Chapter 7



Doctor is running around the kitchen like crazy smoke is coming out the oven in a kitchen. She opened the oven a pile of hot steam and smoke comes out. She's waiving a kitchen cloth making faces flapping around.

"Aaaaarrrhhh how difficult can it be???? For god sake I get rid of Cyberman and Daleks and I can't make a simple cake!!" she takes a tray of completely scorched cookies out of oven and drops them on a kitchen top

"OMG...What aaaareee you doooing!!!"

Yaz walkes in a kitchen that looks like a bomb went off in it. Flour is all over the counter and the floor, eggshells everywhere. Cookies look like charcoal and smoke alarms are on. Doctors hair is covered in flour and she looked overall stressed

"This is a disaster...I'm sure this is wrong she throws a cook book on a counter

Yaz laughed so much but she found it really cute. She didn't want to upset her feelings jet again so she just played along

"I'm suuure it is...not every recipe is good you know"

She walked around the counter grabbed her braces pulling her in for kiss and just snuggled herself in wrapping her arms around and placing her head oh her hearts.
"But it's the effort that counts. I love you"

Doctor was running her fingers through her hair still a bit upset with herself but calming down
"That's it we are definitely leaving this one for Tardis" she says taking a deep sigh

Yaz looks up and smiling "Hey should we go and order presents? Can't go wrong with that."

"No suppose not...but the way things are going I'm just waiting for Tardis to burn down" Doctor says disappointed

"Hey, cheer up...This is us... something always goes wrong. There's something else bothering you I can tell"

"No..there isn't...."

"Alright iff you say so...but my gut instinct never fools me"

"Oh really?...So what's you gut instinct telling you about what I'm thinking now smarty pants?" she makes a smug face

" absolutely sexy I am and how you just want to shagg me on this kitchen top" she laughs

"Yaz!!!!! Potty mouth...Blimey what have I created.. since when have you spoken like that?"

Yaz giggles "Alright...make love to me on this kitchen top" she's flapping her eyelashes and giggling "Better your lordship?"

Doctor shakes her head in disbelief "Who are you, and what have you done to my Yaz?"

"Keeping her hostage and you need to find her" she starts peaking inside of her shirt "She's somewhere in here"

Doctor lift her eyebrow "Really?" She grabs her and lifts her on a kitchen counter and starts kissing her neck going down to the edges of her shirt running her hands over her breast. She unbuttoned the first button

"Nah.. cold" she pushes her head lower

Doctor unbuttoned a second button "Warm" Yaz comments pushing her lower

Doctor lifts her head up and looked into her eyes. She runs runs her thumb over her lips slowly and Yaz closes her eyes "You talk to much" Doctor shuts her up with a kiss...

Yaz walked into the control room and Doctor was hunched over the console fiddling with something

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to sort something out for Graham...look at this and tell me what you make of it" she points at the screen

Yaz comes closer and reads the screen "That's not normal"

"And why is not normal Yaz?"

"Because"...she moves to the other screen and looks at the readings Tardis gave "There's a massive whole on a North side of the mountain that wasn't there before"

"I impressed Yaz.. that's exactly what it is...and look at that there" she points at the other side of the console

Yaz walkes around and looking down to the console "Are it can't be...those are not animals"

"No they are not Yaz"

"We are not alone" they say together

"But I thought you said we are"

"Well...we where supposed to be..and that didn't happen until that avalanche so I don't know what's going on"

"I said something was bothering you"

"Well you obviously know me too well Yaz" she smiles still fiddling with the little gadget

"What are we going to do about it"

"For now nothing...Not sure I want to do anything about it...And I can't believe I'm even saying that...but I don't want this holiday to turn into another mission. So for now...Nothing"

"Really?? Who are you and what did you do with my Doctor?"

She stops what she's doing and looks up "Still me Yaz....last time I checked...I'm just so tired from everything...Running around all the time and always some problem to be resolved. Division, Master, Flux, Daleks, Angeles, Cyberman...did I miss anyone?" she's waiving her hands and just flops them down with a big sigh "I need this...we need this...I can't take it anymore...I feel drained Yaz"

"OMG love it's fine" she walks over to her and puts her arms around her shoulders stroking the back of her neck "It's really have burned out have you?" she says gently

"I have Yaz...I never thought I would ever say this...I don't think I ever said that...not that I remember.. mind you as it is it turns out I don't remember much either, Do I?" she says it feeling absolutely miserable and desperate

"Hey,'s ok" she kisses her shortly "it's ok love" Doctor slumps her head on her shoulder and takes a deep breath

"Hey...let's wrap up the presents ok?...That's fun...And everyone is coming tomorrow as well"

"I'd like that...but this thing I'm working on is really and I mean really important Yaz I have to finish it. Would you be upset..."

"Noo...not at all...In fact I will bring everything here and you work on what ever that is and we can hang around. What is that anyway?"

"Surprise Yaz...big big'll see" her face starts shining again

"Alright love" Yaz kisses her shortly and strokes her cheek

"What would I do without you?" Doctor says looking at her deeply

"You'd be flying around in your blue box, alone and miserable resolving every known problem in the universe without ever getting gratitude for it" she smiles

"Ouch Yaz!!! Blimey..touché" she twists her face

"Just saying, just saying" Yaz turns around flapping her eyelashes and giggling


"Yes babe"

"I adore you....and I really mean it...I absolutely adore you"

"Same here" she puts her hand on her hart "This beats only for you"

She walks into their room and she sits on bed. Never did she ever think in million years Doctor can actually get burnt out. Never did she ever think she will literally stop and freeze herself, literally freeze herself in ice and if she couldn't make herself do it, so she let universe do it for her. Yaz felt so much pain inside it was choking her....because Doctors pain was her own now more so than ever. Her beautiful universe was in pain and in pieces and behind all that dazzling and passion and romance there was a tortured tiny beautiful woman who just wanted a small piece of happiness for herself in 3000 long years of her life to finally take it for herself.

She got off the bed and stormed into the kitchen and she was zooming around Tardis backwards and forwards for almost an hour. Finally she got back to their bedroom to put on the nicest thing she could find in her wardrobe...a small beautiful black dress her mom gave her for last birthday. The little tiny crystals on a dress made it shine like million stars. She put her hair up in a beautiful bun and for the first time in years she actually put makeup on. The only think not even Tardis had was proper shoes so just put cute little black trainers on.

As she was approaching the control room she looked up and whispered

"Please give me this"

Tardis listened and dimmed the lights. And Yaz looked at her confused little wife looking around the console and arguing with Tardis. It made her giggle. She walked down the stairs smiling and their eyes found each other across the room

Doctor choked for a second. She didn't even recognize her for a spit second and needed her brains to reboot.

"Wooow..." she literally took step backwards and then her face twisted "Did I forget something?...Oh please tell me it's not your birthday or something because you know I don't follow those things and I'm so bad at it...Is it?...Something"

Yaz didn't say anything...she just walked up to her and reached for her hands "No my beautiful didn't forget anything"

"Then why are you know...dressed up...I mean you're...waaaw...gorgeous...Is that even you?"

"I thought you've been dazzling me for days now. And I just thought tonight I dazzle you for a change. So wanna go on a date?"

Doctor tilts her head on side pulling one of those soft faces again, looking at Yaz as if she's going to cry. It's a face only Yaz could ever see, the one that shows her most vulnerable side. Yaz doesn't wait for answer she takes her hand and leads her to the library. She set up a small table there just for the two of them with candles and dimmed lights and soft music in a background.

"You did this for me?" she smiled completely blown away and then turned around in her usual quirky fashion "I've never been invited to a date...I always did dates" she tilled her head a bit thinking "But then I was a man most times...does that count...suppose not"

Yaz just smiled enjoying she managed to confuse her so much "No love that doesn't're a woman now"

Doctor wants to automatically pull the chair for Yaz but she stops her "A a..nooo...this is me taking you for a date"

Doctor is getting utterly lost in this role reversal but she decides to go with it and sits on a chair totally confused

"Relax..just enjoy in me dazzling you with this beautiful piece of improvisation"

Doctor can't help but laugh at this one. She shakes her head and razes her eyebrow blown away completely. It's a side of Yaz she's never seen before and she finds it cute and adorable and so playful it is addictive.

"Raspberry juice's our finest" she's holding a glass jug in her hand

Doctor is giggling her head off, trying to keep it serious but she feels like she will explode inside...and she barely managed to utter the answer out
"Yes please"

Yaz is continuing the show and putting the plates with food in front of the Doctor and she opens a small tray with custard cream cookies.

"Custard cream for desert..."

She then bends down to give her a small kiss on her absolutely speechless soft lips "...for the best wife in the universe" she whispers

"Did you just call me a wife?"


"I like that.."

She finally sits down...Doctor cannot stop smiling. They spent two hours just chatting and giggling. Yaz was telling her about all the funny stuff that happened when they where apart

"And Ryan just told them the whole plan.." Yaz laughed

"And I left dipstic on top of the Eiffel should have seen his face"

"Oh, oh and Graham was arguing with your recording on a plane...He was so pissed off with you"

"I knew it!!!...he never wanted to admit it"

"And you where so mmmm in that tux I was really trying to hide it"

"Hide it? I got worried for a moment you're into that plonker. ..and I thought alright is what it is..."

"Oh god nah" she makes a cringe face "I was trying to destruct myself"

They suddenly go quiet. Doctor reached for her hand across the table and she's stroking it with her thumb

"Thank you for this"

She gets up still holding her hand and and walks around the table


"Any time" Yaz smiles and gets up

Tardis played a soft music for them. Yaz placed her hand on back of Doctors neck and felt her sliding her hand around her waist. She rocked her around the room slowly never taking a gaze of her eyes.

Doctor let go of her hand and moved it around her waist pulling her closer. She leaned over and started gently brushing her lips onto hers. Yaz wanted to kiss her but she pulled away slightly not letting her, just kept her lips there barely touching.
Yaz was stroking the back of her neck and feeling her hands tracing up and down her spine ever so gently. She was still moving her with the music but slower and slower. Keeping her soft lips so close but not closing the gap between them. Yaz's hart started beating faster as Doctors hands where running down her back. She tried kissing her again but Doctor pulled away again, smiling and nodded her head. One more step and her back hit the table behind her. Doctor finally pressed her lips against hers kissing her passionately and pressing her against the table pulling her hips toward herself. Yaz let go of her and gabbed the table behind her with both hands trying to stop herself from falling. She could fell the pressure in in her head as heat hit her cheeks. She wanted to take her coat down so badly but every time she reached for it Doctor stopped her pinning her hands down to the table kissing her like she will tare her apart. She spined her around and pressed herself on her back kissing her neck and her shoulders, tracing her hands down her breast and her stomach pulling her against herself harder.
She lifted her dress and run her hand between her thighs and up her stomach, heat rushed through Yaz's cheeks and released a loud moan. She thought she will fall on to the floor her legs giving up on her but Doctor held her so thigh.
"Please..." she whispered barely managing to speak completely overwhelmed with passion
Doctor lifted her dress more and finally went where Yaz so desperately wanted her to go. She was slumped in her arms leaning on her and running her fingers down Doctors hand that was wedged between her thighs feeling her soft lips kissing her neck and her breath on her skin. She was moaning quietly in her arms.

"CONTACT" Doctor whispered in her ear very quietly and closed her eyes. Doctors skin started shining this beautiful magical haze of orange light wrapping itself around her hugging her body completely, tingling her skin until it went right through her almost reaching the depth of her very being, They became one in this moment, one being, part of each others universe.
Emotions got the better of Yaz and a single tear ran down her cheek.

Her legs started shaking so hard she couldn't stand up any more. She was gone...Doctor spined her around and she just slumped hopelessly in her arms resting her head on her shoulder leaning on a desk behind her completely exhausted. She didn't even relased when Doctor scooped her up until they where back in their room and she felt Doctor skin on her own pressed on her back, her arm around her holding her tight. She was drunk from all the passion and love she must have just fallen asleep in her daze. She turned around and started kissing her half asleep desperate to return the favor but Doctor just laughed at her pathetic attempt

"I don't think it's gonna happen Yaz"

She kissed the tip of her nose and just pulled her in closer under the covers "just sleep"
She fell asleep curled up in her arms listening to her hearts beating and smelling sweetness of her skin.