Chapter 6




The bedroom was dark, with thick curtains drawn over the windows that barely let any light inside. A light spring rain tapped on the windows, giving the scent of an even more romantic atmosphere of this April Sunday morning.

Theta moaned softly, her hand reaching for Yaz's, lacing their fingers together, her lips seeking hers to kiss them. Her heel dug into Yaz's leg as the other woman was pressed against her back swaying her hips in a slow steady rhythm. She ran her hand down the length of her caressing her breasts and her stomach then went down lower watching her cheeks flush and kissed her deeply and passionately swallowing her whimper as the other woman fell apart in her arms. She slowed her movements, trailing her hand down her inner thigh and soft belly as Thetas whole body curved in response. Then pulled away to unbuckle the strap belt leisurely tossing the whole thing on the floor next to the bed and grabbed the duvet throwing it over them pulling her lover across the bed. 


"I love you so so much" Theta sighed into her lips kissing her breathless. Her eyes clouded and rosy cheeks as she sank boneless onto the mattress. 


"I love you too my snuggle bug" she whispered painting her face with her lips and moving strands of hair from her forehead.  


"I'm knackered" she giggled palming her face lazily. 


"We have a little bit of time" she said kissing her palm then spooned behind her, kissed her shoulder and rested her head on the crook of her neck. 


"That was so beautiful" Theta laced their fingers kissing her knuckles then tucked their hands onto her chest. Her heart was still beating fast and her whole body still trembling inside out. 


"You're beautiful" she said, then they both fell silent for a long moment enjoying each other's proximity. 


Soon they would have to get up, shower and get ready for Sunday lunch which they had to postpone already four times over Yaz's work schedule. But they dragged the last minute of rolling in the bed. 


"I need to speak to you about something" Yaz broke the silence with a rather serious tone in her voice. 


"What's wrong baby" Theta turned over her shoulder concerned. 


"Nothing's wrong, just some changes I need to talk to you about." 


Theta turned in her arms and swung her leg over her. "What changes?" She frowned confused, fear visibly creeping up behind her eyes. 


"I got an email from my landlord today. He's selling the apartment." 


"Waaa, but you're in it?" 


"I knoooow, but he decided to cancel my lease. I have one month notice by the contract" she said as she tucked the strand of blonde curls behind her ear. 


Theta was about to say something, but Yaz put a finger on her lips "No listen.... I’ve been thinking. I'm gonna have to find a new place so I..." 


Theta mumbled but Yaz put her hand over her mouth "Waaaait...don't talk" she giggled 




"So, I've been thinking we find a place together? If you'd like that." 


"Mmmmmmm" Theta squirmed in her arms removing her hand "Really?? Like for real? " 


"Yes, for very real" 


"I wanted to ask you to move in with me" she said as her eyes filled with tears "But I thought I'll sound too much." 


"You can never sound too much" she giggled. 


Theta rolled over her and sat on Yaz pinning her arms above her head into the pillow 


"Alright, that's a change" Yaz chuckled looking at her hands on each side of her head 


"You seriously wanna live with me? Like seriously?" 


"Yeah, like dead seriously" she laughed. 


Suddenly Theta let go of her arms and covered her face with her hands "I'm gonna cry." 


"Heeeey don't cry, why wouldn't I want that?" 


"I don’t knoooow"


"You silly sod." She chuckled, moving her hands "We've been together almost 3 months. We've been hopping here and there for the past two months the dog doesn't even know where her home is anymore" she laughed. 


"You're absolutely sure about this?" Theta asked one more time. 


"Yeees" she couldn't stop laughing. 


"OMG...I've never been so happy in my life. I'm actually gonna live with someone." 


"Yes, you actually will my cute goof" 


She smiled softly cupping Yaz's face "You're the best thing that ever happened to me" 


"C'mere you" she pulled her by the wrist and closed her arms around her "And you are to me" she said kissing her hairline. 


"Can I tell my parents?" 


"Yeees" Yaz burst out laughing. 





"Well, it was about time" Nadija said straight from the door "C'mere you two" she said moving from the door letting them in 


"Mum this is my Theta, my pissed off mum Nadjia" she giggled. 


"Very nice to meet you Yaz's mum" Theta smiled. 


"Nice to meet you too, honey. And you...finally. For fuck’s sake Yaz it's been almost a month" 


"I knoooow, I'm busy" she ducked down laughing avoiding her mum smacking the back of her head with a kitchen cloth. 


"Well now when I see her, I bet you are." 


Theta laughed taking her jacket off. "Oh, this is from my mum" she handed her a gift bag, just some vegetables from her little garden. 


"Waaaw, that's so thoughtful. Thank you" 


"Aaaa Doctor's daughter hello. Or should I say my mate’s daughter's friend." Hakim waved from the kitchen. 


"Hello" Theta waived back. 


"Sorry food" he dried his hands and rushed across the room. She reached out her hand but was pulled into a hug "Nice to meet to finally" he pulled back grabbing her shoulders "Hungry? 


"Yes, very" she laughed. 


"I told her not to eat anything" Yaz said looking at her father’s computer "What's that?" 


"I'm writing a letter of complaint to the council. They dug up this road at the back and didn't cover it or put any protection. Some kids can seriously get injured." 


"Seriously dad you should run for the local council. " she laughed. 


"Here sit girls." Ndjia pulled the chair out. 


"Waaw, that's a nice view" Theta looked through the window "I'd love to have a view like that." 


"No, you wouldn't" Nadjia said "Believe me garden view is much better than this cage. My husband promised me I'll get it one day, I'm still waiting." 


"What's wrong with this one? I love it here. Everything is near I know all the neighbors." 


"And he can monitor exactly what's going on 100 streets way" she rolled her eyes and Theta just couldn't stop laughing sitting at the table. 


"Ignore them" Yaz said and got a kitchen cloth smack across her head. 


"Oi" she laughed. 


"My mum used to throw slippers at me" Theta laughed. 


"So did she, now she evolved to a kitchen cloth.  She rarely gets me through" she laughed. 


"Theta honey what will you drink? We bought some wine since Yaz said you like it" 


"That would be lovely thank you." 




"Like the food?" Hakim asked. 


"Love it. You're a great cook. My dad doesn't know how to put the dishes in the dishwasher" she giggled. 


"My wife doesn't" he laughed. 


"I really tried but I hate cooking and he really enjoys it. I just do it because I have to. So Yaz said you're a lawyer. Impressive" 


"Thanks, my mum is, so it was easy for me to follow. She really helped me though my university." 


"That's nice, Wali, my eldest decided to work with his dad as well. It's nice when it works out that way. I just hope he gets to keep it. These big chains are killing small stores." 


"And everything else as well. Most small trades no longer exist. You just wake up one day realising yet another small trade no longer exists. Very sad" 


"We are moving in together" Yaz dropped the bomb shell casually. 


"Are you?" Nadija blinked. 


"I just got a foot up my ass this morning. My landlord is selling the apartment. So, we decided to move in together." 


"OMG, can he do that?" Her mum asked. 


"He very much can do that. I've got one month to move out." 


"Are you two ok with that? Cause if it's inconvenience you can always be here pumpkin" Hakim said 


"Very much ok" Theta smiled haply. 


"Well yes, or else we wouldn't be doing it dad." She laughed "But thank you, that's so sweet of you. As it happens, I was gonna ask her anyway." She smiled at Theta and reached out for her hand on the table. 


"It does seem a bit silly paying double bills and rent when you two keep sleeping in each others places all the time" Nadjia said 


"Well in that case. Let's toast to that" Hakim got up and went to get some drinks for everyone. 




Two weeks passed and Yaz slowly started packing her apartment. She had two more weeks, but very little free time. Theta was also working this Saturday, which was very unusual for her, but she explained to Yaz that she was preparing some legal matters for the merger of the company and that her client was her Dad's friend so she couldn't let him down. It was almost five when Yaz finished, and Theta was still stuck in her office finishing her work. So Yaz decided to pay her a visit and bring some take out as she assumed she was just as hungry at this point. 


The doorbell rang and Theta got up to open it. She worked from the small studio apartment she shared with her mother. But when she opened the door, she froze, seeing Mark standing right at the door, dressed in a suit and tie with a bouquet of flowers. 


Her blood ran cold, as his behavior was now seriously turning into stalking, giving her shivers down her spine. She wanted to slam the door in his face and call for Yaz, but he put his hand on the door, stopping her. 


"Pleaseeee don't. I came to apologize" he said, 


Unable to close the door on him and completely panicked she turned around and ran to get her phone. She was stopped by a hand grabbing her arm and nearly collapsed on the floor from fear on the verge of tears. 


"Pleaseeee" she pleaded "You're scaring me." 


"Theta pleaseeee. I'm not gonna hurt you. Listen" he left the flowers on the table still holding her. 


"I acted like an ass. I'm sorry, I was drunk and high." 


"Nice" she said "Fine, apology accepted can you please leave now." 


"Not until you say it like you mean it." 


"Mark pleaseeee I mean it. I'm not upset with you, you're forgiven. Just leave, please. I've got work to do." she cried out looking at him in complete desperation. 


"I just want us to talk, work things out" he stroke her upper arm over her blouse, and she cringed trying to move. 


"It's too late for that. I'm sorry." 


"Come on babe, you can't be serious." 


"I am serious Mark" she nudged to release herself, but his fingers gripped harder around her arm. 


"Hey come on. Look, I get it, you were pissed off and needed some space. I get that, you had some fun in a mean time, but come on, you can't be serious about this?" 


"I am very serious about this Mark. It's over between you and me. Can we please, please just part ways. Go find someone else." 


"But I don't want someone else. This is what you don't understand. I want you baby." His hand came up to her face and she pushed it away. 


"Hey, don't be like that, come oon" he tucked her hair behind her ear making her stomach flip "We had some fun times, we argued a bit but that's in the past now." 


"It is in the past Mark, It's over, how many times do you need me to say that?" 


"C'mere...come oooon. Don't be mad" he was pulling her closer by her arm "You look ugly when you're pissed off, that wrinkle on your forehead gets bigger" he tapped his finger between her brows. 


"Mark pleaseeee noo, stop that" she put her hand on his chest trying to push him away, but he grabbed the back of her neck so hard she couldn't move pulling her forward forcing her into a kiss pushing his tongue into her mouth and tried shoving his other hand up her skirt. 


She squealed and pushed him so hard that he hit the table behind him and finally released his grip. 

Theta froze, waiting for him to lose it and hit her, but he straightened his jacket and tie and got right in her face, so close she could feel his breath on her skin. Her heart was beating so fast she could feel it in her mouth. He grabbed her face between his fingers, squeezing it tightly. 


"You're gonna beg me to take you back" he said and pushed her off, so she stumbled and marched out of her office. 


As soon as she could no longer see him, she ran slamming the door shut and locked it, then collapsed down the door onto the floor as her legs gave out on her and her whole body shook as she burst into a flood of tears. 


Yaz was about to park the car when her phone rang, and she scrambled reaching for it. 


"Hey baby" 


"Yaaaaz!" Theta cried into the phone. 


"Theta....What happened!" 


"Pleaseeee come over" she cried so hysterically Yaz could barely understand words coming out of her mouth. 


"I'm here I'm parked stay there." she rushed out of the car, slamming the door and ran towards the building. As she ran up the stairs, she saw her standing by the door shaking, her makeup running down her face and crying hysterically. 


"What happened? " she ran up and Theta threw herself on her crying her eyes out shaking like a branch. "It's alright I'm here, I'm here." She cupped her face as floods of tears rolled down her cheeks between Yaz's fingers " What happened? Speak to me" 


"Mark came.... and...and he..." she was trying to speak through the tears 


"What did he do? Tell me, what did he do to you? Did he hurt you, tell me baby?" 


"He....he forced..." she tried getting words out of her mouth choking in tears "he forced me to snog him and he..." she crumbled hysterically crying "I couldn't fight him off, I couldn't...." 


"Theta did he..."


"Noo, I pushed him off...he was holding me so tight I..."


"I know, It's ok babe, it's alright." She pulled her to her chest stroking her hair and decided not to ask anything else till she had calmed down.

Never in her life did she want to kill someone so badly like in this moment.


"Pleeease...I wanna go home" she cried as her fist clenched on Yaz's jacket. 


"Alright baby, let's go home." 


She took a shower when they got home, scrubbing herself manically. Washing his small off of herself. Yaz made her some chamomile tea and waited till she fell asleep on the sofa. Then pulled the blanket over her and took the phone from the table and went to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. 


"Hey, what's up?" Jack answered. 


"Hey, I've got a problem." 


She explained the situation but felt deflated as Jack started to explain the reality of the situation. 


"How can he just get away with this? Like how?" 


"Yaz, you need to make her press charges. Once she does, we can do something about it. Like this, unfortunately our hands are tied. We can pull him in, give him a warning, but you see the fucker doesn't care. We did that and it did fuck all. He knows what he's doing. He's trying to scare her, intimidating her cause he's pissed off she's left him and on top of it all she's now with a woman. His ego is hurt." 


"He's not just scaring her this is proper stalking. He assaulted her, forcing himself on her." 


"I understand that Yaz. But you know the law is clear. She's not a minor. As long as she doesn't press charges, we can't do shit." 


"I'm seriously worried now Jack. He knows where she lives, he knows where she works. He can wait for her in a parking lot. I'm freaking out." 


"You neeed to talk to her Yaz. Why won't she press charges? She's scared, right?" 


"Yes, she knows the law and she said he'll be out in a month. And she's worried that then he's seriously gonna hurt her. I don't know what to do Jack. Can't we do anything?" 


"Let me speak to my mate from criminal and I'll let you know ok. Poor woman" 


"This is a nightmare, Jack. I'm literally now worried about letting her out of my site and I'm trying not to freak her out even more. This guy is totally unhinged." 


"Let me see what I can do. It's gonna be ok. We`ll sort this out" 


"I really hope so." 


"In a mean time Yaz, you know the drill. She mustn't let anyone in like that. If she's planning to come late, drive her and pick her up. Just be careful." 


"Alright. I really appreciate this mate." 


"Don't mention it.” 




Yaz cooked a nice meal then woke up Theta who spent most of the early evening sleeping. She was still shaken so rather than pushing the issue Yaz moved the conversation to some other time and kept it on the subject of them moving in together. Which was something she knew made Theta extremely happy but after what just happened, she also couldn't help feeling that it came at the right time. 


"I've done a lot today."


"I'm sorry I couldn't help." 


"It's alright babe. I'm just using this opportunity to get rid of clutter as well. My brothers will help me move the actual boxes." 


"Oh that's amazing.” 


"Yeah, for them it's easier and we gonna do it in no time." 


"I was thinking. I know you mentioned looking for a place together. But I do like this place. Do you think we really need anything bigger for the time being?" 


"I suppose not. I just didn't want you feeling like my stuff is taking over your apartment that's all." 


"Well, I do have a garage I never use. So, if there's anything you don't use, but you wanna keep we can store it there. The rest can go in a wardrobe. 


"I do actually. I have shit loads of books. But we can put them in boxes. And I have that stupid room bike. I don't even know why I got that. I'm thinking of just selling it. Also, my actual bike, I would love the garage for it. That would be awesome.  


"Well, there you go. Sorted....thank you for food. It's really nice." 


"That's ok babe." 


"And thank you for being there for me today. I was so scared, Yaz. I was never so scared in my life. I thought he’s either gonna knock me to the ground or rape me. 


"Hey, you don't get to thank me for that. I'm just glad he didn't hurt you.... What a sick fuck"


"I'm so upset with myself for not looking at the camera. I just assumed it was you.” 


"You have to be careful from now on. And if you work late like that, I'll take you and I'll come and pick you up." 


"Alright baby. I love you" she reached for hand across the table. 


"Love you too." Yaz brushed her thumb over her hand gently "C'mere" she tugged on her hand pulling her around the table and into her lap closing her arms around her. 


"I'm so chuft you're moving in" she hummed leaning on her, playing with small hairs at the back of her neck. 


"Well, technically I'm already here" she giggled "You alright snuggle bug?" 


"Mmmm, just thinking" 


"What about?" 


Yaz planted a small kiss on her cheek. She was still visibly shaken and not herself. Very quiet for Theta and extremely mushy. 


"How incredibly lucky I was to find you. And how getting out of that club on that night was the best thing I ever did in my life. 


" know what's the best thing you ever did?" 


"No, what?" She frowned confused. 


"Snogging me that evening, cause god knows I'd never do it first" 


Theta laughed "What, whyyyy? Yasmin Khan, are you saying you would've never snogged me if I didn't do it first?" 


"Yap" she giggled. 


"Why not?" 


"Cause there's nothing worse than falling for your straight mate" she giggled into her shoulder. “Never in million years I would’ve done that.”


"Aaaaa...but luckily for you your mate was swinging both ways" she giggled "Only she was dumb and didn't get it." 


"I'm so fucking glad you got it..." she laughed and brushed her hand up Thetas back brining it to the back of her neck pulling her into a gentle kiss. And Theta melted, because there was nothing better today than kissing her lips, washing away the bitter taste out of her mouth so she palmed her face and deepened the kiss.. 




Moving date came fast, two weeks just flying by. It was a nice spring Saturday, perfect for it. They started early in the morning so by lunch time Theta assumed they would’ve been starving. So she cooked a nice meal and packaged it into little lunch boxes then headed to Yaz`s apartment.


"Wali, Malik my brothers, Theta" Yaz said balancing the box. 


"Hiya" Theta waived as they were all carrying the stuff. 


"Hi..." Malik waived. 


Wali dropped the box in a van wiped his hands on his sides and shook her hand "Nice to meet you." 


"I got food" she raised the bag smiling. 


"Oh, you're a star, I'm starving" Malik said putting the box down and shook her hand "Nice to meet you, finally." 


"Same here. Wanna take a break?" 


"Definitely" Yaz passed the box to her brother and leaned over dropping a quick kiss to her lips. 


"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" She asked taking lunch boxes out passing them around. 


"You are helping, you're feeding us" Malik said. 


"It's ok babe, we're good" Yaz said. 


"I didn't know what drinks to get so I got some non alcohol bear, juice and a coke" she was lining everything up on the floor of the van.


"Bloody hell babe" Yaz laughed "I'll have a bear." 


"Me too,” said Malik. 


"Then I'll make myself useful by unpacking the boxes" she said. 


"Ok baby" 


"Oh, garage keys" she passed them on to Yaz "It's the 4th on the left.” 


"We need to take the bike. Where is it?" Wali asked. 


"The room downstairs. I'll open it" Yaz said "I'm finally having a garage for it" she flashed a smile. 


"Can I have a spear key?" Malik asked. 


"Nooo" Yaz laughed "Mum would murder me and I don't wish to die young." 


"Why's that?" Theta asked. 


"Cause last time he borrowed it he drove his ass into the hospital with a leg fracture. He's lucky to be alive." 


"It's totally waisted on you, you're driving it like miss Daisy" he said. 


"At least I'm driving you're skidding down the road mate" she laughed. 


"I was once on a bike. It's amazing" Theta said. 


"Well, you're gonna be on it a lot more" Wali said "This one never gets off it as soon as the weather gets better.” 


"My brother is more car kinda guy" Yaz said. 


"Yeah, I like class and comfort, not my but getting wet" he smuged 


"He drives a Ford" she laughed, and he pushed her shoulder, she couldn't stop laughing. 


"What's your wheel Theta?" He asked. 


"Mercedes GLC SUV...that one there" she pointed to her car in a parking lot and his jaw dropped. 


Malik spat his drink and bust out laughing "She just burned you man." 


Yaz couldn't stop laughing "What can I say, my girl likes class and comfort" she laughed. 


"Shit, it's not meant to be raining today" Malik said as light rain suddenly started falling. 


"We better get our asses into gear. Thank you for the food, Theta that was amazing" he leaned over planting small kiss to her cheek. 


"You're welcome" she smiled. 


"Yeah, thanks for that, I thought I'm gonna pass out...Come on. Let's get going" Malik said. 


"No problem, it's at least I could do." 


"See you home babe, call me when you get there. Love ya" Yaz popped a kiss to her lips "Thanks for feeding me.” 


"I will. Love you too" she wiped lipstick off her lips and tapped her bum "See ya home" she smiled. 




"I'm knackered" Yaz huffed and draped her arm over her shoulder as they slowly walked through the park with Lola. 


"I knoooow, that was a lot of work today. But you're all mine now" she smiled softly gazing at her. Her eyes beaming with happiness. 


"All yours " Yaz squeezed her with her arm and kissed her temple. 


"It's late and I think she's done peeing. Let's go back.” 


"Movie?" Yaz said. 








Sunday morning Yaz was woken up by her phone. She scrambled over Theta to the dresser. 


"What's going on?" Theta mumbled. 


She looked at her phone still half asleep "Work, go back to sleep." 


"Oh, come oooon" she rolled over the bed as Yaz got up and went to the living room. 


"Hey what's up?" 


"Get dressed," 


"Give me ten minutes" 


"I'll pick you up." 


She hang up the phone and rushed to the bathroom. 


"Where are you going?" Theta asked sleepy. 


"I need to go to work. I won't be long. Go back to sleep" she leaned over kissing her. 


"Aaarrrhh, I hate your job sometimes" she moaned and covered her head with the duvet. 


They parked the car in front of the small brick house at the end of the street and looked at each other. 


"Ready to lose your job?" Jack smiled. 


"Absolutely" she said and grabbed the door handle. 


"Me too" he opened the door. 


They walked up to the house and rang the doorbell. 


"Minute" Mark yelled coming down the stairs closing his dressing gown. "Fuck’s sake it's not even nine." 


The door opened up and he was met with two police IDs in his face. 


"Morning sunshine" Yaz smiled "Can we come in?" 


He swallowed deep and let them inside, closing the door. 


"Look, if this is about that day in her office I only came to apologize, I don't know what she..." 


Suddenly a fist flew into his face knocking him to the ground, so his slippers fell off his feet. Jack shook his hand in pain. 


"You broke my nose" he whined wiping blood off his face.... I didn't do...."  


Yaz stepped on his chest pressing him to the floor then kneeled down grabbing his face between her fingers "Listen you piece of shit. If you as much as cross on her side of the road just remember one thing. We are very fucking good in concealing the evidence. Get that?" 


He nodded his head wordlessly and she let go tapping his cheek "God dog" she got up then just as she was about to leave, she turned around and swung her fist punching him in a face and left.


"Pussy" Jack remarked and followed Yaz giving her a tissue to wipe her hands as they stepped outside. 


"Thanks for that mate." She turned to Jack as they parked up in front of her building "I owe you big time. And your mate”" 


"No, you don't, the pleasure was all mine. And he’s glad to help." he smiled. 


She leaned over hugging him. "See you tomorrow.” 


"See ya Khan." 

She took her clothes off and slipped into bed glueing herself to Theta’s back dropping her arm around her warm body inhaling the scent of a woman next to her, basking in feeling her against herself. Theta’s hand sleepily laced their fingers at her chest. 


"Love you snuggle bug" she said into the back of her neck. 


"Love you too" Theta mumbled. 




A Step In A New Direction Chapter 6
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