Chapter 19



It was dawn, and the sun had not yet risen over the horizon. Yaz awoke to the sound of thunder and heavy rain pouring down their bedroom window and an empty bed next to her. She put on her pink dressing gown and went downstairs. Clara was standing by the kitchen window with a cup of tea in her hand. She was fully clothed which meant she had gotten up ages ago. It was Saturday, so she wasn't going to work, but she was dressed as if she was. Brown checkered pants and a thin badge sweater. The tight sleeves reveal her slender arms and the outline of her shoulder blades. Yaz stood at the kitchen door gazing at her. It reminded her of the time she had come the morning before their first trip to Oxford and how embarrassing her thoughts had been at time. She was no longer ashamed of those thoughts, on the contrary, she enjoyed them. They made her feel fuzzy inside and tickle her stomach because Clara was absolutely stunning and she was hers now.

"I feel your eyes on me Yasmin" she smiled from the corner of her lips waiting for her

Yaz pressed herself on her back and Clara wrapped her arm around herself "Why are you up this early?"

"I was about to ask you the same question?" she said kissing her neck then capturing her lips

She slides the note she wrote for her across the kitchen counter "I wanted to get back to bed before you woke up" she smiled "I wasn't planning on getting caught"

"I can see that" she giggled "I cough you red handed babe"

"Sorry Yaz..I didn't plan it. It's Kate actually, she needs my help in something. I never say no to Kate"

"Alright babe...Oh please get some eggs on a way" she laughed

Clara chuckled "Alright babe I'll get some eggs" she turned around and cupped her face "Get your cute bum back into bed now. Doctor's orders" she kissed her gently

"Alright, my favorite glowing spy," she grabbed her braces and pulled them kissing her but Clara just burst into laughter at her lips

"You're seriously crazy Yaz...Come have to rest and I have to go. I won't be long" she kissed her forehead and dragged her towards the stairs pushing her up

"Alright...alright...I'm going" she giggled "Have fun babe" she ran upstairs




"Morning sorry for getting you up so early"

"Oh, I don't sleep much Kate it's fine"

"I need you to see this. I must say I'm really confused. But you may know what this is" she walked down the hallway and entered one of the rooms "I got Yaz's file and I was going to give it to you but then I had a look. I was up all night"

"I must admit I'm becoming generally terrified now Kate"

Kate stepped into the room with big conference table and a monitor on the wall. Martha was already waiting for them

"Martha? Well we are definitely making up for lost time"

"Hello Doctor" she smiled "Nice to see you again"

"Alright...Kate plus Martha, a phone call at three in the morning...I'm gonna take a wild guess...this isn't good"

"We don't know Doctor" Martha said "We are hoping you can fill in the gaps"

She took the remote control and showed the MRI images on the monitor. "We did the scan when she was brought in at 3pm. Then we repeated them the next day early in the morning at 7am. Look"

"This is physically impossible..." Clara said coming up closer to the monitor and swiped her finger over it flipping through the images "...or is it?"

"You can clearly see the damage here" Martha showed on the images "And then this" she pointed

Clara turned to Martha "Do you have her blood sample?"


"I will need that to do the full DNA sequence?"

"I will give you everything because you can do a lot more on Tardis than what we can do here"

"Thanks...I appreciate it"
"How is this even possible?" Kate asked

"Not sure yet Kate....I need a lot more information at this point. I will have to run some further test through the Tardis first. I didn't think it was possible"

"Neither did I...I was sure the results were wrong"

"They are not" she kept looking at the scans shocked

"Do you actually know what was done?" Martha asked

"No..I don't" she shook her head "...not everything...All the research information was destroyed before I even got there and all the..." she stopped and turned towards the monitor "I don't have that information"

"All the subjects were killed" Kate finished her sentence looking at Martha

"It could be good Doctor" Martha said trying to calm her down

"It could...But it could also be catastrophic Martha...I need to do more tests"

"Here's the file Doctor and this" she gave her the small black box. I will make sure the hospital gets everything clean"...Please let me know and iff you need anything we are here"

"I really appreciate this Kate thank you for letting me know and taking care of her. I really owe you"

"You owe me nothing Doctor. I'm glad I could help"

"I'll call you"

Clara left and Martha took to Kate concerned "How come she was the only one left?"

Kate looked sadly down the hallway as Clara was leaving "It was their way of punishing the Doctor...this way the pain never leaves her"

"But the Doctor always finds a way" Martha said

"That's very true"





Clara was clenching the wheel as she was driving home. She glanced at the file on seat next to her. She was worried but also hopeful in the same that she could get more answers. She pressed her phone that was hooked up to the dashboard.

"Doctor? This is a pleasant surprise"

"I thought you'd be happy" she smiled "I need a favor"

"What ever you ask for is never a favor it's always a pleasure"

She laughed and turned around the corner "Can you meet me?"

"When and where?"

"Ewell Village park one hour ten minutes"

"On my way"


She hang up the phone and made another call

"Hey love" sleepy voice picked up the phone

"Hey beautiful. I'm gonna be home a bit later. I got held up a bit"

"That's fine darling don't worry about it"

"Hey...pack our bags. We are going on a trip"

"Whaa? When?"

"As soon as I come back...I'm taking us to Brighton...It's sunnier there" she laughed

"'re crazy...Alright...I better get up then" she laughed

"I love you Yasmin"

"I adore you Bighead"

Clara hung up the phone and smiled. The rain had stopped, but the sky did not look promising. She was hoping for better weather in Brighton, especially with the four hour drive ahead of her. She parked the car and walked down the main street. It was a nice little place, she didn't like big cities or busy streets. Then she remembered the eggs she was supposed to buy and hoped she wouldn't forget, also that she had to go to the petrol station to fill up the car for the trip. All normal everyday things that still seemed strange at times, but she loved the simplicity of them very much.

He saw a small blond woman standing by the lake, baggy pants that reached almost to the floor and a light cream coat that outlined her waist hung down to her knees. She just stood as if frozen in time and space. And in a way she was, he thought. She was as calm as he had never seen her before. The miss rose from the lake from the rain that had just stopped, and the air, which was still cool on this spring Saturday morning, smelled of fresh grass.

"And were did you wonder off in your thoughts?" he smiled as he stood next to her

"Spring 1875, do you remember? The lake by the countryside manner. It was a beautiful morning"

"The horses grazing in the distance" he said " peaceful for a change"

"Then you told me, we will make our dreams come true if we really try"

"And you said that dreams don't exist in our world. Only shadows of our past. You've always been a melancholic git"

Clara laughed and turned around "Hello Jack"

"Hello beautiful" he hugged her "I can call you that now when your a woman. Love the style, suits you"

"Never lost you charm" she chuckled

"It's been long Doctor"

"It has...come on let's walk" she nodded

"I just left a gorgeous man in my bed, so this better be good" he laughed

"And I just left a gorgeous woman in mine Jack" she raised an eyebrow glancing at him sideways

"Auch!...That hurts on a another level"

She shook her head laughing "Look" she handed him the file "Yaz…she ended up in the hospital with a seizure last week. Kate and Martha ran some tests and the results are confusing to say the least. I need to run more tests but before I do that do you have any idea what the hell this is? I've never seen this Jack."

" is this possible?"

"I'm asking myself same question. It's worrying  me Jack...I can't lose her, that's not even an option"

He looked through the file, flipping through the pages and looked at her softly "You won't lose her" he wrapped his fingers around her face "We always find a way. You have a lot of people around you Doctor"

"I need to get the whole DNA sequenced. That'll give me a lot more answers. But I need you to go through the records and see if you can find anything. Anything you think might have been used or something. I can't think of anything. But things like this, Jack, this is years of research, decades, there's got to be a clue somewhere no matter how miniscule I need it"

"I'll do my best"

"I appreciate it"

"Don't mention it...How is Yaz?"

"So far so good. I hope it stays that way. Have you had breakfast? I'm starving and I saw this nice place on the high street"

"You speak my language...let's go. I need all the gossip too"

Clara laughed "Oh, there's plenty... Are you sure you're ready?" she giggled "I bought a house"


"And I'm getting married," she laughed


"Like I said...loads to tell you"

He put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple "I missed you"

"I missed you too Jack"




"Hey lovely...I'm back" Clara yelled from downstairs

"I'm in the bedroom" Yaz yelled back

"Hey beautiful" Clara came up behind her and wrapped her hand around her neck kissing her gently

"I missed that in the morning" she smiled stroking her wrist

"And I will make it up to you I promise" she smiled "All packed?" she asked looking at the suitcases on the bed

"You can take those to the's all done. I just need to pack some snacks for the road"

"Shooot" she scrunched her face


"I forgot eggs"

Yaz laughed "I knew you would" she placed a palm on her cheek and kissed her "Never mind, we're going to Brighton anyway I'll just get them on Monday"

"You never get upset with me Yaz"

"I have nothing to get upset about...You're perfect"

"And you're delusional Yaz" she laughed grabbing bags off the bed

"It's called love babe...You can never fuck up so much that I wouldn't forgive you"

Clara's jaw clenched "Right...let's go"




It was raining on the way. But not as much as Clara was worried so the ride went smoothly. She was surprised that Yaz was still awake because otherwise, no matter how much she slept, she would have fallen asleep ten minutes into the trip like a toddler. Something Clara absolutely loved, it was a strange thing to love. But she found herself in love with small, almost insignificant things. Like the way she would brush her hair and put it in all the different styles with such skill that Clara admired, or her little dimples when she smiled or how she would carefully wrap a tea bag around a spoon to squeeze out the last bit. The little jump she did every time she put on her skinny trousers before zipping them up and how adorable she would look wrapped up in her oversized fleece sweater in front of the TV and then give Clara the sweetest smile when she saw her at the door as she came home from work. Her hearts would skip a beat when Yaz nuzzled her head into her neck showering her with small kisses or rubbing her sleepy face into her back almost every evening. They were those little things without which Clara could no longer imagine her life.

"So, how did your meeting with Kate go?"

"Fine, she was doing some tests on one patient and needed my opinion on some MRI results"

"What is it that Kate really does?"

"She works for UNIT as you know, it's a UN military organization that investigates and deals with paranormal and extraterrestrial threats to Earth"

"Your fucking me around"

Clara chuckled "No, I'm not potty mouth"

"So this is who you worked for?"

"No" Clara turned around shortly and gave her a little smile "That's who I worked with. I worked with many different government organizations Yaz, MI5, MI6, Torchwood"

"What's Torchwood? I heard that before?"

"Similar to the UNIT but UNIT is accountable to the government, the UN. Torchwood is answerable to nobody but the crown. It was founded in Scotland, 1879 by Queen Victoria"

"Right...maybe we should talk about eggs" she laughed

"If you want" she smiled and put her hand on her leg "Yaz"


"If this is all a bit too much and overwhelming for you I need you to tell me darling"

"No babe it's not...I would tell you...It's completely insane and it's making my head spin. But I want to's your world"

"It was...Now you are my world" she glanced at her smiling then looked back to the road

"I love you," Yaz said softly and tucked her hair behind her ear, and Clara took her hand, kissing her knuckles

"Talking about my world Yaz. We need to go and buy wedding rings next week"

"Alright darling...any ideas?"

"None Yaz...I'm totally leaving it up to you"

"But you still need to say what you like" she giggled

"I will...but I'll let you choose" she grinned goofy

"You're adorable" she smiled "Oh my dress is done...They called me from the store, I'm  so exited"

"I can't wait to see you Yaz...Can't you tell me something...Little bit something, anything"

"I can tell you it's red"

Clara laughed "I already know that cheeky"

"And that's all you're gonna know until 25th of June...I can tell you what Sonya's dress looks like" she giggled

"I know what it looks like she WhatsApp me the photos"

"OMG when?"

Clara turned around laughing "The same day she chose it"

"I can't believe're plotting with my family" she rolled  her eyes and Clara scrunched up her face making her laugh

"You know they will be your family now...forever"

Clara smiled "I know darling and nothing makes me happier in this universe. Honey...your eye is missing the beat...Sleep for a while and I'll wake you up when I stop off"

"How come you wanted to go to Brighton it's a long drive?"

"I dunno...It's gonna be a rainy weekend and I didn't want us to be stuck in a house. Besides...Brighton can be romantic...Walking on the beach and going through the small stores. We can go to the sea world?"

"Yeeees...OMG I haven't been there in ages"

"Sleep now love" she brushed her thumb over her hand

Yaz fell asleep in few minutes. Clara looked at her and smiled. For a moment she forgot about all her problems, wondering if her mind would ever truly be free of them. Will she ever live to see the day when she will be truly happy and have no worries other than forgetting her eggs. Because right now, the eggs were the only thing she really wanted to worry about. But that was not what her life was or had ever been, and she wondered if it ever would be. So just for this weekend, she decided to put everything aside and pretend that none of that existed and that the universe consists only of the two of them.
She parked the car by a small restaurant. Yaz was slumped in the seat hugging a little travel pillow Clara bought her.

"Yaz darling...wake up lovley" she ran her finger over her nose gently

"Mmmm...are we there?" she opened her sleepy eyes

Clara chuckled "No darling we have quite a long way yet. But let's have some food ha?"

"Alright" she yawned

"Had a nice nap?"

"Mmmm....thanks for the pillow" she smiled

"I thought you might like that"

"Still raining" she looked outside disappointed

"Oh well" Clara shrugged "It could be worse. Come on sleepy face. Let's go I'm starving"

They walked inside the cute little restaurant that looked a bit whimsical. Yaz loved the décor that was a bit unusual from the normal restaurants. It looked as if it was inspired by Alice in Wondered with a big Cheshire Cat drawing on the wall and tea cups of all the shapes and sizes hanging from the ceiling.

"OMG this is adorable" Yaz said looking around

"We're all mad here Yaz" she grins making her giggle

"OMG look even the names on the menu are in style" Yaz laughed "This place is crazy how did you know about it?"

"It actually came up on my Google search"

"We need to have a cake Yaz I just saw a crazy cake I really need to try...anything pink Yaz it must be know like strawberries or raspberries"

"Or artificial coloring babe" she laughed

"You just killed my joy Yaz" she made Yaz giggle by making extremely disappointed face looking back into the menu "Well, I suppose I should cancel that wedding cake then"

"Whaaaaa" Yaz laughed

"Well, since you don't want anything pink"

"Wait a minute missy...are you saying we are having a strawberry wedding cake?"

"I never said that Yaz...those words never left my mouth" she smirked "Aaaa this looks nice Yaz look"

"It does but I like spaghetti...I haven't had spaghetti in a while"

"Did you know Yaz spaghetti comes from China...not from Italy"

"Really? So noodles were actually first spaghetti?"

"Yap, it is actually believed that Marco Polo was the one who brought it to Europe after visiting fact is that nobody really knows Yaz"

"I had no idea"

"It makes you wonder Yaz...what are you actually eating Italian or Chinese...or just a mystery food" she scrunched her face "Maybe someone's kid was playing with some doe whiles his granny way making bread and made strings for fun. And then next thing you know their granny though...mmmm that looks cool...I might just do that"

"Your fucking crazy babe" she laughed "You have the whole scenario going on there"

"You'd be surprised Yaz how many inventions in history happened by accident Penicillin, Chocolate Chip Cookies, X-ray Machine, Super Glue, Potato Chips"

"OMG you seriously are like a living breathing encyclopedia babe"

"What's food like where you come from?"

"Mmmm...good question Yaz...Sweeties, any sweeties, are popular on Gallifrey. honey sandwich, which is basically bread toast with honey flattening them together, Karmine pudding, Dactyl Eggs, Blue fruit, Promarzzi bars...but I'm not fond of those it's just a pill that tastes like food...I like proper food"

Yaz just giggled to all of it, she found it fascinating "That's why you eat so much I get it"

"Mmmm...and because I burn it out Yaz"

"Tell me about it" she giggled

"You're a cheeky bugger Yaz...I gotta watch it with you" she laughed




They arrived at the hotel and Clara slumped on the bed.

"You're tired darling aren't you?" Yaz leyed next to her

"Little bit...I need a shower that's for sure. I've been in these clothes since four in a morning" she lifted her jumper to smell herself making Yaz laugh

"How about we take a shower and have a little nap ha?"

"I'd like that" she turned her head towards Yaz smiling then dragged her over the bed into a kiss




Clara took her to Sea life later on and she had her very own private tour Clara telling her all about different animal species in a smallest detail.

"I bed you have no idea what that one is?" Yaz said covering the plaque with explanation

"Which one Yaz?"

"That one there" she pointed inside the massive tank

"That's easy's a Zebra Sharks"

Yaz checked the plaque and puffed rolling her eyes "Not again"

Clara laughed "I think that after seventy-five animals you can give up Yaz"

"Obviously" she takes her hand "Bighead" she frowned like a kid

"I can pretend I don't know"

"Oh, shut up" she laughed "Now you're just gloating"

"Mmmmm...maybe a little. Hey let's grab some fast food and walk on a beach"

It was evening already and sun was slowly going down. They walked to the pear and Yaz leaned on the railing looking at the sea.

"What are you thinking?" Clara stood next to her

"What's beneath the ocean. There's so much that we don't know about this world"

"That is so true Yaz, universe is so big nobody will ever see the whole lot"

"It's insane when you small we are"

"But that's what makes it so beautiful Yaz...there's always something new to see. Something that will surprise us. Come on, let's's getting cold and I'm taking you on a date"

"I thought this was a date" she slipping her hand around her waist leaning on her shoulder

"Neah...just me dazzling you a bit" Clara kissed her head draping arm around her shoulders




Clara was already dressed, sitting next to the small dresser and twirling Yaz's mascara in her hand. She looked outside and relased that it was raining again and her plans of a nice romantic walk on the beach after dinner were utterly ruined, but the change of scenery after UNIT did help. She caught a glimpse of Yaz getting ready in the bathroom standing in front of the mirror in her underwear and enjoying the view. She was wearing a burgundy lace bra and panties. Her beautiful silky hair cascaded down her shoulders and her underwear exposed most of her bum looking absolutely amazing and giving Clara a serious head wonk. She was actually torn between staying in the room and going to dinner so she just looked away from the bathroom while she still had the strength to keep her composure.

"Did you see my mascara anywhere?" Yaz came out of the bathroom and stepped between her and the little make up table looking around. Clara raised her hand and passing it to her, looking away at the table.

"What?" Yaz asked confused

"Nothing" she replied with a slight twitch from the corner of her lip

Yaz stepped between her legs smiling and at this point Clara looked up in utter agony as Yaz tucked her hair behind her ears.



"Iff you wanna make it to that dinner I suggest you move" she said keeping her hands glued to her legs because if she moved she knew they weren't going anywhere

Yaz smiled and came closer "It's raining" she took Clara's hand and cupped her breast linking fingers with another in the air "And I wouldn't like to get my hair wet"

"We're taking the car" Clara smiled and ran her thumb over her bra causing Yaz to gasp with her mouth closed

"Or we can stay" Yaz said trailing her finger over her cheek

Clara tugged her arm pulling her down and kissed her painfully slow and deep making Yaz's stomach turn inside. She felt a wave of heat pass through her cheeks and whimpered into her mouth in pure desperation. Then Clara pulled away a bit and grinned "You're mean but I can keep my composure… can you Yasmin?"

Yaz wasn't so sure after the kiss, especially after Clara said her name in full, which in itself always turned her on. But one thing she was absolutely sure of was that she was playing a game with a much better player so she had no choice.

"I can do my best," she giggled into her mouth

Clara tilted her head smiling then winked at her and Yaz knew exactly what that meant. It was a sign that she was going to start begging for mercy tonight until they get back to the room and she regretted teasing her already. She walked back into the bathroom continuing getting ready.




Clara took her hand as they walked towards the elevator. Yaz was wearing a rather short dark red dress and high heels that suddenly made her the same height as Clara. Not that Clara was normally much taller. None of the two where the tall women and Clara seemed even smaller because of her petite build. Sonya always told Yaz what a beautiful couple they looked, especially when they dressed up for the evening. Yaz had never had so many evening dresses in her life. But going out to so many fancy places with Clara required a change in her wardrobe. Before, the collection varied between casual and club wear, but Clara would dress so impeccably it was painful, so Yaz had to step up. It also helped her confidence as Clara would constantly remind her how beautiful she looked no matter what she was wearing. Even when she thought she looked absolutely awful in the morning with puffy eyes and messy hair, Clara would tell her she looked lovely. The truth was she never had someone tell her she was beautiful, accept her family and that didn't count. Telling Clara how stunning she was was as easy as breathing for Yaz, but accepting those same words from her mouth was difficult at first and she would often bury her face in a pillow, crumbling with emotion. She lost count of how many times she would cry at those words But Clara said more she was crying more she would say them until one day she would stop crying. And now she finally felt herself coming out of her shell and letting herself truly enjoy what they had. Yaz was only able to let herself go thanks to Clara's absolute patience and slow burn in the beginning. Even as they began to sleep together, Clara still retained the same slow burn that led her into this new realm and allowed her to explore herself within it.

"You look very beautiful" Clara whispered into her ear

"So do you...stunning"

"Neah...I'm glad you think that" she smiled


"Always love" she smiled gently and Clara brushed her thumb over her hand




They were in a cute little restaurant sitting by the window at a small table. Lights were dimmed and there were candles on the tables creating very romantic feel. Clara twirled a glass on the table leaned back into her chair smiling at Yaz who's eyes were wondering around the place

"You like it?" she asked pouring her a drink another drink

"It's do you always find these places?"

"Google" she laughed "I just look for places people recommend...Few times it was bad but most was really nice"

"Can I ask you something...but be honest with me"

"Oh boy...Alright ask"

"You know when you first time asked me out for a meal....Was that a date?"

Clara laughed "What do you think Yaz? Was it a date?"

"I don't think it was...but I was confused at the time"

"Well, there are layers to a date Yaz"

"What does that mean?"

"My intention was a date, but I needed to know if you want it to be a know...what iff you were married or had someone. Then I assumed you wouldn't even agree to come if you were. You'd tell me to bugger off"

"And then you moved in super speed after you've established that I was a saddo" she giggled

"Like I told you Yaz...I learned the hard way not to waist time...Time always runs out."

"I was in ten different types of pain girl" she laughed blushing

"I could see" she smirked "But so was I iff that makes you feel any better"

"I'm glad you did that...Cause I would never...I would rather die"

"You kissed me first though...that was brave" she smuged

"My brain glitched Clara...I wasn't planning it and then I freaked...completely. I was still not sure if that was a date or I completely crossed vires and you're gonna tell me to piss right off" she laughed

"Oh...that was definitely a date darling and I was really giving it my best" she sipped juice gazing at her across the table finding the whole conversation cute.

They had never talked about it before and Clara always wondered what was going on in Yaz's heart those days. She actually felt warm hearing her say those things. She never asked because she didn't want to embarrass Yaz knowing how insecure she already was about all of this, she didn't want to stress her any more. It was nicer to let things flow between them without words. But Clara herself was never good with words either, no matter how much she hid it wrapped in her bravado, she was nervous inside and had her own insecurities.

"It was so made me feel so special" she teared up saying it "But I kept thinking how I'm gonna make idiot out of myself"

"You never did Yaz and you couldn't even iff you was you who made me feel special" she leaned across the table reaching for her hand between the glasses lacing their fingers together "You told me I was stunning" she smiled "Nobody ever told me that Yaz...Hey...I almost forgot" she reached into her pocket and slides a black box with a gold bow across the table smiling

"Claraaa? What's that babe?" she smiled taking it exited and confused at the same time

"I was gonna wait till anniversary. Then you ended up in a hospital and all I could think of is if you die...and...I haven't given it to you" she shook her head "Oh, just open it will ya"

"Oh're making me soppy now"

"I'm making myself soppy as it will ya before I regenerate"

"Fuck please don't...ok I'm opening it" she laughed

She pulled the beautiful silk bow off and opened the box gasping. "OMFG babe!!!....are you kidding me?"

"Never Yasmin" she smiled

She pulled out a set of four stunning solid gold bangles each beautifully engraved. "I have no words...I'm...Clara they are stunning"

"I thought they'd go beautifully with your wedding dress"

She looked up smiling her bottom lip wobbling "I want to kiss you now" she reached across the table for her hand

"You and me both...Your nanny helped me choose them"

"My whaaaa?" she looked at her shocked "Did you just say my nanny?"

Clara laughed "Yap...and Nadija and Sonya"

"What are you going on about? When? How?"

"Well I sort of lied one day that I was at work when really I wasn't....I called Nadija...told her what I wanted to buy. She said she knows just the right place. Then when I picked her up it was your whole family"

Yaz burst out laughing rolling her eyes "Of course"

"She said her mum knows better about the traditional wedding jewelry and Sonya just wanted to go to a jewelry store" she laughed

"How was my nanny with you?"

Clara chuckled "Fine Yaz stop worrying...I'm good with grannies"

"You're're so fucking beautiful babe" she said grazing at her "Hey...put them on me will ya" she said gently stroking her hand and rubbing her fingers over hers on the table

She was absolutely craving to touch her by this point, especially when Clara fastened the bracelets and ran a finger down the inside of her wrist sending shivers through her spine.

"They look even prettier now that they're on you Yaz," she said looking down holding her hand, rubbing her thumb under the bracelets then looked up "Do you want to go back?"

"I thought you'd never ask"

Clara chuckled and took her hand getting up.