Chapter 38




Tardis landed and Doctor hopped around the console and opened the door. Intolerable heat hit her face straight away "Woooow that's intense" she pulled back "Alright I think I might have missed a spot a little bit" she walked outside and zoomed the sonic above her head "Yap definitely missed the town for about aaaahhh 50 kilometers"

"Baaabe!!! How?" Yaz came up to the door and peaked outside

"Noooo no" Doctor pushes her inside "You missy get back inside...this is way too hot for you and the baby...this is way too hot for anyone" she shielded her face from the sun looking around "It's like a desert...there's nothing here Yaz"

"Well, this is a deja vu" Yaz rolled her eyes

"It does seem like it a bit" Sonya added laughing trying to look outside over Yaz's shoulder

"Is everything ok?" Nadjia asked Sonya

"We seem to be a bit off course mum"

"It's ok least we got the right planet" Ryan said laughing

"Oi!!!...Pack it in or I'll leave you here!" Doctor points a finger at him "Alright...Alright...I'll get us where we need to be...I just think the planet is a bit out of orbit so that's why we landed on wrong place but nothing I can't fix" she marched back inside "Right...hang on got the lock on it?"

"Yap got it...let's go babe!"

She pulled the lever, and they landed in the middle of a busy town. She runs to the door scanning with a sonic "Aaaaa see...we got it right this time" she turns around the corner and sees relatively big house looking rather wonky with round windows and a flat roof "...aaaaaaa" she jumps exited "And right in front of the hotel as well!"

" many of those hotels exist around the universe?"

"Oh, many Sonya...most developed planets have them...People travel around the galaxy all the time and they need a place to stay. Not everyone has a Tardis...right" she turns towards everyone "Let's get our luggage, shall we?" she walks back inside

"Babe" Yaz pulls her sleeve

"Yes Yaz?"

"Can I show a baby room?"

Doctor's face goes white releasing she again forgot about those things and how dizzy she is in all of it. Her hearts sunk yet again. Of course, Yaz wanted to show it and of course it means a lot to her and of course it would be absolutely normal thing to do. But yet again she was getting lost in what's normal.

"Oh Yaz" her face goes soft "I am so sorry...I messed it up again, didn't I?"

Yaz kissed her cheek smiling "No you haven't...relax...come on let's show it" she nods her head towards the steps smiling then takes her hand and turns to everyone "Hey...excuse mee!!" she yells

"Yes love?" Nadjia turns around

"Before we go to a hotel Doctor, and I want to show a baby room" she smiled squeezing her hand in a comforting way

"You have a baby room?" Sonya jumped exited

"We do now" Doctor makes a smug face "Come on" Doctor says

For Yaz and the Doctor, this was also the first time they had opened the door to the most intimate part of the Tardis to someone's eyes. Something that in Yaz's world wouldn't be a big deal, but in the Doctor's world the bedroom was off limits and a space only Yaz could see. It showed Yaz how much love she has for her family, and she couldn't love her more for it.

The Doctor was all excited showing everyone all the functions of the cradle, but Yaz saw her mother standing by the bookshelf, sadly running her finger over the edge of the shelf.

"Mum...are you alright?" she came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder

"No Yaz...I'm not" she turns around eyes filled with tears "I'm happy for you Yaz...I am... for both of you"

"But?" Yaz asked worriedly

"'re so far away darling...please promise me I'll see the baby"

"Mum OMG of course you'll see the baby...definitely you will see the baby all the time"

"Will I Yaz?"

"Yeees...we don't have a babysitter do we mum know get ready to be one" she smiled

"You better keep that promise Yaz"

"I will"

"Is everything ok Yaz?" Doctor comes up behind her

"Mum's worried she'll never see the baby"

"Absolutely you will if I have anything to do with it Nadjia..."

"Promise me both of you" she points a finger at them

"We promise" Doctor said smiling and Nadjia opened her arms to hug them both.

"I just wish you two had a flat in Sheffield" she smiled squeezing them both so tight

"Yeah, mum we will just park Tardis in our living room" Yaz laughed "Come on let's go...Doctor has a meeting to go to later" 



"Babe are you gonna just leave her parked like that?" Yaz asked as they came outside, and she released Tardis is literally in the middle of a some square

"Right..." she turns around "I should probably move her"

"Yeah, I think you probably should babe"


"Don't get a parking ticket Doctor" Hakim laughed


"Alright let's get settled first"


"Alright" Yaz leaned closer to her "Besides you promised me something"


"And I will keep my promise Yaz" she kisses her temple


"Oh, by the way..." Doctor turns around "Welcome to your first alien planet"


"Blimey I didn't even register that to be honest" Nadjia says


"Funny how having a daughter in law whose alien changes perception" Hakim said to his wife


"Just proves nothing can surprise us anymore" Nadjia shakes her head


"Doctor...where is this actually?" Sonya asked rushing to catch up with her


"Well, it is about 3500 light years away from Earth Sonya but also looking from our perspective about 1500 years into the future as well"


"Blimey" Sonya shook her head a bit taken back "I guess this is normal for you, ha?" she said to Ryan


"Oh, totally normal" he laughed "After a while you stop asking and just go with it"


The town looked rather funny and not what anyone really expected. All the houses were wonky with several floors and round windows in. Some had steep rooftops some had flat roofs like terraces and there were clothes hanging to dry out in the sun. The whole town was in earth tones presumably because the local area was all desert.

"Babe what are these houses built off?" Yaz asked

"Local stone Yaz...there's a query on the other side where they get the stone from. Quite interesting really, then they make a mixture of soil, sand and poop and smearing it on the outside for extra protection from heat"

"They smear poop on the walls"

"Yes, Yaz poop is used quite a lot...excellent binder"


"Right..." Yaz decided to ignore the last information for her own sake

Sonya's eyes teared up and she felt yet again as if she's going to throw up on the floor.

The hotel was beautiful with a huge courtyard that had unusual plans that looked like massive trumpet shaped flowers in different colors growing out of the ground, some of them as big as a person. The interior looked no less unusual. Not a single room has a single straight wall or corner. Everything was rounded and smooth, and also all the walls were perfectly white. No one knew how to use the bathrooms or toilets that didn't even look like regular toilets, so the Doctor had to show everyone the basics. Then she and Yaz were finally in their room which was absolutely beautiful with a large balcony that looked out over the street below and Yaz wasn't able to wrap her head around the stone base of the bed with a thick mattress that looked more like a puffy duvet than a mattress.

"I really hope this is comfortable to sleep on or I'm sleeping in Tardis" she said lifting the mattress

"Wanna test it?" Doctor kissed her shoulder smirking

"Silly sod" she laughed ruffling her hair "We definitely will but I suggest you go and get the Tardis babe"

"Shoot yes" she kissed her cheek and grabbed her coat

"I really think you don't need a coat on hundred degrees outside babe"


"Right...aaaa" she stopped by the door confused and flustered


"It's fine babe it's not inappropriate you know...just leave it here"

"'re probably right Yaz" after shortly considering she did opt for leaving it and rushed outside

"And you look much sexier without it," she said smiling as she left

As Doctor came out, she found two men standing by the Tardis one knocking on the door and the other walked around it confused.

"Hello...can I help you?" she said approaching them squinting her eyes from the strong sun

"Is this your box?"

"Oi, that's not a box...but yes, it's mine..."she said confused

"Well then this is for you" the man passed her a note

"A fine?" she exclaimed "I got a fine?" she looked at the note, frowning in confusion

"'re obstructing traffic"

"I'm whaat?"

"You're obstructing traffic...You can't just leave it here...So, pleeeeease move it...What is that thing anyway?"

"First of all it's not a thing...second...It's not even on a road!!" she points "That's good twenty centimeters from the edge you know...look!"

"It's in the way of the traffic" he said clearly irritated by her at this point trying to leave but she followed him

"It's not even on the road? How can I obstruct the traffic?"

"Look I really don't care...just pay the fine or go to's actually very simple"


"Jail? How rude... And I was going to move it, you know... Not to mention I'm here to clean up your mess... Aarrrh... Never mind" she shrugs and slams the door behind her.


Yaz was taking the essentials out of the bag. She had packed virtually none of their clothes figuring the Tardis would be in the room anyway as they had agreed, which in itself was pretty stupid that they were sleeping in a hotel and not in their own room. But them two loved the change from time to time and to wake up with sun on their faces. The Doctor also wanted her family to have the opportunity to enjoy a hotel vacation on an alien planet.
Tardis landed by the bed and Doctor stormed out fuming.

"Hey babe...What's wrong?"

"I got a fine!!" she shows her the paper

"You whaaa?" Yaz tried holding off from laughing

"A fine Yaz....a parking ticket for obstructing the traffic"

"Say whaaa?" she started laughing


"It wasn't even on the road was twenty-five centimeters away from it"


"You got a parking ticket for Tardis?" she burst out laughing


Doctor stood in the middle of the room taken back as Yaz literally pissed herself laughing

"Are you laughing at me Yasmin Khan"

"Yeeees" she barely managed to say "You got a bloody parking ticket babe...for Tardis...OMG I'm seriously gonna piss myself"

"I can't believe this" she started laughing herself

"For a time, machine" Yaz said screaming

"I'm totally losing my authority here"

"Did you ask iff you can use your space credit card....aaaaaa...I can't...this is too much"

"Yaz what the hell...did you eat something from the fridge again?" Doctor couldn't help it and burst out laughing

"I'm sorry" she came up to her and squeezed her face between her palms kissing her "You're so bloody cute sometimes.... I have to pee" she ran into the bathroom and continued laughing

"Wanna go with me Yaz later on?"

"Yeah sure" she came out of the bathroom and reached for Doctor's hands lacing their fingers together "Hey" she smiled "thank you for this" she pointed towards the Tardis and Doctor pulled her in

"You don't need to say thank for that Yaz" Doctor smiled and wrapped fingers around her neck "I love much"


"I love you too" Yaz came closer to her face and smiled softly "Wanna test the bed" she said kissing her lips and moving one strap off her shoulder then moving on to her neck sliding another one off as well

"I can't really see myself saying no to that Yaz" she said closing her eyes



They walked down the busy street and even though it was early evening already it was still extremely hot and Yaz was struggling with it, but she wanted to be there with her to feel as if she's doing something rather than nothing, which is pretty much how she felt most of the time since she stayed pregnant. Doctor didn't mind one little bit in fact she was more than happy with Yaz just resting and doing absolutely nothing at all. But for Yaz not doing absolutely anything for nearly six months felt deflating.

"Hey, look Yaz" she pointed to the one house down the street that was absolutely insane looking like it almost came out of the circus. With a pitch wonky roof and balconies. It was also the only one in bright colors.

"That's insane what is it? It's the only one that is different"

"It's the one where we are going Yaz...this where the council is"


"That's the government Houses of Parliament on Zwari?"

"Yes...cute isn't it"

"It looks like a candy store" she laughed

"Well people of Zwari were suppressed for centuries Yaz so now they like to keep everything more fun in life...I like that approach. I like what it became as well. Last time I was here there was a war Yaz many centuries ago. A lot has changed. I did read about it, but I was never here since"

"It still blows my mind you say it"

"What darling?"

"When you say things like centuries ago" she looked at her and slightly squeezed her hand

"I know Yaz" she kissed her knuckles "Come on...let's go"


"Doctor....How nice to see you" a man waited for them as they came inside the big lobby

"Hello Kargan...this is my wife Yaz"

"Yaz very nice to meet you" he smiled

"Nice to meet you too" she smiled


"So, Doctor" he started walking and they followed "We have the best team of people to help you out with whatever resources you may need"

"Thank you I appreciate that, and may I say I love what you've done with this place. It's beautiful"

"Thank you, Doctor. You were always welcome guest here. I heard so much about you it is such a pleasure to finally meet you"

"I must admit I didn't get that impression"

"Well, that was a long time ago. I know some people will disagree but then we all need to move on. You are being here now helping us says a lot"

"Right...I'm more worried about those who don't agree with you" Yaz looked at her worried as she said that.



"What's wrong Yaz? You're looking worried?" Doctor asked as they left the building and were walking for nearly ten minutes without Yaz saying one word.

"I didn't think after so many centuries there would still be people here willing to kill you"

"There's always people willing to kill me Yaz...sorry that's not really the right way of answering that question, is it?"


"No, it's not...can you please rephrase that" she looked at her sideways


"Yaz what I did was equivalent if saving Car Nikolai's kids in the middle of Russian revolution. Of course, there will be still people out there extremely happy to see me dead whiles I'm a big fan of being alive. Besides people on this planet live for a long time you know, one thousand years here is like ten years on Earth"

"I'm worried that's all"


"I know" she glanced at Yaz and couldn't help but see how scared she still was so she tugged her hand smiling "Hey, wanna go for a cake...What would you like to do tell me?"

Yaz let go of her hand and slipped it around her waist leaning on her shoulder "Anything that will cheer me up right now"

"Right well, I do have few things in mind Yaz but let's start with a cake"

"Silly..." she rolled her eyes smiling and hooked her hand into waistband of her trousers



"Yaz blimey slow down on that cake you're gonna choke" she laughed

"It's nice" she said smearing the spoon over the plate scooping up every last bit of it "'s so nice and I needed sugar"

"You want one more?" Doctor chuckled anticipating her answer

Yaz looked up to her with a massive grin on her face and eyes sparkling

"Goodness..." she frowned "Yaz that look gives me a head wonk stop that"

"I know" she said cheeky


"Right...I'll get you that cake sharpish" she stood up and zoomed around the table hopping to the bar.


Yaz sat back looking at the people on the streets. She always loved taking time to observe different cultures and places whenever they traveled and make mental memories of those for years to come. Most of the time she didn't have time for that. But when she did, she would just sit quietly and watch. And this place seemed so beautiful. It had an almost organic feel to it. Flawless technology, it was there, but not in your face. And all the colors of earth and stone on people's clothes. The most beautiful, embroidered flowers and leaves on women's dressing and fabrics light and flowing, she wondered where all those designs came from because she only saw desert sand.

"Getting lost in your thoughts beautiful?" Doctor leaned over her shoulder and kissed her cheek then presented her with another cake that made her smile satisfied

"Mmmmmm...thanks babe...god I'm getting so big"

"And you look as beautiful as ever Yaz so just enjoy in that cake"

"I'm starting to think you're really into this"


"I don't understand Yaz? ...Into what?"

"You chunky thighs" she laughed

"It's all you Yaz...there's just more of you to love now that's all"

Yaz rolled her eyes laughing, she found it adorable, and it did wonders for her self-confidence, but she still couldn't wait to get back to her old self after the baby.


"So, tell me...what's the plan?" she said digging into her cake

"Plan Yaz?"

"The machine..."

"Oh, not yet Yaz but I will do by tomorrow. Today is just fun...are you done? Cause if you are done I wanna take you somewhere"

"Yap...where to?" she said getting up

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I tell you Yaz"

Doctor took her back to the hotel and it completely confused her "I thought your taking me somewhere?"


"And I am Yaz" she opened the Tardis "but it's on the other side of this planet" she scrunched her face "At least I hope it still is or that's gonna be embarrassing"

"Is this a date?" she said passing her at the Tardis door

"Might be Yaz...just might be" she smiled closing the door

She zoomed around the console all exited "Oh Yaz you will love this...As I said if it is still there" she frowned "Iff not I have a backup...and we still have time for family dinner Yaz..."

"Babe...relax...we have time machine" Yaz laughed seeing her all flustered

"We do...but with changes on this planet I really don't want to risk leaving you family stranded and being late for a week ...or a month...I think your mum would kill me"

"She would" she giggled preparing Tardis

"Alright wife, hold on...let's go for a date" she grinned and pulled the lever

Doctor ran outside exited as soon as they landed. Yaz could think what it was that made her so happy, but she hasn't seen her like this in a long time. It was a nice change because last time she's seen her on this level of excitement was years ago when they just met.

"It's here Yaz...Aaaaahhh I'm so chuffed...come" she reached for her hand

"Wooooooowwwww!!!!" Yaz was a bit taken back as she stepped out of Tardis. It wasn't what she expected at all. They parked on a top of the massive floating rock thousands of meters above the ground and all she saw underneath them was crystal blue ocean and beautiful tropical islands underneath. Sun was setting and Doctor helped her to sit down just in front of the Tardis entrance then sat behind her and wrapped her arms around her laying her head on her shoulder.

"Look at that sky" Yaz said dreamy gazing at the sun setting down between the clouds in all the colors of the rainbow

"Like it?"

"OMG babe...what's not to like? This is amazing. Aren't you a romantic?" she smiled turning over her shoulder

"I can be when I put the effort"

"You always put the effort...You're like a dream" she smiled brushing lips at hers and laced their fingers at her chest

"You're missing the sunset" Doctor smiled into her lips with half open eyes

"I can't see you looking either" she giggled

"Mmmm" she murmured and kissed her slow and gentle

And she was missing it...but Doctor had a way of kissing her that would sufficiently make her forget how to breathe. Combined with the incredibly romantic place she had taken her to, all she could think about at the moment was her.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Doctor asked happily as the sun went down

"What now?..."

"Aha" she nodded grinning

"What down there?"

"Yap...if you're up for it? Water should be very warm now fact it's the best time of the day for a swim"

Yaz smiled eyes open wide "Yeah...let's me up...Don't want to learn how to fly and I don't trust myself not to just roll over this rock" she giggled

"Don't even joke about that Yaz" she got up and gave her a hand "Come on...slowly darling"

As beautiful as it was Yaz was happy when her feet were back on a solid ground. Normally she wasn't scared of heights but with her big tummy now she didn't feel as confident.
Doctor lowered the Tardis on the beach, it was early evening but as soon as the sun went down the sky was lid by beautiful two moons on a horizon whose silver shine was referring in the water. They took their shoes off and enjoyed the soft sand underneath their feet that was still warm from the sun.

"Are you sure we are alone here?" Yaz asked before taking her dress off

Doctor was laying a blanket on the ground and looked up razing an eyebrow "Do you seriously think I would take us here for a swim if I had any doubts Yaz?"

She giggled taking her dress off "You have a point...I think you would legit regenerate iff someone saw you"

Doctor laughed shaking her head.
Yaz stood in water up to her chest looking at the horizon. It was perfectly still, with only the sound of light waves crushing the sand. She ran her fingers over the surface, disturbing the glow of the moonlight. The warm air smelled of the ocean and light breeze played with her hair tickling her back. Loving hands moved her hair and beloved lips dotted kisses across her shoulders.

"Hey you" she smiled

"Hey beautiful" Doctor said between the kisses her hands trailing over her tummy gently

Yaz turned around and raised her hands over her shoulders tangling her fingers through her hair. Doctor eyes glistened in the moonlight and her pale skin was glowing. Yaz smiled gently then tucked hair behind her ears "You're so beautiful"

Doctor scrunched her face making her laugh

"You're still sexy when you make that face" Yaz said flapping her lashes and wrapped her legs around her with surprising ease showering her with small kisses

"And you're just cute when you say that...well you're always cute...and I'm literally holding you and the baby now Yaz" she smiled exited like a kid dipping them into the water

"OMG so you are" she smiled leaning her forehead on hers

"Both of my beautiful girls in my arms Yaz"

"You're gonna make me soppy now...stop" she tucked her head into her neck kissing it "this is so beautiful...I can stay like this forever"

"You can't you'd be like a prune Yaz" she chuckled

Yaz giggled and razed her gaze to meet her eyes getting lost in them. She brushed her lips on her hers gently twirling her hair through her fingers.

"Kiss me Yasmin" Doctor whispered trailing fingers down her spine.

"I was planning to" she smiled and captured her lips into slow and gentle kiss

She loved the feeling of weightlessness in the water as she was wrapped in his arms, the feeling that she truly belonged to her. A feeling that Yaz so desperately needed because it provided her with comfort and security. As much as she wanted to be an independent person, she also needed to feel that she was completely hers. The Doctor felt the same, although she wasn't aware of it before, she really was now. A topic they discussed many times. Independence was not a choice for either of them, more of a self-preservation tactic that both had to deal with loneliness. Neither of them lacked inner strength and ability to hold their own ground, that much was always clear, but it was loneliness that was tearing them from inside So now that they were together, they were both completely committed to showing each other that codependency without any shame in how hungry they both were for it. Constantly reminding each other how much they need each other's closeness at all times.


"Your adorable little head wonk you know that?" she smiled into her lips

" I giving you one now?" she smiled cheeky and rolled her hips

"You always give me one cheeky bugger" she closed her eyes and sunk her lips into hers then dipped them into water

"You always do this to me" Yaz giggled standing up

"And you always think you're being cheeky, and I don't know what you're doing" she grinned splashing water on her

"No, you don't...Not every time"

"Oh yeah" she slipped hands around her waist pulling her in "Tell me once I didn't know...go on...I dare you"
"So many even before we were together, I would ask you to get me a plate out of the cabinet and it was only because I wanted you to stand behind me and you had no idea"

"I did Yaz" she laughed

"Nooooo you didn't...lier lier ...pants on fire"

"Yaz you're three and a half centimeters shorter than me...and Dan was right there...aaaand aaaaand... you wouldn't move out of the way....Believe me I knew" she pouts her lips "But as it happens I enjoined doing it as well...I would absolutely hate it if you asked Dan" she laughed kissing her nose "I also knew when I was teaching to fly the Tardis you would deliberately ask me stupid questions just to come behind you to help you out...but I enjoined in that as well...In fact I was quite upset at the times when you didn't do that"

"OMG...Now I'm embarrassed" she covered her face with hands

"Of what Yaz?"

"Being so desperately transparent"

"Why? That was very flattering at the time Yaz" she moved her hand from her face wrapping hand around her waist firmly "May I remind you that you are literally sleeping with me so nothing to be embarrassed about"

"Still...I wasn't at the time babe..." she peaked through her hands

"But you wanted to so badly Yaz" she grins cheeky

"You silly sod" Yaz rolls her eyes laughing "I am cold now"

They came out of the water and Doctor wrapped the towel around her "Better?" she wrapped hands around her to keep her warm

"Much...thank you...but you need to keep yourself warm as's starting to be a bit windy"


They laid on the blanket under the covers watching stars in the sky. Doctor showing her different constellations she'd never seem before and telling her stories about them.

"I missed this" Doctor said trailing her finger over her collar bones and kissing her shoulder "Mmm..your salty Yaz" she smiled

"Me much...Just you and me like this, no madness...still...And we never did this before" she smiled running fingers through the strains of hair falling on her face "It's special"

Doctor ran her fingers down the side of her arm gently trailing the outline of it then took her hand and kissed her fingertips holding them over her lips

"I'm scared Yaz" she said quietly

"Scared of what love?" Yaz stroke her face gently "Tell me"

She sighed deeply and pursue her lips "Of being a mum...What if I'm a lousy mum Yaz? What if I completely fail on every possible level...What if I'm not cut out for it because I never had a mother, or a family and I don't know first thing about what being a parent means...What if she hates me Yaz? What if I...."

"Hey...hey...stop..." Yaz wrapped her hand around the side of neck with a light squeeze "It's ok, darling"

"I'm petrified Yaz" she sits up holding a sheet to her chest "I wanted to tell you, but I was worried you'd misunderstand" she was nervously looking down and lacing her fingers with Yaz's hand "I didn't want you thinking I'll bailout...Cause I'm not Yaz!" she looked up at her "Never...I'm over the moon for this...I'm just petrified I'll fail"

Yaz sat up and put a finger underneath her chin razing her gaze "Hey look at me" and Doctor's eyes filled with tears gazed at her helplessly looking for insurance or an answer.

"We're in this together and we will make mistakes for sure...both of us...I have no idea how to do this...I really don't. But I know one thing for sure...all we need to do is love her, and she is already so loved. And you may not know what having a mother is...but I'm sure you know what you would love for her to have been. So be whatever it is that you needed and never got. Give her whatever it is you wished you were given...Be that and you'll see babe you'll be perfect"

Doctor was breathing deeply, her bottom lip started to wobble "But I'm so dizzy Yaz...I keep forgetting your birthday and Tardis has to remind me"

"That's only because you didn't have one until we decided that the day you fell through the train will be yours" she smiled

"I love my birthday Yaz...that made me very happy"

"I bet you will never forget the day she will be born because it will mean so much to you"

"I never thought about it that way"

"And I bet she'll be as dizzy as you...if not worse...and that she will be as hyper as you, and as goofy as you are" she stroke her face gently "And as beautiful as you...And I bet you two will drive me nuts together" she chuckled but Doctor did too.

"I want to teach her everything Yaz"

"And you will...and how to drive the Tardis" she smiled

"Oh, definitely Yaz" she said proudly "And what if she's like you?"

"Then I can guarantee you that she'll adore you" she tucked her hair behind her ear "C'mere" she opened her arms and Doctor just fell into them tucking her face in a crook of her neck

"I love you Yasmin" she said squeezing her tight "Both of you so much"

"I never doubt that for one second of my life...and you are everything to me...and I've never loved anyone like I love you"

Doctor looked at her with a dreamy look in her eyes and moved little strain of hair from her forehead. Her gaze traveling between her eyes and her lips gently smiling. "We still have little bit of time before dinner" she smiled

"Well, then I suggest we take advantage of it" she brought her hands to the back of her neck playing with her hair then pulled her for a kiss crushing them both down onto the blanket


"Come on Yaz...get a shift on...we are so late" Doctor

"I know I know...Shoes?" she came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed

"Tomorrow, we start building that machine Yaz I'm so excited" she said whilst tying her shoes

"I can see that, you're like a kid sometimes"

"Only sometimes? Come on Yaz...let's go"



"Hey, you two...we've been waiting for ages" Nadjia said sitting on a little stone wall in a courtyard

"Sorry mum" she kissed her cheek "We were on a date" she whispered in her ear

"Oooohhh...ok then you're forgiven...your dad never takes me for a date anymore

"I didn't know you wanna go Nadjia" Hakim remarks

"Where's Sonya and Ryan?"

"They lost patience and went...they will meet us there" she laughed

"So, Hakim ready for tomorrow?"

"I'm so excited Doctor I couldn't sleep last night"

"He couldn't sleep for a week since you called him" Nadjia rolled her eyes and linked arm with Yaz "He's been torturing me till three in a morning each night...At least now I'll finally get some sleep"

"Oh, you won't know he's alive mum...Talking about that I think once they start you and I will spend a lot of time alone cause she's no different either"

"Oh, I didn't tell you Yaz your sister has some sort of allergy can Doctor have a look?"

"Yeah sure...I'll tell her...From what though?"

"No idea Yaz...her and Ryan went out this afternoon she came back all covered in some red rash

"Hey babe!" Yaz called the Doctor who was way ahead of them chatting away excited with Hakim

"Yes darling?"

"Mum said Sonya has some rash can you have a look?"

"Sure Yaz...Don't worry Najia I have few things for that in my Tardis"

"Thanks, hun"

"So, mum what's it like on an alien planet?"

"I don't know Yaz to be honest between your sister, Ryan and you dad I haven't had time to even think about it. It took me three hours just to unpack all the stuff and someone always needs something I haven't had time to breathe"

"How about you and I go to town tomorrow morning before the heat? They will be all wrapped up into that machine and you and I can go and do some shopping? They have beautiful clothes here I need to get something"

"That sounds like music to my ears Yaz"
"Aaaaaa...loook" Doctor points exited to one of the houses with a massive terrace rooftop "this is it"

"That looks nice love" Yaz looked up

"Oh, some food can be a bit...well let me look what they have first. I wouldn't want you having itchy tongue...that was really uncomfortable for me"

Nadjia laughed shaking her head "Alright hun"

Yaz screamed as a weird little animal climbed on her back out of nowhere "OMG!!!...what the hell"

Doctor turned around and released he was being chased by a man who had a chain in his hand

" stop" she put her arm out stepping in his path

"He's mine...he keeps running away" he said looking over her shoulder for the little animal "Come here you stupid thing"

The little gray fluffy animal with massive blue eyes and big ears clenched to Yaz with his long fingers "You're scaring him" Yaz said holding on to him

"Go on give him here" the man said

"Something tells me those are for him?" Doctor said looking down at the chain in his hand

"I have to...he keeps running away"

"So would I if you tried putting those on me" she said

"Move out of my way" he tried going around her, but she wouldn't let him blocking his path each time

"That animal" Doctor said "...he's not indigenous to fact that animal is protected by law...How did you even get him?"

"None of your business"

"It is my business if you're smuggling practically instinct animal and want to put that thing on it...So I suggest you give up before I report you to authorities"

"I paid good money for him!!"

"Oh well...we all need to cut our losses sometimes" she scrunched her nose "'ll be paying good money in fine as well if I report you, so I suggest you leave whiles you still have a choice"

The man shoved her so hard Doctor almost lost her balance.

"Hey!! Don't you shove her!!!! Yaz jumped but her mum stopped her grabbing he arm

"Yaz noo!" Doctor signaled for her to stay put

"Hey mate!" Hakim jumped between them "Like shoving women ha? ....How about you shove me and see where it gets you?"

"Oh god..." Nadjia exhaled

"You're nuts...the lot of's just a stinking animal" he waived his hand "Fine...have him...bloody idiots" he looks over Hakims shoulder at the Doctor "And you...I'll see you around when you're alone little woman"

"Oh, don't threaten me mate. And who are you calling little? ...Did he just call me little?"

The man finally turned around and left angry

"Thanks for that Hakim"

"Any time...I hate bullies...been dealing with them all my life"

"Come on let's go" she walked over to Yaz and kissed her temple "So... guess we have a pet now Yaz" she smiled looking down at the scared animal "You're cute...we need to give you name"

"We are keeping him?" Yaz said shocked

"Iff, you want Yaz...he's home no longer existing darling...long gone...he is probably one of just hounded left in the universe. There's nowhere to take him unfortunately" she picked him up like a child and held him up in the air. And the little animal made baby like noises tilting his head.

He looked funny and cute with long thin legs and lanky digits.

"OMG his eyes are like galaxy" Yaz said mesmerized looking at massive blue eyes that were so deep and had sparkles in them

"They are beautiful aren't they Yaz? They are extremely intelligent animals, so he was probably using him to steal...and they are telepathic as well Yaz, so he understands you no matter what language you speak" she gave him back to Yaz and he huddled in her arms clenching at her t-shirt

"Really? Nadjia asked surprised

"We really are on alien planet" Hakim said "Poor little love he was so scared"

"Well then we are definitely keeping him cause I'm not leaving him here" Yaz said, and the animal showed signs of understanding her by making purring noises and tucking his head between her elbow and a tummy

"Well, I'm starving now I need some food...anyone else starving?" Doctor said exited

"I am... I haven't eaten since we got here" Hakim said

"Blimey...alright...let's go" she slumped her arm over Yaz's shoulder "That was very silly by the way Yaz...don't you do that again" she kissed her temple "Nice but silly"

"Sorry, it was automatic" she smiled gazing at her lovingly

"You need to feed him as well he is totally malnourished. But we will sort that part when we get to the Tardis"

"Alright....what do they eat?"


Yaz sighed relieved, she was worried Doctor will say worms or bugs because that's not something she could deal with.
They came upstairs and Ryan was already there with Sonya waiving his hand from one of the tables.

"Where have you all lot been?" Sonya said getting up "We've been waiting for ages"

"Ran into some minor problem but we have a new pet out of it" Doctor said exited

"OMG what's that?" Ryan frowned

"Oi...he has a name you know?" Doctor jumped

"He does?" Yaz looked at her confused

"He does now...I just thought of one as we are coming upstairs actually...How do like Nardo Yaz?"

"I actually really like it.... Do you like it? Wanna be Nardo?" she looked down at him, but he was half asleep and just purred satisfied "Too tiered" she said sitting down "Dad almost got into a fight!"

"You whaaaa?" Sonya looked towards him

"The guy just shoved the Doctor I thought I'm gonna swing him across the road I swear"

"He shoved you?  Why...what the hell?" Ryan said

"Animal trafficking Ryan...big business across the universe.... Cruel and inhumane and I wouldn't have it, so he got a bit heated"

"I just can't stand people like him" Hakim said

"Alright kung-fu panda...calm down" Najia tried changing the subject "So how is your rash Sonya?"

"Oh...let me look at that" Doctor got up and moved the collar of her T-shirt away then looked at her arms "Aaaaarrr....c'mere Sonya" she pulled her on a side

"What's wrong Doctor?"

"I don't know how to say this Sonya, but you will have to change a place where you and Ryan know..."

"Oh...oh..." she brushed embarrassed

"Yeah" she scrunched her face "That sand is not agreeing with you at all"

"Oh god I'm gonna positively die now.... Don't tell my mum"

"Do I look like a snitch to you" she laughed "I'll give you something for it don't worry...just stay away from sand...oh and there's a nice place on the other side I'll send a a text to Ryan"

"You're crazy you know that..."

"Neah...just romantic Sonya...let's get back to the tables or we're gonna look weird"

"Yeah, you got a point" she laughed "Thank you"

"Don't mention it"


Doctor sat back at the table and Yaz looked at her for answers, but she just nodded indicating they'll talk later.

"Ryan...wanna go with us tomorrow morning? I could use extra pair of hands?"

"Yeah sure...I didn't think I could help?"

"Of course, you can Ryan"

Suddenly the table shook violently, and everyone stayed silent for a second looking around as candle holders fell off the tables and the sound of shattered glass echoed from somewhere inside the restaurant

"Woooooow" Doctor jumped

"OMG what was that?" Najia jumped
Doctor pulled her sonic out and scanned the surroundings "Mmmmm...remember when I told you how the planet is slightly out of orbit? ..."

"Yeeeeah?" Yaz said in anticipation to get some answers

"Well, now it's even more...tectonic movements due to changes in magnetic fields.... nothing too worrying" she scrunched her face "For now at least"

"Right" Nadjia said worriedly

"Doctor is this gonna get worse?" Hakim asked

"Good question Hakim...yes with time it will but we are here to stop just means I will have to make some serious changes to that machine"

"Can you do it Doctor?" Ryan asked

"Sure, I can" she said sitting down again "It just means more time...I hate that...never enough time for anything"

They walked back slowly and as they came to the hotel Doctor tugged Yaz's hand gently. She knew exactly why and just smiled to her then turned towards her family

"Hey...we're gonna stay a but longer"

"Alright darling" her mum smiled and and others just waived

She slipped her hand around her waist and leaned her head on her shoulder.

"It's a nice evening...I though we walk a bit if your feeties are ok with that?" Doctor said draping her arm over her shoulder and kissing the top of her head

"Mmmmm...for a short while yes...he's sound a asleep" she smiled looking at Nardo sleeping in her arms

"Poor thing is malnourished and probably completely exhausted. But he will love the rain forest in Tardis"

" that where he is going?"

"Iff he wants to...I can make a habitat just for's a bit of time but I don't mind Yaz"

"And you're worried about being mum?" she kisses her shoulder "Seriously?"

"Thank you for what you said to me cheered me up"

Yaz leaned more into her and rubbed her face into her shoulder "I love you so much" she whispered

"I adore you...but you're's been a long day Yaz...let's go back ha?"

"Mmmmm" she moaned into her


"He should be fine? Right?" Yaz asked worried as she set Nardo with his own bed on the chair next to the window. She brought blankets and a pillow from Tarids and made a little nest for him. Doctor gave him a shot of vitamins and some other stuff he absolutely hated but then he was way to tiered and fell asleep again. He made the most incredible noises when sleeping that made them both laugh. It was a combination of cute snoring and moaning like a baby.

"He's fine darling" Doctor came out of the bathroom and kissed her shoulder "Underwear?"

Yaz turned around with a cheeky smile "You don't need any babe"

"Hmmm...commando...alright" she nodded and slipped into bed making Yaz laugh

She left her nightie on the floor and laid next to her smiling wrapping her hands around her and kissing her shoulder.

"When are you leaving in the morning?"

"Waaay before you open your eyes Yaz" she chuckled "We will go before the heat at dawn and come back some time in the afternoon...Please Yaz if you go out don't be outside in a heat. It's not good for you or the baby"

"Alright darling...I promise" she buried her face into her neckline kissing her


"Mmmm" she said trailing kisses down her neck

"I thought you're tired?" she frowned

"I was" she looks up at her with a cheeky smile and she moves around pressing herself to her and draping Doctor's leg over her side. Something her wife taught her not so long ago that made things a lot easier since she was pregnant. She grabbed her hands pinning them to the pillow. "But you smell way too good"

"So, you decided to have your way with me?"

"Hmmm...she kisses her cheek" you don't look abused" she looks at her grinning


"I didn't say I was Yaz"

"I can totally stop if you want" she continued running lips over her neck and Doctor already started falling closing her eyes but trying desperately to keep her composer. Which was incredibly hard with Yaz grinding herself over her having her lips firmly pressed to the side of neck and trailing them down to her collar bones

"Right...doubt that you want to Yaz" a moan escapes her lips as Yaz rolled her hips making Yaz chuckle into her skin

"What was that Doctor?" she looks up

"Me embarrassing myself Yaz"

"Did I just find a new spot there? I thought I knew all of them by now" Yaz laughed and went back to the same place and Doctor twitched trying to lift her hands off the pillow. She did find something new and now she was obsessed with it. But she also needed to feel her hands on herself so released her grip.

"Shoot" Doctor moaned tangling fingers through her hair. Yaz sat up straight melting into her fingers trailing down her curves then reached for both of her hands lacing their fingers together keeping herself sturdy swaying slowly. She watched as the Doctor sank into the sheets with closed and flushed cheeks. She's rarely had this kind of complete control, and she's completely thrived on it watching her fall apart underneath her with her every move. Doctor pulled her hand and sat herself up wrapping arms around her and kissed her deep. She reached around her hips, pulling her onto herself in a steady rhythm. Her half-open eyes gazed at Yaz, her fingers wrapped around her face and lips sinking passionately into her.