Chapter 25


Yaz was awakened by thunder. She wasn't even sure what time it was when she fell asleep in Clara's arms, but she was pretty sure she fell asleep in the middle of cuddling and talking. She did it too often to her own embarrassment, but Clara didn't mind and never got mad at her. She was cold, and Clara, who was wrapped around her like a koala, seemed as cold as ice. But Yaz realized that their duvet had fallen to the floor at some point and now they were both naked and freezing. She tried to move a bit to reach it and soon gave up on the idea and then began to unwrap her girlfriend from her just enough to reach out. But the more she squirmed, the tighter Clara's grip became, bringing her leg even higher over her hip and pressing her face into her neck. Yaz began to giggle at her cute gesture and her third attempt was met with a loud moan of displeasure in her neck which only made her  chuckle

"Clara...darling" she said trying to get her attention "'re frozen solid I need to get the fucking duvet"


"I am staying...I'm not going anywhere just need to get the bloody duvet of the floor and your tangled around me I can't move"

"Mmmm" she moaned again and nuzzled her face into her skin

"Clara baby"

"Ha? Whaat..." suddenly Clara jumped like the house was on fire

"Fuck me babe...It's ok I just needed a duvet"

"Ha?...Oh" Clara sat on a bed hair all over the place and the most sleepy and disoriented face Yaz had ever seen and thought she looked absolutely the cutest.

"Darling it's fine..." she grabbed the duvet of the floor "see...I couldn't move and you're freezing and I'm freezing"

"Blimey...sorry Yaz...I don't know what's wrong with me" she rubbed her face 

"It's ok...I think you're chronically sleep deprived babe...Oh, I need to pee" she jumped up and walked over to the bathroom

"I think you're right" Clara pulled a duvet over and wrapped it around herself then just toppled over back onto the mattress "Goodness, still raining" she looked through the window

"I know, it's horrid, thank god we don't work tomorrow" she wobbled back into bed

Clara spread the duvet and went back to her favorite place in Yaz's arms wrapping themselves around each other.

"I'm so cold" Clara said squeezing herself and pulled the duvet over their heads

"This is cozy" Yaz smiled rubbing their noses together "You look so cute sleepy"

"You need glasses" Clara giggled and tucked her face back into her neck " so soft" she mumbled satisfied and trailed her hand down Yaz's lower back lazily

It lulled Yaz back to sleep even though she was struggling having her head underneath the duvet but Clara was frozen solid and she was slowly warming up. 




The terrible weather continued all night until the next morning. Yaz woke up to a noise from the garden, not paying too much attention to it, she just lazily rolled over to the other side of the bed. The pillow still smelled of Clara and she buried her face in it. Waking up alone was a normal thing for her since nine times out of ten Clara would be up long before her. In fact, she never knew Clara to sleep past six o'clock any day unless she begged her to stay in bed just to cuddle. On the other hand, Yaz could happily sleep until eleven if she didn't have to go to work, and Clara kept calling her a sloth. Suddenly the noise from the garden became very loud and Yaz tried to ignore it as best she could until a light bulb went off in her brain about what that sound was.

"Chainsaw....fuck!!" she jumped out of bed and walked towards the window and saw Clara up on the ladder removing some broken branches from the trees "Clara I'm going to fucking kill you myself I swear" she muttered opening the window "Clara!!!!!" she shouted but apparently Clara didn't hear her. She didn't really know why she even thought Clara could hear her over the noise, but she had to try anyway.

"Clara....for fuck sake!" Yaz ran into the garden wrapped in a sheet Clara was wearing goggles and was pretty high up on the ladder which Yaz was seriously anxious

"Claraaaa fuck sake!" she yelled, finally getting her attention not so much with the sound as with her presents

"Hey you...morning" she raised her goggles on top of her head "Yaz blimey...why are you naked outside?"

"Clara… are you trying to fucking kill yourself?"

"What?...No Yaz, I'm cutting branches" she got off the ladder confused "Why would you say that? And why are you naked in the garden Yaz...please go inside"

"Whaaa? ....I'm not fucking naked....I've got that thing around me" she said almost hysterically tugging at the sheet "And stop the distraction...You almost cut your arm off once honey... please stop using that shit I'm begging you"

"Ooooh..." she glanced at the chainsaw "Sorry" she frowned "I'm so sorry... I didn't think you'd be so scared Yaz, it was just one off accident I promise... And you're naked Yaz under that sheet...please...come inside"

Clara drops the chainsaw to the ground to Yaz's absolute relief and wraps her arms around her waist trying to kiss her, but Yaz purses his lips in a pout. The thing seriously gave her goosebumps, and the thought of another accident made her stomach turn inside out.

"No kiss?...I said I was sorry," she said shakily

"Seriously Clara...I'm not kidding...this thing is going...I need your promise not your sorry...or I'll take the sheets off" he giggled

"Blimey Yaz...Okay...I promise I'll drop it, ok?....Can I get a kiss and get you inside?"

"You silly sod" Yaz laughed rolling her eyes "Of course you can" she brought her hands to the back of her head and Clara grabbed the sheet in panic just before Yaz kissed her

"Please now get your naked bum inside Yaz"

Yaz giggled walking back into the house with her "Seriously honey I'm not naked…you sound like my nanny"

"There is absolutely no reason for you to be like that in the garden Yaz" she literally shoved her inside looking around making sure none of the neighbors were outside

"But you just kissed me," she giggled

"You will be my wife Yaz and this is my garden that is different"

"Right," she giggled even more finding it absolutely cute how old fashioned she was.

Clara had unwritten rules about where she would kiss Yaz and where she wouldn't, and Yaz found it hilarious that the front of the house was off-limits, and so was the car, unless it was pouring rain and no one could see inside. There was absolutely no display of affection in front of her parents and Yaz wondered how she was going to kiss her at a wedding in front of her entire family but in all fairness that she herself didn't feel very comfortable with. Although Yaz seemed to be more worried about it than her family anyway because her mother was already talking about children.

"Hey...c'mere" Clara pulled her hand as they walked into the kitchen and put her arm around her waist "I'm sorry I scared you"

"Just don't do it again...I really hate that really gives me the creeps" she puts her hands on either side of Clara's neck "I really can't stand you being hurt"

"I know… I'm so sorry Yaz" She giggles at her goggles sitting on top of her head and pulls them over her eyes "These are so silly"

Clara scrunched up her face which made her laugh and kissed her silly, then deep and passionate, her hands trailing dirty marks on the light sheet down Yaz's back and across her backside. Yaz removed her goggles and tangled her fingers in her hair, hungrily capturing her lips in hers, soft sobs escaping her mouth. She pulled back the sheet with one hand and let it slide to the floor

"My hands are dirty," said Clara, pulling away

Yaz grabbed her cheeks "Then don't use them" she smiled cheekily and pulled the straps from her shoulders letting them fall down the edges of her blue trousers "I love the rainbow" she smiled pulling her t-shirt out of her trousers still kissing her

"Please let me wash my hands" Clara wined

Yaz rolls her eyes and giggles "Fine" she pulls her by the waistband of her towards to the kitchen tap clinging to her back as she washes her hands kissing her shoulder blades and lifting her shirt up pushing her hands underneath making Clara chuckle

"Look who's impatient now?" she smirked and relased the blinds quickly letting them hit the kitchen top then turned around wrapping her hands around her face kissing her sufficiently enough to make her dizzy and her legs to tremble. After all these months of being together Yaz still felt she was melting underneath her touch being reduced to a jelly letting Clara do what ever she wanted with her. Completely surroundings herself to her with every cell in her body. She felt goosebumps on her skin and cold, still wet hands trailing down her breasts and over her waist. She unzipped Clara's trousers and they hit the floor which made her laugh as Clara fumbled her way out of her boots which were now tangled with her pants and threw them across the kitchen floor still trying to kiss her at the same time.

"Arms up" Yaz said pulling her shirt over her head and pressing her lips to her collarbone trailing over her shoulders and neck. Yaz groaned as cold fingers brushed her thighs and she was turned until her back hit the kitchen counter. She wrapped her arms around Clara's shoulders and kissed her careless and open mouth, then swung Clara's leg over her side and slid her hand over Clara's bum, pulling her against her, feeling her body crush her against the kitchen counter. Clara whimpered into her mouth as she slipped hand between them and into Clara's underwear. Another wimper caught her lips and her face frowned a little then head droped to the crook of Yaz's neck. She reached around her grabbing the kitchen top. She was desperately trying to be cooperative but ker kisses down Yaz's neck became more sloppy thennshe nuzzled her face into Yaz's cheek rubbing her nose whispering almost incoherent words in Gallifreyan that Yaz knew now meant something on the lines of my love.

Clara was dizzy, so dizzy and her legs trebled. Her knuckles going white as she gripped the kitchen top and other arm wrapped around Yaz's shoulder and the back of her neck. She wanted to touch her, kiss her fell her underneath her her but her body wasn't listening to her mind. It shuddered. Eyes slammed shut heat hit her cheeks, a soundless moan leaving her half parted lips as she rolled herself over Yaz's hand one more time. She fell silent as Yaz pulled her hand away and held her tight against herself. Clara's face buried onto her neck brought her hand up and trailed it lazily over Yaz's breast and down her sides then lifted her face to meet her eyes with the happiest soft grin on her face.

"Hi there" Yaz smiled

"Hi yourself" she kissed her lazy

"Happy face" Yaz smiled and kissed her again wrapping fingers around her face and rubbing her thumb over her cheek

"C'mere" Clara smiled into her lips and grabbed her hand and pulling her so hard she almost flew across the kitchen to the living room on the wobbling legs. She grabbed her around the waist and practically threw them both on the sofa climbing on top of her lazy smiling cheeky kissing her breast.

"You silly sod" Yaz giggled ruffling her hair

"More comfortable," she smiled pressing her lips to her breast, leaving Yaz gasping for air rolling her eyes in the back of her head, fingers tugging at Clara's hair and back arching following her lips.

Clara smiled and came back to claim her lips "Stars you're so gorgeous" she smiled.

"And you're stunning" she smiled wrapping legs around her cradling her between her thighs

"So, are you ready to get the rings today" Clara took her hand and laced their fingers

"Yap....are you?"

"Absolutely lovely ...can't wait to put it on that cute finger or yours either" she kisses her knuckles

"It's getting closer and closer" Yaz smiled playing with a little curl of Clara's hair right by her ear that looked absolutely adorable. She loved when her hair would randomly curl up from heat or damp.

They fell silent for a while. Clara resting on her chest enjoying in little rocking motion Yaz is doing and her fingers trailing down her back and over her shoulders, going everywhere and nowhere. Clara tracing lines with her fingers over Yaz's side then she lifted her face to meet her eyes.

In silence, she gazed at Clara's face, her beautiful autumn eyes and the little wrinkle on her forehead that she loved so much combining her fingers through her messy golden hair.

"Penny for your thoughts" Clara smiled

Yaz smiled and stroke her face "Just wondering sometimes how much have those eyes seen"

"Aaaaaa....are you now?" she kissed her palm "Too much" she scrunched her nose shortly "and also not enough ....Does that make sense to you Yaz?"

"Yeah it does baby...very much...We should get going before the stores close" she smiled tucking hair behind her ears still playing with her curls

"Mmmm...not just yet missy" Clara smiled cheeky "I'm not done with you" she giggled and kissed her shortly and painfully slow lile only Clara ever kissed her sucking air from her lounges and making her tremble.

Yaz closed her eyes and tilted her head back as Clara sloped down her body, her hands trailing every inch of her and lips following the same path. She kissed her hip bone gently. A sign of what she's going to do next which Yaz knew very well by now. It was Clara's body language she knew so well that she could anticipate every move before it came. She looked down at Clara and smiled softly making room for her between her thighs, placing her feet on her shoulders and twitched as Clara placed a small kiss on the inside of her leg her lips so soft and gentle on her skin whilst hands trailing down her sides then fingers brushed over her. Yaz's back arched and her toes curled oh Clara's shoulders. She reached for hand and squeezed it tight.

"Oh god..." Yaz moaned her eyes closed tight falling into the other world where nothing existed accepted them two. She tugged lightly on her hair rocking herself over her lips lifting her hips off the sofa. "Please baby please" she begged and shuddered underneath her, cold fingers slowing down inside her but still there. She never wanted her to leave. Because she missed her as soon as she did iff that ever made sense in her mind. But she wanted Clara to be a part of her that never leaves her if it were at all humanly possible. She drifted somewhere, hips still rolling slowly lazy movements, her legs shaking. She felt Clara's thumb rubbing the side of her hand gently and her lips dotting kisses on the inside of her legs then trailing over her stomach until she settled draping herself over her. The weight of her body so welcoming pressing her onto the soft cushions of the sofa. Yaz wrapped her legs around her and stroke the back of her neck smiling dreamy, her beep brown eyes stil half open and kissed her gently not noticing a tear running down the side of her face soaking into the soft fabric. Falling silent she fell asleep a for a while. Then soft voice called her name

"Yasmin...darling. We need to get ready"

"Hey...sorry" she said sleepy "God I can't believe I feel asleep again"

"Not for long. It's ok love, but we will be late" she dotted kisses over her face

"Alright...up we go" she said giggling





They went to the same store where Clara bought bracelets for Yaz. The amount of jewelry inside was enormous. And the man recognized Clara as soon as she walked in.

"Oh hello madam"

"Hi...nice to see you again Rishi...this is Yasmin Khan" she smiled proudly

"Miss Khan it's my pleasure to meet you" he smiled "Your nanny Umbreen and I know each other for a loong time"

"Hi, nice to meet you. Yes, she told me her wedding jewelry was bought in your store I had no idea. And she said I can trust you finding something really special for us"

"I never had two girls here so it will have to be special for you Yasmin"

"Oh, Sorry" Yaz said apologetically. She didn't know why she was apologizing, it just kind of just came out of her mouth. She felt stupid for saying that as soon as she said it. It was as if she was apologizing for marrying a woman. But the man didn't react and Clara ran a finger over the side of her arm, freeing her getting nervous.

"Hi girls!" Najia came inside making Yaz jump

"Mum! What the hell?" she looked at Clara

"Aaaaa Nadjia....just in time!....Surprise!" she laughed to Yaz who was completely taken back

"Hey you did you pick anything?" she rushed inside and put her bag on the glass counter kissing them both

"Nope...just came in" Clara said

"Hi what do you have for my girls?"

"Hi Najia...give me a minute" he went at the back. He had a grin on his face that was not leaving his face.

"Mum what are you doing here?" Yaz laughed

"I wouldn't miss this for the world Yaz"

"You two are getting way too close" she looked at Clara giggling

"He's a very sweet man. Your father and I bought ours here as well Yaz"

" this a family wedding store?" Yaz rolled her eyes

"You could say that" Najia nodded

"Ah, family tradition" Clara said "I love family traditions" she said chuffed "I never had that"

"Well you do now honey" Nadjia said

"Here we go...all of those are very different...a bit unique" the man brought several big boxes from the back stacked up one on top of the other and slowly started opening them up one by one on the counter

"OMG" Yaz looked at all the jewelry and her head was spinning "That's a lot"

"Wooow...that's a lot of wedding rings" Clara said

"I know....excellent choice Yaz isn't it?" Nadjia said "And it's all 24 carat Yaz"

"Yeah...whatever that means" she commented "Baby I just want something simple" she turned to Clara absolutely petrified and completely overwhelmed

"I told choose whatever you like Yaz...I'm sure I'm gonna like it" Clara said and rotated her towards the glass counter practically pushing her face into boxes "See there's so many...just take your time and pick....See that's nice" she pointed to some rings with stones "That would look good on you"

"'s for both of us"

"I know...but it would look nice on you Yaz"

"That nice...I like that...or maybe those?" Najia showed some rings but to Yaz they all seemed the same. She was very quickly becoming anxious.

"Oh god....I don't know mum" Yaz looked over the boxes and felt her head was spinning. She really needed Clara to take over but this time it wasn't going to happen. She never thought that choosing something as simple as a wedding band could be so stressful. She felt Clara's breath on the back of her head and she placed her hand over hers on the side of the counter. She knew this was to calm her down but it wasn't working this time. Then suddenly as her eyes were aimlessly wondering around countless jewelry there was a pair of rings that caught her eye.

"What about this?" Yaz pointed to a set of rings that each had half of a heart engraved on them, but when they joined together it made a whole heart. They were simple, but Yaz loved the simplicity of it. She shyly looked at Clara, waiting for her reaction

"Aaaaa...that's cleaver Yaz...A broken heart put together in whole one...I like that...Can't have a whole heart without Yaz"

"A broken heart put together baby?" Yaz looked at her chin wobbling. It was beautifully sad the way Clara looked at that "I didn't see it as that love...But I like that"

"Mmmm" Clara looked at her softly nodding "I like it Yaz"

"Can we see them please?" Nadjia asked the man

"Yes, yes of course" the man takes them out of the box and passed them to Yaz

"Do you like them?" Clara asked

"Yes very love?" she looked at her with her big brown eyes wide open

"I really do Yaz" she smiled " that it?"

"Mmmmm....I think so" she smiled eyes filling with tears

"Alright lovely" she kissed her forehead "Then we have our rings....Now this is exiting" she squeezed Yaz's hand shaking it and kissed her knuckles

"We have our rings baby" she hugged her tight and Clara kissed the top of her head

"We sure do Yasmin"

"Can I take a picture please so I can show to everyone?" Yaz asked exited big smile on her face

"Yes of course you can...let me just put them on here....they will come out better for you" the man moved the rings placing them on a shiny white part of the counter

"Mum we have rings!" she looked at her mother with a big smile on her face eyes glistening

"You do darling...My beautiful girls" Nadjia brushed her finger over her face "You happy Clara?"

"Oh I'm so exited this is brilliant"

"They are beautiful. Not something I would ever go for...but she absolutely loves them and as long as you two are happy"

Clara and Najia continued chatting whiles Yaz was taking photos. Then they did the measurements and arranged all the other details and whilst Clara and Nadjia chatted away with the store owner  Yaz suddenly felt the whole room turning around and the floor beneath her feet giving away. She stumbled grabbing the counter.

"Yaz!" Clara grabbed her and Yaz slumped in her arms "Are you alright?"

"Yaz darling is everything ok?" Nadjia said concerned

"Mmmm dizzy...really dizzy" she said leaning on Clara "I didn't have any breakfast"

"Oh, Yaz" Clara said worriedly "C'mere" she moved her to a chair that was in the corner of the store "Are you feeling sick Yaz?"

"No...just dizzy and like I'll faint"

"Is everything ok? Does she need a glass of water?" the store owner asked concerned

"Yes please" Najia kneeled next to her holding her hand "Yaz darling you're really worrying me"

Clara took a sonic out and zoomed it over her confusing Nadjia out of her mind "What's that?"

"Oh, just...diagnostic scanner...New technology...really useful stuff" Clara said looking at the reading " need to eat sugar levels are really low...oh boy" she starts ravaging through her pockets taking all kinds of stuff out dumping them into Nadjias hands then took out a chocolate bar "Aaaaa...I knew this would come in handy....Here take that Yaz...We're going for lunch sharpish let me just sort this out" she stroke cheek "Alright lovely?"

"Mmmm...I'm so sorry"

"Don't be silly that now"

"Yaz you need to eat. You haven't been well. Please baby you need to take care of yourself" Najia opened up a little chocolate and gave it to her then stroke her face

"I'm fine mum...stop fussing....Really"

Clara sorted everything out within few minutes and she was back at her side.

"Hey lovely do you feel? Tell me"

"Better really...honest"

Clara zoomed sonic again and then also shined in her eyes. "That chocolate helped but you still need food....C'mere darling" she helped her up then let her stand for a moment to see how she's doing "Dizzy?"


"You need to be honest Yaz" Nadjia said

"I am mum honest...I feel fine for now"

"There's a restaurant opposite the road and they are fast. I'll just see what they have already done in a kitchen so we don't have to wait" Najia said

"Oh that's brilliant...Let's go darling slowly ok"

"Mmmm...." Yaz was still dizzy but she didn't want to worry them so she held herself around Clara's waist and walked slowly to the restaurant

"How do you feel Yaz...honest answer don't you tell me porkies" Clara said as she sat her down

"Fine love seriously stop fussing"

"I will always fuss around you and you better get used to it" she kissed her knuckles and sat down

"Seriously Yaz...we are all worried since you ended up in that hospital" Najia said and reached for her hand over the table "Let me go and speak to the owner, I know him...they will give us some food fast"

"Alright mum" Yaz said following Najia with her eyes as she got up and left then turned to Clara who had a cramp on her face that Yaz recognized. When the little wrinkle on her forehead became more prominent and her lips were tight, her jaw clenching "Baby please relax...pleaseeee" she reached for her hand and took her middle finger twirling it playfully "I'm fine darling I just didn't have any breakfast"

"Just worried that's me pictures it will make happy"

"Aaaa yes..." she jumped to it straight away and took her phone out of her bag "Look...I'm putting this in my diary....Can I share it?"

"Babe you can do what ever you want with it...why are you asking for my permission silly" she taps her nose "They are beautiful Yaz...perfect really...can't wait it's so exciting"

"I was getting worried at one point...I was shitting myself and I really needed you to step in. They all looked the same to me" she giggled

"It was a bit overwhelming I must admit. But I wanted this to be your choice Yaz. I chose a cake and table decorations. And I know this means so much to you. I would wear what ever you want anyway" she smiled happily "When did you take this photo cheeky?" she giggled seeing Yaz took a photo of her sleeping

"The other looked so cute"

"Silly" she smiled

"Alright the food is coming in five minutes" Najia said returning  to the table "I just chose whatever was already done I hope you like it Clara"

"It's fine Najia I eat most stuff...It's  important  she eats anyway"

Nadjia also looked worried and stressed and as much Yaz thought it was absolutely the sweetest how much her mum and Clara worried about her she also felt as though they are both fussing way too much over her.

"Look are beautiful" she turned her phone towards her

"They are...I will be honest Yaz...those rings would really never be my choice but you two are beaming over them so I'm slowly warming up to them I guess. Sorry I know it's not what you wanna hear Yaz"

"It's fine always were brutal with your honesty" she laughs



As Clara pulled the car up the driveway, things seemed wrong. She slowed and leaned over the dashboard.

"What's wrong?" Yaz asked and looked in a same direction "Fuck" one glance at the house she relased the door is opened

"Yeah" Clara said worried

"Stay here" Yaz opened the car door in a second and ran out

"Yaaaaz noo! Shooot!!" she hit the steering wheel with both hands and ran after her, grabbing her forearm at the door. "Yaz get into the car" she said frantically but trying  to be quiet pulling her

"What?" Nooo, you get into the car Clara" she nudged her arm "I was a police officer remember...besides someone might be still inside" she pointed nervously at the door

"And I'm the Doctor! You have no idea what your dealing with, I do!!" she pulled the sonic out

"A sonic? Are you fuckin kidding me Clara?" before she finished the sentence the noise could be herd from the house and Clara ran inside
"Fuck sake!" Yaz stomped her foot and went after her.

She heard a noise from the kitchen and when she walked in, she saw a man jump over the kitchen counter and when he turned, Clara's hand grabbed her out of nowhere and pulled her to the floor with such force that she hit her knees on the tiles and felt a sharp pain go through her leg. A laser beam fired above their heads hitting the wall.

"Fuck...fuck!" Yaz yelled partially from pain and partly from shock

Clara zoomed the sonic towards the ceiling pot and pan rack above the kitchen top and when the chain snapped, the whole thing came crashing down on the person's head. He stood up and booted his way through the back door, running into the garden.

"Don't move" Clara grabbed her wrist so hard that Yaz felt a spasm in her arm from her grip, she got up and ran after the person

"Nooo!" Yaz cried out and stood up, but a sharp pain in her leg stopped her dead in her tracks. She grabbed the knife from the kitchen drawer and tried to walk. But she felt like she was going to pass out from the pain. She couldn't see Clara from the trees and the conservatory. She had no idea what was going on and began to panic, feeling completely helpless in the kitchen. Then she saw Clara running back into the house.
"Clara what the fuck?" she said totally confused

"No time darling really no time" she took a knife out of her hand throwing it on a floor and wrapped her hand around her neck gripping it really tight "I need you to trust you trust me?" she asked practically shaking Yaz's head gripping the side of her neck

"Yeah....of course I fucking do" Yaz nodded scared. Then felt a cold metal object on her palm and looked down. Clara placed a gun in her hand and Yaz looked at her speechless "Take it....stay here"

"Whaaaa?...Where did you?" she looked back at the weapon

"Yaz...stay here" she pulled her back to the floor and Yaz cried out in pain "Yaz?" 

"My knee I think it's broken"

"Oh noo...Darling I have to check the house"

"We need to call the police Clara" Yaz tugged on her hand

" me" she wrapped fingers around her face "Please Yaz, please no time" she shook her head

"Alright...alright" Yaz nodded as she didn't really have anything else to do at the moment. She had a million thoughts in her head and none. But she was absolutely sure of one thing that this was much bigger than her and she had no choice but to trust Clara. Her Clara, physics professor Clara, Doctor Clara, the alien woman she absolutely  adored and knew so little about and so much at the same time. As her thoughts raced, Clara briefly pressed her lips to hers and she was left with a loaded gun on the kitchen floor of their house. She forgot about the sharp pain in her leg. She forgot about everything and just sat on the floor listening to Clara running around the house. She looked around the kitchen and just then realized how everything was turned upside down, how the blinds were broken and how the doors on Clara's beloved conservatory were shattered. It was breaking Yaz's heart.
It didn't take long before Clara came back for her. She seemed calmer, if that was even possible. But the fear Yaz had seen in her eyes a moment ago was gone and she looked more angry than anything else. Yaz had never seen her like this, she had only seen Clara's tender side. She was talking to someone on the phone as she walked into the kitchen and left the phone on the kitchen counter, then turned to Yaz, her expression changing in a split second to the softest, most caring one ever.

"I'm so sorry Yaz" she took a gun off her gently and placed it on top of the counter "C'mere love"

"Clara what's going on?" Yaz desperately asked at this point. She put her arm around Clara's neck and let her pick her up from the floor. She didn't get an answer, just a soft, gentle smile and the peck of Clara's lips on her cheek as she carried her into the living room.

"OMG!" Yaz said in shock as Clara carried her inside and slowly placed her on the sofa

"I know...It's just stuff Yaz...don't worry about it" she kneeled in front of her "I have to see that knee darling"

"It really hurts baby"

"I know love" Clara zoomed a sonic over it and pursed her lips "Yaz darling I need to cut those" she pointed to Yaz's tight trousers

"Fuck the trousers...cut them"

Clara smiled "Alright my potty mouth" she kissed her forehead and went to get what Yaz assumed were scissors leaving her in the living room. Yaz's eyes wandered around the room. The floor was covered with books and items scattered everywhere. The glass cabinet was tipped on it's side but glass wasn't broken although there were scorched marks on the wood as though someone was desperately trying to brake it open. Yaz only assumed the cabinet must be reinforced in some way and the glass on it was shutter proof. She sat on the sofa until Clara came back. She cut her trousers removing them, leaving her in her underwear.

"Shoot" she looked at her leg "Yaz I need to.." she trailed off

"I know...just do it"  she looked at her dislocated knee.

Clara kissed her shortly "Did I tell you when I was hiking in China and fell down this cliff?"

"No?" Yaz smiled

"Oh, I was a bloke then" she smiled looking at her shortly and then went back to her knee gently running her hand over it inspecting it "I was looking for this dragon egg" she said gliding her hand down her calf-length

"A dragon egg..." Yaz raised an eyebrow "Seriously?...Are you telling me porkies?"

"Never Yaz...Oh, they are very real...well, were at the time...but you will know that in about next hundred years" she smiled and suddenly pulled her leg so fast and forcefully Yaz saw the stars, but not in a way she wanted to see them. A loud scream left her mouth and Clara's hand wrapped around her neck pulling her forehead against hers "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry love"

"Uffff...." she took a few short breathes clenching Clara's braces with one hand and the sleeve of Clara's shirt with the other

"I love you...Hey at least it's not broken, ha" she smiled

"Yeah lucky me" Yaz giggled back painfully "Fuck you Clara" she smiled huffing and puffing from pain

"I totally deserve that" she stroke her neck and kissed her forehead "You're so star for my Yasmin"

"Fuck you loads Clara...And I love you too" she said grabbing her wrist

I need to get something, wait for me here"

"Oh, I was gonna go for a run but ok" Yaz said rolling her eyes smiling

"Cheeky" Clara smiled and walked out leaving Yaz with no idea where or why. But her leg hurt so much that she didn't care. The pain pulses up and down. She wasn't sure if she was more worried about their house being broken into by someone with apparently very advanced weaponry or the most human of all worries she had, whether she would have crutches for her wedding. In any case, everything seemed bizarre, Yaz was slowly getting used to things being bizarre next to Clara. And she found herself thinking that, as bizarre as it was, she wouldn't trade it for anything. And that in itself was bizarre, considering that less than half an hour ago, someone shot a laser at them. Clara came back again carrying what was already very familiar to Yaz. It was her silly injection device. She didn't even care about the needles poking her because the pain in her leg was becoming agonizing at this point and she would take any drug to make it stop. It was also twice as big by that point and she was getting cold sitting in her underwear and a T-shirt.

"Darling I have to"

"Just give me anything I don't fucking care it really hurts"

"I know...I'm  so sorry Yaz this my fault. I pulled you to the ground"

"Oh you should've just left me getting a laser whole through my brain but at least my leg would be fine" she giggled as much as she could from the pain

"That's  not funny Yasmin" she shook her head "This will help" she gave her injection and brought her pajamas helping her get changed. She had her lie down on a sofa and propped her leg up on a bunch of pillows putting cold press on it. Yaz was sleepy and she assumed from the injection. Her pain was slowly going away as well. She hated herself at this point because house was in a mess and couldn't  help Clara to clean it up.

"Sleep need to rest" Clara said stroking her forehead

"What about all of this" she pointed with her hand lazy already drifting away

"Don't you worry about it" Clara stroke her forehead with her thumb

"I love you Doctor" Yaz mumbled incoherently

"I missed you calling me that lovely" Clara  smiled and pressed a small kiss to her hairline
