Chapter 9


Yaz woke up to Alex's silly face grinning at her making her laugh

"Did you just watch me sleep?"

"Maybe" she laughed

"You silly sod" she said and kissed her giggling then zoomed out of bed to the toilet "How long are you awake?"

"Not long...but it's early...we should go back to sleep...just my inner clock not getting I'm on a holiday"

"How long do we have?" Yaz asked coming  back to bed

"Aaaarrrhhh" she pulls her arm put looking at the watch "Two hours"

" that order"

"I like how you priorities" Alex laughed as

Yaz crawled back under the cover

"C'mere you" she opened her arms for Alex to wiggle into them " smell of vanilla...Mum send a message and I was dying to tell her about engagement...but I don't wanna do it over the phone...but you know that feeling when you just wanna talk through your ass"

"I know..." Alex laughed slipping her arm around her and tucking her face in her her chin "But it's better we tell them in person...I can't wait for Capri...I'll take you to see the caves...we can swim there"

"Inside the caves?"

"'s so awesome...I've been with Annie...god they are unreal"

"Waaaw...I literally never even seen a cave in my life"

"'re gonna see three this week...It's gonna be so hard going back to work after this...and night shifts...eeewww...I haaaate night shifts"

"This is the best holiday I ever had"

Alex lifted her head looking up at her grinning "Mine too" she smiled and kissed her shortly then tucked herself in again "Love ya"

"Love you too" Yaz said half asleep



It was already scorching hot as they waited for the ferry for Capri. Yaz sat on top of their stacked up suitcases lifting her dress up over her knees trying to cool down. Even through they got up early, by the time they had breakfast, checked out of the hotel and went to the ferry somehow it was already eleven and sun was already burning strong. Alex leaned against the wall as they decided to wait in a shade. Although she only wore lose cotton trousers and a strappy top she felt like she was in the furnace.

"How can these people work in this heat? I would literally die" Yaz said waiving a brochure in front of her face "Want some water?"

"Yes please...I just wanna get to the hotel. I hope I'll be fine on a boat. I sometimes get nausea when the sea is choppy"

"Oh nooo...should be fine on a bigger boat though...You should've taken one of those tablets you knock me out with on a plane" she laughed

"Probably" Alex giggled "Did I tell you when Annie and me went to see those caves....I felt fine when I was there but when we came back I thought I'm gonna I'll definitely take it before we go"

"Soooo what's the room like? Why you keep it a secret?"

"Noooo...not saying...don't even try to get it out off me"

"Oh come oooon...I'm gonna see it in an hour"

" lips are's a surprise"

"Is this our boat?" Yaz pointed to some random ferry coming closer to the pear

"Yes...come on...let's get all the stuff"

They arrived at the hotel and Alex was opening the room all exited "Oh I'm so so exited about this Yazee" Alex said opening the door

"You now made me really itch about this room...what's so special about the hotel room?"

"You're about to find out Yaz" she laughed and opened the door "Ta da" she smiled opening the door "Go on..." she said  pushing  her inside  "I'll bring in the bags...go go...have a look"

"OMG this is insane!" Yaz smiled walking into a proper suite.

It was the most silly hotel room Yaz has ever seen. Tiled floor in blue and white and a huge bed in bright coral and blues. It  had a proper working desk for Yaz which almost made Yaz cry as Alex thought about her having a comfortable working space

"The floor...OMG this so crazy...and all the colors" Yaz's eyes open wide as they walked inside...and that this is beautiful" she said walking up to the terrace door "We have a terrace again....and I have a proper desk" she turned towards Alex pouting her lips

Alex grinned haply rolling suitcases leaving them by the bed "And a bouncy bed Yaz" she sat on a bed bouncing on it like on trampoline " really bounces"

"OMG it does" Yaz sat next to her bouncing grabbing her waist rolling her on a bed

"You like it?" Alex asked with a permanent grin

"What's not to's stunning"

She smiled lifting Alex's top and kissing her tummy blowing air into it making her laugh

"Aaaaa...tickles...hey there's more...the best part" she got up pulling Yaz so hard she almost flew through the air "Close your eyes"

"Alright" she giggled standing in the middle of the room letting Alex take her hands and guide her through to the other end of the suite

Alex walked into the bathroom with a massive exited smile on her face "Alright...this is the best bit...ready?"

"Yes yes...can I look?"

"Go on open"

"Whaaaa!" Yaz practically screamed "Are you for fucking real!..."

"Yes I think I am" Alex laughed

"It's like a swimming pool"

"It's called a whirlpool bath with panoramic view" Alex said proudly "Isn't it awesome? It's the only suit in this hotel that has one...I was so lucky that it was free"

"OMG Alex that's so huge...this is fucking amazing...How much did you pay for this girl?"

"I didn't take a holiday in two years Yaz, I don't fucking care how much it costs...Weeeee deserve this" she grabbed her hands swinging her around the bathroom then pulled her in wrapping her arms around her "You deserve this" she said dreamy rocking her side to side in her arms

"It's like a dream baby...But even if I was in a tent with you it still would be a dream Alex...without all of this...just you...all I need is you baby"

"I know that Yazee...and all I need is you" Alex said leaning her head against hers "But I wanted this to be special for us...I want us to remember this for the rest of our lives. Our first holiday together"

"Our everything first baby" Yaz rubbed their noses together playfully "I fucking adore you"

"I love you more than I could ever're my whole heart Yazee" Alex said bringing her hand to the side of Yaz's neck brushing her finger right underneath ther ear gently then smiled as her eyes were roaming between Yaz's eyes and her lips before closing the space between them with a long deep kiss.

"Let's take a quick shower and change and we can walk down to the's really cool you know it's it's between the massive rocks you'll see"

"Alright baby...I'm dying to put on a bikini and my beach dress"

"Me too"

Yaz glimpsed at Alex as she walked out of the bathroom looking beyond adorable in a swimming costume that comprise out of little blue shorts and a triangle rainbow top. She pounced around the room barefoot methodically packing her beach bag with everything from sunscreen to a some cute little hat, beach towel, bottle of water, book and other little bits and pieces all lined up on a bed making sure she didn't forget anything. Unlike Yaz who just showed everything in her bag and probably had some stuff from three years ago at the bottom of the bag lost like in black hole. Alex was all ready to go pulling a blue gauze tunic over her head and one of probably 20 pairs of sunglasses she had. Yaz lost a count by this point releasing that Alex had a thing about sunglasses. She had a pair for nearly every outfit she wore and she already bought 3 new pairs on this holiday.

"I love that dress" Alex said coming  up behind her kissing her shoulder and gliding her hands down Yaz's waist and over her sides. She wore the same white dress she had on their date. The same one that left Alex gasping for air when she sat in her car that morning.

Yaz smiled over her shoulder "It's your favorite one...and youuuu look like a candy ready to be unwrapped" she said kissing her cheek "Which I will do later" she added raising her eyebrow

"You can unwrap this when ever you want baby" she giggled pulling her hand "Ready?"

"Ready...let's go"

A long steep flight of stairs led from the hotel, which was built on top of a cliff overlooking the whole of Capri and the Bay of Naples, to a small sandy beach nestled between high rocks.
They sat for a nice cool drink first on one of the many hotel terraces overlooking the sea and then continued down to the beach. Alex settled in a shade with her book and Yaz sat down in the shallow water digging through the sand looking for tiny sea shells and enjoying the cool water splashing against her legs.

"Wanna go for a swim?" she yelled to Alex who was deep into her book

"Could do" she put the book on a side and walked over "Yazee...your back looks a bit crispy" she said running her palm over her shoulders "I think you should sit in a shade for a while you know...I'm gonna put a cream on you when we get out"

"It does feel a bit burned" she laughed "But I can't help it" she said reaching for her hand as they walked in together "Oh this is soo nice...I don't wanna go home" she laughed

"We can stay" Alex giggled "There's plenty of pregnant women here" she laughed

"But you would miss my dad's cooking"

"Mmmm...maybe we should go home" she giggled

They sat in a shade after getting out of the water. Alex took the straps of Yaz's bikini top off  and only then she could see just how much her shoulders have burned.

"'re really red darling" Alex said reaching into her bag "Here,  hold your top I need to put a cream on that...Yaz didn't you put anything on?"

"I did...this" she took the tube out of her bag showing it to Alex

"Yazee that's not gonna do anything in this sun, no wonder you burned"

"That's it...we're going up" she said smearing a thick layer of cream all over her back and shoulders "Oh god darling even your lower back is all's too hot to be down here anyway...tomorrow we should come earlier then go up at noon and then we can come back later when the sun isn't so strong"

"I'm little bit peckish as it is"

"Me too Yazee...I think it's time for lunch anyway...I lost a track of time" she smiled and kissed the side if her neck "'re all done...let's go up"

In spite Yaz's winging, Alex made her drape the towel over her shoulders as they claimed the long steps back towards the hotel.




They showered and changed, and then went to the restaurant. As they walked down the halls, Alex looked at Yaz and decided to do something she had never done in her life. She reached between them and her fingers found Yaz lacing them together. Her breathing stopped for a second and she felt stupid for being so nervous about it until Yaz's soft smile met her eyes and she smiled back at her silly squeezing her hand tighter.
Alex only ever held her hand like that inside the elevators or places away from people's eyes.
Yaz wasn't bothered and let Alex set her own pace of the relationship from the very start. She was just simply happy to have Alex and that was enough for her, but walking into the restaurant hand in hand with her did feel special and she couldn't help but take a deep breath as her her heart jumped from joy.

"So gorgeous...what do you want?" Alex asked taking some plates walking around a massive table filled with variety of different foods which felt as though they were on some wedding

"Just no sea food for me...everything looks so nice"

"Nooo...don't...sea food is the most common cause of food poisoning on vacations you know...but that ravioli looks beautiful"

"Yeah well somehow I don't see myself throwing up on our first vacation" she laughed

"Your sister called me...Prem keeps crying all the time she got worried"

"My sister does get your not a pediatrician...right?"

"I don't think she does Yaz" Alex laughed as they sat down "I think because I deliver babies people automatically assume I know stuff about the babies"

"Is it hard...the medical school and university?"

"For me it wasn't Yaz...It was my escape...I liked that my brain was always busy with studying...I had less time to think about all the other stuff"

"I hated studying with a passion" Yaz laughed "My mind was always on ten different places all at once and I could never keep still...I was also gobby in me in trouble so many times" she laughed

"You're a firecracker Yaz" Alex giggled "I saw that with my dad and you wanted to smother my ex" she smiled from the corner of her lips.

"Sorry about that"

"Don't be..." Alex smiled cheeky. Deep down she loved how over protective Yaz was and she couldn't hide it

As day progressed Yaz's back and shoulders started to feel more and more sore and by the time evening came she didn't feel too good. She didn't say anything as she didn't want to spoil the mood but Alex noticed how she wad suddenly very quite as they were getting ready to go out for a dinner and a walk.

"Yazee" Alex stood at the bathroom door nervously "Is everything alright? "

"Ha? Yes absolutely...why wouldn't it be?" she said with a smile as she was braiding her hair infront of the mirror

"You haven't said a word for the past hour...Are you upset with me?"

"Whaaa? Noo Aleeex...God...where do you get this things from..." she left her hair and walked over to Alex taking her hands "No it's just...I haven't been feeling too hot...I don't know why"

"In what way darling?" Alex put her hand on her forehead "Aaarrrh Yazee you're burning honey...are you feeling feverish? Is your head hurting? Do you feel nausea?"

"My head hurts and yeah it does feel a bit like a can I have a fever on this heat?"

"Oh Yaaaz...why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't wanna spoil the evening"

"Yazee.." Alex frowned "C'mere baby" she hugged her gently "Pleeeease don't do that again...Does your head hurt?" she asked cupping her face

"It's killing me for the past three hours" she finally admitted


"From pain I think the most"

"Right...C'mere baby" she tugged on her hand sitting her on the bed and started digging through the suitcase wiping out the bag with medication "I'll give you a tablet it will bring down the fever and stop the headache" she said on a way to the bathroom getting some water

"I didn't want you to fuss...I'm sure it will go"

"It will Yaz, now it will but we are staying in and I'll order food into the, take this" she passed her the tablet then went back into the bathroom

"Why are you wetting a towel?"

"Take your clothes off darling...I'll put this on your back. I need to cool you down"

Almost an hour later only when she started to feel cold Alex stopped putting wet towels on her back and her head and tucked her underneath the covers.

"I'm so cold now" Yaz said practically shivering snuggling to Alex

"It's good...means you finally cooled down. I want you to promise me something Yaz"

"What's that?" Yaz said wrapping her arm around her snuggling on her shoulder

Alex ran her fingers down the length of her arm gently and placed a long kiss to the side of her head "Please don't do this again. I'm not your ex girlfriend Yazee. I'm not gonna get upset if we have to cancel something or you're not feeling well. We have other days...other things we can do"

"I'm sorry" she looked up at her lovingly and squeezed her arm around her tighter

"You promise to tell me?"

"I promise"

"This could've ended with you in a hospital you know...only idiot would get upset with you"

"Did you just call my ex an idiot?" Yaz laughed

"I guess I did" Alex giggled

"Love ya" she looked up again and flashed a big smile to her

Alex kissed her gently and tangled her fingers in her hair "Love you your headache gone?"

"Mmmm...I feel so much better"

"I have to put a cream on you back...but no beach tomorrow"

"Alright doctor" she giggled

Room service knocked at the door and Alex got up haply "Aaaa food...just in time"

"I'm starving now"

"Me too"

As her headache has gone Yaz got her appetite back and staying indoors wasn't such a bad thing after all. It was a hot evening and air seemed to be not moving at all.
"God it's taking forever to fill this up" Yaz stood in the bathroom looking the big bathtub being filled with water.

"It's like filling the swimming pool" Alex laughed "I hope I know how to use it" she was sitting on the edge reading instruction manual like it was a book

"Where did you get that from?"

"It was here in a bathroom...I think they leave it for idiots like us who never saw one in our lives" she giggled

"Did you see the shower cubicles with radio?" Yaz giggled

"I long do people take shower that they need a radio inside?...Hey look it has lights" she said pressing one if many buttons "Aaaaaa loook"

"OMG it looks awesome"
"Right...I think that's enough water or we gonna have a flood...Let's hope I got this has few functions it's like a space ship...but here we go" Alex pressed a button and and the water started bubbling. They both screamed like kids

"OMG this is amazing!" Yaz put her hand inside "put your hand it"

"Aaaaaa...tickles...oh I want this at home"  Alex laughed

"The only place it fits is in the living room" Yaz laughed

"It also heats up the water...can you believe it?...Oh, wait...I have something else" Alex ran into the room and came back with two candles

"Where did you get those?" Yaz laughed

"Today in that store when you weren't looking" she smiled cheeky "I thought it be romantic"

"It's fantastic...aaaaaa...wait...I have even better idea" Yaz went back into the room and came back with glasses filled with juice "Here...we can pretend it's a champagne"

"Aaaa I love this...come on let's get in" Alex lit up the candles on a side and swished off the lights

For a moment they both just stood there mesmerized at the room lightened up only by the blue lights from the bathtub and the candles.

Yaz giggled as they went inside the water "I feel like I'm in a movie"

"I know right...I always dreamed about this...not the same when you lie inside the tub alone...Wanna lean on me? Don't wanna hurt you back?"

"Neah...wanna cuddle you...just pass me the towel" she puts a towel on the edge and slips inside the water giggling "Aaaaaa this is so cool...I never had a bathtub" Yaz said wrapping her arms around Alex as she settled leaning on her chest and kissed her shoulder

"Hey I have an idea" she looked up to Yaz smiling "One day when we have a house...let's get this"

"You think we're gonna be that rich?"

"Mmmm...I just wanna do all the things I have missed Yaz"

Alex took her hand and kissed her knuckles with a sigh "I've missed sooo much of life...specially in this department. I wanna travel with you, do things with you Yaz...have all those romantic moments I always wanted and never thought I will have"

"Me too too" she stroke her hand down Alex's neck lifting her gaze "I wanna have all of it with you and I don't care if it's selfish"

She kissed Alex softly, but almost desperately, assuring herself that she actually had her, because having Alex was everything. She was her butterfly with broken wings that she intended to protect at all costs so that she could spread her beautiful wings and fly. It was a new feeling for Yaz, but a pleasant feeling of deep connection with Alex.

"Where do you see us in the future?" Yaz asked

"I'm not sure if I dare to say might disappear. You know what they say about saying your wishes out loud"

"Neah...not where I come from" Yaz giggled

Alex signed and ran her fingertips up and down Yaz's legs "Alright...I'll blame you if it changes" she giggled looking up at her "I see us having a cute little house, doesn't have to can be just a small semi...I just really want a garden and cats would be so happy. I see us having kids and playing in a garden...pirate quest and treasure hunts"

"One eyed Willy" Yaz giggled

"Yeah One eyed Willy...definitely and I want a proper pirate ship in a garden"

"Is this for kids or you?" Yaz laughed

"Aaarhhh...both I think" she laughed "I want our timeline to be filled with our photos Yaz of all the places we've been to and all the beautiful moments we could go back to one day"

"Our time line?"

"It's ours now...used to be just it's you and me...I wanna forget my past with you Yaz...I wanna keep only the nice parts" she said  smiling at her

"You will baby...I promise you will" Yaz smiled  back at her placing a long kiss to her forehead "I love your dreams" she smiled running hands over her gently "I think we can make that happen all those dreams come true...I think we already are"

They both fell silent for a moment as Alex rested her head on Yaz's. They turned off the bubbles enjoying peace and quiet, the warm water around them and blue lights reflecting on the walls and ceiling. Alex drifted off into her thoughts as Yaz's hands slowly ran lines up and down her entire body. The body that she hated with a passion for so many years, the one she changed and bent so much to accept it, but she never learned how to truly love it. It's as if the ghosts of her former self won't let her. One she never thought she'd let anyone see, kiss or touch the way Yaz does. But Yaz was her safe place, her refuge. The one and only person who truly made her feel like a woman, slowly, gently, if only for those brief moments of intimacy, but they were there and getting longer and longer. And she felt that she was freed, freed from the prison of her own mind that had tormented her mercilessly for years. Every touch of her hands and every gentle press of her lips and every loving word that rolled from Yaz's lips slowly released her. Allowing her to feel the way she always wanted to feel. And for that alone, Alex loved her more than any words in any language could express, it was priceless, it was the greatest gift of love Yaz could ever given her. And yet she wasn't even aware of it, her little Yazee. She opened her heart and soul to her from the very beginning, accepting every part of Alex unconditionally and just by following her own heart giving her exactly what she needed.

Alex looked at her with a smile, her eyelashes brushed Yaz's cheek "Yazee...I think we are turning into prunes" she giggled lifting Yaz's wrinkled fingers out of the water

"Aaaaa but it's so fucking nice I don't wanna leave"

"We are so getting this tub even I have to put it in the middle of the living room" Alex laughed getting up

"Can you imagine explaining this to our parents?"

"I'm just thinking...should we explain this before or after I tell you parents I was a man" Alex laughed

"Aaaarrrhhh...Neah...first tell them we're getting married...Let's just fucking shock them completely" she laughed wrapping towel over Alex "What's your dead name?....It's how it's called isn't it? The one you're born with?"

"'re gonna laugh"

"I'm don't have to tell me"

"Yaz...I have no secrets with's just actually funny...Alexander"

"Whaaaa? No way"

"I know my mum knew when she was naming me...everyone always called me Alex even when I was a kid...So I just turned it into Alexandra on my documents...Actually" she sat on the edge if the bathtub "I was naughty know when my dad used to take a piss out of me and insulting me...he was always calling me Alexandra so I thought fuck you...I'm gonna use the one name you hate so much it was like providing a point"

"Waaaw...good for you girl"

"Actually it was my grandmother's name and it meant so much to my mum...which also made it even more gross him mocking it like fuck it...he deserved it...and I now wear it with pride...properly"

"That's actually so beautiful" she came up to her and moved her curls from her face watching as Alex closed her eyes and her face would absolutely melt into the softest expression "You're so beautiful" Yaz said quietly and stroke her knuckles over Alex's soft cheek

She opened her eyes and smiled bringing her hand to the side of her neck pulling Yaz into a kiss.


"I'm not hurting your back am I? Alex asked as she spooned behind Yaz and gently kissed her shoulder

"No...I'd tell you"

"Would you really?" she smiled over her shoulder

"I really this is nice...though I'll probably sleep on my stomach tonight" she giggled

"I'll kiss it better" Alex said kissing her back again "I'll put more cream on you later"

"Why do you have a butterfly tattoo?" Yaz asked running her finger over a little tattoo on the inside of Alex's left wrist

"It's not a butterfly darling...It's a moth" she pressed her lips to her shoulder gently again before continuing "It's a suicide survivor tattoo"

Yaz frowned then turned on her back towards Alex "The what baby?...You mean you..."

"Twice actually" Alex propped her head on her arm and ran her finger over Yaz's chest gently

"Jesus Alex...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..."

"Ssshhh" Alex put her finger over her lips "You can ask me whatever you want and I will tell you everything at some point anyway...everything Yaz"

She continued randomly running her finger over Yaz chest making circles over her breast almost playfully. Yaz hasn't asked anything it was a combination of being shocked and giving Alex time to gather her own thoughts.

"I was 13" Alex said quietly " was when my dad did what he did to me and I came back from the hospital. I took shit loads of my grannies sleeping tablets...I emptied out her stash... my mum found me on a bathroom floor. Ended up having my stomach pumped out"

"Oh Jesus baby" Yaz stroke her face gently and Alex took her hand kissing her fingertips

"Then there was just all kinds of shit going on. Social workers, police, my dad going to jail. People  asking  me all sorts of questions I didn't feel like answering. At that time nobody really understood what was going on in my head Yaz...I wasn't talking about it.
My dad scared the shit out of me so much I didn't want to say anything. It wasn't  just that he scared me...he made me feel so ashamed of myself. But it was eating me up like cancer from inside out as years passed by...I was a mess Yaz. I didn't know who I was or what I was anymore...My mum just thought I was gay or something and every time she tried talking to me I would be absolutely horrible to her...Not proud of that at all"

"Oh darling...You were just in pain Alex"

"Then when I was 18 I lost it one wasn't even anything in particular was just all together mounting up inside me and it was too hard for me to breathe. My dad was also released from jail at that point...I was just fed up...fed up with myself...fed up with how I felt...I was tiered of it all, tiered of life. I was sitting on a bathroom floor ready to slash my wrists when my dog came in and started licking my face...he saved my life...Then Annie came looking for a dog and found me...It's was after that when I finally sat down and started talking to my family and they were soo full of love for me Yaz...all of them"  she looked up at Yaz with teary eyes "I was so stupid to hold all that inside"

"I'm so sorry baby...And now I made you cry...Me and my mouth...I really know how to ruin the evening"

"It's alright Yaz...I'm fine talking about it...I wanna tell you...I was planning to at some point...I just get emotional...that's all" she ran her fingers over her cheek

"Is that when you decided to transition?"

"Not straight away Yaz...I was a mess...You wouldn't recognize me...really...And I don't mean physically...I was so fucked up Yaz" she looked up to her for a moment then looked down again

"But It was after that when I finally got some proper professional help. I met a really wonderful lady....a therapist....she helped me to at least make sense out of what's going on in my brain...And when I finally spoke with my family about it all it was so much easier to find myself...I was so lost Yaz...I wasn't even aware of just how much...I also realized that I could've spared myself a lot of pain if I spoke about it earlier...It was at 19 when I started on medication then I got my Ferrari at 20" she giggled looking up at Yaz

"You're so fucking strong may not look at yourself like that but Jesus..." Yaz stroke her face gently "I'm glad you didn't harm yourself...Life wouldn't be the same without my Alex" she leaned over and kissed her gently

"Now I understand when I asked you if you ever dated anyone all makes sense now"

"I wouldn't be able to fact I think it's probably better that I didn't...I would just pull that person down with me"

"You don't know that baby...maybe someone would lift you up instead of you both falling together"

"Like you now" Alex smiled

"Oh yeah?...I made this evening super romantic" Yaz giggled

"Well It was super romantic half an hour ago...I can clearly remember" she giggled kissing her collarbone

"I'll take credit for that one" Yaz laughed "I love  you so much" Yaz wrapped her fingers around her face gently "I'm so fucking happy you're  here"

"I'm happy I'm here...I am now...and I love you too darling so much" she brushed her finger over Yaz's face gently "Come on...on your tummy" she said getting up "I need to put more cream on that roasting back of yours"

"Aaaarrrhhh...I really fucked myself up...What the hell are we gonna do tomorrow"

"I dunno ..there's loads we can do Yaz...We can go to see those caves" Alex said climbed the bed again and sat next to her "Mind you...I still think you should stay away from the sun" she scrunched her face "I'm worried about the boat ride"

"Fantastic" Yaz mumbled into the pillow "




Yaz sat on a terrace looking over the bay. A big black sunglasses shielded her eyes from the morning sun and loose white long sleeve cotton top covering her shoulders and her back. She was waiting for Alex who went to get some breakfast for them both. They loosely decided to just hang around the hotel for the day and use the swimming pool area as it provided plenty of shade and still felt like being at the coast at least in some way. But Yaz still watched the horizon with yearning. Nothing could replace digging for sea shells in a shallow water or swimming in the deep sea, jumping from the cliff and sunbathing on the sand. She just had to make her peace with the fact that she messed up two days of their holiday and swallow it with pride without throwing a wobbly about not going on a beach.

"Beautiful morning isn't it?" a woman's voice mentioned from the table near her

"Excuse me?...Did you say something to me?" Yaz looked over to the table next to her

"Yes...I said what a beautiful morning" the young woman repeated

She was in her mid thirties, or at least she looked it. Long blonde hair fell over her shoulders and she was sitting down drinking what looked like a cocktail.

"Yeah stunning isn't it"

"You're British right?"

"Yes, Sheffield actually...You sound European"

" boyfriend is from US...Kasia" she reached out her hand

"Yasmin Khan...Yaz...nice to meet you Kasia" Yaz struggled pronouncing her name

"Are you staying here or just passing by?"

"Staying...I'm here with my actually" she frowned "Still getting used to that one"

A man approached the table and the young woman smiled "Mark...this is Yaz"

"Oh hello Yaz" he smiled shaking her hand then sat down

"Hi...nice to meet you"

"Yaz is from England"

"Oh are you...What brings you to Capri Yaz?"

"Holiday...I'm here with my finance"

"That's romantic"

"There she is" Yaz smiled

"Hey baby...I got a bit of everything I wasn't sure what you want" Alex said putting plates on the table

"Babe...this is Kasia and Mark...this Alex my fiancée"

"Oh, hello...nice to meet you...Kasia...Eastern European?" Alex rolled her lips

"Poland" Kasia said

"Aaaaaa...I was right..." Alex laughed

"Mark is from US"

"Oh...nice...What state?"


"Aaaaa...nice...big state"

They spent about half an hour chatting before Kasia and Mark got up to leave

"So what are your plans for today?" he asked as they were leaving

"Oh I'm burned so just hanging around the pool mostly" Yaz grinned

" so are we...Mark isn't into natural beaches...Well we see you around"

"That would be nice" Alex said with a waive

"They're nice" Alex said as they left

"Yeah very chatty"

"I know...I get lost in a small talk" Alex said digging into her breakfast

"Well I suppose it's nice to meet someone new"

"I suppose so" Alex shrugged




They came to the pool and as soon as they came Kasia was waiving from the other end signaling for them to come over

"Oh god...I'm not sure about this Yaz" Alex started squirming nervously

"It's alright baby...come on...give them a chance. You may like it"

"I'm sure I won't"

"Right...if you want us to leave just say...Hey Yaz...aren't we meant to meet up with Sonya...and I'll know what you mean"

"Alright...and we leave?"

"And we leave"

"Ok..." she smiled nervously "I can deal with that"

They walked over and Kasia already pulled some sun lounges closer to hers and Marks. She had a big smile across her face when they came but Yaz couldn't take her eyes of the amount of jewelry this woman had on her hands and around the neck wondering why would you need so much jewelry on a beach or in this case swimming pool which made not difference really.

"Hi...I'm so glad I saw you two...I was just saying to Mark what a lovely couple you two are.

"Thanks" Yaz said shortly and Alex just grinned uncomfortably

Half hour has passed and Alex wouldn't take her tunic off at all. But she also hasn't mentioned Sonya so Yaz continued chatting to Mark and she glanced over towards Alex and saw she was into some conversation with Kasia so she assumed she was fine in the end. It was a bit overwhelming even for Yaz and at some point she just wanted some privacy with Alex but it wasn't looking hopeful she's going to get it. In fact Mark wasn't letting her go the entire time and she wanted to mention Sonya which in the end she has.

"Oh...oh...excuse me...Alex" Yaz suddenly got up from the sun lounger

"Mmmmm?" she looked up at her with almost pleading expression

"I think we need to meet up with Sonya...we forgot about time"

"Oh...oh yeees...absolutely...yes we forgot" Alex jumped to her feet and started packing her bag in a speed of light

"Aaaaa...such a shame" Kasia said

"Well have a nice day...and see ya" Yaz waived

"We will...See you in the evening"

Yaz frowned confused as they were leaving

"What did she mean by that?" she leaned to Alex on a way back to the hotel

"Don't kill me"

"What did you agree on?" She asked horrified

"She was rambling on and I was switching off Yaz...and just nodded automatically then I released I agreed to meet them in hotel bar tonight"

"You whaaaa? Oh Aleeex"

"I'm sorry" she scrunched her face "Told you I'm socially awkward"

"Why didn't you say anything about Sonya? I thought in the end you're having a nice time"

" I wasn't" she nodded frazzled "I was so stressed I forgot what you was only when you said it I was so relieved"

"Oh Alex" Yaz hooked her arm into hers laughing and kissed her shoulder "I don't suppose we can get out of tonight?"

"Not really" Alex looked at her apologetically

"Well...this is gonna be interesting evening" Yaz sighed

"I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault...them two are just like stomach think you got rid of it and then it comes again"

Evening came way too fast and them two were getting ready with minimum enthusiasm dragging themselves around the room.

"Maybe it won't be that bad?" Alex said looking at Yaz in the mirror as she was putting mascara on

"And maybe the Earth is flat" she said shortly pulling a sparkly black top over her head making Alex laugh

"You look very lovely" Alex smiled into the mirror

Yaz sighed "Thanks baby...and you look fucking sexy"

"It's not too much is it?" she got up making Yaz's mouth water.

The silky red fabric of the all in one outfit had opening at the front dipping down Alex's chest and it was hugging her curves falling over her hips draping into wide trousers. She reminded Yaz of Charlie's Angels and her brain glitched for a second

"Nooo...nooo it's fucking awesome" she managed to roll it over her mouth without locking the hotel room and not letting Alex leave which was so tempting at this point specially knowing the pain they will have to go through this evening.

Alex on the other hand was totally unaware of what she looked like and her confused expression was making Yaz laugh

"Come on babe...we are actually late" Yaz said feeling like she's going to the gallows

Alex sighed "Alright...I suppose we should go"

The bar looked nice and lively. Music was loud but they both liked it. Alex reached for Yaz's hand as soon as they came inside and leaned over to her panicky "Please don't leave me alone here"

"I won't I promise...unless I just go and get us drinks...Is that ok?"

"That's fine"

"Alright baby...relax...we can dance" Yaz smiled

"We could...but I dance like a dork"

"My loving dork" Yaz smiled and brought her hand to her lips kissing her knuckles "What do you wanna drink?"

"Dunno...some cocktail without alcohol...maybe with coconut or something"

"Alright I'll ask a barman cause I don't want any alcohol either"

Kasia was already waiving from the bar and they saw Mark coming holding drinks with massive smile across his face. His perfectly white teeth were shining in the bar almost fluorescent and Yaz couldn't miss the unbuttoned shirt that reminded her of weddings when things get a bit out of hand. Kasia wore even more jewelry this time which Yaz didn't think it was humanly possible. This was a whole other level that was making her eyes bleed.

They politely came to the bar both smiling unnaturally with cramp in a jaw. And the only time she felt the cramp like that was from a much more pleasant experience. But here they were, at the beginning of what looked like a painful evening.

"Hey girls...ready to groove" Mark grinned swinging his hips holding his drinks and passing one to Kasia

"Hi..." Yaz said shortly "Waaaw loads of people" she turned around

"Yeah it's great" Kasia said smiling "Uuuu...Charlie's Angel" she sized up Alex smiling "You can arrest me I admit I'm guilty" she said making Alex completely confused standing there grinning like an idiot

" alright here if I go get drinks?" Yaz asked into Alex's ear

"Suppose so" she replied with fear in her eyes

"Won't be long" Yaz kissed her cheek and went to the bar trying to get barmen's attention as soon as possible

"So what do you do for living?" Mark leaned into Alex yelling so he can be herd from the music

"I'm OBGYN" Alex replied moving away from him a bit so she gets him out her space

"Uuuuu sexy"

"Not really" Alex replied cutting "You obviously never saw baby being born"

"Right...nooo...I meant the other part"

She raised her eyebrow "And what part would that be?"

"Oh stop it Mark" Kasia smacked his shoulder "Next thing he will start saying jokes about gynecologists"

"Please don't" Alex said looking around for Yaz

"Hey baby" Yaz came back with drinks "Coconut and pineapple no alcohol" she smiled

"Perfect darling"

"So what did I miss?"

"Oh not much...he thinks my job is sexy" Alex said sipping on her drink

"Right...You own a car wash...don't you?"

"Yeah three of them actually"

"That's you get your top off smearing soap all over yourself when you wash cars?"

"Nooo" he frowned confused

"Exactly...see not sexy like on commercials"


Alex almost choked on her drink laughing
Evening was dragging on between the stupid jokes and Mark getting more drunk. Kasia wasn't too bad apart from rambling on so much that she even managed to beat Alex three times over.

"Hey...wanna go to the toilet" Mark leaned into Yaz's ear

"Excuse me?" she lifted her eyebrow

"I got some know...straight from the rock"

"Oh, nooo mate go ahead and nock yourself out...literally" she said turning around

"Babe...want another drink?" Yaz leaned into Alex

"Sure" she smiled haply

"You alright?"

"Yeah we're talking about real-estate market in US...don't worry"

"Alright babe...same as before coconut?"

"Mmmm" she nodded

Yaz walked over to the other end of the bar and this time she was waiting forever for her drinks. She felt someone's hands on her hips and nervously moved them but wasn't fazed too much as masses of people pushed towards the bar.

"You should come to US" Kasia smiled to Alex

"I'd love to...never been there. I mostly travelled around Europe"

"You could stay with us you know...Mark wouldn't mind"

"Oh that's sweet but I would never impose"

"You're very pretty" Kasia ran her finger down the length of Alex's arm and Alex blew bubbles into her drink almost swallowing a straw "Would you like to see my room later on?" she continued

Everything from that point onwards was blurred for Alex and she didn't hear any words that continued to pour out of Kasia's mouth. She was aimlessly looking over her shoulder trying to find Yaz and felt a whole opening in her stomach

"I'm going to the rest room" Kasia said but Alex just mumbled something incoherent

Yaz felt hands on her hips again as she was finally taking the drinks and turned around frustrated.

"Hey sexy desi girl" Mark grinned into her face and Yaz cringed as she found herself with both hands occupied with drinks sandwiched between people and Mark who was at this point way too much into her space with his hands on her hips

"Can you please take your hands off desi girl's hips or you're gonna need a new pair of those"

"Oh come on...your girlfriend is having fun...why are you so angry all the time?...We can have some fun as well" he wiggled his hips towards her and Yaz was seriously thinking to punch his crouch at this point but suddenly he pressed his lips on hers and his hands were pulling her in. She felt his tongue desperately trying to push inside her mouth so she did the only thing she could at this point and poured all the drinks over his head

"Wtf?!!! What is wrong with you? " he moved away finally and she left empty glasses on the bar quickly slipping through the crowd towards Alex

"Houston we have a problem" Yaz came up to Alex who was standing by the bar looking like a deer caught in a head lights

"Weeee are leaving" Yaz grabbed the drink out of Alex's hand leaving it on the bar and tugged her hand


"They're into swinging...Kasia and Mark"

"Swinging from where?"

"Oh Jesus not from where...swinging baby"


"OMFG swinging baby...partner swapping for sex...groupies and all that"

"Ooooh....oooohhh" Alex's eyes grew suddenly wide

"Yeah big ooohh...come on...we are sooo leaving" she pulled her out of the bar and into the hallway

"Right...she did ask me would I like to see their room later"

"Oh Jesus...hope you didn't agree on that one eagerly?" Yaz laughed

"No I didn't she touched my hand and...nevermind ...How did you know?"

"Mark snogged me at the bar"

"He whaaaaa?"

"You asked me!!!" she spread her arms out frowning

"I did...and now I wish I didn't" Alex scrunched her face

"Sorry...I didn't expect it...he sort of jumped me...I need to wash my we have some mouth wash left?"

"What did you do?"

"Gave him a cocktail shower" she giggled

"Good" Alex nodded "How rude"

"Kasia touched you?"

" you know in a sexy you do"

"Oh alright?"

"I'm not sure...I'm sure I will be...but right now I'm not sure"

"That's it...we are not meeting any more people" Yaz pulled  her hand storming down the hallways twards their room




"I still can't  fucking believe this" Yaz laughed when they came back to the room and went to brush her teeth

"Oh Yaz...I thought I'm gonna choke on my drink"

"I thought I'm gonna choke on his tongue trying to get into my mouth"

"Eeewwwww...OMG...I'm so sorry"

"I'm sure if I use the whole  bottle of mouth wash I'll be fine. What else did she say to you...Kasia ?"

"I can't started buzzing in my ears and I was looking for you..."

"OMG baby" Yaz laughed like crazy "Where did she go anyway?"

"Dunno...she told me but I can't minute she was there and then she wasn't"

"Aaaaaa..." Yaz screamed laughing " at least know one thing for sure babe" Yaz said leaving the bathroom

"What's that?"

"That you're super sexy" she laughed

"Oh sod off" Alex laughed throwing a pillow at her

"Charlie's Angel" Yaz giggled pulling her hand "I mean this is so...sooo hot...damn girl" she said wrapping her arms around her waist

Alex giggled silly as her cheeks blushed. She was still shocked from the weird day they had "I'm glad you like it, Annie bought this for me ages ago...I love the color but I would never wear it unless I was with is a bit open" she lifted the fabric of the cleavage peaking inside "Mind you...there's not much in there" she giggled

"Oh there's plenty in there" Yaz giggled pressing her lips right in the center "It's just all mine and I don't like to share my toys" she said smug running hands down Alex's sides

Alex giggled "I think it was obvious from the start we were just dumb a bit"

" know he also asked me if I wanted some cocaine"


"Oh, yeah he was high as a kite...I just wanna bleach my brain from this evening...or the whole day"

"Let's just go outside and watch the stars" Alex smiled playing with Yaz's braids moving them from the back over her shoulders

"Definitely...but you're staying in this" she pulled on thin strap on Alex's shoulder smiling cheeky

"Oh am I now?" she laughed and brushed her thumb over Yaz's cheek "God I'm happy to have you" she leaned over brushing her nose against hers playfully

"You and me both...I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that shit anymore"

They fell silent and closed the gap between them kissing gently



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