Chapter 29




It was still dark outside, early dawn before the sun came out from behind the horizon. Doctor walked out of the Tardis in front of a massive temple structure that had a big rectangular base with a huge obelisk rising from the top of it. It was absolutely impressive. Nobody was around. The temple stood in the middle of nowhere surrounded with dessert. And some marches further out towards the river. Doctor sat on a small wall next to the big staircase leading towards the main entrance. She was early, laity she couldn't sleep again, and even when she did, she had nightmares walking up in cold sweat and then turning towards Yaz snuggling herself close to her. She never spoke about her nightmares to her she didn't want to worry her. Another Tardis landed not so far away, and Doctor came out "Hello" she waives


" came early. We've got another 20 minutes" she waves


"So did you" he sees her sitting on the stone wall resting her arms on her knees and he knew that look too well


"Couldn't sleep"


"Neither could I... How’s Yaz?" he comes and sits by her


"She's fine. Keeps winning about rolling around without a purpose" she smiles looking at the distance enjoying in a fresh air hitting her face


"Whaaat...without a purpose...that baby is a all the purpose"


"Ahaaa! ... That's what I've been saying"


"Are you alright?" he asked concerned "You're not, are you?


"That obvious ha?" she smirks looking at him sideways


"What's going on? ... Come on...I won't remember any way you might as well spill it out. I've seen that look in a mirror many times"


She smirks from the corner of her mouth "Never goes away, does it? ... I can't....not this one..." she said quietly


"Oh boy...that big ha?"


"You wouldn't believe me even if I did" she smiles at him


"Can we help? ... You know Doctor to Doctor to Doctor?"


"Not this time I'm afraid. This one is on me"


"Hey...We always find a way...Where there's hope there's a way...Don't lose hope and the way will show itself. Besides you have a lot to look forward to"


"I do...I can’t wait"


"I'm still trying to work out how you did that" he laughs "I know" he gestures with his hands confused and it makes her smile


"No idea" she laughs for a moment "I don't even care"


She smiled a little her eyes still fixed to the distance "Never lose hope" she said quietly looking at the sun slowly rising on the horizon


"Come on...I think we should go" he got up and reached for her hand


"I'm very tiny in this regeneration" he comments making her laugh


"Took me a while to get used to know...short legs...I can't run as fast I could" she kept talking all the way to the main door


They walked in a massive empty room underneath the big obelisk and looked around confused "Ok...that doesn't look like what I expected" she comments confused looking around


"What did you expect?"


"Dunno...there's nothing here except that" she points to a big stone table in the middle of the room


"Never mind that now...maybe the architect was minimalist"


She takes the orbs and places them on a table. They both stood there waiting with their sonics out for a good 2 min and then looked at each other confused


"Nothing is happening???.... Where's the sun...there should be sun" she said shrugging her shoulders


"Well don't look at me I didn't do the research"


She starts digging through her pockets "Here hold this" she starts taking loads of random stuff out popping it into his hands


"Can i keep this?" he twirls a small rubber duck in his hand


"Yeah, keep it...I must have given it to you anyway. I found in a Tardis...always wondered where it came from couldn't remember...It's fun...Aaaa here we go" she takes a piece of papyrus out spreading it on a table


"Did you steal that from the library?"


"Oi, I borrowed it!" she said defensively


" stole it!"


" need to get so will burn anyway" she waives her hands "See here it says everything"


He bends down to read it


"Right there...third column the stork"


He gets closer and takes his glasses out "That's not a stork" he puts his finger on it


"What? ... Of course, it is" she jumped confused


"No, it's not it's a hawk look. You didn't read that properly"




"It's clearly a hawk"


"Alright don't get techy … I had and argument with my wife that day"


They look at the paper again and look at each other "Shoot!!" she says

"We're on a wrong side" they yell simultaneously, and both get flustered. She quickly grabs the orbs shoving them in the bag


"Come" he yells running towards the exit she follows him. As they stepped outside, she looks at the sky "Not much time left!!" he pulled her sleeve "This way"


"Look that way" she points towards another entrance "Aaaaa mirrors of course!" she said as soon as they walked in "That's more like it...quickly turn them around" they both run on each side turning all the mirrors around


"May I just make on observation that the sun hits up there" he points towards a high spot on the wall above the alter with the sun disc Engraved into the stone.


"Aaaaa… why put it all the way there?" she looks up worried. They had no place to lay down the orbs "Yap...ok we'll think about that later..."


The light was slowly creeping inside down the stone floor "No time..." she says stressed "Here catch" she takes one of the orbs out throwing it across the room to him.


They both run towards the altar jumping on a top of it and take the sonics out holding the orbs high up in the air next to each other. Light hits the first mirror than another and another in a zig zag pattern across the room. The ray of light turns into almost laser accurate stripe


"NOW!!!" they point sonics up and their energy hits the ray of light inches before it reached the orbs. The light became so bright they both looked down to shelter their eyes from it. The orbs started shaking so much it was hard for both of them to keep them sturdy


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr....Can't hold it anymore!!!" she yelled


"Geronimoooooooo!!!!!" he yelled


Suddenly they both lit up shining bright blue light and started hovering up in the air


"Yeees!" he yells


"We did it!!!!! She jumped up in the air


"We did it!!" he says smiling


"We sure did...look at them..." she points up


"They are amazing...absolutely amazing" he jumped down and reached out with his hand and the orb lands in his hand "Look at that...what a life" he says with a smile across his face


The other one landed down as well, and she put both carefully in her bag.


"So, I guess this is it?" she said sadly "Maybe I'll see you around Doctor"


"Might know...I'm a phone call away" he stopped on the entrance of his Tardis and turned around "And that big thing...Don't worry about it... universe has its way of sorting things out. Listen to your hearts Doctor and it will be ok"


"Thank you! She puts her hand oh her hearts..."Doctor"


He does the same "Always Doctor" he stepped inside, and Tardis slowly faded away


Doctor walked up the steps of the temple and sat high up on one of the platforms dangling her feet over the edge. She sat there for a while looking at the sun slowly climbing up the sky. Wind was blowing in her face bringing smell of the ocean into her face, her golden hair was flowing in the wind across her face. "I've never asked you for anything, but please give me this one thing. I need it so much" she whispered into the wind.




Yaz was packing all their stuff waiting for the Doctor to return back when someone knocked at the door of their room.


"Sonya" she sees her sister standing in tears "OMG...come in" she pulls her by the hand into the room


As soon as she shut the door her sister through herself into her arms crying her eyes out


"You told him?"


"This is so hard Yaz"


"I know, I know" she stroke her hair "I am so so sorry Sonya"


They pull apart and her sister looked at her with her eyes blotchy and swollen from crying "I will never be happy Yaz"


"You will be happy. I promise"


"I just couldn't stay Yaz...I can't be without you all"


"I'm proud of you...this wasn't easy, but I promise won't regret it" she stroke her face


"Besides I want to be auntie" she smiles through the tears


"And you will be the best auntie. Hey, we will need babysitting whiles we're chasing Daleks" she laughs


"Deal..." she smiles "I need to go and pack now. Love ya" she closed the door and Yaz went back to packing


She stopped for a second and took the Tardis key into her hand "Going home" she smiles


"Hey" Doctor walked in


"Hey, you...I was getting worried. You're gone the whole morning"


She comes up to her and kissed her briefly "I stayed for a bit. Just dunno, thinking" she puts the orbs back on the window and Yaz comes behind her putting her arms around her waist and kisses her shoulder blade "Are you alright love?"


Yeah...why wouldn't I be?"


"Because when you say that sentence then you're not" she smiles, and Doctor turns around


"I'm fine" she kisses her forehead


"Sooooo how did go? … Tell meeeeee...I'm dying"


"We managed...but I messed it up...went to the wrong place" she laughs "I think I need glasses Yaz"


"Whaaat?" she laughs "Are you serious now"


"I am... very serious...I wore them before"


"I think they would suit you" she laughs and kisses her cheek


"But I don't want glasses Yaz" she whines making Yaz laugh


"Come on you...we're packed" she shows the bags on the bed


They get down to the courtyard Doctor rolling the suitcase down the stairs hitting the wheels on every single step without a care in the world.

Yaz walked behind her thinking she should say something but then gave up on it. It was just her silly wife being herself


"Hello fam!!" she yelled exited as she came down and letting the bag from her shoulder slam the ground making Yaz wonder what just shattered inside on the impact, but she let that one go as well "Ready to release some orbs?"


"Are we going as well?" Nadja asked confused


"Sure, why not...It's once in a life time experience" she answered pulling the suitcase inside and just dumping it by the door "I mean if you want to...don't have to"


"We do Doctor" Hakim replied swiftly


"Alright's settled" she zoomed inside and straight to the console


"Dad can you just please...?" Yaz points to the bags


"Yeah, sure honey" he takes both and rolling and taking to the side


"Alright...Ready? … Yaz?"


"Wobbling!" she replied going towards the console


They both get the Tardis ready, and Doctor pulled the lever. As they stopped, she opened the door to the weird place that looked completely uninhabitable with volcanoes and lava spilling out of everywhere

"You're leaving them here?" Sonya asked totally confused looking at all the lava


"Oh yeah...this is perfect for them Sonya. Not all the creatures in the universe need oxygen like we do...besides they will make it their own after a while"


She takes the orbs out of the bag letting them go "I hope you like it? ... If not I have 9 other places, I can show you"


The orbs floated for a while and suddenly they started shining a brilliant white light "They like it" says the Doctor with a huge smile on her face


The orb opened up and blinding light dispersed. Beautiful creatures suddenly began to emerge from the orbs of all shapes and sizes. They all appear as shiny silver ghost-like figures.


"That's beautiful" Yaz said hugging the Doctor "You did it love"


"We did it...all of us" she kissed her head smiling "Well, guess we're done here" she closes the door with a big smile and walks over to the console


"That was amazing" Nadja says



They landed in Sheffield and Yaza's eyes filled with tears as her family was about to leave. She knew she would see them soon, but she was still upset. Their presence provided her with the comfort she needed in a way. Spending all this time with them made her realize just how much she missed them.


"Don't cry baby...we will see each other soon" Nadja said stroking her face and wiping her tears "And remember we all want to be there when the baby comes"


"Of course, mum...wouldn't miss it for the world. I love you"


"Love you too baby"


She turns to the Doctor who waived from the door of the Tardis "Hey...that's not the way to great your family" Najia says firmly and smiles spreading her arms "Come here you"


The Doctor smiled and rushed into her arms. Nadja hugged her so hard that her hearts skipped a beat. She cupped the Doctor's face looking into her eyes "We're your family now, remember that. Whatever you need, we are always here whether you like it or not Doctor I don't care how old you are... and I can tell you off as well...both of you" she makes Doctor laugh


"Ok" she smiled back "Oh, I almost forgot...take this" she takes a phone out of her pocket "...just press's a direct line to us"


"Doctor!" Hakim hugs her "I had the best time in my life. Thank you. And thank you for being a part of my daughter’s life"


"By dad" Yaz hugs him "By pumpkin...let us know about the baby and take care of yourself. Listen to her...she knows her stuff, ok?"


"Alright dad" she smiles


Sonya stood aside. She was still sad and even more upset that she's having to say goodbye to her sister "Hey you...don't be sad. She needs her auntie. You made a good decision me. I love you so much" she squeezed her tight "I love you too sis...and you really are the best"


They walked inside and Yaz closed the Tardis door and turned around laying her head on Doctor's chest. She strokes her hair not saying anything just holding her tight.



Tardis stabilized on the old spot. And the Doctor took Yaz's hand. They walked outside to a familiar place. "We're home love" Yaz said leaning on her chest smiling.


Doctor kissed the top of her head "It's snowing" she said quietly


"It's come it's snowing already?"


"Oh...We missed few months"


Yaz rolled her eyes and laughed