Chapter 18


It was a mid week and the work on their conservatory was in progress. By the end of the week Clara will finally have her dream come true. Yaz didn't quite understand what was it that made her so happy about having it but it obviously did. She was banging on about it all the time ever since they met five and a half months ago. She was sitting in the kitchen on her usual spot sipping a tea and watching workers as they were assembling the conservatory. Clara moved her little mystery blue box at the end of the garden as far away from the work as possible. But Yaz missed watching it through the window, even though she could still see it at the bottom of the garden she got so used to sitting by the kitchen window each morning sipping her tea and eating crumpets imaging what could possibly be inside it. She came up to the windows one day and wanted to peak inside but it was as iff Clara had a sixth sense about it she called her from the kitchen before she managed to do it. She also noticed that since she's told Clara how there's no snow or frost on it, now it suddenly was. She noticed it on a cold January morning how the little lamp had ice on it. For a while Yaz didn't think about the blue box because of many other more pressing issues in their lives mainly wedding plans and stuff she found out about Clara which completely preoccupied her mind. But she was under no illusion that the box was the part of that story, she just didn't know in what capacity.
She remembered recently how Clara said her ship was closer that she thought and for a split moment she had a thought that she soon after dismissed practically laughing at herself how idiotic that was, a flying UK police phone box, not to mention the size of it was was absolutely ridiculous. But she did think that Clara probably  keep some stuff related to it or her life inside of that shed. Stuff that obviously she wasn't prepared to talk about yet. But Yaz was patient, not that Clara was going anywhere, that was the single most important thing to her. It was just bugging her, it was so intriguing and exciting. And then she remembered what else her future wife said about how it would be tempting for both of them.
A door bell rang and Yaz ran to open it.

"Mum..hi" she kissed her cheek

"Hi baby, how are you doing?" her mum stroke her cheek worriedly

"I'm fine mum...promise...come in. Tea?"

"Yes please. Yaz I'm just worried. Did you get your results....MRI?

"No, mum not yet but they wouldn't let me go home iff I wasn't ok. Seriously mum I just haven't had much sleep recently that's all"

Nadija came to the kitchen and peaked through the window "That's a beautiful conservatory"

"It is isn't it? Clara's been like kid over it. But I will miss sitting here and looking at the garden" Yaz laughed putting the kettle on looking outside

"You can sit inside it Yaz and look at the garden silly" she shook her head and sat down

"I suppose so...yeah I guess...It's just...I don't know...I got used to this place"

"You're being silly it's stunning. This whole house is stunning"

"I love this house so much I never want to move"

"Well, I don't know...It might be too small Yaz one day"

"What do you mean? Why would it be too small?"

"I don't you plan know...have kids Yaz?"
"Oh, god...I don't fucking know mum. We've been together less than six months ..give me break my head is spinning as it is from everything"

"I'm just asking do you want them? Did you talk about it?"

"Noooo...absolutely not" she jumped "That conversation is waaaay far in a future mum...and that's under a condition that it even happens" she gave her a cup of tea and sat down

"Alright Yaz no need to rip my head off"

"I'm not...I just want to spend time enjoying in Clara and me first and for a long time as well" she sipped her tea "You know...I've never had this before mum, with anyone. And it's nice, special and it's something that I never thought I will know...who I am"

"Who you are is a beautiful, clever, young woman and so is Clara and you both deserve each other"

"Thanks mum...I love you so much you know"

"And I love you too...I just want you to be happy that's all. Is Clara at work?"

"Yeah, she's coming later today. I hate it when she has meetings, she always comes late"

"When are you going back to work baby?"

"Next week...they told me I needed to rest for at least a week. But on Friday I'm having a checkup so we'll see" she peaked inside the bag her mum brought "Mmmm...what's that?"

"Your father made it for you two...I have no idea"

"Smells nice...Clara will be happy"

"She's the only one" she laughed

"She bought him father's day present by the way" she giggled

"That's so sweet"

"I's so cute. She said she's never had a dad and now she has...just made me fucking cry"

"I know...I got a card saying, For a mum I never had, I thought I'm gonna choke up and die" Nadija got up and walked up to the window looking towards the garden "What's the story Yaz, with her parents? I assume she told you"

"She has yes. She was adopted...but her so called mum was...well let's just say that she should be in a fucking jail"

"OMG Yaz why?" she turned around shocked

"It doesn't matter mum...long story and not the one Clara would like me to spill out either. It's just not very nice mum. But she said she'd put it behind her and she's got over it. For her sake I really hope that's true because I wouldn't want that shit on my worse enemy"
"OMG Yaz...that just gave me goose bumps...what the hell"

"Can we change the subject mum?...I'm's just not something I don't like to talk about because it's Clara and it's really upsetting me to even think about it"

"Sure hun...Sorry I didn't mean to push my nose into it...I was just wondering, I never thought it was some horror story"

"It's fine mum not your fault, I'm not upset with you. It just makes me angry to be honest. Anyways...on a happier note she got dad some braces"

Nadija almost spilled a tea over herself "What? ...OMG...Hakim in braces"

"I's fucking hilarious. We need  to take pictures"

"Oh definitely and frame them Yaz I'm not missing that one"

Her mom left and Yaz got her tea and walked to the garden to see how the work was progressing. They were almost done for today and it could already be seen how it will look like. It was a large conservatory and it was far from being finished. Clara also wanted heating and cooling inside and they were already looking for furniture. She worked out absolutely everything in detail and wanted all the little things like sliding doors that could be opened in the summer all the way to the garden and blinds on all the windows for privacy, underfloor heating and radiators that made Yaz laugh because the first thing that came to her mind was Clara's butt, which would keep getting cold.
The garden now looked beautiful as all the roses slowly began to bloom. Yaz had never seen it in the spring, and now it really came alive. Clara had a birdhouse in the tree that she filled every day with fresh food and water. She built it herself in the winter and it looked more like a bird hotel with several different platforms and bird toys. Yaz called it the garden buffet because Clara would not only leave food for the different kinds of birds she knew, but also for the squirrels that would regularly visit their garden. Yaz noted that her knowledge of biology, zoology and botany was absolutely vast. She literally knew every animal and plant species one could imagine. Including some really cool stuff about bugs that Yaz had never heard in her life. Like what makes fireflies glow in the dark and how a cricket makes a sound, what happens inside a butterfly cocoon and how bees actually make honey. It was absolutely fascinating to listen to. She also had millions of books on the same subject. Yaz saw some of them and they looked at least a hundred years old with beautiful illustrations of plants and animals. Which now made her wonder if Clara really had owned them for at least a hundred years. A concept that made Yaz's brain completely explode. She also wondered when her ex-wife actually died and if she was a man then. She had a million questions in her head, but she never asked them, hoping that one day Clara would say it herself.
As Yaz walked through the garden with tea in hand, she approached the blue box. She wanted to peek inside, but the windows were obscured and way to high. She ran her hand over the side to the door. This was the first time she had actually had the chance to have a real look. There weren't many of those police boxes around anymore. They belonged to another time and Yaz wasn't sure iff she had ever seen one so close. She remembered seeing the door and the plaque, up close once in her life, but it was a distant memory she couldn't place.
It looked antique and it made her laugh a little because Clara also looked like she stepped out of another time so they matched perfectly. She ran her hand over the old wooden door and heard a click.

"Yaz" Clara's voice jolted her and she turned around

"Clara!!" she smiled haply "You're home earlier?"

"Hey lovely" she smiled walking towards her

"Hey love...God it's nice to have you home" Yaz slipped her hand around her waist as Clara kissed her temple "Did you see babe they are almost done"

"I's brilliant" she grinned haply "Let's have a look" she nodded and waived her sonic behind Yaz's back closing the door frowning at the Tardis

"How come you home early?"

"They cancelled the meeting so I just slipped out" she grinned

"Can you do that every day" she leaned on her as Clara dropped her hand over her shoulders

"Might do Yaz...just might do" she placed one more kiss on her head and then zoomed around the building site all exited "Hey look at the top I love it!!" she pointed to the beautiful ornate peak where the roof met.

They chose arched windows and as Clara wanted, it stretched the entire length of the house in the hexagon shape.
She watched as Clara stood with her hands on her hips, her fingers curled around the buckles of her braces and her sleeves rolled up to reveal Yaz's favorite parts. She addressed the workers, squinting her eyes from the sun and Yaz's brain began to overthink feeling her cheeks flush. She wasn't sure if it was because of the sun shining on her face or the fact that she was literally ashamed of what her brain was thinking at that moment. Also at this point she couldn't care less about how the conservatory looked, more about how her girlfriend looked and she wasn't sure if Clara would appreciate it so she pretended to be seriously engaged in the conversation until, to her relief, the workers left.
Clara came inside all excited explaining about the underfloor heating that was going to be installed the next day and all the other stuff Yaz was still trying to follow the conversation.

"Yaz...are you listening to me?"

"Hmmm...Yeah...of course I am babe" she snapped out of it

"Is something bothering you lovely? You look absent" she walked up to her wrapping hands around her neck concerned making Yaz quiver at her touch "Are you feeling bad, dizzy?...Did you eat something today Yaz?"

Yaz reached out for her wrist and giggled "I'm fine...It's nothing like that"

"Then what? I can see your not present your literally staring at one dot darling. After what happened I seriously need to know Yaz"

"It's you..'re distracting" she smiled

"Excuse me?" Clara raised and eyebrow surprised but now she found it funny and wanted more explanation

"You look distracting" she hooked her fingers inside the belt straps of her trousers pulling her hips smiling "And you smell OMFG...I'm sorry" she rubbed her face into her shoulder "It's horrible...I're all happy about this, and I'm just..."

"Just what Yaz?" Clara smirked and wrapped her arms around her rocking her side to side finding this extremely amusing

"I'm being horny" she laughed into her shoulder

Clara burst out laughing "I'm not complaining Yaz...Do I look like I'm complaining?"

"No" she looked up to her "'re totally getting off on this aren't you?"

"Mmmm" she tilted her head still grinning "If you loved the conservatory more than me I'd be seriously worried Yaz" she raised her chin with a finger kissing her so deeply Yaz whimpered into her mouth grabbing the waistband of her trousers

"Bedroom...please" she shamelessly begged her pulling her for her trousers

"Or here?" Clara smirked as they stumbled into the kitchen kicking off their shoes "Sofa?" she mumbled into her lips between the kisses

"Yap sofa" Yaz nodded pulling the straps off her shoulders letting them fall down her hips and unbuttoning her shirt "Fucking buttons...please" she smiled fumbling walking backwards not wanting to break away from her lips letting Clara guide her along the way

Clara had her shirt unbuttoned in seconds and out of her pants, then tackled Yaz's unbuttoning one button at a time and kissing the exposed skin dropping it to the floor along with her bra, pressing her lips to her neck pinning her against the wall by the kitchen door. She completely lost her patience and picked Yaz up off the floor letting her wrap her legs around her and arms around her shoulders carrying her into the living room dropping her onto the sofa. Yaz giggled as she set her down on the sofa and immediately started pressing her lips to her collarbone unzipping her trousers in super speed, she ran her fingers through her hair laughing

"You laughing at me Yasmin?" she looked up hair all messy depositing one more kiss on her lips making her giggle

"Mmmm...impatient much? I thought I was all worked up"

"Just lift your bum up" she said smiling hooking her fingers into the waistband of her trousers

Yaz was still giggling raising her hips and Clara stood up pulling her pants and underwear off in one smooth motion tossing them to the floor leaving her bare to her eyes. "You're so beautiful"

"My turn" Yaz laughed and pulled on her trousers making her stand in front of her and unbuttoned them letting them slide down her sides to the floor. She moved her lips over her her mound, looking up at her closing her eyes and tilting her head back. Then kissed the exposed skin of her soft stomach down the hem of her underwear pulling it down bit by bit pressing her lips to her hip bones trailing every inch of her skin with her lips until she stood bare in front of her. Clara quickly stepped out of her clothes piled up on the floor and pressed herself against Yaz's lips. Her breathing quickened as a hot breath was hitting her cold skin, and tangled her fingers through Yaz's hair looking down at her until their eyes met giving  her a soft smile.

"C'mere" she smiled back and pulled her hand laying on the sofa then threw the pillows on the floor to make more room for both of them which made Clara chuckle as she sat on her. She had unbuttoned shirt hanging over her hips, messy hair and soft face with flushed cheeks, Yaz just couldn't take her eyes off of her.
"You're so stunning" she said intertwining their fingers and pulling her forward into a kiss

"That's not where I want you to sit" Yaz giggled into her lips running hands down her legs and Clara razed her elbow "I want you on my lips" she smiled trailing fingertips over her sides pulling her hips. Clara hadn't said anything, just smiled back running a thumb over her lips gazing at her then kissed her hard, deep and passionate.

Just five and a half months ago, Yaz sat on this same sofa in her wet trousers, chilled to the bone, waiting for the pretty blonde to bring her hot tea. The same beautiful blonde that had rocked her world ever since and took her to stardom in more ways than one, was now sinking her lips into hers with so much love and passion that Yaz couldn't help but wonder at times if this was all just a dream.

Clara grabbed the armrest with her arms splayed on each side of Yaz's head rolling her hips dragging herself over her lips, face flushed and lips parted in a silent moan as her lips were seated against her. Yaz looked up to meet her half-open eyes her lips smiling gently at her with pleasure as she tangled her fingers through her hair. She picked up the pace which made her cry out. Yaz could have sworn their neighbors had a free show. Which in itself was funny considering Clara was so discreet in public and here she was moaning her soul out rocking her hips over Yaz's lips.

"Shoot..." she frowned eyes slammed shut rolled her hips slowly feeling her passing through her feeling her inside her. Her arm shaking as she supported her own weight coming apart.

She craned her neck and fell silent threading her fingers gently through Yaz's hair for a moment and smiled as Yaz kissed the inside of her legs. She then moved down to capture her lips, wrapping her fingers around her neck kissing her deeply feeling the taste of herself in her mouth, "I love you so much Yasmin"

"I love you too...You have a happy grin on your face" she laughed moving hair from her face and wrapped her legs around her

"It's all your fault, Yaz," she smiled, brushing strands of hair off her shoulders and placing kisses along her collarbone.

Yaz watched her silently as she took her hand and ran her fingertips over her lips, kissing each one separately looking at her with those beautiful eyes that made Yaz completely lost in them. They seemed more green than hazel, and her pale skin glistened under the beam of light that filtered through the opening between the closed curtains. Her skin was still warm and slowly cooling down. Yaz ran a hand over her back, her shirt was rumpled and she looked cute with the sleeves unbuttoned hanging over her fingers. She slowly brushed her parted lips over Yaz's, taking them into hers, making it feel again like there was no more oxygen in the room.




"I don't want to move" Yaz said lying next to her on a sofa under the blanket they pulled over themselves

"You look sad Yaz. What's bothering you lovely?" Clara brushed her finger over her cheek

"I don't know, I'm as happy as I could possibly be. But sometimes when we lie like this just cuddling it's like I have this...I don't know"

"What darling, tell me" she dotted kisses over her face

"It's stupid...I was alone for so long Clara...I never thought I'll have this. And I just get scared"

"Scared of what love?"

"Losing it I suppose...It all came so fast...and sometimes I wonder iff I'm too know" she looked down at Clara's hand lacing their fingers "I don't even know how to explain it. Like I'm taking something that's not meant to be mine and universe will take it away from me. And I just get so scared of losing you baby" she looked up her eyes filling with tears

"Hey darling" Clara wrapped her fingers around her face "you wanna know the truth"


"I'm scared of the same thing....all the time. But guess what...I'm not going anywhere. I'm glued to you remember. You glue to me I glue to you" she giggled pulling her leg across her hip " space between us"

Yaz smiled tucking herself in "Forever?"

"Forever my love...this time forever" she scrunched her face "Besides you're gonna be my wife in less than two months"

"And you mine...and it's so unreal to say that...I love you so fucking much I can't imagine my life without you"

"I love you so much my beautiful, you have no idea. But we need to get up love. I have a mate coming today and there's a trail of out clothes going on from kitchen all the way to here" she laughed

Yaz laughed "I think you slingshot my trousers all the way to the kitchen" she giggled

"I think my nickers are underneath the sofa" she laughed

"So, who's the mate?"

"Someone I know for a long time and haven't seen in a long time as well. I think you're gonna like him"

"I need a shower" she said getting up and picking up her clothes

"You and me both...let's go"

"Oh fuck!"


"I forgot I'm meeting Sonya...shiiit" she rolled  her eyes upset


"Oh, in about half hour. I didn't think you'd be home that early...wanna come?"

"No Yaz it's fine. I've got some stuff to do, you go"

"Are you sure? Now I feel bad for going"

"Don't be silly...go. Just be here by seven I want you to meet my mate"

"Sure babe...oh dad send you some food it's in a kitchen just heat it up"

"Oh, that's brilliant" she jumped happily

"Found your nickers" she laughed picking them off the floor "But you can stay like this as well I don't mind" she laughed

"Shower cheeky monkey" she said shaking her head laughing




"Alright babe...I'm off" Yaz said kissing her and then zooming around picking up car keys off the counter "I'm so sorry" she stopped pouting her lips.

"Seriously's fine. I have loads of things to do...time will fly...It always does" she shrugs

"I won't be long I promise"

"Goo silly"

Yaz left and Clara went out in the garden to her little box. As she stepped inside Tardis lit up humming.

"Don't say sorry, that was very cheeky of you" she walked around the console "Yeah I know you missed her, so did I but we need to be patient, she is so fragile. The most important thing is that we have her back"

Tardis hummed again and changed lights to pink "I was scared as well but she seemed to be fine. Let's just hope it stays like that" the Tardis hummed again "I miss you too...but I'm scared. I have to keep us safe, I'm so sorry. I love you" 



Clara got out of the shower and opened the closet. Every time she did it, it made her smile how Yaz would put all her clothes in it so neatly. She even bought her a box for all her cufflinks. Today, a special person was visiting her and her hearts were pounding so much. She took out dark blue trousers and a white thin jumper from the closet, laying them on the bed and the matching suspenders that Yaz had recently bought her. She was obsessed with her braces and Clara knew it, she thought it was adorable. She was getting dressed and brushing her hair when she heard a car park in front of the house so she rushed down the stairs and opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Graham!" she rushed outside on the driveway so exited she could swear her hands were shaking

"Doc" he got out of the car and before closing the door rushed to hug her "God it's so nice to see you"

"You're making me soppy mate" she wiped a tear running down her face when she pulled back

"Look at you Doc...waaaw...don't you look elegant"

She smiled "Thanks...You don't look bad yourself" she laughed "Come on inside"

He closed the car door following her into the house "Beautiful house...look at you Doc having a house"

"I know go figure...I love this house...wait until you see conservatory...I'm so chuffed about it" she smiled walking inside

"Tea?" she said happily as they walked into the kitchen

"Yes please"

She put the kettle on and jumped all exited "Come on let me show you around"

"You look so happy Doc. Never seen you smile so much" he said as they were coming back downstairs

"I am happy...very happy Graham...let's hope it stays that way this time around"

"Where's the Tardis?"

She pointed to the garden smiling

"OMG...what the hell did you tell her?"

"It's just a garden shed Graham...come on isn't it obvious" she laughed passing him a tea "Wanna say hello?"

"Can I?"

"Yeah sure...she won't be home for another half hour...come on" she nodded her head and walked through the back door

Tardis hummed as they stepped inside "Hey you...waaaw" he looked around and then to Clara "I do miss it Doc I'm not gonna lie. Don't you?"

"Like my arm Graham. But I rather miss my arm than Yaz"

"So she knows who you are, right?"

"She does...I told her...Well, in so many ways"

"Does she know anything else?"

"No" she put hands in her pockets looking down to the floor "She doesn't...maybe it's for the best Graham...I don't know. I'm so lost in this"

"You don't want her to know do you?"

"I don't know Graham. I do and I don' hearts say yes but my brains say no...I don't know what to do" she sat on the steps "Would you want someone to know something like that?...If that was Ryan, would you tell him?"

He sat down next to her and took her hand "I would give him a choice"

She looked at him trying to control herself from breaking down in floods of tears 

"I know you're scared Doc, and I understand. But your fear it's only making it worse. She chose you matter what she has. But I'm afraid that hiding this can damage what you have now. It's been damaged enough Doc"

Clara couldn't help it, tears started rolling down her cheeks "Thank you...You're a very good friend Graham"

"No Doc, I'm your family and family always sticks together "he brushed her tear with his finger "Something tells me you two are gonna be just fine this time around"

"But I'm still staying put...she said smiling though her tears...I can show her the Moon...that's safe...for now at least"

"I think she already has all the stars she needs Doc...Come on" he tapped her hand "...let's get back before she comes home"

"Shoot...yes of course" she smiled and jumped on her feet

They came back to the kitchen and Clara heard the car pulling up "She's here" she smiled exited

"Oh god...I'm not ready Doc"

"Neither was I and I survived" she smiled

"Hey babe" Yaz said from the hallway

"We're in a kitchen darling"

"Hey," she smiled as she walked in, and Clara walked up to her kissing her temple

"Hey...darling...Meet Graham, one of my best friends"

"Oh, hello...Nice to meet you. Yasmin Khan" she smiled and held out her hand

"Nice to meet you, Yasmin," Graham palmed her hand

"So, food anyone?...I'm starving" Yaz said lifting the shopping bag on the counter

"Yeah definitely" Clara smiled

"Good...I got something quick I hope you don't mind Graham?"

"No, not at all, I'm used to just having a sandwich next to Doc"

"Did you just call her Doc?"

"Yeah...I always called her that"

"That's so funny...I like that. Doctor is just to formal. It's more like title than a name"

"Oi!" Clara jumped "What's that all about...What's  wrong with my name?"

Yaz giggled shoving food in the oven "Sorry babe" she closed the oven and came up to her side putting her arms around her neck kissing her cheek "Nothing, absolutely nothing...You're just always gonna be my Clara"

To her surprise Clara wrapped her arm around her waist "I suppose so...I guess I've got only myself to blame for that one" she gave her a little smile

"Okay, I'll just go upstairs and change. I need to freshen up...I'll be right back. Oh shit, I forgot"


"Sonya" she was digging in her bag " it is. She asked if you could look at her smart watch. She said it glitches and she had it repaired three times. They keep screwing it up."

"Sure...I'll look at it tomorrow"

"Thanks babe" she kissed her head quickly and hoped upstairs "I won't be long" she smiled whizzing around the corner

Graham got up from the chair and walked up to the kitchen door leading to the garden looking outside

"You alright Graham?"

"No, but I will be. Just need some air Doc if you don't mind?"

"No...not at all...go ahead"

He opened the door and stepped through the half built conservatory out into the garden, Clara followed him. He looked up towards the stars

"I remember when you said how we will not come back as same people. And I said to you how that's a good thing" he looked down at her "I didn't mean it like that Doc" he shook his head pointing towards the house and Clara pursued her lips "But that's what you meant wasn't it?"

Clara sighed deeply just gazing at him for a short moment before finding words "That was lucky Graham. You all were"

"I mean don't get me wrong Doc...we all knew what we're getting ourselves's just" he choked up and covered his face with his hand wiping  his tears quickly "Sorry Doc"

"For what exactly?" she put her arm on his shoulder "I could hug you...if that helps?"

He chuckled immediately to that and looked up opening his arms "Always"

"Hey you two...Food is done" Yaz yelled from the kitchen door

"Alright darling...we're coming"



"So Graham, let me traveled with Clara?" Yaz asked cheerfully

"You guessed right Yaz"

"Where did you go? She's not gonna say so I'm taking my chances with you"

"Hey you cheeky...what is this today?" Clara laughed and nudged her with her hip

"Loads of places Yaz...too many to remember. But my favorite was M6 and laser shoes"


"Oh yeah, we had to go undercover and we got stuck on a burning plane, we were in a car chase we dogged bullets it was wild"

"No fucking way...are you serious? Clara is he messing me around?"

"No love he's not"

"Those were the days. Ha Doc?"

"They were" she smiled but there was sadness behind her eyes that didn't escape Yaz

"This is insane...what the hell babe" she frowned "What did you actually do? I'm so fucking confused"

"Sorting out fair play across the universe." she laughed and tapped her nose

"She's not even joking Yaz...She's quite something I'll tell you" Graham said nudging Clara's shoulder and she just smiled subtly without saying anything "You don't want to step on a wrong side of the Doctor Yaz, that's all I'm gonna say"

"It was all a team effort Graham"

"And we were a good team Doc"

"We fam" she said sadly

"How did you even meet?"

"She fell from the sky through the train right in front of me"

Clara looked at Graham shocked making faces for him to shut up, it all came out without warning. She felt fear and anxiety rising up inside her, suddenly she had no control over the conversation that was taking its own life.
She knew exactly what Graham was doing and that he was being cheeky, but at this point she wasn't sure iff this was good thing or a complete disaster.

"Whaaa?...No way...Claraaaa" Yaz turned to her frowning

"I'm sorry" she shrugged her shoulders

"I red this blog about it...this guy who works on a crane had a blog about this woman who fell from the sky through the train and she was like...Oh, yeah what a lot of blushit" she laughed and pushed her shoulder "and I was like yeah, can you believe people buy that crap" she looked towards Clara "That was you?...How the are you still alive and where the fuck did you even fall from?...This is insane I can't even believe were having this conversation"

"Long story Yaz...I just ship disintegrated I was thrown out of we change the subject"

"No, we can't" Yaz laughed "I'm squeezing every bit of it whiles I still can"

"I just thought she was a nutter" Graham said "Sorry Doc I'm honest...I though you've got few screws missing"

"Thanks Graham...I'll just take that as a compliment"

"Alright's getting late I should be going" he got up haply "It was nice to see you Yaz"

"It was nice to meet you too Graham. You have to come more often, honest. I have million questions now and none of them are normal" she laughed

"I think I should shut up or she might just make an exception and kill me"

"I just'd be right in that" Clara laughed "Come on I'll walk you out" she nodded

"I swear I'll leave you on an asteroid" she said pointing a finger at him as they walked outside

"No you won't...Who would help you then ha?"

"Oh boy...I'm dreading the questions now"

"It's fine...relax's Yaz...She's a tuff cookie...tougher than me and you put together"

"You'd be right in that"

" are who you are Doc you can't hide under the rock...even if you do stay put"

"I suppose not...But I still feel sick...You will come to a wedding, right?"

"I don't think you need to ask that...It was so nice seeing you Doc...and remember...We're family. I'm only a phone call away"

She opened her arms and hugged him tight "Thanks Graham...and send my love to Ryan I'm so sorry he couldn't come"

"I will...We will come together when he comes back I promise. And tell more stories to Yaz" he laughed "...thanks for dinner, it was really nice"

"When Ryan comes  back we can all meet up together. I'll see with Dan as well"

"It's a deal Doc"

He sat in a car and beeped as he pulled on a road. Clara stayed outside for a while, standing in the driveway with her hands in her pockets and looking up at the stars in the sky. It was a warm evening and the street smelled of trees that were in the middle of blooming and wet grass from the gardens. Somehow she felt lighter and more relaxed, or so it seemed. For a moment she thought about the past and all the trips they had taken together, all the adventures they had, but she tried to focus only on the good memories she had. It seemed so far away, and it was, almost seventy years ago in her time, and for Graham it was only three years ago that he stepped into the Tardis, wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.

"Hey you" she jolted as Yaz came up behind her sliding her arms around her waist "My woman who fell to Earth...what's in that beautiful head of yours?" she kissed her shoulder and rested her head on it

"Hey beautiful...just looking at the stars. So beautiful isn't it?"

"It's stunning. It's a clear night...look how many are out's amazing"

"Mmm" Clara leyed her hands over hers rocking them side to side "You're amazing" she turned around smiling and Yaz deposited a small kiss on her lips

"I love you so much" she pressed her face against hers

"Come on...let's go inside. We need to clean up the kitchen and I'm exhausted"




Clara was putting plates to the cupboard and Yaz came up behind her kissing her shoulder blade. She hooked her fingers into her belt straps and rubbed her face into her back

"Oh boy...someone is mushy? Clara smiled

"Mmmmm...I'm tired...and I need a cuddle"

"One cuddle coming your way in three seconds" she closed the kitchen cupboard and turned around wrapping arms around her Yaz tucking her face into her neck depositing kisses onto a soft skin

"Didi it hurt?"

"Did what hurt Yaz?" she scrunched her face confused

"When you fell to the train"

"I suppose so Yaz" she chuckled "But not for long"

"Our convo is getting weirder"

"We can always talk about eggs"

"What?" she giggled looking up

"We ran out I need to buy some tomorrow" she laughed and kissed her forehead

"Ok" she laughed and buried  her head back into her neck "Conservatory looks really nice by the way"

"Oh, does it now...didn't think you noticed Yaz"

"I did...but you were more interesting at the times" she giggled into her neck

Clara shook her head laughing "I noticed"

"Take me to bed"

"Alright beautiful...let's go before you fall asleep standing up"