Chapter 41




Another light earthquake shook the Tardis in the middle of the night throwing some books of the shelfs and waking up Yaz. They fell asleep on a sofa snuggling underneath the blanket.

"It's fine Yaz...just tremors" Doctor kissed her head

"What if another one hits?"

"We will be running around naked and it won't be pretty site Yaz"

Yaz giggled into her chest "OMG...maybe we should get dressed"

"It's all your fault we are naked anyway Yaz...nothing to do with me"

"It takes two to tango" Yaz smirked

"That wasn't a tango Yaz" she laughed

"That was better than a tango" she kissed her chest

"It always is...sleep need to rest. It's really early and tomorrow will be a hard day again"

"Mmmmm....Cuddle" she said gliding her hand over her side underneath the blanket

Doctor ran lazy lines down her back and pulled a blanket more over their shoulders. Then slipped her hand under the cover and laid it over her tummy. The baby moved little bit and put a massive smile on her face. If all the pain she ever had to endure in her long life was all for this moment she thought, it was well worth it and she would gladly go through it again. Everything she loved most in her life was right there in her arms and now it was lying next to her, breathing against her skin and nothing could compare to this. And she thought of all those who had lost that very thing today that made her hearts ache and made her feel incredibly blessed. Yaz murmured soft sounds and snuggled up against her neck, wrapping her arm around her and caressing her lower back until her hand calmed down as she fell asleep




Early morning and the doctor got up before everyone else. The Tardis was quiet, just humming softly as she walked down the hall, took a shower and went to the kitchen. The smell of freshly made cinnamon rolls wafted through the hallway. Earlier she shoved them in the oven hoping they wouldn't burn and her plan to make a good breakfast for everyone fails. But to her surprise it wasn't and they were perfect.

Yaz was still fast asleep on the sofa, her sweet face now chubbier from pregnancy tucked into a soft burgundy pillow, her beautiful hair falling over her bare shoulders. The Doctor left the tray of her breakfast on the coffee table and pulled the covers over her. She knelt down next to her and brushed a strand of hair from her face, then kissed her forehead.

"Stars, you're beautiful" she whispered, running a finger across her cheek, then went to do her routine rounds seeing Ryan and Hakim in the Tardis medical bay.

"Morning!!" she walked in and turned the lights on making them both jump

"Blimey Doctor" Ryan pulled the covers over his head "That's bright"

"I's gonna wake you up proper" she laughed

"Morning Doctor" Hakim said still sleepy

"I see you two feel a bit better today"

"Couldn't sleep though" Ryan completed

"Oh, why's that?" she moved the cover from his face quite violently and zoomed a sonic over him " fever today...that's good"

"He snores" he nodded at Hakim

"Oh" Doctor raised her eyebrows and moved his shirt looking at his skin

"And you're on that phone the whole bloody night" Hakim gave it back to him straight away

"Because you the hell can I sleep"

She glanced confused from one to the other then decided not to get involved and stick to just checking them up.

" more shot" she gives Ryan injection into his neck

"'re making me into a pin cushion with those needles" he rubbed his neck

"Sorry...Better pin cushion Ryan then having to take you to snow mountains of Naradoo to stand on the top for 20 minutes naked"

"Ha?" he looked at her confused

"That's the alternative...the high altitude and the low temperatures destroy the virus...but you need to stand naked on below 35...Believe me it's not pleasant"

"You've done that?" Hakim asked confused

"Oh, only once...or twice" she scrunched her face "Can't remember...old brains"

"Blimey Doctor"

"How do you feel Hakim?"

"Better....but I do have a headache"

"Oh, that's normal...It will go away and this should help" she shoots him with injection as well

"The earthquake...was it a lot of damage?" Hakim asked worriedly

" was...but could've been worse actually. Alright...well I need to go...get some more rest you two"

"Thanks Doctor....when are we gonna be good enaugh to go out?"

"Might be even today Hakim....just wanna make sure you're fine before seeing Yaz that's all...she's vaccinated and all that but still...never too cautious cause of baby"

"Sure...of course"

"Se ya" she smiled and as she walked out bumped into Sonya

"Oh...morning Doctor!"

"Sonya! was your night?"

"Slept like a baby....then that shaking woke me up"

" will pass...Hopefully...should do"

"Right...anyway...So what's the plan for today?"

"Oh, later Sonya...take your time, make yourself at home. Just don't go down there" she pointed to the far end of the hallway "You never know...might get lost and if you get lost it can take me ages to find you, days really...and that would be very uncomfortable experience and I would have no idea what to say to your mother either and..."

"Alright!" she cuts her off "Don't worry I will definitely not go there so calm down"

"I am calm...Right...see ya"

"Oh...and kitchen is? Sorry I forgot...too many doors"

"Down there...fifth on a left" she smiled pointing

"Thanks" she turned around and was about to leave when Doctor called her again

"Oh, Sonya...don't eat the jelly from the fridge"

"Suuure" she frowned confused "I won't " she shakes her head confused with the conversation. She had no clue what Doctor was going on about but one thing she was definitely  sure about was that she will not go around Tardis alone after this. She liked the Doctor and was getting really close to her recently but Sonya still though Doctor had few screws lose in her head, although she love that about her now.

Yaz woke up and sat on the sofa. Her hair was all down and she had a sleepy face, then she smiled seeing breakfast on a tray with a small rose. Everything looked like something out of a fancy hotel. The Doctor completely spoiled her, especially since she was pregnant. But Yaz had her own plan she was making with the Tardis for this evening and she hoped nothing would disturb it. She moved the tray across the table and took the cinnamon roll that smelled so wonderful. The Doctor even made her her favorite tea. Then she saw a small note under the cup.

"Morning my favorite girls. I hope you both love the happy I didn't burn it...phew. When you get yourself ready you can find me on my usual place over the console eagerly waiting for you two to join me. I love you both more than all the stars in the universe...And that's a lot...infinite I might say...Yours forever Theta xx"

Her heart skipped a beat reading that. She didn't leave notes that often and Yaz treasured each one, putting them in her diary for safe keeping. The Doctor who gushed about loving her was still so special to her and her heart would skip a beat at every word. She looked up to see that some books had fallen off the shelves and some other things had also been knocked over, but nothing was seriously damaged. She wondered how much damage the Tardis could really take from an earthquake since every time they were in the air it shook more and the Tardis would just snap everything back into place after that. She also knew that the Tardis would do anything to keep her and the baby safe and apart from the odd bruise they were both safe as long as they were inside. It also kept her calm about her family. She finished her breakfast and went to get ready.

"Morning" Yaz smiled over the railing

"Aaaaa my girls" Doctor lifted her head happily from the console "Morning beautiful"

"Thank you for the breakfast" she came over and ran her hands over Doctor's chest kissing her then wrapped them at the back of her neck "And I love that note...I'm keeping that"

"You're cute...really cute...too cute's making my brains go fuzzy" she smiled

"I'm so powerful" she giggled playing with her hair "Love the curls by the way" she was sure Doctor kept them because only yesterday she told her she loves them so much. There was one curl right by her ear that Yaz adored and she kept twirling it around her finger as she spoke with her.

"How's my munchkin today" she kneeled down and lifted Yaz top kissing her tummy "You're due for a checkup soon as Ryan and your dad are out of medic we have to do it" she said running her hands gently over it and looking up at Yaz

"Alright love" Yaz ran fingers  through her hair brushing it backwards from her forehead "So what's our plan for today?"

"Aaaaa...yes" Doctor got back up on her feet "Look Yaz..." she started running around the console and flipped the screen "Look tomorrow I'm sending the signal...I'm almost done with alterations...I tried today...failed miserably I might add" she slumps her shoulders "The signal is just not strong  enough....Iff it wasn't for the earthquake I would've done it already...

"You always do" she stood next to her tucked her hair behind her ear "Don't beat yourself up alright?"

"Something is always in my way Yaz and it gets  so frustrating at times....really....Why does it have to be so hard?"

"I know it does seem like that. But then who else out there has to deal with this kinda stuff...ha? Nobody...this isn't easy"

Doctor sighed deeply, her hands splayed over the console she looked at Yaz sideways and smiled slightly "I need to hear that sometimes you stop hating myself for failing"

"We all do love" she combed fingers through her hair and leaned over to kiss her "I wouldn't change you for the whole universe" she said into her lips

"Morning girls!" Nadjia walks in "Look at you two love birds" she smiles

"Morning Nadjia"

"Hey mum"

"Thank you for breakfast...that was really nice"

"Aaaaawwww did you make breakfast for everyone babe?" Yaz smiled and brushed her hand over her back

"Mmmm" she shrugs "I thought it be's your first night in Tardis after all"

"This ship is incredible...I can't wrap my head around it being inside of police box....that's just making my brain hurt to be honest"

"Hi there" Sonya walks in

"Aaaa look at all of  you...morning meeting with my fam...that just put me in a nice mood for today....Right how do you all feel about a feald trip?"

"The what?" Sonya frowned looking at Yaz confused "I thought we need to help people?"

"We do...and we are...but in another way"

"I'm confused" Sonya said

"Let her speak Sonya for god sake" Nadjia turned to her "I'm sure it makes sense iff you're little bit patient"

"Alright...just asking....don't get a knots in your stomach straight away"

"I noticed some disturbance on the other side of the planet.  It's uninhabited but I want to check it's working me a bit with all the earthquakes. Also how do you feel about working on Eye of the deep later on?"

"Yeah sure hun whatever you need" Nadjia said

"We need to speed it up and with boys out of commission I need all hands on deck. We can't have another earthquake"

"No of course not"

"Can I work on the machine as well?" Yaz asked sheepish half expecting to be turned down


Doctor looked at her smiling "I think I can find something that's safe for you to do"

"Yeeeess!!!" she almost jumped exited

"Ready everyone?...Right hold on...Yaz!" The Doctor says then her and Yaz flip a few switches exchanging smiles across the console before the Doctor pulled a lever

When Tardis landed Doctor hopped across and opened the door. Intense heat hit her face "Blimey that's intense" she looked around then saw rock formation on the left from where they landed. It's where the signal was coming from.

"Babe...don't stand in that heat you will burn" Yaz said from the inside "It must be 50 degrees out there"

"56,7 degrees or 134,1 Fahrenheit to be exact could say that classifies as hot....Well as hot as Death Valley" she walked inside and as soon as she stepped in Yaz pulled her by the arm and started smearing cream all over her face. Doctor pulling funny faces as Yaz was applying it like to a kid.

"Stop making faces" she giggled "You will be like a lobster by the time we get to that cave"

"I won't now with all that on my face Yaz I feel like I'm being prepared for a barbecue"

"You is a barbecue out there" she rolls her eyes "'re done" she said and smeared it all over herself as well then gave it to the girls "Sonya no kidding put that me"

Yaz learned the hard way when Doctor took them to a desert planet looking for some minerals she needed and they all burned to a crisp. Doctor heals fast but even she was in pain. Yaz felt like her face will peel off how much it burned. So she made sure they got a special cream Tardis makes for them now.

Doctor stepped outside once more and started heading towards the cave. Everyone followed but after few minutes of walking it became obvious just how hot it was. Relentless sun felt as if it was was burning their skin and even the cream started melting on their faces.

"Doctor look" Sonya pointed towards the horizon "There's a city there"

"Oh, that" she turned around "Just a mirage I'm afraid Sonya...from the heat"

" looks so real"

"I know...many died following it Sonya...It's an image caused by atmospheric refraction. In this case, light waves as they move through mediums of different density, typically layers of air with different temperatures. In particular, a Fata Morgana is a superior mirage...fascinating isn't it Sonya?"

"Yeah...a bit creepy but yes" she said not hugely impressed

"It really is scorching hot" Nadjia said lifting her top of her chest "Yaz hun are you ok?"

" and the baby cooking but we're fine" she giggled

"Sorry Yaz you should've stayed in a Tardis" Doctor said pulling her by her hand to go faster

"Maybe but I don't want to...besides It's only a short walk I'm not made out of sugar

"I might disagree on that one Yaz" Doctor smiled glancing at her sideways "Finally...blessed shade" she said as they walked underneath the rocks

It was nice and cool or so it seemed after their painful short walk. The extremely cold air coming from the depths of the cave hit their skin and felt incredibly soothing. The entrance was clearly visible in front of them. A winding path leading deeper into the rock formation with a massive entrance at the bottom. The ceiling above them was very high and Yaz looked up at the beautiful pink colors of the rocks that sparkled in the sun as if they were covered in diamonds.

"What's that love" she pointed up to the glittering rocks

"Minerals Yaz... crystallized salt. This used to be the ocean millions of years ago" she zoomed her sonic up and around

"Waaaw...that's beautiful"

"You just wanna chip it off and make it into a necklace" Sonya said

"Yeah that's true" Yaz said

"Come on girls let's go...we need to go inside and we need to be fast because the heat will get worse as the day goes by. We need to go back soon" Doctor said walking them towards the entrance

As they walked further, the path became darker and the Doctor illuminated the path with her sonic. They made it a short way through the tunnel before a huge cave opened up before them. Ceilings as high as 30 meters tower over their heads. The cave was huge and impressive. The stone tunnel now turned into a man-made stone path carved into the solid rock, and on each side of it the ground plunged hundreds of meters down into the lower level of the cave. A path that led to what looked like a massive arch carved into solid rock.

"What is that?" Yaz said as they approached

"Not sure Yaz" Doctor scanned with the sonic
"Those symbols" she looked at the engravings on the rock...Looks like a gate Yaz...a portal...teleport's definitely a machine" she walked around

"Is it working?" Sonya asked

"Doesn't look like it Sonya...step back a bit... don't go so close" she said and moved her to the side "Iff that thing opens up you can end up on another side of the universe"

"Oh..." Sonya moved as far as she could from it

"Darling look" Yaz called from the other side "It looks like a control panel"

"Don't touch it Yaz!" Nadjia said worriedly

"Don't worry mum"

"So it is Yaz" she wiped the dust off with her hand "But it hasn't been used for a very long time" she looked at the readings on her sonic "And looks like it's broken. I'm not getting anything from it"

"But you did pick up some signal babe?"

"Not from this Yaz"

You don't think this could  be a teleport leading to that sun...planet...ship or whatever it is?"

"Hard to tell Yaz...could be...might be...possibly...But I can't know like this"

Doctor tried to fiddle with the control plate for few minutes but with no luck. She took the plate off and looked behind twisting her lips "Neah...this is all fried all has to be exchanged" she shrugs her shoulders "I can't do nothing like this"

"Surely you can repair it?" Yaz asked

"I can Yaz but not just with a sonic...Also we have to go soon or we will become shish kebabs oh in 25 minutes when that sun reaches it's peak"

"Well I suggest we get going then hun" Nadjia says. She sat on a rock nearby, letting the girls explore and she was unwrapping some candy she found at the bottom of her bag. It was Jelly Tots from Sainsbury's and it made her go blank at the thought of eating it in a cave on some alien planet. She wondered if he leaves a package for joke if someone will find it and wonder what it was.

"Doctor what's this" Sonya pointed to something poking out of the ground she tripped over "it looks like a peddle...I wonder if I just..."

"Nooo!!!..." The Doctor shouted, but she had already pressed it down and the ground beneath her began to crack and crumble. The Doctor jumped up towards her and grabbed her leaving her lying on the ground holding Sonya's wrist whiles she was dangling over the edge of the cliff.

Nadjia and Yaz yelled and Doctor held on to her so tightly she couldn't feel her arm anymore. She was dangling over the edge watching rocks falling down into a deep hole below. "Don't look down" Doctor said "Look at me Sonya...Give me your other hand"

Yaz went on all fours crawling towards the Doctor to help her

"Yaz!"Najia cried out as she got stuck at the other end. She was on her hands and knees helplessly watching one of her daughters hanging over a huge hole and the other desperately trying to keep her wife from falling down.

"Yaz...get back!" Doctor said almost angry

"No way" Yaz grabbed her ankle and then crawled more up putting as much of her body waight on Doctor as she could hoping they don't all slide of the edge together

"Yaz...get off me...get back there!"

"I'm not leaving you!"

"Why do you have to be so stubborn" Doctor rolled her eyes and reached out her arm towards  Sonya "Come on can do it...just grab my hand"

"Aaaarrrhhh..." she cried out trying to swing herself so she can reach out, which put even more pressure to the Doctor desperately trying to hold on to her. She finally managed to grab Doctor's other hand from second attempt. She used all her strength to lift Sonya up enough so that both her and Yaz could pull her over the edge until they were both safe. Sonya threw herself to the Doctor hugging her "I'm so sorry" she cried sitting in a dirt squeezing her tight

"It's're safe" Doctor rocked her relieved her eyes meeting Yaz. Then she reached her hand and brushed her finger over Yaz's cheek "And don't you do that again either" she smiled still nervously

Najia sighed relieved hopelessly sitting on the ground on the other side of the massive hole between them.

"How are we gonna get across?" Yaz asked worried looking around

"Doctor what do I do?" Nadjia asked

They all got back to their feet and Doctor pulled Yaz's hands. She walked to the edge and looked down twisting her face then looked around and relazed they were stuck " you have pen and a paper in your bag?" Doctor asked

"I think so...why?"

"I will need you to get Tardis for me"


"Oh, don't worry Najia...just follow instructions and it should be fine" she shrugs "Should be"

"Are you kidding me?....I can't fly that thing"

"Yes you can mum it's not that difficult when she tells you what to do"

"Oh god" Nadjia was beyond worried but she really had no choice.

She wrote down the instructions. It took her a while to write down every tiniest detail and repeat it to the Doctor several times making sure she didn't fly the machine off to some god forsaken place in space with her husband and Ryan on board. She ran to the Tardis and burst through the door.

"Come on you cleaver thing!" she looked up "I know you understand me...Help me to get my girls back...and that includes your girl as well"

She dropped her bag on the floor and carefully looked at the instructions walking around the console, giving herself time to make sure she got this right. She was painfully aware that one flick of the wrong switch could leave them all stranded forever, and she wasn't thinking of herself. All she could think about were the girls dying stranded on the other side of that cliff without anyone even knowing they were there. So she had to get this right.


", here's how we're gonna do this" she looked up to the Tardis "I will do this and you hum iff I made a mistake....You got that?" Tarids hummed and turned the lights blue

"I knew you understand me"





"Poor mum" Sonya sat down on the ground.

"It's ok" Yaz tucked her hair behind her ears sitting next to her. She saw that her sister was scared and felt so guilty blaming herself. The Doctor walked nervously with her hands in her pockets. Yaz looked up at her and their worried eyes met. They didn't need to talk, they knew what the other was thinking. The chances of her mum getting it right from the first move were almost nil, but hope was all they had at this point. Yaz looked back at her sister and smiled "Hey I wanted to tell you something"

"How stupid I am?"

"No...that's not it. And you're not. It was a mistake...mistakes happen. I wanted to tell you how happy I am for you and Ryan" she took her hand in her lap rubbing her thumb over it

"You are?" Sonya smiled a little and sniffled wiping her tears

"I am...I was telling her the other day. I'm really glad you two found each other"

"Too bad I will kill everyone"

"Don't be silly. Tardis will be here in no time...Hey that's mum...she will just order her to fry herself" she laughed

"Yeah you're probably right" Sonya smiled



"Right....flick the switch on the third place to your right...Top row" she read aloud as she walked around and found them, then flipped them all over as the Doctor noted. She walked around and continued to do everything as instructed until she stood in front of the two and the instructions were unclear. She turned one and the Tardis hummed "Oh, so the other one?" The Tardis hummed again but turned on the lights when she got it right That was it, time to pull the lever. Her hand was on it and she was sweating nervously. "Please let this be right," she looked up, closed her eyes and pulled it down. The Tardis shook a little, made a terrible sound and then fell silent. She stood next to the console petrified, unable to move a muscle, and then the door slammed open. The Doctor runs inside. Najia slumped down on the console, tears running down her face.

"You did it! Gold star for Nadjia" Doctor hopped towards her and Nadjia pulled her in for a surprise hug. She saw the girls walking in over Doctor's shoulder.

"Oh, what did I do to deserve this?" Doctor said confused

"Being alive" Najia smiled

"Mum you flew the Tardis!" Yaz shouted exited as she walked inside

"I did baby and let's hope I never have to do that again" she hugged them both kissing them

"I'm  so sorry mum" Sonya said

"Let's forget about it ha?" she stroke her face and kissed it

Doctor took a deep breath and Tardis hummed "Aaaaa...did she really?...That's clever?" she spoke with Tardis "Nadjia...did you speak to my ship?" Doctor smiled pleasantly surprised

"I needed help" she rolled her eyes in relief

"That was very resourceful Nadjia...All this made me hungry. Are you hungry?"

Nobody was but they just nodded going with it. "Alright then...let's get some food" Doctor pulled the lever




They all walked the streets of still ruined city. But things tit start slowly getting back to normal although the aftermath of the earthquake was still everywhere around them. But people's will to continue as normal as they possibly could was very present on each corner. Food still being sold on stands and taverns being reopened. The ground still shook from time to time making everyone nervous. Doctor parked not far from from the little tavern. It was hot outside but the place was in a deep shade hidden in one of the small alleyways. As they walked towards it Doctor draped her hand over Yaz's shoulder and kissed her temple.

"What's that for?" she smiled at her and slipped her arm around her waist 

"For what you did back there....But that doesn't mean I approve it" she smiled

"You may not but I'd do it again in a heart beat" she leaned on her shoulder

"Aaaaa here we go. We can take some food for the boys as well"

"Can they come out of the medic bay soon?" Sonya asked

"I think so. I need to check-in on them when we come back. But I believe it's safe now"

Sonya and Yaz looked at each other sneaky and smiled. There was a plan they were cooking up together and they needed boys on board. So things were going well.

Yaz didn't have much of an appetite. She was twirling a fork around the plate for quite some time. The heat made her lose any feeling of hunger and all she wanted was as much liquid as she could pack inside her. Which ultimately made her go to toilet fifty times a day. Being pregnant in the middle of summer wasn't much fun either carrying all the extra weight. And she was getting bigger by the day to a point where she wondered how much more bigger can she possibly get and did they miss one more baby somewhere. But Doctor kept telling her it's quite a normal thing for her race and went into deeper explanation about it all.

"Yaz darling you need to eat" Doctor said looking at her barely touched food

"I'm so hot I can't" she sighed "I'll eat later I promise"

"I was pregnant in a summer" Nadjia says "And it's no fun. Just make sure you eat later"

"I will...oh can you too stay here. Me and Sonya need to go and buy few things?" Yaz said

"What now Yaz?" Doctor looked confused "You just said you were hot...I'm confused"

"It's only around the's just something for Ryan"

"Oh boy...well stick to the shade Yaz please....I'm not happy with this"

"Will do" she got us happy and leaned over kissing her cheek "Be right back" she smiled and nodded to her sister





"I thought we never leave" Sonya said as they went around the corner

"Me neither...Well we would've done it yesterday morning if it wasn't for the earthquake. I just hope the store is open. Where did you say you saw it?"

"Just around there. And they have a beautiful choice"

They were soon there and to their relief the store was open. It was a small place half inside and half outside. Beautiful dresses were hanging outside the store and the cutest baby clothes Yaz had ever seen. Beautifully embroidered with leaves and flowers in all the earth tones going from light badge to terracotta.

"OMG...I'm dying now...we haven't done any baby shopping at all Sonya" Yaz was taking alk the baby clothes out and her eyes were popping out at them

"Well Doctor's pretty lost in it isn't she?...But that's cute in a way....also girl you got that ship that makes pretty much anything for you so she's probably used to that as well"

"She is" Yaz said shaking her head laughing "Uuu look at this" she held up a baby shirt

"That's so darn cute....I can't...and look Yaz it's baby jewelry I'm fricking dying here"

"Can I help you ladies?" The woman came out of the store

"Oh, hi...yes I think you can" Yaz smiled



They ended up buying so much stuff that Sonya rushed back to Tardis to leave it all there. Yaz waiting for her around the corner in a shade. She sat on one of the stone benches underneath some beautiful bright blue tree.

"Hey...all done" she passed her back Tardis key "I stuffed it in a kitchen cupboard...sorry I didn't know where else to put it"

"It's fine" Yaz laughed "I'll make sure I do everything whilst you're at the building site"

"My brain still can't adjust when I open the door of that telephone both" Sonya laughed "It's like that cupboard from Narnia"



Yaz was lying on a bed looking at her little baby monitor waiting for the Doctor to come out of the bathroom. After their lunch and early morning adventure she felt tiered

Doctor stood at the bathroom door in her boxers and a t-shirt drying her hair in a towel "You alright mummy?"

"Mmm" she looked at her smiling "just really tiered"

Doctor casually through the towel towel over the sink and climbed the bed on her hands and knees lifting Yaz's dress and shoving her head underneath it kissing her stomach "It's been a hard day beautiful" she said between the kisses

"Would you mind if I stay here and not go to the workshop later on?" she said stroking Doctor's head over the cotton fabric of her dress

"It's fine mummy" she peaked her head out with a grin on her face "You two rest" she kissed the side of her breast over the fabric and laid her head on her chest wrapping her arms around her "Mmm...You nice and soft" she snuggled in

"And I miss these cuddles" Yaz said running fingers through her damp hair. It felt nice on her skin after all the heat. Even Doctor's cool hands trailing down her leg felt nice so soothing "You stay with me for a bit?"

Doctor moved up higher and dotted kisses over her face "I thought that's what I was doing Yaz" she grinned haply

"I never know with you" she smiled tucking her hair behind her ears "You're always running somewhere"

"Not for much longer Yaz" she laid back on her chest and trailed fingers over her stomach and the curve of her waist "After this it's just you and me until munchkin comes" Doctor ran her finger over Yaz's open palm "I just want you and that selfish Yaz?"

"Nope" Yaz stroke her forehead gently "I think you well deserved it"

"We both do" she trailed Yaz's wrist where the bruise from the rope was slowly disappearing, then brought her hand up to her lips to kiss the skin there.

"I still can't believe my mum drove the Tardis" Yaz started giggling "She must have been petrified"

"I think it's safe to say we've all been Yaz...there was a point when I seriously thought I'll never see Tardis again...I was starting to think of hundred different ways of how to get us of that rock and they were all stupid plans Yaz" she looked up at Yaz "Being stranded on a top of the rock with over 200 meter plunge down below was not my idea of the morning adventure"

"I felt so bad for Sonya...but honestly what came over her to press that thing" she was giggling so much she cover her face with hand

"I would've done the same" she grinned

"I know you would" she ruffled her hair "You're infamous for What does that button do thing"

"You're trying to say I have no control over myself Yaz?"

"You don't...You can't help it" she laughed

"Well, maybe you're right" she shrugs

"I am right...but I wouldn't have you any other way"

They fell silent enjoining in stillness and Tardis hummer, she dimmed the lights in their room and started playing soft music.
For the first time in ages Doctor felt sleepy and her eyes seemed so heavy. When they were alone like this in a rare moments of stillness she would feel her mind going quiet and only her, Yaz and their unborn child existed in all the space and time. Just them three in whole universe. She wasn't sure when she drifted away, but she did. With her head resting on her beautiful wife's chest and her hand trailing down her curves until it went still Doctor fell asleep. And Yaz gently combed her fingers through her soft golden hair and ran lazy lines down her spine until she herself fell asleep.

When Yaz woke up she was gone. Only a note on a side table. She relized she overslept and quickly got up slipped her feet into flip-flops, quickly getting herself sorted in a bathroom when a knocking on door jolted her.

"Ryan!!!" she jumped all exited when she opened the door "OMG" she hugged him

"We were let out jail earlier" he smiled "Girls went to the repair shop"

"What dad as well?"


"Good cause I need you both"

"Need us for what Yaz"

She quickly slammed the bedroom door and pulled Ryan for his arm down the hallway

"You're creepily reminding me of Doctor now Yaz....where are we goin"

She turned around and smiled cheeky "You will help me make a cake"


"It's Doctor's birthday today"

"She has a birthday?" he frowned confused

"Well...falling through the train day Ryan"

"Right...I suppose it could work"

"Daaad!!!" she practically screamed seeing him in a control room

"Pumpkin" he came over and she threw herself in his arms "I missed you" he kissed the top of her head

"Oh I missed you are you dad?"

"As good as new honey"

"Thank god...I was just telling Ryan I need you two to help to make a cake for the Doctor. It's her birthday today I wanna surprise her"

"Is it?" Hakim asked surprised "How old is she?"

"Well more like falling through the train day...and not sure about the other one dad...over 3000...but numbers are not important once you get to that age" she giggled

"Blimey, she should start counting backwards"

"So I have this recipe and it shouldn't be that difficult" Yaz put a cook book on a counter then started taking stuff out of the cupboards

"No yaz this is easy" Hakim said looking at the recipe "but I can make that even better iff you have lemons"

"I do...bottom of the fridge if not we have some in Doctor's garden"

"Since when is she's doing gardening?" Ryan said confused

"Since always" Yaz giggled

"Nice apron this yours or hers?" Ryan was holding her hot and sexy apron against himself laughing

"Oi!" she grabbed it and showed it in one of the drawers

"So what did you get her Yaz?"

"Something she mentioned to me she really wants but we never had time to get it. You know those things for carrying a baby on you like a kangaroo thing" she was showing on herself

"Oh those idea what they're a scarf thing that wraps around"

"Yeah that's it...Well she wants to have the baby like that on her whiles she's flying Tardis and you know late at night when she's fiddling over the console she keeps gushing about wanting to have a baby next to her. She must have mentioned it to me thousand times by now"

"Yeah well not like you can put her in a buggy and fly Tardis she'd be flying all over the place" Ryan laughed

"I never thought of that Ryan...that's just horrible" she scrunched her face in horror "Anyways look" she bend down to get the bags from the store that Sonya stuffed into the kitchen cupboard and takes out a beautiful blue embroidered baby wrap

"Tardis blue" Hakim said "Was that on purpose?"

"Yap" Yaz nodded "Well it's also her favorite color"

She put everything away and continued with the cake. It took them three hours but they made a beautiful cake and Hakim drew a Tardis on it.

"Dad that Tardis  looks  really  cute"

"I can't  get that plaque properly"

"It's ok dad we are not on master chef" she kisses his cheek " You did a greit job"

Ryan put the the candles 3000 on a top giggling

"Are we really putting 3000 on it?" Yaz laughed


"Absolutely" Ryan giggled and put the last zero on it making them all laugh

"She's gonna love you mate" Yaz said tapping  his shoulder "Alright we haven't got much time... let's put this in a fridge and put some balloons up and wrap up the presents.

"But we didn't get her anything Yaz" Hakim said disappointed

"You have dad...Sonya got a present from all of you lot"

"She did?...What did she get?"

"Baby know where you write all the first stuff...first tooth, first steps...first evening...she's gonna  go gaga over that"

"Why are all the presents for the baby Yaz?" Ryan asked frowning confused "I thought this was her birthday not a baby shower?"

"Cause she legit has everything and what ever she doesn't Tardis makes for her or she makes it herself. Baby is her absolute obsession right me anything to do with her being mum works wonders"

"Alright...well you know your girlfriend"

"Wife Ryan" she said almost offended

"Sorry...keep forgetting that part"



"We did brilliant today stars for both of you" The Doctor said sitting on a small bench in the corner and marveling at how far they had come with building the machine. The new parts of the case arrived and the workers were welding it while they worked with the Doctor on the smaller parts, which she explained work like organs in the human body. Each has its own special purpose.

"This was so much fun Doctor" Sonya said fixing her ponytail and sitting next to her "I can't believe I actually did soldering"

"Fun ha?...Oh I love building stuff Sonya...It's so special to make something out of nothing. Give life, purpose to's amazing"

"I can totally see it now. But if you told me to do this a year ago I'd tell you to bugger off" she laughed then went silent for a moment "Doctor"

"Yes Sonya"

"I wanted to apologize for this morning. I am so sorry. That was just so stupid and I've put everyone in danger"

Doctor rested her arms on her knees "Are you apologizing to me or to yourself Sonya?" she smirked looking at her sideways

"Both I suppose" she said looking down to the floor

"We all make mistakes Sonya...What's really important is admitting to ourselves that we have...Something even I struggle with sometimes and I need your sister to remind me" she nudged her with shoulder and smiled

" really are cool"

"Come on...let's go back slowly...It's been a long day for everyone"



Yaz was lying on the bed same as in the afternoon waiting for Doctor to get out of the bathroom same as in the afternoon. But there was a wicked plan they all had and she was hoping Doctor would be dressed by the time it all comes into action except it didn't look like it was going that way. Doctor was just casually walking around the bedroom in her underwear with no top on chatting away about the Eye of the deep and Yaz wasn't  even listening. She wasn't sure was she more in agony by watching her half naked parading around the bedroom knowing she can only watch this time or the fact that Ryan could be knocking on their bedroom door at any minute and Doctor was half naked. Either way she turned it, things didn't look good at this point.

"Babe" Yaz got up and stood behind her kissing her shoulder "You're totally distracting me...and we need go for dinner"

"Oh...didn't know I was so distracting Yaz" she smirks sideways and wrapped Yaz's arm around herself

"You're always distracting" Yaz brushed her nose on a side of her cheek "specially half naked at my hormonal state you're dangerous"

Doctor shook her head laughing then knocking on a door made them both jump

"Doctor!!" Ryan shouted from the other side and knocked once more

"What is it Ryan?" Doctor rolled her eyes

"There's something wrong with lights in a library"

"The whaa?" she twisted her face confused 

" a library...they are not working"

"Oh, stars" she sighed "Alright Ryan...give me a minute and I'll come and have a look"

"Thanks....sorry Doctor"

"Noooo problem Ryan" she said looking at Yaz shaking her head "Every time"

"Sorry" Yaz stroke the back of her neck and "I love you my beautiful Bighead"

"I love you too my beautiful sweet potato" she grins

"That's so sexy babe....I always wanted to be called a potato" she giggled "Come on hurry up"

"You're a cute potato Yaz" she defends herself taking her clothes out and getting quickly dressed

"Oh yeah cute makes a big difference" she laughed "See...your mum calls us potato" Yaz looks at her stomach

"No Yaz...I call her bumblebee" she said hopping on one leg putting  her boots on. Then clipped her braces on

"Bumblebee?....That's adorable"

"Come on let's go" she said ready to go

They walked down to the library and she walked into the darkness. They could hear their footsteps echoing around the massive space.

"Ryan?..." she called out and zoomed the sonic "That's weird"


"Lights are fine? What in a name of Tardis is going on here?"

"Babe what's that?" Yaz pointed further away into the dark "Are those flames?"

"The waaaat Yaz" she squinted worried "Blimey...stand back Yaz I think you're right something caught fire"

Suddenly there was a loud pop that made them both jump and lights came up

"Surpriseeeeeee!" everyone yelled exited and Yaz threw a bunch of confetti on her

Doctor stood completely shocked and confused looking at everyone with party hats standing behind a trolley with a birthday cake and a massive banner spread between the library balconies saying "Happy birthday you old hag".

Everyone started singing her a happy birthday song and Yaz threw another handful of confetti on her then placed a tiara on her head saying birthday girl "Happy birthday my love" she cupped her face and kissed her confused lips.

Doctor looked at her with massive smile across her face "You did all this for me?"

"Yap all for you"

"I forgot it's my falling through the train day"

"I know" Yaz brushed her finger over her face and smiled "But we didn't...go on blow your candles...all 3000" she giggled

Doctor smiled so happy like a little kid "Aaaa Tardis cake" she jumped. "That's cleaver...oh look it even has a plague"

"Dad did that" Yaz said proudly

"Oh,  did you Hakim...That's brilliant I love it. Thank you so much everyone"

"Stop talking Doctor and blow those candles" Ryan giggled

"Oh...yes yes of course....all that's you Ryan" she points a finger at him "It's actually more you know...I can't really remember to be honest and then there's all those lives from the fob that I have no clue about..."

"Blow the candles Doctor" everyone yelled laughing at the woman not being able to shut up

"Alright...alright" she shut her eyes really tight in almost comical way and thought about  the wish "I wiiiish.."

"Can't say it out loud!" Sonya said

"Can where I'm from"

"Don't....just in case" Yaz said laughing

"Oh.." she closed her eyes again and blew the candles then raised her gaze to everyone with a massive smile on her face "Alright...well let's hope that comes true"

"Happy birthday honey" Nadjia came up to her and kissed her cheek "This is little something from all of us. I hope you like it" she passed her a present

"I get presents as well?"

"Of course you get presents" Sonya smiled "Happy birthday Doctor"

"Happy birthday Doctor" said Hakim "... and I wish you another 3000...just don't forget about us one day"

"Never Hakim" she replied with tears in her eyes

"Are you gonna just admire the wrapping or you're gonna open that Doctor?" Ryan said cheeky "Happy birthday"

"No Ryan of course  I'm gonna open it. But I am  saving that bow" she ripped the packet open and looked confused at the book

"It's a baby diary love" Yaz stepped in "See..." she opened it "It's where you put all the babies firsts"

" way. That is so brilliant ... Oh look and little teeth a hair lock...That's so cleaver"

"Do you like it?" Sonya  asked

"Like it?...I love it" she said  exited "We don't have things like that where I come from Sonya. I love that" she pressed it against her chest "Thank you...I can't wait to start filling it in"

"And this..." Yaz passed her a present "Happy birthday love"

"Oh Yaz" she smiled

"Go on open...." she nodded

"Aaaa favorite" she smiled as she tore the paper then took it out and turned her gaze to Yaz " this...?"

"Baby wrap...oh yeah"

"You got it for me!!!" she jumped exited and squeezed Yaz to her chest "Oh Yaz this really making me happy" she kissed her forehead

"I'm glad you like it"

I love it..I got me baby scarf....Only I have no clue how to wear that" she took it all out stretching it around confused

"Iff you have a doll or a stuffed toy I can show you" Najia said "it's very easy"

"I'm sure I do somewhere....thank you...I got all me baby presents all I need is baby"

"Well you did make one Doctor so it is coming" Ryan giggled

Few hours passed fast and everyone started getting tired slowly retiring to their bedrooms.

"Alright we are off" Sonya said leaning on Ryan's shoulder

"Night night" Ryan waived

"Niiight" both Doctor and Yaz waived

The door shut and they were left alone. Yaz was putting the paper plates away, throwing them in a bin liner. Doctor stood with her hands in her pockets behind her and smiled gently then  came up behind her and moved her braid on a side pressing her lips at the back of her neck.

"Hey you" Yaz smiled "Mmmm...those lips feel nice"

"Hey yourself" she slipped her arms around her waist "Tardis can do that you know"

"I know" she leaned on Doctor's chest

"Thank you for this" she squeezed her tight and kissed her cheek

"You don't need to thank me for your birth party you know. You spoil me all the time"

"Do I Yaz...spoil you?"

"You know you do"

"I know I want to..." she rested her head on her shoulder rocking them side to side "Not sure iff it feels  like that sometimes with all the mess"

"You do love" 

"Come on mummy leave this here...
let's go to bed "Doctor kissed her cheek"

"Mmmm....can we stay here?"

"I should move our bed here Yaz" she giggled

"Mattress is quite enough I assure you" she smiles looking at her sideways

"You can't get up from the mattress Yaz" Doctor kisses the tip of her nose


"Well then I'm gonna have to stay in a bed the whole day" she laughed

Doctor trailed her lips down the curve of her neck "We also need a bathroom" she took a sonic out and pointed towards the door locking it without lifting her gaze.

Yaz moaned as her lips sealed on a side of her neck "I'm sure you can manage that" she smiled

"I'm sure I can...But we're stuck" she moved herself on the other side of Yaz's neck "Without it now" she continued kissing her and trailing her hands over her stomach and her breast

"I'm sure we can manage" the lights dimmed in the library. She raised her hand to Doctor's neck as her lips traveled down her shoulders.

Doctor spun her around and wrapped fingers around her face "Hey beautiful" she smiled at her and pulled her in to a slow kiss making Yaz whimper into her lips.

She pulled her braces down and lifted her t-shirts out of her trousers then slipped her hands underneath trailing every curve of Doctor's body feeling under her fingers her ribcage moving as her breathing quickened.
Doctor felt herself falling slowly the feeling only Yaz ever gave her of losing herself in a moment forgetting her own name. Her skin so warm and soft underneath her fingers, the smell of Yaz's hair as she buried her face deep into her neck. She reached behind and slowly unbraided her hair as she trailed kisses over her jaw line then capturing her lips.

"Hands up" Yaz said and pulled her t-shirts over her head then smashed her lips i to hers again unbuttoning her trousers.

Doctor giggled into her lips

"What?" Yaz asked

"I'm not gonna run, you know," she ran a finger across her cheek and reached up with her other hand unbuttoning her own trousers letting them slide to the floor and kicking her boots off her feet. "Slowly" she cupped her face in her fingers and brushed her nose over hers then kissed her slowly "Easy …" she whispered into her lips as her hands wrapped around Yaz's back trailing her fingers down her spine making her shiver and unzipped her dress letting it fall to the floor then went back for her bra. Clever fingers unhooking it with one hand and then running her thumbs over her breast as she pulled it down. Her lips never leave Yaz's, one kiss follows another and they are all slow, passionate and gentle giving Yaz head rush. The Doctor took her time, enjoying every curve of her body that was changing day by day. Even the smell of her skin had changed and became sweeter. She wanted to remember every detail, every soft beautiful curve.
Yaz breathing quickened her chest rising her forehead pressed on Doctor's she moved  them backwards until Doctors back hit one of the wooden panels between the book shelfs.

"I want you" she said pinning one of her hands next to her head.

Doctor glanced sideways and smiled then looked back at her "You have me Yasmin" she whispered then ran her lips over hers "Every inch of me" she said gazing at her with her half  opened eyes.

"I need you" she whispered into her lips and slipped her hand between them. Doctor's hips bucked her eyes slammed shut and silent moan leaving her half open mouth. She titled her head back hitting the hard wood then garbed the back of Yaz's neck pulling her for a passionate kiss. The smell of freshly cut grass hitting her face as she buried her face into Yaz's neck and rolled herself over her hand in a steady pace desperately trying to keep her balance and not pulling them both to the ground.

"Yaz..." she panted into her lips eyes half open and her pale face flushed bright red "I...please I can't darling"

"Brace up" Yaz said cheeky and grabbed her shoulder slumping herself to the ground

"Blimey Yaz" Doctor looked down as she grabbed her underwear pulling it to the floor kissing her breast and traveling over her her stomach that arched towards her lips then tapped her leg placing it on her shoulder
"Yaz careful...shoot" Doctor tried and failed  finishing  the sentence her eyes rolling at the back of head as her lips sealed themselves on her and fingers got buried deep inside of her. Yaz pressing her hip hard enough to the wooden panel she felt it was the only thing keeping her from falling as Yaz took her with almost relentless pace. She felt so dizzy she grabbed the bookshelf frantically and stopping one of the books from falling onto the floor. "Stars....I...." she frowned, her moans echoing across the massive space as she shuddered, fingers tangled in Yaz's hair, head tilted back she rolled her hips slowly barely noticeable until she fell silent. Yaz felt her leg trembling underneath her fingers. She kissed the wobbling leg and put it back on a ground then garbed the bookshelf pulling herself back on her feet in an utterly ungraceful way as she thought. Doctor pulled  her up and kissed her messy smiling with eyes half open dazed up. Her haze swirling around them both.

"Happy birthday" Yaz giggled into her lips stroking the side of her neck

"You'll be the death of me" she smiled brushing her nose on Yaz's cheek "I'm spent Yaz I need to lie down" she slumped her face into her neck giggling "Look what you did to me"

"I know...shameful"

Doctor giggled into her shoulder..."I'm losing every ounce of dignity"

"Me love youuuu" she smiled and kissed her golden locks

"I adore you my sweet potato" Doctor looked up at her and smiled then laughed her head off looking over Yaz's shoulder

"OMG what's gone into you?" Yaz looked at her confused

"Look Yaz" she turned her around

"Is that a bathroom?" she started laughing like crazy

"Yes" Doctor pissed herself laughing standing behind Yaz leaning her head on her shoulder "Well I do need one" she chuckled

"I hope it has a toilet cause I really need to pee"

"We are so not doing this again until that baby comes" Doctor said trying to walk on her wobbling legs making Yaz laugh as she was holding  herself to her shoulder "Your lucky I didn't tumble on you Yaz"

"I didn't think of that" Yaz giggled

"No you didn't" she said wobbling to the bathroom

After making a good use out of the new addition to the library they huddled up on a sofa. Yaz loved that sofa as much as she loved their bedroom. There was something cozy about the library. The smell of the books and all the wood the humming of the Tardis that was so loud echoing through the space. The cracking of the fireplace in the darkness.



"Tomorrow I'm trying out that long range scanner Yaz. Keep you fingers crossed"

"I'm just wondering if that portal thing has anytime to do with that sun...I'm wondering if it's a teleport to that place" 

"Me too Yaz. I will try to repair that. But one thing at the time...No use from repairing it if nobody is there"

Tardis shook again and them two looked up as few books fell on the floor

"Another one" Yaz huddled closer to her "It's making me nervous"

"Just one more reason to hurry up with everything Yaz. Eye of the deep is soon done...Won't be long now"

Yaz looked up to her and ran her finger over her cheek lovingly. "You're so beautiful" Yaz said dreamy

"I also eat cute fingers Yaz" she said  cheeky trying to catch Yaz's index finger with her mouth making her giggle

"I don't think you want me fingerless" Yaz says giggled


"Yeah genius..." she laughed

Doctor scrunched her face "Didn't think that far ahead...ok changed my mind keep those"

"Baby..." Yaz said rubbing her face into her chest

"What sweet potato"

Yaz giggled "Tell your potato one of your stories" she said tucking her face into her neck

"Alright..." she smiled and kissed her head "Ones upon a time there was and idiot with a sonic who stole broken time machine...." Doctor started the story and gently trailed her hand down Yaz's back until they both fell asleep



Yaz finished preparing her breakfast and slowly wobbled  towards  the control room. She was still tiered as the shaking from after shocks kept waking them up throughout the night keeping her nerves well on the edge not able to relax properly. Having to put up with ground shaking during the day was one think but being woken up suddenly like that was a nasty experience on another level. She found herself glued to Doctor like an octopus feeling for some reason safer that way. It also felt utterly ridiculous to her that all of sudden she had all these fears she never had before and she slowly started to feel more and more pathetic with herself.

"Whaaaat the hell?" she was stopped in her thoughts as she walked up to the control room and smiled from the top of the stairs looking down "You look absolutely adorable" she said holding back the tears

"Hey...morning" Doctor flashed a massive smile "Looks good? Does it suit me Yaz?"

The Doctor was standing in front of the console with a doll wrapped in baby wrap across her chest, a sight that shook Yaz emotionally in the best possible way. Her eyes will need time to adjust to this beautiful new reality and she was looking forward to every minute of it.


"Yes darling very much so" she nodded smiling

"Feels amazing" she opened her arms and smiled happily "Your mum showed me what to do. It will take a bit of a practice though...see that wrap around at the front and then you put the baby in here" she pointed "and I can't remember if it goes one time around me and then...

Yaz came up to her smiling and wrapped her hand around her "You're amazing you know that"

"I can't wait Yaz...I feel like I'll burn out...combust...regenerate"


"Aaa!!!" Yaz put a finger over her mouth "not that last one...thank you" she pulled her in and kissed her short "God I love you" she pressed her forehead on hers

"I love you my sweet potato" she kissed her gently

"Kangaroo" Yaz giggled into her lips