Chapter 8

"Doctoooor!" Yaz yells from the kitchen like the house is on fire

Doctor ran like a wind an in second she's in a kitchen  "Whats wrong?"

"Grab this now I'll drop it OMG!" she's holding a tray with a massive turkey

Doctor takes the tray with such ease as if there are just three potatoes on a tray and puts it on a kitchen counter " You scared me...I thought something happened not that you're being attacked by a baking tray"

"Nope...just turkey..." she giggled "How do you do that?"

"Do what Yaz"

"It's so heavy"

"I'm stronger than you Yaz..surely you know that by now" she laughs "How do you think I can carry you?" she sits on a counter next to her

"Honest....I Never thought that one through" she giggled whiles making final preparations for her turkey roast "Are you existed about today?"

"I'm proper existed Yaz...We had Christmas before but never like this"

"My family doesn't celebrate Christmas. It's a first proper one for me as well"

"Fist proper one for me with my fam" she takes a pause "And my wife"

Yaz stopped chopping carrots for a second and wiped a tear before it drops in a food and continued chopping. Doctor smiled and got off the counter. She stood behind her and slides her hands around her waist placing her head on her shoulder "You alright?"

"Oh yah...just onions" she sakes her head

"Funny looking onions...never seen those before" she smiles and reaches for her hand making her drop the knife and turns her around to meet her eyes "Best wife I could ever hope fore" she strokes her cheek and Yaz closed her eyes leaning her head on her hand. Doctor leaned over and kissed her softly.

"I need to put this turkey in...if you continue like this we will have a lot of explaining to do" Yaz giggles holding on to her braces

"Need help?...I can help"

"Yes...get it in the oven for me" she laughs

Food was in the oven and delightful smell was spreading all around the Tardis. Yaz was running around frazzled putting cookies on trays. Tardis made beautiful Tardis shaped Christmas cookies and loads of custard cream ones including ginger bread men in a shape of every fam member. Yaz wrapped them up to give away with presents.
In a mean time Doctor laid all the presents under the tree. And she played Christmas songs all over Tardis.
They were both running around and bumping into each other rushing to get everything done in time. Several hours into it finally everything was set to go.
Table looked absolutely beautiful, deep red silk tablecloth was reaching almost to the floor, Doctor brought out stunning set off plates she hasn't used since time of Queen Victoria and candle holders she got as a gift from Luis XIV. As a final touch Yaz lit up all the candles. They both stood in the middle of the room smiling and admiring how well they managed to do it. Tardis looked like Christmas fairytale inside and out. She held Doctors hand and her eyes were glistening from joy and happiness. Could life be any better in this moment she thought to herself.

"Right" Doctor jumped existed "time get ourselves ready as well...look at the state of us"

They looked at each other all frazzled and their hair messy, yaz had food staines on her shirt. And they bust out laughing.

"Oh, god yes definitely...and look I'm covered in food" she's showing her stained shirt and laughing

"Come with me" Doctor grabs her hand and pulls her away practically running through the hallway to their room

"What are you doing?"

"All in a right time Yaz...all in a right time" she practically swinged in a room and she grabs her for her shoulders placing her in a the middle of the room "Stay here...close your eyes" she covered her face with her hand and turns around "And no peaks"

"I don't cheat" she complained

"Oh you so do Yasmin Khan...You think I didn't see what you did that day on a beach" she laughs

"You what?" she opens her eyes in shock Doctor knew all this time she was looking at her

"Oi...said no peaking" she points her finger and starts crawling on floor reaching something from under the bed

"Put your arms out"

Yaz reached with hands and she placed a beautifully wrapped box in her hands

"Can I look now...can I?" Yaz was jumping on a spot exited

"Yes you can look now" Doctor had a grin standing exited in the middle of the room

Yaz looked at the box for a while allowing her emotions to settle before she opens it

"Well go it!" Doctor waived her hands in anticipation

Yaz placed the box on a bed and opened it. She gasped.

"Are you kidding me?" she yelped

"No, Yaz I would never" Doctor gave her standard confused answer

She pulled out a stunning vintage cocktail dress in color of a red vine covered in sequence. It reached just to the knees and had dainty straps and open back all the way to the waist line. It left Yaz speechless standing and looking at the dress laid on the bed.

" you like it?" Doctor was getting inpatient

Yaz turned around and threw herself on her squeezing her tight  "It is is absolutely freaking amazing...thank you, thank you, thank you"

Doctor smiled so pleased it made her happy. She pulled her away existed "Wait...there's more...I almost forgot" she turned around and went to the little round table in corner of the room and pulled something from the drawer

"Give me your hand"

Yaz reached out smiling and Doctor placed a beautiful hair pin matching the dress on a palm of her hand.

"I'm...I don't even know what to say to this?" Yaz's eyes filled with tears "You really know how to dazzle a girl you know"

Doctor made a smug face smiling "Of course I do...You think I'm an amateur?"

Yaz walked up to her and tucked her hair behind her ear smiling "No, you're definitely not an amateur in anything my beautiful Bighead" she came closer ready to kiss her but Doctor reached with hand behind her head and just pulled her in for a long passionate kiss


Doctor got ready faster and knocked on a bathroom door "Yaz they will be here soon you know.

"Alright, Alright...coming" she opened the door and it left them both speechless

Doctor looked absolutely dashing in a black suite, shirt and waist coat same color as Yaz's dress and a matching bow tie. It made Yaz's head spin looking at her. And Yaz looked like she stepped out of movie screen. One of those Golden age of Hollywood classics. The stunning dress was hugging her beautiful curves draping down her hips. And her beautiful hair falling over one shoulder. She lifted her hair on the other side and secured it with a pin Doctor gave her. She looked like a dream. A dream that Doctor didn't want to wake up from.

"Waaaw...ok...we look good" Doctor didn't show any false modesty "Shall we" she offered her arm and Yaz linked up

They where both in a control room and Doctor was fiddling with something bending over the console whilst they were waiting. Yaz sneaked up to the Christmas tree in a library and placed a small little presents under the tree. It had a tag on it with two little blue hearts.

Flash of light shined in a control room and there they all were in a second...Jack, Graham, Ryan, Dan and Di all standing in middle of Tardis again. Doctor jumped from the floor and ran around the console throwing herself at everyone hugging them tight. She couldn't hide how overwhelmed she was to see them all again.

"Di, I'm so glad you managed to come. Welcome to the Tardis" Doctor says smiling

"Thank you for having me here"

Yaz was going around hugging everyone smiling. She walked over to Dan and he hugged her tight lifting her of the ground "Sheffield...look at you...Didn't recognize you for a minute there. Don't you look nice"

"Thanks Scout"

"Doc...Tardis looks...waaaw this is amazing" Graham hugs her "How you two being doing?"

"Really well Graham...really well. You?"

"Not bad...not bad at all. Me and Ryan had some nice times together. Haven't we Ryan?"

"Best grandad. Waaaw Doctor....this is proper awesome man...Christmas in August...Haven't had that before"

Doctor walked over to Jack and hugged him "Thanks for bringing everyone over. Knew I could always count on you Jack"

"Anything for you know that. I really missed you"

"Right...meal everyone" Doctor points towards the library where they set the big table and she reaches for Yaz's hand.

Her gesture caught Dans eye straight away and his eyes meet Yaz's for a split second. She just smiled at him confirming what he already suspected.

"Oh, and we got all the rooms ready for everyone. I hope you've planned to stay at least over the weekend" Doctor smiled over the shoulder walking towards the library

When she opened the door everyone was left speechless. Amongst all the beautiful bookshelves of the library stood a massive dinner table and behind it at very end of the room the most beautiful Christmas tree. Even more stunning than the one in a control room. All the presents where laid around it and a fireplace place was on on the other side of the room.

"Wooow this is proper awesome Doctor" Ryan couldn't hide his excitement. He hugged Graham across the shoulder "Wish nan was here to see this"

"Oh she'd love it Ryan...she really would"

Several hours into the night everyone was sitting around the fireplace chatting and laughing. Doctors and Yaz's eyes kept finding each other across the room all the time. Smiling at each other gently.

"Right everyone...presents!!!" Doctor jumps exited and ran to the Christmas tree on the other side of the room handling boxes to Yaz who was passing them on to each person. A small box was left under the tree and Yaz smiled when Doctor picked it up confused

"That one's yours" Yaz says smiling standing in front of her gazing at her eyes

"Well go on open it!"

Doctor opened a box and her face dropped on a floor. She took a broken little watch out of the box and gazed at Yaz with tears in her eyes

"Yaz I can't...noo!!" she passed it back to her but Yaz grabbed her hand and closed her palm

"Nooo!! Take's our moment frozen in time" she stroked her cheek and looked deeply into her beautiful eyes nodding her head slightly, encouraging her to take it "Pleaseee my beautiful Bighead. Besides it will stay with you for centuries after I'm gone"

She finished her off with this sentence. Tears rolled down Doctors cheeks, she wrapped her fingers around Yaz's face and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

Everyone was busy opening their presents, nobody noticed what was going on at the other end. Nobody exept Dan who's eyes caught them kissing across the room. He smiled and looked away.

They pulled away for a bit smiling "We're being rude" Doctor says

"Do you think they saw us?"

"And what if they did Yasmin Khan?"

Her unexpected answer shocked Yaz for a second but she just smiled. Doctor reached for her hand

"Come on, let's go!" she pulled her across the room holding her hand

"Hey Doc, where have you two been? You didn't open your presents"

"Aaaaa Graham, I have a special present for you. Come here" Doctor smiles taking something out of her pocket

"For me Doc?"

"Yap Graham for you"

She handed him a small thing no bigger than a grain of rice and placed it in his palm. Graham looked surprised and confused

"What's that Doc?"

That Graham is Time Lord technology...I could explain in detail but It would take a long time and you probably wouldn't understand half of it..."

"Thanks Doc" she says sarcastically

"In blocks cancer cells in your body. So with your permission...If I put this at the back of your neck...well...You can't ever have cancer again"

"Shut the front door Doctor...nooo waaaay!!!!!" Ryan almost yelled exited

"Oh, yes Ryan...Start believing" she smiled at him

"What?...Excuse me Doc but did you just say that this little thing will prevent me from having cancer?"

"Yap!" Doctor nods her head smiling "Told you I just needed time and I will figure out what to say" She didn't even finish the sentence Graham literally grabbed her and hugged her with tears in his eyes

"Finally got my fam...not about to lose you am I?"

"No Doc, never" Graham wipes his face overwhelmed completely

The rest if the evening was filled with laughter, chatting and playing silly little games. The Doctor and Yaz looked at each other so much that mostly everyone understood what was going on, or at least speculated about it.

It was late, everyone retreated to their rooms and the two of them stayed in the library lying on the sofa in front of the fireplace. Yaz settled comfortably leaning against Doctors chest playing with her fingers

"I love your hands"

"I can see that" she laughs..."you haven't let them go for an hour" Doctor was teasing her

"They're beautiful"

Doctor laughed "You're cute you know that?...Too cute" she kissed her head

"Did you have a nice time?"

"The best Yaz. Nice to see everyone isn't it?"

"That was beautiful what you did for Graham you know"

"Remember when we were on Tsuranga. I glanced at the monitor. He would get it...eventually...just couldn't let that happen"

"This why I love you so much...You're amazing person"

"Nah...could be better" Doctor scrunches her face

"Hey, stop really are. Let's go to bed"

"Why? Don't you like it here?'s nice...and romantic" she runs tips of her fingers between her breast down to her stomach

Yaz closed her eyes "Door?" she asked already in daze from her touch

