Chapter 2



Yaz was rushing in the morning slinging last bits of toiletries into her suitcase.

"Yaz honey please be careful driving all the way there. I'm getting a bit worried" her mum walked into the room

"No worries mum...I'll take it slow" she took black cocktail dress out of the wardrobe holding it in the air "What do think? This one?"

"Yeah I like that one. Yaz...who is this Clara anyway?"

"Just a mate mum...she's having a lecture so invited me to keep her company"

"You never mentioned her before"

"I don't mention everyone mum" she frowns closing  the suitcase "I gotta go mum" she kissed her cheek "I'm gonna be late"

"Call me Yaz...please don't make me worry"

"I will promise" she grabbed the suitcase and zoomed out of the apartment

It was a crisp November morning and she was thankful her car didn't freeze over night. Scrapping windows would surely make her late and that would be really embarrassing. She pulled over in front of Clara's house and the door opened again just before she was about to knock.

"Morning" she smiled "Come in"

" look cheerful for 8 am" Yaz laughed

"I don't sleep much and I'm very really tired...I hope you're hungry" she said walking towards the kitchen

"I am I didn't get any breakfast I was rushing to get here"

"Why? We have time Yaz" she turned around "We need to wait for the car anyway"

"Car?" She asked confused "I thought we are.."

"Oh no...I'm getting a substitute from insurance they are bringing it now" she zoomed around the bar that was packed with stuff

"What's all this?" Yaz looked at all the crisps and all kinds of stuff on the bar including about ten packets of custard cream

"It's a long drive" she shrugs her shoulders "Tea?"

"Yeah that would be lovely"

Clara felt her eyes on her as she turned around it made smile so she made a point in taking her time making a tea.
Yaz couldn't help but stare as Clara was making a tea and her back was to her. Another pair of trousers blue again but a white tight jumper this time and again braces. Those braces were driving her insane. They would make her brain glitch in a way she didn't think was humanly possible and now on top of it Clara's jumper was so tight she could see the outline of her shoulder blades. Yaz was embarrassed of her own brain and when Clara turned around she quickly looked down nocking some stuff from the bar as well in a process.

"Sorry..." she bend down to pick it up

"That's fine" Clara smirked holding mugs with a tea "Croissant?"

"Yes please" Yaz said putting boxes back on the bar

"!!!" Clara jumped off the floor making Yaz jump as well "Make yourself at home I'll be just a minute" she zoomed out of the kitchen and Yaz heard the door slamming

She could hear her talking to someone but she couldn't make out what they were saying. She sipped a tea and looked through the kitchen window into the garden when her eyes fixed on something and she moved a bit to get a better look

"Right...we have a car" Clara's voice made her jump again. She did that a lot to her. In fact her hyper fizzy energy made Yaz jump all the time.

"You have a police telephone box in your garden?" Yaz points utterly confused

"Oh, that..yeah..just a garden shed" she scrunched her face "I lost a key though...Shall we?"

"Right" Yaz frowned confused but she didn't ask any more questions. Clara was quirky enaugh in her eyes to have something like that anyway. Clara started shoving all the crisps and custard creams into bags and walked outside onto a driveway. They popped all the stuff in the back and they were on their way.

An hour into the trip Clara was going through those custard creams as iff she hasn't eaten in days and they were chatting throughout with Clara doing most of the talking but Yaz didn't  mind one little bit. Somehow they ended up on a topic of universe and Clara new all about. Yaz found it fascinating and really enjoyed listening to her. Then Yaz started feeling tiered. The heavy drinking then full day of work followed  by the late dinner and then getting up again at six in the morning properly finished her off. The ride made her sleepy and she was finding it hard to keep her eyes open

"Wanna have a nap?" Clara turned towards her for a second "You look tired...I don't mind"

"Are you sure?"

"Positive...nap away. I'll wake you up when I stop for a toilet" she smiles


Music from the radio and Clara's soft driving made Yaz fall asleep within minutes.
Clara turned towards her few times just for a second making sure her head wasn't falling down. She also glanced at her for another reason entirely, it was because Yaz was so beautiful she couldn't help but look. As much as she was putting up a straight face inside she was nervous. She gripped the steering wheel tight and continued to drive for another hour until she pulled up by a pub. The sound of gravel underneath the wheels woke up Yaz and she opened her sleepy eyes.

"Hey sleepy head. Had a nice nap?" Clara smiled parking the car

"Yeah...sorry I bet that was boring for you"

"Not at all Yaz...I'm glad you had a nap we have a long day ahead"

"Where are we?" she sat up and looked around rubbing her eyes

"I side tracked a little. We have another half hour to go but I thought we need a brake"

"You definitely do...I'm sorry I can't drive"

"It's fine Yaz I really don't mind" Yaz was still sloped in the seat, soft face and sleepy eyes gazing at Clara. She reached out and moved a strain of hair from Yaz's face giving her goosebumps "Right...shall we?"

"Yeah" she needed a moment to gather her thoughts and pick up her stomach that dropped to the floor.

They walked into the pub and headed towards one of the tables. It was buzzing with people.

"Clara" Yaz gently grabbed her arm


"I just need a moment..." she pointed towards the toilet

"Oh, yeah sure go ahead. You hungry? Cause I'm hungry I really fancy something"

"Yeah that would be nice...just order whatever...fine with me"

"Brilliant" she hopped to the table and Yaz chuckled at her strange body language. Always a bit fighting and hands gestures going along every word that left her mouth. She found it cute and it sort of resonated with her in some really weard way

Yaz went to the toilet and washed her face. She was still trying to come around but she was also trying to make sense out of last two days. This was so out of character for her that she baffled herself. Why is he here? Why is she on the other side of the country on a weekend with a woman she only met yesterday. Moreover, why does this seem so normal and natural. She didn't have answers to any of those questions, and she wasn't sure if she even wanted to find meaning in any of them. Maybe this is it, she thought, maybe she should go with the flow for once. And this flow seemed comfortable, almost familiar, too familiar.
But what would she even know about that, she thought to herself. She had never dated before. At least not in the traditional sense. And little or no experience she had, had to do with some fiasco in her life or making a total idiot of herself by misinterpreting someone's signals. One thing she was absolutely sure of was how attracted Clara was to her in every possible way. It was like an imaginary gravity she couldn't shake from the moment she first laid eyes on her. And that was yesterday and it scared her to the core. She had never been one of those people who was simply smitten by someone the moment she met them. She was definitely not a person who believed in love at first sight either. And yet she felt both happening to her at the same time and she felt like throwing up on a floor from anxiety. She wiped her face and went out. Clara was at the table ordering. Yaz felt that this time she should pay for this meal because Clara had been paying for everything until now.

"Hey" Yaz smiled and sat down

"Hey yourself" she smiled back "Feeling better?"

"Much better. Did you order?

"Yes...I was thinking about today. You're welcome to sit for a lecture but it might be boring. So you can do a bit of sightseeing till I'm finished then we can have some fun afterwards"

"Yeah that would be nice"

The food came and neither of them two realized just how hungry they were until it was Infront of them.

"I needed that food" Yaz said coming out of the pub

"Me too...well only half an hour to go and we are there. Exited?"

"Definitely" she smiled getting in a car

Ten minutes into the drive a song came up on a radio "Aaaa...I love that one" Clara turned it up and she was really getting into it. Bobbing her head and catching the rhythm with her hands. She looked more comical than cool and it made Yaz laugh and join her. Suddenly they were both singing literally screaming inside the car not caring how utterly out of tune they both were.
The song ended and they both laughed.

"I like you Yaz" Clara said looking at the road

"I like you too...I like you a lot"

Claras lips twitched for moment when she said that. She turned around for a second and gave her a small smile.

Soon they arrived in front of the hotel and it left Yaz speechless. She stood in front of the car holding her suitcase staring at the old building.
The word grand Hotel would definitely describe the visual in front of her eyes.

"You alright Yaz?" Clara turned around releasing Yaz was still standing bolted to the ground

"Is this where we're staying?"

"Yeah" Clara stood in front of her in a funny hunched posture confused "Don't like it?"

"Whaaaa? Are you for real?"

"I was last time I checked"

"What?..." Yaz looked at her confused

"Where's the problem?" Clara asked again

"It looks...expensive"

"It is expensive...but also nice...come on...get a shift on" she grabs her suitcase and rolled it to the massive lobby

Yaz was standing in the middle of the lobby whilst Clara was sorting out the reservations and she just started around. She felt completely out of place, under dressed and under everything. And also completely intimidated by the place.

"Right...we got the keys" Clara said walking up to her "I never understood why they still call them keys. It's a card...humans do surprise me sometimes"

"Ha?...Oh.. alright...yes keys" she still stared around looking like a deer caught in the head lights

"Yaz...relax" Clara said giving her a card to her room

"I can try" she smiled

They walked through the hallway until Clara stopped "Here we go...see we are next to each other"

"That's nice" she puts a card in a door and opens the room "OMFG...are you serious?"

"Like it?" Clara grins

"I fucking love it"

"Alright potty mouth...Well enjoy on it. I need to rush now or my students will only have my picture to admire"

"Alright Bighead...see you later"

Clara stopped frozen "Did you just call me a Bighead?"

"Yap" Yaz giggled

"I like that" she opened her room "Se ya...have a nice time"

"I definitely will...Oh and Clara"

"Yes" she peaks behind the door

"Thank you so much...this's just..."

"It's ok...Don't mention it" she disappeared behind the door frame

Yaz entered a beautiful lavish room with light blue wallpaper and massive window overlooking the town. The bed was huge and high, it looked extremely comfortable. Yaz has never had a bed this size or this high. In fact, she had never slept on anything so comfortable in her life. She entered the bathroom, which was spacious with a large shower. On the sink were small bottles of shampoo and body wash that looked like expensive perfumes. She took a small bar of soap from the sink. It was wrapped in floral print paper and she smelled it. She didn't want to open it. It was so beautifully wrapped that she wanted to keep it as a souvenir so she could smell it all the time. She was stiff from the car and was looking forward to a nice shower before she got out.
She unpacked all her stuff and walked into a shower quickly getting ready. There were only two and a half hours before meeting her for lunch so she didn't want to waist any time. Jeans and a jumper would do for now she thought and that burgundy winter jacket she was travelling in. It was a beautiful sunny day and didn't seem too cold outside. She walked outside through the town and took some photos. She took a silly selfie and sent it to Clara and to her surprise got an answer back straight away

"You're too cute...can't wait to see you xx"

The time passed quickly between a few shops and a walk. The town was absolutely stunning and had a sense of history around every corner. On Google Maps, she found the place where Clara had told her to meet. It was a cute little restaurant downtown. She sat down and ordered some tea. Then scrolled through the phone and the photos she took earlier that day.

"I love that one you look adorable" a voice behind her made her jump

"Hey you" Yaz smiled

"Hey yourself...had a nice time?"

"Yeah but I'm glad you're finally here"

Clara took her coat off and sat down opposite her. "Do you like the place?" she looked around the restaurant

"What's not to like in this place"

"Good...that was the point. Should we order?"

"Yes please I'm starving...again. I'm gonna roll out of this place"

"And you would still look cute doing it....Alright let's see what they have" she took a menu "Nope nope nope ewwww definitely not....Aaaa that's nice"

"I'll have chicken with gnocchi in mushroom sauce. That sounds nice. At least I can read the menu this time" she giggles

"Sorry about that...I speak so many languages I forget"

"I bet you will say something ridiculous like 10" Yaz laughed

"Mmmm...more..." she scrunches her face

" you're just gloating"

"Maybe just a little...You know what, that chicken sounds nice I'll have the same"

"So how was your lecture? What was it about?"

"Sumerian culture and it's influences on a modern society"

"That's history? Didn't you say your a physics professor?"

"That's my regular job Yaz. I have lectures and seminars about history as well from time to time. I like it"

"I give up...I must seem seriously stupid from your perspective"

"Yasmin Khan!" she jumped almost offended "Don't you ever say that about yourself. I think your a very clever woman. And also I will add that there are other values equally important if not more important than a diploma on a wall"

"Mmmm I could argue that one" she looked down on a table

"Yaz...look at me"

Yaz looked up

"Honesty and good heart cannot be thought. You either have it or you don't. Everything I know I can teach you. Every single bit. It's just information, nothing else. But what's in here" she points to the heart "No"

"Thank you...that was a very nice thing to say"

"Any time let's order some food I could swear that noise I just heard was my stomach"

Yaz giggled at her silly faces she kept making.

"So I thought we go and do some some sightseeing and then I'm taking you out this evening how does that sound?"


They walked around for hours after lunch. Clara knew everything there was to know about the place. It was like having your own personal tour guide. The evening came quickly and they returned to the hotel.

"I can't feel my legs" Yaz said as they walked back to their rooms

"You can have a rest before we go out iff you'd like?"

"I think I need it to be honest or I'll end up wearing my trainers with that dress"

"Pick you up at eight?"

"Eight sounds perfect. Thank you for today. That was really nice"

"Don't mention it. Have nice rest"

"Alright see ya" Yaz waived and walked back into her room slumping on a bed.

Clara took off her clothes as soon as she got back into the room and then stepped into the shower resting her forehead on the tiles letting the hot water run down her spine. It felt soothing after a long day. Once she was alone with herself, a smile went from her face as well.
The burden of her decisions was haunting and now that she was alone she had to face it. It was like a dark shadow that followed her every step, a shadow that only she herself could see.




Evening came in a heartbeat. Clara was standing in front of her closet in her underwear with her hair still slightly damp from her second shower. She needed it after a nap. She threw black pants and a white shirt on the bed. She felt better after the nap, her head definitely cleared or so she thought. But it didn't really matter which one as long as she felt lighter. She went to the bathroom and wiped the steam off the mirror with her hand, hazel eyes and a tired face staring back at her. The clusterfuck of her thoughts calmed down she thought. She never liked swearing and never did, but the occasion called for it. The soft fabric of the pants slid up her legs, she tucked in her shirt and fastened the braces. A message arrived on her phone and she picked it up immediately

"Please give me another five minutes, it's been a while since I had to get ready like this. xx"

Clara chuckled and typed back

"Take as much as much as time as you need.  We are not in a rush xx"

She was anxious to see Yaz. Yaz was like a breath of fresh air in her life. Something she had missed so much for a long time. She needed this air, she needed it so much that without it she felt as if she was suffocating.

Unlike Clara, Yaz was in a hurry and all excited. She felt like she was dizzy from the past two days. She continued to question herself and what the hell she was doing, then pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind again and grabbed her shoes off the bed quickly putting them on. She was startled by a knock on her bedroom door and suddenly her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to jump out of her mouth.

She opened the door and at one look at Clara felt her jaw drop to the floor and wondered if it was visible. She hoped that it wasn't, because if it ever was she would literally die on the spot.

"Waaw, look at you. I love the tie" she smiled

" look amazing" Clara said breathlessly. The tight black dress that hugged Yaz's body in all the right places and her beautiful long hair that fell over her bare shoulders gave her a whiplash.

"May I?" Clara reached for her hand and Yaz took it without a second thought. It was the first touch between them since they've met. But two steps down the hall, Clara intertwined their fingers and Yaz felt her legs loosen. It felt intimate, but also like she was coming home, and the thought completely confused her.

"Where are we going?" she asked Clara as they walked together down the hallway and reached the elevator

"Not far but I think you will love it" she smiled

Clara felt unusually calm compared to earlier, compared to any time really. But Yaz didn't think much of it and put it down to her being exhausted. She did drive for almost three hours and and had a lecture after which she also spent hours taking Yaz all over the town and now she's also taking her out for dinner. Yaz was surprised this woman even walked by this point. Nobody ever gave her so much attention and she was grateful for every minute of it.

"You alright?" Yaz asked "You must be really tiered. I love this but we could have skipped it"

"Never in million years Yaz...I'm fine don't worry" she smiled to her and Yaz felt her rub a thumb on a side of her hand 

They walked through the lobby into another part of the hotel and Yaz realized they won't be leaving the hotel. She was relieved for Clara's sake. This was more than enough of an effort already. They walked into a restaurant and a man approached them at the door

"Good evening Doctor" he addressed Clara


"I will need your room card for the reservation"

"Aaaa...clever man...finally someone calling it a card...yes of course" she reached into her pocket taking million things out on a counter. Little papers, ribbons, miniature tennis ball a candy wrapping, leaving the man and Yaz confused.

"Aaaa there it is!" she finally pulled it out

He took them to their table and Clara pulled the chair out for Yaz

"Like it?" she smiled

"Very much. It's perfect" she replied smiling

The waiter came straight away and they made the order.

"When is your lecture tomorrow?" she asked and placed a small bag on a side of the table

"Same time in the morning. Won't be long" she said reassuring "Then we can go some place nice"

"Do you have a plan?"

"I will do by tomorrow"

"Can I come?"

"Come where Yaz?"

"To your lecture. Iff that's ok?"

"Really?" she tilted her head. She wanted her there but didn't want to ask it of her"

"Yeah really...I want to see. Besides I rather be there then walk around alone"

"Brilliant...guess we have part of the plan for tomorrow then...Aaa food" Clara smiles

Yaz got her plate and Clara leaned over the table "Mmm...that looks nice"

"Wanna try?" she offers a bite holding a fork

"No no you eat it"

"Don't be silly" she reached across the table putting it in her mouth

"Mmmm that is nice...wanna try mine?"

"Thanks but that's pork I don't eat pork. Sorry"

"Oh, sorry I forgot course you don't"

Yaz frowned slightly in confusion. In the last two days, she only ate chicken and turkey. Time passed quickly in the chat. Yaz felt like they had known each other forever and if there was ever a time when Yaz believed in the famous saying "As if we've know each other in another  life"  it was now because that's exactly how it felt. The only fear Yaz had was that this incredible, beautiful woman would disappear from her life as quickly as she entered it.

"How long have you lived in that house?"

"Three months"

"And before that?"

"Here and there, told you I traveled a lot...But not any I'm...well, here" she smiles literally glowing

"I come?"

"Big plans...hope it works. What are your plans Yaz?"

"Work hard so I reach my goals"

"And they are?"

"To be in charge"

"I believe in you Yaz. I think your capable of a lot more than you give yourself credit for"


"Yes," she sipped her drink and leaned back in her chair, swirling the glass of wine on the table.

"How come you're alone?"

Clara's lips twitched for a second, and it didn't escape Yaz's gaze. She was looking at her across the table still swirling the wine glass "I wasn't brave enough" she replied

"I don't understand" there was sadness and pain behind her eyes that Yaz could see as soon as she asked the question, making her regret ever doing it. But this was Yaz, she couldn't help it, and her timing for asking personal questions was always off.

She leafft the glass resting her hands on the table nervously squeezing her knuckles together with the other hand "I made a decision too late and then the time ran out"

"Oh, I'm so sorry"

Yaz expected a same question back but it never came. She was grateful it hasn't because she had no idea how to explain her situation. She wouldn't even know where to start.
There was a moment of silence when their eyes met across the table and they were both getting lost in each others gaze. But then Yaz's eyes started aimlessly wondering around the restaurant.

"We are again the only ones left" she smiled nervously looking around

"Right" Clara suddenly stood up leaving Yaz wondering if what she said made her think Yaz wanted to leave. But that would be the furthest from the truth, she could easily stay there and talk until dawn. Or maybe the question was too personal and she fucked it up yet again. Then Clara reached for her hand "Wanna go for a walk?" she smiled

"That would be amazing but blimey Clara aren't you tiered?"

"Nope...well maybe just a little. Told ya...I don't  need a lot of sleep"

"Ok then...I just need to get my jacket iff you don't mind"

"Not at all"

They reached Yaz's room and Clara was walking around. "It's a nice room, isn't it?"

"Yap...very nice"

"Big windows" she leans over the edge looking down on the street "I love big windows...never had them...might get some"

"Riiiight" Yaz shook her head in confusion, but dropped it. Clara would randomly come out with the weirdest comment, and Yaz was slowly getting used to it without paying too much attention

"Comfy bed...Well, it looks comfy" she swings around it turning on her heel

" is....Shall we?" she lifts a jacket "I got my jacket"

"Yeah...sure let's go" Clara smiled and zoomed out of the room

"Oh did you get those small shampoos?...I love those I always keep the soap" she continued rambling as they walked towards the elevator

"OMG I did the same thing" she laughs "It seems shame to open them they are so cute and smell divine"

They walked the empty streets, Yaz though Clara holding her hand was a one off thing, but clearly it wasn't because she held it now all the time and sometimes she would gently brush her thumb over the side of her hand. She noticed how her skin was always cold to the touch but it was soft and silky and her grip was solid as iff making sure she didn't lose it.

"Are you cold?...Because iff you're cold we can go back" Clara asked

"No I'm fine. Don't worry about it. This is nice" she smiled and their eyes met again.

Clara walked in relative silence that was quite unusual for her, because most of the times she had a problem closing her mouth and sometimes she wondered that she's not letting Yaz speak, but then there was so much she wanted to say to her. She enjoyed in silence and holding Yaz's hand. The warmth of her body and softness of her skin. From time to time a gentle breeze would carry the smell of her hair to Clara's face and she would close her eyes soaking it in.

"Why are you so quiet? You're tiered aren't you?" Yaz asked. She really didn't want to torture her. She felt bad that Clara obviously was really trying to give her the wonderful experience but she knew she must be exhausted by this point

"I promise  I'm not"

"Is there something on your mind?" Yaz asked

"There's a lot on my mind but none of it have to do with this. I'm enjoying in this...In you" she glanced at her sideways for a moment giving her a big smile

"I'm enjoying in you too, very much. But I know you're struggling and we should really go back"

"Alright...Maybe  we should" she smiled




They walked out of the elevator and down the hallway to their rooms. Clara gently tugged her hand and turned her around.

"Hey there" Yaz smiled gazing at her

"Hey yourself beautiful" she said moving a strain of hair from her face "Would you like to go for breakfast with me before the lecture?"

"I'd love to" she looked down to their hands laced together following with her eyes Clara raising them to her lips and kissing her knuckles

"Kiss me," Yaz blurted out a request she had no idea where it came from or how she even had the courage to say, but this woman was making her do things that didn't make sense. And she was absolutely certain she just made an absolute idiot out of herself.

Clara stopped her face frozen and lips slightly parted "Yaz...I.." she twitched an eye as if processing that request

"Do you want to? Because if you don't it's fine I just..."

"Yes of course I do...very much so...but I wasn't sure if you...well I....." Yaz cut her off and pressed her lips onto hers still holding on to her hand, crushing into her without a thought in her brain and now she had no idea what to do next. She never thought this far ahead and was desperately hoping Clara will continue from this point forward before she makes a complete idiot out of herself. And to her relief she felt fingers slowly wrapping around her face deepening the kiss so hard it almost gave her a whiplash, a moan leaving her mouth, lips taking hers, sucking the breath out of her lungs slowly, gently and passionately. Taking time to feel her, soaking in every moment making it last. Yaz brought her hands to the nape of Clara's neck. She felt tingles down her spine and she was aware she was shaking like a branch. But nobody kissed her like that in her life making her feel like she's been pulled out of this place and floating somewhere in space. She tasted sweet and fizzy, soft
They parted pressing their foreheads together gazing at each other.

Clara ran her finger over her cheek "This was fact brilliant...but I think I should go to my room now"

"Mmmm" Yaz mumbled smiling

"You're beautiful" she whispered inches away

"And you're stunning" Yaz smiled and Clara scrunched her face

"Neah...but glad you think so" she took her lips into hers again then tapped her nose with a finger "Nightie night"


She waited till Yaz went into her room before going in herself. As soon as she shut the door she leaned her back to the door and sighed.
A tear rolled down her cheek "I missed you so much Yasmin Khan" she said quietly then wiped her tears.

Yaz went to her room and like a little kid shut the door behind her putting her hand on her heart smiling eyes filled with tears. It was a first time she felt like this in her life. After so many times of her heart fell for unrequited love someone in this world wanted her. Someone in this universe saw her and didn't look through her. She still didn't know what this was or where it's heading but she was willing to put her whole self into it without questioning it. She didn't care she just met her she didn't care that it felt like her world just got turned upside down because she loved this upside down so much and she was gonna grab it with both hands whilst it was still there for taking. Her hands were still shaking and her legs trembled but she was was drunk with happiness.



It was early morning and Yaz was in her bathroom, she was already dressed and braiding her hair when she heard a knock on a door

"Fuck...Already?" she looked at the time and Clara was 15 min early "Come in!" she yelled and the door opened up

"Morning!" Clara yelled as she cam in

"Hey...morning...sorry I just need to get my hair sorted. Give me a minute"

"No worries...Hey I had an idea about what to do today"

"Tell me" she said still braiding her hair

"Oxford Castle if you'd like" Clara on a chair by the table studding all the stuff that was scattered across it. Makeup and hair pins

"Mmmm caste...Yeah why not...sounds interesting"

"It're gonna love it. It was built by the Norman baron Robert D'Oyly the elder from 1071 to 1073. He arrived in England with William I in the Norman Conquest of England and William the Conqueror granted him extensive lands in Oxfordshire..."

"You do know I'm not gonna remember any of this...Right?" she smiled coming out of the bathroom

"I'm still gonna say it"

"I know and I love it" she came up to her and stood between her legs, Clara went quiet as Yaz tucked her hair behind her ears "You can kiss me now...That is if you want to" she said cheeky and Clara smirked

"I wasn't sure" Clara takes her hand. She had a way of seamlessly lacing their fingers together tha Yaz found extremely attractive. 

"You think I changed my mind?"

"I don't just go around randomly kissing people you know" 

"Just me?" Yaz giggled

"Just you" she smiled pulling her hand so she can reach her lips.

"You're gonna be late and I'm hungry" Yaz smiled into her lips

"I know" she smiled again and kissed her short then got up "You sure you wanna go with me?"


"Alright let's go.."

Yaz sat in second row of the conference hall were Clara got her settled. It was interesting for her to see the lecture. Clara hopping around the big stage and rambling on following every word with her distinctive body language she was completely in her element. She understood now why she loved it so much. There was a lot of students attending but also some older people Yaz had no idea who they were and assumed they were professors like Clara. Yaz thought it would be hard for her to follow the topic but Clara made it so easy and interesting to listen and two hours have passed in a blink.

"So I will have to wrap this up soon but before I do I wanna know what you think is the biggest influence of Sumerian culture on our civilization"  Clara asked the students

"Aliens!" someone yelled making everyone including Clara laugh

"Aliens?" she asked tilting her head

" know Anunnaki...Don't you belive in aliens Doctor?"

"Of course I believe in aliens I am an alien" her coment made everyone laugh

"I think we would know iff you were Doctor"

"Aaah I wouldn't put my money on that one..." she scrunched her nose  "Riht...Unfortunately I'm gonna have to wrap this up or they will charge you extra and that would be embarrassing. It was a pleasure to be infront you all today"

Clara got off the stage down to where Yaz was sitting.

"You're crazy you know that"

"Did you have fun?"

"I absolutely loved it. You're right at home up there"

Clara reached for her hand and kissed her temple "I'm flattered...Come on let's go. I'm taking you somewhere nice"

"And that is?"

"A has a beautiful view ..that's all I'm saying" she grins pulling her along




"That's a lot of stairs" Yaz looked up to an endless flight of spiral stairs

"And I promise you it's totally worth the climb...Go on...get a shift on" she grabs her waist pushing her up making her giggle

"Not like I have a choice is it?"

"Nope...absolutely not" she nudged her again

Clara climbed the stairs of the stone tower with such ease she didn't even bat an eyelid unlike Yaz who was trying to ketch a breath as they climbed to the top.

"Blimey Clara...what are you running on? I swear my soul stayed somewhere half way up" she said huffing and puffing but Clara grabbed her hand pulling her along.

"See...told ya...Beautiful isn't it?" she showed her the view

"It really is...windy but stunning" she smiled leaning on the metal railing

Clara walked up behind her and pressed on her back slipping hands around her waist and she leid her head on her shoulder. The weather wasn't the best so they were the only ones there allowing Clara to feel relaxed. She wasn't in favor of public display of affection but she had a desperate need to feel Yaz close. Yaz smiled  and leaning on her. The feeling was absolutely amazing "Thank you" she said snuggling herself in her arms

"I'm glad you like it"

"I love it...You're really dazzling me aren't you?"

" I?" she giggles

"You know you are, cheeky...And you're doing a good job of it as well"

"I hope so...But you are frozen solid and we should go now"

A day passed quickly and Yaz felt a knot in a stomach as she was packing her bag. Clara put a maximum amount of effort in making her feel beautiful and wanted like nobody ever did and she didn't want this to end. She wanted it to continue and flow but tomorrow was Monday and it was a working day for both of them and she had no idea if this will just fizzle out after that. A nock on a door jolted her from her thoughts

"Come in" she yelled and Clara walked in "Hey...Give me a minute I'm almost done" she said and closed her suitcase.

She avoided eye contact entirely, not wanting Clara to see her struggle to keep her tears away. She felt silly for showing so much emotion and she didn't know how Clara would react to it. After all, they had only known each other for three days, and that made her feel stupid. But her heart did not ask for approval.

"Alright take your time" Clara stood for a while with her hands in her pockets watching her walk around the room looking down each time she passed. She grabbed her forearm as she walked past her again. "Hey…are you okay?" she tilted her head to see her face which was still looking at the floor

"Mmm...yeah's just stupid" She shook her head, and Clara put a finger under her chin, looking up. Eyes soaked with tears. Yaz knew her eyes were so full of them that they would roll down her cheeks if she blinked

"Hey...C'mere" she pulled her in on her chest and tangled fingers in her hair "it's not stupid Yaz...I don't wanna go either"

"You don't?" she couldn't sustain tears anymore

"No..I don't darling" she cupped her face raising her gaze "So we are stupid together"

Yaz laughed through the tears and Clara kissed her gently "You better find time to see me tomorrow or I'll get seriously upset with you"

"Of course I will...promise" she nods smiling feeling like a ton of bricks fell of her shoulders

"Come on now...we have a long drive back"