Chapter 51

Hakim yelled for the Doctor as soon as he entered the courtyard and burst through the kitchen door holding his daughter in his arms. Blood dripping down her arm, ankle dislocated on her left leg 


"What happened!!!" Doctor ran inside. 


"Tardis" Sonya said twisting her face in pain "it exploded." 


"Whaaaaaaaat?" she stepped back, her head twitched, and her eyes opened wide, and she tried closing her mouth but somehow, she couldn’t. 


"We didn't do anything Doctor I swear" Hakim said " .... just took the medication and walked out it exploded when we walked out" 


She was visibly shocked and for the first time completely silent, frozen on a spot. She felt drumming in her ears and suddenly felt lightheaded, but Sonya was bleeding, and she didn't have time to get upset or panicky so she shook her head pulling herself together as much as she possibly could "Right....first thing time for that now.... Put her on a chair.” 


"OMG! DAAAD....SONYA!" Yaz said horrified from the door 


"Yaz! " Doctor turned "No time.... I need a clean towel...Now Yaz" 


"Alright ..." she said with a shaking voice 




"Yes?" she turned at the door 


"Don't say anything to your mother yet" 


"Alright" she said and rushed to their room 


"Doctor...I'm so sorry" Sonya said 


"For what? Don't be silly" she smiled and looked at Hakim "I'm gonna borrow your dad for a second" 


"Alright" she said 


They walked outside and Doctor never looked more serious since he met her "I need to fix that will hurt" 


"Ok..." he responded shaking 


"I need you to..." 


"I get it" 


"I also have to take that splinter out.... it’s big...I can fix it...but I have to take it out first" 


"Right..." he huffed. 


"I don't have medication or...well...I have to improvise as much as I can" 




He nodded but felt his legs give up on him. His mind raced between all the different horrible scenarios of how this could go wrong. They were at the wrong time, the wrong place, without medication, no Tardis and all he could think about was the infection and tetanus and other things he was desperately fighting not to think about. So, he decided to put all his faith in this alien, hoping she knew what she was doing 


They returned to the kitchen and the Doctor knelt on the floor and gently took Sonya's leg in her hands. 


"You're doing great.... Gold star for Sonya" she smiled "Did I tell you about the time when I lost my hand, and I grew another one?" 


"I think you might have mentioned it." 


"Not fun I tell you" she smiled and in a second clicked her ancle back into place 


Sonya screamed pain her dad pressed her face against himself stroking her hair 


"It's alright pumpkin...I'm so sorry" 


"I'm so sorry Sonya....You're being very brave. I'm proud of you" Doctor scrunched her face 


Yaz returned with a stack of clean towels. Her eyes locked with her wife's as soon as she came in. 


"Thank you" 


"I think mum might have woken up" Yaz said walking up to his sister and kissing the top of her head stroking her good arm. She still didn't know what happened and was afraid to even ask. But that didn't matter at the moment as she saw a massive piece of metal embedded in her sister's upper arm 


"Sonya" Doctor said gently 


"Mmmmmm?" She looked at her crying "You have to take it out....right?" 


"I'm afraid so...I won't lie It'll hurt" 


"Sonya?" Nadjia walked into the kitchen and almost passed put seeing her and all the blood on the floor 


"Muuum!!!" she cried out 


"OMG...What happened..." 


Hakim rushed to his wife “She’s gonna be fine...let the Doctor work" he stopped her at the kitchen door 


"Yaz darling" Doctor looked up and Yaz nodded 


"Sonya..." she said taking her sister's hand 


"Mmmm? " she looked up scared "I'm shitting myself" 


"I knoooow...Hey...guess're gonna be alright cause she needs her auntie" Yaz said placing her hand on her stomach 


"Right...she does" she nodded and didn't have time to say anything else before Doctor pulled out the metal from her arm. She hauled in pain so much Yaz closed her eyes for a moment and her father had to hold her mother. Blood gushed out of the wound and Doctor pressed the towel to it. She opened her hand, her palm started glowing, orange haze swirling around Sonyas arm as the wound started closing down.  


"OMFG" Sonyas eyes opened wide 


" good as new" Doctor smiled and moved her hand then stood up 


Her parents rushed over kissing her, still in shock how the wound was suddenly completely gone. 


Nadjia turned to the Doctor "Thank you. I don't know what to say" she kissed her cheek and stroke her face 


"It's alright" Doctor said quietly. 


"Thank you so much Doctor" Hakim hugged her "Don't know what we would do without you" 


"Probably be safer" she said sadly then walked over to the counter wiping blood of her hands 


"Heeeey" Yaz ran her hand over her back and turned her around 


Doctor slumped herself on her shoulder hugging her tightly "Tardis is gone" she whispered "Exploded." 


"Whaaaaaa?" Yaz pulled apart horrified she stared at her wordlessly waiting to see some reaction on her face that would indicate she herd that wrong, but there was none there.




"Could be worse" Doctor broke the silence at the table 


"Yeah...How?" Ryan asked 


"Not sure exactly" Doctor scrunched her nose "But I'm pretty sure it could" 


"We're stuck" Nadjia said 


"I'm having baby" Yaz said 


"Oh, don't worry Yaz...I'm sure It's gonna be fine by the time you're due" she smiled with a cramp across her face "I once rebuild the Tardis" 


"Well...Sonya could've died...That's worse" Hakim said 


"Thanks dad" Sonya said "...that's reinsuring.” 


Nadja got up and picked up her bag from the hook by the kitchen door 


"Where are you going mum?" Yaz frowned confused. 


"Looking for a job...At least I have experience in a tavern" 


"I think she cracked" Sonya said 


"I will get us out" Doctor said "I mean 7th century BC Tardis...its a bit of challenge I must admit even for me.... But I'm sure it'll be fine. I just need a plan...Quite few plans...maybe.... But first things first. I have to see what's left" she got up "...what happened...Exploding Tardis is not something that just happens over a burnt out circuitry." 


"I'm going with you" Yaz got up 


"Me too" Hakim said getting up 


"Should I also look for a job?" Ryan asked 




They arrived where the Tardis used to be. Pieces of the blown up ship were scattered in a huge radius. Doctor stood frozen at the site, her eyes helplessly wondering around. She let go of Yaz's hand and walked around between the debris of her beloved ship. Something got caught in her boot and she bent down picking up twisted door plaque from the ground wiping dust off it. A gentle hand brushed over her back, kiss to her shoulder felt soothing but not enough, nothing was enough right now. 


"Hey baby" Yaz said gently 


"There's nothing left" she said as her eyes wondered around lost 


"I knoooow...." Yaz ran her hand down her back gently "What are we gonna do baby?...How are we gonna get back?" 


"I don't know...I have to think...I need time to think Yaz" 


"I'm scared...the baby is coming" she leaned her head on her shoulder and wrapped her arm around her waist. 


Doctor swallowed deeply trying to keep her composure "There's always a way Yaz...We just need to find it" she draped her arm over Yaz's shoulder and kissed her temple 


"What could've caused it?" 


"I don't have clue...Sonic isn't picking up anything, readings are all over the place.... Also...where did she go?" she said drifting into her thoughts. 


"Where did who go baby?" Yaz asked confused. 


"Idris..." she whispered "...Unless...Yaz!!!!" she suddenly jumped off the ground giving Yaz a fright. 


"Whaaaa?" Yaz frowned 


"I've got an idea Yaz!!!...I don't know...might work....or's risky. But maybe...just maybe potato..." 


"What babe?" 


" me out...I'll show you what to look for...hopefully... if we're lucky Yaz" she grabbed her shoulders shaking her excited. 


"Speak up for god sake!...What babe?" 


"I might just be able to build a vortex manipulator Yaz" 


"You can?" 


"Should do Yaz...Then I can go back in time and stop the explosion...except I need to know what caused" she scrunched her face "but first thing first...I also need to get few things from the recharge.... should work" she shrugged 


After hours of going through all the leftovers Doctor had a full bag of parts they managed to salvage. Suddenly her mood lifted, and she was hoping along back towards the house. 






A It has already been a month since the accident. The Doctor worked tirelessly on her plan to return them to their home. Nobody knew what she was doing, and no one really understood. She would spend hours alone in a small room in the courtyard, which used to be some type of outdoor storage but had recently been converted into a Doctor's workshop. Yaz would bring her food and sit next to her, keeping her company, as she rarely went out before supper. Ryan and her father found employment at a nearby construction site, her mother and Sonya returned to the tavern, and Yaz took over the household, making sure she cooked dinner and did the washing. The Doctor created a makeshift washing machine out of Tardis parts that was powered by sonic, making the job for her much easier. Life was quite different, and not always easy, but no one complained, everyone recognized it was just an unfortunate scenario that everyone found themselves in, and they just rode it out in the hopes of getting home soon. Still, everyone secretly liked it, everyone except the Doctor, who was concerned and anxious for reasons she didn't want to discuss with Yaz for fear of scaring and worrying her. Yaz's due date was quickly approaching, baby was on its way. It wasn't the first time the Doctor found herself in a similar situation, but it was the first time she had a wife and a baby to think about. 


"Hey baby" Yaz smiled from the door carrying a tray of food 


Doctor lifted her head from her work with a smile "Hey wobbling potato...give it here" she hopped across the room and took a tray of her "Mmm...smells nice" 


"Hope it tastes nice as well" she chuckled giving her a short kiss "How's it going?" 


Doctor put the tray down and rushed to get the chair for her "Here... sit Yaz...goodness...Your feet" she looked down in horror as Yaz's ankles resembled a pair of donuts 


"I knoooow...this baby isn't being kind to me" she laughed running her palms over stomach 


"I'm so sorry" Doctor leaned over behind her wrapping her arms around her and kissed her cheek "She's a hand full already" she chuckled palming her stomach 


"I don't mind it..." Yaz looked up smiling "Reminds me she's yours" 


"Oi...cheeky potato" 


"Go and will get cold...Sooo tell me...How's it going babe?" 


"Arrrrh...all the parts are so broken Yaz...." she said picking up the part from the table twirling it in her hand " It's taking me forever to repair most of them...and I have to if I want this to work...If I don't do this properly I can end up....Well" she looked down to the table "...never mind that...anyway...I have to get it to work properly Yaz and all I have is a bunch of broken Tardis scraps" she threw it over her shoulder "I'm feeling a bit deflated after a month" 


"I should be helping you...I can help you" 


"No're doing enough" she said kissing the top of her head "...Should be more than ever... The baby is literally at the door" 


"I can’t wait to have this baby and go back to being myself" she huffed palming Doctor's hands on her stomach "Have you thought about it...if we can't go back" 


"Of course, we're gonna go back Yaz" Doctor jumped "We've been stuck before.... you’ve been stuck before...We've been through worse...It's just bugging me why this happened...What could've caused it...I can’t stop it unless I know what I'm looking for" 


"Do you think someone's trying to pop us off?" 


"They would've done it by now Yaz...or at least tried again after realizing we're all still alive...." she said with a sigh as she sat down "Makes no sense..." 


"Come your food...We can maybe do something nice later on" 


"I'd like that Yaz...Let's all go to the city in the evening and have some fun for a change.... Have a dance" she grinned "I miss dancing.” 


"Alright...sounds good to me" 




"OMG this heat is gonna kill us one day" Ryan said dropping the stone on a ground and sat down next to Hakim "You should sit in a shade you know" 


"I love the sun..." he said lifting his face to the sky 


"I give up" he laughed "There's something I wanted to talk to you about" 


"Alright...what son?" 


"Well....Sonya..." he squirmed uncomfortably "I care about Sonya...and....well...we get along nicely. You know...this life...stuff...things we share" 




"I wanna marry her" he spilled out then looked down to the floor anxiously 


"Are you asking for my daughter's hand Ryan?" Hakim smiled 


"I suppose so...Yes... haven't done this before but yes" 


"Really?" Hakim got up and stood Infront of him 


"Yeaaaah" Ryan looked up squinting his eyes from the sun "Is that ok with you?" 


"C'mere son" he opened his arms and Ryan smiled getting up "That's very much ok with me" he said tapping his back as he hugged him "Have you told Sonya?" 


"Yes...we spoke about it...We're not in rush or anything but it's something we would love to do once Yaz and the Doctor have a baby. We don't wanna take from that moment...So we thought later...Once the baby is here and all that, so please keep this between us two for the time being" 


"You just made an old man very happy" he smiled as he wrapped his hand the side of Ryan's neck lovingly then pulled him in for one more hug 




Sonya rolled up her sleeves and wiped her hands in a cloth as she set the plates down. She finished her work for the day and sat at the small wooden table with a cold drink. She watched people pass by on the busy street and realized how much she had grown attached to this place. It was unlike any other place they had ever visited. Apart from the Tardis exploding, which was clearly a problem in itself, this place was wonderful and serene, and even though they all worked, it still felt like a vacation compared to stinking cars and crowded buses back home. 


"Penny for your thoughts" a voice behind her jolted her 


"OMG Doctor!" she jumped "What are you two doing here?" 


"We thought we could do with a walk" Doctor said pulling the chair for Yaz 


"The baby's been giving me some serious kicks today...Maybe this will calm her down" Yaz said with a sigh sitting next to the Doctor on one chair and giggled as Doctor lifted her swollen feet on her lap. At least the dress she was wearing was made out of some light local fabric and it didn't stick to her. "Where's mum?" 


"Oh, she's finishing at the back.... Drink on a house?" 


"Definitely" Doctor smiled 


"Are you two hungry?" 


"No babe...thanks...just ate at home and there's dinner waiting for everyone" 


" back in a sec" she said rushing to get their drinks 


"This is nice Yaz" Doctor said haply and ran her hands soothingly over her puffy ankles "Stars Yaz your feet...I've never seen anything like this" 


"I knoooow...they are starting to resemble giant sequoia trees" she laughed as Doctor poked her finger at the little cushion on a side of her ankle 


"It's so puffy...There's a local herbalist. Maybe we should pay him a visit darling. Get some nice tea for you to keep the swelling down" 


"Could do...Stop poking it, it tickles" she giggled twitching her foot. Doctor laughed wiggling her toe with her fingers. "STOOP" she laughed 


"Here we go" Sonya said putting the drinks on the table "I'm so glad you came by.... And you...finally you got out of that room" 


"That's what I said..." Yaz laced their fingers together "She needs some fresh air...been stuck in that room for a month" 


"You're working way too hard Doctor" Sonya said ".... Sometimes you need to stop and have some fun...and maybe when you do you're gonna get some ideas that you're not seeing now cause you're just so stressed" 


"Mmmm....that's actually very true Sonya...won't deny any of it...Maybe I just need to be reminded sometimes" 




Yaz put on a new dress Doctor had bought her on the way back from the tavern. She was smitten by the vibrantly colored embroidery and a beautiful sheer fabric. She also picked up a new pair of comfortable shoes that she had ordered a week before and that were handmade for her, which made her excited as they suited her puffy feet much better. She stood in front of the mirror, palming her tummy, knowing it wouldn't be long until she saw her baby, she was growing restless for that day to arrive. Her hair has now grown almost to her waist, and the Doctor refused to cut it for her, always finding some excuses when Yaz would ask her, she thought it was cute and decided to keep it if it makes her so happy, after all, she always wanted long hair like her grandmother. 


"Ready?" Doctor asked passing behind her dropping a short kiss to her shoulder 


"Mmmm...look..." she lifted her dress showing the sides of her belly pouting her lips 


"What am I looking at?" Doctor asked confused 


"This" she ran her fingers over the dark stripes across her sides" 


"Oh...just few stretch marks Yaz" Doctor said crouching next to her to get a better look "...Nothing to worry about. I can make you some cream for it" 


"Mmmm" she looked at her disappointed "Will it say?" 


"They're cute...don't worry about it" she popped few kisses over them looking up at her smiling "Just baby growing Yaz...body's normal" 


"Mmmm..." she hummed with a smile and grabbed her wrist pulling her up "C'mere sexy" she smiled pulling her closer and ran her fingers down the yellow braces then trailed her hands over the dip of her waist then closed her arms around her "Hello" she smiled into her lips squeezing her bum cheeks 


"Well, hello back" Doctor raised her eyebrows 


"Missed ya" she said kissing her shortly 


"I haven't left anywhere" 


"No... but you haven't been present either...Empty bed..." 


"I'm sorry" she pouted rocking Yaz side to side in her arms barely reaching around her anymore. 


"Can you sleep next to me tonight.... pleaseeee.... just tonight at least" 


"Alright potato...I'll sleep next to you I promise" 


"Pinky promise?" Yaz lifted her finger 


"Pinky promise" she smiled hooking her finger to hers then wrapped her fingers around her face pulling her into a proper kiss, long, deep, and passionate, the kind that Yaz hasn't had in a while now, ever since they got stuck in this place. As they pulled apart Doctor's thumb still brushed over her cheek and her eyes gazed around her face as if she was looking for an answer to some important question. 


"What baby?" Yaz smiled wrapping her fingers around her wrist "Why are you looking at me as if I'm gonna disappear?" 


"I really love you Yaz...both of you" 


"I know you do baby.... I love you too" she said  kissing her palm 


"I should tell you more often" 


"You tell me all the time...but it's can tell me more" she giggled "Come on...let's go have some fun" she dotted one more short kiss to her lips and tugged on her hand 






After the intense heat finally subsided and fresh air struck the streets, it chased away the nasty smell of animal feces and the heavy scent of food which gathered over the day between the thick stone walls. 

The city had a different feel in the evening with street performers on every corner and stands selling garments, textiles, and trinkets of all kinds. They passed a man playing some unusual instrument, some ladies chatting on a corner, and men playing a game on the side of the street around a makeshift table. 


Yaz examined a set of lovely bracelets for her sister and mother. Doctor's attention was drawn to a nearby stand selling herbs, and she struck up a lengthy chat with the proprietor. As she stood by the stand Yaz felt a chilly air scrape her back and weird tingles down her spine as she was about to pay for the bracelets. She turned swiftly and saw nothing out of the ordinary, then turned to face the Doctor, who was still deep in conversation, and disregarded it... As she held out her hand to offer the money, suddenly everything around her vanished, leaving her in a strange location that resembled a desert at night. She looked up at millions of stars in the night sky then looked down as she felt sand between her bare toes and saw water droplets rising from the ground floating around her, then out of the darkness she saw something far down in a desert between the endless dunes, and her breath got caught in the back of her throat, it was Tardis. Then everything went black, and she was back at the stand, with the man staring at her curiously. 


"Are out alright madam?" he asked and she shook her head 


"Yeah...sorry...must have gotten a bit dizzy" she said giving him the money 


"Could be the heat your condition you should be careful" the man said 


"Maybe" she said still dazed and took the bracelets 


"What did you get?" Doctor smiled over her shoulder 


" just some bracelets for mum and Sonya...Like them?" she turned around with a subtle smile 


"Love them...but you look a bit pale...You alright potato?" Doctor said resting her palm gently on her face 


"Yeaaaah I had a bit of a dizzy spell" 


"It's a bit stuffy air...way too many people..." she said as she was suddenly getting flustered "Let's go somewhere where there's more air Yaz" 


"Yeah...maybe...Where's everyone else?" 


"Somewhere around here..." she looked around the crowd "Not sure..." she frowned "I think we might have lost them Yaz" 


"We can sit over there look..." she pointed "I do fancy one of their meat pies" 


"Good idea Yaz...maybe you're just hungry.... Are you hungry? I don't think you're eating enough protein Yaz...You need more protein." 


"I'm fine" she giggled as she was being dragged quickly through the crowd towards the tables "I just fancy a pie." 


"Pie is excellent idea...I have to go and see that herbalist tomorrow, but I did get some nice tea for your swollen feeties...If we had Tardis, she'd make you special meals.... We really need to get the Tardis back Yaz...I don't like this at all.... You need nutrition, well balanced meals." 


"I am having balanced meals." 


"Not even close to how you should be...Way too much fiber, not enough protein, definitely not enough dairy" she kept rambling and Yaz kept giggling. 


She thought it was just adorable. She knew nothing about balanced meals and was unconcerned about nutritional value. She spent most of her life eating whatever she wanted from the fridge. However, because she was pregnant, Doctor was concerned about the pregnancy stressing her body. It wasn't generally an issue, and Yaz had become accustomed to Tardis supplementary meals, but in this place, they were sorely lacking some of their favorite foods. 


Doctor raced to make the order after she finally sat down. Yaz twirled one of the bracelets she bought in her palm while waiting for her to return, thinking about what she saw. She didn't know what to make of it, unsure whether it was real or whether she was just dizzy, and her mind was playing tricks on her. She debated whether to mention anything to the Doctor or simply leave it alone for the time being because she didn't want to add to her wife's already heavy workload. 


"Here we pie and your favorite drink" Doctor said haply putting everything in front of her 


"That's two pies, are you having one?" 


"Oh, no Yaz...I'm not hungry" 


"I can't eat all that" 


"Protein for you and one for the baby" 


"Babeeeee..." she whined "I'm gonna be sick" 


"They're only small...Just eat slowly" 


"Oh god" 


"I just spoke with the owner and there's some nice music by the Ziggurat...wanna go?" she grinned 


"I doooo...I just don't know how I am supposed to dance after all this food" 


"Slowly" Doctor grinned teasing her 


"Apparently" Yaz laughed and shoved a piece of a pie into Doctors mouth 


"Mmmm...they are nice...this is nice" she said resting her head on her arm "I missed it Yaz" 


"I know we have to get out of here, but you really need to give yourself a break as well" 


"I knoooow.... I get's hard to get my brains to do it though...Gets a bit fuzzy when I work" 


"No shit" she giggled "Were you always like that? You told me you took a lit of breaks before..." 


"Oh, definitely Yaz...Can't work all the time. I love to travel, see places, help where I can but I also do sometimes need time for myself.... stop and enjoy life. Or you stop seeing stuff that's around you, they just pass you by" 


"It's just been crazy ten years for us.... But we did have a lot of fun" 


"We haveeee" she smiled "We had some really nice times together...I do miss my fam..." she sighed "It was the best...all of you with me" 


"We can still do it again..." 


"We better" she smiled "And when the baby is born Yaz...wanna show her the universe...." she said excitedly "Well the safe part of the universe" 


"Can't keep her under a glass bell you know.... She’s you daughter...Next thing you know she'll want her own Tardis" Yaz laughed 


"Oh no no...."




"I'm not having her run around alone.... She can go with us" she said wiggling in her chair 


"I'll remind you of this in 20 years" she laughed and shoved one more piece of pue in her mouth 


"I still can't quite believe I'll get to hold her soon...See her.... what she looks like...hear her voice get to hold her hand" she melted "I'm gonna be mum Yaz" she smiled widely 


"You are..." she reached across the table lacing their fingers "It's all like a's been months and I still have to pinch myself sometimes...With all of it.... you and me" she brushed her thumb over Doctor's hand lovingly "...her...this place all of it. When I thought life can't possibly be more" 


"Life can always be more Yaz...there's so much out there that's more, more than we could even imagine...We just need to grab it...But we sometimes forget to do it...Me especially, more times than I want to admit even to myself" she rolled her lips and brought Yaz's hand to her lips kissing her knuckles 


"We should remind each other" she smiled 


"Yes we should" she smiled 


"Heeey" Sonya waived from the crowd 


"Aaaaaaa....there you are" Doctor smiled ".... Thought we lost you for a moment there" 


"Neah...can't get rid of us that easy Doctor" she giggled "We got held up down there.... My dad was showing some guy how to make pancakes" she laughed 


"Don't you change history" Doctor pointed a finger at her "First ever pancakes were made in Greece 600 BC...can't have them here" 


"Don't worry.... he didn't get it.." she chuckled sitting down "But dad had fun" 


"Where are they?" 


"Still having a discussion over some vase and poor Ryan is having to stay cause mum wants leverage over dad" she laughed "What have you two been doing?" 


"Oh....look" Yaz reached into her little bag "Got you something" she smiled pulling the little bracelet out 


"Oh waaaaw..  you got me that?" 


"Aha...give us a hand...let me put it on" 


"It's beautiful...I love the glass" 


"Stunning isn't it...They look like some planets" 


" they do...Thank youuuu" she got up and hugged her sister "Still can't get used to not arguing with you" 


"Me neither..." Yaz laughed 


"So... you are enjoying a free evening Doctor?" 


"Very much so. I wanna go dancing.... There’s some music down there.. I love dancing" 


"Yeeeah!!!.... let’s do it" 






As they all approached closer the sound of the drums echoed through the streets and Doctor's bum started having a mind of its own. Sonya poked Ryan giggling pointing at the Doctor. 


"I knoooow... she just goes off on one" he laughed. 


"Totally out of rhythm"


"It's tragic"


"She's such a dork" she laughed. 


Doctor wiggled her bum with a music or better trying to, pulling Yaz's hand with a massive smile across her face 


"C'mere Yaz....let's get closer" she giggled pulling her through the crowd until they finally reached a place where they could dance joining the other people 


"Hey...wanna join them?" Hakim nudged his wife 


"I thought you'd never ask" she smiled 


Yaz was trying to keep up with the music thinking how her baby must be bouncing around in her stomach made her laugh even more as Doctor held her hand and wrapped the other one around her waist swinging her around. 


It was getting late, and they decided to head back home. But Ryan was hungry from all the walking and dancing, so he stopped off to get some food. 


"My feet" Yaz whined hanging off the Doctor's shoulder. 


"I’m so sorry Yaz" Doctor kissed her temple "But that was fun" 


"It was actually. Mum, you haven't danced so much since I was born" 


"Or before" she laughed 


Ryan caught up with them and walked next to the Doctor eating his wrap.


"You shouldn't be eating that" Doctor said randomly. 


"Hum?" he mumbled with his mouth full visibly concerned. 


"Why?" Sonya asked confused 


"I'm debating should I tell you now since you already have it in you mouth" 


Ryan stopped chewing his eyes widened in panic 


"Why? What's he eating?" Yaz frowned 


"Tachok...local delicacy...highly recommended by local men Yaz....It is believed that it improves...well" she vaguely waived her hand in front of the certain part of her anatomy "sexual performance." 


"Huh?" Ryan's eyes opened wide and his mouth fell open 


"It's a ram testicle Ryan" Doctor said 


Suddenly everyone went quite 


"I did say I'm debating whether to say it" she shrugged 


Ryan turned around spitting food out of his mouth and rubbing his tongue with his shirt. 

Yaz suddenly burst out laughing 


"On a second thought...I'm getting a bit peckish" Hakim said 


"Daaaad!" Sonya yelled "Ewwwww...." 


"OMG" Nadja slapped his shoulder 


Sonya and Yaz were screaming, and Doctor started laughing as well 


"There's no scientific proof though Hakim.....I wouldn't recommend it" she said 


"Aaaaaaaaa....Stoooop....La la la la la" Yaz yelled putting her fingers in her ears 


"Just saying.... Never tried it myself thank you very much.....ewwww" Doctor said twisting her face in disgust 


"Shhhh....enough!" Yaz put her hand over Doctor's mouth absolutely screaming. 


"I'm gonna have to bleach my ears" Sonya said and looked towards Ryan who was still spitting on the floor 



It was late when they came back home. Yaz was stumbling up the stairs holding on to the Doctors arm, her feet hurt and now her back started hurting as well. But they were still laughing at Ryan. She tripped on the last step grabbing the Doctor. 


"Oh dear...C'mere potato" Doctor picked her up in the end carried her towards the room. Yaz giggled all the way blowing air into her cheek making her laugh as she was thumbing through the door. 


"Poor Ryan…. I still can’t believe he ate that thing…” Yaz giggled “Aren't you lucky you don't need to think about that this time around?" she laughed blowing in her ear playfully  


"I never had to" she winked cheeky at her 


"Uuuuu...cocky, are we?" She laughed 


"Just saying" she said booting the door open "Besides it's you who is lucky not having to think about it this time around Yaz" 


She put her on the ground grinning "Biological sex is very flexible for me" she said and kissed her temple “Doesn’t faze me potato”


"Hmmmmm..." Yaz mumbled into her chin "I still think I got the best regen" she giggled and smacked a kiss to her lips haply then rushed to the bathroom as her bladder was going to explode by this point 


Doctor removed her coat leaving it on the chair and flipped her braces off her shoulders, Yaz beamed from the bathroom as she realized she'd be staying with her tonight. She slipped underneath the covers and wrapped herself around her 


"You're cold" she said as her fingers trailed down the cold skin of her back 


"Mmmm...little" Doctor hummed pressing a long kiss to the creese of her neck and tucking her face into it "I missed this" she said faintly falling asleep, her exhausted body finally relaxing, falling into the mattress.



Winter Dream Chapter 51
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