Chapter 21



Right...I think we got far enough from the city. Yaz honey help me out. We need to set this up in three places like in circle."


"What's that? " Sonya asked looking at strange devices on tripods that Doctor was putting together.


"Those will admit a certain making a long distance phone call..."


"Saying what? Sonya asked.


"Hello...wanna talk"? Doctor replied smiling but Sonya just couldn't get her head around how weird the Doctor was


They were setting it all up for almost half an hour. The tripods and the weird monitor Doctor took out of one of the bags.


"Right all set. Step back just in case. It's been a long time since I've used those...they only explode sometimes but you know just in case."


Everyone looked a bit horrified and moved far away except for Yaz who wasn't bothered at all and stayed next to her. She pulled the sonic out and aimed at the small box on the ground. The beams of light shot out of the box and connected to each box on the tripods. Everything was shaking and making a crackling noise until the loud pitched sound went through the air making everyone covered their ears.


"OMG what's that?" Sonya yelled covering her ears.


Yaz kept her ear covered with one hand and pointing towards the desert with another hand "Doctor!!! Look"


The orb shot through the air and in seconds was above their heads. The sound went from pitched to deep beats in rhythmic patterns. Doctor pointed the sonic into the air towards the orb.



"Hello, sorry about yesterday. I meant no harm but you're scanning people here. Where do you come from?" the sound changed the rhythm "How many of you are here? What happened to you?" the sound kept changing and the orb kept hovering around then went lower their eye line hovering in front of the Doctor who pushed Yaz behind her when it came inches from her face "Hello...Don't be scared. I'm the Doctor this is my wife Yaz and her family Najia, Hakim, and Sonya. We only want to help. Are you lost? Did you crush here, or you landed on purpose?"


Nadja looked at the monitor and saw data going through it. She nudged her husband pointing towards it. Hakim looked kept his eyes on the orb and slowly went to the monitor.


"Doctor...I think they are sending data to you. I can't understand what they are saying doe" he turns the monitor towards her, and she quickly looked towards it


"I really want to help. Are you looking for a new home? Is your world destroyed? Is that what this is...evacuation? Who hurt you?" she kept asking loads of questions but when she asked the last one the orb suddenly changed the color from light blue the orange and started vibrating


"Alright don't like to talk about that…we can drop it...So you do understand what I'm saying" a beam of light shot out of the orb and started scanning the Doctor revealing her hearts. She stood still carefully not moving.


"Doctor...what's it doing?" Yaz asked concerned and Doctor opened her arms keeping her behind her back.


"Be still Yaz...scanning."


The orb moved and hovering above their heads scanning each and every one of them. Sonya’s face froze from fear.


"Sonya be still" Yaz said looking at her worrying her sister will start screaming in a second. She could see her face was riddled with panic.


The orb came to Yaz and Doctors face went white. She was hoping it will miss her but it didn't. She hated the fact she had no control at this point over what was going on but she also knew she cannot panic. It was scanning Yaz from her head down.


"Doctor?? " she looked at her worrying.


"Don't worry Yaz just keep still" she was reassuring both of them at this point regretting she took her with her.


"Alright've had your scan..." Doctor moves in front of Yaz "So what are we gonna do?" the orb went up higher and in a seconds shot through the air into the distance "Shoot...not again!!!...Why you keep doing that?" Doctor yells scrunching her face irritated "By this rate we'll be here a month" she turns to Yaz "How are you feeling?"




"Are you hot?"


"It's seven in a morning no" she laughs.


"Are you hungry?"


"Stop that...I'm fine" she rolls her eyes laughing and lays her hand on her cheek "Seriously relax...alright?"


"Right...anyone fancy breakfast? I could really do with a proper breakfast " she turns cheerfully towards her family, but Najia and Sonya were looking at her in complete disbelief.


"Doctor" Najia points to all the equipment "What about all of this?"

"Oh, don't worry...we can eat and look at the data in a same time" she started putting all the equipment in the bag with Yaz and Hakim "We are still on vacation and they seem harmless...just lost...we will get to it in the end"


"Doctor what's this yellow stuff?" Sonya points to a mark on her dress and Doctor was next to her in a second zooming sonic over it.


"That's weird...well not weird...just unusual...Yaz you remember when you told me I stink?"


"I didn't tell you stink...just that you need a shower."


"Isn't that the same thing? ...Anyway, you said I stink of chemicals."


"I didn't say you stink...but yes it smelled of chemicals" she comes close to her looking at the sonic and then comes and smells the stain of Sonya’s dress "Yap same smell...What is it?"




"Why Sulfur? Could it be like...I don't know...something that powers up that orb?" Najia comments


"Or what Hakim said to me...what was it Hakim you said river turned to India?"


"Yes Doctor...well I said yellow, and you said to me it must be sulfur"


"Don't worry Sonya small amount like this cannot harm you...but I need to check this out"


Yaz wiped her dress with baby wipes trying toc get it off just in case.


"Alright I'm starving...and I know just the right place and we can do some sightseeing afterwards if you'd like?"


"That would be wonderful" Najia smiled looking at her husband lovingly.



Everyone was sitting in a tavern Doctor took them to and enjoying in their breakfast chatting whilst Doctor was on her little monitor connected to the tiny keyboard working and chewing in a same time.


"Babe...can you put that down for just a moment and eat in peace" Yaz wipes a honey from the corner of her mouth "You're getting this honey everywhere."


"Mmmm...well I have you to clean me up" she smiles and turns the monitor towards them all "Look...this isn't complete because normally I would hook it up to Tardis to translate but I'm working with what I have."


Everyone started at the monitor confused "What's that?" Najia asked confused and Doctor turned the monitor back to herself. "Ups sorry..." she laughs "That's Galifreyan" she presses a button on a keyboard and turns the monitor back "See.."


"OMG it's a map of the universe" Hakim says "They sent you that where they're coming from?"


"Seems to be, yes" she closes the little monitor and leaned over the table "I'm gonna try working it out, but if not we'll have to go back to sorry"


"No no it's fine Doctor I'm ready when you are" Hakim starts getting up but Najia pulls him by the sleave "She said maybe...sit down!"


Yaz nudged Doctor with her shoulder "You got yourself admirer babes."


"Doctor" Sonya turns to her across the table "Yaz says you're over 3000 years old?"


"Sonya!!!" Yaz looks at her signaling to stop


"What? You said that?" she looks at her sister defensively.


"It's fine Yaz...I don't have problem with my age...More or less...dunno...hard to keep track" she shrugged her shoulders taking another bite of the cake.


"You don't look it? You look like you're no older than 30. Do you...age?"


"Oh yes I do...only a lot slower...but mostly I get into trouble and just regenerate...Before I met Yaz I was a white haired Scotsmen!" she continues explaining exited "She met me when I just regenerated, and I was thrown out of my Tardis. I fell through the rooftop of the train" she smiled as if it's the most normal thing in a world not releasing Sonya’s mouth was half open and she was completely speechless together with her mum.


"Excuse me" Yaz got up from the table and almost ran pushing through the tables.


"Yaz!!" Najia called her but she didn't reply just ran off.


"Did I say something?" Sonya asked worriedly.


"It's ok...It wasn't you was me...Najia I'll go...this is my mess to pick up" she stops her from getting up..."Excuse me..." Doctor got up and rushed at the back of the tavern where she saw Yaz standing in a small alley wiping her tears. She came slowly behind her "Are you alright beautiful?"


Yaz wiped some more tears. She was desperately trying to contain herself, but regeneration talk and Doctor saying how she was a man before was way too much. All her fears and anxiety suddenly kicked in mixed with all the raging hormones and she suddenly felt like she was sinking into a deep hole. The thought of losing the Doctor in any shape or form was at this point inconceivable to her. She felt Doctors arms slowly slipping around her waist and just feeling them around herself already made her feel better. She placed her palms on her tummy and her chin on her shoulder rocking her gently from side to side.


"I'm here" she said quietly "I'm not going anywhere...not just yet...and I don't plan to either" she kisses her cheek softly.


"But you will one day" Yaz says through tears.


"I'm not planning long as I'm with you" she kisses her shoulder


"You can't promise me that" she strokes knuckles of her hands leaning on her chest pressing her cheek against hers


"No...I can't...but I can promise you that I will do everything that I possibly can" she rocks her slowly whispering to her "You told me yourself I'm definition of impossible. And I told you that love is the strongest force in the universe...So I would say those two make us two unbeatable."


Yaz smiles through her tears and takes a deep breath "You're a smooth talker as well you should add that to your resume."


Doctor kisses her cheek "Love ya" she strokes her tummy "Both of ya" she smiles softly and Yaz turned around hugging her neck.


"I don't doubt that...ever...It's losing you that I can't deal with."


"I know beautiful...We will beat whatever is coming our way...we have to believe that" she kisses her forehead gently "Come on...let's have a nice day today...There's so much I wanna show you'll see it's beautiful."


Yaz reached for her hand and walked back to the table where her parents and her sister were getting increasingly worried for her. Her mum specially didn't like the fact she was getting upset considering everything.


"Hey" she smiled "Sorry about that..."


"You alright honey?" Najia got up straight away.


"I'm so sorry Yaz. Didn't mean to" Sonya saying quietly.


"It's fine Sonya...really...wasn't anything you said...promise...just...I think my hormones are having a rave party at the moment" she laughs





They walked all around the city. Doctor showing them all the temples and stores and all the small places most people don't know about. They walked up to the building site of the great pyramid and Hakim was fascinated.


"Why there are no workers at the site?" he asked the Doctor


"They were built mostly during flood season when fields couldn't be worked on. But it's now lunch time so most likely they are all over there" she points to the long line of workers queueing up for a meal.


"Is he buried there already...the Faro?"


"Nah... he never will be...domestic arguments and all that...nasty stuff" she walks around holding Yaz's hand and having other hand in a pocket of her trousers looking high up "I should take you here again when it gets finished...that's a site...beautiful."


"'re as old as them" Sonya laughed pointing at the pyramid.


“Suppose so” Doctor laughs then pulls Yaz by her hand "Hey, let me show you something."


"Hey mum we will catch up with you...alright?" Yaz shouts towards her mum who was quite far away from them taking photos.


"Alright hun...have fun" she waives


"You do know they can't keep all those photos?" Doctor whispered.


"I know...just don't want to spoil their fun now" she smiles.


Doctor pulls her by the hand and takes her at the back of the building site were all the ramps were sitting empty wiles workers had their lunch.

"Where are you taking me?...Do you want to kiss me or something?" she asked giggling


"I do.... but that's not why we are here...come on...get a shift on!!" She started pulling her by the hand up the wooden platform and halfway towards the top pushing her laughing "Go on mummy you can do this" she pushes her by her waist. In about 10 minutes they were almost to the top of half build structure when Doctor ran in front of her reaching for her hand to pull her up on one flat massive stone block "Don't careful"


She stood behind her holding her around her waist "Look" she points her finger at the distance "Egypt darling...on a palm of your hand"


Yaz leaned on her with a huge smile across her face. Her heart was melting, filled with so much love it felt like it will explode. "Adventure of a lifetime. Why you do all this for me?"


"Because I love you" she makes a pause and presses her cheek onto hers "...and because I want to show you how I see the world"


Yaz turned around just enough to kiss her gently "Did I tell you you're like a dream?" she smiled


"So are you" Doctor squeezed her thither and laid her head on her shoulder "so are you beautiful"



"I'm knackered" Yaz held her hand struggling to walk "I really think my feet are swelling up" she looks down to her ankles "And I desperately need to pee"


Doctor quietly laughed. She found it adorable how Yaz was absolutely confused about all the changes her body was going through "Don't's normal...if you'd started growing an extra pair of limbs, I'd be concerned...but for now you're fine"


"Finally!!!" she was happy to see the hotel          


"Are you and dad going put tonight?"


"Maybe...not sure Yaz. I will have a lot to do tonight. I have to try to translate that's so much harder without the Tardis. I underestimated just how much I do use it Yaz. I need to get my brains into gear...I think I'm getting rusty since we haven't gone anywhere properly" she shakes her head.


"I think your brains are perfectly fine" she rolls her eyes laughing at her silliness "You know I would reeealy love you if you do something for me?"


"Anything Yaz"


"Run me a bath...pleeeaseeee" she hangs of her going up the steps towards their room


"Of course I will don't need to beg me for it Yaz" Doctor laughs kissing the top of her head


"Hey, you love birds" Najia called smiling from the bottom of the stairs climbing behind them "Are we having a dinner together? Or my newly discovered Inidiana Jones is going out with you tonight, Doctor?" she looks at her husband smiling


"Dinner Najia definitely...I did promise we are having it despite all that's happening...It's always better to have adventure on a full stomach...I always say that"


"You never say than. You hardly ever eat anything I have to make you...and you're workaholic as well" Yaz laughed rubbing her hand on Doctor's flat stomach "It's why you're so thin and I'm just getting fatter recently"


"Don't say that Yaz, you look beautiful...and you always's your heart I love...remember that" Doctor says casually smiling and dragging her up the steps


"Awww young love...nothing sweeter" Najia smiled "Alright baby let us know and we'll get ready...take a rest now"

"Alright mum...Oh, Sonya tell dad to bring some close …I think we are starting to stink" she laughs and turns to the Doctor "And you...bring us some fresh clothes as well this time and don't forget like last time...I can't keep washing our nickers overnight."


"Yaz...can you not talk about our underwear in front of everyone" Doctor whispered in her ear


"Everyone talks about underwear babe it's normal"


"Not where I come from it isn't "






Doctor ran a bath for Yaz and they closed the shutters on the windows of their room enjoying in a cooling shade wiles the sun was scorching outside.


"Hey Yaz, I've managed to decode most of the message. I'll have Tardis do the rest tonight.  There's a whole part here I can't even open up." she sat on the floor in her underwear and only a T-shirt with her small laptop in front of her while Yaz enjoyed a bath.


"I knew you would...told you nothing is wrong with your brains. By the way, you look sexy like that..." she said playing with the water in a tub, but Doctor ignored her comment as usual just slightly smiling

"It was a distress call they have sent throughout the universe at the time of a disaster, but unfortunately nobody picked it up Yaz. I don't understand why? There are literally millions of worlds out there...different come nobody picked up the message" she looks up to her clearly disappointed and hurt.


"Maybe they did darling, but they didn't care"

"That's just don't ignore something like that. Millions of lives at stake...what's wrong with the world?"


"So, I don't understand...are they all in there like...shrunken or what?"


"No Yaz...just souls. bodies" she gets up walking around the room explaining "All the souls of millions are stored in that little thing Yaz...not only their species but everything...all living creatures from their world everything that made them...all in that little thing Yaz floating around, traveling and searching for a new home. And when it opens up, all that energy will create new life...somewhere out there in the universe" she looks up towards the sky..."New start life being born" she looks down into Yaz's eyes "That's why it's so important Yaz...for me to help them. They can't stay there forever, or they will die, all of them...I can't let that happen"


"Hey...come here" Yaz reached with her hand


Doctor kneeled next to the bathtub "What?"


Yaz grabbed a handful of her shirt and pulled her in inches from her face "I adore you...every inch of that beautiful being that you are" she kisses her gently and then more passionately until she grabbed her t-shirt with both hands pulling her inside of the bathtub 


"Yaz!...Yaz I'm dressed...nooo!" she tried fighting her off but really just a little a bit until she just stepped inside


"You silly sod!!" Doctor laughed wiles Yaz was disposing her of her clothes giggling and forcing herself on her lap not taking no for an answer


"You said we're on vacation" she continued her giggles pulling hair of her face kissing her cheeks


"I did...I did say that...that's true...I should be more careful what I say around you"


Yaz was like a beam of light since they were together. Shining so bright Doctor couldn't and wouldn't ignore it. It's been a long time since she herself felt like that, so in a way it was forcing her to find that light within herself as well. She's spent way too long burdened with ghosts of her past dwelling most of the time alone and enjoying in only, what in her world seemed like microseconds of happiness trying so desperately to balance out the pain and anguish that accumulated inside her for centuries. Having Yaz for herself gave her that light she so desperately needed. Yaz never allowed her to dwell. She was her balance on the scale, never letting it tip over the edge. Something she never had before.


"See this is can't work all the time"


"I'm not Yaz.. I haven't been for months iff you haven't noticed" she laughs moving her heavy wet hair from her shoulders and tracing her fingers down her arm


"You said yourself that's just a minute of your life. So you can spare that minute of your immortality being here with me kissing" she did love kissing her and she wanted to do it all the time. It didn't help that Doctor was good at at as well


"I could...definitely could...and should as well" she went quite for a moment just gazing at her "Are you happy Yaz?"


"Hey, why ask me this...of course I am"


"Just asking...I thought I should...I know this isn't perfect...this life you have with me, and you did cry today" she looked away moving strains of hair from her shoulders, distracting her gaze from her eyes "...Made me think are you actually happy with me"


Yaz paused in silence for a moment, looking at Doctors soft face that sometimes almost gave impression of childhood innocence. She put a finger under her chin lifting her gaze up to meet her eyes before she spoke softly "I was crying because I've never been happier in my life, and I'm petrified of losing it" she strokes the side of her face gently "You're the best thing that ever happened to me...Don't ever doubt that...promise me you never will"

"Promise" Doctor replied quietly reaching for her soft lips