Chapter 5



Doctor walked in her room quietly. Yaz was still sleeping snuggled in a duvet.

"Yaz...wake up Yaz" she gently stroke her cheek

Yaz opened her eyes and she had the most cutest sleepy face. She stretched a big smile immediately as soon as she saw the Doctor by her side

" long did I sleep?"

"Few hours...didn't wanna wake you up. I had loads to do anyway I thought you needed rest. Hey get up need to show you something" she reached for her hand dragging her out of bed. Yaz got out of bed but just slumped herself in Doctors arms laing her head on her shoulder

"I need to wake up"

"But it's exiting...promise...come on" she moved her away and held her hand wishing her away out of the room through the control room and opened the Tardis door

"Look snow Yaz!!!" she smiled showing her the outside

"Waaaaaaw...when did that happen?"

There was almost two feet of snow already on a ground and it was glistening in a moon light covering all the thick trees and the forest floor. Air was so crisp and fresh it woke up Yaz in a second. She stood there on steps of the Tardis door mesmerized. It felt like Christmas

Doctor was already outside with her arms open smiling.

"Look Yaz isn't it beautiful?...And you can do this" she tilled her head and opened he mouth catching snow flakes like a kid

Yaz laughed so hard looking at the Doctor acting like ten year old. How can she go from this to a this passionate sexy woman to intimidating Time Lord...she thought to herself. She adored all those layers to her character so much.

"You're such a kid" Yaz slinged her boots over pajama bottoms and walked out.

The where both catching snowflakes like two kids. And started throwing snow balls at each other. Yaz opened her arms out smiling

"Hey look at this.." she threw herself in a snow making snow angel "look angel"

Doctor opened her mouth exited "Oh I love that!!!" she did the same thing and threw herself next to Yaz. They where giggling like kids.
Yaz was lying in a snow and she turned to Doctor smiling to meet her gazing back at her. She rolled herself on top of her and sat on her grabbing her hands and pinning them in a snow above her head. "Don't blink" she said gazing at her and leaned over to kiss her passionately.

They walked inside both covered in snow. Shaking it off each others clothing and hair.
Doctor pulls her in sliding her hand around her waist. She picked some snow of her hair and stroked her cheek.

"Thank you" she says quietly

"For what?" Yaz says confused

"For forgiving me...for all the times that I've broken your heart. I'm so sorry I did that. And thank you for putting up with me. I know I'm not an easy person to deal with"

Yaz just stood there in her arms looking deep into her eyes soaking every word coming out of mouth

"That wasn't the best me at that time. I was scared and confused and I was pushing you away when I released I'm falling for you and you where so much into me at that time it scared me so much. I wanted you to stop loving me because if you stopped loving me then I wouldn't have to brake your heart like I did that day on a beach. It was the hardest and the most idiotic thing I've ever done. And I'm so sorry"

Doctor had one of those ten faces. But the gentlest of all of them. Yaz knew all of them and this one was the most warmest and the most loving out of all of them. It was the one that melted Yaz's heart away.

"Thank you for saying this" she was breathing hard gazing at her

She felt like the huge burden of the past has been lifted of her shoulders. The burden of always wondering why was Doctor acting the way she did at that time finally found a resolution in her heart. She wasn't even aware how much she desperately needed to hear her saying it.
All she wanted at this point is for her to take her again into her arms. She was getting closer and closer to her lips and lightly brushing her lips on hers closing her eyes
"Take me to bed" she whispered and Doctor closed the gap kissing her till her head was spinning again.

In a morning Doctor bursts into the room like Tardis was on fire

"Yaz!!!.. Yaz get up Yaz!!!"

"Ha?..What's going on" Yaz woke up in complete panic "Whaaat?"

"Hey no need to yell...I just had an idea"

"OMG I'm gonna kill you I swear" Yaz flopped back on a bed

"Well what did you think it was?" she looks at her confused

"Oh well I don't know...Cyberman...Dalek...Master...take a pick"

"Nooo silly ...get up I had a grait idea"

Yaz is lying on a bed still trying to calm down "Whaaat?" She rolled her eyes

"Let's have Christmas"

Yaz propted herself on her arms ""WHAAT??"

"CHRISTMAS!!!"...Doctor smiles and continues to bounce around the room making all those hands gestures

"I thought it's snowing so hey why not have Christmas and we can have turkey and cakes and presents...We can have presents Yaz!!"

"But it's August!!"

"Soo?" Doctor makes face "what does August mean to us...we're time travelers Yaz we can have Christmas when ever we want"

"Alright...well I suppose you're right...we could do" she slowly got out of bed

Doctor came up to her grabbed her shoulders and she's shaking her like a plumb tree "And Christmas tree Yaz...we can have a Christmas tree...and lights and we can make cakes"

"Yap..yap we can" Yaz was still trying to wake up

"So I thought we could have everyone over for a Christmas dinner the whole fam"

"Whaaa???? And how you're gonna do that? We're stuck in a snow...remember?"

"You know I always have my tricks Yaz..."

"Mmm....suppose so" she's way to tiered to ask details so she just decided to take her word for it.

"Well go on...get yourself sorted...lots to do"

"How we gonna get presents? We can't go nowhere?"

"We can order from Kerblam" she smiles

"I was afraid you'd say that" Yaz rolled her eyes

"Alright suppose I get dressed then" ...."Doctor?"


"Where do we get the Christmas tree from?"

"Might just have one somewhere...need to look"


Doctor is crawling on all fours inside of the massive cupboard and throwing all the Christmas decorations out...

"'s not it either...shoot where is it?"

Yaz is standing next to her just observing the mountain of Christmas decorations around

"How much stuff do you have??"

Doctor peaks from the cupboard "Loads Yaz...I am old you know"

"I do know that...but don't you like...throw stuff away?"

"Nooo..Tardis is big enough Yaz...not like I need to think about space do I?"

She goes back in a cupboard sticking her bum up in the air " it" she pulls out a box filled with Christmas lights

Few hour later and thousands of decorations later there is a massive Christmas tree in a control room and meters and meters of lights all around. Doctor is on a roof of Tardis connecting the outdoor lights and Yaz placed a Christmas wreath with beautiful red bow on a Tardis door. She looks up and meets Doctors eyes and for a short moment they just smile to each other lovingly enjoying in every moment of this normality that they have not knowing when it will end.

Doctor stands up on top of the Tardis and she's got cables in her hands ready to put them together

"Ready Yaz!"

"No no wait...not yet wait!!" she runs a bit further from the Tardis to get the better view

"Alright it!!!" she yells and Doctor connects the cables to reveal a pure magic

Tardis lights up like a the most beautifully decorated forest cabin in a world covered with hundreds of tiny stars.

"Waaaaaaaaaaw....omg" Yaz covers her mouth with her hand speechless at how beautiful it looked.

Doctor jumped of the roof and walked over to her. She put her arm around Yaz's shoulder smiling satisfied with her work
Yaz wrapped her arm around her waist leaning on her, enjoying in this moment that felt like real magic.

"It's our home Yaz" Doctor said smiling looking at the lights

This sentence went through Yaz's heart like the most beautiful melody she ever heard in her life....It's our home...their's and Doctors...and it looked like a home. Like one of those tiny cute houses surrounded with snow, decorated for Christmas where you can smell freshly baked cakes and cinnamon coming through the window. It was their HOME
Yaz wipes a tears from her cheeks and Doctor noticed it with a corner of her eye. She turned around and cuped her face with hands


"Mmmm..?"Yaz mumbled slushy

"Would you fix yourself to me? For whatever time we have on this world?"

Yaz choked for a second trying not to faint

"You whaaaaat?" she said the most stupid thing ever shocked to the bone

"Please" Doctor looked deep into her eyes letting her face go and reaching for her hands

"Yeeees!!!...Yes...and bloody Yes!!!"

She couldn't smile more or cry more or do anything anymore she just thought she will wake up in Sheffield to the sound of her alarm clock and this will all end up being a dream

Doctor reached into her pocket and placed something in her hand. Yaz looked and choked again. It was a Tardis key.

"Are you for real?"

"Yes...I think so...last time I checked"

Doctor stroked her face looking at her gently. She had that special face the softest one she only had for Yaz. She pulled her in for a kiss

That night Yaz couldn't sleep from excitement. She was lying in bed and looking at the key. Doctor gave her a chain so she can have it around her neck all the time. Her own key, key to Doctor's hearts...The most precious thing that Doctor could have ever given her...the most precious thing Tardis could have given her. She kept waiting to wake up from this impossible dream. She was certain she will because this couldn't be a reality. No way..
Doctor walks in a room takes her coat off and sits on a bed taking her boots of.

"I was know your room?"

"Yes..what about it?" she lied on her back still twirling the key in her hands

"You sleep here now all the time"


"Well you don't need it do you? Fancy just moving in?"

"Stop...just stop" Yaz jumped and sat in a bed

"What?...What did I say?" Doctor turns confused

"I can't I just can't do this anymore...First you like, you know...decide to be with me. Then you're dazzling me for days taking me to all those beautiful places having a best time of my life being super nice and romantic. Then you ask me to fix myself to you and you give me Tardis key. And now this!!!!...Are you dying???? What is going on?? " Yaz's stress levels have just hit the roof

"Whaaaaaat??" Doctor bursts out laughing and Yaz pushes her with her hand

"Stop laughing!!!...It's not funny!!...Is there like a disaster coming that you're not telling me about??...Why all this?"

Doctor is still laughing covering her face with her hand...she's really trying not to but she can't stop.

Yaz pushes her again harder "Stop laughing!!"

Doctor grabs her hand and tips her on a bed lying on top of her and pinning her down hard to the mattress

"Noo...I'm not dying...not just yet. Yes some disaster is probably on a way because it always is. As for all the other stuff...Get used to it because you're mine now...forever"

Yaz fell silent, her breathing slowing down. She releases one of her hands bringing it to the nape of Doctors neck "I want you" she says quietly stroking the back of her neck and playing with her hair looking deep into her eyes

"I know you do" Doctor smiles cheeky

"Nooo...I want you tonight. Please" she says palming her cheek gently 

Doctor gazed at her for a while in silence, feeling her breathing underneath her not saying anything. She relased her grip and ran ger thumb over Yaz's lips looking at her closing those deep brown eyes and started kissing her passionately.

Yaz flipped her over and started kissing her lips and her face going down to her neck whiles sliding braces of her shoulders. She lifted her shirts up, first just slightly, kissing her stomach and running her hands down her waist, until she took them off completely. She let her fingers and her lips explore every inch, every curve of her beautiful tiny body.
Doctors fingers played with her hair and she would curve herself towards every touch. Her eyes closed and lips slightly open. She was unusually still moving slowly following Yaz's lips on her body and gently guiding her hands every so often. Yaz slowly unbuttoned her trousers, kissing every part of her soft sweet skin that she would reveal until she undressed her completely.

There was unusuall calmness in a room. None of that wild passionate energy she got so used to. This was different and so much more than she imagined. She leyed next to her looking down on Doctor's face whilst running her hand all over her, exploring every inch of her with her fingertips, studding her reactions to every touch. The way she lifted herself of the bed and curved her back, the way she bit her lips and made slight changes in her face. Yaz gave herself time...knowing full well that Doctor is giving her time as well.

Doctor slightly opened her eyes gazing at Yaz. She was stroking her face moving her hair away and smiling ever so gently looking like she's in some sort of a daze. She pulled her in and brushed her lips on hers licking them and kissing them gently arching her back and monad loudly grabbing the back of Yaz's neck when she felt her finally inside her.
She started kissing her harder and more passionately then ever gently tugging her hair. Yaz was taking her slowly and gently, Doctor moving herself with her rhythm lifting her hips off the mattress.
She was wrapping herself around her and moving her herself closer biting on her lips and tracing her hand up and down Yaz's spine tucking her face into Yaz's neck moaning into her skin.
She was in daze up with the stars. Her mind was so still as if Yaz has stopped the time itself for her. Her every touch unlocking parts of her that where locked away deep down in her soul. She has never felt so safe and never in her long life felt so loved and so much desired. She was her universe her safe place under the stars.

Yaz felt her trembling she brushed her slightly opened lips on to Yaz's and released a loudest moan breathing deeply in her face grabbing Yaz's hand not letting her pull it back "No..stay" she said quietly and flew away Yaz feeling her cramping around her. It was the most amazing feeling Yaz had ever had.

A light orange glowing haze started hugging her body that scared Yaz at first but her face was so calm she still held on to Yaz wrapped around her locked herself in and not letting her go. Her cold skin suddenly felt warm almost hot to touch and this energy tingled Yaz's skin. She opened her eyes just a bit and smiled. She was still breathing hard. Her cheeks blushed inches away from Yaz's.

"I adore you my love" she said quietly and kissed her gently

They stayed like that for a long time cuddling and running hands down each other under the covers, kissing passionately.
Time has stopped for them both on this planet far amongst the stars. Buried in ice and snow they both wished they could stay there forever in each others arms.