Chapter 1



The sun was blazing hot on this July afternoon as Yaz drove to the hospital. It was a big day, a day her family had been eagerly awaiting for months. Mom called less than twenty minutes ago that her sister was in labor. She was so excited about being an aunt that she almost missed the turn. Her phone kept ringing, but she ignored it until she finally parked the car.

"Mum stop freaking out for fuck sake I'm here" she said slamming the car door forgetting to lock it and rushed over the parking

"Alright...I was just getting worried"

"Where are you?" she said rolling her eyes

"I'm right in front the entrance"

"Alright I can see you" she hang up the phone and ran towards her "Hey..." she leaned over kissing her cheek "You can't call me like that when I'm driving mum. I'm gonna fucking kill someone. Come on...let's go...Where's dad?" she asked opening the door

"I called him he's coming"

"Did jerk come?"

"Yaaaz!" Nadjia snapped at her

"Well, he's a jerk and I'm not gonna apologize for it" she said as they waited for the elevator

"No, he didn't pick up the phone"

"Surprise" she said ironically

"I left him a message" her mum said calmly as they walked inside the elevator

"Why do you even fucking bother? He obviously doesn't give a fuck about her or the baby"

"I don't know Yaz...What if he changes his mind?"

"Honest...for her sake and that babies I hope he doesn't."

"Don't say that Yaz...Child needs a father"

"No it doesn't...Child needs a parent...there's a difference" she said with a sigh letting her mum through first then following her into the hallway

They sat in the waiting room for nearly an hour. Minutes seemed like hours for them. Her mum came out and quickly stod up.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?"

"Nothing is wrong Yaz, don't worry. Just waiting  for the doctor. They wanna do the ultrasound"

"Why...why do they do the ultrasound...isn't she having a baby?"

"Calm down honey" her mum stroke her cheek "She's fine, it's just a normal procedure and the doctor is delivering some other baby so we have to wait"

"Wait? Wtf...this isn't a post office...she can't wait"

"Yaz...calm down. She's fine...look why don't you go out a bit. Get some air and I'll call you alright"

"Alright" she pouted her lips "I'm gonna get some drinks...You want some?"

"No thanks darling, you go ahead. I'll call you if we have any news"

"Alright mum" she gave her a little wave and went down the hall to the ground floor where she remembered seeing the vending machines.

It was a beautiful summer day and she thought about sitting outside for a while in the fresh air. She was nervous as the minutes ticked by, but she knew her sister was fine as long as her mother was with her. Still, she wished she could be by her side in some way other than dragging herself up and down the corridor of the maternity ward

"Oh come ooon!" she whined as the machine spewed out a bottle of water instead of Coke

"It doesn't work properly for a week now" a soft voice said behind her and she turned around

There was a tiny blonde standing behind her smiling.

"I just wanted some Coke" she said and turned around towards the machine "it gave me water"

"Well I just want some water. So wanna try again?" she smiled

"Oh, that's so sweet...Alright then"

The young woman reached out from behind her and pressed the card to the machine "Which one?"

"Cherry one please 24A"

"Alright...let's hope we don't get Fanta this time" she giggled pressing the numbers "I got that the other day...I hate it...just sugar and artificial die"

"No different than a Coke really" Yaz laughed

"Oh, sorry" she looked up at her hunched over the machine "Sometimes my tongue is faster than my brain"

"Don't worry,  I'm under no illusion...I know it's crap"

" we go...Coke" she jumped exited

"You're a star...thank" she opened her palm offering her a difference in money

"" she waived her hand "Don't be pleasure"

"Thank're very kind" she smiled "Yasmin Khan" she reached out with her hand "Yaz to my friends"

"Alex Sigma...Nice to meet you...Yaz

"You're doctor?" she asked pointing to her coat

"OBGYN actually...I'm on my lunch break"

"Oh, my sister is having a baby"

"Aaaa...isn't that nice" she grinned haply "She's not my patient then or I'd be up there delivering it" she laughed

"Listen...I was gonna go out get some air...."

"Oh...sorry" she jumped apologetic "I'm so sorry I have a problem shutting up sometimes"

Yaz laughed "That's fine...I was gonna ask you if you wanna join me? Since you got me drink now"

"Oh" she stopped confused for a second "I'd love to if you don't mind"

"Not at all...I think I scrolled through the whole TikTok from boredom anyway"

Alex laughed as they walked outside the hospital. She was happy to talk to someone about something that was not related to her work. In fact, she was happy to finally share her lunch break with another person rather than sitting alone on the wall outside the hospital eating a sandwich.

"You look very worried if you don't mind me saying. Is everything alright?" Alex said as they walked out seeing Yaz looking at her watch nervously

"This is taking forever, I'm starting to worry" she said when she released it's been almost an hour and a half since she arrived and her sister had been in there even longer

"You mean with the baby?"

"Yes, she's in there for almost two hours"

"Babies take time...sometimes several hours"

"Blimey...I'm just nervous" she frowned

"Is it her first baby?"

"Yes, and a first one in a family as well so it's a big thing....I'm so exited but I'm also freaking out" she smiled

"Don't be...freaking out I mean. She's in a hospital so she has the best care. I can make a call if you want" she said reaching into her pocket for phone

"Oh...nooo...sorry" Yaz got flustered "This is embarrassing...I'm sure everything is fine and I'm just being...hysterical as usual"

Alex smiled "It's alright...we had worse...seen worse as well. Last place I worked the husband kept passing out so much he needed more help than his wife"

"I'm not gonna pass out just yet....but I'm not giving any guarantees" she laughed "You said your last post?"

"North Yorkshire" she said throwing the paper form her sandwich to a bin then returned back to Yaz "I moved from there"

"Oh did ya? I've got a mate from there. When did you move?"

"Three weeks ago...It was great job opportunity I guess I didn't think about the other stuff"

"Other stuff?" Yaz asked confused

"Oh, you know...just miss my family and friends. Don't really know anyone here" she was saying looking towards the street twirling the cuff of her coat through her fingers then turned to Yaz smiling "So what do you do Yaz? If you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm a graphic designer" she said sitting down on a concrete wall next to her

"Aaaa...That's interesting...creative...I like creative people...huge imagination"

"I suppose so..." she giggled "I work from home so it get a bit lonely too"

Yaz's phone rang and reached into the pocket of her jeans "Sorry" she turned towards Alex

"No, no...go ahead"

"Whaaat?...What do you mean no baby? "

Alex smiled shaking her head looking down to the floor

"Nope...just fake contractions. She's being released as we speak" her mother said on the other end
"Oh, for fuck sake..." she said then turned to Alex embarrassed "Sooorry"

"Don't worry about it" she laughed

"Alright mum I'm coming up"

"She's exhausted Yaz...don't worry about it...just go home. I'll call you in the evening"

"Alright..." she said deflated "Tell her I love her"

"I will baby...bye"

"Buy mum" she hang up disappointed

"Is everything alright?"

"Fake contractions...what the hell?"

"It happens...could be just digestive problems as well. Don't worry about it"

"Mmmm...well that baby better come soon cause I don't think I can handle this stress more than once. Listen...I'm so sorry I don't mean to be rude...I have to go"

"Yeah problem" Alex got up ready to leave "Well, it was nice chatting to you Yaz" she reached her hand out for a shake. She didn't feel like leaving and felt like she wanted to say something but saying anything at this point to a complete stranger would just sound strange so she stopped herself

"No wait" Yaz almost yelled as Alex turned around. She got flustered worried how her next sentence will come out because she really didn't want to sound rude. "You said you just moved and...Wanna come for a drink or something?...I'm sorry if this is too..."

"Yes, yes I'd love that!" she said exited

"You said you don't know anyone so I thought...Did you just say yes?" she frowned

"Yes...I did" she smiled "I finish at six" she pointed towards the hospital awkwardly


"I can give you my number!" Alex shoot out with her eyes open wide and a big smile across her face

"Number...yes of course...and I'll give mine...I'm on WhatsApp" Yaz scrambled with her phone almost dropping it. And Alex already wiped hers out of her pocket.

They quickly exchanged the numbers and checking by Alex calling her before she even had a time to grab her thoughts

"Brilliant!" Alex said beaming

"Do you need me to pick you up or.."

"Oh, no...thanks I have a car. Just text where to go"

"Alright then...I'll think of something and I'll let you know" she smiled

"Alright then Yasmin...I'll see you later then" she said with a big smile fighting to tuck her hair behind her ear as it was being blown by the wind across her face

"See ya" Yaz waived turning towards the parking lot

"Hey Yaz!" she called her out

"Yes?" she turned

"Thanks for this"

"Don't mention it...see ya soon...go deliver some babies" she smiled back at her and turned around

Alex stayed another minute watching her leave with a big nervous sigh. This little gesture from a complete stranger meant a lot to her. She missed her family and friends and had pretty much buried herself in work since arriving. But it wasn't the same sitting at home alone every night watching TV and having no one to meet. She was getting so lonely that she seriously considered adopting a cat so that at least someone would be happy to see her when she came home. She turned and went back to work excited about the end of her shift today.




It was almost five and Yaz was in a hurry to get ready. She quickly texted Alex where to meet and was now frantically trying to get ready. The last thing she wanted to do was have the poor woman standing alone outside the restaurant waiting for her. So she jumped as she pulled on her jeans and quickly tucked her shirt into her trousers hopping for the bathroom tripping over things on the floor.

"The fucking state of me" she said looking at her fizzy hair in the mirror. The trip to the hospital took up her time, and she had a deadline for her latest project, so she stopped work at the last minute before she had to seriously start getting ready. But her time management was always lousy so by time she took a shower she realized that unless she had a time machine she would definitely be late.

She quickly sent another message to Alex explaining and apologizing for being late and got a really chirping reply back from her, obviously not too bothered about it to her absolute relief.

Alex was already standing in front, but if it hadn't been for the straight blonde, Yaz wouldn't have recognized her at all. There was a woman dressed so elegantly that she felt her jaw hit the floor at the sight of her in beautiful black trousers with a white shirt and tie hanging loosely from her collar standing on the pavement looking at her phone. Yaz quickened her steps and as she approached closer and called out for her. "Alex!"

The other woman looked up beaming a massive smile


"I'm sooooory...This is absolutely gross" she said apologetically as she was coming closer "I'm so lousy when it comes to organizing my time"

"You seriously worry too much..." she kept smiling non stop "I only came five minutes ago"

"Thank god" she said as she was finally next to her

"Shall we" she pointed haply to the door

"Absolutely yes"

"This is a nice place. Do you come here often?"

"No, never been here before. But I pass next to it practically every day and always wanted to come" she said as they came inside

"Oh, why didn't you?"

"Not much fun sitting in a nice restaurant alone"

"Oh, you have no idea how much I understand that"

"Good evening ma'am" the young man said  at the desk "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes...yes we do" she said nervously "Yasmin Khan" she replied and glanced over to Alex nervously. She never had a reservation for a table before but she would rather die than admit it so she desperately tried to play it cool

"This way please" the young man left the desk leading them to the table "Would you like something to drink before you look at the menu?"

"Yes please" Yaz replied and turned to Alex "Alex?"

"Orange juice please. Iff you have freshly squeezed I'd prefer that"

"We do"

"Brilliant" she said happily wiggling inside her chair

"Just Coke for me please" Yaz said to the man

"So how was your day...any babies you delivered?"

"Two actually" she smiled proudly showing two fingers up in the air

"Blimey, well you don't waist your days" she laughed "Do you have kids?"

"No" she nodded "I can't have them Yaz"

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to.."

"That's's a perfectly normal question. Don't get embarrassed. Well, you said your sisters is the first baby in a family so I don't need to ask the same"

"Right " Yaz giggled "Sorry about that today. I was so hysterical"

"Just a bit nervous I would say. So how was your day?"

"Crazy" she laughed taking a glass with a drink "I have a deadline for this client and I wasn't planning a hospital trip today"

"I must say I'm glad your plans went wrong"

"Thanks" she laughed "As it happens so am I"


"Should we order some food I'm starving"

"Yes am I...I only had that sandwich and it wasn't very nice"

The food arrived fairly quickly while they were talking. The more Yaz spoke to her, the more she liked her. She was the bubbliest person she had ever met. And now she understood why she said she could never be silent. She had never met anyone who could talk so much and so quickly, but she found it wonderful and refreshing.

"Mmmm...I was wondering" Alex said scoffing through her plate like she hasn't eaten in three  days "What are your plans for this weekend?"

"My social life is so busy I need to check my diary and decide whether to wach Netflix all day on a sofa or go to mums out of pure desperation..." she laughed "Why?"

Alex laughed "Well, then it's busier than mine. I don't even have a mum opton...unless I call her...which I probably can't because unlike me she's got friends and will be out the whole day"

"Bloody hell...aren't we a pair of saddos" Yaz giggled "What's your plan?"

"Honestly no plan...but I'm sure I'll have one by Friday. I just wanted to know iff you're free to meet up"


"Oh, brilliant now I don't need to go the shelter" Alex said taking a sip of juice

"You whaa?"

"I was gonna adopt a cat"

Yaz burst out laughing "I actually fucking did that"

"You whaaa?"

"I got a kitten a month ago cause I was so fucking desperate to talk to someone" she laughed

Alex almost choked on her drink laughing

"I thought it was such a brilliant idea to move out of my parents apartment just to basically end up going there every day after work.  I should've just cancelled the rental agreement after my last relationship fiasco"

Alex was going to say something but she was busy cleaning up her plate.

"Do you want some desert?" Yaz said after seeing her go through the whole plate of food within ten minutes and then smearing bread over it to get it all cleaned up as well "Or we can order another meal?" she giggled

"Sorry...That's is embarrassing...I was so hungry...And yes desert sounds awesome" she grinned

"I thought you might like the Idea" she giggled

"So what made you choose to be OBGYN?"


"I love pregnant women...Oh god that didn't come out right...I didn't mean it that way"

"It's ok" Yaz was choking laughing "I'll give you time to explain yourself"

"Sorry that really doesn't sound right...I'm just fascinated with it. The whole concept of pregnancy and how one body can create and carry and give birth to another human. It's so beautiful and so unique I just wanted to be a part of it in some way"


"Yeah, see I can't do I suppose we are attracted and fascinated by things we want but can't have. I always knew I wanted that ever since I was in a primary"

"That's beautiful...means you do it truly from our heart" Yaz said as she was putting her fork down.

"I do...I really do. I wanted to go to Zambia six months ago then mum talked me out of it when I got this job opportunity"


"It's voluntary just for a month"

"Waaaaaaw...that's amazing"

"I went twice already...I do love Zambia...There's something about it that draws me there all the time" she said dreamy

"I'd love to travel, see new must be amazing"

"You never know...maybe you will one day"

"I hope so....cake?"

"Yes yes" she said exited like a kid




"Well, thank you for a nice evening...I really enjoyed it" Alex said as they walked out "Next time my treat"

"Deal...I'm looking forward to the weekend"

"Me too...I'm so chuffed"

"Is your car close or?"

"Oh, yeah...just around the corner"

"Alright then...well we text tomorrow and arrange everything"

"Sure" Alex stepped forward and hugged her tightly taking her back "Thanks for really means a lot"

"Likewise" Yaz smiled falling into a surprised hug. She was taken back not only by the hug, but also by the energy emanating from her, which felt like a ray of sunshine. There was something about Alex's warm and inviting nature that was almost addictive. He was drawn to it like a magnet.

"Alright...well, I suppose I should let you go now. Night night Yazee" she smiled and gave a little waive before turning around and leaving

"Nigh night"

Yaz came home with a smile for the first time in months. She was buzzing with energy like she had ten hours of sleep hopping to the kitchen to feed her cat.

"Hey you...sorry" she bend down and picked up her friend into her arms "I're not used to being alone. I'm sorry...but I got something nice for you" she said kissing her head and then setting her down on the floor. She herd her phone pinging as she placed the pet bowl on the floor and picked it up with a smile.

"Thank you for the lovely evening. I really had a beautiful time...just wanted to say that one more time" said the message from Alex

"Thank you...I haven't had that in a long time and I really can't wait for the weekend" she sent the reply

"Likewise xx" the reply popped back

Alex smiled as she lay on the bed still dressed and put her hand on the mattress leaving her phone. She couldn't wipe the stupid grin off her face as her heart was still pounding. Yaz was the first person she met after moving who didn't mind her endless rambling and seemed to genuinely enjoy her company. It was a welcome change in her life. She was nervous about messing it up and saying something bad like she usually does when she's excited and anxious. Her social awkwardness had cost her people more than once and she was nervous about messing up again. She got up and headed for the bathroom. Her phone rang while she was brushing her teeth and she ran out, tripping over the pile of books on the floor and almost sticking her toothbrush in the back of her throat.

"Shoot...mum" she said picking up the phone

"Muuum sorry...sorry"

"Thank god...I didn't want to call I thought you had emergency at the hospital but you really got me worried it's almost midnight"

"I'm so sorry" she said rinsing her mouth "I was at a nice dinner" she grinned

"Oh, really?"

"Oh don't sound so surprised you're making me feel like such a loser"

"Aren't you" her mum laughed "Sorry I have to mess you around"

"Yeah I love you too mum" she rolled her eyes

" I get to know with who?"

"This really super nice girl I met today at the hospital. The know the one I told was faulty for a week gave her a wrong drink and we started chatting and ....." she kept rambling on telling her mum every single detail of the whole day

"That's really nice Alex but please honey be careful"

"I am careful ... don't know what you mean"

"You do know what I mean Alex...I'm happy for you I just don't want you hitting the ground like you always do, that's all"

"Mum chill out, we're just friends....I just met the girl for god sake"

"And I met you 40 years ago when I had you Alex, I know what you're like....and don't get sad now I don't wanna ruin anything for you I just love you and don't want you being hurt that's all"

"I love you too" she said sitting on the edge of the bed on brink of tears

"Don't cry"

"I'm nooot"

"Yes you are...I love you baby. I just want you finally to be happy"

"I know you do mum...I'm sure I day" she sad fiddling with the edge of the pillow "I hope so...should do...I mean really statistically I can't be the only one left miserable"

"I'm sure you won't baby. I really love you. Go to bed it's late and let me know how that weekend went"

"I will mum. I love loads....night, night"

"Night baby"

She hung up the phone and plopped down on the bed, wiping a tear from her face, then went back to the bathroom finishing  getting  ready for bed and crawled under the covers turning off the light. She took her phone back and started texting Yaz, then deleted the text twice as she rolled over on her other side trying to sleep. After ten minutes her phone pinged and she quickly turned around looking for it through the bed

"I know this is manic...I'm not a manic person I just can't sleep. Are you still up?"

A massive grin spread across her face and she jumped up scrambling to turn on the light nocking the side table lamp on a floor in a process whiles calling

"Hey" Yaz picked up straight away "I didn't wake you up did I?...Couse if I did I'm gonna positively kill myself"

"No, no...I just spoke with my mum"

"Thank fuck for that...sorry this is pathetic"

"No, no it's not I actually wanted to text you and deleted it twice" she giggled


"Yeeees" she laughed

"Well next time don't "


"So what was the text?"

"Do you wanna grab a lunch with me tomorrow when I have a break?...I know you said you lived close and you work from home and well everyone needs a lunch break and food you need food as well..."

"Yes I'll come"

"You will?"

"Yes...yes I'd love to...besides it's nice to get out of the house"

"Yeees!" she said exited

"Well...I'll let you go then...don't want you delivering those babies upside down because you can't keep your eyes open"

"Oh, they do come out upside-down down sometimes...and on side as well and...alright I should stop"

Yaz giggled "Silly sod...go to bed...see ya tomorrow"

"See ya...Night Yazee"

"Night bab"

Alex snuggled back to bed with happy grin on her face falling asleep within minutes. 

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