Chapter 4



Yaz woke up early, her alarm clock was relentless. She just reached out and put it on snooze, then released Clara's hand had fallen over her waist. It was an unusual but amazing feeling to wake up next to someone. She turned to see her face crushed into the pillow, hair falling over it. As Yaz moved she automatically tightened her grip pulling her back and moaning in displeasure so Yaz agreed to stay just for a bit longer. She had to get up at one point and call the station if she was going to stay a week. It was surreal, staying with Clara for a whole week, in her house, in her bed for that matter. The sound of rain on the window lulled her to sleep, the drawn curtains made the room dark, and that didn't help either. She tried to wriggle out of bed without waking Clara and after a few attempts she succeeded. She pulled the duvet over her bare shoulders and went down to the kitchen.

The call was short and to her surprise her boss didn't mind her taking a few days off even though she felt guilty for lying through her teeth about her nanny being bad. She then texted her mom and a red text from her sister. Now she was up she felt hungry.
The smell of the toast was divine, and the kettle was just boiling water for her tea. It was relaxing to eat breakfast looking at the garden.

Clara had a relatively large garden for the size of her house, detached with a garage to the side, brick exterior and those beautiful old bay windows. It was quite small, but still much bigger than Yaz's apartment. A narrow hallway with steep stairs, a long living room on the right that runs the length of the house from the front to the garden and a small study and kitchen on the left. She had no idea what was upstairs as she only saw the bedroom and the bathroom.

But the house was beautiful and cozy. Decorated in a relatively old fashioned way with dark chocolate colored furniture and wallpaper, except for the modern kitchen which was very spacious.

Clara kept saying she wanted a conservatory so she could sit inside on cold days and feel like she was in a garden. She wanted it to flow all the way from the kitchen to the living room. It was a project that she said was planned for spring and that she had already agreed with the landlord.

It was really pouring outside and it looked quite miserable and dark. The dark clouds obscured the sun sufficiently, so the house was quite dark as well.
She saw the blue box in the garden again and took a closer look. It was a real old police phone box. It even had a plaque on the front. The only unusual thing was a small light on top that Yaz just assumed was set up to illuminate the garden at night. It was the strangest thing ever, but it was spelling perfectly her girlfriend's name.

Yaz was so happy that she waited for herself to wake up from his dream. She could still feel Clara's lips on hers and elsewhere for that matter, and that other place made her blush with pleasure. It made her grin as she sipped her tea. She had long ago come to terms with the fact that she would remain alone for the rest of her life. Online dating wasn't her thing and as much as she knew how to stand her ground when it came to her work, when it came to romance Yaz was shy and lost. Especially when it came to her sexuality, it was a topic that always brought to the surface the darkest periods of her life and something she desperately tried to forget. But Clara made it safe for her to be who she was. She made her feel comfortable in her own skin and gave her enough space to discover herself to feel herself like she never had before. Clara never demanded anything from her, and from day one everything was Yaz's decision. She let her call the shots. And she loved her immensely for that. Yaz was under no illusion, especially since last night, of how much self control her girlfriend had to have. Last night she felt it in her touch just how much she desperately wanted her.

"Hey you, I woke up alone and that's just not on" a voice jolted Yaz from her thoughts

"Morning darling" she swang the chair around  with a big smile on her face

Clara came down to the kitchen wearing only underwear and a white shirt that hung loosely from her petite body with collar and sleeves unbuttoned. She made space for herself again between Yaz's legs running hands over her bare sides.

"I missed you" she smiled and Yaz immediately kissed her. She didn't have to be told, she wanted to do it since she woke up.

"Breakfast?" Yaz asked still smiling

"Definitely...ewwww what a day" she commented looking over Yaz's shoulder

"I know I was hoping we could go out and do something but no chance. Also I need to go and get my things. Wanna go?"

"No Yaz, not today I'm sorry. You go honey I still have some work to do today" she kissed her forehead and Yaz got off the chair to make her breakfast.

"So what do want?" she said bending into the fridge

"You" Clara grins

"Silly sod..." Yaz giggles "Apart from me"

"Just some bread and butter beautiful"

"My nickers look good on you" Clara said kissing  her shoulder and slipping her arms around Yaz's waist whiles she was making a tea

"Iff you continue like this you will make me ruin them as well" she laughed shaking her head

"Mmm...then you will have to be without them"

Yaz turned around around and put her arms around her shoulders "How I about I make you ruin yours instead?"

"You already are Yaz" she raises her eyebrow kissing her then lifts her on the kitchen top.

"I love you so much" Yaz said leaning her forehead against hers and fiddling with her hair at the back of neck

"I absolutely adore you Yaz" she whispered running fingers down her legs "I can't tell you how happy I am with you. I missed you"

"Missed me babe?" Yaz asked

"When you were not in my life" she said with sadness trailing hands from her legs over her waist

"I missed you too out of my life much. I never knew I would have someone like you" she pulled her head onto her chest hugging her tightly

"Bed?" Clara asked kissing her neck

"What about your breakfast?"

"You're my breakfast" she lifts her head grinning cute and almost childlike

"I like the idea of that...Besides I'm getting cold"

"I'll warm you up" she smugs scooping her from the kitchen top

Yaz kissed her all the way to the bedroom unbuttoning her shirt and pulling her up the stairs by the collar. She was waiting for this since last night and felt so bad that she was absolutely dying by the time they left the kitchen at almost three in the morning and just curled up in her arms falling asleep as soon they went back to bed. She wanted her so badly by this point that she could easily rip that shirt of her. But she didn't, it was a nice shirt and a part of her evening attire and she would never ruin something that made her look so sexy. So she fiddled with tiny buttons as they stood in the middle of a dark bedroom. Outside, the weather turned bad and it was as dark as seven in the evening.

"Need help with that?" Clara smirked standing straight looking down at her hands concentrating on the buttons

"Yes please" she looked up laughing

Clara unfastened them in a second. Clever fingers did it so quickly with one hand, while the other was already wrapped around Yaza's face pulling her in for a passionate kiss. As the shirt loosened around her chest, Yaza's hands immediately went to work, sliding around the exposed skin letting the shirt fall to the floor, she wrapped them around Clara's waist deepening their kiss. Yaz nudged her across the room mimicking what Clara had done to her last night until Clara's legs hit the bed. She she didn't sit down but slid her arm around Yaza's waist and turned her on the bed and within seconds Clara was sitting on top of her unbuttoning Yaza's shirt and kissing her hard then her lips moved down her neck and she took both of Yaza's hands pinning them to pillow "Can I have you?" she asked holding her hands looking up at her as her hair fell around her face

"Of course you can...You don't need to ask me silly" she giggled

"It's only polite Yasmin"

Yaz got shivers when she spoke her name like that. She would let her do what ever she wanted with her at that point.

"Kiss me" Yaz asked desperate to touch her and unable to with her hands pinned to the pillow

"I was going to" she brushed her lips onto hers then took them into her own sucking air out of Yaz's lungs then showed her whole face with loads of small ones as well making Yaz giggle.

She slowly released her hands as she moved down her body trailing her lips over every inch of her skin and removed her underwear leaving her naked up to her eyes. "You're so beautiful," she said, running her fingers down his sides. Yaz didn't want to think about how she looked from that angle as Clara sat between her legs admiring the view as if she was sitting watching the most beautiful sunset in the world. In fact, the thought that what she had between her legs could make someone so happy was astounding. But then Clara had the same effect on her so she just assumed she felt the same way. She hoped that the discomfort would fade over time and that one day she would feel comfortable enough not to care. But then, as if acutely hearing her thoughts, Clara moved forward hovering above her

"Don't be embarrassed...I don't see it like you do. I think your absolutely gorgeous my love and I will always admire every inch of your body. And that one in particular is only mine to see. So that makes is special"

"How did you know?" Yaz smiles as she made a room for herself between her legs and lied on top of her. She welcomed it with all her heart.

"Hmmm...that's nice" she wiggled her hips and scrunches her nose "Bighead remember"

Yaz giggled to that and it brought the tension of the moment down. She immediately felt more comfortable and Clara proved to her once again just how attentive and gentle she was.

"I really love that big head" she smiles and kisses her gently

Clara sloped back down soon enough and pressed her lips to where it made Yaz blush making her moan into the pillow she was pulling over her face. Clever fingers brushed against her and eased themselves inside her and Yaz tugged on Clara's hair.

"Alright darling?" Clara asked but Yaz didn't answer, she moaned in pleasure at her fist move making Clara smile taking it as a positive answer and continued at the slow pace. It was a feeling like none other and made Yaz emotional through the pleasure. She already considered Clara essential part of herself but now this gave it a different meaning.

"God I love you" Yaz stroke her hair gently

Heat surged through her as thrust became faster. As her lips sealed themselves on her. Yaz wiggled across the bed and Clara had to pulled her back from time to time then laced her fingers together speeding up the pace. Yaz was gone, her moans became lauder and she grabbed the sheets and squeezed Clara's hand feeling herself falling. She shuddered and slumped to the mattress covering her face with her hand she tugged on Clara's hand.

"Hey...hey...Darling what's wrong?" she moved her hand off her face "Did I hurt you Yaz?" she asked i horror

"No silly woman" Yaz gazed at her tears rolling of her face "I really fuckin love you"

"Blimey potty mouth you nearly made me regenerate" she kissed her forehead, tip of her nose and then her lips running thumb over her face "I absolutely adore you Yasmin Khan"

"I love you to the moon and back" she ran her palm over her face smiling

"Well that's not that far" she said scrunching her nose making Yaz giggle

Clara pulled her on her chest and threw covers over them both. Rain outside was relentless bashing against the window and wind could be heard swirling over the trees. Yaz curled up next to her tiered feeling like she ran a marathon.

"Yaz please don't go anywhere today"

"What do you mean darling?"

"It's really horrible weather and I don't want you driving in that. Unless I take you"

"But you have work to do"

"I'll postpone it but please I'll drive you iff you really need to go"

"Noo..I don't want you to do that. I can wait till tomorrow. I'll just need new nickers" she laughs

"I think we can manage that" she kissed her head "I also do have a washer" she smiles

They were quite for a while just snuggling underneath the cover listing to the rain outside. Clara made lazy circles on Yaz's shoulder lulling her into sleep but sleep wasn't what Yaz had in mind, at least not this time around. She wiggled around a bit to move herself higher

"Hey, why did you move? That was comfy" she frowned a bit then relased Yaz is gazing at her smiling eyes wide open. She looked at her as if she was a Christmas present ready to be unwrapped. "What?" she asked confused and got an immediate answer when Yaz explained by pressing her lips to hers.

Clara cupped her face in her fingers, deepening the kiss immediately. She was ready to kiss her anytime and was hardly going to complain.
Yaz ran her hand down Clara's body under the covers. She could move them and she knew Clara wouldn't protest, but there was something about her not seeing her and just touching her that Yaz loved so much. It was as if she could map her body with her hand.
Clara's hands were already at work sliding up her back and the other cupped her face kissing her until she was out of breath. She felt Clara move with her hand and her kisses deepened moaning softly into Yaz's mouth as her hand slid between her thighs caressing her, rocking her hips following her hand. Her grip on Yaz's neck tightened and she rested her head on hers, unable to kiss anymore just closing her eyes. She didn't care what Yaz was doing because, whatever it was, she knew he was going to make her fly.

Yaz moved, pressing his lips to her neck and trailing them down her chest, taking her breast into her lips and kissing the soft skin of her stomach and her hips. Clara's back ached, her moans filling the room grabbing at whatever part of Yaz she could as her lips descended to where she desperately wanted them to go. Her hot breath hit her thighs, soft kisses trailing down her legs. Yaz couldn't get enough of her, she pressed her lips to every part of her and touched every curve, running her fingers over the silky skin. She pressed her lips between her thighs and Clara moved with each pass, her hand in Yaz's hair as she dragged herself over her lips. Feeling her deep inside her moving through her.

"Don't stop...please please darling don't stop" she muttered 

And Yaz didn't there was no way she ever would. She was determined to show her all the love she had for her and how painfully she desired her. 

"Shoot.." Clara whimpered, grabbing Yaz's hand that was on her stomach, squeezing it so tightly that Yaz couldn't feel her fingers anymore. She felt her cramping around her, her body shuddered. Her lips parted and her cheeks red from the heat the hair sticking to her face. She pushed herself away and plopped down on the bed. She was still holding onto Yaz's hand and pulled her across the bed.

"I love you so much" she said breathlessly fingers wrapped around her head she pulled her for a kiss tasting herself in her mouth.

"I adore adore you" Yaz said stroking her hair moving it from her face as she slumped to the pillow "So you liked that?" she asked smiling

"Liked it? Are you serious Yaz? That was amazing beautiful...Come here" she pulled her on her chest

Yaz felt her heart, it was beating like a drum in a fast pace. So fast she could swear she felt it both side of her chest as she was just lying there for a while in silence trailing her fingertips the length of Yaz`s arm.

"Shower?" Yaz lifted her head smiling

"Definitely..." she smiled back and got out of bed trying to walk on wobbly legs

They both felt more human afterwards. And decided to change the sheets as well. Yaz waited by the window for Clara to take them out of the cupboard when thunder ripped through the sky making her jump.

"See aren't you happy you stayed here?" she said looking outside over her shoulder

A lightning ripped through hitting the little light on top of the blue box and a force field shined around it like a Christmas tree.

"FUCK!!!" Yaz jumped screaming

"Ups!" Clara said razing her eyebrows

"Wtf was that?"

"Just lightning darling" she kissed her temple and threw the clean sheet on the bed "I'll look at it tomorrow for any damages don't worry"

They spent the rest of the day around the house. Clara was doing something in her study, and Yaz decided to spoil her with a wonderful dinner. She managed to find enough in the kitchen to make it work, but admitted that she would have to do some serious shopping the next day if she didn't want to live on cookies and milk for a week. Clara found some clothes for her and laughed it off as she pulled on a pair of loose trousers that don't reach and a blue t-shirt. It looked cute on Clara, but she herself felt silly wearing it. She wondered how many Clara had because she was always in them around the house. The rain didn't stop, it was like a monsoon outside. Yaz looked out into the garden towards the blue box. What she saw earlier scared her. She'd never seen anything like it before, but then it wasn't like she'd seen lightning so close.

They had dinner and Clara was grinning the whole time. Now she had the same look as Yaz had for the past three weeks. She also couldn't keep her hands off Yaz and would lightly touch her even when they passed each other in the kitchen. Their fingers would brush when they changed the plates putting them in the washing machine and every now and then they would give each other little kisses. Yaz fell asleep again halfway through the movie. Lying on Clara's chest with her hand gently stroking her back put her to sleep within minutes, but Clara didn't mind. She stroked her hair and kissed her head and woke her up to drag her to bed. Yaz wasn't sure if she ever wanted to go home. She wasn't even sure Clara wanted that because she had mentioned at least five times during the day that she wanted the time not to run out.