Chapter 44




"It all looks really good Yaz. She grew a lot...I'm  making a recording so you can show your family" Doctor pressed few things on a monitor then hovered with a scanner over her stomach. 

"Her hearts are beating so cute" Yaz smiled

"You can see them's one and the other one" she pointed smiling "They are very strong"

"So everything is ok?"

"Everything is perfect Yaz...she's a beautiful healthy baby....And your blood work was fine" said the doctor looking at the results "There is a little iron deficiency but nothing alarming. Nothing that can't be fixed by a few jab. There's one more thing" she smiled happily kissing Yaz's tummy and pulling her dress down "Come on" she reached out to help her off the table then jumped to the other side of the room and stood in front of the big monitor on the wall "Look darling"

"What is it?...Nothing is wrong?"

"Noooo Yaz…do I look like something's wrong?" she asked smiling. "It's exciting...C'mere...So you know how I check everything from her bones to all her organs and I can see how much she weighs and even do scans and blood work?"


"Well, now you are 32 weeks pregnant so nearly eight months...eight months Yaz...can you believe it?"

"Waaaw... it will be almost nine month's that we are together" Yaz smiled leaning on her back and kissing her shoulder blade "And before we know a year"

"I know...time flies doesn't it?...Seems like yesterday" The Doctor smiled and tapped her finger on the monitor displaying the information "Look Yaz"

"What am I looking at?"

"Now she's just about big enough for one other I thought I'd try and see if I could get anything and I have...I'm so chuffed" she said excitedly, hunched in front of the massive monitor and sliding her fingers over it pulling up all the results

"What scan?"

"You know how we did paternity test to see what her DNA's similar to that only this is showing much, much more and it picked up something very interesting...something that will make you very happy"

"Stoooop this!" Yaz laughed exited pulling the sleeve of her coat "Just tell me already..."

Doctor looked at her laughing "She's like me Yaz..."

"She's a Time Lord? Is she? Really baby?" Yaz jumped exited pulling  her sleeve

"Well it clearly shows traces of regeneration energy Yaz" 

"But you were not sure before...are you sure now?"

"I wasn't sure Yaz because her DNA being more like me didn't mean she will display same physical characteristics as I do...and she may have some and not the others. Like she can age slowly but then not have ability to regenerate fully and so on...buuut...there's definitely regeneration energy's very clear now" she tapped the screen showing the results "And can even see it here when I magnify the scan...see right there...the little haze around her body. It's how she's growing Yaz," Doctor smiled and placed her arms on her hips proudly 

"OMG baby...OMG I'm so happy" she threw herself into Doctor's arms "She's not gonna die"

"Oh Yaz...don't say that word....She's definitely not human I can assure you and I can't believe you're so happy about that" Doctor cupped the back of her head

"I told you" Yaz looked up to her "I don't want her being like me. I can't deal with that" Doctor smiled and kissed her forehead then turned back to the monitor.

She stood there in silence for a moment and Yaz put her arm on her shoulder blade "You alright?"

"Mmmmm" she turned over her shoulder smiling and wiped a tear off her face

"Hey....why tears darling?" Yaz stroke her cheek gently

"I couldn't deal with it either Yaz. You both being mortal...I just...How do I say that to you? How do I..."

"Hey...It's alright" Yaz came up to her and put her hands at the nape of her neck "I knew it anyway darling. I could  see it was bothering you...You could've told me" she kissed her cheek gently "It's're never gonna lose her"

"Oh Yaz" Doctor slumped her head on her shoulder and wrapped her arms around her "I don't wanna lose you either...Ever"

"Don't think about that now...This is so brilliant ...I'm so happy baby"

"Why do we have to deal with all this Yaz?...I feel like a part of our happiness is constantly taken away from us in some shape or form and it's eating me up inside"

"But we're getting there...slowly..." she stroke her hair gently

"I love you so much Yasmin" she squeezed her thither and buried her face into her neck

"I love you's alright baby...You're brilliant and smart...and stubborn" she smiled "We will get there in the end. Come on be happy about this...You will have her forever darling...she's never leaving you"

"I am happy about this...I can't tell you how much" she kissed her neck gently and rocked her in her arms slowly

"It's gonna be fine...And I know this is all so hard baby...but we will get there in the end"

"Just hold me" 

"As long as you want love" Yaz ran her fingers through her hair gently




Evening came and they all went out for a meal. Sitting at the table Yaz leaned over to the Doctor and whispered in her ear "Whanna tell them?"

"Yeah" she smiled happily "Do you?"

"Absolutely" she smiled

"Well go do it's your family"

"Alright" she grabbed her hand underneath the table "Hey...we got something to tell you"

"What is it pumpkin?" Hakim asked "You getting properly married finally?"

"We are properly married dad" she rolled her eyes smiling "Doctor did some tests today on a baby and we have results"

" everything alright sweetheart?" Nadjia asked worried

"Yes mum...everything is perfect...well more than perfect...She's like the Doctor...she's gonna be able to regenerate"

"Whaaa?" Ryan asked surprised "So she's a miniature Time Lord?"

"Aha" Yaz nodded happily

"No way....that's awesome"

"Yaz darling what does that mean really?" Nadjia asked confused

"It means" Doctor said "That although a grait deal of her DNA is human, she will display some physical characteristics of a Time Lord. Slower aging, ability to heal much faster, and probably... this I'm still not sure...but bigger physical strength than humans, and most importantly if she ever gets seriously hurt, ability to regenerate"

"Woooow...that's brilliant" Hakim said

"So what does that mean Doctor?...How long will she stay a child? Nadija asked confused "I'm sorry...this is beautiful in so many ways I just want to understand how this works. Is she going to be a child for longer...or?"

"Cleaver questions Nadjia" Doctor smiled "No... On Gallifrey we reach full adulthood physically in the same way as humans. It just means that once the individual is fully grown and developed, the aging process slows down due to our ability to self-repair. So what you would experience as aging is different for us because our cells are repairing themselves to some extent. But we do consider 200 years still a teenager" she laughs

"Goodness" she smiled "I'm sorry Doctor...I didn't mean for it to come across as rude"

"No Nadjia...not at all...I'm glad you're asking me all the questions. I do understand this must be very confusing"

"So Doctor" Sonya turned to her "Does that mean that she's gonna be born as a girl and then can regenerate into a bloke like you?"

"Mmmmm" Doctor took a bite of her food "Not sure about that yet...I didn't even know I can make a baby as a woman" she sipped so juice

"Oh..." Sonya stayed confused "How did you make her then?"

Doctor choked on her drink for a second

"Sonya!" Nadjia jumped

"Just asking mum"

"I don't think Doctor wants to talk about that"

"Hey look" Yaz smiled "We have a recording" she put a tiny egg shaped hologram on a table and pressed it "Look at her"

"Waaaaaaw..." Nadjia sighed haply as the hologram recording hovered over the table "Look how clearly it shows her face"

"And the little feet...they are so tiny" Sonya said

"She's still very small...nowhere near the size to be born"

"Why is Yaz so huge then?" Sonya asked confused

"Her body adapted now to this baby" Doctor  explains " there's a lot more of amniotic fluid than with a human baby and blood flow is a lot more richer due to her binary vascular system. It's one of the reasons Yaz needs to take iron supplements and a lot more than that so her body doesn't reject the baby. This isn't easy for her. It's is a hard pregnancy for a human and her body isn't  designed  to carry a baby for 12 months. We are compatible on some level and human can carry a Time Lord does come with risks"

"Can you carry a baby Doctor?" Nadjia asked

"I suppose I woman, yes definitely...not as a man...some parts come only with a female anatomy" she laughs

"Right...sure" Najia replied a bit embarrassed but Doctor seemed comfortable talking about it.

"I might consider that option at some point" Yaz laughed ruffling her hair

"Mmmm" Doctor nodded ambiguously


Doctor sat on a bed taking her boots off and Yaz draped herself over her back kissing her shoulder "Feeling better?" she stroke her hair

"I am...sorry about that" she said throwing her boots on a side

"Will you stop saying sorry for being emotional. I want you to tell me how you feel. I wanna know and I don't want you bottling everything inside. You've done that since I met you"

"I don't wanna burden you Yaz" she got up and took trousers and her t-shirt off then slipped under the covers into Yaz's arms "I don't wanna moan all the time"

"Saying how you feel isn't moaning"

"Feels like it recently" she laid her head on Yaz's shoulder and ran her palm over her breast and her tummy "Oh, forgot to tell you that Tardis got coordinates"


"Just saw it when we came back...I'm gonna look at it tomorrow. Wanna help me out?"

"Of course I do!...You don't even need to ask"

"I need you to do some research in the library about that place...I'm sure once I know where it's located we can find some information about it in the library. Anything you can find out and in a mean time I'm gonna see if I can finally fix that teleport"

"Why do you think they built it...that sun?"

"I assume it was built to be exactly what it is Yaz...sun...I think it was made to give life to this planet. But everything has expiry date. I just want to see iff there's a way of us fixing it"

"How do you fix a sun darling?"

"It's a machine Yaz...extremely advanced machine...but still a machine. Any machine can be repaired"

"Wouldn't you have know...switch it off first?" she giggled

Doctor chuckled "I suppose so Yaz...I never saw anything like this before"

"And wouldn't that cause this planet to freeze?"

"It would, yes...well spotted Yaz...but that's why we have Eye of the Deep can take over temporarily...not for a long time but it can"

"I'm exited about working with you again"

"I do miss you Yaz...I really do...I just don't want you exhausting yourself"

"I'm not...serious...And I would tell you"

"You have to tell me. I'm counting on it, and I'm also counting on you not desperately trying to impress me either" she moved up and propped her head on her arm "Cause you do impress me all the time anyway" she moved hair from her forehead and brushed her finger over her cheek

"Deal?" Yaz offered her pinky smiling

"Deal" Doctor hooked her pinky to hers and pulled her for a kiss "Come on...let's get some sleep and hopefully we won't be woken up again by yet another earthquake cause I'm literally gonna lose it if that happens Yaz"

Tardis deemed  the lights and started playing soft music for them as it would always do.

"I know...I can't take it anymore" Yaz moved to her side and snuggled up "I feel like all we will do is sleep when we get back home"

"Yeah for a week...I don't need much sleep but I must admit even I'm struggling with this"

Yaz started squirming and wiggling as soon as she got comfortable.

"Oh don't move...I just got comfy there"

"I neeeeed to peeeeee" she whined

"Oh.." Doctor laughed

"Aaaarrhhh" Yaz pulled the duvet off and rolled over the bed "I was just nice and comfy" she complained all the way to the bathroom

"Better now then in the middle of the night" Doctor laughed "she's right on your bladder...I just saw it today...she's literally rubbing her feet on it " Doctor giggled

"Fantastic...can't we just turn her around?"

"Nope" Doctor held the duvet up and Yaz crawled back into bed on all fours assuming her previous position

"Mmmmm....this is nice" she tucked her face into Doctor's chest and slipped her arm around her waist

"This is my favorite part of the day" Doctor whispered "Nightie ya"

"Night you too" she snuggled closer





Another shaking woke them all up in the middle of the night with Yaz waking up screaming again

"What the hell is going on here!!!" Doctor jumped

"Why is this happening??? Whyyyyy?...I thought you said this machine will stop it"

"I have no idea Yaz, but I'm really, really, reeeeally fed up with it!!" she said pulling her trousers on nervously and fiddling with her boots "And I really need new boots...why do I keep forgetting my boots?" she tossed them across the room and started marching towards the control room barefoot with her shirt pulled out of her trousers and no braces, nervously trying to fix her hair that was everywhere

"Doctor...what the hell?" Ryan peaked out the bedroom

"Go back to sleep Ryan…I don't know" she said walking past and Yaz shrugged looking at him trying to keep up with her

She nervously walked around the console flipping switches and monitors, and Yaz went to the door again

"I can't see anything" she said looking outside "And nobody came out of their homes...I think everyone gave up"

"You wouldn't Yaz...see anything"

"Why? What was that?"

"Ahhh...canyon landslide...I think of all the earthquakes...okay...Eye of Deep looks good, readings are fine, everything is fine...let's go back to sleep.. . I've had enough"

Yaz closed the door with a big sigh and dragged  her feet "God I just want to sleepeeeeeeep" she whimpered slumping onto the Doctor's back

"Right...that should do it...thanks for that" she said to the Tardis and pressed something on the console "Come on...bed"

Yaz grabbed her trousers dragging herself up the stairs "I'm exhausted"

"I know you are...come won't happen again"

"You already said that"

"I'm serious this time," she said, rattled by everything, and dragged Yaz, who was falling on top of her, towards the bedroom


Ryan woke up to find the entire Tardis empty. Everyone still sleeping. He had his headphones on and was dancing to the music while eating a cinnamon roll and taking a cup of tea heading towards the control room. He entered and to his surprise it was empty. So he walked around the console

"Morning!" he shouted loudly to the Tardis and opened the door "Cool" he said looking around and took a step nose diving from the Tardis to the ground. The tea flies through the air, and the headphones end up around his neck

"What the hell?" he turned and saw the Tardis hovering half a meter above the ground "Whaaa? Why are we floating?...What te hell??"



The Doctor was awake, but this morning she was in no hurry to get out of bed. She spooned behind Yaz and slid her hand around her stomach, burying her face in the back of her head. She closed her eyes and dowsed in and out of sleep with a laziness that was not at all like her. But today was one of those days where even she felt burnt out. The first thought that came to her mind in the morning was that her child was like her and that brought a big smile to her face. It was one less worry in her life and one less burden she didn't have to carry. As exhausted as she felt, she also felt a new spark of energy flickering inside her, a new hope that she had lost somewhere along the way. She inhaled in the scent of Yaz's hair and ran her palm over her entire stomach, smiling sleepily.

"Mmmmmm" Yaz moaned and wiggled her bum "Morning" she smiled

"Morning beautiful" she kissed her shoulder

She turned around sleepy with her eyes half open and placed a lazy kiss on her lips "You look happy"

"I do?"

"You dooo" she smiled rubbing her face into her neck and slipping her arm around her waist

"It's still early...sleep more"

"And you?"

"I don't feel like getting up"

Yaz lifted  her head surprised "You don't?"

"No I don't" Doctor cupped her head and pushed her back to her neck "I feel like cuddling"

" cuddle coming your way then" she wiggled draping her leg over her and slipping her hand into Doctor's underwear cupping her bum

"So my bum gets a cuddle?"

"Always" Yaz giggled

"Alright" Doctor shrugged and closed her eyes again



"Morning Ryan" Doctor walked into the kitchen with a yawn, still sleepy and barefoot, both unusual for her.

"Morning Doctor" he said ravaging through the fridge and stood up

"Wooow!" Doctor looked at him horrified "What happened to your face Ryan?"

"I feel out of Tardis"

She chucked "You did what?" she lifted her eyebrow "Let me look at that?"

"Why are we hovering?"

"Because I'm fed up with earthquakes... I didn't think anyone would fall out... We're only floating 25 centimeters above the ground," she said looking at his face closely "I'll give you a cream for will heal quickly...sorry Ryan"

"Please no shit creams"

"Don't be silly" she said turning towards the kitchen top

"Why are you barefoot? he looked at her feet and thought how he had never seen the Doctor's feet in all the years he had known her. He also never eves saw Doctor walking around sleepy with a messy hair and t-shirt out of her trousers with no braces on. So it was all very new. He also thought how she looked a lot less like a Time Lord and lot more like a human this way and suddenly she seemed almost cute.

"I need new boots and I keep I thought iff I'm barefoot I'll definitely remember to get some" she explained making herself a tea

"Right" he nodded frowning sitting at the bar

"I need a favor," she said, putting the bread in the toaster


"I need you do go and get me some stuff...I'll give a list and tell you where to go. I just haven't got time today...Too much to do"

" problem"

"Thank you, I appreciate it...toast?"

"Yes please"

"Morning Doctor" Nadjia said walking into the kitchen

"Morning Nadjia...Oh, oh" she turned over her shoulder "Watch your way out of the Tardis...Toast?"

"Yes please that would be lovely...Why...what's with Tardis?...OMG what happened to your face Ryan?"

"I fell out...we are hovering"

"Hovering?" Najia asked confused

"Yeah Doctor got fed up with now we are levitating"

Nadjia shook her head confused but dropped the subject

"Last night, up where that canyon is, there was a landslide...And that was one drop too much even for my patience" Doctor said passing toast to everyone

"You don't have any's normal for you" Ryan smirked

"Oi!" she jumped up "I have a lot of patience I'll have you know" she said smugly sitting at the bar failing to look intimidating as her bare feet dangled from a high stool "I once waited 25 years to see my friend...and I was stuck in a confession dial for four and a half billion years...did drive me mad a bit I must say"

"You whaaaa?" Ryan asked shocked

"Morning" Yaz walked in sleepy dragging her feet

"Morning sweetheart" Nadjia kissed her cheek

"Morning potato" Doctor smiled as Yaz draped herself over her back kissing her cheek "Sit down I'll make you breakfast"

" babe...I can do it myself" she tapped her shoulder "OMG Ryan...what?"

"He fell out of Tardis" everyone said at the same time


"We are hovering Yaz" Doctor said "I really needed to sleep"

Yaz shook her head laughing and opened the fridge

The Doctor was finishing writing a list on a small piece of paper "Here Ryan" she gave it to him "I'll tell you where to go"

"What's that?" he pointed confused to the drawing on the paper "Is that a worm?"

Mmmm...that's so you don't get confused...they should have those little things on the top of their heads" she pointed, twirling her finger above her head "You'll see...looks like a crest...really cute"

"I'm buying worms?"

"I need them for my garden Ryan...they are excellent in making soil nice and soft"

"Dooooctooor" he whimpered "That's gross...why do I have to buy worms?...Why can't it be butterflies?" he moaned sitting looking at the picture in disgust but she completely ignored him "I hope they come in a plastic container"

"Right kids...I'm off" Nadjia waived

"Me too" Doctor got up "Meet me in a control room Yaz" she kissed her temple and walked out


Doctor was hunched over the console. Still barefoot walking around looking at the screens.

"That's interesting...and far...that's really far" she looked at the monitor frowning "Not to mention worrying"

"What's far?" Yaz said walking down the steps

"This place Yaz...I'm just looking...Tardis found the cross-referenced all the information and they seemed to be coming back to the same place all the time. So we can only assume that this is their base. I'm not very pleased with it at all. That's the seventh galaxy" Doctor spreds her arms over the console

"Why? What's in a seventh galaxy?"

"Skaro Yaz..and all the other places I'm not very fond of visiting"

"Oh noo"

"Yeah I know" she says looking at her "That's it...I'm not taking any chances with that Yaz" she straightens her back turning a few things on the console obviously annoyed "Of all the places in the universe...why there Yaz?" she spreads her arms

"Look,  maybe there's another way...Maybe iff we look at the data and information in the library we could find something...something to help us fix this thing"

The Doctor sighed and hooked her fingers behind the buckles of her braces pacing the console with her eyes on the floor "Maybe I maybe that could...too risky...What if I mess up and make it worse?" she looks up to her "Skaro Yaz...noooo"

"Come on...let's see what we can find...maybe you're stressed for no reason"

"I'm never stressed for no reason"

Yaz raised an eyebrow

"Okay...maybe sometimes...but it's never completely without a reason Yaz"

"Fine...whatever you say...Come on...Let's take a look" she laced her fingers into his, pushing her a little until the Doctor let go and took her hand



"We got everything. We just have to get that bloody worm now" Ryan said to Sonya

"God this is so disgusting...what is this thing?" Sonya asked looking inside the transparent containers in a store

"I have no idea...something for her garden" he said holding the paper studing the worm collectors on display

"Remind me not to eat tomatoes" she said putting the container back

"Noooo...we need that Sonya" he said turning over his shoulder

"What that slime?" she pointed to what she just left on the shelf

"Yeah...I don't ask anymore I just forget I ever saw it" he shrugs "I think it's this one" he points "That thing is huge...She didn't say they are huge...I hope they give transporter...Does that look the same to you?" he looks at the paper

"Oh, god Ryan I don't knoooow just call her"



The Doctor was at the top of a tall ladder in the library trying to get hold of one of the books. The ladder was too far for her, but she couldn't be bothered to climb down and move it, so she stretched  her arm out and reached as far as she could until she was able to hook her fingers on the hard cover of the the book to pull it out when the phone rang and she nearly lost her balance. "Shoot!" The book fell to the floor, and she managed to grab the ladder with her other hand

"Doctoooor!" Yaz yelled from the bottom "Please don't get splattered

Like I said…you never call me that unless you're upset" she said wriggling trying to get her phone out of her pocket "Yes Ryan!" she said jumping off the ladder

"I don't know which one to buy...this worm thing"

"It has a crest Ryan...on the top of his head" she twirls her finger around her head pointing for no reason as if Ryan can see her

"Yeah...but there's three of them who have the crest...and they are all ugly the same" he looks disgusted into the glass enclosures

"It's's the only one with red crest" she said pacing hunched up

"You gave me a drawing in a blue pen the hell would I know it's red?"

"Oh" she stopped and scrunched her face "Oh's good we have the phones then" she said haply

"Right...thanks...and they are huge...I thought they are tiny worms...this is creeping me out"

"Oh don't be worm-phobic Ryan...they are really not that bad"

"Nothing is to you...alright let me get this and we're coming back"

"See ya" she clicked off




"So?" Sonya asked "Do we know which one?"

"Yeah...the red one" he pointed to the store manager with a tense smile "Do I get the transporter?"

They walked out of the store and Sonya was laughing so much she couldn't breathe

"This is not funny!!" Ryan said trying to hold a fat almost half a meter big animal in his arms that was jiggling as he walked

"Didn't she tell you?"

" she sad nothing about me having to cuddle it"

Sonya burst out laughing "Well cuddle away babe...but you're not coming anywhere near me until you take a shower" she laughed and looked at Ryan pausing as the creature slid through his arms and he was grabbing it from below

"I really hope this isn't his ass" he said as it jiggled away in his hands and looked like it buried its head in his neck closing it's huge green eyes purring "Oh gooood...he's breathing down my neck"

"It looks more like a huge caterpillar with big eyes"  Sonya laughed

"It's a worm...and It's so heavy...and soft," he said desperately trying not to drop the animal that had tiny front legs holding onto his shirt

Sonya laughed all the way to the Tardis




"Hey...babe...look at this?" Yaz said going through the pages of one of the books "I think I found it"

"You did?" Doctor approached her leaning over "I think you have Yaz" she kissed her cheek "Ten points for Yaz"

"What? Only ten?" she frowned

"You'll get the bonus points later" Doctor smiled cheeky and nudged her with her hip

"I'm holding you to that...just so you know" she laughed

Doctor was going through the pages reading quickly.

"You look worried?"

"Mmmm…maybe…" she turned the page which contained a drawing very similar to what the Tardis scanner showed the Sun to look like. But it also had Dalek drawings on it and Yaz was getting more and more nervous about it.

"Dooooctoooor!!!" Ryan yelled from the control room so loud his voice echoed across the Tardis

"Aaaa....they're back!!" Doctor closed the book exited and ran towards the control room and Yaz slowly followed her

"Take it off me!!!" Ryan whined struggling to hold the animal

"Aaaaaa..."Doctor hopped exited down the stairs "Look at you" she smiled

"It's nuzzling my neck Doctor" he said disgusted

"He's just scared Ryan and feels safer that way. Also he is shealding his eyes from the sun" she said full of compassion "Just because he's a big boy doesn't mean he's not scared" she cuddled the animals back smiling gently

"Well since you love him so much take him"

"Alright...alright...I got him" she takes the jigging animal into her arms "Oh, you're gonna love your new home...wait until you see....and you will have friends" it made a deep sound and nuzzled into her cheek

Sonya frowned in disgust "You have more of them?"

"Oh yeah...ten to be exact...They are very useful...and lovely" she smiled as he rubbed his nose against her cheek

"Hey you two" Yaz came down smiling "Oh waaaw...he's cute" she came over and cuddled his head "Bigger then the others"

"Oh two are made for each other" Sonya said "Come need a shower" she pulled Ryan's for a sleeve

"Thanks for that" Doctor said smiling "Just leave the rest here Ryan"

"Them two look happy" Yaz laughed and turned to the animal "You like that don't you?" she rubbed his head

"Come Yaz...let's introduce him to the others" Doctor nodded happily




They released the animal into the rainforest and sat on one of the roots of a massive tree. Yaz was playing with a butterfly that came to her intrigued by the floral pattern on her dress

"I love coming here...why don't we come here more often Yaz?"

I don't know...we should" she smiled playing with the butterfly "I think sometimes we get so stressed out with so many bad things out there that we forget what a world we have here"

"I think you're right" Doctor sighed looking around

"I do love this reminds me of our home"

"You just took a word out of my mouth Yaz"

"What worried you so much in that book?"

"Oh..." she scrunched her nose "Nothing Yaz...I'll look at it later...come on...I'm hungry...I fancy fried egg sandwich" she held out her hand helping her to get up

" for me please" she smiled leaning her head on her shoulder and slipping her arm around her waist


"Soo tell me" Yaz said leaning over her shoulder as she flipped through the pages

" they come from the planet 'Xeron' it's part of the seventh galaxy as is Skaro. It's a very old civilization dating back thousands of years. They were mostly stonemasons and they had colonies all over the universe where they would mine stone . This was one of them. It was abandoned because they were attacked by the Daleks."

"On nooo...So that's why that teleport was abandoned"

"Probably yes, honey. They won the war, but their planet was left devastated and poverty reigned. It was also overpopulated with refugees from other planets... The overcrowding led to the depletion of natural resources, and the heavy pollution led to the development of various diseases and of of them was Praxeus"

"Poor people" Yaz said leaning onto Doctor's arm listening

"I know it's heartbreaking Yaz"

"What about this sun darling"

"This is the interesting part. See when they got here the environment wasn't habitable. So they created artificial sun Yaz"

"Really? What the whole"

" was all made in parts then remotely sent up there and remotely assembled from down here. Amazing Yaz"

"That's crazy...And amazing ...So it's literally artificial sun"

"Yes...look Yaz I have all the blue prints...but it's so old and without started deteriorating. I have a whole design Yaz...I know exactly how it is done. I'm impressed"

"Can you fix it darling?" she looked at her

"I don't know beautiful...I need to really study everything. Even if I can...this isn't going to be easy. I can't do this alone. This was done by hundreds of people all working together"

"I believe in you" she smiled

"I think you're giving me way too much credit Yaz" she said closing the book "Come on...let's get ready for dinner. I can't believe I had it here all this time...Just didn't know what I was looking for"

"You keep saying we need to sort out the library"

"We do...we should do that when we get back home" Doctor draped her arm around her shoulder kissing her temple



They walked down the street slowly towards the tavern. Doctor was chatting away with Hakim and Yaz was walking with her mum. Sonya and Ryan took off on their own somewhere so it was only  them four.

"I can't wait to see the book" Hakim said exited

"I can't believe I had it...all this time I'm trying to figure out what that thing is and I had all the answers right there under my nose"

"So what are you going to do Doctor? Can it be repaired?"

"Not sure...I need to look at it more...It's a challenge I must admit"

Yaz took her mother's hand as they walked and smiled at her sideways "What's bothering you?"

"Nothing Yaz...I was just thinking, that's all"

"What about?"

"You're gonna think I'm crazy" she smiled

"Me...seriously...didn't you notice my life?"

"I was thinking do I want to go back home"

"Whaaat?....What do you mean?"

"I don't know Yaz...sometimes I just look at all these places and I'm wondering do I wanna go back to my life"

"I thought you like your life?"

"I did too...but then I sometimes look at the simplicity of life on all these places amd I I? it" she looked at her dreamy "Or would I prefer to just lead more simpler life on one of these places"

"But mum...what would you do?"

"I don't know Yaz...maybe I'm just dreaming...that's all" she cupped her hand amd smiled "Your eyes have seen soo much baby...all I've  ever seen is Sheffield"

"Oh mum" Yaz slipped her hand around her waist and kissed her cheek

"I know it's not all nice Yaz...I get that...but still. Sometimes I look at you two...there's so much love between you. And you get to see it all together. It's so beautiful...special"

"Well...I tell you what" she pressed her cheek to her mums "I'll speak to her...see if we can do this more often...Would you like that?"
"I'd love that Yaz...And one more thing I wanted to tell you"

"What mum?"

"I'm sorry iff I sounded a bit weird when you said about the baby...I was just confused"

"Mum...don't be silly...I know...It's just something that means so much to both of us. I don't want her to be alone one day. Losing me is one thing, but losing your child is something completely different...I don't want her going through that again"

"Again Yaz?"

"Yeah...she only told me once...she said a part of her died with them"

"OMG...I'm so sorry"

"So she's over the moon for this...this means to her more than anything and she was so, so scared. Instead of being truly happy she kept crying thinking how this is just all a short moment and then she's gonna lose it all again.
She sees it as another chance that she's been given...a miracle"

"Poor woman" she shook her head "I can't even imagine...uff"

"Doctor is old mum...she lost more than any of us can even imagine" Yaz looked towards the Doctor lovingly "So this baby being like her means a little bit less pain...and a lot more happiness for her in a future"

"I didn't see it that way Yaz...I'm sorry"

"Don't say could you know" she smiled "Love ya"

"Hey Yaz...look" Doctor turned around haply pointing to the sky

"Oh waaaw...what's that?"

" Milky Way" she smiled "Amazing isn't it? Billion stars Yaz...right up there"



Doctor was sitting in a bed with her back against the headboard and reading through the book waiting for Yaz.

"Did you know that they were mining here for over two thousand years Yaz"

"Blimey" she turned around as she was brushing her teeth "That's a long time"

"Their history is amazing...Also they had mining colonies on fifty other planets all across the universe and they were supplying stone to over 350 different's staggering"

"It's so tragic what happened to them"

"It's sad" Doctor closed the book and put it on a side table

"So people of Zwari never new this?"

" looks like they didn't. Even iff they have found leftovers of some other civilization before them Zwari are not really that enthusiastic about archeology Yaz"

"How can you not be...I would be so intrigued" she said slipping under the covers

"Well and I love to ask questions...some people don't" she said yawning
and lied next to Yaz snuggling "What's wrong with me? I'm so tired" she said wrapping her arm around Yaz and rubbing her nose against her cheek

"Even you have limits darling" Yaz started giggling suddenly

"What?" Doctor asked confused

"Just thinking about Ryan flying out of Tardis"


"How did he not see we are almost half a meter of the ground?" Doctor laughed

"I don't know...I don't think he looked down" Yaz laughed like crazy

"You got the giggles Yaz" she laughed

"And the worm"

"You should've seen his face when they came back" Doctor slumped her head into Yaz's chest laughing

"You didn't tell him did you?"

"Noooo" she she laughed like crazy "He thought they come in a box" she almost screamed laughing

"Poor sod"

"If I did he would've never agreed to go" Doctor laughed into her neck

"You're cheeky"

Doctor looked at her grinning "But it's so cute...and the jiggle"

"I love the's adorable" Yaz giggled

"I love those dimples" she looked at her lovingly "My little head wonks"

They fell silent gazing at each other "What would I do without you?" Yaz said stroking her face

"Sorting out parking tickets in Sheffield" they said together laughing

"You silly goof" Yaz said dotting kisses on her lips

"I love you my sweet potato" she kissed her gently

"You and your potato" Yaz smiled into her lips then tucked her head into her neck "I'm so tiered"



"Me too" Doctor wrapped her fingers at the back of her head and sighed closing her eyes



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