Chapter 28


It was Saturday evening and Sonya was on her way to pick up her sister. Yaz hurried to get ready, doing her best to do as much as possible on her own without asking Clara for help. She had been downstairs in her study since they got back and she really felt bad for calling all the time. Finding comfortable clothes that didn't constrain her leg was getting harder and harder. Most of her trousers were tight, and any more comfortable ones she had were not something she wanted to wear outside the house. On the other hand, Clara's trousers were baggy and comfortable and she had given her a nice pair of black once for tonight, but Yaz felt absolutely stupid looking at herself in the mirror wearing them. She wondered how the same piece of clothing could look so sexy on Clara that it made her brain foggy, yet she felt almost comical looking at herself in the mirror. She buttoned up her shirt and put a few more bits into the bag, then slung it across her shoulders so she could freely use her crutches.

"Claraaaa!" she yelled from the bedroom "I'm done babe"


She herd a car pulling up the driveway and was happy she got ready in time.

"Oh waaaw look at you" Clara smiled from the door "You look lovely"

"I look silly" she rolled her eyes

"No you don' look really nice Yaz. Different but it really suits you"

Yaz reached for her shoulders and Clara lifted her off the bed carrying her into the living room and then opened the door for Sonya.

"Hiya" Clara smiled

"Hey big sis" Sonya hugged her from the door "I'm so sorry you can't come"

"I know...I'm time...I promise. Except you two have to catch up on all the gossip" she winked.

"Heeey babe" Sonya hugged her sister "How you're doing honey?"

"Could be better" she giggled

"You look nice...what's with the style change?"

"Oh...Clara.." she laughed "leg immobilizer don't fit into my trousers"

"Well...look at it this way...eventually we all rub off on each other" she laughed

"Here lovely" Clara came in with her crutches and helped her up

"It's fine babe...I can handle it from here. Don't worry about it"

"Oh...shoot...I almost forgot...Wait Yaz" Clara ran into the kitchen and came back with injection

"God I hate those"

"I know, but it will help with the pain I want you to have a nice time" she kissed her temple "You're done...ready to go"

"Thanks babe"

"See ya" Sonya waived from the door

"Have a nice time" Clara waived smiling then pouted her lips when they left turning on her heel. She was disappointed she couldn't join them but the work was way more important at this time.





"What the hell were you two doing in Bamford last night?" Sonya asked as she got onto a main road

"We just went for one night"

"You went for a shag all the way to another town?" Sonya turned around giggleing

"Sooonya!!!...We did not go just for a shag" Yaz rolled her eyes

"Oh yeah!...What else did you do then?" she glanced at her lifting her eyebrow

"We went to see the waterfalls"


"That's it" Yaz frowned

Sonya burst out laughing " you went for a shag"

"Shut up!!" she giggled

"I must say, she's got style" Sonya smirked "Oh talking about style...I got you something...look at the back"

Yaz reached for the bag on the back seat and opened it "Noo got me blue extension!"

"Yap...saw them said Clara is now braiding your she can do it for you"

"That's awesome babe...thanks for that" she leaned in and kissed her cheek

"How much do I owe you?"

"Don't be stupid's a present...Let me enjoy in a fact that I can actually buy you one for the first time in my life"

"Thank youuuu!"

"Can't wait to see what they look like"




Clara sat at her desk looking at the numerous test results she had taken trying to find something. She read it a thousand times and still didn't know what she was doing wrong. Something was missing, but she had no idea what. She threw the papers on the table with a big sigh and sat back in her chair looking at the time, 8pm on her wristwatch and she pursed her lips as she turned her chair towards the window. It had only been an hour since Yaz had left, and she already missed her. But at the same time she still had so much to do. The second set of tests was already in the Tardis and she was anxiously awaiting the results. She got up and went to put the kettle on, then walked over to the Tardis

"Hey" she peeked in smiling and the Tardis hummed "Oh well then...Yeah I know I ask every ten minutes" she walked in "You would too...and don't tell me you wouldn't" she picked up glance, then casually walked around the console peeking just in case

The Tardis hummed again changing the lights to pink "Of course I'll bring her she knows about you, you'll see her all the time" she ran her hand over the console. Then she approached the lever, running her fingertips over the metal bar, and shook her head. "Okay… I'll leave you to it," she said and walked out.




Yaz drank some wine and leaned back in his chair. She drank the second glass and felt a little tipsy, but she hadn't done that in a while and she was having a great time with her sister.

"Sooo...I spoke with Clara" Yaz smiled


"We're in business babe" she laughed

"OMG!!" Sonya jumped across the table hugging her

"I know...right...I'm so exited...Well, let's hope we don't kill each other" she giggled

"I'll just fucking sack you before we do" Sonya laughed

"Thanks sis...Good to know in advance...I told you she's gonna be chuffed about it. I just didn't  want to make a decision without her...I wanted to talk about it and include her"

"I understand that"

"I already knew what the answer's gonna be. I didn't know she'll freak out about so much though" she laughed "She's been badgering me forever to leave my job. I wanted to...but I also want my own money you know"  

"I know babe...and you should...I don't care how much money my man makes I wanna have my own. So I totally get you...last thing you want is having to ask someone to buy you tampax"


"How's that leg of yours? I still can't believe you mullered yourself"

"I know...It's really painful. But it is getting there...I'm gonna go to some physical therapy like an old lady" she giggled

"It's not funny wanna be on crutches for your wedding or have a fucked up leg for the rest of your life?"

"No of course I don't...I'm just fucked off with being ill the whole year...I'm starting to annoy myself. I mean Clara has some serious patience I'll tell you...all she's doing is dragging me around like a dead weight since we've met"

"She loves you Yaz...wouldn't you do it for her?"

"Yeeees...of course I would!!! My god"

"Well then...she cares about you...get over it"

"You know I'm not used to it Sonya" she leaned back on the table and swirled the glass in her hand looking down "There are times when I wake up at night and I still can't believe someone is next to me. I almost feel like I'll never get used to know...that someone really loves me that much"

"I know..." Sonya leaned over and put her hand on her wrist "Start getting used to it're getting married...that's found what you were looking for...Lucky cow"

Yaz looked up to her and smiled "I am...aren't I?"

"Yes you fucking are!...So shut up because I'm  jealous anyway"

Yaz laughed "I'm dizzy"

"You only had two glasses. It must be your meds"

"I don't wanna come home drunk" she giggled

"You might" Sonya laughed



Clara looked at her watch and jumped off her chair, rushing towards the Tardis. "Is it done?" she peaked through the door and Tardis hummed "Aaaaaa...Goodie" she smiled and hoped for the console

"Whaaat?...That can't be right...if this is I can't,  I don't want to be exited" she shook her head and ran to the other screen "This can't be right" Tardis hummed "I didn't say you made a mistake...I must've made it"

Tardis hummed again "Are you absolutely sure about this?...Idris?" She looked up "I have to be sure...please redo the tests"

She herd the car pulling up at the driveway "Pleaseeee...Even if it takes hours, I need to be sure. I have to go now" she ran to the door "Love ya...thanks for that" she smiled and ran through the house to the driveway

"Hey baby" Yaz smiled opening the car door

"Wait Yaz" she ran up to the car

"Heeey" Sonya waived getting out

"Had a nice time?" Clara asked helping Yaz to get out

"We really need to go next time" Sonya said

"I promise"

"Your wife is a bit tipsy by the way" she laughed

"Really? " Clara laughed looking at Yaz who nodded smiling as she was ready get out

"Sorry baby...just a little bit" she was flapping her lashes

Clara laughed shaking her head "Can you walk?"

"Sure...I'm not that drunk...just a bit dizzy"

"Fine… come on," she grabbed the crutches and put them to the side, then put Yaz's arms around her neck lifting her up "I don't want you to fall"

"OMG!" Sonya jumped up "WTF girl...let me help you" she ran around the car

"Just take her churches please Sonya"

"Yeah the hell do you carry her like that?" Sonya ran after her to the house

"Thanks for that" Clara smiled as she put Yaz on a sofa

"No problem...Fuck girl...where do you hide those muscles?" she shook her head in disbelief "Right...I'm off" she kissed Yaz's cheek "Niight babe"

"Night sis" Yaz smiled and slumped herself on a a pillow as soon as she left

"Hey drunk" Clara laughed coming back to the living room

"Hey sexy" she waived haply "I'm so tiered...I can't keep my eyes open"

Clara laughed shaking her head "Wanna go to bed or you want some tea?"

"Bed...pleaseeee" she reached out with both hands towards her

Clara chuckled "Alright tipsy butterfly...bed it is"

"Did you eat?" Yaz asked as she put her on the bed

"Yes" Clara said and walked to the window closing the curtains

"Lier!" Yaz said "You didn't eat anything did you?" she said taking her shirt and a bra off

"I have Yaz...I swear" she said picking up her clothes and putting them on a side

"I know when you lie because your ears go red" she smiled and lied down so Clara can help her with her trousers then sat up again lifting Clara's oversized top blowing air into her stomach.

"Aaaaa...tickles" she laughed and Yaz wrapped her hands around her kissing her stomach "Please eat something" she looked up at her leaning on her stomach

"I will...I just had a lot to do" she said stroking her head




Yaz woke up in the middle of the night. Duvet slipped off them both and she was cold as relatively fresh air of the room hit her bare skin. Clara was wrapped up around her and Yaz used her hip to rest her leg instead of a pillow. She reached out for the duvet and pulled it over them. Then wrapped her arms around Clara's shoulders. She felt her shallow breathing into her neck and her hearts beating against her chest then smiled when Clara snuggled more into.

"Mwha?" she mumbled into her neck

"Nothing babe...sleep"


Yaz smiled then closed her eyes again.




It was early morning, and Yaz was still half asleep dragging herself through the kitchen making breakfast. Her leg felt better this morning for the first time in two weeks she woke up without pain. She clicked the kettle and popped crumpets into the toaster then pulled the blind up so she can look through the window into the garden and the blue box.

"Morning," she smiled and thought she was being silly because even if Clara's ship could hear her, it probably couldn't when she was in the kitchen, but then the lights came on and Yaz almost dropped the butter on the floor

"What are so fixated on" Clara came up behind her and kissed her neck

"Can she hear me?"

"Can who hear you Yaz?" She frowned taking a mug out of the cupboard

"Your just turned the lights on when I sad morning"

Are you talking to Tardis Yaz?" She chucked


"Of course she can hear you"

Yaz took a crumpet out of the toaster confused "That's just so bizarre" she shook her head and started spreading butter on it "but it's so cute...Here you go babe" she passed her the crumpet

"Hey, look at this" Clara sat on chair next to her and put a catalogue on the counter

"What's that?" Yaz glanced down quickly finishing the breakfast than finally sat down to eat

"Tables for you" she licked her fingers and flipped through the pages "Which one do you like?"

"Fuck're fast aren't you?" she laughed

"Well, I figured we need to set you up. It takes some time for them to be delivered. This is the same store where I got mine from...If you like something else we can have a look...or we can convert the upper room iff you...

"Nooo!" Yaz jumped

"Alright" she smiled "I just thought if you'd like your own space and...maybe"

"No I don't own space" she thought how entirely possessive and desperate this sounds but then Clara's face beamed and she didn't care anymore how it sounded

"Brilliant ..." she had the happiest grin on her

"Well it does seem logical to have it as a set" she looked through "Where are prices?"

"I thought this would be nice...look" she pointed "It has plenty of drawers and those little always need little compartments...well I do anyway...I love little compartments"

"That's nice...I do like that. I do like this one as well...It's a same I think just a bit smaller"

"You'll need a nice comfy chair as well"

"Clara how much is this all gonna cost?"

"I don't know...does it matter?"

"Yes...I would say it does" she laughed "Fuck me girl.."

"I can later potty mouth" she smirks flicking through. Then her phone rang

"Claaraa!... I'm serious"

"So am I Yaz" she laughed and got up kissing her forehead and grabbed the phone "Oh, hi...yes, we're up...come on over. Briliant..see ya" she hangs up "Your dad. He's coming over"

"Can we get back to this?"

"Yeah...sure. Yaz I'll use the money you're giving me for bills...Alright? Told you it's for the house. need a table and a chair and a computer...How will you work Yaz? From the floor writing in a book?"

Yaz sighed deeply "You're driving me nuts when it comes to money"

"Don't sulk butterfly, your bottom lip is popping out" she wiggles her finger over Yaz's bottom lip "Listen" she reaches for Yaz's hands as she sat down again "We're getting married Yaz and what we have, we have know...this I know this is a big deal to you and I get it. We spoke about it before. But we can afford a table and a chair Yaz"

"And a computer" Yaz added

"Yes and a computer, and what ever it is that you need to get started. Yaz darling I get payed by university I get payed by the UNIT I have investments...I don't even know where I have them but I do...I am old butterfly so you know I also patterned some stuff...Did I mention that?

"Noooo you haven't" Yaz laughed at her rambling

"Aaand we have Tardis...we have a lot more to worry about than money Yaz"

"What Tardis has to do with it?"

"It stuff"

"Do what?"

"Loads can make things...nevermind that...Come on...pleaseeee choose a nice table" she leaned over rubbing her nose over her face

"Stop nuzzling me!" She laughed

"You like it when I do it" Clara chuckled rubbing herself on her practically purring into her face

"You're're distracting me now"

"Mmmmm" Clara mumbled

"This isn't fa..."

"I love you Yasmin," she interrupted and slowly captured her lips in hers. Painfully slow like she always did when she wanted to drive her crazy knowing for sure that it worked every time. She knew that Yaz's mind would go fuzzy and she was playing her like a violin, and Yaz knew it too, but she couldn't help herself even if she tried… which she didn't.

"Fuck you Clara" she laughed into her lips

"Make up your mind Yaz" she laughed "I'm getting confused"

Yaz laughed pushing her face away "You're crazy...come on let's pick a table"


Yaz flipped the page and put her finger on it "That one definitely...and it's probably cheaper since you won't let me see the price" she leaned on her shoulder and kissed the side of neck "I love you so much.  Thank you for this"
"I love you too my lovely butterfly. Don't thank me for this it's really silly Yaz"

Clara wrapped her arms around her and kissed the side of her head. Nothing in the universe could compare to this feeling she had inside her at this moment. Having her back in her life and having to hold her and feel her warm breath on her neck was more than she had ever hoped for in the past fifty seven years of loneliness and emptiness she felt in her hearts..



"Baaabe!!!...Dad's here!!!" Yaz yelled and hopped to the door

"Hey dad" she smiled opening the door

"Hey pumpkin" he hugged her kissing her cheek and then raised his hand shaking the bag with a food he brought for Clara happily grinning

"Ooohhh...someone's gonna be happy...Just put it on a kitchen top please....Want some tea?"

"No thanks...I'm fine just some water please" he said walking into the kitchen "Uuuu is that the new conservatory?"

"Oh, yeah I didn't see it. Yes...go have a look"

"Oh's beautiful"

"She loves it. She sits inside for hours sometimes" Yaz said leaning on the doorframe

"Hiya!" Clara smiled walking in "Nice, ha?" she said proudly walking inside

"Beautiful...I love the wood"

"Yeah, they broke the door when they broke in the house" she said walking around with hands in her pockets "There's little damage here" she pointed to the wood "But it's nothing serious"

"You were so lucky not to bump into them Clara"

"Mmmm...yeah" she glanced at Yaz "Oh thanks for the food" she grinned "Smells really  nice"

"It's something new...So be honest with me"

" we see the car?" she points towards the door

"Yeah...thanks for that...I really don't know what's the noise"

"So when do you hear the noise?"

"All the time to be honest...more when when it's going faster"

"Mmmm...could be the belt.." she makes a thinking face "Can you move it to the garage?"





Two hours later Yaz hopped to the garage. Clara was squeezed underneath the car and her dad was passing her some tools.

"...he made a change in the way people thought about cars" Clara talked from underneath  the car "He showed them that you can drive across the U.S. in under a month, without getting seriously injured" she continued rambling as usual

"Who did love?" Yaz asked walking into to garage

"Henry Ford..." she slid herself out "Nice guy" she wiped her hands on her sides

"Did you know him?" Yaz asked and bit her tongue

"Oh..." Clara looked at her weirdly "Henry Ford investor"

"Oh yeah...sorry...I'm so fucking stupid"

"Don't ever say that Yaz about yourself " she kissed her temple

"Made you some tea"

"Goodie...We just finished"

"We? All I did was pass you the tools" Hakim said

"That's so not true Hakim" she tapped him on a shoulder "It was a team effort"

"Thanks Clara...oh I emailed you that letter from the city council. They will finally get rid if that rubbish"

"Or are they? Brilliant!"


It was early Monday and she passed by her workplace this morning. She felt sick to her stomach because she lied once again. And though Yaz had no way of knowing, she still wanted to puke on the floor for doing it. It felt like cheating, a betrayal of everything they had, all the trust and love between them, but she had no choice and remembering Graham's words, she turned the car into the Crookes Valley Park car park and got out. She didn't need a jacket because the morning air was relatively warm, summer was in the air and birds could be heard everywhere. She passed the main building and descended towards the lake, following a narrow path along the water. He was already there, standing by the lake.

"Why do we always meet like criminals?" he asked as he heard her footsteps behind him

"Aren't we not in a way? Technically we are both most wanted people in several galaxies" she smiled and he turned around with his big charming smile as usual

"Hey beautiful" he hugged her tightly

"Hey you...missed ya...Where have you been anyway? I've sent you five messages. I must say I did start to worry"

"Ran into some trouble...don't worry about it" he said as they left and she handed him the folder

"You did it?" he looked at her excitedly and she smiled

"I did Jack...took almost a month...I did 375 tests and it wasn't until she damaged her leg when it all popped up"

He stopped and flipped through the pages "OMG"

"I know...I'm not sure how I's everything I ever wanted and nothing in same time. I'm so overwhelmed Jack"

"This is brilliant ...horrific and brilliant at the same time"

"I know...she's healing Jack...slowly but she is. Still doesn't mean it will go all the way. I'm not sure what it means at this point to be honest"

"So you're not sure if she's completely like you?"

"No...she definitely isn't now but her leg is healing faster than it would in a human and it's all buzzing inside of much going on at the moment. Anyway at least I now finally know what they were trying to do Jack and this isn't good"

"Human Time Lord hybrid" he said looking at the results of her research "How did they even get to the DNA?"

"I don't know's one other thing that worries me...a lot"

"But she still isn't like you?"

"No, she isn't...I don't know if she ever will be but right now I don't  care as long as she doesn't die...and she's not dying...she isn't Jack...I'll  have her...I won't lose her" She smiled widely

"No, you won't won't lose her" he wrapped  his fingers  around her face and kissed  her forehead gently

"They never knew the experiment had worked," she continued explaining "She was...discarded. Their lab destroyed all their work burned...they thought they failed...What worries me is that now they know that they didn' know failed...and she's the only living proof"

"Why did it work on her?"

"Artron energy....her DNA was already altered by being with me for so many years"

"You're not gonna like what I'm about to say" he looked at her still holding her face in his palm "You're not safe where you are Doctor...I know you love your house but if I were you I'd put her in the Tardis and go where no one can find you until you know more"

"Go where Jack?" she turned to the lake "I'm getting married in three weeks...What do I her family?...She's got no clue about any of this...I can't" she turned back to him "I don't want that life...not again...not anymore"

"I get that...can't blame you after everything...This regeneration isn't kind to you"

"Is any?...Has it ever been really?"

"No...not really...Hey, come on" he pulled her into a hug and she melted into him emotionally falling apart once again. Part of her hated herself for it, but another part of her needed to let it all out "It's all gonna turn out fine in the'll see" he said kissing the top of her head

"I'm going after them Jack as soon the wedding is out of the way"

" no can't" he pulled her and cupped her face in his hands "Don't do that...there are others who can handle it"

"I have to get rid of them Jack...I can't have this hanging over my head all the time"

"I get that...but you can't get married and then leave her. What the hell?"

"I'm not leaving her!" She jumped pulling back

"What if something happens and you don't come back for years? Because that's you, let's face it...I should know"

"That's different...and you know it is"

"Is it? Really?...Come oooon Doctor...for once let someone else handle something"

"I'm tired of running Jack...I've done it my whole life...I've had it. I love this life and I want it...and I can never have it as ling as they are around. Not with what's going on with Yaz...She's always gonna be their target...Besides...It's small universe when someone touches into those I love"

"I get're angry for what they did to Yaz...I get you wanna wipe them from existence, I would too. But you already spent fifty-seven years on this. Please give me what you have and give a month...that's all I'm asking and I'll bring them to your doorstep.  Then do whatever you want with them"

"Why? This isn't you battle Jack..."

"You know why...You know this isn't just about Yaz. So stop...pleaseeee for the love of the stars stop and let me handle this"

She pursed her lips and turned towards the lake.

"Doctor" he said pleading "Please..."
She turned around her jaw clenched "Alright win"

"Yees!!" he jumped kissing her cheek

"Stooop...only under one condition"

"Anything" he said smiling from ear to ear

"You work with Kate"

"Oh come oooon"

"Oi!! are not doing this alone Jack...come on the only thing they need now apart form my DNA is yours...Wouldn't that be just perfect. I don't like this...I don't"

"I can take care of myself...hey at least I can't die and Yaz loves this's a nice face"

"Oh stop it" she smiled "As it happens she it happens she also likes me being a woman...a lot...I like being a's a nice change...I'm in no rush to be a bloke again and you know regeneration is gamble...Could you imagine I end up old and ugly" she hooked her arm to his and started walking

He laughed "I'm not picky"

"Keep dreaming Jack" she smiled shaking her head

"I'm're treating me to an early lunch"

"Am I?....Doctor never caries money Jack" she laughed

"That's fine...they take credit cards" he kissed her temple grinning "You really are cute in this regeneration you know that"

"Charmer...I see you can't stop kissing me" she laughed "It's ok...somehow I don't mind it" she said as they slowly walked twards the car

That evening she came home late and walked into the living room finding Yaz fast asleep on a sofa with a TV on and dinner already cold in the oven. She shook off her boots and her trousers leaving her in only shirt hanging over her sides and she climbed over the back of the sofa snuggling next her, wrapping her arm around her and kissed the back of her neck

"Hey" Yaz smiled and turned around

"Hey yourself" Clara said into her lips and kissed slow and gentle

"Hard day?" Yaz asked rubbing her thumb right by her ear

"Mmmmm...I really need you" she pouted her lips. Her eyes gazing all over Yaz's face as she fell silent for a moment. She looked tired, sad and troubled. Look that Yaz has seen more times than she could count.

"I love very much" she whispered stroking her face "I know you won't tell me what's bothering you. Just tell me what I can do to make it better baby"

She didn't reply to that, she didn't really know what to reply. She just took her lips into hers slowly and gently moving herself underneath her to feel all her weight on herself wrapping her legs around her

"Oh, sorry...your leg" she suddenly remembered

"It's fine...I would already scream in pain believe me" she kissed her once more "Better?"

"Mmmm...I just need you like this" she wrapped her fingers around the back of Yaz's neck and locked her legs around her

"It's alright baby I'm here...God I wish you talk to me...It's that fucking case you're working on isn't it? It's really getting to you"

"Mmmmm" she gazed at her moving strands of hair from her face and then rubbed her thumb over her face "I adore you Yasmin...I can't live without you"

"You don't have're marring me in three weeks" she smiled "I'm stuck to you like glue whether you like it or not"

"I do like it" she smiled little and pulled her for another kiss. It was deep and desperate filled  with desire and followed by many more one after another and she whimpered into her lips almost painfully rubbing her leg on her sides and tangling her fingers into Yaz's hair. She moved with passion filled with desperation grabbing any part of Yaz she could slipping her hands underneath her clothes to feel her bare soft skin underneath her palms losing herself in her so much she didn't notice when Yaz's hand slipped between them. She broke a kiss with silent sigh

"Feel me baby" Yaz whispered "I'm a part of you and you're a part of me" she spoke softly moving slowly through her and kissed her open lips. She watched her as she was falling apart underneath her. As her eyes opened just slightly and she gazed at her dreamy.

Clara grabbed her t-shirt into her fist and moaned loudly. Tears ran on a side of her face and Yaz kissed them away.

"Yaz..."she panted breathlessly and ran her hand down Yaz's hand that was wedged between her thighs "Please don't..."

"I won't...I'm a part of you, forever baby"

Clara grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her hard and passionate moaning into her breath "Say that again" she said wrapping her fingers around her face

"I'm a part of you...forever" Yaz repeated resting her forehead on hers "Fly for me baby"

Clara moaned grabbing Yaz's hair at the back of her neck and crushed her lips into hers wrapping herself around her as she shuddered into million pieces underneath her. Her skin was on fire and her cheeks burning like the flame. She fell silent sinking into the soft pillows of the sofa and slumped her arm around Yaz's shoulder burring her face into her neck. Yaz rested her head on hers and pulled her hand back slowly.

"Stars I love you"

"I absolutely adore you" she said kissing Clara's forehead

"Those were nice nickers"  Clara laughed kissing her still breathless

"What do you expect when you wake me up half naked rubbing yourself on me" she smiled rubbing her nose over her cheek and kissing the little spot right next to her ear

They lied like that in silence for a while. Clara kissing her gently from time to time smiling dreamy wrapped around her locking her in with her legs as to stop her from going anywhere.


"Yes butterfly"

"My leg hurts now"

"Shoot" she jumped up trying to move "Sorry...I'm so sorry"

"It's fine...just saying...I need one those dreadful jabs of yours and I need to move"

"Sure...yes...yes of course you do...Gods Yaz I'm so sorry"

"Oh stop I'm not made of sugar"

They shuffled around and got up "I'm starving" Clara said hopping to the drawer to get the medication.

"I have to wash my hand" Yaz laughed sitting on a sofa making Clara chuckle whilst digging through the drawer "Very romantic conversation" Yaz added laughing

Clara crouched down next to her and wrapped her fingers around her face gazing at her lovingly "Thank you"

"For what? Shagging you?....My pleasure" she laughed

Clara laughed like crazy craning her neck "You really have a dirty mouth Yaz" she looked back up at her "For just being there every time Yaz. For this...for putting up with me...I know I'm a nightmare"

"I'm not putting up with you you silly woman. I love you" she stroke her face "I'll always be matter what...even iff you fuck up in the most spectacular way I'll still be there Clara, and I'll still love you. That will never change...Now give me that fucking shot because I'm dying now" she laughed

"Oh, sorry" moved her hair out of the way and gave her the shot then kissed her forehead

"Let's eat...I'm sure it tastes like shit by now but I'm starving"



Another week passed quickly. Yaz hobbled around with only one crutch trying to be useful in clearing Clara's study for another desk while the furniture was being delivered later in the day. It was great timing right before the weekend so they had two full days to put everything in place. She was excited to have her desk in the same room and work across from Clara, not that Clara spent a lot of time in her study, but just the feeling of closeness and shared space made her stomach warm. When Clara mentioned that they could turn the small room upstairs into her office, Yaz refused before finishing her sentence. Clara's home decore wouldn't normally have been Yaz's choice, but it all screamed Clara in every way and Yaz learned to love it. It was their home now, and she had so many fond memories of it that she wouldn't trade it for anything. The hallway was packed with books because Clara had to move the entire massive bookshelf to another wall to redecorate the entire room.

"Yaz...please...move...I don't need your help" Clara said moving the cupboard away from the wall "I don't want you hurting yourself"

"I wanna help"

"You can help by moving away" she said stressfully pushing the wardrobe.

"Alright for fuck sake...I just wanted to be useful"

"You are useful many different ways. But right now I just need you out of the way" she said and pushed the huge cupboard across the room

"Stoop!" Yaz shouted

"What?" Clara yelled

"Chandler..." she pointed

"Stars Yaz I know...It's fine"

"Fine...I give up...I'm just gonna shut the fuck up"

"I did not tell you to...aaaahhhr" she pushed as hard as she could "shut the fuck up...I only told you to move out of the way...there" she wiped her hands on her sides "see...all done"

"It looks nice" she smiled

"It does...I wasn't sure how it will look like on that wall but as it happens not bad"

"Can I help now? You know...putting the stuff back"

"Yes, of course you can be silly" she walked over and put her hand over her shoulder "Stop sulking" she playfully pulled Yaz's bottom lip down with her finger "I was just telling you to move away" she kissed her temple "I don't want to you trip over things Yaz and fall... things are everywhere

"I know...I'm sorry"

"Come on...I tell you what, I'll bring all the books and you can put them back on the shelfs...How's that?"


"Brilliant" she kissed her quickly and hoped to the hallway "Tell you what ..I can take some of those to we have more room. You may need some room as know for files or...something Yaz...I'll take them back to the library"

"You have a library?"

"Yap...this is all from Tardis library...some are for my work but most from Tardis" she was digging through the books and separating them

"How big is your library?" Yaz asked putting books on the shelf

"You can go with me and see for yourself" she grinned looking up at her and blew a hair from her face

"I'd like that" Yaz smiled

"I thought you've been dying to see it again and Tardis keeps asking about you all the time"


"Oh, yeah...she likes you" Clara passed her more books "She likes you a lot Yaz...she missed you"

"She only saw me once"

"Mmmm..." Clara murmured walking back to the hallway

"How does she understand what we're saying?"

"Oh, Tardis is...alive in a way"

"How can ship be alive?....Though nothing surprises me any more"

"She's made out of organic matter and she's a form of could say she's organic AI...sentient...she feels and thinks and learns...she can be happy or sad or...experience any emotion we, anger"

"Waaaw...I thought it's something similar because she switches the lights on each time I speak to her"

"Told you...she likes you Yaz"




Clara was carrying a big pile of books towards the Tardis and Yaz hopped along behind her. Door opened as soon as they stepped in front and Clara turned over her shoulder with a smile.

"I wonder where that key is?" Yaz smirked

"No idea Yaz..." she booted the door and they stepped inside

"Waaaaw..." Yaz looked around eyes open wide

"I now righ...pretty" Clara said and Tardis hummed turning lights to pink

"Hello" Yaz said smiling

"Come Yaz...this way" she nodded and went up the stairs into the hallway "Kitchen" she nods her head to the left trying to balance the books

Yaz peaked inside "Looks like a regular kitchen"

"What did you think it looks like?"

"Dunno...more futuristic...maybe"

"Neah...I like the old school" she kept walking through the hallways passing many doors including their room waiting for reaction from Yaz hopefully. But she passed it same as any other door down the hallway.

"That's a lot of doors" said Yaz as they continued to walk down the long narrow hallway "It looks like a hotel"

"Sometimes it felt like it is" she laughed

Yaz ran her fingers down the walls as she walked through and they tingled from vibrations she felt. There was a strange feeling she felt inside that she couldn't explain even if she tried so she went with it. The control room echoed due to it's sheer size and gave a sense of awe but the corridors exuded warmth and intimacy. They were quiet and pleasant, the sound in them was almost muffled.

"You alright lovely," Clara turned over her shoulder


"You're very quite"

"Just taking it all in...that's all....Wait I'll do it" Yaz sped up to the double door and Clara stopped

She smiled as Yaz passed her. She didn't say this was the library door. She didn't actually say anything "Alright...go open it then" she stood waiting to see her face when she opens the door to her favourite place in a Tardis

Yaz grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. She gasped at the first sight, her eyes stopped moving, she was sure that her heart, as well as her whole body froze at the sight. The smell of old wood, paper and cinnamon hit her face and she felt every cell in her body vibrate as she stepped inside. Clara followed her and just threw all the books on the floor as soon as she got inside. She watched Yaz walk quietly a few steps and wished she could see her face, but gave her a moment to gather her thoughts. Yaz needed it because she didn't know what her thoughts were at the moment. She didn't know what she was thinking or how she was feeling. Her eyes wander over endless bookshelves, wooden balconies and spiral staircases. She walked past the massive burgundy sofa and ran her fingers over the brocade fabric. Her eyes caught the large fireplace and the open book on the coffee table.

"Yasmin" Clara called her name softly

Yaz turned around "Mmmmm?"

"You like it?"

"Are you trying to be funny?" she raised her eyebrow "This looks like a national library"

"Does it?" Clara scrunched her face

Yaz rolled her eyes laughing "It's stunning...absolutely stunning...but there's something else...apart from being...waaaw"

"What lovely?" Clara came up to her and hooked her index finger to hers. Secretly she was hoping Yaz would remember something, anything.

"I feels so...warm"

"I thought it was a bit chilly the heating is not on" she laughed

"You silly sod" Yaz laughed "I love it...I could be here all day and get lost in all these books"

Clara stepped behind her and wrapped her arms around her leaning  her cheek against hers "You can iff you want"

"Babe...What if the furniture comes and we don't hear the lorry?"

"Oh shoot...good point Yaz" Clara kissed her cheek and took her hand "We will come back I promise...I'll show you everything. There's much more Yaz, water slides, swimming pool, rainforest"

"You're  joking?"

"'s another dimension literally means that. Technically I can fit a whole city hear but that would be a nightmare to maintain"


"Oi, potty swearing inside Tardis...she hates it"

"Oh, sooooorrrryyy" she looked at the ceiling

"Neah" she scrunched her face "She'll forgive you...she missed you too much"

Yaz felt so unusual when they stepped into the garden. It was as if she had returned to this one from another world. It was a strange feeling to have the whole world in a blue shed in the corner of their garden. She wasn't sure if she would ever be able to see it as a ship because it felt more like a wardrobe from Narnia than anything else. Her Narnia, to which she was drawn like a magnet by some invisible force. The same force that drew her to Clara when she first laid eyes on her. It was the same feeling deep inside her soul.



"Claraaaa...can I look now?" Yaz sobbed from the living room as Clara wouldn't let her go into the study

"In a minute!!!" she yelled

"Come ooon...I'm dying here"

"I can assure you that you're very much alive Yaz" she came to the living room exited "Come's all done"

She put her hands over her eyes as she led her to the study

"Can I look...pleaseee" Yaz tried moving her fingers away and peaking but she couldn't "Come ooon"

" do ya like it?" she finally moved her fingers from her eyes

"OMFG!!! .... I have office"

"You do...

"And you even got me a plant...and a picture frame" she smiled

"You like it?"

"I love it babe...I absolutely love it" she pulled her in for the back of her neck into a kiss "Thank you" Yaz smiled into her lips

Their tables were now by the bay window and rearranged into an L-shape so Yaz could look outside when she will be working. Her laptop came as well. The first one Yaz ever owned. She used to share a computer with her family and this was the first time she had her own. Clara cleared out one of the shelves and replaced the books with lever arch files

"I got you these" she showed "I'm sure you're gonna need them for something

"Waaaw...How organized" she smiled "It's perfect baby" she leaned her head on her shoulder and slipped her arms around her waist

"Right...well that's done...I'm hungry now"

"Me too...I can't believe we actually did all this in one afternoon"

"Come need to rest now Yaz. I know your leg is better but that doesn't mean you can ran a marathon now"

"It does hurt a bit"

It was evening when they finally finished and after having dinner they snuggled on a sofa watching a movie. Yaz fell asleep halfway through it as usual and had had no idea what time it was when Clara took her upstairs. She woke up in the middle of night and ran her hand on the sheets to find an empty bed next to her.

"Oh Clara" she sighed deeply

It was almost four in the morning and the Tardis was humming softly. Clara was sitting on the stairs in her pajamas. The sleeves of her oversized T-shirt fell over her fingers holding the paper as she read the results the Tardis gave her. Now that she knew what was going on with Yaza, she wanted to know more. This was her chance while her body was healing the injury to find out exactly what was going on inside her before the regeneration energy went dormant again and it wouldn't show in any test. She was exhausted and her brain was foggy he slowly stood up leaving the papers on top of the console. The door creaked and she looked up. Yaz stood at the door of the Tardis in her fluffy pink dressing gown, her hair falling over her shoulders, her face still sleepy

"Darliiing" she sighed "Why are you not sleeping?"

"Hey lovely" Clara smiled "C'mere" she held out her hand and Yaz walked over wrapping her arm around her waist and resting her head on her chest "I'm sorry" she kissed the top of her head

"Please come back to bed. It's Saturday tomorrow...You have a whole day for this...pleeeease baby"

"Alright butterfly" she put her arm around her shoulder "Come on...let's go"

She went back to bed and wrapped herself around Yaz kissing the back of neck and slipped her hand inside her pajamas resting it on Yaz's warm stomach.

"What's wrong?" Yaz asked quietly

"Nothing darling...go back to sleep" she said placing a kiss on a back of neck and tucking her face into it.
