Chapter 11


It was a second day of their trip and one day before Christmas eve. Restaurant was buzzing for breakfast. Tables packed with food and the smells of fresh coffee and tea lingering in the air mixing with the smell of food. Clara was chatting with some random nice old lady at the other end and Yaz was deciding what to eat. Usual choice would be crumpets but the abundance of the choice on a table was confusing.

"Yasmin Khan!" the man behind her called her name cheerfully and she turned around

It was a young man in his thirties whom she's never seen before.

"Excuse me?"

"Yasmin Khan?"


"Don't you remember me?"

"Nooo should I?"

"Paris three year ago...oh I'm sorry I suppose you and the Doctor do so much travelling it's hard to keep up with faces" he reached for a handshake "Patrick Clark"

"I'm sorry did you say Doctor?"

"Yes...You are Yasmin Khan?"

"Yes sir...I definitely still am"

"And you do know the Doctor?"

"I know Clara who is the Doctor...but you're really getting me confused now" she looked around and she couldn't see Clara anywhere. She just wanted to clarify this mess that made feel confused and embarrassed

"Oh, well I only know her by the Doctor"

"Patrick honey!" the woman's called the man across the table

"Oh, sorry. It's my wife. Well sorry for a confusion mam. Maybe I just got something wrong. I'm so sorry to disturb you.

"That's fine..." Yaz was left totally confused and now thought of million questions she could have asked him but didn't

Clara saw her across the room and relased she looked a bit lost so she excused herself and walked up to her " look like you've seen a ghost?"

"Maybe I have" she said putting random stuff from the table on her plate

"Why are you taking ham Yaz? You don't eat pork? What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing...sorry " she snapped out of it "I'll tell you what. I'm not that hungry darling...I'll just have some tea"

"Yaz..." Clara pulled her by the hand "What's going on? Did someone say something to you?"

"No, why would someone say something to me?"

"Because you're acting weird and you were about to eat pork"

She had no idea how to approach this or should she even approach it. It was beyond bizarre situation to say the least.

"Clara...have you been to Paris three years go?"

She scrunched her face thinking "I don't think so Yaz...why?"

"Some man just approached me saying he met you and me in Paris three years ago"

"Hmmm...that seems a bit weird. I'm pretty sure I wasn't in Paris three years ago Yaz. In fact I think you're pretty sure you weren't either...right? Or were you?"

" of course I wasn't in Paris...what would I be doing in Paris?...I've never left bloody Sheffield in my life? But he knew my name"

"Maybe he just confused you with someone Yaz"

"And how did he know my name Clara?"

"We've been here two days Yaz..."

"But how did he know my name Clara?" she was getting frustrated and it felt in her voice "That lady there? Do you know her name Clara?"

"No but I can find out if I wanted to"

"Yeah how?"

"Easy...come on" she reaches for her hand leading her to one of the main waiters

"Excuse me sir"

"Yes mam?"

"That lady over there. I met her two year's ago on one of my lectures in Oxford. It's so embarrassing but I completely forgot her name"

"Oh miss Barbara Clayton you mean?"

"Yees...thank're absolute savior"

Yaz looked at her baffled "That's it? It's that easy?"

"Yes Yaz darling. In places like these it's their job to know every guests name. It's part of the know" she rolled her eyes "Elitism. So you probably seemed familiar to him and he asked someone what's your name"

"And the Doctor?...How do you explain that?"

"Coincidence many people are Doctor's ha? Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin"


"Both born on a same day...12 February 1809...what are the chances Yaz?" 

Yaz sighed and looked at Clara with puppy eyes "I'm sorry I lost it back there"

"It's fine...relax" she said kissing her temple and put her arm over her shoulder "Come on...and please eat something"

"Alright...I will babe"

"Good...because I would hate if you wouldn't Yaz"


"Yaz...get up Yaz" Clara shook her quite violently

"Whaaa...what?..." she jumped practically having a heart attack

"Loook" she grabbed her hand dragging her to the window

"OMG babe wtf? "

"Loook!!...there Yaz" she grabs her literally gluing her to the window showing her a herd of deer on the fields underneath their window

"OMG that's so fucking beautiful" Yaz smiled with sleepy eyes

"See aren't you glad I got you up?"

"Yeah" she laughs "Would've liked if you did it a bit more gently dhow you silly woman"

"It's a Christmas eve Yaz" she flashed a huge smile

"It is love" Yaz smiled stroking her face "Our first one" she said kissing her softly "I'm freezing" she said absolutely frozen standing naked by the massive window and ran back into bed "What time is it?"

"Seven...sleep more if you want. I just wanted you to see that"

"Seven...When did you get up?"


"Five???? What the hell did you do since five?"

"Oh, went for walk...I wanted to see sunrise from the lake"

"OMG that's called will...You're cute dhow. And full of energy"

"Not like I used to should have seen me before Yaz" she says smug

"No thanks...I'm barely keeping up with you even now"

"That's a shame...because I wanted you to see it with me tomorrow morning on a Christmas day" she grins knowing she will agree


"But if you don't that's fine" she looks through the window looking disappointed

"Hey...I'll go with you"

"Really?" Clara turns around with a big smile

"Yeah silly I'll go with you"

"Goodie" she jumps running to the bed kissing her and squeezing her into the duvet like a rolled sausage "Sleep can't keep your eyes open Yaz it's funny...Did you know that when you're tiered one of your eyes is a bit slow?"

"Noooo...I don't...but my brain definitely is and I can't keep up with you" she moaned

"Hmmm...funny that...Do you have a problem with your eyes Yaz?"

"Noooo!!!! Let me fucking sleep you hyper nutter" she moaned covering her face with a duvet

"Alright grumpy...I'm calling you grumpy from now on...grumpy Yaz..."

"OMG!!! Alright I'll get up for god sake"

"Noo...don't on my account...grumpy Yaz"

Yaz couldn't take it anymore releasing she won't shut up until she gets up. She threw a cover off and wobbled to the bathroom.

"You could have slept more you know" she looked through the window and Yaz slammed the bathroom door "Grumpy"


"So..where are we going again?" Yaz said still sleepy getting into the car. It was eight o'clock and she still didn't know her own name.

"Fort William's not far from here. Lovely town. Oh did I tell you Queen Victoria stayed in this castle?"


"Yeah...she described it in her diary as one of the loveliest and most romantic places she's ever seen" she smiled smug

"Figure that one...charmer" Yaz smiled and got into the car

They spent the whole morning in a lovely town and had lunch in cute little restaurant. Then got stuck in a little Christmas store.

"Clara why are you buying Christmas tree decorations?"

"For a Christmas tree...look isn't he cute?" she said dangling little elf in her hand

"We don't have a Christmas tree"

"We don't now...but we will"

" next year"

"Exactly by the time it comes Christmas next year you will have all the decorations"

Yaz cracked up laughing shaking her head. And in the end seeing Clara so haply choosing them she got into it herself. The bought so many Yaz was absolutely certain it was enaugh for two Christmas trees.
But by the time it came afternoon and they were coming back Yaz again couldn't keep her eyes open. For some reason Clara was super hyper and she figured it was a Christmas rush. She was like a little kid hopping around everywhere. She desperately needed sleep iff she wanted to be awake for the evening and also she promised her a trip to the lake at dawn. She was absolutely dreading it. But she made her a promise and also promised herself she will never neglect her girlfriend again so now she had no choice. She was just hoping to god she wont fall asleep standing up next to lake.

They came back to the hotel and Yaz slumped to the bed unbuttoning her trousers lying down and wiggling her bum to get out of them.

"What are you doing Yaz" Clara laughed

"Trying to get my clothes off without getting up" she giggled trying to get her foot out of the trousers

Clara laughed and grabbed the trousers pulling them in one swipe. "Better?"

"Can you do the rest?"

"Tempted...very tempted Yaz" she smirked taking her cufflinks off

"" Yaz lifts her eyebrow propping herself up on the bed

Clara winks rolling her sleeves and licking her lip

"Fuck...Lord have mercy on me"

"Though you wanted to sleep Yaz?" Clara says grabbing her legs pulling her to the edge of the bed

"Changed my mind"

"Really...hmmm...interesting..."she hooks her fingers into her panties pulling them over her legs kissing her mound as they slipped down "And why's that Yasmin?"

"Oh god...please"

Clara razed an eyebrow and tilted her head getting down to her knees "please what?" she puts her hands on her knees spreading her legs

"Please don't let me beg cause I will"

She smiled kissing the inside of her leg unable to keep the straight face no more. She found Yaz way too cute like this to wind her up any more.

"Alright don't need to beg" she shook her head smiling, then took her legs and placed her feet on her shoulders, gently trailing her hands down her sides. Yaz felt her braces underneath her bare feet and her toes curled up as she trailed her fingers down her legs which Clara found absolutely adorable.

She no longer felt embarrassed being exposed like this it felt as normal as breathing. It was her Clara who absolutely worshipped every inch of her with her lips and she did the same to her and actually she came to like it. It was their little thing that spoke to her heart.

Clara was gentle taking her time dotting her kisses and trailing her hands. But all Yaz could think about at the moment was that she was going to absolutely pop as her lips traveled up the inside of her legs and over her mound, her fingers ghosting the insides of her thighs driving her insane.

"Please love..." she begged lifting her hips off the mattress

Clara smiled finally going through her, Yaz's hips bucked into the touch rolling over her lips.

"Inside please" she whimpered tapping her hand that was resting on her sides and moaned quietly as cold fingers pressed inside her.
She threaded her fingers through Clara's hair.

She felt like she was falling apart, Clara pressed against her so hard taking her with no mercy. Running through her like a wild fire burning underneath her skin. Her lips sealed themselves on her so hard Yaz almost wanted to escape them. She bucked her hips but Clara pulled them down pinning her to the mattress and pressed even harder keeping the steady rhythm of her fingers running through her.

Clara almost laughed when she saw Yaz placing a pillow over her face knowing she was desperately trying to muffle her sounds and wiggling underneath her. She heard a muffled whimper and felt her shuddering, her legs trembling on her shoulders. She kissed the inside of her legs then dragged Yaz over the bed tucking her underneath the covers.

"Now you can sleep" she smiled kissing her temple looking at her checked out not knowing where she was.

Clara watched her sleep resting her head on her hand. She trailed her fingers lightly down the sides of Yaz's back.

"Mmmm" Yaz moaned and rolled over tucking her face into her neck kissing the soft skin that smelled like home.

"Welcome back lovely" she smiled threading fingers through her hair

"Mmmmm" Yaz moaned again and slipped her hand around her

"Still sleepy?...Ok...we have time" she smiled "Maybe I'll get a shut eye as well"

"Don't go" she mumbled into her neck

"And where would I possibly go?"

"Don't know...but don't"

She chuckled "I won't"

"You always do" she mumbled half asleep

"Go where love?"

"To the console" she said quietly leaving Clara speechless

"Shoot..." she commented quietly and kissed her head then leyed down and pulled her close draping her leg over her hip and hugging her tightly "I'm right here love...not going anywhere" she said running fingers through her hair feeling her hot breath on her neck


They got up and started getting ready for the evening. Clara bought Yaz a beautiful red dress just for the occasion. It was floor length with thin straps with an open back that went all the way down to her waist. Clara wore a black suit with a red waistcoat and a matching bow tie. They came down holding hands and Yaz couldn't wipe a smile of her face. Her heart was pumping as she saw all the guests in their evening attire. She's never seen anything like this in her life. Clara held her hand tight laced fingers and from time to time kissed her knuckles as she could see she getting nervous mingling with other guests.

They had a full day when once the festivities begun with afternoon tea followed by a Champagne reception with canapés at six. During the reception they enjoyed in traditional Christmas Carols followed by dinner. Clara got up from the table reaching for Yaz's hand and she took on a side by the massive Christmas tree.

"Hey love...why did you bring me here?"

"It's Christmas soon" she smiled showing her the clock on the wall.

"Will I get a kiss?" she giggled

"Might do Yaz...just might do more than that"

Clock struck midnight and Clara draped Yaz's arms over her shoulders then trailed her hands down the sides of her back locking them around her waist "Mary Christmas my love" she smiled

"Marry Christmas my heart" Yaz whispered smiling and they lips came to together into a soft kiss

They pulled apart smiling Yaz stroking the nape of her neck "I love you so much. Thank you for this"

She scrunched her face " is still to come"

"What you mean silly?"

Clara moved a bit reaching into her pocket then took Yaz's hand kissing her fingertips

"What love?"

She placed the small box into her hand and Yaz looked at it confused.

"But presents are in morning babe? "

"Not this it Yaz"

She looked up at her then back down to the box.


"Marry me"

"Come again?" she frowned

"Marry me Yasmin"

"Don't joke like that Clara" she shook her head

"I would never Yaz...I'm serious I want to marry you...that is if you want me"

"'s been seven weeks" she asked completely shocked

"So? Do you plan on changing your mind in seven months?"

"No of course not...never"

"Then where's the problem?"

"Are you sure you want this? " tear rolled down her cheek "What if you change your mind?" 

Clara gazed at her softly then took the ring out of the box and reached out for her hand "Do you want to marry me Yasmin Khan?" she looked deep into her eyes

"Yes...yes I fucking do silly woman" she said and Clara slipped a ring on her finger then kissed her knuckles

"He, don't cry, your ruining your makeup" she laughed and pulled her for a kiss, Yaz whimpered into her mouth through the tears

"So..." she reached for her hand "Let's enjoy the the rest of the evening my future wife she said smiling at her