Chapter 33



Morning everyone" Doctor said


"Hey girls" Dan hugs Yaz like he always did


"Morning" Graham waives


"Where's Ryan?" Yaz asked noticing he's missing


Dan laughed and Graham was pissing himself laughing as well.


"What?" Doctor asked confused


"Toilet Doc" Graham said trying to breathe from laughing


"Oh, " she answered quite embarrassed


"Well, we all told him not to eat that green jelly thing" Dan said


"He ate that?" Doctor frowned "Blimey I think we should pop to Tardis or he won't get off that toilet for another week"


"He even asked for repeats" Graham said


"Hi " Ryan came out looking green


"Ryan are you alright" she zoomed sonic over him "No you're not...come on let's get you to Tardis. I've got just a thing for it...and please stick to what you know in a future...I already told you that after you went green and remember that time you had a hiccups for three days" she pulls him along




"Here we should start feeling better in about 10 min" Doctor said putting down a shot on the console


"Thanks Doctor" Ryan says poorly sitting on a step


"You'll feel better soon" Yaz taps his shoulder


They waited for a bit until he felt better than Doctor came back to see him


"Ryan" Doctor turned to him concerned "If you're not feeling well you don't need to do this, you can stay in Tardis or we will take you back to the hotel"


"No Doctor I'll be fine, thanks"


"Are you sure?"


"Sure Doctor, don't worry" he taps her shoulder and gets up


"Alright then, let's go..."




"We're never gonna find this" Ryan through a book on a table "We've been here for hours" Is g

"Patients son, Rome wasn't built in a day"


"We're not building Rome are we" he puffs and gets up on the ladder to reach the higher shelf


"Keep looking, Doc wouldn't send us here if she didn't think we would find something" Graham had his glasses on leaning over the table going through the pages of a massive manuscript


"Well Doctor is on maternity leave at the" he said with a tiny bit of disappointment in his voice


"I know, I still can't wrap my head around it if I'm being honest" Graham says whilst flicking the pages and Ryan throughs a book down on a table Infront of him


"You mean about the baby?"


"No, oh no... baby I can...I mean she is an alien son and we've seen a lot weirder stuff let's face it, hell we you and I even helped deliver a baby. What I meant is how much she's changed since that day we bordered Tardis"


"What do you mean"


"She smiles Ryan, when did you ever see Doc have a good laugh. I sure haven't in all the time we've travelled with her. She's been, well quirky and all that and getting over excited about stuff. But this is comes from the heart"


Ryan sat on the ladder for a moment and thought about what his grandad just said "You know what...You're right...I never noticed"


"She laughs at jokes Ryan, she actually laughed at jokes...Hey look at this Ryan...I think you found something"


"I did?" he comes down from the ladder


"Eye of the deep is mentioned here briefly but it could be useful"


"What does it say?" he leans over the book


"Eye of the deep was created by the celestials and given to the people of Muramay as gift after the gait flood. It is mentioned that its power gives life to the city"


"Life? ... How?"


"It doesn't only has a drawing of something...I have no idea what this is Ryan...some sort of machine"


"We need to get this to the Doctor she's gonna know" Ryan thinks for a second "Wait...I'll take a picture on my phone"


"Something doesn't add up here Ryan" Graham says looking at the drawings puzzled "If this is Eye of the Deep is this machine...You tell me how in the hell did they steal it.... I mean look at the size of's bloody huge...Not as if you can just shove it in your pocket"


"And if it's meant to be of such huge importance for the city, what is it doing in a vault? What use out of it in a vault"


"Someone is lying Ryan...question is who...come on son let's go"




"You alright walking?" Doctor asked walking towards the entrance to the city

"Yeah, don't worry...I will just have to pee soon" she giggles


"Why does that not surprise me" she laughs "We won't be long"


"We can stop and rest Sheffield" Dan says


"No, no I'm fine really...stop fussing you two"


"Hey...wait" Yaz tugs her hand as they were passing through one of the tunnel bridges


"Something wrong Yaz?"


"No... look at that" she points at the beautiful ghost like creature floating through the water "What's that love?"


"Aaaa...they call them fire dragons Yaz. Very rare"


"He's beautiful...look at that red's stunning" she says mesmerized by it


"This place is just so..."


"Magical..." Doctor says


"Yeah, it is"


"I wish Di could be here..." Dan says sadly


"I know...I'm so sorry Dan" Yaz says "Next time...we will have more trips, promise" she smiles


They continued walking for few more minutes until they reached the main gate.


"Dan come with me...Yaz...wait for me here...I'll be back in a minute"


Doctor and Dan walked up to one of the guards and she pulled her usual psychic paper stun on the guard then turned around waiving to Yaz.


"We're in" she grins


"What the hell did you tell him"


"That we are border control oversight"


"And I'm pregnant looking like I will pop the baby any minute" she laughs "we are so convincing"


"Super convincing Yaz, as always" she winks at her "And I do hope you won't pop the baby any minute" she laughs


They walked into the tall building and took one of the elevators to the top floor.


"Should be here" The Doctor looked down the hallway "Aaa...this way" she pulled Yaz by the hand and they entered a room filled with white shelves. Plates that looked like glass were lined up like books on the shelves. The Doctor took one of them having a look.


"Oh boy...Seriously...can't they have easier system"


"Why? What's the problem?" Yaz asked


"Each of these is like a separate file Yaz...look" she runs her finger on a glass surface and a screen comes up with a photo of the person and all their information "There are hundreds of them here and they are not even filed in any order just years" she points to the shelfs deflated


"Hey, we'll do it together don't worry" Dan says looking at one plate


"I might just need a toilet and takeaway, but I don't mind" Yaz laughed


"It will take us hours...If this is too much..." Doctor says worried looking at Yaz


"Hey Doctor, I can take her back to the hotel and come back here"


" two!!" Yaz frowns "No absolutely not. Stop treating me like I'm gonna fall apart. I'm perfectly capable doing this...just show me what to do"


Doctor and Dan looked at each other and both gave up arguing with her.


Few hours into it Yaz was sitting on the floor, legs crossed with bunch of glass plates around her, and Dan was on the other end still trying to go through one of the endless shelves.


"How many people go through this place?" he puffs "We'll be here till Christmas. You'd think a place like this would have more advanced technology"


"Dan... look at this" Yaz points on two files Infront of her


"Aaaa...Sheffield...I think you might be onto something finally"


"Hey...look what I've got for you two" Doctor walked in with bunch of food and drinks "I got a pie as well" she ruffles a bag smiling


"'re the best...give, give, I'm starving" Yaz reaches with her hands like a kid and digs into t,he bag as soon as Doctor gave it to her


Dan grabbed a bag out of her hand a minute she walked through the door.


"Goodness you two are really starving" she laughs shaking her head


"Hey look what I found whilst you were away" she says with her mouth full pointing at the plates


"Those two entered the city together and on a day of the robbery she left the city. It could be coincidence, but she was only here for few hours and then left. Also...also...when I checked through the records, she was charged with artifacts theft 20 years ago and she was using a fake name several times as well."


"So, she's a criminal?" Dan asked


"Well technically rehabilitated criminal" Yaz says "She served her time Dan and she's free. It's just on her records. But it's weird"


"Gold star for my Yaz...I knew police training comes in handy" Doctor leans over and kisses her temple


"It seems so far away now"


"What does Yaz?"


"Me being in a police...It was ten years ago...It seems like another life now"


"Do you miss it Yaz?" Doctor asks a bit worried what her answer will be


"Noo of course not" she frowns "Why would I ever miss that when I have you"


"Oh" she smiles relieved


"You silly woman"


"And she still has doubts" Dan smiles shaking his head


"I know, can you believe it" Yaz looks at him giggling


"It wasn't her that had to listen to that hologram five times every day for years" he laughs


"Alright you two...I'm only an alien give me a brake" she laughs


"What about you Dan? Any wedding bells soon?" Yaz smiled "You've been engaged since Christmas"


"Definitely...just need to see when...probably next spring"


"The baby will be here by then" Yaz smiled


"OMG Sheffield so it will"


"You alright Yaz?" Doctor asked worriedly seeing her fidgeting as if she was in pain


"Yeah, just my back is starting to hurt a bit. I think from sitting on a floor for hours"


"We will pack it up Yaz, you need to rest. This isn't good for the baby either. I think we got what we need. I'll go and find this guy today, but you need to rest"


"I can't believe I'm saying it, but I think I agree this time" she plops her head on Doctor's shoulder


"Oh boy" she kisses her head "I'm sorry...we should have left earlier"


"But I loved it" she smiles


"I bet you did" Doctor gets up and takes all the rubbish shoving it in a bin on a wall "Come on mummy" she reaches with her hands to get Yaz off the floor "Let's get you to bed shall we"


"Mmmm...can you carry me?" she giggles grabbing for her braces


"I can...just not all the way home" she laughs




They walked back to the hotel, but Graham and Ryan were still out, so Doctor decided to wait.


"Alright Dan, I'll see you later then"


"Bye" Yaz waives exhausted


"I can't feel my legs" she drags herself down the hallway


"I know I'm so sorry" Doctor brings her hand to her lips and kisses her knuckles "But you were great today"


As soon as they came back to the room Yaz hit the shower and slumped on the bed "I was dreaming about this bed for hours" she moaned hugging the pillow


Doctor laughed from the bathroom. She took her coat off and kicked her boots off her feet. "I'm exhausted from that. I can't imagine how you feel. I rather run around the whole day then do paperwork...eeewwww. It's one of the reasons I hated academy" she stood in a shower enjoying water running down her body "At least we have some lead" she yells from the bathroom


"I hope boys found something as well or we are well and truly stuck"


"They will...We will...we are a great team. When have we ever failed Yaz...Never" she says cheerfully waking out of the bathroom and crawling into the bed next to her.


"True...totally agree"


Doctor ran her hand over her tummy then tucked her head into Yaz's neck "I love you" she mumbled into her skin


"What's wrong love?"


"Nothing...why would anything be wrong Yaz? Cuddle deprived remember" she laughs


Yaz turned on her side and they curled up together "You tiered?"


"Little bit" she says into her neck and pulls Yaz's leg over herself


"Sleep with me...come on"


"Mmmmm...I need to meet up with boys" she sighed into her neck


"It can wait...I'm sure Graham and Ryan won't feel like going back out as soon as they come back. This is meant to be a holiday you know"


"I know...why do I always do this to myself Yaz? Why can't I just leave it alone?"


"Cause you're a silly little alien with a sonic and a blue box who needs to put her cute nose into everything. You can't help yourself"


Yaz kissed the top of her head and put her hand on the back of her neck, caressing her gently. She absolutely enjoyed the Doctor having super emotional outbursts when she just wanted a cuddle.

She released she's not answering, and her breathing slowed. The Doctor fell asleep like a baby wrapped around her with her face pressed into Yaz's neck.

For someone who hardly ever slept, Yaz recently noticed that she was sleeping more and more, realizing that her lack of sleep had nothing to do with being an alien, but more to do with her anxiety and her beautiful, brilliant mind running hundreds of miles an hour.

It was a good thing because it meant she finally found her peace, but the one thing that scared her the most was that trouble would find them again and just as her beautiful wife found her place in the universe, something would come and destroy it for good.

This was the nice, beautiful life they never had, the life they both so desperately wanted and Yaz only hoped it would last for them. Having adventures was nice, but not if the price you have to pay for is your own happiness. She felt that her little wife had paid too much, and it was time for her to get some of that happiness herself. Tears rolled down Yaz's face soaking into the pillow. She pressed her lips to her head again and smelled her hair, closing her eyes for a moment. She loved her with every breath she took and felt now more than ever that she was a part of her, a part of her universe growing inside her. Yaz cupped the back of her head with her hand, pressing her closer, her eyes were tired and heavy, and she was overtaken by sleep. "I love you so, so much," she whispered to which the Doctor moaned softly tucking her head further into her neck.

Yaz woke up after a while, it was dark in their room, only lights were shining through the window. The Doctor was still asleep wrapped around her with her head on Yaz's chest and her hand hugging her tummy. She smiled as she admitted to herself that she couldn't move even if she wanted to, not without waking her up. So, she just stroked her hair while looking through the glass ceiling. The Doctor twitched slightly and often, when she dreamed, she was closing her hand and opening it again. She wondered what her dreams were. What the Time Lord's dreams look like. She wondered a lot about these things. How she sees the world, how she feels it. She wished she could see it, at least for a few minutes. She placed her finger in the Doctor's hand and she closed her palm holding it tight. Yaz found it adorable, and it made her smile.


Mmmm..." Doctor moaned softly and stretched a little then readjusted herself moving her head lower down Yaz's chest "Hey beautiful" she mumbled


"Hey love" Yaz ran her fingers gently through her hair "Had a nice sleep?"


"Mmmmm...I did actually. How long did I sleep?" she stretches a bit and pulls Yaz's top up to kiss her stomach. "Hello, my beautiful munchkin...had a nice sleep?" she taps her tummy with her fingers


"No idea, I just woke up as well"


Doctor slides herself over Yaz and up on the pillow "Come here" she pulls her on herself and wraps her fingers around her face "I love you"


"Love you to" Yaz smiled showing her little dimples


Doctor kissed her gently and still dreamy running hands down her back


"Trying to get into my pants, are you?" Yaz giggles


"Maybe" she smiles cheeky "Don't need to try Yaz, I have VIP entrance"


"Oh, do you now?" she raised her eyebrow and tucked her hair behind her ear


"I bloody hope so Yaz"


Yaz giggled like crazy "So what's the password then" she smiles cheeky


"You cheeky bugger" she laughs making Yaz giggle even more "Password...a blinking password?"


"Yap" she laughed like crazy


Doctor brushed her lips onto hers with eyes half open "You want a password?"


"Mmmmm" Yaz mumbles


Doctor slipped her hand between her thighs smirking at Yaz who twitched and moaned against her lips "And there's your password cheeky bugger" she locked her lips with hers kissing her passionately....




"Sleepy head, I have to get up" Doctor ran her finger down her nose gazing at her sleepy face she loved so much


"But I don't want you to go" she moaned "I want you here with me...forever" she smiles dazzling her with her dimples


"Your adorable little head wonk and I would love to stay. But I have to meet the boys"


"I'll go with you"


" you won't. You will stay right here resting mummy" she kisses the top of her nose, but Yaz snuggles in wrapping her legs around her


"Nope...I waited 10 years of my life to have you for myself" she pouts her lips


"I know beautiful...And you do have me for yourself...all of fact you have every inch of me" she giggles "But some of me you do have to share with others sometimes...just a little"


"Mmmm...not fair" she complained "Kiss me"


"If, I do kiss you Yasmin Khan, you won't let me go" she smirks "I know that game of yours"


"I promise I'll let you go..." she flaps her lashes

Doctor gives in and kisses her gently, but Yaz locks her in and starts running her fingers down the back of her spine making Doctor dizzy.


"...I'm too good...I am... you are totally wrapping me around you fingers"


"I am... quite literally in fact" Yaz smirked cheeky...




Doctor finally managed to get out of bed and get herself dressed. But as much as she was complaining deep down all she wanted to do was stay in that bed for a whole day.


"I was thinking Yaz" Doctor said clipping her braces on "I would prefer if you stayed with Dan and not alone"




"Just humor me please" she put her coat on a walked to the bed "I still don't know who I'm dealing with Yaz and you being pregnant I just feel more calmer not leaving you by yourself" she strokes her face "Please darling. This isn't Tardis...It's just...different"


"Alright then... I bet he'll love that...being my babysitter" she says sarcastically rolling her eyes


"I'm sure Dan won't mind Yaz...We won't be long I promise"




"Waaaw...Being bodyguard to Doc's wife and a baby...You must be flattered Dan" Graham laughs


"Yeah...except he's a dead man if one hair drops off Yaz's hair" Ryan laughed


"Oi...I would never hurt Dan" she jumps...Besides it's just a precautionary measure Ryan...You never know"

"I agree Doc... Yaz being pregnant I do think it's better if she's not left alone at all to be honest. You never know"


"Soo...Now we got that sorted...tell me...What did you find?"


"Look Doctor" Ryan shows her the photo "That's meant to be the Eye of the deep...what is that thing?"


"That's the whole machine" she takes his phone and shows it to Dan


"That's what we thought but how do you steal that?" Graham asked


"Could they dismantle it or something" Ryan asked


"Possibly Ryan but even if they did you would need more than one person to take that out. Not to mention time it would take to dismantle it as well...Hmmm"

"I have an idea" Dan said "What about those teleports like that little guy, you know Doctor the one who stole your Tardis?"


"Dan my man...not a bad idea. But teleports leave a trace and my sonic would pick it up so" she scrunches her face "Sorry not a teleport Dan"


"What is that Doc? This machine? What is it actually used for?"


"Not sure...I would need a bigger picture Graham, but I can run it through Tardis later" she looked up to them "It would give us more information and compare it to all the information in database. I'm so sorry I got you wrapped up into this on a vacation...You don't need to go with me if you don't feel like it I do understand"


"Don't be silly Doc we don't mind" Graham says tapping her shoulder


"Yeah, come on Doctor" Dan smiles "We're always here to help you. Besides I can't relax thinking all these people can die"


"No Doctor me neither, we really don't mind" Ryan says


"You really are the best of humanity all of you" she smiles "My beautiful fam" she sighed happily "Alright...let's pay a visit to this man and see what he has to say," she turns to Dan "Have a nice time Dan. I appreciate this"


"Hey, you don't need to say that...Me and Sheffield we're beasties. I'm happy to spend some time with her"


"Alright then see ya" she waives, and they left




Yaz got ready and she was brushing her hair when someone knocked at the door


"It's me Sheffield" Dan yelled


"Hey babysitter" she laughs


"I prefer a bodyguard" he laughs


"I bet you do...This girl can take care of herself" she looks down on her belly "Well used to be able to" she giggles


"How you're doing?" he hugs her as he came in "Feeling better?"


"I do after I had a nap that's for sure. My feet are killing me. You know babies don't come with instruction manual...I had no idea this is how it will feel Dan"


"Oh, it can get much worse Yaz. My cousin was cursing heavens and Earth. She swore she won't let her husband come near her again"


"Well, I'm not in that faze thank god"


"Ok so what do you wanna do? ...Wanna go out or stay in or?"


"No out definitely out for now...I'll see how long I can walk...and I am hungry again...Didn't have my second lunch" she giggles


"Alright then...dinner and fun it is. Ryan and I went to this place yesterday it was so much fun I can take you. It's a tour with a little submarine and you don't need to walk"


"You got yourself a deal" she grabs a jacket from the bed and links arm with him "I like this"


"Me too" he cups her hand "I've missed you...both of you"


"I missed you too Dan... not same without you"


"So how is Doctor handling she's gonna be mum soon? God it even feels weird saying it"


Yaz laughs "I know...feels weird for me as well Dan it's all so fast. But she's the best honest, you'd never think would ya. But she's amazing and so happy. But it does worry me Dan"


"What worries you hun?"


Yaz stops and turns to him "You know how she never slept before. I released Dan she was just so stressed out of her mind and now it's like she can't get enough sleep. It's like she's finally found some peace in her mind."


"But that's good Sheffield...right?"


"It is Dan but what if something goes wrong...I don't think she can take it anymore. You know I just.... She burned out Dan. Everyone has a limit...even the Doctor. And I still have no idea what she's been through...God know...before"


"Yaz...has it ever actually popped in your mind that it's you who gives her that piece?"


"What do you mean?" she continued to walk linking arms with him


" really can't see it can you?"


"Whaaat?" she frowns confused "See what?"


"It's you"


"What do you mean it's me?"


"It's you Yaz...what she found with you. That huge love of yours you give her. That's her peace...that's her safe place, her sanctuary. When she's with you the only thought that occupies her brain is you and how much love you two have for each other. Now I don't know her past...neither of us do...but obviously Yaz it's something that the woman never had"


"I never thought that"


"No, you never did Sheffield" he turns her around holding her shoulders "Just love her, like you always do, and everything will be fine. Don't worry...and you have baby coming. You have any idea what that means to her. It's family she never's everything"


"Look what you did now" she smiles through tears and wipes them quickly "You're making me soppy"


"Hey, I's only been what 6, 7 months"


"7 now" she says


"Hell Yaz....7 months ago you were on that beach...spilling guts to one another not knowing where to turn and now you gonna have a baby. My head would spin as well...Believe me it's fast for her as well. Faster than for you...she's what how old?"


"Old" she laughs


"So just take a deep breath honey. It's's good you two are alone and good you're doing all these nice stuff together. She's gonna be ok. It takes time to heal...and she will as long as she's got you"


"She keeps taking me to all these places and I feel like it's almost a pressure like she feels that she has to...and she doesn't have to...I don't need any of that I don''s nice but..."


"She's doing it because she's into you Yaz...she wants to compensate for all the shit from before...She's charming you Yaz it's what you do when you're with someone...when you're in love with someone...You're trying to impress them and make them happy. You just never had that before. You were chasing Daleks instead" he laughs "I mean come on...even the most important conversation you two ever had was between time loops, Sea Devils and holograms separated for years. She just wants normal relationship like it should be"


Yaz's eyes were full of tears. It was really hard for her to believe that she would mean so much to someone, and she had never thought about it. She never attached such importance to herself. She knew the Doctor loved her, but she never stopped and thought about why she loved her, she just considered herself extremely blessed that she did...


"Thank you...for saying this to me" she hugs him tight "Sorry for making you listen to that hologram all the time"


"Don't be silly. It's fine as long as I don't hear one again as long as I live" he laughs "I must say there were nights when I was dreaming it"


Yaz laughed "OMG...Sorry I know that was brutal"


"Never mind it was all worth it. I'd be pissed of it was for nothing"


"This is all like a dream Dan... I can't even say this to her...I'm still not really quite there...I keep thinking I'll wake up...It's so stupid"


"No, it's not and I bet she feels the same. I bet she goes to bed thinking when she wakes up, she'll be still banged up in that prison and this is all dream as well. You should tell her to her...please...say stuff"


"Alright matchmaking bestie...I promise. Now let's have some fun I've drained enough blood out of you for tonight"


"No... never Sheffield. I'm actually really happy you're telling me all of this" he kisses the top of her head "I'm absolutely starving"


"Me too...did we miss the restaurant? " She looked around confused


"Aaaa...I think we did...Where are we anyway?"


"No clue...let's go back" she laughs




"Doc where are we going?"


"Other part of town...accept on a second thought we should have taken Tardis...this is taking forever. But in my defense, I haven't been here for centuries...They really expanded a lot" she looked up at all the towers around them


"Well at least we get to see the city" Ryan says sarcastically


"Ryan.!!" Graham tells him off


"Whaaa...Just saying"


"No, it's fine Graham...I'm so sorry. This isn't how I planned it" she twists her face embarrassed "it was meant to be fun and going places"


"Well, if you planned for the whole city to be destroyed Doc, I'd be seriously worried...Besides we're used to it...I even took a sandwich" he pulls it from his pocket making Doctor laugh


She shakes her head "Nothing changes...I promise after we sort this out, I will give you experience of a lifetime...I will totally redeem myself"


"Relax Doc... You still can't beat me planning a holiday and taking us to Orphan 55"


Doctor chuckled "Trying to make me feel better Graham?"


"She laughed...see Ryan...told you she laughs at my jokes"


"I laugh...I laugh all the time" she complained


"Not like now you never did Doc... It's nice...Relax We love spending time with you...even if it is chasing space psychos"


"And walking for hours" Ryan added


" we are..." she stopped in front of a tower "It's up there" she points up "Says 56th floor penthouse"


"Figure that...56th floor under the ocean grandad...that's proper awesome"


"Nah... I actually preferred it when it was felt cozier...That's why we are on the other part it's nicer. I never liked heights"


They walked out of the elevator and to the door of the penthouse. Doctor knocked on a door and very tall man opened the door.


"Can I help you?" he asked politely


"Hello, I'm the Doctor, this is Graham and Ryan. We are investigating the robbery that happened in the center of the city. And well you happen to just arrive a day before so"


"I don't know anything about the robbery mam...I'm visiting my family and I was with my sister and her family the whole time. Please come in" he lets them inside


" everything ok?" a small woman comes into the room


"This is my sister Ania. It's a police officer questioning about some robbery"


"Oh, we're not a police just stolen artifacts. Quite a big value and we would really like it back"


"We were all at the restaurant down in this building on that can check with the owner. We had reservations"


"What about this woman Parin?" Doctor showed a photo "Why was she travelling with you and where is she now? Is she family, friend?"


"No neither...I've never seen her before. We've met on a shuttle, started talking. She said she doesn't know the city that well and she was here on a business. So, I offered to help her.... you know to get around. I showed her to the hotel, and I've never seen her again"


"Did she say what business son?" Graham asked


"No, she never did"


"And what hotel did she stay in?"


"East part of the city...By the caves. It's the only hotel there"


"Ok, you've been very helpful Parin" Doctor said "Thank you"


"No problem"


They all turned around and left no smarter that they were before they came. Ryan's disappointment was written all over his face whilst he was dragging his feet back to the elevator


"What now Doc?"


"Yeah Doctor...this guy didn't give us anything"


"He did give us a hotel Ryan and I'll definitely go and check it out. But it's miles from here and I'm gonna have to take the Tardis."


"What now?"


"Noo Ryan not now!" she looked at him as if he dropped from Mars "...I do have a wife and a baby you know...Well all in one still...But that's beside the point I need to go back I promised Yaz"


"Well, some things have definitely changed Doctor" Ryan comments smug


"What are you talking about Ryan...?"


"Just saying...just saying" he grins walking into the elevator


"So tomorrow first thing I'm gonna go to that hotel. You two have done enough just have fun go somewhere...go see Mermaids.


"Mermaids??" Ryan frowned


"...I'll ketch up with you both later. Hopefully I'll have more. And as I'm at it I will scan this photo through Tardis see if we can find out what this machine is"


"Sure, you don't want us to go with you Doc?"


"Yeah sure...don't worry Graham...just have some fun. I won't be long with Tardis. I'll be back before lunchtime"


"Alright Doc"


"Now let's go back. It's getting late"


"Is it...I'm losing track of time in this place" Ryan said looking at his watch "And my watch doesn't work here"


Doctor grabbed his wrist and scanned the watch with the sonic "Hmmm...that's weird"




"Never mind...let's go home" she jumps


"On a second thought Doc can we go with you? I really don't mind this. And to be honest I've missed it"


"Are you sure Graham?"


"Yeah absolutely..."


"Alright...Brilliant" she jumps exited "Let's go now it's really late and we have a long walk back"




Doctor opened the door of the room and found Yaz and Dan sitting on a floor next to bed playing cards.


"Hey love" Yaz smiled


"Doctor..." Dan waived


"Hey, you two...see you had fun together" she smiles and takes her coat of then goes to Yaz and kisses her forehead "Hey beautiful" she smiles to her and Dan winks to Yaz behind her


"Dan took me on a submarine ride and we saw the whole city and the ruins it was beautiful, and we had dinner"


"Did he...I'm glad you two had fun"


"And got lost on a way to the restaurant" Dan laughed "How was your evening? Did you find out anything?"


"Well, the man we saw had no idea who the lady is. He was just helping her to get around. But he did give us the name of the hotel where she was staying and I'm gonna check it out tomorrow could you please..." she scrunches her face


"Be with Yaz...sure Doctor not problem"


"Hey, you two!!...I don't need a babysitter all the time" Yaz frowns protesting


"Yes, you do" Doctor points a finger at her "...Until I sort this out, I'm not leaving you alone Yaz...No discussion"


"No problem, Doctor...Have fun girls and see you for breakfast Yaz"


"By Dan.." she smiles and reaches her hands for the Doctor to pull her up " spine is killing me" she scrunches her face in pain


"Oh Yaz...I'll get something from Tardis tomorrow. I'm so sorry"


"It's fine...not your fault" she kisses her briefly "Well, partially it is" she grins "Go to bed with me?"


"Sure...I just need a shower...that part of the city is not nice at all...I feel all mucky"


"You still smell nice" Yaz tucked her head onto her neck


"You always think I smell nice Yaz...that doesn't count" she smiles "Go lie down...I'll be fast"


Yaz was lying in a bed looking at her baby hologram waiting for the Doctor.


"She's so beautiful...I can't wait to hold her" she says touching the projection


"Oh, I know Yaz...I don't think I'll ever leave her alone. I'll be permanently carrying her around"


"No, you won't...Not when she wakes you up 50 times at night you will change your mind" she giggles


"No, I won't..." Doctor comes out of the bathroom and crawls into bed. She presses her lips onto Yaz's tummy "She's my little munchkin and I'll never get tiered of her...How is she doing?"


"Happy and kicking all the time. She woke me up earlier today kicking around" she laughs


"I'm going be mum Yaz" she looks up at her grinning


"You are love" she says gently stroking her hair


"I'm so sorry this holiday turned out the way it did...wasn't planning it to be like that...I will make it up to you I promise"


"Hey, come here" Yaz opened her arms and Doctor snuggled next to her "Will you pleaseeee stop apologizing all the time. I'm having a grait time"


"You are?"


"Yes...all I need is you. Can you get that in that beautiful head of yours finally"


"I can try" she grins


"Please try...As long as you're next to me I really don't care what I do or where I am... It was always like that since I've met you. Nothing changed you know"


"I have to get up early tomorrow and run that photo through Tardis. We need to know what that machine is"


"I's fine" She starts giggling at Doctor's rainbow boxer shorts


"What's wrong?" she asked confused


"Your nickers...I died when I packed them. When did Tardis make you those?"


"What's wrong with my nickers?"


"Nothing...absolutely nothing...they are all you all over" she laughs


"You're the one to got teddy bears"


"What's wrong with my teddies? My nanny got me those"


"Absolutely nothing," she laughed and turned her onto her back, pulling her under her as much as she could.


Yaz gazed at her lovingly "I miss wrapping my legs around you" she giggles


"I miss it too" she peaks between them "Little munchkin is in a way" she laughs and swings Yaza's leg over her side "That's as far as we can go for now"


They both laughed and kissed a bunch of short kisses. The Doctor kisses her lips and the tip of her nose "You are so beautiful Yaz"


"And you're stunning" Yaz replied ".... aaaand here she is" she giggled, knowing the Doctor would scrunch her nose like she always did "You're absolutely beautiful" Yaz wrapped her fingers in her hair and pulled her in "I want you" she smiled inches away from her lips


The Doctor raised an eyebrow and flashed a cheeky smile "So take me Yasmin Khan"


Yaz pulled her in and kissed her, pressing her lips to hers, she grabbed her t-shirt pulling it over her head. The Doctor slipped her hands under Yaz's nightgown, cupping her breasts with her hands, and trailed her lips down her neck.


"Take it off" Yaz whispered, and Doctor didn't have to be told twice. She wiped it over her head and sealed her lips onto her breast wrapping fingers around her neck. Yaz ached her back and tangled her hands into her golden hair.


The Doctor trailed her hand down her legs and hips and slipped her fingers under the hem of her underwear, pulling it down. She ran her palm over the beautiful curve of her stomach and pressed her lips to it, kissing it gently


Yaz looked down on her smiling and ran her fingers through her hair "Kissing the baby?"


"Yap" The Doctor smiled back and kissed her with soft little kisses making her giggle

They kissed slow and gently, holding each other


"Love ya" Yaz giggled playing with her hair


"You're cute...really cute you know" Doctor said kissing tip of her nose trailing fingers down her spine


"And you're just stunning" she says with loving eyes, her heart beating faster as she lost herself in her gaze. Yaz kissed her passionately and turned her onto her back pressing lips to her collarbones, kissing every inch of her body from her breasts to her stomach. Trailing her hands over her hips and her sides. She took her time tonight, there was no wildfire, just a beautiful soft flame burning between them. She was slow and gentle as if carving her name into every part of the Doctor's skin. Her fingers gliding over her like a summer breeze.

She ran her finger over the hem of her underwear and pulled it down gently kissing her hip bone.


"I love those rainbows" she smiled pulling them all the way down "Very sexy" she lifts her eyebrow cheeky


"I have them just for you love," says the Doctor smugly


"Thanks honey," she grins and runs her lips down her stomach and over her mound. The Doctor twitched as she passed through her, her lips let out a soundless moan. With her eyes closed and her mouth half open, she slowly began to rock against her and threaded her fingers into Yaz's hair moaning softly and falling into her.


The Doctor curved to every touch, following her every move as her fingers slid over her stomach and cupped her breast. Her soft moans grew louder with her every passing through her, her hearts quickened their rhythm. She reached out and intertwined her fingers "Kiss me Yaz," she says breathlessly, pulling her to her eyes.

The Doctor smiled gently at her, her eyes half open, she moved the hair from Yaza's face, which was all messy and falling over her shoulders. She kissed Yaz with her mouth open, messy and passionate. A muffled moan left her mouth as Yaz pushed into her gently.

She gripped the back of her neck "I love you," she said almost incoherently, pulling herself over her and tucking her face into Yaz's neck.


"I love you too..." Yaz whispered and pressed her lips to her forehead " much" Emotions ran wild in her as the love she felt for her consumed her very being.


The Doctor's moans filled the air with her lips brushing over her neck and shoulders and clinging to Yaz's collar bone. She pressed her forehead to hers breathing deeply and opened her eyes gazing at her in desperation of desire

"Yaz" she whispered her name into her mouth


"Yes, my love?" she smiled at her


"Don't you stop Yasmin Khan…" a breathless plea left her mouth running thumb over her mouth and then pressed her lips to hers kissing her sloppily.


"I won't..." Yaz smiled pressing deeper into her "Fly my love" she whispered.


The Doctor shuddered and grabbed Yaza's wrist, not allowing her to pull away.

Yaz smiled as her haze began running around her tingling her skin. She kissed her wife's rosy cheeks, the tip of her nose and the half-open soft lips "I love you so, so much"


The Doctor opened her eyes smiling, ran a finger over Yaza's lips watching her close her eyes, then wrapped her hand around the back of her neck pressing her lips to hers. She kissed her slowly and gently for a long time.

"What are you doing?" she smiled through the kiss as Yaz pressed against her thigh dragging herself over her


"I want you" Yaz replied dreamy


"I can see that" Doctor chuckled "I do have hands you know" she kissed her laughing


"Well use them then" Yaz grabbed the back of her neck gazing at her desperately


"I was going to" she laughs and kisses her again sliding her hand between them brushing her fingers over her gently.


Yaz let out a soft sound and rocked against her arm "Stop that…" she begged her" making the Doctor giggle again. She kissed her hard and pressed into her making Yaz bite her lip. She wrapped her arms around the Doctor's neck rocking herself over her, crawling over her desperately trying to get more of her. "More...please..." she cried and grabbed the Doctor's hand that was stuck between her thighs pressing it harder against her raising her hips off the mattress following her hand.

The Doctor smiled from the corner of her lips turning her on her back and ran her lips down her collarbones and breasts, wrapping her fingers around her neck and her face and thumb over her half-opened lips.

Doctor felt a fire rising inside her, overcome by desire she grabbed Yaz's wrist pinning it into the mattress and lowered her lips over her breast.

Yaz was still chasing her hand, her loud moans filling the air and the Doctor appreciating each one, her back aching as the Doctor tightened her grip on her, fingers deep inside her and lips trailing down her chest. Yaz bit the Doctor's hand that was still holding her down, her legs trembled, heat coursing through her, she shuddered and collapsed onto the mattress. The Doctor caressed her face, kissing her blushing cheeks, forehead and the tip of her nose, "I adore you beautiful," she whispered to her ear kissing her temple.


They snuggled up looking at each other, losing themselves in each other completely wrapped together under the covers. The Doctor ran her fingertips down her back in a lazy fashion, her eyes heavy, tiered. She showered small kisses on Yaz's face which made her giggle.


"You’re studying me again?" The Doctor smiled at Yaz, running her fingers over her face as if trying to remember each line.


"Ah," she giggles, "it's fascinating how it changes...but this one is mine," she says possessively


"I'm all yours" The Doctor kisses her fingertips and pulls her closer just inches from her face kissing her slowly and gently


"I'm sorry I bit your hand," she says, looking at it, making sure she didn't hurt it too badly "What the hell was wrong with me"


Doctor chuckled "It's ok...I'll survive. I almost broke yours...remember"


"I love you so much"


"I adore you, my little head wonk," she said in a tiered voice, closing her eyes


"Your tiered love, sleep it's ok" Yaz runs her finger over her face and Doctor snuggles into her neck


"I really love you Yaz" she mumbles into her skin


"And I really love you Bighead" she threaded her fingers into her hair and closed her eyes letting herself drift away