Chapter 17

They finally got back to the Tardis later on that day.
Doctor was in a shower and Yaz kept standing in front of the mirror checking her stomach every day keep expecting to see some change in the size but she never did.

"It's not growing" she says disappointed turning around and sliding her hand over it

Doctor laughs her head off walking out of the bathroom drying her hair in a towel

"It won't grow over night Yaz"

"I want it to grow just a little bit"

"Why?" Doctor couldn't stop laughing and thinking how cute and utterly adorable she is

"Dunno...just want to fell like baby is there"

"It's definitely doubt" Doctor bends down and kisses her tummy

Yaz sits on the edge of the bed and slumps herself on a pillow

"Oh I forgot to tell you. We won't be able to get far from tomorrow. Well not by foot anyway"


"Heavy snow is starting. I did tell you at some point it will get like that...well we could go but I'd be difficult...anyways... now you got your adventure no more until that baby comes. I can't deal with the stress Yaz"

"Alright I promise...I feel so tired"

"Come on...get in bed you need rest...besides I'll find something fun for us to do tomorrow so you'll need your strength"

"And you?...please stay with least till I fall asleep. Then I know you will sneak always do" Yaz hated when she left the bed every night. She'd turn around in the middle of the night and Doctor would not be there so she would hug her pillow that still smelled of sweets. But she knew she couldn't help it. She only slept about two hours every night iff.

"I have work on Tardis, you know that...but I promise I'll stay till you fall asleep, only if you get your bum in there now young lady"

Yaz crawled into bed and they snuggled

"What is it that you do... all the time on Tardis?"

"Oh, just maintenance. It's a big place you know. I have to make sure everything works properly...well relatively properly" she laughs

"Will you teach me?"

"Sure, I'll teach you everything. Sleep now" she presses her head on her chest and strokes her back "You need to rest"
Doctor started pushing her other hand between her and Yaz in a very awkward way

"What are you doing?" Yaz looked down laughing

"I just want to say goodnight to the baby" she looks at her confused

"Why didn't you say so for god sake I'd turn around" Yaz laughed as sometimes she would act as if she's not even an adult. So she turns more on her back and reaches for Doctors hand placing it on her stomach "There...better now?"

"Much better" she snuggles up stroking her tummy and Yaz switched on the hologram

"Oh, hello there jelly bean" Doctor grins

"Do that again...let's see baby's reaction!"

"Yaz honey baby is just a grain of rice it will not react" Doctor laughed

"Oh...I just want it to grow"

Doctor started cuddling her tummy making little circles with her fingers. It made Yaz sleepy

"Mmmm...that's nice...don't stop" Yaz closed her eyes and she was out in a minute


Doctor stretched the cables all over the floor of Tardis. Her sleeves were rolled up and she had her apron and big gloves on .

"Morning!" Yaz walked in with a bowl of cereal

"Hey, morning...carefull Yaz don't fall"

Yaz walked over all the cables and sat on the steps

" I don't even get a kiss anymore" Doctor complained sulking

"Whaa?...Sure you do...I just didn't want to.."

"Yah yah.. I can see where this is going" she walks over and smacked a short kiss on her lips " How's my fam?"

"Fine...I didn't want to get up I was so tired"

"Why did you then Yaz...not like we need to run somewhere?"

"Can't stay in bed the whole day can I?"

"You can now" she's dragging the cables back inside the Tardis

"Oh I moved us whilst you were sleeping. Snow was getting too high"

"I was thinking...can we go sometimes down to the city and visit Kai and Mani? I really liked it down there"

"Sure Yaz...we do what ever you want"

"I thought one evening we can go and have a nice romantic dinner"

"I'd like that Yaz. I just need to park the Tardis closer this time, not having you walk all that way and down those steps again"

"Doctor! Doctor are you there Doctor I need your help!! Doctor!" Ryans voice came through the con device

"Whaaa...Ryan???!!!" Yaz gets up worrying

Doctor zoomed around the console "Yes Ryan I'm here are you alright?"

"No Doctor I need you it's really urgent"

"Alright Ryan hold on I'll put a lock on you...we're coming to get you"

"Hurry up Doctor" Ryan was freaking out on the other side

"Yaz honey put that cereal away we need to go!" Doctor was running around the console getting them ready to leave "Hold on Ryan I got you we're coming. Yaz, are you holding on?"

"Yes yes go" she grabbed the rail of the stairs. It was the first thing she could find but her bowl of cereal went flying across the room

They land in few seconds and Doctor opened the door. Ryan ran past her yelling "Doctor just gooo!"

"Go where Ryan? " even Doctor was confused

"Anywhere just get us out of here!!!"

Doctor ran back to the console and pulled the lever. In several seconds they were up in the temporal zone.

"Ryan blimey what happened?" Doctor jumped around flying through the room and in a second, she was in front of him

"Are you alright?" she placed her hand on his shoulder as he was trying to catch some breath

Ryan still trying desperately to breathe and talk in a same time is struggling to explain "Grandad...they took him.."

"Graham? Who took him Ryan? " Doctors eyes opened wide

"Those black..."his trying to explain with his hands

"Tentacle things?"

"No" he's panting

"Big black fat things?" Doctor goes into his face


"Lanky black tall?"

"Doctooor!!!! Just let him talk OMG!!" Yaz yells "Ryan it's ok mate...just calm down...slow down...big breath" Yaz says calmly trying to get him to relax and he finally does

"We were at home, and we went to bed. I was woken up by this noise. Didn't think much of it at the time, just thought it was something from the street, so I got up to go to the kitchen and I saw a blue light from grandad’s room. So went up there and those things...they were really tall lanky looking things like humans but not. And big, massive foreheads and those eye big black eyes. As soon as I went in it was like I was paralyzed, I couldn't move. Grandad looked like he was sleeping but one of those things came to me and like he spoke in my head Doctor it was weird...And they just left took grandad" Ryan started at the floor in desperation

"What did he say to you Ryan?" Doctor said quietly

"I can't remember Doctor...I'm sorry...I just froze. Yaz I froze...I didn't help him" he buried his face into his hands

"Ryan it's ok...hey...this wasn't your fault. We'll find him...right?" Yaz looked up to the Doctor

"Sure we will Ryan...and I know exactly where to look" she runs to the console

"You do???"Yaz said surprised and exited at the same time

"Sure I do Yaz...if they are who I think they are I know exactly where to go" she zoomed to the other side of the console and flipped the image on a monitor "Ryan is that what you saw?"

"Yes Doctor" he jumps on his feet "those are the things that..."

"OMG what are they Doctor?" Yaz looks at the monitor feeling a bit of dread inside

"Akani Yaz.. nasty things. One of the most dangerous species in the universe"

"Of course...because hey why not"Yaz comments sarcastically

"Doctor a bit of information please" Ryan asked

"Have you met them before?" Yaz comes closer to the monitor

"Long time ago Yaz...very long time ago...and I was hoping I never will again. Do not underestimate Akani. They have telepathic not and I mean do not let one touch you"

"Why? " Yaz askes

"They have a power Yaz to make you believe you're somewhere else see things that are not there...even make you do stuff you would never do...control your mind. They are extremely dangerous. Clone race...they lost the ability to normally reproduce a long time ago. And they are obsessed with any technology. They destroyed their planet with it"

"Alright...I get all that Doctor but what do they want with grandad?"

"I don't know Ryan, but we will get him back" she runs a sonic over Ryan "Just as I thought" she reads the sonic

"What?" Ryan asked scared

"Ryan do you remember anything else? That you've been anywhere else?"

"No I told you everything "

" wouldn't...but.." she turns around and starts crawling under the console

"Doctor what are you doing?" Yaz asked confused

She wiped out a strange gadget and without any questions shoved on Ryans head "I need to get all the data Ryan...I could read your mind but I won't get anything. Your mind's been...well...wiped" she turns back to the console connecting the gadget to the console

"Whaaaat?...what do you mean?" Ryan panicked

"Doctor what do you mean his mind was wiped?"

"Partially Yaz not completely. They took Ryan as well but he obviously didn't have what they needed so they returned him back. Like I told you...they will make you believe something is there that is not...That's why you cannot remember what they told you Ryan...because that never happened. The real memories are buried in your mind....and this will help me to get to them. It will only take a minute Ryan it won’t hurt. Just relax"

Doctor flipped few switches and the gadget started glowing "Be calm Ryan don't worry"

Poor Ryan was just looking up towards the top of his head petrified. But wish to find his grandfather was bigger than his fears

"Alright all done Ryan...thank did well. Now I have to analyze this. Don't worry"

"Doctor, you will find him?" he says worried out of his mind taking the thing off his head and placing it on the console

"I will Ryan...but tonight I have a lot of work to do...don't worry tomorrow we go and get him. They won't harm him. I'm pretty sure what they want but enaugh for now. You and Yaz go relax. Do something nice together...get your mind off it."

"Alright Doctor...thank you"

"Ryan!!!...You don't need to thank're my fam... Nobody kidnaps my family...Oh and Yaz...don't forget to take your vitamins and please rest you need rest. And tomorrow you're staying on Tardis"

"Whaaaat!!!! Nooo I'm not"

"Oh yes you're not going anywhere in you're state we talked about it Yaz"

Ryan was looking at them two in complete confusion trying desperately to decipher the convo but with no luck. He just got even more confused

"I did promise but this's Graham and you're not stopping me"

Doctor looks at her across the console upset "Yaz...iff you do go..."

Yaz runs around before Doctor finished the sentence grabbing her face with both hands and shutting her up with a kiss. Ryan turned his gaze to the floor embarrassed.

"Love ya!!!" Yaz giggled and turned around pulling Ryan by his sleeve "Come on...I'm hungry "

Doctor stood at the console speechless and confused "I'm being manipulated...completely manipulated" Tardis hums "Oh come oooon she is totally swinging me around her little finger and you know it!!" she turns to Tardis

"Hey Yaz...what was that all about? Why wouldn’t Doctor let you go?" Ryan asked whilst walking towards the kitchen

"If I tell promise you won't take a piss out of me Ryan...or the Doctor"

"Promise Yaz...hey you're my mate...are you alright? " Ryan got a bit worried thinking Yaz is ill. He just didn't understand why Yaz would ever think he'd take a piss out of her for that

They walked into the kitchen and Yaz grabbed him for his shoulders making him stand in the middle of the room

"Ready?" Yaz smiles

"Suppose so" he answered confused

She presses her little bracelet and the hologram popped up. She smiled and looked at Ryan expecting some sort of reaction, but he just started at the hologram confused

"Well??? Aren't you gonna say anything?"

"Say what Yaz...I'm proper confused...what is that?"

"'s a baby..."

Ryan still started not really understanding what she's going on about.

"Ryan...I'm pregnant!"


"Aha!" she smiles nodding her head

"You lost me can you be pregnant? With who?"

"What do you meant with who Ryan?"

Ryans face changed ten different expressions in two seconds "You mean it's hers?" he pointed finger in a direction of the control room

"Yap...hers...mine...ours.. we're having a baby Ryan!" Yaz says exited out of her mind
"Noooo...nooo way mate...OMG Yaz.. OMG that is some proper awesome Yaz" he grabs her around her waist and lifts up in the air "You're having a baby Yaz OMG!!!!" Ryan is pacing around the kitchen exited smiling "Yaz wait until grandad hears"

"I know it's exiting isn't it?" Yaz couldn't stop smiling

Ryan stops and gets serious "But wait a minute...does that mean??"

"What?" Yaz frowns

"Does that mean Doctors know..."

"Ryan!!!!!....OMG" she smacks him on a head "Nooo...Ryan she's a woman for god sake what's wrong with you?"

"Alright. .Alright...just asking...not like it would be a problem...she was a bloke before..."

"I can't believe you just asked me that..."

"But is that possible?"

"Honest Ryan, she knows I'm still not sure...I don't even care, I'm so happy"

He hugs her smiling "You should be Yaz..this is just proper awesome"

They sat down and had some food. Yaz was showing him a hologram and telling him all about it.

"So when will the baby come?"

"Not sure. Doctor says it could be nine months or a year. But it's growing slow...I want a big belly Ryan so everyone knows"

"Did you tell your mum?"

Yaz got up and walked to the fridge "Nooo...not yet...That's gonna be an interesting conversation. Hey mum remember the Doctor...oh well yeah...You know when you asked if we're seeing each other...well we fact she's my wife and we're having a baby oh, oh and by the way mum she's an alien with a time ship"

"Yeah...might hold that convo for a while Yaz"

"Not that she doesn't know Ryan...she does know we're together...she just stopped's all the other stuff I need to explain now"

"Nah Yaz..I recon she's gonna be proper happy for you...I know grandad will"

"Happy about what?" Doctor walks in the kitchen

Yaz walked over to her sliding her hand around her waist "I told Ryan about the baby"

"Congratulations Doctor!...this is awesome"

"Thanks Ryan...It is isn't it?"

"You ok love?"

"Yes I just need some drink Yaz. This is going to be a long night, don't wait up for me. Just make sure you rest ok...promise"

"Promise" she kisses her cheek

Doctor took a juice out of the fridge and walked out. Ryan and Yaz enjoyed watching a movie and went to bed. It helped Ryan not to think about all the horrible things going through his mind about where Graham was. 




Yaz tried to stay awake but she fell asleep in the end. She woke up when Doctor came to bed. 


"Hey beautiful Bighead...what time is it?" 


"Late...go back to sleep" Doctor slumped herself on her stomach and buried her head into the pillow exhausted and depressed. 


Yaz felt for her as she looked so tired and Yaz knew how she felt about desperately wanting a break. Yet somehow troubles always come for the Doctor and this trouble is not something she could ignore. Yaz turns around to face her and meets her exhausted gaze. 


"Hey, I'm so sorry darling" Yaz strokes her face and Doctor closed her eyes as her fingers went down her cheek "Did I tell you recently how absolutely beautiful you are? 


"No…you haven't" Doctor smiled and kissed the palm of her hand 


"Did I tell you how hopelessly in love I am with you?" 


"Nope...nope you definitely didn't tell me that either." 


Those words actually made her feel instantly better. She desperately needed to be loved tonight. And Yaz knew it...she could see it in tiered eyes. Her beautiful green eyes which lost their spark tonight. 


Yaz sat on the bed and started kissing her shoulders slowly pulling the covers down. Doctor wanted to turn around but Yaz laid her hand on her back stopping her "No...stay..." she leant over, moved the hair from her face and whispered in her ear "I want you like this tonight" Doctor smiled 


She reached under the covers and traced her fingers down her back and waist. She ran her fingers through her golden silky hair kissing the back of her neck and traced her hand down her spine. 


"That's really nice" Doctor whispered but there was sadness in her voice. 


Yaz kissed every inch of her slowly and gently running her lips down her body and her hand around her curves. She interviewed her fingers with Doctor pressing her hand gently to the pillow and buried her face into Doctors soft neck tangling her fingers into her golden hair.


"I love you" she whispered between the kisses and Doctor felt her warm breath on back of her neck 


She monad into the pillow almost losing her breath as Yaz was sliding her herself down her back wrapping her hands around her and tracing her soft lips down her back.


Doctor felt dizzy as flushes of heat rushed through her body. Nothing in the world made her feel like this intoxicating rush. She wanted Yaz to run through her veins to feel her in every cell of her whole being. 

She lifted herself up pressing her back on Yaz's chest, reaching for her hands and wrapping them around herself gliding them across her stomach and the inside of thighs. Her cheeks were flushed with heat burning through her whole body. Yaz wrapped her fingers around her neck and pressed her lips on it kissing her like tomorrow doesn't exist. The Doctor was panting, trying to remember to breathe between the gentle thrusts of Yaz's fingers inside her talking the language of love only two of them understood in their universe. She grabbed the headboard of the bed holding it tight as Yaz traced her fingers through her hair and down the back of her neck wrapping them around her and running them over her lips. Doctor kissed the inside of Yaz's palm smothering her moans until she flew away into their universe. Yaz held her in her arms kissing her flushed cheeks and letting her head lean oh hers with eyes closed, and lips half opened.

They slumped on a bed holding each other under the covers. Doctors eyes looked sleepy but she had a soft smile across her face. She ran her fingers down Yaz's face kissing her from time to time. 






Doctor reached under the covers and wrapped Yaz's leg around herself pulling her closer "I really needed you tonight beautiful." 


"I know you did...I'm so sorry this is happening. I really love you."


"I love you too beautiful" she sighs deeply "I don't know what I'd do without you Yaz" 


"What's bothering you? Except what I already know...there's something else on that beautiful mind of yours...please tell me" 


"I couldn't tell Ryan, Yaz Tardis is desperately trying to locate Graham. I have nothing to lock on to Yaz...I can't find him" 




"I'm going out of my mind Yaz...I have to get up in a minute I just needed a break my mind was going fuzzy" 


"Are you saying..."


"I don't know Yaz...I don't even want to think about it. Tardis is working really hard. We are scanning all the known universe."


"I'll help you...please just tell me what to do"


"No Yaz you have to've been beautiful...I don't need you at the console tonight I needed you like this" tears start I rolling down Doctors face. She buried her face snuggling into Yaz crying her eyes out.


"OMG darling...It's ok" Yaz squeezed her thither and tangled her fingers in her hair "It will be ok're smart...I believe in you" 


"Oh Yaz..." Doctor whispered crying 


Her tears rolled down Yaz's chest like waterfalls. Yaz stroked her hair until she calmed down. Telling her million times how much she loves her. Doctor got up and got dressed. Yaz got up as well...Doctor protested but she wouldn't have it. She insisted she will sleep on a mattress next to her. Doctor worked all through the night until Tardis finally gave a sound of hope.


"Yaz!!! Yaz darling...get up Yaz!!" Doctor stroked her cheek


She opened her eyes sleepy and disorientated  "Did you find him?" 


"I have Yaz" she grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her hard "I found him Yaz!!!" smile stretched across her face. 


"I knew you will...never doubted you" she smiled. 


"Get up darling get Ryan we are going now..." she jumped over the mattress and zoomed around the console doing last minute checks. 


"How did you find him?" Yaz was tucking her top into her trousers and tied her hair in a pony tail. 


"They jammed the signal Yaz...It slipped my mind how advanced their technology is....I was just so brains going fuzzy...But when Tardis cracked the code we managed to put a lock on him...My beautiful ghost monument..." she kisses the console 


Yaz smiles and runs out getting Ryan. She banged on the door with her fist "Ryan!!! Ryan get up Ryan, Doctor found Graham" 


Ryan opened the door still sleepy in his boxer shorts. "Whaaa...noo way!!" 


"Yap!!!!...Get your pants on mate let's get our grandad." 


"Our grandad?" 


"Yap...yours...mine...Doctors...fam mate...get a shift on" she smiles. 


"You're spending way too much time with Doctor Yaz you're starting to sound like her" he laughed wiles slinging his trousers and a t-shirt on in supersonic speed 


They ran into control room. Doctor was zooming around the console...she flipped the screen "Dan It's me...we need you sharpish...Graham was...well abducted and we need your help. I'll explain on a way. I need all hands on deck today Dan" 


"Sure...what's the time? I need to get dressed Doctor"


"Well go on then...get moving...we'll be there in few even have time to brush your teeth" she closes the screen 


"Right...what was I going to say? It was right there on the tip of my brain...Yes...Do not let Akani touch you. Do not wonder off and let me speak" she runs around the console and picks up something from Tardis. Then in few steps jumping over the mattress on a floor she comes to Yaz and Ryan gluing tiny devices on their temples


"What's that?" Ryan asks 


"It blocks Akani telepathic attack...not completely but enough to give you some time to run...because remember…run" 


She turns to Yaz "Yaz do not try to impress me today...I need you to stick to I duck taped you around I need that Yaz...This place is no joke" she bent down and kissed Yaz's stomach "And you my little jellybean don't you worry about anything...I got my thumb on this. Love ya" 


Ryan looks at Yaz smiling "Someone pinch me please...this is so unreal" 


"Hold on everyone...Yaz!"


"I'm holding on don't worry."


"I was going to say I need you on the other side"


"Really?" she smiles exited and jumps over the mattress zooming to the console


"Walking Yaz...not jumping" Doctor yells 


In a second they take off


Tardis landed in front of Dans house. Yaz opened the door and yells "Come on Scouts...get those legs moving" she laughs 


Dan hugs her at the door "Hey look happy"


"Oh, you have no idea...wait till you hear...but no time for that now, need to get Graham" 


"Yeah, about that...what's going on Yaz?"


"Doctor will explain everything...we have a big problem" 


"Hey Dan, nice to see you again" she runs over to him and sticks the device on his temple "I will explain later" 


"It's fine...I don't even ask anymore" Dan walks inside


Doctor explained one more time everything, so Dan gets all the information as well and they were ready to go into the unknown jet one more time.


"Yaz...I locked on to Graham not on a planet but on their ship. Can you see? They are far away from the very edges of our universe. I'm not quite sure why.... They are miles away from their home...there's nothing there" 


"Hold on everyone we're leaving" she pulls the lever and they take off


Tardis lands and Doctor opened the door slowly. She scans with a sonic and everyone follows her behind. There was a device on a wall, and she signals to everyone to follow her. 


"Right let's see...this should give us an idea where we are" she whispers "Oh...that's odd...look" she shows on a monitor a map of the ship " there's a control room and those I know what they are but this place...why do I detect so many life forms?."


"It may be the crew Doctor" Ryan says 


""No Ryan, Akani have a small crew of only seven on their ship. Those are at least 200 life forms...and Grahams signal is coming from there" she turns around to everyone "Let's go"


The ship looks empty and dark. Only blue light on a wall marking the way through the hallway. Yaz stuck to the Doctor like she promised but this place gave a chill so she didn't mind her promise. 


Dan taps the Doctor on her shoulder pointing to the small room they are passing by. One of the Akani was standing by the massive monitor. He was tall and lanky with extremely long fingers and a disproportionately large head. They sneak around avoiding being seen proceeding down the hallway. They stopped by one of the doors and Doctor uses her sonic to open the door. As they walk in the shock and horror froze them in time and space. 


"Doctor..." it was the only word Yaz managed to say from dread that came over her. She grabbed the sleeve of her coat as they walked in


Room was filled with people and creatures from all over the universe unconsciously lying on beds hooked up to the machines that monitored they life signs. Only the beeping of the machines could be heard echoing across the room that otherwise was dead silent. The whole ship was early silent


"What are they doing to them?" Dan asked 


"Dunno Dan" Doctor was mortified, she ran across the room from one bed to another waived her sonic scanning frantically all the data she possibly could. She came up to one lady lying on the bed and moved her shirt to get a better look. Her face dropped to the floor "This is not possible." 


"What isn't Doctor?" Yaz came closer to have a look 


"They are using Cyberman technology but modified in their way" 


"I don't understand what you're saying they are not turning them to robots?" 


"No Yaz they are not...not yet...look" she points to the little container by the side of the bed glowing like it was filled with sparkles. It looked almost magical, one could possibly say even beautiful if not related to this place. 


"What's that?" Ryan asked going closer to it to get a better look


"Their minds Ryan...all the information from their brains all the memories all their thoughts all the emotions everything extracted...their whole being extracted to that..."


"It's like they are taking their souls??" Yaz says looking at the Doctor 


"That's exactly what they're doing Yaz ..without your mind and your memories you're just an empty shell...body...accumulation of cells with no meaning" 


"Why would they want people’s souls?" "Ryan asked 


"Doctor didn't you say something about them being able to control people’s minds" Yaz points out


"So if they control the mind and mind is put inside the robot ..."Doctor continues 


"They have a mind controlled army.." Ryan says 


"Using bodies like Cyberman is too nasty for Akani...they like to keep it clean...not only that...with their cloning abilities they can replicate it as many times as they want." 


"Still doesn't answer one question Doctor...why my granddad?" Ryan commented confused.


"I was thinking that Ryan...because he's the one who was on board the Cyberman ship and he was in that armor...he's got memories of Cyberman ship the armor all the events that in some way could possibly be useful to them" 


"So was I Doctor!!" Yaz looks at the Doctor in dread and meets her worried eyes. 


"Let's just try to get those people off these machines" Doctor looked around the machine trying desperately to find a way to disable them "Ryan, Dan go look for Graham and I will try to figure this out. Yaz stay with me" 


"Alright god this place is huge...I'll go that side and you go the other Ryan. We'll be faster "says Dan to Ryan 


Doctor took the plate of the back of the machine looking at the circuits and scanning it with a sonic "I'm not happy you're here Yaz...not at all. I'd prefer if you stayed in Tardis" 


"And do movies...No way...I'd be climbing the walls by now."


"You're really stubborn you know"


"It's that stubbornness that got me going during Flux when I had no clue if you were dead or alive. I'm not going through that again." 


"I know Yaz, but this is different. Akani are different...they are dangerous...much more dangerous than anything out there put together"


"Where did you see them before?" 


"There was a massive war centuries ago and it involved many of the planets many races Yaz. They were the cause of it. They were banished at the very edges of the universe and never heard from again...." she looks at Yaz with a stone expression on her face "Until now" 


"What do they want?" 


"What do they all want rule the world...everyone wants to rule the's all the greed and malice and evil Yaz...universe is full of it" 


The sparks flew of the circuit board and Doctor stepped back a bit "This isn't going to work. If I disconnect this...and I can disconnect it...I have no way of returning those memories into the person...they will die...or they will be a vegetable at best. This whole place is connected to something else...somewhere else, where all the information is being fed to like into a giant computer. We need to find it Yaz" 


She looks down at the floor and tears up the floorboard. She saw a shaft under which all the tiny pipes from the little pot ran, transmitting all the information to somewhere far away from where they were.


"Doctor what about that room with a massive monitor. I saw it had huge amount of data running across the screen, but I don't understand their language" 


"Hmmmm...could be Yaz...let's hope you're right" 


"Doctor! I found grandad..." Ryan comes running from the other side "But I don't know what to do"


"Can't do anything from here Ryan we need to sort it out from the main control room. Listen up.. Me and Yaz will go and sort this out...your job is to be inventive and keep Akani away from us.. try to distract them without getting hurt...and please remember do not let them touch you. Let's go" 


She explained on a way in detail what they needed to do whiles they walked back towards the room Yaz saw


One creature was inside...looked like the same one they passed by before. "We need to get inside" Doctor whispered to the others 


Dan looked across the hall and saw a small cart parked by one of the doors. It had what looked like lab samples on it.

He started sneaking towards it but Doctor went epic on him signaling with her hands for him to stop.


"Dan noo...get back here!" she whispers frantically. 


But Dan ignores her tipping the cart on the floor. The Akani leaves the room confused "Hey over here...race ya" Dan and Ryan start running 


"Now what?" Ryan asked whilst running 


"Don't know Ryan didn't think of that" Dan replies continuing to run


"Come on Yaz..!" Doctor runs into the room and starts flipping through the dashboard. She runs a sonic over it "Bingo Yaz...all the information is here I just need to reverse the procedure and switch off the sistem" 


"Surely they will know what you're doing?"


"They will so we need to be fast Yaz..." she starts reversing the process and small containers start slowly emptying out "I'm sending their coordinates to the Judoon...that's gonna be fun for them" she grins "There done" she turns around towards Yaz and freezes in fear 


"Yaz! ..don't move" Doctor stands still staring at Akani behind Yaz 


Akani reached for Yaz's head in seconds wrapping his long fingers around the top of head knocking her out on a floor 


Yaz opened her eyes, and she was in fer apartment sitting at the kitchen table and her father was talking turned to the stove. Air seemed wobbly, something was so wrong and out of place. She took a glass of water from the table and water started flying through the air like in zero gravity. 

Ryan is standing next to her talking but she couldn't hear him


"Ryan??? What's going on? Why are we in my flat?" 


Ryan touched her shoulder, and she woke up on a floor of Akani ship. Ryan looking down on her "Yaz are you alright?" 


"Doctor!!!!!!!" she yells "where's the Doctor Ryan?" 


"Donno Yaz we came back after we lost them and you were the only one on a floor. Are you alright?" 


She gets up as fast as she could. She felt dizzy but first thing she did was switched on a hologram from her bracelet "God I really hope you're alright! Don't worry I'll find her. Love ya"


"Who is talking to?" Dan says confused 


"Baby Dan..she's pregnant " 


"Whaaat?...Sheffield you didn't tell me that?" Dan smiled 


"There was no time Dan I'm sorry. We need to find the Doctor" 


"What happened Yaz?" Ryan asked 


"I don't know Ryan" she shrugs her shoulders "Doctor managed to reverse the process so all those people should be waking up by now. She also notified Judoon about they will be here in minutes...but then it was Akani behind me and Doctor yelled, and I don't know I was in my apartment the next second and then you woke me up. I think those neuro blockers worked or I would still be out of it" 


"Look sonic" Dan picked it up from the floor and gave it to Yaz


Yaz took a little tiny cube from her pocket and pressed on it. Another hologram opened up in the air showing the map of the ship and two red dots on it. 


"What's that?" Dan asked confused starting at it 


"She gave it to me the day she found out I was pregnant. It's a locator if we ever get separated so we can find each other...there she is...Let's go!" 


"Hey guys wait. Look are those weapons?" Ryan pointed at something that looked like a laser gun near the dashboard on the wall.


"I think so...Just take it" Dan says grabbing it without thinking. 


"Ohhh she's gonna kill us" Ryan says 


"Ryan you get your grandad and all the people out, and get them to the Tardis. Me and Dan will get the Doctor. Iff you need help call us" She felt panicked inside, but not for taking a lead. It was a panic of losing the Doctor. 




Doctor was lying on a table knocked out and hooked up the same machine like the rest of the people. Three of the Akani were around her one looking down on her. 

Doctor slowly came around opening her eyes and releasing she's strapped to the table. 


"CONTACT" Doctor connects to one of the creatures. 


"Aaaaa telepathic are you?...Nice interesting. "


"Jodoon are on their way you you should stop playing with your chemistry set and go home"


"Oh, Doctor you're in no position to make any demands. Or have you forgotten where you are?" the creature leaned over her and creepily stroked her head trying to knock her out again but Doctor was fighting back with all her strength 


"You can't knock me out can you? You're really trying. It's ok keep trying...I've cancelled all my plans for tonight, besides those people...they are already with my friends and safe you know" Doctor says to the creature


"So silly Doctor...trying to buy time rambling on. It won't help this time" 


He tries again and this time she falls more into the abyss desperately trying to keep herself awake hoping at least Judoon will come. She would rather go back to prison than have her mind wiped again. This time forever and completely. So she keeps rambling on..


"What are you doing here anyway? Why just you? Why not the whole army?...Does your mummy even know you've taken daddy's car for a ride? Because it seems to me all you lot are solo players otherwise you'd be already back home with your cargo not floating at the edge of the universe" 


"We don't need those people anymore...Doctor...your memories....Aaaaa....there's so many of them...centuries. They will be quite enough for us" he reached with his hand to switch the machine on


"I don't think so!!...Get away from her!!!" Yaz stood at the door pointing a sonic at them and Dan behind her with a gun


"Yaz!!!...Nooo...get in a Tardis" Doctor says in a week voice horrified seeing her


"Not a chance love! Not happening" she looked at the Doctor who was half out of it with her eyes barely open "Wake up Doctor!!!" Yaz yells "Come ooon snap out of it love!!" 


"Move!!" Yaz points sonic to the creature


"Feeble think I'm scared of you" he speaks in her mind 


Yaz shakes her head "Get out of my head!!" she says walking few more steps towards him 


Yaz continues to walk closer to him "And you think I'm scared of you, ha? Oooh, you under-estimate me mate"


"Oh. There’s you Doctor" he waives his hand and Yaz's stomach glows


"Yaz, noo go! Leave" Doctor shook her head and tried to release her hands but she couldn’t. 


Dan shoots to the floor in front of the creature "Doctor can I shoot him?" 


Yaz looks at her stomach glowing like a light bulb. Fear goes through her veins. She presses the sonic hoping for a miracle. The sound from the sonic gets so loud that the creature starts screaming while holding its head, but the frequency doesn't affect Yaz or the others, so she quickly turns it off and directs it at the handcuffs around the Doctor's wrist, releasing her and throwing the sonic across the room to the Doctor


The Doctor got up a little unsteadily from the bed, but shook her head and came around. She points the sonic at the control panel. Sparks fly everywhere.


"Come on Yaz let's go!!!" she grabs her hand and they run out whilst the Akani are still trying to recover from the sound. 


Doctor stumbled and hit the wall as soon as they got out of the room


"OMG...please get up...come oooon get up darling!!" Yaz and Dan help her up 


"I'm fine I'm fine, just a head's fine Yaz...let's go" she picks herself up again and starts running 


They were running down the corridor when a red light began to flash, and the terrifying voice could be herd echoing through the ship




Doctor stops for a second looking around "Judoon!!!!....Run Yaz...if they find me I'll go back to prison!!" 


They ran as fast as they possibly could Ryan was at the door of the Tardis 


"Come on Doctor!" he yells "I got grandad Doctor let's get out of here!" he tells her quickly as she passed next to him


They ran into the Tardis and Doctor was at the console in a second. She's manically flipping the switches and red light shines through the Tardis 


"Oh no you won't!" she pulls the lever and in a second, they are gone




They slowly dropped off all of 280 people and creatures they picked up from that ship. Including Graham who was still a bit shaken from the whole experience. Dan was the only one left but he decided to tag along for a day or two. Doctor checked the baby as soon as everyone left. And Dan went gaga when he saw it properly on a monitor. But it was a long day and night for everyone. 


"I have go to bed I can't think straight anymore" Dan says utterly exhausted 


"Go Dan we will as's been a long day. Thank you so much for being here" Doctor says smiling 


"Night Sheffield night Doctor. I'm really happy for you both. You're gonna be a grait mum Yaz...And so will you Doctor..." he looks at the Doctor smiling back at him across the console "Right you two...get some rest tonight...God, what a night I'll be dreaming of those creepy things" he walks off to his bedroom 


Doctor put her hands on a console and she looked at Yaz across the room who was still looking towards Dan smiling. It was quiet and only Tardis made a gentle sound humming 


"Yaz!" she called her quietly 


"Ha?" Yaz turned around still smiling 


"Come here" 


Yaz walked over to her "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you or take some memories or.." 


Doctor grabs her face cutting her off with a long kiss. She lifted her up and sat her on top of the console. Yaz wrapped her legs around her. They pulled apart smiling, their heads still touching and their lips inches away. Yaz stroked the back of Doctors neck as she always did relieved, she's got her back. For a long moment she thought she lost her forever. 


"That was the most stupid thing you've ever done in your life...and against everything we've agreed..." Doctor says to her firmly stroking her cheek 


"But..I couldn't ..." Doctor puts her finger over her mouth 


"Shhhh...let me was also the bravest thinking you've ever done Yaz" she smiles "And you've saved my life...And I'm so proud of you... you have no idea just how much. And you have no idea how much I love you" 


Yaz pulled her by the neck and closed the gap between their lips kissing her like tomorrow doesn't exist "Take me to bed" she whispers smiling brushing her lips on hers gently. 


They laid in bed wrapped up around each other snuggled under the covers gazing at one another just inches apart. Doctor stroke Yaz's cheek with her thumb smiling gently 


"How did you know how to use a sonic? I never thought you that" 


"I didn't...I just thought what I could possibly loose by trying...there was a lot more to lose if I didn't" 


"You're amazing you know that...silly...reckless but amazing...Just don't do that again. I thought I'd die when I saw you in that room"


"You'd die if you didn't see me...You'd be a vegetable by now in Judoon prison" she traces her finger over Doctor lips "I would've never seen you again"


"I would've been yes" she kisses her softly. 


"How did they even get to you?" Yaz asks confused "I don't understand." 


"I only had enough of those neuro blockers for you lot Yaz..I never had one for myself. So they got to me like that" 


She strokes Doctors face "Did I tell you lately how hopelessly in love I am with you?" she smiles 


"Nope…you definitely haven't" Doctor laughs and rolls her on her back kissing her passionately. 




"So fam... smaller fam...should we do something exciting today?" 


Doctor asks smiling bouncing around the console wiles Dan and Yaz were chatting in a corner. Tardis humms and voice comes through 


"Doctor! Doctor are you there? " 


"Ryan??" Doctor replied flipping the screen "You alright?"


"No Doctor I need you we have a massive problem..." the line cuts out 


"What the hell..!!" Yaz rolls her eyes "Are those things back?" 


"I don't know Yaz but we need to leave now" she runs around and setting the coordinates "Hold on...we're leaving" she pulls the levre 


They got out of the Tardis in the middle of Grahams living room. It was so dark you couldn't see a finger in front of your face. Doctor walked out and Yaz and Dan followed 


"Doctor where are they?" 


"Don't know Yaz...they were here a minute ago" 


"SURPRISE!!!!!" the lights come on and everyone was standing in the living room with party hats on 


Yaz stood confused looking around. Everyone was there, Graham, Ryan, Dan, Di, there was cake and presents and a massive sign hanging from the ceiling and balloons all over the room. 


Ryan comes up "It's a baby shower mummy, relax. Congrats mate" he puts a paper crown on her head and kisses her cheek


"I'm so happy for you both Yaz. You of all the people deserve to be happy" Graham puts sash they all made for her around her shoulder. It looked so cute with a paper Tardis on the front.


Doctor came up to her and nudged her with her hip "Happy mummy?" she smiles looking at her sideways with a smug expression on her face 


"Were you in on this as well?" 


"Who me?...Nah Yaz...I had no idea" she smiles 


Yaz was sitting on a sofa showing Di a baby hologram. She couldn't stop smiling. 

Doctor stood by the door. Life was so perfect at this moment she thought to herself.