by the TARDIS door watching them
"Don't mention it" she smiled.
"I'm glad I met you."
"Likewise...I can finally stop asking her" she giggled as they parted.
"Take care of her" she smiled glancing towards the Doctor.
River sighed walking towards the door and passed by the Doctor who followed behind her. Yaz kept her distance, giving them a moment.
"So, I guess this is goodbye" River said but the Doctor didn't answer. Her eyes filled with grief aimlessly floating across her face. River reached with her hand for the strand of Doctors hair carried by the light ocean wind and tucked it behind her ear "Take care of yourself my love" she whispered.
The answer to that died on Doctor's lips. Instead, she reached for her hand and kissed her knuckles.
River leaned over placing a long kiss on her cheek then pulled away "See you soon Doctor" she smiled as her fingers slowly left the other woman’s hand and at that moment it felt as if another part of the Doctor just crumbled into dust.
"See you soon" she forced a smile and watched as the other women took off her shoes and walked down the sandy beach, her figure becoming smaller and smaller. The Doctor wiped a tear off her face and turned towards her TARDIS.
"Now...can we get our baby back?" she smiled at Yaz standing at the door.