Chapter 20

Back in a hotel Doctor and Hakim packed up a bag and were ready to go

"Doctor!!! It's getting bigger look" Sonya points to the sky through the window

"It is, isn't it?...Right we have to go" she turns to Yaz and takes her hands "I'm sorry for leaving you. Please don't be upset with me. I need to know you're safe"

"I'm not happy about us being separated again...but please hurry up back, and don't get regenerated in a process"

Doctor laughs "No, I'm not gonna get regenerated silly hormonal sod" they looked at each other locking eyes together for few seconds when Najia kicked Hakim and signals everyone to leave the room.

Yaz starts to laugh "You can kiss me now mum took everyone out"

She cups her face and looks at her gently "I'm sorry, this is weird for me too..." she leant in and kissed her for a while one small kiss after another almost compensating for leaving her behind

"Go now before my hormones take a better of me and I start crying again...I don't know what's wrong with me...oh, did you take your cookies? Take your cookies iff you get hungry"

"I did I have them in a bag" Doctor laughed shaking her head she felt like a child for a moment

" ya sexy" she slapped her bum on a way out of the room "you better come back in that same body and keep my dad safe, don't let him touch anything or wonder off"

"I will" Doctor laughed all the way down the hallway. Yaz started to sound more and more like her every day

They finally set off, chatting all the way to the desert. Both actually enjoying in a time spent together. Hakim was asking loads of questions about different species of aliens, planets and places and Doctor was more than happy to kill time whiles walking all that way, by taking all the time. Talking was never a problem for her in a first place.

"I must say Doctor, now when I know you better, I'm really happy for you and my Yaz. She was always a different little girl you know and not always understood. She went through a lot of pain"

"Yaz is one the best people I've ever know...and I know a lot of people. I'm sorry she went through that, makes me very unsettled thinking about it" Doctor added

"I just wanted her to be happy. And she seems extremely happy with you" he looks at the Doctor sideways and smiles

Doctor looks back at him "And I'm extremely happy with her. Don't worry Hakim, I'd never allow anyone or anything to hurt her Yaz again...or the baby" she smiles "I have a duty of care" she looks in front "Aaaa I think we're close"

They approached a massive crater in the sand where the light seemed to have come from. The Doctor took her sonic out and scanned the area. "That's odd...there’s masses of artrons here and loads of other stuff. Stay back Hakim, let me have a look"

She goes down the sand into the hole "What is that?" she bends down "It's like an orb" she scans it with the sonic "It seems I've never seen anything like tis before"

"I have" Hakim walks down closer to her

"You have?" she looks at him confused

"I read this article in one of the ufo magazines. I think it was a year ago when they found those in India. They fell on ground from the sky one night and people saw them in their fields"

Doctor got increasingly more interested in his story by this point "Aaaand?"

"There were reports of light in the sky like polar lights and in some village people and animals died during the night from gas poisoning. After that the river went strange orange colour and became poisonous as well"

"Hakim that yellow sounds like sulfur but I can't see how it came from this?" she touched it and the orb vibrates a sound
"Aaaa that's interesting" she does it again and it moves again vibrating

"That's a nice sound" Hakim says smiling but suddenly the orb starts admitting a different kind of a sound "Aaaaaaaaa" he covers his ears

"Aaaaaaaaa...." Doctor covers her ears

"What is thaaat?" he yells in pain

"It's a sonic protection"...she's covering one earn with her hand squinting her eyes and points a sonic at the orb. The sound finally stopped

"OMG that nearly bust my rear drum!" he rubs his ear

The orb moved a bit inside of the ground and suddenly took off hovering in the air above their heads as iff inspecting them. Doctor tried getting a reading but she couldn't.

"Doctor It's getting away!!"

"I know!!" she yells looking up

The orb disappeared into the darkness in a second

"Hakim how do you feel about walking more?"

"I'm not tired. Fine with me"

"Brilliant! We're heading to my Tardis then!!"

She starts walking and explaining on a way "I need to look something up...I'm sure I have it in the library...I remember reading about it, and then there was this war of the monkeys that disrupted me and I never finished the book...but it's somewhere on a tip of my brains what that thing is" she turns over her shoulder to Hakim "Also we need to take few more things from the Tardis as well"


"In a mean time Hakim...tell me what happened with those orbs in India? never finished the story"

"Oh, people started seeing strange stuff you know, like ghosts everywhere. And then in a temple there was a Buddhist monk who finally came up with a solution"

"Interesting...Clever those Buddhist monks I'll tell you...I spent 5 years with them once. What was it?...The solution"

"I don't remember" Hakim replied

"Oh" she shrugged her shoulders

They continued walking for a while until they finally came to the Tardis. Doctor runs inside and clapped her hands to light up the control room.

"Hello girl, sorry to leave you alone. I promise I'll sort you out soon. Just need to do this first" she

"Hello!" he greats the Tardis making the Doctor smile

"I like having you as a father-in-law...I like it a lot" she says flipping few things on the console and flapping around picking stuff up

"Talking about that...are you two getting married?"

"We are married!" she looks up to him smiling

"You are?" he looked confused

"Weddings are just a know, for the family, it's what you promise to each other that counts Hakim!" she smiles tapping him on a shoulder zooming passed him

"Buuut!!... I suppose we could sort out something...I know it would make Yaz happy...wearing a beautiful dress and all that...maybe when the baby comes...that would be nice" she smiles hopping around the Tardis "Ahaaa...there it is...she yells from the back running with a book and throws it on a console starting to flip through the pages straight away

"One million orbs?" he reads the name of the book

"Oh, this is just volume one...there's six...Many orbs in the universe Hakim" she continues flipping through the pages

"Isn't that it?" he points

"So it is...10 points for Hakim" she smiles "Here we go...the orb of Alarum is used as transport device. It is known to be used only several times in history after a grait war of Alarum after which the sphere got its name....And that's why I got the reading that it's alive Hakim"

"Are bean's inside?" he asked her visible shaken

"Yes Hakim...they are...thousands...maybe even millions of souls from some world out there"

"Why are they here and getting transported where?"

"I don't know...I don't even know where they're could be from another universe..." she wonders into her thoughts for a second thinking million different reasons "Right...we need to go back now. It's a long walk back and Yaz will get seriously will Najia and Sonya"

"You're probably right"

"Don't worry...we will figure it out...let's get a shift on" she grabs something else from the console and they get going


Yaz was sitting by the window in her mum’s room anxiously looking outside nervously fiddling with the hem of her dress. She takes the little cube out of her pocket and switches on the hologram.

"What's that?" Sonya asked amazed

"Just something Doctor gave me in case we get separated so we can find each other. See that's her that dot...they are on a way back finally" she switches it off

"Waaaw that's cool"

"Don't worry...I'm sure they're fine" Najia says stroking her hair "Here you go drink this tea it will help to calm you down"

"Thanks mum" she smiles nervously

"Don't worry sis...she seems really smart...I like her...I didn't before but I think she's qite cool"

"I can't help worrying mum. I never told you this...but we got separated for three years once and it was absolutely horrible because neither of us knew in the other one was alive...and then another time for nearly a year...I never want to go through that again..." she puts her hand on her stomach "Specially now...I don't think I could take it mum"

"I didn't know that honey"

"They here!!" Sonya shouts looking through the window

Yaz got up straight away and ran out of the room

"Slow down Yaz!!...Goodness, she's coming upstairs darling" Najia yells, but Yaz didn't hear any of it. She was already halfway down the open staircase leading from veranda.

"Yaz!" Doctor yells "Stop..." she didn't finish the sentence Yaz was already hanging around her neck "running" she smiles hugging her "See still same body" she kisses her on a forehead

"Hi dad...had a good time?"

"Yap...there was this orb and it flew away and we had to go back to Tardis.."

"You went back to Tardis?" she looks at the Doctor confused "Why?"

"I'll tell you all about it...come on" she puts her arm around her shoulder "I really like your dad...Did you know that government has a space ship in US military base...Someone should have mentioned it to me...I'm gonna have to speak to Torchwood you know"

"OMG dad what have you been telling her?" she rolls her eyes laughing "Darling those are conspiracy's not proven dad"

"Never underestimate a conspiracy theory Yaz" she kisses her temple

"That's what keep saying " says Hakim gloating "God I can't feel my feet and there's sand in my shoes"

"Sand in shoes never a good thing Hakim" she looks at him across the shoulder "That's why I wear never know where you end up...much more comfy"

"Next think you know my dad will be wearing trousers that don't reach" Yaz laughs

"What's wrong with my trousers?"

"Nothing...Nothing babe" she's pissing herself laughing "I like your trousers"

When they got back upstairs Doctor and Hakim explained everything they found.

"So now what Doctor...I mean do you usually sort out those kinds of things?? "
Najia asked

"Usually yes...there's others like Torchwood but yes"

"What's Torchwood?" Sonya asked

"Oh they collect all the alien technology that gets misplaced on Earth so it doesn't end up in the wrong hands and put away some bad aliens as well...that's a short version sis"

"Can I get a job there?"

"No babe, not really...besides I want you safe...can't worry about everyone I care about" she looks at the Doctor across the room

"I'll have plan by the morning rest all need to sleep it's really late" Doctor says "Don't worry I don't think this is hostile...I'm pretty sure at least 70%...definitely 50..."

Everyone looked at her weirdly and pretty worried

"Don't worry she does this all the time...come on're scaring the shit out of my family..." she pulls her by the hand

"I'm honest Yaz" she looks at her confused but Yaz signals to her family to ignore her and pushes her out of the room

"Night ya" Yaz says from the door and Doctor waives happily

Yaz hangs herself around her waist wobbling towards their room. "God it's nice to have you back...and you need a shower"

"Do I stink?" she says horrified smelling herself

"Yeah of some chemicals babe"

"That's odd I can't smell it...why can't I smell it?"

"Dunno, but you're going straight to the bathroom" she laughs

Yaz was playing with the hologram in the bed waiting for Doctor to take a shower

"Yaz...would you like to get married?" she yells from the bathroom

"I thought we are married?" she frowns confused

Doctor walks out of the bathroom "We are married that's not what I meant"

"U la la sexy!" Yaz laughed at Doctor standing but naked at the entrance of the bathroom "You do remember we have windows here...right?"

"Shoot!!!" Doctor runs back in the bathroom and Yaz got up laughing closeing the shutters

"It's can come out now babe" she laughs her head off "I was smart and took my nightie"

"You know I hate those" she comes out of the bathroom again and climes to bed laying her head on Yaz's tummy

"What was that about getting married? You lost me?"

"Your dad asked about getting married"

"He would do" she laughs..."Don't know how Nanny would react to that?" she giggles

"I mean is that something you would like?"

"I don't know babe...I'm not bothered...We are married...Is that something you want?"

"I would do it if it makes you happy..."

"That's sweet babe but let me think ok?" she strokes her hair

"Yaz" Doctor says quietly


"You're really sexy" she grins reaching with her hand underneath her nightie

"Am I now?" Yaz glowed finally hearing it normally from Doctors mouth

"I love you" she kisses the inside of her leg

Yaz hasn't said anything anymore. She just stroked her hair and closed her eyes. Doctors’ hands sliding up and down her legs and her kissing the inside of her legs prevented her from being able to put a coherent sentence together anymore. It's what Doctors touch would do to her like it had some magical property that would put a spell on her. She knew her so well now that every touch seemed even more hyped up. Her hand was slowly gliding around the curves of her breast and back down her stomach wiles she made a usual home for herself between her thighs. Yaz curved herself to every touch following her hand as if she didn't want to lose it somewhere in the universe. Her wife's touch was the most beautiful sensation she ever felt in life, a feeling she could never imagine living without anymore. She continued running her lips down the inside of her legs and brushing her fingers between her thighs. It made Yaz gasp for air curving her back. She grabbed the pillow and buried her face into it smothering her moans constantly aware they are not alone on Tardis.

Doctor laughed and moved the pillow from her face "Hiding?" she made a smug face
enjoying every second of Yaz struggling with herself.

"I hate you" Yaz looked at her with her eyes half open grabbing the strains of hair on the back of her neck

"No you don't, you adore me" she laughs kissing her briefly

"Please...stopped torturing me"

"You do this to me all the you know how it feels" she laughs and kisses her passionately finally taking a mercy on her.
Doctor moved slowly watching her frowning and biting on her lips. She loved gazing at her from time to time imprinting in mind every expression of her gentile face, storing it deep into the very core of her being for centuries ahead.
Yaz grabbed her upper arm digging her fingers into it and then proceeding to gently glide her hand down her curves to her thighs.
They kissed gently and passionately playing with their lips and gazing at each other’s eyes taking each other to their own universe.


Doctor laid behind her running fingers over her tummy. She buried her face into her hair "It's getting bigger's quite a little bump now" she runs her palm over it

"Aha...finally" she smiles happily

"You really like it?"

"I love it...I want the whole world to see it"

"You're so silly" she bursts out laughing into the back of her neck kissing it gently "My pumpkin"

"Pumpkin?" Yaz laughed "you just called me a pumpkin"

"Yap...adorable pumpkin...I love pumpkins"

Yaz turned around to face her

"Hey...why did you turn? I was getting comfortable there" she complained pulling her leg over herself to bring her as close as she possibly could

"I was getting stiff, sorry...this is nice as well" she makes herself more comfortable wrapping her leg around her and kissing her "Love ya"

"Will you help me tomorrow?" Doctor asked running her finger down her nose

"Really? I can go with you?"

"Nope, nope that's not what I said" she shakes her head

Yaz pouted her lips disappointed "That you got my dad"

"Nobody can replace you Yaz, not even your dad so don't worry.. .no competition there. But I still need you to help me out in something"

"Do you really need to ask that" she laughs "What do you think is in that orb? It gives me the creeps to be honest"


"Reminds me of the passenger form"

"No Yaz it's nothing like that. Passenger form is a prison. This is used for evacuation...if the planet is in danger of some cataclysmic event. Totally different...I just need to find them. They got scared of me and ran off...but they are somewhere close. They can't move very far once they lose the outer shell"

"Outer shell?"

"They were protected in a bigger casing when they travelled through space and then it burned out entering the atmosphere...those were the beautiful lights we saw in the sky"

"How big it this orb?"

"Only small Yaz no bigger than a pumpkin" she smiles and kisses her

"You and your pumpkins" she reaches under the covers and runs her hand down her lower back

"Don't do that"

"Do what" she laughs

"You know that sets me off when you do that"

"I'm not doing anything" she flaps her eyelashes

Doctor kisses her passionately


"Yaz darling wake up" she felt Doctors lips pressing on her temple softly

"Mmmmm" Yaz rolled on her back and put her arms around her neck pulling her for a kiss "Morning love"

"You look cute in a morning" Doctor kisses the tip of her nose

"You're looking dashing this morning, and you smell so nice" she buried her face into her neck kissing it

"Come on sleepyhead, I know you want to sleep more but we need to get up...we have a lost orb to find"

"Still need my help?"

"Absolutely...always need you" she smiles and kisses her briefly "Come on" she pulls apart, literally having to remove her arms wiles rolling her around the bed. Doctor smacks her bum laughing "Shift that bum out of the bed, come on"

Yaz reluctantly gets up dragging herself to the bathroom still half asleep "I will never understand where you get your energy from"

Doctor laughed and picked up a bagel from the breakfast tray that was left every morning infront of their room. "Mmmm...these are so should try" she speaks with her mouth full

Yaz pulled a dress over her head and reached for Doctors wrist taking a bite out of her hand "Mmmmm.. you're right" she grabs the whole bagel out of her hand laughing

"Oi!!! I was enjoying in that" she frowns wiles Yaz kissed her forehead "Thanks ya" Yaz smiles cheeky

"Alright let's go...Where are we going anyway?" Yaz reaches for her hand walking out of the door

"Not far from here...I don't want to do this in the middle of the city in case something goes wrong"

"What do you mean by wrong?"

"Oh you know releasing two million potentially hostile ghosts on a city...but I'm sure it won’t happen"

"Whaaaa? You said they are not hostile"

"I don't know Yaz...but I needed all of you to sleep last night not worrying about it" she calmly says walking down the steps to the courtyard leaving Yaz concerned

"Dad...what are you wearing?" Yaz looks down on her dad's trousers that don't reach

"What's wrong with gets hot you know" he tried defending himself

"Don't ask Yaz...he cut them last night...I'm wondering what's next" Najia comments kissing her on a cheek

"Braces and rainbows mum" Yaz laughed

"I like those" Doctor says proudly looking at his trousers

"You would do" Yaz takes her hand rolling her eyes and laughing

"Hey Yaz look what I did" Sonya reached in her pocket and took a paper out with a drawing

"OMG Sonya...that's beautiful" she looks at the pencil drawing of herself looking through the window last night when she was waiting for the Doctor

"That's very beautiful got a talent there" Doctor comments

"That's her waiting for you last night Doctor" Sonya winks at her smiling

Doctor squeezed Yaz's hand tighter and kissed her temple "Love ya" she whispers in her ear