Chapter 47

Yaz woke up early and to her surprise found Doctor next to her sound asleep with hair falling over her face which was tucked inside the pillow and her arm lazily draping over her stomach. She smiled and rolled to her side moving her hand to keeping it over herself and kissed her cheek

"Mmmmmm....morning mummy" Doctor smiled into the pillow


"Cuddle" she said and moved to her side without opening her eyes pulling Yaz over until she tangled her around herself and had her stomach against herself " nice and soft... and warm..." she nuzzled into her face still having her eyes closed kissing her sleepy

"Someone's mushy today" Yaz closed her eyes and slipped her hand around her trailing her fingers down her back which was becoming harder to reach now as her stomach took most of the room between them

"I need to get up" Doctor mumbled sleepy

"No you don't" Yaz giggled "You don't have no boss"

"Mmmmm...I do have the Tardis...and it needs repairing" she smiled "And I have a Sun to repair..."

"I said...and you will...Chill out...take a deep breath...have a cuddle"

"I am having a cuddle" she kissed her nose and finally opened her eyes slipping her hand underneath Yaz's top palming her all over "This must qualify as a cuddle..." she grinned kissing her whole face making her giggle


"Morning" Ryan came to the kitchen and kissed Yaz's cheek as she was preparing breakfast

"Waaaw...I get kisses now.." she smiled

"You deserve it after everything...Did you really take that thing of the Master Yaz?" he asked exited

She shook her head laughing "Yeeees"

"Man...I can't believe it...And you're pregnant Yaz...Bet his face dropped"

"It did.." she laughed "But honestly a way I feel sorry for him...he's so messed up"

"He is Yaz...but so are mass murders...Which technically he already is"

"I know that...I'm under no illusion...Wanna a toast?"

"Yeah" he sat down with sigh

"What's up?"

"Arrrrhhh...dunno...part of me doesn't want to go back"

"You can ask the Doctor to stay you know she's gonna say yes in a heartbeat"

"I know...but grandad Yaz and also I don't think Sonya can deal with this"

"Well, that's another matter Ryan...I know Graham would come but I don't think my sister is cut out of this"

"She does like the travel part"

"Yeah" Yaz giggled "But you and me know it's never just a holiday with her...Here...butter is in the fridge, oh can you pour me some juice please"

"Sure...No it's not and it's that other part she can't handle"

"I do think if everyone was here like mum and dad then she would...but on her own...not so sure"

"Morning" Najia said coming into kitchen

"Hey mum"


"How are you darling?"

", Doctor's orders...for your migraines mum"

"Aaaa thanks...Those really help"

"She said she's gonna give you some for home mum don't worry"

"So I have a new doctor now?"

"Seems like it..." she giggled

"Where is she anyway? "

"She's in a control room...she's still not done you know...We have to go up there and check everything to make sure it works fine then program the Eye of the Deep to make sure it slowly shuts down when everything is restored properly. Also, the damage was huge and she wants to make sure it doesn't effect the machine working properly for the future"

"And then what Yaz?" Nadjia asked worried as she wasn't too happy with her daughter being in danger like this all the time. It was something that was constantly in the back of her mind

"Then we go home"

"I hope so Yaz, and I do hope you stay there at least until that baby comes. I don't think I could take the stress anymore"

"I'm  fine mum" she kissed her cheek

"Yaz I don't know who this person is and I hope I never get to find out but he sounds seriously unbalanced..."

Ryan looked confused so Yaz turned to him shortly "She means the Master"

"Oh...Doctor has quite few of those around"

"Ryan!!!" she smacked his shoulder "You're not helping this"

"He doesn't need to tell me that Yaz I'm not blind...I got to see pretty well how your life works. And I'm not saying don't do it...It's your choice and you're happy...Just slow down honey. At least until the baby...Hell even she wants to slow down" she points towards the control room

"I know...she does..."

"Well then...go have a whole world in here...Just do some normal with her..."

"Alright...point need to get your nickers in a twist mum" she came behind her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders

"I'm your mum nickers are twisted since you were born....and yours will be too soon, then you will know what I'm going  through. So, think about that person you're carrying as well not just yourself"

"Blimey Nadjia...why do I even talk?" Doctor laughed from the door "..I should've just parked in Sheffield each would've been much easier" Doctor smiled walking in and kissed Yaz's temple on a way

"You're meant to be on my side you know" Yaz frowned

" that's very debatable in this situation potato..." she points her finger at the air "Not really black and white...well nothing ever is...especially not this"

"Thank you Doctor" Najia said

" women can really talk" Hakim walked in

"Oi...I was a man I'll have you know...And I can be both so I don't really fall under that category"

Ryan laughed "You?...You're a category on its own can talk for the whole nation...I bet it was no different when you were a man"

"I swear by Tarids I'm gonna leave you on a next asteroid" Doctor points a finger at him and Ryan just laughed

"He's not lying" Yaz smirked into her face passing next to her and Doctor scrunched her face at her

"So... who wants to go with me?" Doctor asked

"That would depend on where you're inviting us?" Ryan said "And if it has anything to do with shit and worms the answer would be...not me"

"Oh...I have job for you Ryan"

"Do I dare asking?"

"Anyway....I'm gonna go to that Sun up there...I need to make sure everything works properly....So anyone?"

"Me" Hakim jumped to the opportunity

"I'll stay here and make some lunch Doctor if you don't mind" Nadjia said

"That's absolutely fine Nadjia"

"Meeeeee" Yaz flapped her lashes

"No potato I need you here"

"Oh come oooooon"

"I'm serious Yaz...look what happened last time. You know how to operate Tardis and that teleport...besides I'm sure your mum needs help"

" now I'm a cook as well" she stomped her foot pouting her lips

"You have many talents Yaz" Doctor smiled

"And you definitely have're a smooth talker"

"Alright...all sorted...Ryan...with me in a control room after breakfast"

"Sure Doctor....I won't be long"

"It's alright...take your time Hakim...not lile  Tardis is on fire"


Doctor crawled on the floor and pointed her sonic at one of the panels on the wall then ripped it open "So, you just open this hatch Ryan...and see those tube things down there...those green ones...with that liquidly thing inside them" she pointed

"Yeah...the thing that glows?" he asked bending down and looked inside

"Yes...that's the organic material that is a waist product which some of my plants produce...Vey tricky stuff and hard for Tardis to always clogs those tubes and if I don't clean it up it can spread all over Tardis...not good...took me ages to clean it off the floor once...Just pull those out and clean them like I taught you"

"Got it Doctor"

"Thanks for doing're a good mechanic Ryan" she tapped his shoulder and got up wiping her hands in a cloth


"Yes Ryan?"

"I wanna take Sonya on a nice date...have any ideas?"

"Aaaaa...that's nice...Hmmm...what did you have in mind?"

"I don't want it to be a dinner...We do that all the time and not like they have cinema here...maybe camping?" He frowned

"Uuuuu....I wouldn't recommend night camping here Ryan...there's those little things which come out at night from the sand and...never mind....Ammmm....Why don't you go to my rainforest Ryan?"


"Yeah" she waived her hand "I have some really good camping equipment...Haven't used in a while though ..Last time I went camping was at least 100 years go"

"Right" he said confused

"Come with me...let's find some"

She led him to the part of Tardis he'd never seen before which totally blew him away. It was a massive room which looked like an oversized garage. He saw a party bus and wondered how did she fit a bus inside the Tardis and then as he passed next to it his eyes got fixed on something which made him practically jump off  the ground

"Noooo way...You got Harley-Davidson!" his eyes grew wide

She walked past him and glanced at him smug "Mmmm...I do like a good pair of wheels"

"Woooow....and this" his eyes were popping out of his sockets on a sports car half covered with a massive fabric

Doctor dug through loads of stuff piled up in a corner "Aaa....used to be my wife's" she turned over her shoulder and shook some dust from a big bag she pulled out

"Get out!!!....You had a wife?" he frowned confused still looking at the car

"Yeah...I thought I mentioned that" she scrunched her face"


"What you think Ryan...that I was alone for 3000 years?"

"Dunno Doctor...I didn't really think about your love life to be honest....She must have been a cool wife" he ran his hand over a car and couldn't get his eyes of it "..So what happened?....I and Yaz are know..."

"She died Ryan"


"That's was a long time ago...Aaaaaa here we go" she opened a zipper and a cloud of dust hit her face. She pulled out what used to look like a tent, but now was just a dusty fabric which was completely falling apart

"Doctor?" he looked at her confused

She pulled a finger through the hole in the fabric and scrunched her face "On the other hand...Maybe I should just have Tardis set up something for you two"

"Yeah I think that would be a better idea"

"It's alright...don't worry. She loves nice dates...It always gets her exited"

"If you say so"

"Seriously...don't worry about it Ryan...I'll get it all sorted"

"Alright...So why you never use this stuff?" he said on a way out

"Dunno...some things I do...Most times I forget what I have in here...I really should do some sort of inventory list"

"Yeah" he smirked "Maybe you should...Also if you happen to have a spare car in here...can I have it?"

"Might do never know" Doctor laughed

"Or one of those cool pair of wheels" he added making her giggle

"I do miss you Ryan" she put her hand on his shoulder as they walked out

"I miss you too...I was just saying to Yaz today..."

"Tardis doors are always open for you know that"

"I know...But I don't think Sonya would be thrilled"

"Mmmm...nooo" she scrunched her face "I don't think she would


"I hate this" Yaz was whining to her mother peeling potatoes "I went from being a copilot to a kitchen help"

"Yaaaaz...let it go..."

"I can't let it go mum...I worked so try flying this thing and learning the language and...."

"Yaaaaaz!....You're just pregnant not in pension for god sake...Now hurry've been peeling this thing for 45 min"

"Arrrrhhh..." she rolled her eyes and continued peeling it irritated "Then when I have the will be....oh oh but now you have a baby Yaz...go back to the's a hoover Yaz"

"Oh lord help me!" Nadjia threw the knife on the kitchen top and turned towards her "Yaz!....Look at me!" she raised her voice losing it by this point completely

She went quite and turned around "Yes" she said quietly

"I know you got used to doing all this stuff...I get's existing and fun and unpredictable and it gives you rush of adrenaline in a brain...I get it. But life didn't end Yaz because you have to slow down...In fact you're not showing down because you just went up there two days ago and faced that Mister person"


"Whatever Yaz...point being...You will have the baby and I'm sure that you two won't exactly grow tomatoes and watch TV"

"I hope not" Yaz added

"...You will continue travelling and continue to have all these adventures and not only that Yaz. You have what most people would sell their soul for...Look at this place" she pointed her hand around "You don't get up in a morning and go to office where your boss makes you wanna throw up on the have no money issues you live with someone you absolutely adore...what the hell Yaz"

She went quite and looked to the floor. Her mum's words cut deep and snapped her out. She wondered if she spent so long with the Doctor that she actually forgot what real life on Earth was like, because at this particular moment it seemed like it. As if she was so far removed from reality that she had forgotten and suddenly she felt ashamed and her chin started wobbling as she raised her gaze back at her mother. And thought about how hard her parents work and how they haven't taken a vacation in years and how this whole chaos seems to them like a five star all inclusive holiday.

"I'm sorry" she said as tears rolled down her face

"Don't cry...C'mere" her mum pulled her into a hug "I didn't wanna make you cry now Yaz"

"But you're right I'm ungrateful" she clang to her mother's shirt hugging her tightly

"I never said that Yaz....Those are your words...You have your own worries. No life is perfect, and every life has its ups and downs. All I was saying was to enjoy what you have now...because at this point in time it's actually really beautiful....You have no idea what the future holds and what challenges you may face out there. You might look back at this moment in time and think...OMG what was I thinking" she pulled her away and wiped her face with her palms

"I'm sorry"

"I love you Yaz...I just want you being happy...Sees the moment baby" she cupped her face "Cause you may not have it again...Doctor understands that...It's why she's holding on to this for dear life"

"I love you...and you're right...I'm so stupid  sometimes"

"No...just young...and compared to your wife a I suggest you sometimes stop and hear what she has to say" she kissed her cheek and stroke her face gently "Now come on...let's get those potatoes in the oven or everyone will be starved to death"

"You do know Tardis can cook?"

"I do...Doctor showed me...but nothing compares to your grandmother's recipes....No offence" she looked up at the ceiling and Tardis hummed making them laugh

"I think she's memorizing those recipes" Yaz laughed


"Oh....this so annoying" Doctor shook her sonic kneeling on the floor in front of the machine

"Stopped working again?" Hakim said and pulled a massive valve off the wall placing it on the floor

"It keeps glitching all the time....and so is the teleport" she pointed "It must be those stones...he did say that"

"The Master?"


"Who is he Doctor?...You mentioned him once vaguely but I didn't quite understand"

She stood up and wiped the dust of her hands on her sides "He's an old friend of mines...well...used to be. We grew up what I thought was my first's complicated that part"

"Yeah, Yaz mentioned you have no memories from before I get that" he sat on the floor and Doctor sat next to him

"We went to the Academy together and were really close...We dreamed about taking a Tardis and traveling all over the universe together seeing all the stars" she said dreamy "But he got ill...and things changed" she picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it a bit further looking at the floor

"How so Doctor?"

She sighed with pause "He didn't want to see them anymore Hakim...he wanted to burn them all...So we went separate ways"

"That must have hurt Doctor"

"It still does"

"But maybe if you have gone and seen all those stars would've had this now...I don't think any star up there can compare to my family"

She smiled and turned to him "That's very true Hakim....very true...I wouldn't charge this for anything...Let's get this calibrated and go to have some food. I'm starving....I could swear I smelled food when that teleport opened up a minute ago"

She got up and reached for his hand helping him up to his feet


"That smells absolutely gorgeous" Doctor peaked into the pot and kissed Nadjias cheek making  her smile

Yaz chuckled as this was probably the first time ever she'd seen her do something like that.

"Hey potato..." she kissed her shortly and Yaz ran her hands over her chest "I'm dirty Yaz...I have to take a shower"

"Go quickly and find Ryan and Sonya on a way back.

"They are setting up a tent"

"They whaaa?" Yaz frowned confused


"Ryan...are you sure you know what you're doing?" Sonya struggled underneath the piles of fabric

"Yeah....just hold that pole darling...I'll get the rope"

"OMG...isn't it just easier to watch TV?"

"Is is...." he peaked underneath the fabric "But it's not as much fun"

"You do know that all of you start sounding like her with time?"

"What's wrong with how I sound?" Doctor made her jump

"Oh you always creep up on people like that?" Sonya frowned

"Nooo...I just have excellent hearing Sonya...You should know it by now" she leaned over grinning to her face

"Too good if you ask me."

"Ryan...what areeee you doooing?" Doctor said horrified

"Setting up a tent like you told me"

"That is not what I told you to do Ryan....I also have excellent memory I'd have you least from this regeneration...Here hold this" she grabbed the pole and shoved it in his hands "'s just connect those two together and pull

She pulled the rope and the whole tent popped up in front of them.

"There....seee!" she stood further away admiringly "Now that's how you put the tent together"

Sonya hit his arm "You dope...Thanks Doctor"

"Why do we never do that?" the Doctor stood there looking around with a smile "It's so nice here...we really should use it more."

"Don't you?" Sonya asked

"Not really Sonya...." she looked at her "There's never enough time"

"That's a bit silly Doctor....we are literally inside a timestamp" Sonya said "At least you should have time"

"Mmmmm...." she said looking up at the tree tops "Right...lunch is done" she snapped out of her thoughts and changed her focus on them two again "Come on...let's get a shift on"


"There's some feast going on in a town today" Doctor said passing potatoes to Nadjia "We could go...I'd be nice to have some fun"

"We could do..." Najia looked at her husband pleadingly

"You know I'm always up for that" Hakim said

"Yaz darling...wanna go?"

"Sure...why not"

"We will pass Doctor" Ryan said

"I didn't count on you two for tonight" she smirked looking at her plate

"Why?" Yaz asked confused

"Oh them two are having a romantic date in the rain forest" Doctor grinned

"Oh, are you?" Yaz asked "That's're gonna love the fireflies"


"Yaz darling you really need to hurry up....What's taking so long?" Doctor sat on the edge of the bed twirling sonic in her hand

"Can you pleaseeee come here" she whined from the bathroom

Doctor opened the door and burst out laughing seeing her all tangled up in her dress trying to put it over her head

"Stars Yaz what are you doing?"

"My stomach...I'm trying to pull it and it's all bunched up...look" she turned around

"Blimey Yaz....hold on" she pulled her out of the bathroom untangling the dress then turned her around "You silly sod"

"Thank you baby....Alright I'm please"

She sat on the edge of the bed whilst Doctor was trying her trainers on

"I'm sorry I flipped my lid today over helping mum in a kitchen"

"That's alright Yaz...I'm sort of getting used to you flipping out all the time" she looked up at her smiling

"OMG that sounds horrible" she stroke her hair "I'm so sorry...I just felt like I'm..."

"Being pushed put?" Doctor finished her sentence

"I suppose so"

She tied her laces and took her hands "Nobody can replace you Yaz...nobody...And they never will be able to. You're just out of commission for a while and I have to make some changes. But that doesn't mean you lost your job you know...I still need my copilot and my pregnant mechanic" she kissed her knuckles

"I realized that after mum put me right in my place today"

"Oooh" Doctor raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah...she kinda flipped her lid at me...Which I totally deserved" she giggled "But she made me realize that these moments will never be again and that I should just take them and enjoy in them now because we never know what future holds"

"She's only have few more months of this Yaz..." she put her hand on her stomach "You will never get to feel her like this...ever again in your life...It's amazing...Whanna know a secret?"

"Yeah" she smiled

"I couldn't do this...I told you...buut I do get a bit jealous sometimes...Cause you get to feel's so special...I wish I knew what that's's something I will never know. No matter how long I live. So you get to have one experience that I will never know...that is unique to you only Yaz"

"Waaaaw...I never thought that" she tucked her hair behind her ears "I love much"

"Love you too" she leaned over and kissed her shortly "Come on let's go" she smiled


The streets were buzzing with people and they went from one stand to another trying different foods and looking at all the different products people were making and selling. Then Doctor heard the music and her bum started wiggling on its own as she was standing by the stand

"Whanna dance?" Yaz tugged on her hand

"Arrrrrhhhh....I really want to" she scrunched  her face "But only gently can't jump"

"I promise...come on" she pulled her hand walking backwards


"This is nice" Sonya said stroking Ryan's hair as he laid next to her inside the cozy tent "I must admit...this is very romantic...and I loved the fireflies"

"Yeah...they were nice" he played with buttons of her shirt "I must admit I didn't expect from the Doctor to come up with this...she doesn't seem like romantic type"

"How would you know?" she frowned "By what I know from Yaz she's very romantic"

Ryan laughed like crazy

"Oi...don't be like that" she tapped the back of his head "She's very sweet...once you pass the weirdness"

"I didn't say she wasn't...just Doctor and romance isn't something I want in my brain...Specially not now" he ran his finger over her cheek and leaned over kissing her softly

"Mmmm..." Sonya pressed her hands on his chest pushing him off "Did you hear that?" her eyes grew wide

"No" he looked at her confused and leaned over to kiss her again

"Wait now...that..." she pushed him again leaving him with his eyes closed and lips pouting in the air

"Whaaaa?...I don't hear anything"

He watched as Sonya’s eyes grew the size of pizza plates and felt her hands gripping the sleeves of his shirt as she looked up over his shoulders in complete horror.

"Ryaaaan" she whispered with a shaking voice as she saw a shadow on the ceiling of the tent of a massive head and a pair of ears

He slowly turned around feeling Sonya’s nails digging into his arms and saw the shadow for himself. The animal exhaled and its nose touched the fabric of the tent. Everything from that point onwards went blank as both of them started screaming hysterically inside the tent and Ryan wanted to open it but Sonya almost ripped the shirt from his back leaving scratch marks down his back with her nails

"Nooooo...don't open...noo!!!" She screamed "Heeeeelp!" She screamed frantically climbing over Ryan who was desperately trying to fight her off scared out of his mind

"Dooooctoooor!" He screamed

And suddenly the whole tent rolled together with them two in it with ropes pulling out of the ground as they tumbled down into the small stream below

The fabric tore and Ryan opened his eyes to see the massive cat with pricing green eyes looking straight at him inches from his face and he froze in fear
Sonya moved the fabric from her face as she was squished underneath Ryan and looked up to her absolute horror as the cat sniffed around Ryan's frozen face and then licked him the whole length leaving a trail of saliva all over him. It looked at him one more time and walked away casually as if nothing had happened leaving them both frozen from fear.


"I'm sorry" Ryan said as he was trying to catch up with Sonya down the Tardis hallway

"Don't" she turned pointing her finger "Don't eveeeer mention to me a romantic camping in my entire lifeee!" she yelled so much he could swear she jumped off the floor then turned around  and continued to walk

"Does that mean you're not dumping me?"

"Shut up Ryan!!" she said storming back towards their room "What else is she keeping in this place? Massive cats, huge worms, dinosaurs? This place is like a freaking Jurassic Park" she kept yelling down the hallway pulling leaves and branches out of her hair frustrated "And whyyyyy is everything so huge? Why can't it be tiny and cute...What's wrong with a dogs? Dogs are nice" She kept going on and Ryan just walked in silence behind her



They walked back from the city through an empty street. Light summer breeze brushing against Yaz's shoulders, and the warm air smelled of local plants. She giggled as the Doctor was telling her funny stories from her past. Her parents left earlier but they had a nice time and stayed till the end enjoying in a beautiful evening.

Yaz laughed tugging her hand towards the Tardis "C'mere you charmer...I'm exhausted and you promised me a bath."

"So I did mummy" she giggled playing with their fingers

"Doctor!" a tall man ran towards them from the bottom of the dark street smiling

Doctor turned around with a big smile on her face "Tion?" she said surprised when he came close enough for her to recognize his face "Goodness!...I haven't seen you in ages...How long has it been?" she let go of Yaz's hand and walked towards him with a smile

"Centuries Doctor" he smiled back at her as she approached him

He came up to her and put his arm around her shoulder. "Hi" she smiled hugging him “So nice to see you”

Suddenly deep guttural sound left Doctor's lips and smile drained out of her face

"Regards from Shar Doctor" he whispered in her ear looking at Yaz over her shoulder.

Yaz blinked, cold sweat hit her body and she felt her legs giving up on her when she saw Doctor going limp over mans body.

"Doctoooor!" she screamed from her gut and ran towards her as the man pulled back. Doctor's dead weight slumped on her, and she saw him tossing the knife on the road before running off into the dark.

She was grabbing on to her as her lifeless body was slipping through her arms and they both slumped to the floor.

"NO! Yaz screamed in horror "Oh god baby…wake up…. Wake up baby…pleeeease” she shook her face” No no, no don’t do this to me don’t you dare...muuum....daaaad!”

She was screaming in desperation as she couldn't get herself off the floor. Her shaking hand pressing to Doctor's chest covered in blood " no no no" she kept repeating "Muuuuum!" she yelled into the air from the bottom of her soul and ran her hand over Doctor's lifeless face

Tardis hummed loudly, and lights suddenly turned blue. Nadjia looked up and then heard her daughter's screams. Teacup fell out of her hand smashing onto the floor of the control room. "Hakiiim!" she yelled and ran towards the door

"Muum!" Yaz kept yelling helplessly sitting on the ground with Doctor's head in her lap pressing on her bloody shirt with both of her hands "Help..I can't get her up"

"OMG!" Najia said in horror as she opened the door and ran to them

"What's going...OMG" Hakim ran after his wife but words got stuck in his throat when he saw them on the ground. He picked up the Doctor in his arms. Nadjia pulled Yaz up "Come on baby. Yaz what..."

"I need to be with her"

"Alright baby"

"Noo you don't  understand" she yelled and ran to the Tardis

They burst through the Tardis door and Yaz stopped as soon as she came inside "Wait!" tears rolled down her face

"Yaz we need to get her to the med bay" Hakim stopped with Doctor in his arms

"Cloister bell" she said

"What?" Nadjia asked completely confused

"The Cloister's not ringing" she smiled through her tears

"What are you saying?" Najia shook her head in confusion

"She's gonna be be fine...follow me"

"Yaz...what are you doing?" Hakim asked but followed her her down the hallway confused

"She's fine" Yaz repeated

She walked as fast as she could through the hallway and burst through one of the doors. Smell of roses hit her face "Thank you" she said to the Tardis

"What is this place?" Nadjia said confused

"Just put her here...pleaseeee" Yaz said and her Dad put her on the floor of an empty room

"You need to leave me now with her" she brought  her hand  to her dad's face

"Are you sure Yaz?"

"Yes" she said and wiped her face

"Alright pumpkin...we will be outside if you need us" Hakim stroke Doctor's face and got up

"It's gonna be fine mum" she said wiping her tears and looked down as orange haze started swirling around the Doctor

"What is going on?" Nadjia was asking confused and horrified

"Come on Najia...let's go" Hakim put his arms on his wife's shoulder looking around an empty room and closed the door behind them.

Yaz gently moved strands of hair from Doctor's face "We're gonna be fine" she whispered and
laid down snuggling herself next her draping her arm around her chest.

"We're here baby...both of us" she said quietly and kissed her cold cheek. She felt dizzy as the orange haze swirled around them, and her eyes grew heavy. "I love you" she said and drifted somewhere

She was standing on the top of the cliff looking down at the valley below and the beautiful river where they took their first swim. Wind blowing her hair over her shoulders and pressing the light cotton of her dress against her stomach. She herd footsteps behind her

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Doctor wrapped her arms around her and pressed her cheek against hers

"Hey baby" she smiled "I was looking for you"

"I do love this place" she smiled and laced their fingers on Yaz's stomach

"I missed it so much"

"Me too...But we need to go now beautiful. We will come back"

"Can't we stay a bit longer?" she turned in her arms

"You did well Yaz" she smiled and moved her curls from her face gently "Gold star for my Yaz" Doctor wrapped her fingers around her face

"What do you mean darling?"

"You need to wake up beautiful"

"Whaaaa?...I..." she looked around as everything started to fade around her and she felt fear rising inside her

"It's alright Yaz" Doctor cupped her face razing her gaze to her eyes "It's just a dream need to wake up now" Doctor brushed her fingers over her cheeks "Wake up darling"

Her voice faded and Yaz opened her eyes "Baby?" she said faintly

"It's alright Yaz" Doctor stroke her face smiling

"Am I still sleeping?"

"'re awake"

Yaz crumbled and covered her face with her hand. Tears rolled down the side of her face and into Doctor's lap.

"Hey, hey" she moved her hand "It's alright...I'm fine see...Just need a new shirt...this one has hole" she poked  her finger through it on Yaz's  horror

"Oh god" she whimpered

"Come on potato" she pulled her up to sit

"How...I?" she ran her hand gently over her chest

"Two hearts...he stabbed the wrong place Yaz" she smiled haply "Did I tell you this happened to me before I was..."

"Just shut up" Yaz cut her short and took her lips kissing her gently and desperately whimpering into them.


They were laying on a sofa in the library. The lights were dimmed, and Tardis played soft music. She felt the Doctor’s hearts beating on her back. Her fingers running lazy lines down her stomach. She turned around and shoved her face deep into her chest.

"Yaz, about today..." Doctor wrapped her arm around her

"Can we not talk about it?" Yaz cut her off "Pleaseeee"

"Alright beautiful" she kissed her head

"We will...just not now" she squeezed herself closer "I just need a cuddle"

"That's ok baby...we don't have to." 



Winter Dream Chapter 47
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