Chapter 12


Everyone left early in a morning and suddenly Tardis felt so empty again, almost ghostly. Doctor was slumped her usual way over the console fiddling around some wires she pulled out and Yaz was putting Christmas decorations in the boxes

" help!" She yells from the other end of the control room trying to lay down the massive Christmas tree on a floor but task proved a bit too much to handle for only one person.

Doctor walked over laughing and just stood there with her hands on her hips looking at Yaz covered with a Christmas tree desperately trying to hold it

"I thought you're a big girl and you are perfectly capable of handling a Christmas tree after single handedly fighting a bunch of Cyberman" Doctor quotes her words smirking and enjoying in a moment

"Oh stop that and help me out!!!!"

"Oh come on you're a big girl...what's a Christmas tree for you" she continues with a smug face

"I swear when I get out of here" she was losing a grip and the tree started falling

" don't have to threaten me...I'm scared already" Doctor grabs a tree with one hand putting on a floor

"I hate you!" she shakes off pine needles off her top

"No you don't" she's walking towards the console smirking "You pine over me"

"Not now I don't " she says stressed still trying to get the needles out of her hair

"I can prove it to you in a second so don't start what you can't finish" she smiles and continues fiddling with wires

Yaz continued pulling boxes across the floor ignoring her knowing full well she is right

"Hey, tomorrow I'm taking you somewhere really nice so make sure you dress warm it's a quite a walk from here but it will blow your mind"

She looks up at her smiling and leaves the box on a floor walking around the console and slumping herself on her back

"Continuing to dazzle me? Don't you think you've done enough?"

"Nope...not even close...Besides what are we supposed to do inside of Tardis the whole day it gets boring"

"Oh well I don't know..." she starts running her fingers down Doctors hand

"Oh, I can do that anywhere Yaz" she replies smirking and shaking her head

"Ouch...excuse me Casanova"

"Oh, he is highly overrated Yaz" she looks up shortly making a short comment and Yaz's eyes open wide


"Whaa..? Nooo!!!" she scrunches her face "eeewwwwww That's not what I meant for god’s sake Yaz" Doctor jumped

"I thought I'm gonna have to bleach my brain there for a second" Yaz smiles and walks to the other side of the console. She slumps on a console making a cheeky face "Have you ever been with a man?"

Doctor ignored her completely continuing what she's doing

"I know you heard that"

"I did"


"Have you?" Doctor asks not lifting her head up

"Oh come on that's not fair..."

"Yeah?..Why not're asking me?...You went there, not me”

Yaz paused for a second in silence, Doctor was still fiddling with wires not looking at her, she answers quietly " I haven't...I only ever been with you like that"

Doctor swallowed hard and then looked up to her "Well neither have I...satisfied?

She looks back down in silence. It was a bit of awkward silence for few minutes where Yaz just glided her hand over the console not really knowing how to handle the situation she started

"Why are you embarrassed now?" Doctor asks still looking down pulling more wires out of the console

"No I'm nooot!" she answers defensively knowing that she is

"Yes you are....The point that I'm making is that you're asking me question that you're not prepared to hear an answer for...what if I said yes?" she looks up at her

"What?" Yaz's eyes open wide in confusion

"See...exactly my point...No Yaz I haven't, not from those memories I do have anyway...Ruth had a husband, but I don't have those memories...But if you are gonna ask me stuff like that, think if you can handle my answer. If you want to know stuff we can talk about everything...just not like this"

"Alright..." she looks down to the console embarrassed she even went there.

Doctor dropped what she was doing and walked up to her turning her towards herself.
She slides her hands around her waist "I'm not telling you off Yaz...Look at me"


"I know what you can handle Yaz...I just don't want you being in pain that's all. So... questions?"

"Nooo...I think I'm done for today" she smiles holding on to her braces nervously pulling them

"Alright" Doctor smiles back "You wanna help me with this? I could use your help"

"Yeah" she nodded smiling and kissed her short

"So, about tomorrow" Doctor starts bouncing around "This place is known only from some legends. Nobody knows it's real...Well not that I know"

"So how do you know it's real?"

"I stumbled on it running away from a dragon...that was a weird day"

"Whaaat.. why were you running away from a dragon? What did you do?"

"What did I do? Why would I do anything? ..."

Yaz lifts her eyebrow

"Alright. Well, I was going to put it back...I just wanted to measure the size of the egg for my research...They are so sensitive honestly...I really tried to explain myself"

Yaz laughed and shook her head. She loved this weird beautiful woman with every cell in her body.