Chapter 39




It was down outside and still dark when the Doctor woke up. She still had a little time before she had to get up so she rested her head on Yaz's stomach and gently ran her hand over it. Yaz slept soundly and she was thankful for that because most people would wake up in the morning to what she always did to Yaz. It involved various things from patting her belly to running her fingers over it, talking to it, kissing it, pressing her ears against it and using a stethoscope from time to time to listen to the baby's heartbeat. She was literally obsessed with it and was well aware of her obsession. But in her mind, of all the miracles she had ever seen in her long life, this child was one she couldn't wrap her head around. By this point she was pretty sure how it happened from a biological point of view, but the fact that it was hers was something that made her happier than anything in her existence. She often wondered what she would look like and how similar she would be to her or Yaz. She wondered something else that she didn't dare talk about. Something that was hard for her to think about as well, but she couldn't escape from it either, the regeneration. She knew her child had two hearts, but she wasn't sure how similar she really was to her. She was sure of one thing though, that she did not want her child to be human. Mortality was something she couldn't deal with at best, and the thought of both her wife and her child being human was too much to bear. But she also didn't want her to share the same pain of regeneration because she knew too well what that incurred.
She knew for a fact Yaz shared her thoughts, because she told her numerous times she wished her baby wasn't human. But unlike her, Yaz embraced her own mortality and simply wanted to leave something of hers behind which in itself made Doctor hearts bleed. She would often talk about it in terms of thousands of years and almost prepared everything now to be left behind which Doctor found morbid and dark and would purposely stop her from even finishing her sentences or thoughts.
She didn't want to think about it and wasn't prepared to give up either. She was going to turn the universe around on its head to keep her if she had to. But now her thoughts became too dark, so she refocused back on her baby and smiled tapping Yaz's stomach.

"Darling, I will piss myself if you continue" Yaz said with a sleepy voice stroking her hair and looked down

"Sorry" she grinned apologetic "I was bored"

"I can see" she smiled "Help me to roll out I really need to pee. Then you can continue"

"Alright" she gets up happily and reached for her hands

"Morning" Yaz smiled into her lips when she got up

"Morning beautiful" she kissed her shortly "Go pee...I have too as well"

"My god it's already warm here" she moaned wobbling to the bathroom

"I know, could you imagine the noon Yaz. As I said, if it's too much just go to Tardis Yaz, please don't play with this I am worried. Iff, I knew this I wouldn't brought you"

"Whaaa? You would've left me?"

"I never said that Yaz...all I'm saying is that if I knew this, I would've found another way. Don't get stroppy with me"

"I'm not stroppy" she brushed her teeth complaining then wobbled back to the bed

"You are a little Yaz you must admit it"

For the past month they had shared the bathroom without any shame which clouded Yaz's mind in so many ways to think that just 7 months ago she was afraid to put her hands on her and now she is sitting on the toilet peeing next to her while she's brushing her teeth. It also kind of blue her mind that it was such a human thing to do as well.

"Fine I am a little" she peaked over to Nardo, but he was sound asleep curled up in a little ball "God he's so cute"

"I know, he woke up last night so scared I had to rock him back to sleep. Honestly Yaz it makes me furious that someone can do such a thing. Also please do not take him with you...I don't want trouble" she said crawling back into bed

"What do you mean?"

"That guy isn't the only one who would pay good money for him. Just leave him in Tardis before you go. He'll be happy" she said pulling Yaz over and draping her leg over her side

It was something Yaz got so used to it almost made her laugh how Doctor who was so tiny was man handling her with surprising ease but also not even asking her opinion on a matter either, just simply dragged her along possessively to myself. She absolutely loved it and wouldn't dream of complaining about it.

"Sleep Yaz it's so early" she said kissing her forehead and ran her finger down her nose so gently it made Yaz sleepy in a matter of seconds.

"Mmmm...I love you" she said curling up and slipped her arm around her

"I love you too beautiful"

She had to leave in about an hour, but she decided to enjoy in a cuddle first.




"Morning" Doctor smiled as she walked down to the courtyard

"Morning Doctor" Hakim said haply

"Morning" Ryan said yawning "This is really early Doctor" he moaned

"Come on's not that bad...How many times you get to see a sunrise?"


" enjoy in it. You know the average person will only get to see 29 366 sunrises in their lifetime and that's under a condition you live up to you 80s"

"That's depressing" Ryan said dragging himself

"It is Ryan...and that's why you should cherish each and every one of them"

" many have you seen" he askes

She scrunched her face thinking "Well, I should have seen around a million Ryan...but I wasn't looking every morning"

"Brilliant...can we move on to something more cheerful or you just woke up today and decided to choose violence"

"Doctor...when was a last time you were here?"

"1200 years ago, Hakim...a lot has changed since"

"And the war...what was it all about?"
"The ruling family Hakim were quite brutal, and the people raised up against the suppression...can't say I blame them at all"

"But they were you friends Doctor?" Ryan asked confused

"So was the Master" she smiled sideways whilst walking


"Who's the Master? I'm confused?" Hakim asked

"Oh, Doctor's psychotic ex-boyfriend"

"Oi you!!...Friend Ryan...not a boyfriend.... although I did have a man crush once but not with him" she scrunched her face thinking

"Oh god.... delete delete" Ryan said plugging his ears

"Ryan, I did not say anything about being intimate you know"

"OMG what the hell happened to you?" Ryan said shocked

"We're friends Ryan...we talk...You talk to me about Sonya"

"I'm gonna murder you in a minute now" he nodded towards Hakim

"Neah Ryan relax" Hakim laughed "...I know my daughter isn't just holding hands with you...I wasn't born yesterday you know"

"See" Doctor looks at him smug "Anyone hungry?"

"I'm staying in a hotel tomorrow" Ryan shook his head




They came to the big warehouse looking place where six other people were already waiting for them, together with the whole facility fully equipped with everything they possibly needed.
"Aaaaa morning" Doctor walked in happily, big smile across her face

"Hello Doctor" a man approached her "I'm Inu"

"Nice to meet to Inu, this is Hakim and Ryan..."

"Hi!" they both shook hands

"So, you really put effort into this"


She walks around massive desks filled with high tech equipment and what Hakim and Ryan could recognize as some sort of computer monitors or projectors looking more like holograms like the once Doctor has in her Tardis

"I must say I'm impressed" she bends down over the table to look closer

"Also, I understood by your messages we will need to build the casing. We already have it arranged in the other facility to be custom made by your blueprints"

"That's brilliant..."

"Waaaw look at all this" Hakims eyes open wide

"Oh, we're gonna have some fun Hakim" she says grinning

"So how do we build this thing from scratch Doctor? I'm confused?" Ryan asked picking up some small device from the table and twirling it in his hands

"Same as any other machine Ryan, it's all just bunch of parts put together. We just need to make all the parts"

"Right...well, sounds easy" she smirks

"Well then...let's get to work" Hakim pulls on his braces

Yaz was in a bathroom just stepping out of the shower when suddenly she felt a kick in her stomach so hard, she had to stop for a second "Wooow...what was that girl?" she laughed "You're getting stronger"

She picked a nice pair of cotton bottoms and a loose tunic that Doctor got for her. She ordered it special delivery saying it's from a very well-known maternity store. In fact, she went a bit mad by ordering so much stuff for her that Yaz had a whole new wardrobe. But she didn't complain because it was all extremely comfortable, and fabrics were beautiful. She was utterly spoiling her in every possible way so much that Yaz felt guilty for not being able to reciprocate. She just got ready when her mum knocked on a door

"Hey mum...Where's Sonya?"

"She said it's too hot and stayed in her room"

Oh, well that's a shame...I was looking forward in us all going together" she shrugs "Oh well, her loss...By the way...I need some help" she lifts the shoes "please Doctor does it for me"

"Oh" she laughs "sure darling"

"I can do it" she sits on a bed "...but it's really hard to reach"

"I know...don't worry about it...She is really getting into this isn't she?"

"She is...still getting lost in some stuff bless her...but she is trying so hard"

"I know I can see...oh what happened to the little animal?"

"I took him to Tardis...Doctor said I shouldn't really be carrying him around"

"Oh...Yaz how big is the Tardis?" she got up and reached for Yaz's hands

"Huge's like a world inside...It's got loads of rooms a massive library, rainforest..."

"Yaz, are you taking a piss out of me now?"

"No mum I'm not. I would show you...but that's her decision not mine...sorry...she's very private like that" Yaz said as they left the room




"Hey look at that!" Yaz points to a man leading a strange animal across the street that looked like a mix of cow and a mammoth

"God I can't wrap my head around this Yaz...seriously...I feel like I'm on a set of a movie"

"I know.... I felt the same in a beginning mum"

"What are you two planning when that baby arrives Yaz?"

"Being parents" she giggles happily

"Yaz...I'm not joking"

"I know you're not...sorry" she pulls her hand and kisses her cheek "Don't worry...we will stay put for quite a while"

"Really Yaz? Honestly you actually believe that?"

"Mmmm...I do" she said chewing on some treat she bought on one of the stands "Doctor had enough anyway mum...she took us on that place because she wanted to get away.... she had a bit of a melt down with everything that happened in past few years.... It wasn't easy for her"

"I wouldn't know would I Yaz...I have no idea what you were doing for all those years baby...But you have grew up so much"

"Let's go for lunch...I need to pee, and my feet are really swollen from the heat...besides Doctor said I need to keep away from the sun as much as I can"

"You're just deflecting answering me Yaz"

"Seriously I'm not mum..."

They sat down in a little place that looked like it's serving some nice food. Yaz was guessing really hoping she made a right choice. She was hopping that it tastes as nice as it smelled, she also learned a long time ago never to ask what she was really eating and just going along with it as long as it wasn't poisonous or giving her stomach cramps which did happen on several accounts and was extremely embarrassing as well. But she kept to some basic instructions from the Doctor to avoid certain colors at all costs.

"This looks nice?" Nadjia sat down and looked around the cozy restaurant half tavern half fast-food place

"Aaaa...that looks familiar I suggest we have that mum" Yaz points to them cooking some nice stew in massive pot over open fire "Doctor had that the first evening and I tried it. It was really nice...although her taste in food can be dubious sometimes" she laughed

"Whatever Yaz...I trust you not to give me food poisoning" she laughed "It does smell really nice though"

"I have to trust myself as well mum...not easy without her around" she looked at her mum and suddenly felt really bad for avoiding her questions. She was playing dumb a bit and now she felt bad about doing so. In the end of day her mother was extremely supportive in everything, and she owed an explanation

"Mum...come on...tell me what do you wanna know? What's bothering you so much?"

"First off all those bruises you have on your wrists Yaz...I did see them you know and I'm afraid to ask what they are"

Yaz pulled the sleeves over her wrists looking down at the table for a moment


"We ran into some trouble mum...but I'm fine..."

"Yaaaaz..." she sighed rolling her eyes "Who did that to you?"

"Mum....listen...what I do with the Doctor is no different than what I chose to do as a police officer ...alright ...there's always a's a part of a job, it comes with the territory. But it's not something I would ever give up on"

"But you're having a child now Yaz...both of you"

"And that's why this is the last trip mum before she comes...and it will be a last trip for quite some time...until we figure stuff out...alright. There's a lot more we need to figure out as well. Solders have kid's different"

"I hate this...I really do Yasmin...Now don't get me wrong I don't mean anything bad about her.... she's lovely...But I'm equally afraid for both of you now...You're my baby Yaz and she's the person you love and that child's mother. This kid needs you both alive"

"I know mum...we both do, and that's why we are changing stuff...alright" she reached for her hand across the table "I love you"

"I love you too Yaz"

"So, you like her that much?" she smiled

"Don't be stupid Yaz of course I do" she shakes her head "I'm not even gonna mention your father...she's a son he never had" they both end up laughing



It was late afternoon when the Doctor came back. Blinds where down and the sun peaked through. She walked slowly to the bed and moved a strain of hair from her wife's face and gently kissed her temple.

"Thete?" she said opening her sleepy eyes just a bit and smiled to her

Doctor smiled softly and brushed her finger over her nose "You only call me that when you really missed me" she kisses her gently

"Mmmm...I did" she opens her arms

"I need a shower darling" she kissed her lips

"Well hurry up"

"Alright" she chuckled

Doctor took a quick a shower and slipped into bed with her. As soon as the bed dipped Yaz turned around and draped herself over her kissing her neck.

"You smell divine" she murmured into her skin

"And you feel even better" she smiled and kissed her gently

"How did it go?"

"Brilliant need to go with me one day. They gave us all we need to get this thing rolling...We already did quite a bit today...Did you meet your mum?"

"Mmmm...went shopping...I bought a nice dress"

"Aaa did you now? You need to show me"

"I bought you something as well...let me show you" she smiles and tried to get up, but Doctor stopped her

"Aaaa...nooo...later..." she smiles pulling her back

"Mmmm...possessive" she runs her fingers through her hair and then over her shoulders

"Always over you Yaz...missed you too, you know"

"I thought your beautiful brain was all into that machine...too busy to miss me" she laughs kissing her

"It was...won't lie" she scrunched her face "But you're always there you my mind...I wanna take you some place nice later...when heat goes down" she says trailing hand down all over her looking at her beautiful curves

"I'd like that" Yaz smiled moving a strain of hair from her face "You have any particular plan?"

"I will the time we leave" she circles her fingers around her breast and looks up to her smiling "But I have another plan now"

"Something tells me it involves you and me staying in this bed" she giggles

She tilts her head "Might do...or not...I can be inventive"

"I can be open minded" she giggles tracing a finger down her back

"Well, that's a good combination then" she grins happily kissing her so sufficiently to drive air out of her lounges making her moan into her lips, her body instinctively arching towards her hand that was already busy where she needed it the most





The Doctor once again took the Tardis to the other side of this strange little planet. They landed on some high rocks overlooking the massive canyon below, laid a picnic blanket out front and brought food from the kitchen and watched as the setting sun changed the colors of the rock formations and illuminated the ancient layers of blue and turquoise crystals within. Beautiful bird was flying across the canyon gliding through the air and its voice echoed throughout. Doctor loved nature and most of her romantic dates always evolved around some beautiful romantic places which made Yaz release how many times in the past she was dazzling her by taking her to different places when they were alone. It was her language of love and Yaz loved every part of it, and it was only now when they were together, she saw all the layers of it that she'd never recognized before. But she didn't mind because it seemed like their love story was unfolding more and more as time went on and she came to understand her wife more and more for what a beautiful being she is. Yaz adored the subtlety she had in expressing her feelings. She loved the shyness of the ancient Time Lord and profound way in which she expressed her passion. It was smooth and deep, not loud and raw, yet there was so much of her passion, in fact it was such a massive part of her that it was shocking to Yaz how she always managed to mask it and hide it so well that it was completely invisible behind her quirkiness. She was sitting crossed legged eating ice cream waiting for the Doctor to bring some iced tea from the Tardis.

" missed the bird" she said smiling over her shoulder

"Aaarhhh noo...they are rare since all the climate change. But it will all go back to normal once I finish the machine" she sat down behind Yaz and curled her legs around her "So enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah...I always do" she took her hand and laced their fingers in her lap "You have a talent in picking the most gorgeous always have" she put the ice cream down and leaned on her chest

"It makes me happy I have you to share it with...not the same thing to come to places like this alone you know" she nuzzled her face into her cheek and put her arms around her

"There's nothing worse than being lonely"

"No... there isn't" she squeezed her tight thinking how Yaz won't ever be lonely again but one day that's waiting for her again, and how this time around it will be ten times harder than before. But she would still never change her decision.

"Mmmm" she hummed lulling herself in her arms

"Iff you could be like me...would you, do it?"

Yaz frowned in confusion not quite understanding the question "I don't get it babe? What do you mean by that?" she turned a bit over her shoulder

"Iff you could...argument's be as I am... Say if that would be possible...would you, do it?"

"You mean be able to regenerate?"


Yaz sighed and took her hands wrapping them around herself even tighter "Oh baby...I've dreamed about it so many times you know. The idea of us being together for years and you not having to look at me getting old and dying...but what's the point.... it's just a dream darling"

"But if it were possible Yaz...?"

"Iff yes definitely...absolutely" she sighs "But it's just a dream my love"

Doctor kissed the back of her head and rubbed her face in her hair closing her eyes inhaling the smell of her shampoo

"Please...can we not talk about it now" Yaz said melting into her completely "I just wanna enjoy in you now.... whilst you still have me"

"Alright beautiful...I'm sorry"

"Noo..." she turns around over her shoulder "Don't say sorry...not ever...not for that...Just kiss me...please"

CONTACT" The Doctor whispered in her ear and kissed her so deeply Yaz felt her surging through her every cell, her beautiful haze swirled around them going through every atom of their being. She heard her hearts beating in her chest and felt herself falling, becoming one for a moment in time melting in love they felt for each other, unbreakable, eternal, stronger than any bond in the universe. Tears flowed down Yaz's face, and she whimpered into her lips. The baby moved so suddenly it startled them both.

"OMG...she felt you" Yaz smiled through her tears and pressed Doctor's hand on her stomach

"I love you both so much Yaz" Doctor barely managed to say it nuzzling her face into her cheek her bottom lip wobbling

"'s ok" she said gently "I'm still here for a long time you know"

"Yeah...I know" she wrapped her fingers in her hair and kissed her temple "Well I have rare talent in making a romantic date utterly depressing as well" she sniffled

"I would never have you any other way" she giggled "You make me laugh in everything else...Ice cream?" she smiled picking up a tub from the floor

"It's all melted Yaz" Doctor peaked inside

"Alright...vanilla custard then?" she giggled scooping it with a spoon and shoving it into her mouth

"Mmmm...not bad either" she kissed her cheek and laid her head on her shoulder pulling her closer "Yaz"

"Yes darling?"

"Do you want ice cream machine in Tardis?"

She giggled "Yeah...I do"

"Alright..." she replied watching the beautiful sky as the sun slowly went down




Yaz moaned quietly, her legs draped over her lover's shoulders as she pressed her lips on her passing through her gently. A light warm breeze brushing her skin. She opened her eyes to the night sky above them, her fingers combing through her wife's hair as she was taking her to those million stars slowly and passionately.

"Oh god..." she arched her back and grabbed her free hand lacing their fingers

Recently she was so sensitive it all felt ten times stronger, and all Doctor had to do was touch her she would already be half undone underneath her. She gave her all the medical explanations that Yaz was way too embarrassed to listen and just simply took it as it was without putting too much thought into it but it felt like she will literally explode, having no control over her own body and Doctor relished in it, taking her time with her more than usual, trailing her hands and lips over each and every part of her, making her giggle dotting small kisses under her breast where it tickled. They knew each other so well that being together now was like a well-rehearsed dance across the universe of passion, a new level of existence where nothing mattered but the sheer amount of pleasure, tearing them apart, filling them from the inside out. She was barely aware that she was coming again, trembling and moaning as she clutched Doctor's hand. Keeping her eyes open proved a difficult task, her eyelids felt heavy and waive washed over her surging through her body, the world around her went blank for a moment, her toes curled up making Doctor smile as she kissed the inside of her legs

"Four" she grinned

Yaz put her hand on shoulder utterly exhausted and laughed slightly, her eyes half open "Are you counting?"

"Mmmm.." she grinned ling next to her and kissed her shoulder

Yaz looked at her sideways smiling her body felt like jelly, ungracefully spent "Silly'll make me go into labor"

"Neah...way too early for that Yaz" she kissed her smirking satisfied with herself "Iff...say you were in your 9th month then yes it could help" she continued and pulled a blanket over them then dragged Yaz's as close to herself as she physically could "but even then...hmmm...interesting...not sure Yaz because I'm a woman now and I don't have a pe..."

"Alright...I get it!!!" she put a hand over her mouth

"...penis" she mumbled into her hand

"Stooop!!!" she giggled

"Just saying goes deeper"

" details" she shook her head laughing and covered her eyes with her hands "Just don't want that picture in my head"

"Oh...sorry" she hovered over her and moved her hand "you can look now Yaz...I definitely don't have it"

"Yeah" she ruffled her hair "At least that's one thing I don't need to worry about just yet"

"Right...well let's hope you never will either Yaz"

"How different is it for you as a you feel?" Yaz snuggled into her and kissed her shoulder

"Oh...different" she put her arms around her "I don't know how to explain Yaz...very different...just comes from a different place and sometimes I wish I could feel you like I would do if I was a man"

"Oh...Do you miss it love?"

"Maybe" she said kissing her forehead and moved a little strain of hair from her face "...Sometimes...little bit...but mostly when I'm with you"

Yaz went quiet and slipped her hand around her gently making lazy lines down her lower back.

"It's alright Yaz" she wrapped her fingers around her face "I'm not saying I don't like it darling...not at all"


"Nooo...absolutely not saying that at all...I just love you so much I want to feel so much of you Yaz in every possible way...and that's also a part of me, it would be nice for me be able to feel you like that as well...a bit's just like..."

"Like what baby?" she looked into her hazel eyes and kissed her gently "tell me please I want to know these things"

"Like I want you to be a piece of me Yaz...the part that never leaves me in every way" she took her hand and kissed her fingertips

"I want that with you...I want you inside me and never leave me. And when you do I miss you already like someone ripped you away from me." she cupped her face "It sounds stupid and obsessive I know..."

Doctor smiled "No it doesn't Yaz...It sounds beautiful and how it should be...I absolutely adore you"

"And I you my love" she took her lips into hers and rolled her on her back



Early morning everyone was already in a warehouse busy making parts for the machine. Ryan came in half asleep again was beardly managing to keep his eyes open since Doctor was getting them up at 5am and he could swear this planet was in different time zone from Earth as well, so he was getting a jetlag on top of it all because he constantly felt as though day was night and in reverse. In fact, everyone seemed to feel like that, everyone accepted the Doctor who was bouncing around as if she was on drugs.

"Doctor can you please check what I did" Ryan tapped her on a shoulder as she was welding something together

"Sure Ryan" she lifted the goggles on top her head and took off the gloves "Goodness Ryan are you alright?" she put her hand on his forehead

"No, not really Doctor...I feel horrible"

"You look horrible" she took a sonic out and zoomed over him "Hmmmm....your temperature is a bit elevated"

"Am I getting ill or something?"

"Not sure Ryan, I'll give you something when we get back. In a mean time why don't you go lie down over there" she pointed to the bench in the corner "Let me just finish up this and we go home alright"

"Alright Doctor"

She got back to the big table with all the equipment and walked up to Hakim " are you feeling?" she scanned him with a sonic

"Fine Doctor, just tiered a bit"

"Right" she looked at the reading worriedly than scanned herself "I think we should all go back actually"

"What's wrong Doctor?"

"Not sure Hakim...I need to do some tests when come back"

By the time they came back to the hotel Ryan was already feeling extremely weak. He had trouble walking and he was breaking into sweat.

"OMG what's going on?" Sonya said as they walked into the room

"Sonya...go to your mother" Doctor said firmly helping Ryan to walk

"Why? What's going on?"

"Not sure need to do some tests but you need to keep yourself away until I know more"

"Dad? ...OMG are they gonna be ok Doctor?"

"Mmmmm...should be Sonya" she said laying Ryan on a bed ".... please go to your mother's...Hakim"

"Yes Doctor"

"Keep an eye on him.... I just need to pop to the Tardis"


Doctor came through the door of their room so suddenly Yaz almost dropped the book she was reading.

"OMG babe...what the hell?" she got up, but Doctor yelled

"A a...nooo...don't come near me Yaz..."


"No darling...stay away from me...I might be infected I need to check"

"Infected by what?"

She asked but didn't get any answer as the Doctor disappeared into the Tardis as quickly as she came into their room. She zoomed around the console and took a test pressing it to her neck then put the sample for Tardis to run the scanning together the data she took from Hakim and Ryan. It took few minutes that seemed like hours of her sitting on the steps worried sick thinking how she may have been infected with a disease that was relatively harmless for humans but could be seriously dangerous for the unborn child. She felt a whole in her stomach that seemed to get bigger by the minute until the beeping shook her from her thoughts.

"Ufffff" she sighed relieved and slumped on top of the console "thank you...but just in case" she flipped few switches and waiting for extra several minutes took a little bottle that Tardis provided and injected herself with it. Then picked up few more within minutes and some other stuff along the way filling up her pockets then finally came out to absolutely petrified Yaz

"I'm sorry...I had to make sure" she said apologetically kissing her forehead

"What's going on?" Yaz asked worried sick

"Oh, chicken pox Yaz...not the humankind though...a lot stronger...c'mere" she moved her hair from the neck and gave her injection then kissed her temple "Sorry darling I can't risk it"

"Who's ill babe?"

"Your father and Ryan" she scrunched her face "oh...well...and probably the rest of your family as well"

"OMG!!!...Are they gonna be, ok?"

"Yes...but just Ryan has symptoms for now. No time Yaz I need to give them medication"

"Yeah sure...go go" she kissed her briefly and let her go worried.

It wasn't the first time they picked up a virus or bacteria on a foreign planet, and it probably won't be the last either. But Yaz still worried about her family. The only positive side of it was that the Doctor knew most of them and had a cure for almost anything going around in the universe, accept maybe a thing or two like when Yaz got a rash from a plant she brushed on, and had to suffer the itch for three days and when the only thing that helped was putting fresh tomatoes on her skin which made her incredibly embarrassed when the Doctor had to apply it on her back and she just wanted to die at that moment.

" god what's going on" Nadjia opened the door

"It's fine Nadjia, really nothing to worry about.... just...sorry I have to" she showed the injection

"Yeah sure"

"Sonya...I'm sorry you as well" 

"Sure Doctor...can we go to them now?"

"Yes of course...just needed to make sure you're all safe.'s like chicken pox but a bit stronger, really nothing to worry about.... just uncomfortable. I was more worried about Yaz and the baby that I might have given it to her...but I'm fine"

"Oh god...well that's good because I was with her yesterday the whole day as well"

"I know...well, we were all in contact with each other. They must have picked it up that day in a restaurant.... oh"


"Nothing..." she shook her head "Another thing...take this...just use it for Hakim and helps with an itch" she gave her a cream

"Thank you"

"It does smell bad, I have to warn you, but that paradactyl poo is really soothing for the skin...Just wait 30 min before you go and see them"

"Did you say poo?" Nadjia asked confused

"Right" she tapped he shoulder "I have to go and give this to boys...see ya"

She zoomed out and Nadjia opened the cream. She almost threw up on a spot and quickly closed the container.

Doctor came back to Ryan and Hakim. Ryan was burning up by this point.

"Hello Doctor" Hakim opened the door

"How is he doing?"

"Not good, look" he showed his arm

"Goodness" she rolled up his sleeve and moved a t-shirt away from his neck as well "Ewwww that's bad...and itchy...well it will be by tomorrow. But this will help. At least it will make it go away faster. He is in for the rough night though"

"Thanks Doctor...what about the girls and Yaz?"

"They're fine...I'm just keeping Yaz away from everyone for next 48 hours just in case and I will come by in the morning to give you all one more shot"

"Thanks...see you tomorrow then"

"Alright Hakim...see ya" 






"Hey" Doctor walked into their room and Yaz jumped immediately

"Hey darling" Yaz came up to her and Doctor kissed her forehead "How's Ryan?"

"They're fine darling...Ryan is in for a bit of a rough night, but he should be better by the morning"

"OMG poor Ryan...not again"

"I know, he really has no luck with alien viruses. I need to take a shower and change darling...I'm still dirty from the work. Also, I wanna keep you and the munchkin away from them for at least 48h"


"Yeah, just in case"

"Does that mean I have to myself for two days?" she glides her hand over her chest and kisses her neck

"It does" she smiles "You can go with me tomorrow if you want?"

"Alright...go now make yourself smell nice"

"Do I stink Yaz?" she lifted her t-shirt and smelled herself scrunching her nose

"No silly...go" she slapped her bum "Maybe I just wanna see you naked, ha?" she winked

"I am worried Yaz" she said taking her clothes off "This disease...I do get worried it will spread amongst the population you know"

"I thought you said it was chicken pox?" she frowned confused leaning her back on the door frame enjoining in a view in a same time

"Technically yes Yaz...but unlike chicken pox this can easily spread amongst the adults and that could potentially be a problem. Also, there are a lot of pregnant women around as well..."

" we can have a pandemic is what you're saying"

"Mmmm....possible" she shrugs stepping into shower "Although unlikely...still there's always a possibility"

"Oh god I really hope not" ...