Chapter 53



Yaz found herself back in her bathroom standing in front of the mirror utterly confused and disoriented. Sharp pain ripped through her head, and she grabbed the sink. Drops of blood fell into the sink and she freaked completely. 


"Shit..." she looked up as blood gushed through her nose then grabbed the towel and rushed out of the room calling the Doctor who was still up on the roof with her sister. She heard Yaz screaming and practically jumped off the floor. 


"Yaz?" Doctor called from stairs. 


"Baby!" She cried out. 


"Stars Yaz what?....." 


"I'm not feeling...." she said grabbed her sleeve and slumped. 


"Shooot....Yaz!!!" Doctor grabbed her before she hit the floor and scooped her up 


"Yaz!!! OMG" Sonya froze horrified "Doctor what's happening? Why is she bleeding?" 


"Dunno" she said shortly trying her hardest not to tumble down as she carried her. 


"Here... our room" Sonya slammed the door open and Ryan jumped off the bed "Get up!" She yelled. 


"OMG What's going on?" 


"Dunnoooo!" Doctor said stressed out of her mind putting her on a bed "Sonya get my bag." 


"Yes!" She said shortly and ran out. 


"This cannot be happening...not now...not here...Yaz darling wake up!" she panicked swiping sonic over her "Artron energy..." she whispered and pulled the stethoscope out of her pocket. 


"Doctoooor is she having a...." 


"Shhh!" She pointed a finger up to Ryan. 


"Here" Sonya dumped the bag on the bed 


Doctor quickly pulled the syringe out and gave her a shot. 


"Yaz! " she stroke her thumb over her face 


"Mmmmm" Yaz mumbled and opened her eyes "I'm gonna be...." she grabbed Doctor’s sleave rolling on her side and threw up on the floor. 


"OMG!" Ryan grabbed his head. 


"God" Sonya ran into the bathroom to get mops "Get the bucket Ryan...and water...Kitchen now!" She yelled. 


"Aaaaa" Yaz whimpered ""God that's gross." 


"Here... its clean" Sonya passed a wet towel to the Doctor. 


"Thank you Sonya....It's alright Yaz.." Doctor wiped her face and stroke her hair "It's from the's alright...lie down darling" she moved her a bit and placed a pillow underneath her head. 


"I'm sorry" 


"Nothing to be sorry about.... What happened Yaz?" 


"Did you fall?" Sonya asked worried. 


"No, no... Listen...I..." She grabbed her wrist "I have to tell you" 


"Bucket!" Ryan ran into the room catching his breath "Anything else?" He asked in complete panic " alright? What happened?" 


"Yaz Darling....tell me" Doctor asked. 


"Tardis...the mirror in the bathroom wobbled and .... pulled me in, or it didn't...I don't know I went somewhere I'm not sure...or it was in my mind." 


"Go on!" She nodded "It's alright Yaz...take time." 


Sonya's eyes opened wide, and she looked Ryan over Doctor's shoulder as she moped the floor. 


"There was a woman." 


"Woman? What woman Yaz?" 




"What?...." Doctor jumped off the bed "Are you sure Yaz? " 


"Yes...yes it’s what she said." 


"Who's Idris?" Sonya asked as she was completely getting lost. 


"Tardis" Doctor explained quickly. 


"Tardis is a girl?" Ryan asked confused. 


"What else did she say Yaz...remember please...It very important...what did you see?" 


"I'm trying to remember...It pulled me on some a desert...only it was weird, water coming out of sand and sort of suspended in the air...and I saw I saw it before..." 


"Like in your dreams?" Doctor asked. 


"Yes...same...and like in my dreams I can't get to the Tardis...Idris said something about time has ripped and that you're not a no... she said you're not a fixed point anymore but me and the baby are..." 


"Fixed point...?...What does she mean beautiful Idris she chirped beaming and ran up to Yaz kissing her forehead "Did she say anything else Yaz? Think?" 


"What does that mean?" Yaz asked confused. 


"I'll explain's important you remember every detail Yaz...please it's very important." 


"I'm trying to think...She said you have to fix time before it's too late" Yaz continued "she said she can't control it and she disappeared. Everything disappeared and I was back in the bathroom. What happened?...Is the baby ok? 


"Baby is fine Yaz... just a lot of energy and time swirling around you darling. It all makes sense now." 


"Why did she say me and the baby are fixed and you're not..?" 


"Because Yaz she was conceived in the Tardis, and because baby still isn't born, she is sort of existing out of time and space and she somehow retained that connection to the Tardis, and you with her. Not quite sure how...then I still don't quite understand how I made the baby either...When the Tardis exploded, the explosion very probably occurred in every single moment in time and being a time-traveling ship powered by a star on the very moment of collapse and all that...and I sort of exploded with it...that's what she meant by me not being's complicated...and terrifying also very different this I have to be inventive..." 


By this point everyone had lost her and just stared at her in complete horror. 


" kinda split the fabric of reality...It created multiple worlds inhabiting the same space...Now it makes sense why Apsu saw the other me!" 


"Who's Apsu?" Sonya asked. 


"Pharmacy owner" Yaz replied. 


"There's another you?" Ryan frowned. 


"Aaarrrhh yes...well, yes and no... same me really...just kinda double..." 


"Is there a double of us?" Sonya asked. 


"Probably ...most likely yes...time is a bit wobbling now." 


"OMG!" Ryan's eyes opened wide. 


"Sorry...I just didn't wanna scare you lot...I’m sure I can fix it...just need to stop the explosion from happening.” 


"Well, you kinda scared the shit out of us now?" Ryan said absolutely horrified. 


"You knew this?" Yaz frowned. 


"Can't tell you everything Yaz, I didn't wanna freak you out, not in your condition anyway.... On a happier note...I think Tardis is stuck in a time loop...I think she used you and the baby as a fixed point keeping herself suspended, preserving her last moment so she doesn't bring the whole universe from collapsing...This is what you saw Yaz" 


"What?" Yaz frowned "I'm totally confused." 


"Tell me about it...I think my brain hurts" Ryan said. 


"But she said not for much longer...What does that mean?" Yaz asked concerned. 


"Oh...oooooh....Wooooow" Doctor took a step back. 




"Weeeell" she scrunched her face "Means you're gonna have a baby soon Yaz..." 




"Yeaaaah.. see that only lasts whiles you're pregnant and whilst baby still isn't born.” 


"I'm having a baby?" 


"Well....yes're pregnant.” 


"That's not what I I having it now!!!" Her eyes grew by the second. 


"Well...looks like sooner than I anticipated" she squirmed. 


"Oh god...I think I'm gonna be sick.” 


"!" Ryan smiled "You're gonna have a baby soon Yaz" Yaz darted at him mortified. 


"And we're stuck here!" Sonya said. 


"Well, not for much longer" Doctor said "I will get us out before the baby comes...I promise.” 


"God better..." she looked at her absolutely petrified. 




She was lying on the bed looking through the window, trailing fingers over her tummy. Baby was moving now all the time, sometimes causing her pain when the odd little foot gave her a kung fu kick in a wrong place. She was still weak from earlier on, but more so frightened of what the Doctor said. All she wanted was to go back home and have her baby in the safety of the Tardis. But their home was gone, and the future seemed bleak. Bed dipped and gentle hand slipped around her, followed by cozy snuggle and a long kiss to the curve of her neck. 


"Heeey" she smiled over her shoulder and wiped her tears. 


Doctor cupped her cheek tilting her head so she can kiss her properly "Don't cry...I hate when you cry...C'mere, give us a proper cuddle" she smiled opening her arms. 


She rolled over snuggling into her arms "I'm so scared...I'm starting to panic." 


"Yaz...look at me...I will take us home, I promise.... I will not let you down...or her."


She sighed deeply and palmed her cheek dropping small kiss on the tip of her nose "You can't let us down even if you tried...I'm just scared this is out of your hands baby...and that we don't have much time." 


"It's gonna be I'm sure I can fix it...and I will, I promise" she wrapped her fingers around her face and kissed her ever so gently "Please rest, you've been through a lot today.... I loooove you...sooo much" 


"I love you too...Stay" she pleaded holding her wrist "Pleaseeee" 


"I'm not going anywhere." 




It was late afternoon and Nadja just came home from the tavern bringing food for everyone as Yaz was in bed. She woke up with pain in her back and Doctor wanted her to rest as much as possible. In the meantime, she was locked up in her workshop since dawn, rushing to finish vortex manipulator as time was now ticking even quicker than she expected it to. 

Hakim was chopping wood for the stove and Sonya was out with Ryan getting some herbs from the local market before it shut. 


"Here... this should be enough for now" Hakim said bringing in the basket filled with logs. 


"Definitely, just put it in a corner" Nadjia pointed "The bread should be done soon and then we can eat." 


"Good...I'm starving." 


"Me too" 


"How is she?" He asked, worried, and sat at the table. 


"In pain. Doctor is saving on what medication she has in case she goes into labor. And what is available here is not good for the baby...honest this is like a nightmare." 


"Oh shit" 


"I just hope we get out before that baby comes." 


"We will" 


"Mmmm" she raised her eyebrow and turned to check on a bread "Go wash is done soon, and the kids will be back." 


She was worried out of her mind, and so was he. So was everyone. But somehow, he still had confidence that the Doctor would find a solution. Feeling utterly helpless though didn't help. 

He got up and walked up behind her. "It's gonna be alright " he said stroking her arms and kissed her cheek. 


"I hope you're right...go...I'll set the table." 


As he walked out, she got the plates then checked the bread one more time. It was done and she popped it on the kitchen top waiving a cloth over it to get the steam out of her face. Her back towards the kitchen table, she heard a chair move and lifted her head from the hot bread but then dismissed it thinking the noise must be coming from the outside. So, she went back to the bread when she again heard the noise. And this time around it was a distinctive sound of the pot being moved from the shelf on the wall left from where she was standing. She saw something moving in her peripheral and immediately felt hairs at the back of her neck stand up as the most eerie feeling swept her whole body. She slowly turned her head and saw herself standing over the counter completely oblivious of her other self presents in the room. 


Doctor was welding in the workshop when the screaming startled her so much she threw the little plate to the ceiling. 


"Blimey!..." another scream and she realized it was Nadjia. She ran outside and Nadjia smashed into her completely hysterically, now screaming even more practically ripping Doctor's coat off her shoulders. 


"It's's's me...What in the name of the Tardis" 


" it was…kitchen" Doctor couldn't understand one word or make sense of anything she was saying 


"Stay here" she wiped the sonic out and ran into the kitchen. There was nobody there or in a hallway or on the stairs. 


"Muum?" Yaz yelled from the top floor leaning over the banister. 


"Nadja?" Hakim ran out gripping a towel around his waist. 


"What's with mum?" Did she just scream?" She asked her father confused still groggy from sleeping. 


"Something scared her..." Doctor yelled "But I can't see anything...there's some artron energy around though..." she said looking at the sonic 


"I'll come down...let me just got dressed" Hakim said. 


"Is she ok?" Yaz asked. 


"She's fine Yaz...go lie down...I got this" Doctor said and went back out finding Nadjia sitting next to the well in a courtyard still shaking. "Are you alright?" 


"What was that?" She looked up petrified. 


"I don't know.... what exactly did you see Nadjia?" 


"My self... like I am now...just standing next to me in the kitchen as if I left my own body." 


"Ooooh...Aaaaaa....I know what you saw."


"What?" She frowned confused. 


"Yeah...well..." she scrunched her nose "Forgot to explain." 


"Explain what? What are you going on about?" 


"See....when the Tardis exploded it kinda created the other version of this there's double of all of us...they're kinda here at the same time as us.” 


"What the hell are you talking about!!...What do you mean double?" 


"'s complicated...we're all inhabiting the same place just kinda separated...But I think those barriers are starting to ware off now." 


"We're double...that was my double?" She yelled in frustration. 


"There's one of me as well" Doctor grinned trying to soften the blow. 


"Good that supposed to make me feel better?" 


"I was hoping it will" 


She rolled her eyes rubbing her fingers between her brows "Anything else you forgot to tell me?" 


"No... sorry" she scrunched her face. 


" is getting cold...and hopefully my kitchen doesn't look like a bloody pit of hell!!" she got up storming past her. 


"Ups" Doctor said as she left. 


"Hey" Hakim ran into the courtyard "...where is she?" 


"In the kitchen being mad at me" 


"Why would she be mad at you?" 


"Forgot to tell her about the doubles...she saw herself in the freaked her out." 




"Yeah...oh .... I’ll be in my workshop" she turned on a heel pouting her lips. 




"Hey..." he smiled softly walking into the kitchen then flinched as Nadjia slammed the pot on the counter "You alright?" 


" I'm not bloody alright..." 


"She told me what happened.... It’s not a ghost you know...can't hurt you." 


"I don't know Hakim...It looked quite creepy from where I was standing!" She yelled. 


"I'm sorry" 


"She could've at least told me what the hell is going on" she was yelling practically smashing the plates whilst putting them on the table "...It's not like I'm used to seeing myself hovering around like some sort of  bloody poltergeist...I've never been so scared in my life." 


"Hey...calm down" he grabbed her wrist making her release the plates and turned her around "She didn't mean anything bad Nadjia. She just forgot...she's got too much on her plate...I forgot." 


"You knew?" 


"Yes but...." 


"Oh, for god sake!" she smacked his chest and pushed him away "What's wrong with you lot?" 


"I'm sooorry" 


"Hey mum" Sonya walked in smiling. Apparently, she and Ryan were in a good mood. 


"Go wash your hands and call your is done" she snapped. 


Sonya put the shopping bags on the table and turned to her father confused "What's with her?" 


"Nothing...go get your sister" he got up and walked out headed towards the workshop. 


"Doctor" he knocked on the door. 


"Yes...come in Hakim.” 


" is ready" he smiled. 


"Oh...I'll pass..." she squirmed "Just make sure Yaz eats please" she said and lowered her gaze back to the desk continuing to fiddle with some plate. 


"She didn't mean it you know." 


Doctor's lip twitched "I know" she replied quietly. 


"You should really eat." 


"Yeah" she looked up at him again "I'm fine...really...But thanks." 


"Alright...if you change your mind..." 


"Thanks...I appreciate it.” 


He pursed his lips and slowly left the room. 


"She won't eat" he said straight from the door. 


"What are going on about?" Nadjia asked still visibly upset and circled around him placing cutlery on the table. 


"Doctor...she won't eat...She feels bad now...Why do you have to be so hard on her? She's doing the best she can...we all are." 


She sighed leaving the cutlery on the table "Our daughter is going to have that baby any day.... Do you get that?" 


"Yes of course I do..." 


"Do you? And here we are..." she spread her arms "In this god forsaken place with no electricity, hot water, no medicine...not even basic stuff for delivery of that baby...They haven't got a pot to piss in Hakim and they're having a baby any day!...And noooow if any of that isn't enough, we're having ghost flying around...ooooh but it's fine...because its not real ghost....JUST US!!!" she yelled "I'm just...." she slumped her shoulders and started crying "I'm..." 


"Heeeey....hey, hey...don't cry" he walked over and put his arms around her "You're just scared..." 


"Yeees" she cried into his shoulder "I didn't mean to be like that to her" 


"I knoooow...We're all stressed...and scared." 


She pulled apart and wiped her face sniffing then took her apron off 


"Where are you going?" He asked confused. 


"To make this right" she said walking out. 


There was a quiet knock on a door and Doctor lifted her face from her work "Come in." 


"Doctor?" Nadjia said as she slowly walked inside. 


"Hi everything alright?" 


"About earlier..." 


"Yeah....about that...I'm so sorry...I was just stressed...with all of this" she pointed vaguely across the room "...and the baby...." 


"I overreacted" Nadjia cut her off. 


"You did?" 


"Yeah...sorry...I didn't mean to. I was just completely freaked out.... but the point being is that I'm just worried about Yaz and the baby and I sort of took it out on you." 


" did a bit" she scrunched her nose. 


"Look I'm sorry...I know you're doing everything you can...This just tipped me over the edge...Pleaseeee come and eat.” 


"Under one condition" 


"There's a condition?" She raised her eyebrow "Alright...what?" 


"That you won't be yelling at me if there's more of our doubles going around." 


She shook her head laughing "Come ooon...get your alien ass into the kitchen or I'll be yelling at you when the food gets cold" she waived her hand. 


Doctor smiled leaving whatever she was doing on the table "What's the obsession with my behind in this regeneration?" She commented as she was walking out of the room. 




The sun just barely came out, but Doctor was already out of bed zipping her trousers and pulling braces over her shoulders. She pulled the covers over Yaz and placed a small kiss to her hairline then quietly left the room. She ran downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed some bread from the basket then started a fire in the stove so she could make herself some tea.

The house was so quiet she could hear herself breathing. Whiles she waited for the water to boil she leaned on the window ledge and watched birds picking crumbs from the ground in the courtyard and drifted away, way back centuries back. She remembered leaning over a similar widow watching her kids playing in the red dust. Their laughter still echoed in her ears, the smell of their skin still so clear like it was yesterday and the sound of their tiny feet tapping through the kitchen which smelled of honey. 


"Morning" the voice behind her made her jump. 



She wipes a tear off her face quickly and turns around "Hi...Morning..." she smiles "What are doing up so early Hakim." 


"I can't sleep that well recently...I woke up for a toilet and then I didn't feel like going back to bed" 


"Oh...that's annoying" she chuckled "Fancy a cuppa?" 


"I'd love to...thanks... And you? A bit early even for you Doctor" 


"Mmmm...keep your fingers and toes crossed Hakim cause we just might be going home today.... Mind you...can you cross your toes? I never tried." 


"Don't know" he laughed "But I'll try if it means getting us home.” 


"Well, hopefully...should do...I'm keeping myself positive...this isn't the first time it happened" she said and got the pot off the stove. 


"So how do you plan on doing that?" 


"When Tardis exploded it has fallen into a time loop...This is what Yaz saw...I will use the vortex manipulator to get myself back in time to the moments just before explosion. Let's just hope I don't end up in the wrong place cause that would be really bad.... but assuming I do end up in the right place...The only way to save all of time and space is to fin whatever caused the destruction and stop it from exploding...that's assuming that everything goes well and I'm right...It should be ok...I once saved River from the loop" 


"What do you think happened?" 


"Haven't got a foggiest" she shrugged and put the tea on the table sitting herself opposite Hakim "I won't know until I get there. And assuming I can find it and fix it, the time should automatically repair itself and I'll be back for dinner" she smiled haply. 


"That's a lot of assuming" he raised his eyebrow "Are you sure you don't want someone going with you?" 


"Oh no... not this time" 


"Why not? You may need help." 


"If anything happens to me...and let's hope it doesn't, cause I'd be really upset with myself...I want all of you to be safe.... This is my mess to mop up Hakim and Yaz needs her does my baby." 


"Yaz and your baby need you as well...and don't you think it would increase the chances to keep you if you had help?....Please...just think about that" 


"Alright...I have to go now" she got up "...I need to finish it.... see ya later...." she grabbed the slice of bread and ran out of the kitchen 


"See ya" he waived with a yawn  


She walked outside and immediately felt almost as if she was being watched. Then it buzzed in her ears, and she had a bit of a wobble. She turned around and saw herself staring back at herself right by the main entrance of the courtyard. 

"Woooow!....oook....Well, hello other me" she took her sonic out and her double did the same thing almost as a mirror image. They both walked up to each other scanning each other "Ewwwww...what a mess" she frowned at the reading. 


"So can you hear me?" She asked intrigued and tried poking at herself, but her finger just went through air, and saw herself rambling something at herself but no sound was going through except for the visual. 


"That's we see each other now...but yesterday Nadjia didn't see herself...ooooh this bad...this is really bad" 


Then her other self took a piece of paper out of her pocket and started writing on it "Aaaaa....clever me!" She hopped excited "I always knew I was resourceful" she said smug then squinted to read the note, but the image suddenly disappeared "Oh was just getting interesting." 


"Doctor? Who are you talking to?" Hakim asked through the kitchen window 


"Oh...just myself...I was just there a second ago...It was amazing" she chirped excited "A bit unsettling I must admit...but still amazing.... I need to hurry up. Time is running out...Really running out...we can now see each other and that's not good news" she rushed into her workshop leaving Hakim with a million questions in his head. But it was way too early, so he just gave up and went back to bed leaving her to it. 




Day was going fast, way faster than Doctor wanted, it was close to 10 am and the kitchen was buzzing. Nobody went to work today as hopefully they'll be going home. At least that's what everyone hoped for. So did the Doctor when she finally closed the lid of her little machine strapping it to her wrist. 


"Here it's sink or swim today Doctor" she said as she was leaving her workshop hopefully for the last time. 



"Right,'s done!" she said from the kitchen door exited. 


Suddenly all eyes were on her, followed with deafening silence "Whaaat?" She asked confused when she saw long faces ".... Ooooh....oooh...Don't worry...I'll be back...eventually" she waived her arm. 


Yaz swallowed deeply and reached for her hand, Doctor just pulled her in wrapping her arms around her. 


"You better come back" Yaz said burying her face into her chest. 


"Come on all of you...out" Nadjia said "Give them some space" she was chasing everyone out into the courtyard. 


"We could've gone out" Yaz smiled. 


"Suppose so" Doctor chuckled "But she just loves doing that...why spoil it.” 


Yaz gulped and ran her hands over her braces placing a short kiss right between her hearts then buried her face into her chest. 


"I'll be back before you know it...I promise" she threaded her fingers through her hair pressing her harder to herself "Hey goodbyes...we don't do goodbyes you and me...remember" 


"No....we don't" she looked up with tears in her eyes. 


Doctor palmed her face and kissed her softly "I love you." 


"Love you too.” 


"Come on...let's get the Tardis back" she smiled and stepped away from Yaz "Deep breath...see you soon potato" she inhaled setting coordinates, and, in a flash, she was gone. 


"Was that it?" Sonya asked panicked. 


"I think so..." Hakim said. 


"God, I hope this works" Nadjia exhaled. 


"Muuum" Yaz walked outside ".... I think it's time." 


"What do you mean Yaz?" Sonya asked confused "Didn't she just leave?" 


"Not for" she said "It's either that or I just pissed myself." 


"Oh shit" Sonya said. 




Winter Dream Chapter 53
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