Chapter 34




The Doctor woke up early, it was already dawn, although it didn't seem like it in their room. She pulled the covers higher over both of them and wrapped an arm around Yaz's waist and buried her face in the back of her neck. Yaz moaned softly and wiggled her bottom, squeezing herself even closer to her. For the Doctor, there was nothing better than waking up next to Yaz. Waking up next to someone else, someone she absolutely adored. But I'll have to get up soon, in less than two hours actually, she thought. She did not want to. She felt guilty because as much as she wanted to find this Eye of the Deep, she was also deeply upset that she had to look for it in the first place because all she selfishly wanted was to spend time with Yaz and her family. On some level, it bothered her that she felt the way she did. But she also thought how she had given so much of herself over the years and centuries and never asked for much in return. Was it really too much to ask this from the universe? No, it wasn't, she thought.

"Oh, sod it… " she whispered into Yaz's neck and closed her eyes again smelling her wife's hair and cuddling her baby running her hand over Yaz's tummy.


Three hours later they were both awakened by a loud knock on the door. The Doctor jumped "Shoot!!!...Yaz..Yaz wake up" she shook her


"What!!!" Yaz opened her eyes trying to get her bearings


"It's Dan Yaz, we overslept" Doctor jumped out of bed


"OMG What the hell...How?"


"No idea...But I'm fricking naked" she stood by the bed confused "Give me a minute Dan!!!" she shouted


Yaz laughed seeing Doctor flustered. She grabbed her nightie off the floor and threw Doctor her t-shirt.


"I overslept Yaz...Me... how?" she shrugs her shoulders "When did I ever do that?" she said nervously


"Go in the bathroom I'll let him in" she rolled her eyes laughing "Love!!" she stopped her on a way to the bathroom




Yaz raised an eyebrow laughing as she dangled the Doctor's rainbow underwear in her hand


"Blimey" she grabbed them and ran to the bathroom


"Morning Dan" Yaz opened the door smiling "Sorry... I fell asleep and the Doctor is in the bathroom... sorry for keeping you waiting"


"No problem Sheffield...I'm sorry to wake you up"


"Nah, it's fine, I can sleep all day long now..." she laughs


The Doctor was frantically trying to get ready while standing in the shower and brushing her teeth at the same time. She then ran out and almost fell, slipping on the floor and nocking shampoos off the shelf.


"You alright love?" Yaz yelled


"Yap...yap...why wouldn't I be" she said nervously trying to untangle her foot from the towel that had fallen on the floor. "I'm fine...we're fine...everyone's fine...." she hopped on one leg pulling her pants and socks on, then realized she had her shirt on backwards "aaaaarrrhh" she takes it off and puts it back on tucking only half of it in her pants, then finally clips on her braces and quickly brushes her hair. "It was a lot easier to dressed as a man…" she muttered, then scrunched up her nose at the sight of one of her socks that was wet from the floor "Oh hell…" she muttered and walked out.


"Morning, Dan," she smiles and starts walking around the room looking at the floor.

She then got down on all fours, lifting the covers off the bed and crawling under. Dan gave her a confused look over Yaz's shoulder making Yaz turn around. "Are you OK?" she asked the Doctor confused


"Boots?" she answered


"Hey...over here" Yaz grabbed them off the floor dangling them in her hand


Doctor turned her head with her bum still sticking up in the air "Aaaa....Smart Yaz" she hopes back on her feet "Can't have universe without Yaz" she grins grabbing them


"Obviously not" Yaz rolled her eyes laughing and walked over to her stuffing her shirt into her pants as the Doctor hopped on one leg putting her boots on her feet.

The Doctor was still frantically circling the room looking for something.


Yaz grabbed her coat from the chair and passed it on to her "This?" she asked smiling


"Yap...thank you" The Doctor kissed her forehead


"Do you have your sonic?" she asked at this point not sure if the Doctor had even found her brain this morning, let alone anything else


No longer sure of herself, she reached into her pocket and took it out. "Yeah… I got it," she smiled and stormed out of the room slamming the door, leaving Dan and Yaz looking at each other laughing. Suddenly the door opens again and the Doctor runs back in giving Yaz a quick kiss on the cheek "Sorry...a bit of head wobble today"


"No kidding!" Yaz chuckled


"... I'll be back very soon, I promise..." she twisted her face "Sorry... See ya Dan....Thank you" she waved slamming the door again


"Wow...." Dan says laughing


"Yeah...What can I say...Lovable weirdo" she laughs "I only need 15 min Dan" Yaz points to the bathroom


"Don't worry Yaz...take your time...We're not in a rush"


"Thanks" she zooms into the bathroom, and Dan sits down at the small table that was in the corner of the room and enjoys looking outside at the fish passing by


"I'm starving" she yelled from the bathroom picking up soaking wet towel from the floor "What the hell was she doing?" she hangs it on a side


"Breakfast first then?"


"Definitely..." she yelled and looked at the bottom of the shower at all the shampoo bottles on the floor and a toothbrush in a sink "My's like a tornado went through"




"Morning..." Doctor yelled walking fast down the hallway towards Graham and Ryan

"You're late?" Ryan says confused


"I know"


"An hour late?" he says


"Sorry..." she twists her face


"Everything OK Doc?" Graham asked concerned


"Oh, yeah...No worries...I just overslept"


"You sleep?" Ryan asked


"Whaaa? Of course, I sleep Ryan...What the hell?"


"So where first Doc?"


"Tardis" she said walking fast


"Hey Doc" Graham says 10 steps behind her


"What?" she turns around


"Are we on a tight schedule?"


"Oh, sorry Graham...A bit of a head wobble today"


"Are you sure everything is ok Doc?"


"Yeah...sure it is Graham...Why wouldn't it be?"


"Just asking..."


They walked to the Tardis and Doctor zoomed inside. "Morning...Sorry you're alone again...Hope you like it here...I also hope you can tell me something about this" she turns to Ryan "Can I have your phone please?"



Sure" She flicked through the pictures "Aaaaa Sonya...that's a nice photo of you two"


"Aaaaa Doctor...Yeah...Maybe I should find a photo" Ryan grabbed the phone from her hands and flicked through "There..." he passed the phone back


Doctor placed it on a console for Tardis to read it and in less than a minute a whole bunch of information popped up on a screen


"Here we go..." she turns around to read it "Wow...ok...that's interesting...Oh, ooohh...alright"


"Doc... care to share some of that?"


"Oh, sorry...nobody really knows who designed it or where it really came from, but it is extremely sophisticated piece of machinery.... Well, more like a sort of AI"


"What does it do?" Ryan asked


"It creates breathable air, regulates atmospheric pressure, purifies the water, it can even create atmosphere for the entire's amazing"


"So basically, sustaining life under water in this place Doc?"


"That's exactly what I'm saying Graham. Without this everyone in this city would die...But it makes absolutely no sense...If someone did move it everyone would would be a catastrophe"


"Doctor wouldn't these domes like explode or know from pressure"


"Exactly Ryan...Which means it wasn't stolen...Not yet anyway..."


"Why would someone steal it, Doctor?" Ryan asks


"Machine like this is worth a lot Ryan...There are civilizations out there that would pay huge money for something like this"


"But why would a police officer lie about it being stolen?" Ryan asked


"They would if they were in on it Ryan" Graham says "I mean were not talking about stealing a watch are we...Everyone gets their cut and walk out with nice sum...never mind a genocide" he says sarcastically


"Alright we need to move fast see what's going on here. I don't like this at all and there are so many questions that still need answers...and I have a feeling we are running out of time. I've been way to laid back about it"


"Laid back?" Graham come to her defense "Give yourself a brake Doc you've only been here 3 days and you've been running around ever since we came"


"I know Graham, but time is running out and all these people are in danger I have to figure out what's going on before it's too late" she paces around Tardis "Nothing makes sense...Why would information go out that something like this is stolen and yet it's obviously not. Who is behind this and what are they planning. It could be anything stealing it, disabling it. We don't know now do we. We don't even know where it is.... Come on let's go and see who this woman is and then we will go and find that police officer...Boy do I have some questions for him" she started up Tardis and pulled the lever




Dan and Yaz went to walk around the city and found the most charming place for breakfast underneath the big dome there was beautiful restaurant filled with fountains and artificial waterfalls it was at very edges of the city so there was no traffic above them just beautiful see life swimming above and around them.


"God look at this place Dan" Yaz's eyes open wide "This is amazing"


"This must be the most stunning place I've ever seen. I really wish Di was here to see it" he says sadly


"I know" she linked arm with him "I wish Doctor was here as well and Graham and Ryan"


"Hey...wanna hear the news Sheffield?" he got suddenly cheerful


"It must be good news with that grin on your face"


"We picked a date for the wedding"


"Nooo...get out...are you serious? When?"


"We spoke last night, and Di found this amazing place in Scotland and it's free for next Valentines"


"OMG that's so amazing!" she stopped hugging him "I'm so happy for you"


"Also...something else"




"Would like to be my maid of honor?"


"Whaaaaa?" she jumps "Are you for real?"


"Yeah...very much Sheffield. I know it's like you know I should be having a best man. But you're my best mate Sheffield and..."


"I would be absolutely honored Dan" she says with eyes filled with tears


"Well, that's settled then...Also you're gonna have a baby by then so I don't think date should be too much of problem...I said to Di we can't get married straight after you have a baby it would be too much for you and you know...Need to heal and all that"


"That's god...I don't even know what to say Dan"


"Here... look we can sit here it's nice right by the window" he points to the table, and they sit down


"Talking about that...I am nervous Dan"


"What having a baby?"


"Yeah...Closer it's getting I'm more freaked out about it all. What if something goes wrong and the pain aaaaaa...I'm seriously freaking out about the pain" she laughs nervously


"Hey, you're having Doctor's baby I really can't see her leaving you in pain Yaz...I think she'd chop off her arm before she'd ever let you go through that"


"You're probably right...but still"


"Have you told her?"




" you actually talk to her about any of that stuff that's bothering you?"


"No, not really" she giggles


"Well, why not?"


"Dunno...Suppose I don't want her thinking I keep winging about everything" she looked down, playing with the menu nervously


"She's never gonna think that...You should really be saying stuff Yaz. You are married to her you know. Also...hear me out...talking from experience here. When you keep things in, they attend to come out sooner or later and not in a best of ways either. So, you better start talking to her"


"Alright...I suppose you're right"


"You know I am. Besides you've been badgering her to be honest for 10 years. Not really fair for you to keep things from her now, is it?" her says bluntly raising his eyebrow


"Suppose not" she looks up to him feeling guilty knowing he is right


"Come on let's order some food I'm absolutely starving, and I bet you and the baby are as well" he waves to the waitress




The Tardis landed on the other side of the city and the Doctor zoomed around the console. Inside she was nervous and unsettled. She didn't like the fact that she was tapping in the dark with so little to go on, and deep down she didn't have high hopes for this trip either. She grew increasingly concerned that time was running out now that she knew exactly what she was looking for and what damage this could potentially do.


"Right...let's go..." she walked outside, they were not very far from the hotel they were going to.


This part of the city didn't look very inviting, in fact, everyone got a little upset when they saw the poor state it was in and some very suspicious characters walking around. The biggest problem in this place was that the city was constantly in darkness, so being early morning meant very little for either of them. It felt like walking down dark city streets in the middle of the night expecting to be mugged at every corner. Most of the streetlights were not working, and rubbish was piled up on street corners spreading an unpleasant smell. It was the complete opposite from the part of the city where they were staying


"I didn't expect this to be honest" Ryan said looking around horrified


"Unfortunately, Ryan poverty exists everywhere, and this place is no exception. Sad really come to think of it...isn't it? When there is no reason for it. All it needs is good will and a bit of effort from those on a top" Doctor looked around saddened by the state of the place


It made everyone think how blessed they were by being able to stay where they did. There was an old man sitting on pavement begging. He was some aquatic species none of them have ever seen. He caught Doctor's attention, and she walked up to him crouching down to his eye level


"Here... this is all I have with me. I hope it helps" she took something out of her pocket. A small round token and placed it in his hand


"What did you give him?" Ryan asked


"Oh, just some credits for food I had from the hotel. He can use it anywhere in a city"


"That's very nice Doc"


"No Graham is nothing really, it won't help his situation. Just a temporary patch...It makes me angry when I see this. Do you actually know what century we're in?"


"No clue Doc"


"34th century by Earth time count. You would think they sorted out poverty by now"


"Wow" Ryan's face dropped in disappointment


"Here we are" she stopped in front of derelict hotel


They walked inside to the reception area that was relatively dark for the lack of lights on the ceiling. And older lady was behind the desk. She was also some other unusual species Graham and Ryan have never seen before. Her ears were big and pointed, skin shiny blue and no hair, she had relatively big eyes and very small mouth. And as she put her arms on the counter Ryan noticed she only had three long fingers. He's never seen anything like it in his life and was completely fascinated with her. Well, he was sort of assuming it was her by her voice that was "

gentle and soft.


"May I help you?" she smiled, and her big eyes closed for a moment


"Hello, I'm the Doctor this is Graham and Ryan. I was wondering if you can tell me about this woman. We were told she was staying in this hotel 3 days ago"


"Oh, yes I remember her" she smiles "We don't get many guests, so I remember most faces. She was a quite lady and she only stayed here 3 days. Didn't really get to see her much"


"Did she maybe aske around about some stuff or say why she was here?" Doctor asked


"She said she was here on business, something to do with antiques and asked me about directions to the other side of the city"


"What other side of the city?" Doctor asked intrigued


"Wait I'll give you address.... Is she is some trouble?"


"That depends..." she answered shortly "Thanks"

Doctor said taking a little note and asked her few more questions, but lady had no clue where the woman was or where she came from.


"Well, another address" she walked out irritated "Are you getting fed up with this? Because I'm getting fed up with this really fast"


"I must admit it's becoming annoying, and we are no further forward" Graham agreed


"Doctor but have you thought that maybe that guy from yesterday just sent us on a wild goose chase to destruct us?" Ryan asked concerned


"You might be right Ryan that's exactly what I'm starting to think. Well let's go and check this address"


Graham snatched a paper from her hands "No Doc me and Ryan are gonna go and check this address" he says firmly "You are gonna go and spend some time with your wife and baby"


"Nooo Graham absolutely not!!" she protests


"Yes, you are...Flat team structure Doc... sorry. You came here for your honeymoon and yet I don't see any honeymooning here at all"


"My honeymooning will have to wait Graham"





"Doc please. Us two are perfectly capable of doing this together. Just for today go have some fun"


Yeah, Doctor this can't be fun for Yaz either. It's like she's on a honeymoon with Dan" Ryan laughed


"You're probably right" she says saddened "But I don't feel comfortable leaving you to do this on your own. We have no idea who's behind this. Also, I have to go to the police because I think we can safely say that machine hasn't been moved"


"Doc we will go and check this address and we can pop to the police tomorrow come on give yourself a brake. Stop worrying..."


"We've been through worse. At least now we know it hasn't been stolen and probably can't be either, so nothing is going to happen till tomorrow morning" Ryan says trying to reason with her


"Alright then...I'm going soft definitely...but you call me in case anything goes wrong. Tardis is only around the corner"




Not sure" Doctor squished her cheeks between her fingers "Cheeky bugger. But I desperately need a shower so we will see. I just need to pull myself together, you threw me to another dimension"


"Well, I'm in a desperate need of a shower as well. I'm overheated"


"Come on then" she nods her head and Yaz gets up straight away "Coming with me?" Doctor grins


"You seriously need to ask me that?" she smiled cheeky and got up as well


Yaz couldn't help but keep her hands on her at all times. She trailed them lightly down her waist and sides all the way to the bathroom.

Doctor stepped over a wet towel that was on the floor, a nasty habit she just had of slinging towels around that Yaz simply learned how to ignore. Being with the Doctor was 99% perfect so the little habits that would otherwise annoy Yaz didn't matter to her at all because she simply adored every part of the Doctor.

She ran the water in a shower and before allowing Yaz to step one foot inside made sure water wasn't too hot or cold. One other thing that Yaz adored was the amount of care and attentiveness Doctor gave her at all times. This side of her that only came to pass truly since they were together and if it ever was there before, Doctor made a good job of hiding it from Yaz. But now she felt so protected almost sheltered from the world by the invisible shield Doctor has created around her making her wonder if she would ever allow her again to face forces of the universe like before, or she would just keep her locked deep within the Tardis where nobody could ever harm her. Iff she was perfectly honest with herself she didn't even mind as long as she was with her, she will find a way.


"Here perfect" Doctor says holding her hand "Carefully Yaz don't slip"


Water felt soothing on Yaz's skin. She felt overheated from everything and unlike Tardis that was regulating temperature in just the right way, hotels always felt too cold or too hot for her. She lived inside Tardis for many years now and her body wasn't used to it anymore. Doctor pressed her head on the tiles letting water run down her spine. It was her thing and Yaz found it incredibly attractive. Doctor was so tiny she could count every vertebra. Yaz trailed her hands down her back resting them on her hips and kissed her shoulder blade. When they would take a shower together like that it was moment to just looked her. She loved looking at her without clothes. Again, something that was so personal intimate, it was body that nobody ever saw but Yaz. There was something so amazing about that fact.


"Mmmm...that's nice" Doctor smiled and pulled one of her hands around herself resting it on her stomach "Wanna go with me?"


"You need to ask?"


"Well, you don't know where"


"I don't care" she laughs "But do tell"


"I wanna go back to the volts. I keep thinking i missed something. It's bothering me"


"Sure...I just need to eat something" Yaz rinsed soap of Doctor's shoulders and pressed another kiss on her back


"Also, I wanna take you out tonight"


"Really?" Doctor shifts away from the wall pressing her hand on the tiles above her head still holding Yaz's hand around her waist. This makes Yaz concentrate really hard on a conversation.


"I feel bad...we've been here three days and I haven't done anything with you"


"You've done plenty with me babe" she giggles pressing herself on Doctor's back and showering her with small kisses down her shoulder blades


Doctor smirks looking down "Yeah, that's not what I meant"


"I'd love to go out with you...Wear a tux for me?" she kissed her again






"You fit into me"


"What do you mean babe?"

Doctor turned around and cupped her face gazing at her lovingly "You fit into me Yaz, like a perfect part of me"


"You're making me soppy now" she smiled controlling her emotions "And you into me love like I never thought anyone ever will"


Yaz looked absolutely adorable gazing at the Doctor with her big beautiful brown eyes. Smile across her face showing her cute dimples. Her hair was getting wet draping across her shoulders and as she lovingly gazed at Doctor's eyes getting totally lost in them, she kept blinking as water from the shower was splashing in her eyes. Doctor kissed her softly for long time.


"Come on beautiful you're turning into a prune" she smiles "Cute prune but nevertheless"


"What should I wear?" Yaz was standing in her underwear digging through the drawer.


"You look beautiful in everything" Doctor kissed her shoulder passing next to her


She was already dressed herself and making a call to boys. They figured it would be nice to go somewhere for meal for a change before going back to the volts. It was way pass lunch time anyway and Doctor figured everyone was hungry, she also felt a guilty for making everyone run around for the past 3 days and wanted them to have some fun as well.


"Wear those cotton white pants and blue t-shirt I got you. It looks nice showing the tummy" Doctor added just before Graham picked up the phone on the other end


"Excuse me?" Graham said confused


"Whaaa???" Doctor answered then she clocked on to it "Not you Graham...Yaz" she looks at Yaz across the room laughing silently


Yaz pissed herself at the thought of Graham showing his stomach through the blue tight t-shirt. Then deleted the image out her head straight away and walked up to the bed to get dressed. She got her trainers and sat on a bed waiting for the Doctor to put them on. Since their last conversation about it she gladly let her do it, even enjoyed in the little routine they had now.


"Right...all arranged Yaz. Oh, I promise I will make it up to all of you today" she walked up to the bed and crouched down grabbing her trainers "Specially you beautiful" she looked up smiling


"You don't need to make up for anything to me love I promise" she strokes Doctor's hair "But..." she puts a finger underneath her chin lifting her gaze "It would be a treat to see you in a tux" she smiles


"Might do Yaz...just might do" she got up and kissed her forehead then reached for her hands to lift her up "Let's go mummy"


They laced fingers together and walked out of the room.




"Yaz...nice to see you feeling better" Dan smiled and kissed her temple


"Thank god...thank you so much. And I'm so sorry for that Dan"


"Nah, don't worry...what are mates for"


"Hey Yaz, Doc how are you? ...We heard what happened. Gave us a scare a bit" Graham says


"Gave myself one as well. Not for me but the baby. Where's Ryan?"


"Oh, went to get something from the shop for your sister he will come directly to the restaurant" Gram said with satisfaction in his voice


"I will kill them both just so you know. I was he literally listening to her wining in Egypt for hours and now they both keep a secret from me...Totally not cool"


"To be fair you kept you and Doc a secret" Graham gives it back to her


"Oi, not the same thing but ok I'll take it..." she smiles "I suppose I deserved that one"


They walked slowly through the city, which was built in a very unusual way. Some parts are completely enclosed within massive domes, and some buildings like the hotel they were in are submerged under water with only massive crescent-shaped windows giving a beautiful view of the ocean. The part where the Doctor had taken them now was the part that was under one of those huge domes and the feeling was unusual as the streets down there seemed like any other city until they looked up and instead of the sky, they saw a glass dome that had a distinctive shimmer almost like it's covered in glitter. The only problem was that all of them were slowly losing perception of time not knowing whether it was day or night because the place had no natural light at all, so it constantly felt like it was night.

Yaz didn't mind it, she was used to Tardis and the crescent window in their room was a nice change.


Doctor was happily chatting with boys and Yaz was got lost in her thoughts looking around at all the different alien creatures passing by and unusual transportation devices in a shape of a bubble hovering around silently as if they had no engine. Suddenly something caught Yaz's eye, and she stared at it so much that she didn't release she pulled Doctor to a halt tugging her hand


"Yaz? You Alright?" Doctor caught her attention, but Yaz didn't answer. Her eyes were fixed to a store window and Doctor looked in that direction. Her face went soft and subtle smile flashed across her face when she released Yaz was fixated at the baby crib on a display.


"You like it?" she asked quietly smiling


"It's amazing" Yaz pulled her hand and pressed her face to the window. The crib was semi-oval in shape made of the same crystal-like material as the domes in the city and supported by a silver stand beautifully crafted like thin lace that hugged the cradle. The sheet fabric was something Yaz had never seen, soft and pleasant like cotton, but it was as thin as a cobweb. She was completely mesmerized.

This was the first time since she was pregnant that she had actually stopped in front of a baby store. If she had been on Earth by now, they would have already been buying things, but Yaz was in the Tardis on a distant planet away from it all.


It beautiful and look see that thing on a side" Doctor pointed to the little display attached to the side of the stand "That's a hologram for the baby"




Doctor glanced aside and released the store was shut. Her heart sank to the bottom of her boots.

"Hey, I promise we will sort out the baby room as soon we come back"


"Promise?" Yaz looked up to her with a bit of sadness in her eyes


"I promise...We should have done it by now" she kissed her temple and they turned away from the store continuing towards the restaurant


The Doctor gripped her hand tighter, almost as a comfort. She felt bad that she hadn't thought of it sooner. She felt so clumsy about it all, but the last thing she ever wanted was for her inability to recognize the obvious to hurt Yaz. She didn't want Yaz to feel as if she was deprived of normal. Penny dropped for the Doctor, and she admitted that she hadn't thought about things like cradles and buggies. The truth was she hadn't thought about it at all. The baby was like some abstract thing in her mind that still hadn't arrived even dhow she knew it will, apart from being completely beside herself from happiness she hadn't thought of much else. She leaned in and kissed Yaz's temple again. She looked at her with eyes filled with so much love Doctor felt as if she didn't deserve that look at this point in time but as always there it was. Only Yaz could ever give her that look without any resentment at all. She questioned every day how she ever managed to be so lucky to fall from the sky through that train straight in front of this absolutely wonderful human being. She also wondered in a same time what the hell was wrong with her to wait for so long to be with her, but there it was, same as always right there in front of her nose and jet it has to smack her on head each time for her to release. Suddenly she jolted releasing they were in front of the restaurant


"Aaaa here we are" she looked up "See right there at the top" she points to the terrace roof that was miles up in the air. "Ryan!! just in time" Doctor saw him walking towards them


"Hey what you wanted?" Graham tapped his shoulder


"Yeah, and some extra" he smirked "Hey Doctor...Yaz...feeling better?"


"Much better"


"Sonya send kiss and she said...Quote "Tell her she's got family on Earth as well"


"Alright, thanks Ryan. I'll call them today"


"Hey think she'd like this?" Ryan gets her to smell his wrist for the perfume he picked


"Oh, totally...She loves sweat notes. Don't worry about it"




"Got something for your grandad?"


"Why? You're here with me?"


" observant of you Ryan. I don't think I would know that if you hadn't told me"


"You alright Dan" Doctor walked up to him as they entered the building "You very quiet"


"Oh, yeah all fine Doctor just getting lost in my thoughts a bit that's all"


"Missing Di?"


He smiles "Yeah, that obvious?"


"Come on, let's get some food I'm starving"




Doctor explained during the lunch all about the machine and her going to the police. But it left everyone confused same as her, not sure if they should be pursuing it any further now with the new information.


"Doctor does that mean you can stop worrying about it now. I mean it's safe" Ryan asked


"It's still bugging me Ryan...Something is very off here. But at least for now I'm glad everyone is safe...Well for now at least...But there's a place I'm taking you tomorrow you're gonna love it. It's on the other side of a planet so we will take Tardis. I hope you got swimming trunks"


"Going swimming?" Ryan asked exited "Is it the surface Doctor?"


"Yap it is Ryan"


"Hey Yaz, you're finally getting your beach holiday" Ryan laughed and she made a face across the table


"So, what have you all been doing now when you're back at Earth?" Doctor asked secretly hoping they will say they miss her


"Not much Doc... I'm just enjoying my pension"


"And hanging around the Bingo ladies at the local community center" Ryan nudged him


"Aaa Bingo...I love Bingo...I'm good at Bingo" Doctor says cheerfully


"I love my new job I have some new mates" Ryan says "But it's hard not talking about last several years of your life. You know when something is right there on a tip of your tongue, and you need to stop yourself. I bet half of them just think I was banged up for several years. That's what's nice about Sonya I don't need to hide"


"I know the feeling Ryan" Yaz says "Been lying to my family so much I didn't know what I was saying half of the time anymore. God it's nice just calling my mum and saying Hey guess where I've just been"


"I'm getting married for Valentines" Dan shot out the information leaving everyone speechless


"You whaaaaa mate?" Ryan jumped exited


"That's beautiful news Dan. Congratulations" Graham smiled tapping his shoulder


"Wedding!" Doctor jumped "Oh, so happy for you Dan. I love weddings...I know this beautiful place you know I can make few calls, very hard to book"


"Thanks Doctor, I really appreciate it, but Di found this beautiful place in Scotland, and we would love for all of you to be there. I just asked Yaz today to be my maid of honor"


She nods smiling proudly


"Just released Doc, you'll have a baby by then" Graham noticed


"We sure will" Doctor covered her face with her hands "I still can't believe I'm saying that" she laughs "Well that's cause for celebration...Let's order some drinks" she waives the waitress


"What about you Doc?"


"What about me Graham?"


"You and Yaz...will you ever tie the knot you know with family and all that?


"Not down to me Graham....I'm leaving that to Yaz. I'm happy either way"


"No" Yaz says "We are married" she glanced at the Doctor eyes glistening with love "...and that's all that matters to me I don't need a piece of paper telling me that" she said but deep down the only reason Yaz never wanted a big flash wedding was because she would have 50 family members there and she knew Doctor doesn't have even one. Fam was different, it was her family of choice, but Doctor didn't have a real family and Yaz was painfully aware of that. She loved her way too much to put her through it. She also knew that as much as the Doctor was relaxed in front of the fam she was still socially insecure around people she didn't know, and her family can be intimidating at the best of times.


They've spent over three hours in a restaurant chatting and laughing after which Doctor took them to see glowing caves nearby. Yaz was getting tiered, and it was becoming difficult for her to walk so Graham and Dan managed to convince the Doctor to drop the trip to the volts and just enjoy the rest of her day with a promise they will go together first thing in the morning.


"So, what are you all gonna do for the rest of the day?" Doctor asked as they entered the hotel


"We will go to swimming pools, and we saw casino on way. Don't mind losing some money" Graham laughs


"What about you girls? Wanna join us?" Dan asked


"Thanks Dan, but I promised a date night to my wife" she glanced at Yaz looking up to her smiling


"Uuu....way to go Doctor" Ryan makes a joke as usual "Well Iff we see you we will pretend we don't"


Doctor shook her head laughing from the corner of her lips. She still wasn't used to being taken a piss out of in this way, but she didn't mind it either. It felt nice to have that closeness and her relationship with all of them having more intimate tone to it than having to be the one in charge on board the Tardis.


"She ya" Yaz waives as they headed back towards their room. Doctor draped her arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple


"Happy?" she asked smiling


"You really need to ask that?" Yaz slipped her hand around her waist leaning on her


"So, it's now around 18 our time and I have a table booked for 21. What do you wanna do?"


"Absolutely nothing" she laughs

"Nothing, nothing?" she chuckled


"Well...use your imagination" Yaz smirked


"You sure about that Yaz. My imagination can be pretty wild at times"


"I'll take my chances" she giggles


Yaz slumped on the bed kicking her shoes off "I need a least to cool down my feet" she huffed


"Why don't you have a nap Yaz, so you get rested for this evening?"


"Might do actually...What about you? Nap with me?"


"Well...I was gonna go to Tardis to check something that's been bugging me, but I don't want to leave you alone"


"Don't be silly, honestly if you wanna go, go I'll be fine. Just lock the door with sonic. How can anyone come in babe"


"Oh, I don't know Yaz"


She got up and grabbed Doctor's braces pulling her in quite rough "You're panicking for no're also complicating things. Go! I don't need a nanny"


"You sure?"


"Yes...go. You're absolutely itching to go admit it. Besides what's the point if you will just stare at the ceiling" she turned her around and slapped her bum pushing her out of the door "Love ya. Just don't be too long... oh oh...please hun can you bring me that hair clip you got me for Christmas it's in a first drawer next to the bed


"Sure" Doctor wrapped her fingers around her face kissing her softly and then closed the door securing the lock with a sonic


She rushed to the Tardis and zoomed inside flipping the switches in a hurry then pulled the lever.


Yaz took a shower and changed into her nightie. She laid on the bed and looked at her baby monitor for a while then picked up the phone.


"Hey mum" she said happily


"Yaz, honey thank god you called I was getting worried about you


"No mum I'm fine sorry for not calling"


"How are you doing? How's the baby. When are we gonna see you two?"


"Hey slow down mum" she laughed "We are actually on a honeymoon.... delayed honeymoon and I'm calling from under the's amazing this place mum it's a whole city under the sea. Baby is doing great 6 and a half months now and I'm absolutely huge" she chuckles "And I promise we'll come and see you as soon we come back. What about you and dad?"


"Ah, the usual. Nothing new here. You father may get promotion and I'm still waiting to see about that new job. Keep your fingers crossed. We told your nanny about the baby"


"OMG and how did that go?"


"She's excited about the baby, and she said she guessed about the Doctor and you, but we left out the part about Doctor being an alien, then your nanny said the weirdest thing"


What did she say mum?"


"She asked are you two still travelling through time?"


Yaz pissed herself laughing "Oh..."


"Yaz what is she talking about?"


"Long story mum...Well smart lady nanny. I'll have to go now mum. Doctor's taking me for a date tonight and I have to take a nap"


"That's nice...Your father never takes me out. We'll have fun honey and please don't forget to call. I was gonna call the Doctor"


"Alright mum, promise. Love ya...send my love to dad and Sonya"


"Will do and you mine to the Doctor. By love"


Yaz settled into bed. She missed the Doctor, but she was so used to her being in bed practically just for sex that it was a welcome change to have her sleeping next to her. But she was happy to see her relaxed even happy. She knew the Doctor would run away somewhere. No matter how desperately she tried to stay still, it was as if the Doctor's genetic code was programmed to keep moving. She even jumps when she walks, and her hands are never still no matter what words come out of her mouth, they are constantly waving and even when she is standing still, her shoulders sometimes move as if in a slight twitch. Yaz found all those things adorable, cute, and sometimes she wondered if her own genetic was programed to just simply adore the very ground the Doctor walked on. She was tired and her eyes heavy she fell asleep quickly.