Chapter 4



Doctor was outside of Tardis gathering some soil and plant samples for her little projects. She was crawling on a ground like a kid getting herself inside off all the bushes. She's had a massive magnifying glass attached to her head and the whole bag filled with tiny little bottles and all kinds of other little trinkets

"Aaaa...aren't you a nice little guy" she spoke to a little lizard on a branch but he got scared and hissed on her "Alright no need to get upset...Not chatty I get it. Well go on then"


She could hear Yaz calling her from the distance so she picked up her bag and rushed back.

"Hey Yaz...I'm here" she waives to her from the pathway waking towards her "Sorry I just thought I go get my samples before the snow"

Yaz started giggling the moment she saw the Doctor with her little bag and magnifying glass making one of her eyes looking really big and funny. She looked like one of those silly scientists from cartoons.

"Whaaat? Why are you laughing?" she askes confused approaching Yaz

Yaz giggled "What is that thing you're wearing? " she lifted the magnifying glass up whilst Doctor still looked at her confused not understanding what's so funny

"You're so silly sometimes you know" she kisses her softly "my silly Bighead, what would I do without you?"

"You would be stuck in boring Sheffield sorting out parking disputes" she makes a smug face

"Ouch, that hurt" she holds her hand and starts walking

"Just saying Yaz" Doctor sees no problem bragging about her massive importance in Yaz's life

Yaz kisses her on cheek "I suppose you're right" she laughs

"So, how are you feeling today?" she smirks remembering last nights circus

"Woke up with a headache but Tardis gave me tablet so now I'm fine. I don't remember anything"

"Oh well maybe it's for the better "

"What? Why?" she looks at her confused

"Just saying. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm hungry?"

"I'm starving! Hey I had and idea. How about we take all the food and we go for a picnic? You said it will snow by the end of today so I thought we use the time we have"

" the idea Yaz...Yes, let's do picnics. We haven't done that in a wile"

They're in the Tardis kitchen and Yaz is packing up the freezer bag going through the list

"So, sandwiches check, juice check, pickled onions check, custard cream cookies check, mosquito spray check..."

"Don't forget some ice-cream Yaz" Doctor added giggling

"Very funny" Yaz makes a face "Did I forget something?"

"Water...oh and towels....get some towels...we might go for a swim"

"Swim...oh well I need to take my biking then"

"Why? Seen you naked" Doctor makes a cheeky face "besides we're all alone here Yaz"

"O la la Doctor...skinny dipping...does that mean I'll see you naked as well?" Yaz smirked

"Might...just might Yaz" Doctor walks out of the kitchen winking

"Don't forget Tardis key like last time!!!" Yaz yells from the kitchen

Yaz is waiting for the Doctor by the door

"Doctor...come on!" she yells inpatient

"Coming.. Coming!!!" She runs through the control room and quickly grabs something from the console stuffing it into her pocket

"Thanks for that" she turns to Tardis smiling

She runs to Yaz grabbing her hand pulling her along through the door

They walked for at least an hour through already familiar paths and then taking a different route down the hill.

"Where are you taking me?" Yaz smiles exited

"It's a surprise Yaz" doctor got down the pile of steep rocks "Be careful Yaz" she grabs for her waist "I got you" she lowers her down safely and reaches for her hand again

Few hundred meters down the path they stopped at view point. Yaz then relased where Doctor is taking her. The beautiful waterfalls she took her to see the first day looked absolutely amazing from the view point.

"This is where we're going?" she looked at Doctor with eyes filled with so much love it made Doctors hearts skip the beat

"Yap...let's go...not long to go Yaz" she reaches for her hand hand and continues down the path.

They reached the valley relatively fast and found a perfect spot between the rocks. Close enough to enjoy the water fall but far enough to avoid the strong current in the river. They lied all their stuff on a ground and Yaz went up to the water.

"It's is so beautiful" she couldn't stop admiring the nature

"So...swimming?" Yaz giggles unbuttoning her trousers and kicking her boots of her feet

"You go first I'll join you" Doctor sat on the rocks smiling

"Oh come ooon you promised...besides...I'm getting naked!" Yaz was giggling and seductively unbuttoning her shirt flinging it at the Doctor who just shook her head smiling in complete disbelief of her behavior

She stripped down and walked into the water slowly. It was surprisingly cold and it gave her shivers at first

"OMG...that's really cold!!!" she's walked in slowly and just plonked herself in

"Come ooon...Doctor!!"

She stood at the shore looking at at Yaz smiling

"Alright, alright I'm coming...Where's the fire?" she gets her coat off and her boots

"Look see...I'm not going to look"

Yaz covered her eyes and turned her back, but in few seconds she became cheeky and turned around for just for a moment peeking through her fingers. Doctor looked beautiful, her gentle tiny body glistening in a sun left Yaz breathless. Suddenly she seemed so frail to Yaz. A tiny beautiful dainty woman that looked nothing like the Time Lord that sounded so intimidating. But Yaz turned her back again.

In a moment she could feel Doctors arms around her. She finally turned around just to meet her beautiful eyes. They looked even more green at this moment, reflecting the color of the water like crystals. Yaz put her arms around her neck and pulled herself closer. Her hart was beating so fast as she felt their bare bodies touching for the first time and Doctors hands running down her back gently. She suddenly wrapped her legs around her and kissed her passionately squeezing herself against her and stroking the back of neck. They kissed long and gentle stopping for few seconds at the time and giggling gazing at each other.
Doctor hands where running down her body giving her a head rush.
Yaz wanted her so badly, her fear slowly disappearing with every touch. Doctor felt for so long as something forbidden that she dared not hope to have for herself. But now like this, wrapped up around her kissing her soft lips and having her hands holding her tight, she finally started to grasp that she is truly hers, she finally understood Doctors words spoken to her that day in a library.

Doctor started to get her head wonk again. Yaz's warm body pressed against hers like that has completely throwing her out. And before she does something really stupid she grabbed her thither around the waist and dipped them both under water.

They slowly started swimming back but Yaz stopped and stayed in a water.

"You go...won't look promise" she says lovingly

Doctor grabs her hand under the water and pulls her in. They stood up in a shallow water up to their waist. Doctor stroked her wet hair moving it from her face.

"Did I tell you how much I love you?"

"No" she pouts her lips

"Oh no, don't do that...Why you do this to me? Why are you so cute? "

Yaz giggles and puts her arms around her neck

"You are really beautiful"

Doctor makes a bit of dismissive face

" really are Bighead...You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" Yaz gazed at her again with that same look as iff she was her whole universe

Doctor didn't say anything. She didn't really know how to react to that, but it made her hearts skip the beat. She's wasn't even sure anyone has ever said something so beautiful to her. So she just pulled her in for a kiss.

As soon as they got out of the water Doctor quickly took a big towel wrapping them both in it...

"I'm so cold now" Yaz was shivering and squeezing herself in Doctors arms under the towel. Doctor didn't feel cold, but then again she very rarely did. She just used parts of the towel to quickly dry out Yaz's hair as much as she could.

"Yaz honey...let's get you dressed. I'm not cold but I'm scared you will get ill. You're shaking...Maybe swimming wasn't such a good idea after all" she had a worried look on her face. Yaz was really shivering a lot and her lips went blue and where 2 hours away from Tardis

Doctor got into her bouncy self again quickly getting herself dressed and then putting clothes on Yaz as iff she was a child. Yaz started to laugh because she almost got her shirt inside out in a frazzle

"Listen...I will get fire going. I want your hair to dry out before we leave...and we need to leave before dark...because know...there's stuff here that...oh well...never mind that...let's just get going"

"Alright Doctor" Yaz was giggling but she was really struggling to keep herself warm by this point.

They both quickly got dressed and Doctor zoomed to the edge of the forest bringing wood for the fire.

"Doctor OMG you will ruin your coat"

Yaz made a comment seeing Doctor caring all the wood inside her coat.

"'s just wood Yaz...who cares about the coat. Tardis can provide me with another one anyway" she drops it all on a ground

She quickly made fire and they sat next to each other. Doctor wrapped Yaz in a picnic blanket to keep her warm. Yaz leaned her head on her shoulder happier then ever. Her hair was slowly drying out and she started to feel warm again.

"Are you peckish?" Doctor scrunched her face "I'd do anything for a sandwich now!"

By this point all the walking, swimming and wood gathering got her really hungry

"Oh definitely" Yaz jumps to get food from the freezer bag and sat back next to the Doctor

"Tell me stories again. You know, all your stories about where you've travelled" she put her head on her shoulder again completely enjoying in a moment

"Really? I didn't think you like it I thought you get bored?"

"Nooo...what ever gave you that idea?"

"Because you always fall asleep"

"I fall asleep because I love it so much it makes me daydream. You know... like when you're a kid and someone tells you fairytale before bed"

"Aaa like my granny used to tell me about Solitract"

Yaz makes face but goes with it " that"

"Oh, I get it...ok"

They stayed like that for another hour. Doctor telling about her travels until Yaz again drifted off and fell asleep on her shoulder. Now she was warm and fed she suddenly felt tiered and Doctors stories came as a lullaby.

"Yaz! Wake up, Yaz" Doctor whispers and Yaz opened her eyes

"Sorry to wake you up, but we have move on before dark. We have a long way back"

"Mmmm...alright" she rubes her sleepy eyes

Walking back seemed longer than walking to the waterfall but they finally reached Tardis after almost two hours. Yaz was dragging her feet by this point.
When they walked in Yaz hanged herself over the railing completely exhausted

"Can we just have a lazy evening? Pleaseee. I'm soo tired"

"Sure...what ever you want to do"

Doctor was still bouncing around as iff it was early morning

"Where do you get your energy from?"

She looked at Doctor in complete disbelief. She's at the console sorting out her plant and soil samples she gathered, not showing any signs of being tiered at all

"Why don't you take a nap Yaz. I'll wake you up when I'm done....oh yes...and take this" she zooms to her in a second passing her a massive tablet the size of plum

Yaz looked at it weirdly rolling it in her hand "What's that?"

"Oh just something so you don't get it"

"Alright I'm off" she walks over to the Doctor and slumps herself on her back holding her around her waist "wake me when you're done?"

"Will do" she turns her head for a short kiss and gets back to her samples

Yaz walked up the stairs and stopped on a top making a cheeky face "You look nice naked"

Doctor lifts her head up pointing a finger at her "Oi...stop that...bed now!!!!"

"Just saying!" Yaz giggled walking away

Doctor looks down shaking her head and smiling "I've created a monster...Hey don't you start as well!!!" she turns to Tardis "Yes...Yes I know you like her...I like her too"

Tardis hums..."Alright yes, I get it!!...It just wasn't the time, give me a brake!"