Chapter 40
The middle of September was well on its way, the wedding, and the honeymoon already far behind them and life slowly returned to normal. They were back home, back to their weekly routine and it almost seemed like nothing else outside it existed. Or so it seemed on the surface. The routine also consists of Yaz visiting her beloved blue box every day. Spending time inside seemed to bring back a few more memories and now she was hopeful that eventually she would be able to bring most of them back with the help of a new gentle friend who hummed her welcome every time her foot stepped through the door. It was her new home and she loved it sometimes even more than their house. Clara didn't seem to mind, on the contrary, she seemed to bask in it.
Yaz was given flying lessons once week and was tutored by her in Galifreyan twice a week. The Tardis practically threw books at her.
The library was now her absolute favorite place. Each Saturday she spent hours there, leaning against Clara's chest snuggled up on the big sofa listening to her reading books about the strange worlds she now hoped to visit one day.
Clara worked tirelessly to build a strange machine that partly intrigued her and partly terrified her. Jack came and went, faithfully gathering all the information and slowly with the help of UNIT they were putting the pieces of the puzzle together. At times it felt like an ongoing police investigation trying to find an impossible killer. But life was finally beautiful again, filled with love and laughter. Something they both lacked more than they were aware of.
On Friday morning, Yaz got up, had her usual tea and crumpets, then moved to her little office. She enjoyed her new job more than she expected. Being home seemed to put her mind at ease. Life seemed to be slower and for now she was just fine with that. Enjoying making dinner while waiting for her wife to come home from work and their usual snuggle in front of the tv.
"Hey babe" Sonia chirped haply on the phone.
"Hey, what's up?"
"I'm having some problems seeing new products on the store."
"That's strange, let me check. I uploaded them yesterday wtf"
"Dunno, but I'm on my way to a meeting. Could you please, pleaseeee sort it out for me"
"Yeah sure, I'm on it"
"How are you hun, any dizzy spells?"
"Sometimes, but not too much, had a big one yesterday. Clara gives me some supplements. It tastes fucking gross, but she says it helps with blood pressure so I'm not complaining. It was so low yesterday I was like corpse." She laughed.
"I’m just worried. Don't want you ending up in a hospital again. You should really get that MRI scan."
"I am, I'm scheduled in a week. Let's hope there's still some brain in there ha" she was lying through her teeth, as Clara now did all the checks. But she could hardly tell her sister that.
"Neah babe just draft a long time ago."
"Fuck, I thought you didn't notice" Yaz giggled.
"It's hard to miss. I gotta go, thanks for that."
"No problem. Love ya"
"Love you too sis.”
She hung up and went straight to it. Then her phone rang again. It was Clara this time.
"Hey baby"
"Hey butterfly, I thought I check on you."
"I'm fine baby, just trying to sort out this stupid problem with the shop. Half of the new products are not showing up."
"I’ll have a look when I come home. Probably just a glitch. Nothing sonic can't fix."
"Well, I haven't got a sonic, just me brains that don't seem to be on 100% recently" she squinted at the screen.
"Your brains are just fine Yaz. I love your brains."
"You love every fucked up part of me. That don't count. How's your day.... Arrrrh fuck!!...Noooo...the whole thing just crushed.... what the fuck"
"Oi, potty mouth. Give me a sec" Clara flew into her office and opened up her computer "Give me a moment" she wiped her sonic out and zoomed it over the screen.”
"Aaaaa!" Yaz jumped in her chair as Clara suddenly popped up on her screen.
"Hiya, you look cute" she smiled.
"Hey" she laughed "Giving me a fucking stroke here."
"I'm just gonna hook up, give me second"
Suddenly a lot of stuff popped up in a second window on Yaz's computer and she had no clue what she was looking at. But she let her work.
"You look sexy when you're working."
"Neah, " she scrunched her face "Aaaa, just a bit of a glitch, it's struggling with too much data Yaz. This software is so slow no wonder it's crushing. If I just do a few things, I can make it a lot better. Just give me five and a half seconds."
"Or even six" she laughed.
"5,45 actually...Aaaa...there we go. All up and running like a Swiss watch."
"Thanks for that."
"Actually, I called you cause I thought we go on a date next Saturday?"
"I'd love that. What kind of a date? Romantic date, sexy date?"
"Or both." Clara smirked.
"Even better"
"There's show that popped up on my Twitter"
"Since when are you on Twitter?"
"Since it was made Yaz" she frowned "I just love to read tweets from people speculating about the TARDIS, amazing place, smart lot they are. I've got loads of fans there. Not that I'm bragging." She said smug.
Yaz rolled her eyes laughing "I'm glad to know everything about my wife. What kinda show?"
"Stand up comedy. I love stand up comedy. I haven't been since Frank Fay"
"Who's that? Never mind, yes definitely I could do with a giggle"
"Brilliant, I'll get the tickets then."
"Alright babe"
"Have to run. Love ya"
"Love you too sexy.”
"Oh, oh...can you just get some flour on a way back.”
"What kind of flour? Whole wheat flour, white flour, rice flour, almond flour, buckwheat flour...."
"White...white....just white babe"
"White normal or white gluten free?"
"Normal" she laughed.
"Anything else?"
"Mars bar" she flapped her lashes.
"Deal...see you later beautiful."
"See ya baby.”
She giggled getting up. There was something adorably cute about Clara when she was hyper, bouncy self. And she was only like that when she was happy, so that made it even more special recently as she was more herself as days went by.
Yaz was about to take the food out of the oven when the sound of a car outside the house brought a smile to her face. Clara worked unusually late, and as the days were now slowly getting shorter, she didn't come home until sunset every day.
"Hey baby"
"Hiya" Clara said from the hallway leaving her things on the small shoe cabinet then went into the kitchen leaving shopping bag on the counter "It's started to rain.”
"Oh, I didn't notice" she said popping a tray with stuffed courgettes on the kitchen top
"Uuuu, nice, mozzarella and chicken?"
"Yap, also mash and salad" she took her oven gloves off and draped arms on Clara's shoulders.
"Missed ya" Clara hummed dropping small kisses to her lips and gliding her hands down her waist.
"Missed you too. Go get yourself sorted I'll pop this on the plates.”
"Got you flour" she said as she wrapped her arms around her.
"Thanks...Mars bar?"
"Maybe" she giggled rocking her side to side.
Yaz pouted.
"Got you two" she grinned "those big once."
"Thank yoooou." she kissed her short then pulled away and smacked her bum "Go, get sorted, food's getting cold.”
"Yes ma'am"
"That was very nice, thank you" Clara said leaving her fork on the plate.
"I wasn't sure what it would be like with chicken. Usually I just put mince."
"You know that trip I told you about, that got postponed. The one for US, it’s coming up now in October."
"I'm just dreading the flight."
"It is a long flight, I know. But I could maybe, possibly make a little exception and take the TARDIS. I'm not gonna promise."
"Really? " she beamed.
"You could maybe try flying."
"Are you for real?"
"If I do decide to take the TARDIS." She leaned her back on a sofa "Then yes, it would be really good for you to try"
"But I'll fly her if we do?" She smiled cheeky, getting up excited then straddled her lap draping arms over her shoulders. "I'm gonna fly the TARDIS?" She flapped her lashes.
"I do remember there was - it's not a promise- in that sentence."
"Was it? Sorry I must've missed that part, my brain's a mash" she said dropping slow kisses over her face twirling her hair through her fingers.
"Why do I get this strange feeling of being manipulated" she scrunched her face.
"Love ya" she giggled and pressed her lips at hers
"Tinker" she laughed and tickled her.
"Aaaa, no no no no" she screamed.
Clara's phone rang early in the morning, and she crawled over Yaz to reach the dresser.
"Hey, what's up Graham?"
"Hey Doc, you sound sleepy, did I wake you up.”
"You have as it goes but it's ok. Everything alright?"
"Yes, I just thought we meet up, haven't seen you two since the wedding just came back yesterday.”
"I've been to Egypt?? That alien orb you sent me to look at. We spoke about it last week?"
"Oh, yeah sorry, orb, of course. Forgot, old brains. Sure, yes, we'd love to see you."
"Also, I have something interesting I found there. I think you wanna see it."
"Brilliant, when?"
"Sunday? Eight in the evening?"
"Eight it is" Clara said "See ya"
"See ya Doc"
"What's wrong?" Yaz yawned rolling over the bed.
"Graham, he's coming on Sunday. Said he found something in Egypt. Also, he just missed us. Miss him too"
"That's nice." She draped her arm over Clara snuggling her face into her neck
"It's early, sleep darling."
"Mmmmm" she hummed.
Yaz was woken up by the noise in the garden. She jumped out of bed to the window.
"Morning" she yelled, trying to get Clara's attention over the noise of a lawn mower. "Oi, morning!" She yelled again.
"Aaaa Hiya" she waived "...sorry noise" she said switching it off.
"I thought it's that stupid chainsaw" she giggled.
"Not yet later. I need to clear this out for winter."
"Pleaseeee don't chop your arm off."
"It'll grow back" she grinned.
"Fuck you Clara" she rolled her eyes "Not funny.”
"I thought it was a great joke. Come down, I could use a cuppa and a biscuit. We can sit in a conservatory. It's really nice down here."
"Give me a minute"
Yaz got quickly dressed and rushed to the kitchen making tea, some crumpets for herself and took Clara's cookies out of the cupboard.
She gave her shivers down her spine seeing her standing by the bushes with goggles on her face cutting a massive branch which broke in a last storm. Then sighed relieved when she finally put the machine down.
"All done" she grinned haply sliding goggles on the top of her head.
"I hate when you do that" she said putting the tray down.
"There's no other way Yaz" Clara wiped her hands on her sides and took the goggles down.
"Oh, there is, but you're a stubborn fucker.”
"I refuse to pay someone for things I can do myself" she said smug taking a cookie from a tray.
"Exactly, stubborn as fuck" she giggled "I'm gonna cook something for Sunday. What's Grahams favorite?"
"I thought I just make it easy Yaz and order in, don't bother. You've been working really late this week just relax."
"I was hoping to see Ryan" she said disappointed.
"Maybe next time. He's doing really well. Kate has the best words for him. I'm very proud of him."
"He's a great guy. I feel close to him, so close, it's so strange. I wish I could remember. But there's just breeze through my brain."
Clara brushed her knuckles over her face and leaned over dropping a kiss to her lips. "I love you." She smiled tenderly.
"I love you too." She pouted her lips.
She knew all to well what that feels like and was proud of Yaz how she was handling it all things considered. She sat next to her on a sofa and nuzzled her nose over her cheek playfully "Wanna help me in a garden? We can pot that tree together" she smiled.
"You never want me to help you in a garden" she pouted.
"I do now"
"Is that because you feel sorry for me?" She giggled as Clara continued to rub her nose over her cheek like a dog making her laugh.
"Maybe... I also need someone to hold it. It's quite selfish really."
Yaz burst out laughing and pushed her off "Fucker."
"Potty mouth." She threw a piece of cookie on her.
That afternoon Clara was in the TARDIS, working on her machine, and Yaz took one of the books from the library, made herself some tea and sat down next to her to read. It was in Gallifreyan. She could read it pretty well now, but she still needed a little help sometimes, so she loved having Clara around. She was also fascinated by the construction of the machine and continued to ask as many questions as possible. It reminded her of a massive incubator from sci-fi movies. Then she remembered that her life had almost become a science fiction movie already. The book was about Gallifrey's past, and as she read, memories rushed back. It was as if she knew what was going to happen on the next page. It helped her feel closer to Clara and understand her better. Her stubborn personality and constant urge to keep secrets. But one thing she understood the most was that she was never allowed to be the child.
As fascinating as her culture was, Yaz also found it cruel and careless. Determined by a strict set of rules that, in case of non-compliance, would result in cruel punishments, some of which she considered barbaric. She also understood how different Clara was, gentle and caring, filled with childlike wonder. Finding beauty and happiness in the simplest things that most people no longer see or recognize, burdened by everyday worries and stress. She put the book aside and approached her tiny wife, pressing her lips to her shoulder blade and running her hands down the edges of her waist.
A spark flew from her sonic and Clara twitched "Ups" she scrunched her nose "What's wrong butterfly?"
"I love you" she mumbled into her back.
"I love you too. But you sound like you read something that made you very emotional" She pushed the wires inside the little hole and turned around "Wanna share?"
"Your home. It can be very cruel."
"It can, but what made you come to that conclusion?"
"I was reading about your laws. Swiping memories, forced regenerations..." she pouted "That's horrible."
"So is lethal injection, electric chair, hanging. No society is perfect Yaz" she circled her arms around her "It's strange how in our need to be better and build a more humane society, we are able to bring out the worst in ourselves at the same time... This sometimes blurs the lines. Are we becoming the same as those we try to punish?" She kissed the tip of her nose "Ice cream?" She smiled "I do fancy some ice-cream I repaired the machine."
"Yap, definitely" she smiled.
"We can sit by the pool. I changed the water."
"It was about time that was gross" she giggled "And can you please put the heating up, not like you're paying for it ffs, for someone who's freezing nonstop it's really cold in here. I can't eat ice-cream when I'm freezing."
"Sorry I don't feel it when I'm working."
They were munching on ice cream while sitting on the edge of the pool, their feet dangling in the pleasantly warm water. It was massive, the size of an actual Olympic swimming pool, surrounded by arches that led to the various TARDIS corridors, changing rooms and bars, and above them a beautiful glass domed ceiling whose colors reflected in the water, and Yaz's mind still partially rebelled against the fact that all of this was inside her little blue box.
"Do all TARDIS ships look like this? You know, this big."
"Not at all Yaz. Some are very small. There's a war TARDIS, it's very different. I have a book on it, I'll give it to you on a way back. I once had an amusement park, and the arcades, can't remember where it is. I've been trying to find it for years, but she keeps moving it all the time. I do miss being here" she looked up and around then turned to Yaz. "But not as much I've missed you" she said as tears collected in the corners of her eyes. Being able to say it after all this time felt freeing.
Yaz didn't answer, she just cupped her cheek with her palm and leaned over gently planting a small kiss to her lips, then another and then deepened it as Clara's lips parted and her hand wrapped around her neck. In the heat of the moment, they suddenly slipped off the edge and plunged into the water.
"OMG" Yaz giggled moving wet hair from her face.
"Well, that's a surprise swim. Suppose we're wet anyway...." Clara grinned cheerfully and started pulling her clothes off, throwing them out of the pool. "We might as well use it" she threw her trousers out then waived her knickers throwing them to join the rest of her stuff and splashed water on Yaz. "Come on" she grinned and started swimming.
Yaz giggled and threw her jumper over the edge then the rest of her clothes "It echoes here" she laughed as their voices bounced off the walls of the massive hall "Hello TARDIS" She yelled laughing then her eyes opened wide as TARDIS hummed loudly in response. Her humming passing through the water, and she felt it going through each cell of her body.
"Come on...let me show you what's over there" Clara pointed on the other side "I have a really interesting milk shake bar. Flavors from all the parts of the universe. You need to try the pink berries with bananas. Just avoid the peach, it's disgusting" she grinned and dived down under the water swimming away.
"Hey, wait for me!" Yaz giggled as she disappeared underneath the water, and she started getting worried for a second then saw her reappear all the way on the other side. She was an excellent swimmer and Yaz knew she could hold her breath for an amazingly long time, so much so that it always made her panicky.
"Come on butterfly, peddle faster" she giggled then grabbed her hand as she got close and pulled her through the water wrapping arms around her.
"You're fast" Yaz chuckled draping arms around her shoulders and tucked her hair behind her ears. Clothes are wet."
"Suppose we're gonna have to go back to the house naked then.”
"Neighbors are gonna have a blast" she giggled as Clara closed her legs around her.
"I missed this so much" Clara hummed tucking her face into Yaz's neck and it was the most tender thing, making Yaz's soul melt.
"I missed you....and us, this." Yaz whispered running her fingers down the back of her neck and down her spine.
Clara pressed her lips to the side of her neck then raised her gaze. "Missed you too butterfly." She said moving a small lock of hair from her forehead "It's been hard few months. But we got us back" she smiled running tip of her finger down her cheek.
"We did" she smiled back and rubbed their noses together then closed the gap between them kissing her gently.
TARDIS swimming pool , the chapter continues after the artwork
The doorbell rang and Clara rushed to get her wallet. They decided to have an easy evening and order in from one of Khan's favorite restaurants.
Yaz was on the phone with her mother. She was getting worried about her dizzy spells and kept calling her every day.
"Uuu that smells yummy" Clara took the bag from the delivery man.
"Enjoy your food ma’am.”
"I definitely will. Oh, it's ok, keep the change."
"Thank you"
"Have a nice evening.”
"You too. Bye"
"Yaz, tell me honestly."
"I am telling you. I'm perfectly fine mum, no dizzy spells. Pleaseeee stop fussing."
Clara walked into the kitchen and leaned over Yaz's shoulder "Hello Yaz's mum."
"Hi honey." Nadjia giggled on the other end.
"Just got food from Mowgli."
"Aaaa good choice"
"I fancied some curry."
"You're making me hungry now" she laughed "Clara, tell me honestly how's she doing."
"Oi!" Yaz jumped.
"Had a dizzy spell yesterday but nothing today." She said and Yaz pushed her shoulder frowning. Clara laughed popping a kiss to her temple.
"See, she said she was fine. I never get the truth out of that child. You're just telling me what I wanna hear Yaz."
"Well, you certainly hear everything from my wife, who can't keep her mouth shut" she smacked Clara's bum and went to get some plates.
"Her blood pressure dropped really low. But I'm making her rest," Clara said.
"Pleaseeee do not let her miss that MRI scan."
"I won't don't worry. "
"I feel like a right adult at the moment" Yaz rolled her eyes.
"You are an adult Yaz, just the one who doesn't take care of herself."
"I'm fine, you're fussing."
"I'll stop fussing when you will be healthy."
"We need to go now mum. Food, dinner"
"You're just trying to get rid of me."
"Bye ya"
"Love you too.”
She clicked off the phone and dived into the food bag "Cakes?" she lifted her gaze with a massive smile across her face.
"Your favorite" Clara smiled.
"I hope you like a lot of curves, cause this woman will get a lot curvier soon."
"Curves are fine, beautiful in fact." Clara shrugged and kissed her shoulder taking plates from the counter "Oh, get the juice darling."
For a change, instead of watching a movie, they decided to snuggle on a sofa with a book from TARDIS library "Around a world in 80 days". And Clara's hearts nearly popped out of her chest when Yaz gave it to her.
"The illustrations are so beautiful" Yaz ran her finger over the page "It looks similar to the air balloon we went on."
"Very much so. Come on, grab the blanket, dim the lights and park your bum next to me." She said excitedly and made herself comfortable falling into the soft cushions of the sofa."
"Aaaaand cakes" Yaz flapped her lashes running to the kitchen and came back munching on one already and shoving another one into Clara's mouth then snuggled up next to her.
"You're like Phileas Fogg" Yaz giggled.
"I'm what?" Clara laughed, poking her between the ribs, making her giggle.
"Phileas Fogg...traveling the universe" she laughed.
"Oi, I'm better than Phileas Fogg I have you know" she smuged
"How's that?" Yaz couldn't stop laughing "You even got a Pakistani girl" she giggled.
"So, who's Passepartout, Dan?" She laughed.
"Only I married my princess" she purred snuggling to Yaz.
"I'll remind you of that princess thing next time we argue" she giggled kissing her head.
An hour later Yaz was dozing off curled up on a sofa with her head in Clara's lap. listening to Clara read reminded her of her childhood when her father would play children's stories for her and her sister. Clara impersonated each character and read with so much passion it made her wonder if Clara ever in her long life had children. She never spoke about it and Yaz never asked. Perhaps she should but usually there's only one reason people don't mention things like that, because the pain is too great. So Yaz left it for some other time, or perhaps there's always going to be some mystery surrounding her wife's past and she was fine with that.
"It's getting colder," Clara said getting into bed.
"Maybe we should start putting the heating up at night."
"We should" she said snuggling up to her "Or maybe...just for today we keep each other warm" she smiled cheeky draping her leg over Yaz and slipped her hand underneath her pajamas running fingers down her back giving her shivers.
"Maybe..." Yaz smiled dropping a small kiss to her lips and sneaked her hand pass the elastic of her underwear palming her behind "I think we can easily get the temperature up to comfortable level."
"Oh definitely..." she closed her eyes brushing her lips at hers "Really, really fast" she whispered and kissed her deep and passionate.
The chapter continues after the artwork
Clara sneaked out of bed around 3am. She slowly grabbed her clothes and closed the bedroom door. Then left a note on the kitchen counter just in case Yaz does wake up, so she doesn't panic. Although she knew she'd call her straight away anyway. She heard the car park up and rushed to the door.
"Hiya" she chirped.
"Hi" Dan hugged her from the door.
"Thanks for coming, I really appreciate it. Come in"
"I don't want to wake up Yaz."
"You won't, she can sleep through Dalek invasion."
They sneaked through the back door to the garden and into the TARDIS.
"So, I guess she doesn't know about this?"
"Nope" she said as she turned the TARDIS on
"So, you're lying to her again?"
"No... not lying" she pointed finger at him "Just filtering information. There's no point getting her stressed Dan."
"If she finds out..."
"She’s not gonna find out. Besides, she's filtering information from me as well, so we're as bad as each other" she zoomed around the console.
"Like what?" Dan pursed his lips and crossed his arms at the chest.
"Like the fact there's regeneration energy swarming around her every so often. She cut herself with a knife the other day. Healed straight away. She thinks I can't see, and I see everything. Very good eyesight" she smuged
"Why would she keep that away?"
"Cause being half alien and not knowing how or why scares her, so she prefers to pretend it's not happening. Can't say I blame her."
"No, guess not" he said with worry in his eyes.
"She's fine Dan, she's happy the way things are now. She doesn't want to travel anymore. For now, she just wants...well, normality" she shrugged "Right, let's see what this is" she took the note the old lady gave to Yaz out of her pocket and inserted it to the TARDS console.
"Where are we going Doctor?"
"It's all coded, location, date and time of what I assume is a meeting with our mystery person. Ready?"
TARDIS landed and Clara swirled on a heel.
"Here we go Dan, TARDIS telepathic circuits picked up a date from this note and combined it with the exact location written on the paper, we are in...." she leaned over the monitor and scrunched her nose "Aaaa interesting...25th of May 1903, New York. You should feel right at home." She tapped his shoulder, and he scrunched his face "What's with us and this year? I'm starting to see a pattern here."
"Well, I better change then" he opened up his puffer jacket "Let's just hope we don't get stuck for 4 years ha.”
They stepped outside the TARDIS into a small side street and then onto the main road. It was a very familiar environment for Dan, a little too familiar for his taste. The street was bustling with people and horses. The air smelled very different in the past. Atlantic ocean air mixed with the smell of local food from the restaurant combined with the distinct smell of horse dump. Which in a way, as unpleasant as it was, was much better than the smell of cars and fumes. Which always struck Dan more when he returned from the past to his own time.
"Funny that Dan, there's another you here, right now. Fetching your dog...and my Yaz, and then right across there, all of us trying to ship off Skithra. Timey wimey wibbly wobbly"
"A lot younger me though" he laughed "It's been ages for you since then and 15 years for me."
"Time is way too short Dan, always seems to run so fast. I hate it."
"Where are we going?"
"Amsterdam Avenue, and we should be right on top of our destination. we go...right up there" she pointed at the small library not so far from them.
They walked up to the place rather confused. The note didn't say much else apart from directions.
"That's a strange place for a meeting. Unless you're in a book club. I was hoping for at least a tea and a sandwich. Time is catching up with me Dan. I must be getting old" she yawned and pushed the big door open. The little bell above it sounded off but the library seemed to be empty.
"Hiya! Anyone?"
"I borrowed this book about 20 years ago, thought It's time for me to give it back."
She babbled looking around and up to the second level. It was an old library, the smell of books and old wood filled the air, and the wooden floors creaked under their feet as they walked. Although it wasn't that big, it seemed like a maze of tunnels between the bookshelves stretched in rows from floor to ceiling.
"Doctor" he patted her on the shoulder, and she turned to see a tall thin man dressed in black with a long jacket almost to his knees slowly approaching them between the bookshelves.
"Aaaaa, hi...We started to think there's nobody here" Clara grinned, but the man didn't answer "Did I mention Amsterdam Avenue used to be called Death Avenue?" She whispered to Dan.
"Whaaa?" He looked at her horrified and confused "What's going on?"
"Not sure, but he doesn't seem to be chatty. Suppose that's why he's a librarian.”
The man quietly approached them still not saying a word.
"Hello again, I'm the Doctor this Dan, my mate. I'm not entirely sure why we're here. But I got this note with instructions...."
The man still didn't say anything. His elongated face with deep furrows running down from his nose to frame his lips only twitched slightly in response. Then he turned and started back the way he had come, Clara and Dan just looked at each other in utter confusion.
"What the...What do we do?" Dan asked.
"Not really sure." She scrunched her nose "Suppose we follow the Nosferatu."
"Is it just me or this place seems creepy?" Dan said, looking around worriedly as they followed the strange person to the bottom of the library and headed a lot further from the main door than Dan would have liked.
Clara was busy quickly zooming her sonic around when suddenly a man stopped in front of another bookshelf and pressed what appeared to be a random book on the shelf. Then the pile of books began to glow a bright blue color and formed the shape of a passageway that the man just walked through as if the books didn't exist.
"Aaaa clever! Well, this is definitely not 1903 technology" Clara looked at Dan who seemed to be extremely worried at this point, and before following her through this strange gate, he once more gave a longing glance towards the main entrance which was really far now.
They walked into the hidden room which looked very much like the rest of the library but also more like someone's private office. Very private by the looks of it. With a big desk by the wall and another one by the window filled with stacked paperwork and more books.
"Very mysterious" she leaned and whispered into Dan's ear "Excuse me, I know you're trying to rock the mysterious look and you're very good at it, but are we actually meeting anyone?" She asked the man standing on a side by the entrance letting them in, but again there was no answer, and the moment they stepped inside the man suddenly turned and left the room with the passageway closing immediately behind him.
"Oi!" She jumped.
"Hey!" Dan yelled.
"Shoot" Clara rushed to the wall of books and zoomed the sonic "Aaaarrrhhh, I think that just closed.”
"No kidding. Can you open it?"
"Probably, maybe, 50, 50 chance, 20 for sure. But let's see first why we are even here. Look..." she went to the desk and found a tobacco pipe "Still warm. Someone was here just a minute ago. "Oi! We're here you know. And the door trick is good but not impressive" She yelled.
"You think they can see us?"
She zoomed sonic around "If there are any cameras they can be anywhere between these books" she said.
He looked around disheartened and went to the window "Locked shut. But at least there's a window."
Clara tried to open it with sonic "Sonic proof. Ok...that's challenging. Also, no reading, it's all scrambled since we got inside. Very strange, sonic can usually read anything."
"Should we start getting worried?"
"Probably not. Aaaa" she jumped making Dan drop a book on the floor "It's like an escape room Dan, I love escape rooms, there's a really good one in London, Agatha Christie murder mystery. Mysterious library, or murder in a library...Neah, need to think of a better one"
"Can we skip the murder one and just stick to mystery?"
"Relax Dan, I'm sure our mystery person will come soon. Just need to be patient"
"It's been half hour" Dan said walking around randomly picking books from the shelves
"I know" Clara said leaning in wooden chair playing with her sonic
"I don't think anyone is coming."
"Don't look like it.”
"Don't you think we should be working out some exit strategy?"
"Probably, but we're here now. So why don't we just, I dunno...nose around a bit. See what we can find. Besides, don't you miss this, you, me, fam adventures."
"I can see you do?"
She huffed "Sometimes, I miss the good times. The fun we had, right?" she got up "Let see what's going on here."
"Do you think this is like spaceship?"
"Neah...As much as a spaceship disguised as a cool library in 1903 sounds really appealing, I don't think it is."
"What about that disappearing door"
"Just a trick Dan, perception filter. The door is still there, only we can't see it or unlock it. If my sonic worked, we could."
"This is strange?"
"What is?" She lifted her gaze from the book on the table.
"Some of these have numbers on them?"
"Numbers...look, and they make no sense either...0, 5, 7, it's all jumbled up." He walked up and down the bookshelves pointing numbers on the spines of the book covers.
"And not all books are marked either. Well spotted Dan...."
"Like a code"
"Exactly like a code Dan" she jumped and reached into her pocket taking a note out "Like this code" she held the paper out "40.805466, -73.9622848....Take the books Dan, put them on the table" she said swiping her hand over the tabletop moving everything away clearing the space
"4" she said "I need 0 then 8"
"Eight, eight..." he walked around looking for the numbers amongst hundreds of books "Eight" he pointed on the top shelf and grabbed the ladder sliding it across "I have 2 twice but there's additional numbers."
"Is it 2 and 2.0?"
"Good cause that's what I need. It's marked in order Dan. Good job keep going."
He grabbed the book and threw it to her. About an hour later they had 17 books all lined up on the table.
"Now what?" Dan asked, "Don't tell me we have to read all of those?"
"No I don't think so Dan. But there must be something in them.... something. " she grabbed the random book opening it "There's nothing special about them. Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austin, Mark Twain, Tolstoy....Classics...but what connects them?"
"Stories? Is there a meaning in the stories?"
"I can't see how Dan a poor fishermen caught a fish then brought it to Russia and met Huckleberry Finn on a way. Also, you do realize some of these don't belong in 1903 either. The old man and the sea was written in 1950, so what's it going in 1903?"
"Good point, didn't think about that. So, what do we do with them?"
"Wait...let me think...Arrrrh it's all in this note, it's all coded. The equations, there were equations, more numbers...what if...I know!..." she jumped "The cheese of truth!"
"The what?"
"You know, the cheese of truth?"
"What are you going on about?"
"The cheese of truth Dan!...You throw a slice of cheese on a random book page and read the words through the wholes"
"You want us to throw cheese on books?"
"Noooo...and yes...well the principle is the same Dan, sort of...What if...each number in these equations marks the book, the page, the paragraph and the number of the word. Then when you put it all together you get the message...coded, hidden within the pages of random books."
"Suppose we could try.”
"What if whoever called us here never wanted to meet up, just left us clues. Murder mystery Dan!"
"Can you stop saying murder?"
"Galaxy" Dan said "This is it...Orion, belt, galaxy, ...just a bunch of random words and more numbers and Jasmine...the flower like Yaz's name? ... That's all we've got. Are you sure your cheese theory makes sense?"
He rolled his eyes and closed the book.
" the Orion's belt...Can't be I've checked" Clara said shaking her head.
"Orion's belt.... Unless" Dan grabbed the paper "Wait a minute... I know what this is."
"You do?"
"Men in black"
"Ha?" She frowned.
"Men in black Doctor, the movie...I knoooow ...I know what this is!" He jumped exited
"Ooooooh..." her eyes opened wide
"Yeeees...yeees...The galaxy is..."
".... On the Orion's belt!" They said at the same time
"Yes!!!!" He grabbed her from the floor and swung her around "The galaxy is on the Orion's belt Doctor!"
"Of course it is...the marbles ...small, tiny marbles with the whole world inside.... It all makes sense now Dan"
"Does it? Cause it doesn't to me"
"But you just figured it out?" she said confused
"Yeah, the sentence, I watched the movie at least 11 times. But what does it mean? And all the other numbers? We need to find a cat?"
"Cat, dog...who knows Dan. But it all makes sense can't you see? The other universe...I've been searching everywhere, even outside of this universe. But not for a small pocket universe within my own universe Dan. It's why I can't find them. It's why TARDIS can't find it...that's where they are."
"Can it be that small?"
"Yes" she said a bit disappointed "it can and placed in any object as well. Like when my TARDIS shrank, on the outside it was so small it fitted into a bag but inside was still the same size. It could be anywhere Dan, in the smallest object." She sighed "Very clever I must admit."
"How do we find it?"
"My best guess.... the answer is in the rest of these numbers we got. We just need to figure it all out."
"And Yaz?"
"Dunno Dan... Guess we're gonna find out.”
Suddenly the room shook violently like there was an earthquake.
"What was that?" Dan panicked.
Clara looked up at the ceiling that started to crack from one end to the other.
"Time to go Dan."
"Go where? We can't get out!"
"Aaaarrrhhh Dan" she looked over his shoulder and grabbed his sleeve.
"What?" He asked and heard roaring behind him "Is that?..."
Then the books started glowing and the door to the outside opened up.
"RUUUUN!" she shouted and grabbed the book with Yaz's name from the table.
"Was that?...." he ran and turned over his shoulder to see a lion in the middle of the room and a bunch of other animals and creatures randomly popping out of books falling off the shelves "What is this...Jumanji?"
"No time to explain Dan, just run!"
They ran through the library and had to turn as the maze of bookshelves began to collapse, stopping them from reaching the exit. Various animals were running around and flying over their heads and suddenly a huge bear appeared out of nowhere.
"WOOOOOO!" Clara stopped and Dan grabbed her arm pulling her to the side, standing between the animal and her.
"Daaan!!" She shouted.
He screamed from the top of his voice flapping his arms in the air.
"What are you doing?" She frowned.
"I read this is how you scare them off" he yelled flapping his arms.
She zapped the animal with sonic and it disappeared "It's not real Dan, it's a hologram." She shrugged.
Dan looked over her shoulder and raised his hand pointing, his eyes grew in fear, and he stuttered "Drrraaagooon...dragon"
"It's a hologram Dan" she turned around unbothered then froze as the huge animal stood on top of one of the overturned bookshelves crushing it into dust and prepared to spew fire from its mouth "Ups."
Huge flames began to engulf the books spreading above their heads across the ceiling. "RUN, RUN, RUUUUUN!" Clara yelled pushing Dan and zapped the Dragon with a sonic but the whole library was up in flames.
"I thought you said they are holograms? Aaaaaa" he yelled throwing a massive snake which fell on his head.
"Very palpable ones" she yelled as they ran and finally reached the door running outside on the road.
As they stepped outside the door of the library, a blue light flashed like a passage through books and sealed itself off, disappearing from the site. Clara looked at the book she took and signed with relief when she realized it hadn't disappeared as well.
"That was fun" she said turning on a heel as they landed back into her garden.
"If you say so" he laughed "You're not gonna have some animals popping out of that?" He pointed at the book.
"Neah, or if they do there's enough spase on the TARDIS" she laughed "Uuu...almost 7, I should go back if I don't want a divorce" she giggled.
"Let me know if you find out anything else," he said as they walked back to the door of the house and opened his arms.
"I will. Thanks for this" she said hugging him.
"Always. See ypu soon Doctor, say hello to Sheffield for me.”
"I will" she smiled and shut the door then sighed relieved leaning her back to it. "Aaaaa...tickles" she shook her shirt and zapped a little bug that was crawling over her with a sonic
"Clara?" Yaz called sleepy from the top of the stairs.
"Aaaa, morning"
"What are you doing?"
"Couldn't sleep. Wanna a crumpet?"
