Chapter 32


Yaz woke up early and watched as the first rays of the morning sun filtered through the small windows of the Tardis door reflecting on the shining black floor of the control room. She felt Clara's breath on a nape of her neck and reached for her hand wrapped around her chest holding her tight. It was quite inside the Tardis, just gentle humming echoing across the hallways and endless rooms. The console shining bright amber lights through the dark space and blue hexagonal patterns reminded her of beehive. Even the amber lights were the color of the meadow honey freshly poured into the glass jars.
She wondered if there was some significance in the patterns and colors or this was just her imagination running wild with her. Clara moved draping her leg over her sides and mumbled into the back of her neck sleepily nuzzling at her hair. She felt a short puff of breath and then the hand pulling her closer and her hips wiggling to find that perfect place to slot them together like the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. Today was a day they are leaving for the hotel and yet she felt the pain and sadness for leaving this place although it felt so silly as Tardis was now essential part of their lives and will be permanently parked in their back garden. But leaving it fell hard on her soul. She felt like she made a new friend and that events from few days ago brought them closer together. Tardis seemed like an extension of Clara in so many ways, as a part of her and what they had together. It was there present from the first day she had known her and just grew so much closer to her heart with time.

"Mmmmmornig" Clara mumbled into her neck squirming against her back

"Morning baby"

"How come you're up before me?" she rested her sleepy face on her shoulder "What's going on here?"

"Dunno...I'm so excited I can't sleep" she smiled and turned around snuggling "And you look so fucking cute in a morning" she smiled as Clara looked at her with still sleepy eyes and a messy hair resting her chin on her chest

"You mean a mess" she giggled

"I love my mess...wouldn't change it for a world" she said

"One more day" Clara said twirling Yaz's curls through her fingers

"I know...just one more day" she said coming her fingers through her messy hair

Clara smiled "Your hair is curly again"

" much about the hairdressers" she laughed "Look at us"

"I prefer it like's my Yaz" she said pressing her lips to her chest

"Honest...I prefer when you cut your own hair" she giggled

"Thank you...she did cut one side shorter you know"

"Just a little bit" she giggled "And I hated my straight hair...I just didn't wanna admit it"

"Aaaaaa....she admitted it" Clara laughed

Yaz looked twards the door and morning light coming through the tiny windows "I'll miss this" she said with a sigh running a line down Clara's back with her fingertips

"Tardis isn't going anywhere"
Clara said climbing up her body then propping herself on her elbow hovering above her smiling
"Where we go Tardis goes...well, sometimes she stays home...I'll think of something don't worry...We're not leaving her behind you know" she smiled bopping her nose with her finger

"We need to get up...pack" Yaz looked at her still sleepy and moved her hair from her face smiling "We have a wedding to go to...remember those two morons who argued...well they're finally getting married"

"It was about time they did...I hope they never argue again"

"Neah...they love each other waaay too was just a blip" Yaz giggled

"Stars I love you" Clara whispered reaching for her hand lacing their fingers together into the pillow and kissed her gently "Did you write your vows?" she smiled into her lips



"Claaaaara? Seriously?"

"Got you!" she giggled pressing lips to her chest

"Oi you" she ruffled Clara's hair

"So can I see them?" Clara smirked cheeky

"Noooo...Absolutely not"

"I had to try" she giggled


"Come on...we should get up" Clara yawned stretching herself over Yaz like a pancake

"You don't look like you wanna get up"

"I don't" she giggled wrapping her arms around her kissing her neck "But we seriously should"

They finally got up and started preparing for leaving. Yaz packed all the bags and Clara took the car back to rentals in a mean time.

"I'll miss you" Yaz looked stroke the wall in their bedroom as she finished packing

Tardis hummed in response as she walked out of the room.

"Hey butterfly...I'm back!" Clara yelled as she walked inside and went up to the console

"Hey baby"

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah...all done"

"I'm really hungry, let's quickly hop on for breakfast before we leave"

"Alright...I'm  actually starving  now"

They walked over locally to a little dinner, Yaz had a silly smile on her face as she sat down.

"What are you giggling about?" Clara smiled passing behind her and kissed the top of her head

"I'm so happy"

"Me too...I can't wait for the cooking class"

"I still can't believe we are going for a cooking class"

"It's so good Yaz. They have the bast chefs in this's only for few hours and they teach you how to make pasta and then you have a meal with what you's gonna be fun....Oh yes...mmmm...when is your family coming Yaz?"

"Mum text me, they are coming around two so we have time"

"Aaa...Brilliant...I just need to make some calls today... work stuff...won't be long....I can't wait to see your dress today"

"You're not seeing it till tomorrow"

"Whaaaa...why?" she looked at her between shock and disappointment

"'s bad luck"

"Oh come ooonnn..." she pouted her lips

"Nooo...don't sulk" she laughed "Can't see me and I can't see you...and I'm gonna get ready in my mum and dad's room by the way"

"Whaaaa? "

"You're gonna be with Sonya...oh come were married before...surely you know that"

"Yeah well I was was a bit different..." she was spreading butter on her toast unimpressed making Yaz laugh

"You look cute when you're sulking"

Clara looked at her scrunching her face making her laugh even more.

"Why are you not eating your eggs babe?"

"They are overcooked" Clara scooped them with the fork and dropped them back on a plate "It's just eggs...Even I know how to make eggs...I'm good in making wggs I make really nice omlet"

"You had centuries of practice babe" Yaz giggled

"'re probably right...I was gonna enjoy in this...Where are you going Yaz?" she looked up confused as Yaz got up

"Getting you new eggs"

"You really don't have's just eggs" she looked confused as Yaz picked up her plate infront of her and went off "Although they could've cooked  them a bit less" she mumbled  into her chin. Yaz came back in few minutes smiling

"You're getting new eggs"

"You really didn't have to do that Yaz...there's plenty other food there"

"We're fucking relaxing and enjoying ourselves and that includes the eggs" she said sitting back down

"Alright" Clara laughed "Frustrated much?"

"Nope...just wanna have at leas this part of the holiday nice"

"Including the eggs"

"Yes" she burst out laughing

"Well, it could be you know...universe ending and we have five minutes to do it"

"Few weeks ago I would laugh at it even seems plausible"

"Good morning ma'am...I do apologize for that" a man said putting a plate in front her

"Aaaa....thank you...Oh, don't worry about it...honestly...I do appreciate the effort...Thank you"

She grinned haply looking at her plate and started digging in straight away

"Mmmmm....much better...thanks for that butterfly"

"Now that's a happy face" Yaz giggled as Clara was literally wasting through the plate

They came back to the Tardis and Clara walked over to the console starting  to flip the switches "C'mere" she pulled Yaz by the arm "Those are you flip all of them this is dematerialization circuit I'll teach you the codes...but for now I'll just show you how to activate it all"

"Are you teaching me how to fly her?" Yaz looked at her over her shoulder

Clara just smiled and kissed her cheek then went to one of the walls opening a small hatch and took a book out "Here... read this"

"Oooh...What's that?" Yaz took what looked like a diary filled with notes and instructions

"You'll see..." she smiled kissing her temple "Let's go" she walked on the other side of the console "Ready?"

"Ready" she smiled exited as Clara put her hand on a lever and pulled it down

Clara parked the Tardis next to the hotel and hopped around haply to get all the bags stacked up in a corner of the control room.

"Don't carry all of them babe" Yaz tried to grab one of the bags

"Nooo Yaz...your leg is still not healed properly"

"It doesn't hurt anymore"

"I know butterfly but it's all sort of new there...don't wanna risk can take your makeup bag" she giggled looking at the small suitcase Yaz had with all her makeup and hair stuff

"I feel like an idiot you carrying everything" she said grumpy taking the little bag

Yaz turned around a bit confused as they stepped outside "Babe...are you just leaving her here like this?"

"Yeah...where would I leave her Yaz?"

"Don't you think people will find it a bit weird that police telephone box is in front of the hotel?"

" Yaz...perception filter...the only one that sort of blends her by camouflaging itself as part of the environment"

"No way"

"It scrambles your visual perception so it's kinda ignored if not being actively searched for" she said casually walking towards the main entrance

"But I can still see it" Yaz asked confused turning around

"That's because you know it's there Yaz" Clara smiled

"Now that's called proper cool" she kept turning around

Clara checked them in and they followed a lady to their room which was more of a big apartment on a ground floor. They entered serene, eco-friendly space, rich with layers of white and natural textures. It had accessed to a private terrace, and a spacious sitting room with walk-through dressing area. Bedroom windows looked over to the beautiful gardens and small terrace. The air smelled of lavender and summer morning.

"Here we go ladies...your beautiful wedding suit...If there's anything you need please contact the reception"

"Thank you so much...This is brilliant" Clara smiled widely dropping the bag off her shoulder

"Well, enjoy your stay"

"Definitely will do...thank you"

"Thaaaank youuu" Yaz said smiling and closed the door

"OMG...this is soooo fucking beautiful" Yaz smiled looking around their room "Baby" she turned around with a massive smile

"Mmmm?" Clara muttered with her back to Yaz as she placed all the bags in one corner

"We're getting married" she grinned widely

Clara smiled "Are we?" she smirked with her back still twards Yaz "You can still change your mind you know" she laughed from the corner of her lips waiting for her reaction

"Oi!...I didn't put up with all the shit to change my mind you know"

Clara turned around and put hands in her pockets smirking "I dunno Yaz...Sure you wanna be stuck with me forever?"

"Fuck off Clara" she laughed

Clara laughed taking her hands out of her pockets and grabbed her for her waist swinging her around giggling "C'mere you potty mouth" she laughed and kissed her firmly "I swear I'm gonna wash your mouth with a soap one day" she giggled

"You can try" she smirked cocky and brought hands on her shoulders running her fingers over the edges of braces.

She looked adorable as she chose to wear olive trousers with creme colour shit sprinkled with tiny leaf pattern and new braces Yaz bought her recently. Her hair was still curly from last night as they rushed in the morning, and she had no tome to straighten it and she she still had dark circles under her eyes from crying so much for the past few days. But her eyes were smiling bright this morning and there were no tears in them anymore. It was all her Clara grinning silly, rocking her in her arms and Yaz felt bliss as it finally felt as though all the sorrow has lifted from them two and she melted in her arms completely feeling loved like no person on this earth. 

"Yasmin Khan you're so beautiful...I'm kinda saying this for the last time now aren't I... Yasmin Khan?" she scrunched her face

"You are what am I gonna be tomorrow?" she smiled playing with the collar or her shirt

"Butterfly Khan?" Clara scrunched her face rocking them from side to side playfully

"Nope" she nodded laughing

"Miss Yasmin Butterfly...Lady Butterfly?...Time lady Butterfly?"

Yaz giggled "You silly sod"

"Aaaaa...I's coming to me old brains...Yasmin Sigma...Doctors wife...that old git with a blue box in garden pretending to be a human"

Yaz chuckled "Too right I am" she giggled grabbing her face between her palms and pressed her lips to hers "And you Clara...Thete...Doctor...Time Lord...Lady...did I miss something....former president of Gallifrey...saver of the uniiiiverse" she yelled giggling making Clara almost scream laughing "....are gonna be my wife...forever...till I pop my clogs" she giggled

"Can we just stick to forever" she scrunched her face "..without that last part"

"Sure baby...I'll drive you nuts forever...How's that?"

"Briliant" she giggled then fell silent rocking them slowly. Her face changing expression gazing at Yaz's eyes dreamy "I adore you butterfly"

"And I you my beautiful Bighead...absolutely adore you" she said holding her head between her palms stroking her face with her thumbs gently "What a journey this was, ha?"

"Still is lovely..."

"But we're in it together ...properly together from now on"

"I don't need a paper to tell me that hearts already know it...they always have" she said gliding her hands down her back gently. She slipped her hand at the back of her neck and pulled her into her lips 

"We should go for a nice walk...They have beautiful gardens here you're gonna love it" Clara said rubbing her nose against her cheek.

Yaz missed this so much, Clara's little snuggles when she is reduced to mush and when her face becomes super soft and gentle with her eyes half closed humming against her skin.

"We should...that would be really nice. Hey did you hear from your friend about that black plate?"

"Nope....I checked all the messages this morning...But I've decided that for next two days Yaz I don't wanna think about that...or anything related to that... if I can at all help it...I want only us Yaz"

"I'd like that" she smiled

"Come on let's go and have nice walk...I think we both need something really beautiful"

"I just wanna change. I'm starting to be hot....can you put those extensions in my hair"

"Absolutely...go get yourself ready" she said tapping her bum playfully


"You have to keep still you know" Clara said as she was braiding blue extensions into Yaz's hair "Tardis blue...they're nice"

"You seem a bit sad...what's wrong baby?"

"I just remembered some of the people who are no longer with me...It would be nice to have them here today....I'll be alright Yaz" she peaked over her shoulder smiling and kissed her cheek

"I'm so sorry baby...I know this must be hard for you"

"I do have my fam Yaz...and my extended fam as well"

"I'm so glad that you do baby...When's Jack coming by the way?"

"Aaaa today in the evening actually. Talking about that. I have to pop over to the Tardis and see if I have any messages from anyone"

"We can do that now before we go for a walk"

"Well...your hair looks really nice" she smiled stroking her French braids which now had blue strands woven into them on each side of her head. Clara wrapped her arms around her leaning her head on her shoulder "'re nice and soft...You look so lovely in this dress"

"It matches my hair now"

"You look like little Tardis" she giggled

"Only you can say that" she laughs "I have a console as well...and you fly it really well"

"Yaaaz!" Clara's jumped as her eyes widen "I can't believe you just said that"

Yaz got up giggling cheeky over her shoulder "Come on...let's go...wanna spend time with you alone before my family gets here"


"So.... anything" Yaz stood by the console as Clara was looking if she got a message from her friend

"No..." she looked up at her worrying "I must admit it's making me a bit nervous Yaz. They are one of the most reliable people I know...It's not like them not to answer me...Give a minute Yaz I just wanna send a message to someone"


She sent the message and walked out worried. "I will get any messages now on my phone...I am worried Yaz" she looked at her with fear in her eyes and reached for her hand

"Maybe they just haven't found out anything yet...have you thought about that?"

"Dunno...hope so...Come on let's go to Tea're gonna love it...did I tell of the time I went to China?...." she said draping her arm around her shoulder

"Nope.." Yaz smiled slipping her arm around her waist and kissed her cheek


Day was flying by fast and two o'clock was already around the corner as they returned from the garden. Clara flopped herself on a bed with her legs dangling from the edge.

"That was nice" she said with her hands up in the air making shadow figures on the wall

"This place is so, so beautiful. My sister really knows how to find a venue"

"I know...I fell in love with it as soon I saw it" she said making a Dalek shadow on a wall "Exterminate" she said with a husky voice making Yaz's eyes tear up from laughing

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Dalek Yaz...see...Exterminate" she replied making Yaz scream laughing. She raised her dress and climbed the bed

"You're such a dork" she laughed straddling her "What's a Dalek?...I heard that somewhere" she frowned running her hands over her chest and pulled her braces "You look like a candy"

Clara laughed "Most dangerous creature in the universe...Candy?"

"Yap...we have an hour" she smiled cheeky

"Hour Yaz?" Clara asked still playing shadows

"Before my parents come"

"And what would you like us to do in that hour ?" she looked at her smiling

"Oh...I dunno" Yaz said unbuttoning her shirt "Definitely not making shadow figures" she said pulling her shirt out of her trousers and unclipping her braces

"Looks like you have it all figured out...I would hate to change your plans Yaz"

"Am I gonna do all the work?"

"I're doing fine for now...Don't look like you need any help to me" she smirked

"Feel free to join me at any point babe" Yaz said wiggling and unzipping her trousers

"I am joining you...I'm here aren't I?...Well, my zipper is joining you that's for sure" she looked down laughing at Yaz squirming around the bed pulling her trousers down. She couldn't take it anymore and broke into a laugh grabbing her and rolling her on a bed.


Clara opened her eyes releasing they both fell asleep and Yaz's family should be there any minute unless they are held up by the traffic

"Yaz..." she murmured into her neck still half asleep and lazy ran her palm over her face "Wake up butterfly"


"Your mum and dad Yaz...they'll be here soon" she sat up on a bed with half open eyes wrapped in a sheet and rubbed her face "We fell asleep"

Yaz rolled on her side and tapped her hand over a side table looking for her phone "Fuck...they called twice"

"Right...shower" Clara got up dragging the sheet with her all the way to the bathroom and just dropped it by the door yawning as she entered the shower

"I can't believe we fell asleep" Yaz said getting up walking to the bathroom

"I think we finally relaxed darling....C'mere" she opened the door and pulled her by the hand into the shower

"Can you fix my hair? Look at me" she giggled

"You look lovely as ever" Clara laughed splashing water on her face

They got ready and Yaz heard a car pulling up as she was fixing the bed. She ran out on a terrace and saw her parents

"Baaaabe there here" she yelled and ran outside

"Hey pumpkin" Hakim waived getting out of the can the rest of them followed him

"Hey dad"

"I need a walk Yaz" her nanny complained as soon as she got out "My back can't take long trips anymore" she said flipping her long braid at the back and opened her arms for Yaz "Where's my bride?" she smiled

"Hey nanny" Yaz smiled falling into her arms

"Oh she complained the whole way" Nadjia said taking a tray put of the back

"Hey sis...Aaaa got the extension...they look cool"

"They do don't that food?"

"Cakes your dad made"

"Muuum...we have plenty of cakes here for fuck sake"

“Say this to your father Yaz”

"There's never too many cakes Yaz" Clara smiled walking out to the driveway

"That's what I always say Clara" Hakim smiled

Clara smiled walking up to everyone hugging them

"Clara honey you're skin and bone" Nadjia said as she hugged her "Did you lost more weight?"

"Who me? Neah" she smiled

"Come on...let's get you settled" she waived her hand walking towards the main door "You're right next to us by the way...They have those little bottles in the bathroom...smells lovely" she was explaining to Najia and Yaz's nanny as they were walking inside

"Mum where's out clothes?"

"In a booth baby...don't worry I have them"

"I can't wait for the cooking class" Hakim said exited

"Hey maybe you're cook better after that" Sonya laughed

"Oi...there's nothing wrong with my cooking. Clara likes it"

"She's just being polite cause she's marring your daughter."

"No...noo...I do not give out compliments unless they are perfectly valid...In fact I do have a problem sometimes with my tongue being faster than my brain...Did get me in trouble many times"

"I can absolutely confirm that" Yaz laughed

They left them to get settled in their room and sat down on their terrace. Clara was on her laptop sorting out her work and Yaz zoomed to her mum’s room to see her dress quickly. She knocked on a dooor of their room exited

"Hey honey..." Nadjia smiled from the door "You came to see it?"

"Aha..." she nodded exited

Her mum rushed to the bedroom and came out holding the dress still hidden behind the protective cover hanging it on the door. Yaz opened the zipper and her eyes instantly grew wide.
"OMFG that's so beautiful

"Told you" Nadjia smiled

"Waaaaw..." she ran her fingers over beautifully embroidered fabric as her eyes filled with tears
"This is the most beautiful lehenga I've ever seen"

"Me too baby" Nadjia kissed her temple smiling

"Oh let me see" Sonya came out exited "I can't stop looking at it...Yaz you're gonna look stunning"

"I know right?" she laughed through the tears "I can't believe this is mine"

"Hey and look at this" Najia brought a small bag and took put the extension for her hair

"OMG It's perfect mum" Yaz jumped "That's exactly what I wanted"

"We need to get ready for the cooking class...Here take this to Clara...but don't you look inside it's bad luck" Najia brought a hanger with Clara's garment also still hidden inside the protective cover.

"I promise...alright...I'm off. You guys get ready...Thanks mum" she said kissing her mother's cheek and went back to their apartment

"Hey...look what I've got" she smiled as she came to the terrace

Clara raised her head from the laptop with a smile "Can I have a look?"

"Of course you can...go on...I'm not gonna peak"

She got up exited and went to the bedroom hanging it on the wardrobe door and slowly pulled the zipper down "Wooow" she gently ran her fingers over the embossed collar and wipped a tear from her face. It took her back to all their moments together from the first time she finally layed her eyes on Yaz after decades without seeing her face, wondering if she forgot small details. Did she remember how her hair smelled and her skin felt underneath her palms. Years and decades of her life rolled all at once back to the day on a train when a cute police officer was struggling to make sense of what she's just seen and how her hearts skipped their beat when she asked if she could stay. And here she was years later a day before claiming this woman as her own for what she hoped with all her being would be forever.

"You alright" Yaz said quietly form the door

"Oi...don't look" Clara wiped her face and rushed to close the zipper

"I didn't...I want it to be a surprise" she walked inside the room reaching for her hands

Clara pulled her in and wrapped her arms around her tucking her face into her neck "I'll be alright...just silly old alien getting over emotional" she smiled sniffling

"There's nothing wrong with that...I just sobbed myself" Yaz laughed as Clara raised her gaze smiling with rosy cheeks and Yaz wiped her face with her palm "I love you so fucking much"

Clara's chest raised in a deep inhale and she smiled softly "I can't wait for tomorrow..."

"Me too...Come on...finish your work. We gonna have go soon...Did your friend come back to you?"

"No Yaz...I'm beginning to seriously wonder what's going on...C'mere lovely" she pulled her hand to sit on a bed "Listen...I might have to go and see what's going on..."

"Go where baby?"

"Go with Tardis Yaz..."

"Can I..."

"Noo" she nodded moving little stand of hair from her forehead "Not this time's safer if you stay here"

"Safer?...What about you?" "

"I'll be fine Yaz...I always am...but I want you to stay here"

"Noooo Clara...pleaseeee" she tugged her hand

"No Yaz...pleaseeee don't make this more difficult than it already is...I need to know you're safe...I won't be long...zoom there and'll me only few minutes for you...I promise"

"Claraaa" she closed her eyes for a moment and nodded her head "Are you gonna start fucking off like this all the time? Because if you are I don't think I deal with that" she looked down to their hands and laced their fingers together

"Noooo..." she said firmly and wrapped her fingers around her face raising her gaze "Look at me love...I'm not I promise...just this once"

"You promise me Clara...I can't have you fly around fuck knows where not knowing if you're coming back...this isn't what I've signed for...Space ship in a garden is one thing and I've already swallowed a whole hip of shit for past few weeks without you going off and leaving as well"

"I promise...I promise.. I'm never making mistake again"

Yaz's eyes filled with tears, and she sat there looking at her in pure desperation controlling herself from bursting out in floods of tears. She was scared senseless that she's never going to her again. A fear and panic she's never experienced in her life taking over her mind. And no matter how hard she tried to hold them back tears started rolling down her face as she was trying to breathe
"Please don't's gonna be alright...I promise I'm never gonna leave you again" she wiped her tears away and wrapped her hand around the side of her neck "When all of this is over I promise the only thing I'm ever gonna use Tardis for is vacation...taking you to see the great wall of China and the half-moon canyon of Petra and we gonna sit on top of the great pyramid of Giza and have breakfast in Paris just to come in time for lunch in Tokyo"

Yaz smiled through her tears "It sounds exciting"

"It is...oh Yaz.. I wanna show the whole world..."she pulled her in kissing her lips "I promise...I'm not gonna falter this time"

"You're saying this as though you have"

"I have...many times Yaz...I'm far from perfect"

"There's no such thing as perfect...just be good enough so we're happy...That's all I want" she sighed deeply looking down to their hands "So how long will you be gone for?"

"10 minutes and 35 seconds...that's all the tike I need to get there and back"

"It's gonna be the longest 10 minutes of my life"

"I know...I love you...I love you so so much butterfly"

"I don't doubt that...I'm just worried you're getting way too much wrapped up into everything again and it blow up in our faces"

"Not this time..."

"You say that...and I know you don't want it to...but what if you can't control it? Look what happened a week ago Clara...this shit is following you around like it's glued to you. And I saw you the other night. It's like it take over you and you can't help cannot keep still or you're gonna explode. I've never seen you like that since I've known worries me"

"It's only because I wanna finish it once and for all so I can finally have peace Yaz...that's why...I can't let this hang over our heads. Whether I get involved or not I'm still in it won't go away...not until I finish it...But when I do...and I will...I promise it's over...that part of my life is over...I don't want it anymore...I need a break...for et least 100 years" she smiled "I do take brakes you know...100 years here and there...everyone needs a holiday"

"You silly sod..." Yaz smiled "Then let's get it done...come on...we're gonna be late to this cooking class" she rolled her eyes laughing

"It'll be'll see"

"It better be" she giggled

"Oi...where are you going" she tugged her hand as she was going to get up "Don't I get a kiss?"

"You want a kiss?"

"Yeah sure I do"

" think you deserve one for fucking off and leaving me?" she giggled tipping them on a bed and hovered above her

"Not for that...but can you kinda take that out of the equation?" she scrunched her face running her hands over her back

"Only because you look so fucking cute begging for it" she smiled and kissed her gently "You better come back or I'll kill you myself" she smiled hovering above her

"Love ya...come on...let's go" Clara tapped her bum and grabbed her hips toppling her over


As it happens their cooking class was loads of fun. Unfortunately, Yaz's nanny skipped as she needed some rest after a long drive. But they had fun learning how to make homemade pasta. Normally the class would include the whole day, but as they were there only for the wedding Clara managed to arrange for all of them to just join in for few fun hours. Clara was carefully pulling the doe through the machine and grinning like a kid when Tagliatelle started to came out on the other side.

"Aaaaa...loook at thaaaat...I did it...I finally did it"

"That looks nice" Sonya leaned over the table "Mine are falling apart...What is this?...I mean loook...they look tragic"

"I think the Italian mama would give you up through the newspapers" Yaz giggled

"You think  I'm bad look at our parents" she nodded twards them

"Noooo....don't pull it like that you're braking it" Hakim was stressing as he was rolling the doe and Nadjia was scooping it up at the other end

"I am not braking it...I'm being really careful"

"You're making it uneven...look it's wide here and look how thin it is there...we're not making  spaghetti"

"Oh for god sake Hakim we're not on MasterChef!"

"Oi you two...can we spare these people our family drama" Sonya laughed "you two sound like a grumpy old couple"

"They are a grumpy old couple" Yaz added laughing

"Hey Clara did you hear about NASA Mars spaghetti conspiracy theory?" Hakim said over the table

"Nope?" she lifted her head frowning twisting her lips totally confused

"Oh, here we go...only he has a pasta conspiracy" Yaz rolled her eyes laughing

"NASA Mars rover took a photo of what looked like spaghetti"

"Oh...I doubt very much the Ice Warriors were making spaghetti...but then you never know" she shrugs

"Who?" Yaz turned to her confused

"Oh...just my silly references to popular Sci-fi culture...never mind" she grinned

"Anyway the noodles were actually shredded bits of Dacron netting, that probably came from a thermal blanket used during the rover's descent onto the surface of the planet.... Isn’t that funny? And everyone thought there were spaghetti"

"Italian spaghetti colony on Mars" Clara added "Space one stop for a perfect Italian meal" she giggled "Hmmm...not a bad idea though"

" can be the first one to open Pakistani restaurant" Sonya giggled

"Are you for real? Those poor Martin's wouldn't know what hit them"

" father thinks he's an expert on pasta now as well so" Nadjia added

"I never said that...only not to pull them so hard"

"Oh god" Sonya rolled her eyes

"Hey look Yaz" Clara smiled proudly showing off her Tardis pasta design

"Is that a telephone box" Sonya asked laughing

"Yeah...police one…oh I forgot a door handle"

Yaz laughed and kissed her cheek "Looks good babe"

"It does doesn't it? I'm quite proud of it actually...never made pasta before...Do you know who made the firt pasta Yaz?"

"Nope but I bet you do" she giggled


The and of the cooking class came fast and as much fun as it was for everyone Yaz dreaded what was to come after. She also felt alone in that as she couldn't share her feelings with the rest of her family. She dragged her feet back to the apartment and flopped on a bed curling herself into a ball.

"Hey" Clara climbed the bed and lied down facing her "It's gonna be alright Yaz" she wiggled closer to her and wrapped her arm around her "I'm not gonna disappear...I have to check on my friend Yaz...I'm really worried something happened to them"

"I know...just cuddle me" she opened her arms and tangled herself around her "I hate this Clara I really do"

"Me too darling...and I hate even more doing today just before the wedding...I am so so sorry"

"Go..go now before change my mind" she said stroking her face

"10 min..." Clara said taking Yaz's phone from the bed and giving it to her "Here...time it..."

"Alright" Yaz inhaled deeply as Clara placed a long kiss to her forehead and quickly got up. She ran outside and around the hotel bursting through the Tardis door. The lights came up immediately and she started frantically setting coordinates "Let's go" she said pulling the lever

Tardis landed, and Clara stepped out into a dark apartment filled with thousands of mechanical things stacked around almost like junk. She moved some stuff with her boot so she can even walk around normally and pulled sonic out scaring the place.
"Tipaquant?" she called out and continued to another room

"Doctor" a faint voice called from behind a all the pile of junk

"Tip...OMG Tip" she ran jumping over the stuff and couldn't even see her friend as they were covered with things which fell on top of them. Clara moved the stuff throwing it around "I'll get you out...hold on Tip" she stroke their forehead gently

"It's  so nice to se you Doctor" they smiled weakly

"Are you hurt?" What happened  here?"

"I think my legs are broken...I can't feel them. I can't Shape-shift either Doctor I tried"

"It's alright Tip...I'll check you out when we come to Tardis...hold on...let me just move this" she grabbed a massive metal filing cabinet lifting it from her friend "Aaaarrrhhh...heavy that is...what do you keep in this Tip, stones?....Right let me see" she came back to her friend and scanned them with her sonic "Yap broken...I'm  so sorry my friend. Who did this to you?"

"People came in looking for this thing you've sent me. They flipped my whole place upside down but I masked myself so they don't see me...only this thing fell on me and broke my legs I couldn't get out or call"

" were lucky...come on let's get you to the Tardis" she lifted them off the floor like a feather as her tiny friend was only the size of 6 year old child which for Clara made it even more painful as they were so fragile in her eyes. But she was happy she came in time.

"Here we go...should be fine in few days...Drink this is it will help you. Tardis made it special"

"Thank you Doctor"

"I can't leave you here like this until your feel better...I have an idea" she smiled

Yaz counted minutes curled up on a bed. Seven had already passed and she was already climbing the walls. She would rather face any danger out there than having to go through this agony again and yet she was worried that this will not be the last time. Suddenly she heard the footsteps on the terrace


"Claaara!" she jumped from the bed "OMG...Jesus what happened?" she said horrified as she saw Clara carrying her friend in her arms. She was also shocked to see how tiny they were

"You remember Tipaquant Yaz...Tip...their legs are broken..."

"Oh hello Yaz"

"Hi...hi...OMG...what happened? Did someone hurt you?...Here love...put them on a bed darling"

"I was was only a filing cabinet that fell on me...they did try to find me but I camouflaged"

"Jesus..." Yaz shook her head

"Yaz...I'm gonna go and get the room for Tip"

"Alright love" Clara walked outside and Yaz ran out after her


"Yes" she turned around and Yaz ran throwing herself at her "See...told ya not to worry" she smiled wrapping her arms around her "seven minutes 38 seconds"

"Whaaa?" she looked at her confused

"Wasn't even ten minutes...."

"You're still not doing this again you know"

Clara wanted to say how she's going to have to take her friend back home at some point, but she had no heart to say this to Yaz now. So instead, she just hugged her tighter and kissed the side of her head.

"Go on...go now...get them a room...and they must be starving. Get some food...what do they eat?"

"Just vegetables Yaz...I have them bring something to our room. They grow their own here it's wonderful"

"Alright Bighead...I'll go and see if they need anything"

"Thanks for this Yaz"

"I suppose we gonna have to say to them put extra seating for a wedding tomorrow as well" she smiled

"Yes...good thinking Yaz...I'll tell them that as well"

Yaz came back into the room and noticed Tip fell asleep. She took a blanket from the chair and covered them. She watched the little alien for few minutes. It was hard for her to think of them as an adult as they literally looked like a 6 year old little girl with pink hair. She was also thinking how will they explain this to her family as Clara didn't seem to be fazed by it at all.

"Oh...sleeping" Clara whispered from the door

"Yeah...I think they're just been through a lot you know...I'll leave the food here and open door"

Clara put her hand on Yaz's back leading her out of the room

"I was in shock when I saw you...They are so small"

"Their species doesn't grow pass that size Yaz...cute isn't it?"

"It's adorable"


It's been a busy day and after Clara got her friend  settled  into a hotel they lied on a sofa watching some movie relaxing until dinner.

"Where are you drifting?" Clara asked as her fingers were tracing circles on Yaz's stomach

" loving this..." she turned over her shoulder with a smile then rolled around the sofa to face her "I'm a bit nervous about tomorrow..." she said slipping her hand over her waist "It's so silly"

"I think everyone gets nervous...At least I hear this all the time...and tiered and fed up...and arguing"

"We sort of ticket all those boxes" she giggled

"Definitely" Clara chuckled "Wanna hear something nice"


"Well...from next week I have no lectures"

"No waaaay? How come?"

"Even universities need a break Yaz...I will have some stuff to do and some meetings to go to and I will still have to be available to my students online for any questions buuuut...It's summer break"

"We can finally paint the fence in a garden"

"We can..."

"I had an idea"

"I'm all ears...well not all...just two"

"Since Tardis is your so called garden shed...we could make a little terrace in front of know lay down some decking...put some chairs for the summer"

"Aaaaa.....Yasmin Khan you speak my language...Why not...Never had a decking in front of Tardis before...We are also going away for a week"


"Yees...that's gonna be nice...But this time I'm driving Yaz"


"Unless some shit happens"

Clara covered her mouth with her hand " butterfly"

Yaz giggled into her palm

"I just want normal boring honeymoon" Clara giggled and draped her leg over Yaz's side "You and me and the old Ireland...the odd fairy is alright as well...Oh there's loads to see Yaz"

"I bet by loads you mean another castle" she giggled

"Oi...I take you to some amazing places...not just castles"

"You do...Do you have some friends there?"

"I do actually...Haven't seen them in a long time though...not in this regeneration"

"We should start getting ready in about an hour...And Jack will be here as well" Yaz turned around towards the door "Is that rain?"

"Mmmm...We will...summer shower...I love summer showers. You can smell the earth and grass...Your hair smells like summer rain"

"It does?" Yaz smiled and ran her fingertips down the length of Clara's leg over her hip

"Mmmm...summer rain and freshly cut grass"

"It's just my Lush shampoo" she smiled "You smell of mint, beeswax and honey and Tardis...which I didn't know until I came inside"

"I Wonder where the mint is coming from?"

"You're sleepy" Yaz said tucking her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek

"Mmmm...I am...but we had a beautiful day"

"We did...I think mum and dad had a great time...even Sonya"

"Mmmmm.." Clara hummed into her neck falling asleep



In Another Life Chapters 1 32
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A place which inspired me for thasmin wedding is the actually a real place and a real wedding venue near Oxford.

Here are some photos to give you an idea what it looks like. Leve me your thoughts in a comment section below :)