Chapter 9



Yaz was in a kitchen preparing herself breakfast. She was still sleepy, and her hair was draping down her shoulders over the dressing gown. She sat at the bar making herself eat with eyes half shut desperately trying to wake up. Doctor walked in already dressed. She's been awake for hours already.

"Morning" she reaches over and gives a small kiss on a cheek

"Mornig. I woke up you were not there. Did you even sleep?"

"Yah...about an hour"

"If I only had your energy" she moans half asleep

"If you did we'd never leave the bedroom"

Ryan was about to enter the kitchen when Doctor made her comment that almost made him choke. He stood at door and carefully stepped back absolutely petrified their will hear him. He was about to leave but Doctors voice froze him in one place

"It's fine Ryan, you can come in"

"Morning" Yaz smiled eating her cereal

"Ah..yah..Morning" he hit the bar trying to get to the fridge

"How did you sleep?" Doctor asks

"Not bad...strange to be back in my room again" he says with his head in a fridge

"You can always come back you know?" Doctor says smiling

"Something it does cross my mind. So, I heard you're stuck here?"

"Yap...Tardis being stubborn on a Doctor. I feel sure she'll be in a better mood by spring" Yaz looks at Doctor across the kitchen

"Oh I'm sure she'll be fine. Talking about that...I have to finish some stuff before everyone gets up. You to have a nice time"

"Alright...see ya" Yaz smiles and Doctor kisses the top of her head on a way out leaving Ryan speechless with a bagel stuck in his mouth.

But as soon as Doctor left the kitchen he was all over Yaz

"So and the Doctor?" he giggled and nudged her shoulder "Blimey when did that happen?"

"Wouldn't you liken to know?" she smiles

"Oh come on Yaz!!...I'm your best mait"

Yaz shakes her head and continues to eat

"Seriously Yaz...I'm happy for you"

"Mornin...Happy about what?" Graham walks in

"Hey Graham...oh nothing...just chatting" Yaz replied smiling

"Doctor and her are a thing" Ryan giggles

"Ryan!!! Shut it!!" she throws cereal on him across the table

" and Doc?" Graham smiled "that's nice...seen you look at her with those big brown eyes Yaz"

"OMG now everyone's gonna know" she slumps her head on a table

"What's wrong with that? So, they should they should"

"You're a grait girl Yaz and Doctor is absolute ace so chill out and enjoy" Ryan says nudging her "So what are we doing today?"

"Don't know...Doctor has some plan...We are going out so get dressed warm"

Doctor took them all to see the frozen waterfalls and they took a long walk through the forest. Slowly walking back Doctor was chatting to Graham.

"Doctor! Yaz calls her worried

"Doooctor! Yaz yells loud to get her attention

"Yes Yaz?" she finally replied

"Where is Tardis?" she's pointing to the empty spot where Tardis used to stand

"Whaaa...?" Doctor runs to the place walking around in circles like crazy "Is this a joke or what? You have gotta be kidding me?"

"Are you two sure it was here?" Graham makes a comment confused

" totally was...look" Yaz points to lack of snow on the ground

"What is going on?" Jack is looking around together with everyone else confused

Doctor takes her sonic out and scans the area. "New it...I neew I should have looked into it"

"Look into what Doc?" Graham asked

"Doctor look, footsteps in a snow!" Di and Dan are pointing

Yaz comes up to her "It's to do with what we saw isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so Yaz. Kalvians...those little....Aaaaaarhh!!!" she yells mad

"Who are Kalvians?" Ryan askes

"Space scavengers...they find stuff all over the galaxy and pull it apart. Selling's what they do. But what are they doing here. This isn't their territory?"

Doctor started walking towards the forest pissed off

"Where's she going?" Graham askes confused

"Dunno but let's go" Yaz follows her "Doctor wait..." catches up with her "Are you alright?"

"No I'm not alright....I'm not alright at all Yaz....Those little...You know what, every every freaking tiiiime!!!!"

Doctor is having a complete melt down yelling along the way walking so fast everyone is having trouble keeping up

"What is it with me Yaz? Like I told you...didn't I tell you? You were right...I'm shit magnet...that's what I am....All I wanted was a holiday...You and romantic holiday!!!"

"Is that what this is? I thought Tardis is broken?" Ryan comments

"Shut up Ryan!!!" Doctor yells at him

"Sorry she's been having a rough time lately " Yaz turns to Ryan apologetic

"No kidding " Jack comments

"Where are we going?" Dan asks

"To get my Tardis from those little...Aaaaarrrrhh!!!!! I could just strangle them now!...I won't...But I really coud"

"Doctor!!" Jack yells but she's ignoring him

"Docotooor!" he yells harder

She stops and turns around "Whaaaat?"

He points to the vortex manipulator "Why are we waking?"

She takes a deep breath and slumps her shoulders "Iiiii don't knoooow Jack" she says utterly miserable

"Just tell me where we need to go" Jack says smiling

"North side of the mountain Jack" Yaz replies instead wanted to give Doctor a brake "When the avalanche hit we detected anomalies there and life forms. So obviously this is where they are"

"How did they transport Tardis?" Dan asks

"Teleports, they have teleports. They can transport practically anything, but only small distances" Jack explains

"Doctor are we doing this" Jack turns to the her

"Yes...Sorry for yelling"

"That's fine Doctor. I'd be right pissed off as well iff I was you" Dan says gently

"Thanks Dan. Alright fam... let’s get the Tardis" she finally smiles

They get to mountain and there's a massive ship marooned in a snow and entrance to the cave next to it.

Doctor scans the ship with a sonic "Nobody is here, they must have left. All the life support systems are down. They must be in the caves"

They walked inside and there's a little tiny man no taller than 4 feet standing next to the Tardis trying to figure out how to get inside.

"Oi...that's my ship"

"Who are you? Stand back!!" the little man points a weapon at them all

"The owner of this blue box you took. And who are you? And why did you take my ship?"

"Your ship? Nah...Not any more"

"How rude...Can you belive how rude that was?" she looks at Dan who just nodded his head in confusion

"You can't just take it"

"We take what we want...iff abandoned it's ours"

"It was not abandoned...I'm the owner"

"You can't be, I found was abandoned"

"It wasn't abandoned we went for a walk"

"That's impossible, you're lying...nobody lives was abandoned"

"Did you just...Did he just call me a liar?" she turns to everyone

"I think he just did" Jack smiles finding this quite amusing

"This planet is not are lying it's not yours I found it"

"I knoooow it isss" she's now getting extremely frustrated waiving her hands around...

"We're here on vacation and we went for a walk" she stops and twists her face "Why...why am I justifying myself?" she walks over to him and goes closer to his face "Look mate...this is my ship and I'm taking it back" she points her finger at him

" abandoned it!!!" the little man acts smug thinking he's got the upper hand

"It wasn't abandoned!!!!...God how many times will I say that?" She turns around to the fam " Am I not making myself clear here or what? Besides...what are you even doing here? You're miles away from home?"

"We crushed, engine failure. But this ship will do"

"It's not yooooour ship! Wait, did you say crushed? Oooh so you caused the avalanche. I thought that was weird"

"Move away" he pushed on a side and approached the Tardis. He's trying to get in but can't open the door and Tardis starts humming "How do you open this thing?"

Doctor make a smug face "You really think I will tell you that?"

"Oh look that looks nice...I think I will just take it" he rippes the Tardis plate of the door

"Aaaaaaaa.....!!!" Doctor holds her head "Whyyyyy would you do thaaaaat?"

"Oh god he's dead" Graham whispers to Ryan

"Hey mate...stop that...what's your problem?" Dan approaches him

"And did you say we?...Who else is here?"
Doctor asked pulling his sleeve

"Doctor, remember I saw several readings that day" Yaz says across the room

"So you di you did...So who else is here?"

A womans voice screaming through the cave broke the conversation

"Tangy noo!!" the man gets immediately distracted

"Hey...who is that?" Doctor grabs his sleeve but he ripped it out her hand "Let go of don't understand "

"Well make me understand" she yells

"Stay away from me!!!"

The man suddenly looked extremely stressed and he ran down the cave. The screaming continued

"OMG what's going on?" Di gets stressed and worried

"Don't know?" Yaz looks at her worried

"Come on let's go" Doctor turns to everyone

They ran down the cave and entered a much bigger cavern. Suddenly four extremely frightened children came out in front of the Doctor and her face dropped.
A heavily pregnant woman was lying on floor of the cavern on makeshift beds made out of everything they could find. She's screaming in pain and a man is stroking her hair worried out his mind

"OMG!!!!Doctor???" Yaz grabs her for her sleeve

"Doctor???? Are you a doctor?" man turns to her hopeful "Can you help her? Please!!" he begs with desperation in his eyes

"Yes...yes I can..." she runs to the woman and slumps to the floor next to her "How long has she been like this?"

"It started this morning" man replied scared out of his mind

"Right" Doctor turns to the woman "Can you tell me exactly where do you feel pain?"

The woman shows the sides of her tummy. Her hair was all wet from the sweat and her face looked tortured from pain

"Listen ..I can help her, but we need to get her to my ship"

"Do what you need to do...please just help her. I'm sorry about your ship I was desperate to get off the planet...I'm so sorry " the man pleads

"Don't worry about that now..." she turns to the fam "We need to get to Tardis fast...this baby needsto come out"

"I'll carry her" Jack reached out

"Guys help him out...Yaz, Di get the kids let's go people"

They get into the Tardis and Doctor drags the mattress to the middle of the room..."put her there"

"So sorry it's not something more comfortable but I have everything's just closer for me" she says gently to the woman who screams in pain again

"Yaz!!! I need hot water, towels, scissors, sheet, pillow and that green stuff from the fridge"

"Sure Doctor" she nodded her head and started running towards the kitchen

"Hey we'll help!!" Dan yells and looks at Ryan and Graham

Di turns to kids who are standing completely petrified in the middle of the room. She crouches down to their level and speaks softly

"Hey, your mum is in good hands, don't worry. This lady is a Doctor and she's very smart. How about we go and get some sweets in a mean time, and you can see you mum later?" she reaches with her hand and a child takes it. She walks out of the room with them

Doctor ran to the console and grabbed the shot including few of the other gadgets and then rushed back to the woman who was by this point in agony from pain.

"This will be quite uncomfortable but it will ease your pain" She gives her a shot in her neck.

Yaz and others returned back with all the stuff she requested.

"Right thanks guys. Now please, lady needs some privacy. Yaz, stay with me!" Doctor says whiles placing a pillow under a woman’s head trying to make her as comfortable as she possibly could

"Yap..yap sure Doc" they all turn around and leave

"Dotor?? Is she going to be fine?" Yaz looks at her worried

"Sure Yaz...don't worry...we came just in time"

An hour later Doctor and Yaz came to the library smiling.

"We have a baby on board...and she is adorable" Doctor says smiling

Everyone sight relived.

She comes up to the children who were sitting next to Di. "Your mum is safe now and you have a little sister. You can go and see her now" she smiles softly looking at Di

"Thanks Doctor, I'll take them" Di says smiling

Doctor slumped herself on a sofa exhausted and Yaz sat next to her. "You did really good Yaz. I'm proud of you" she smiles

"How did you know what to do?" Yaz asked still a bit shocked from everything

"I delivered few babies in my life Yaz...But she was lucky...few more hours and....well...But it all went well"

"He stole Tardis to save his family? That's really sad. Doctor what are we gonna do? Can we help?"

"Can their ship be repaired? " Graham asks

"Yah Doctor can't we just repair it?" Ryan added

"That's exactly what we're going to do. But not today. Today we all need to rest. Yaz can you get them settled and I'll just go and have a look at their ship with Jack so we can plan for tomorrow"

"Sure" Yaz get up

"Don't wait up Yaz I'll be working till late today"

"Why am I not surprised?" she passed by her but Doctor grabbed her hand and pulling her back

"Won't be long, promise" she says softly

" promised"

"Go and rest everyone. Jack ready?" Doctor jumped of the sofa ready to go

"I am when you are."