Chapter 40




It was early afternoon and the heat from the outside was unbearable. Sun was burning through the open window of their room through the closed blinds made out of some sort of a plant woven into a beautiful design. But even the blinds didn't stop relentless heat.

"This is a third shower I'm taking today" Yaz moaned as she was coming out of the bathroom wrapped up in a towel "I've never experienced anything like this in my life"

Doctor was sitting on the bed in her boxers and short sleeve t-shirt, legs crossed and deeply into her work on her little laptop.

"Sorry Yaz...Seriously go into Tardis darling, why are you torturing yourself?"

"What's the point of being here if I'm gonna be inside the Tardis the whole day"

"I just don't want you suffering that's all" she pulls her arm and kisses her shortly

Her phone rang, it was Sonya "Hey girl, how are you all doing? I was just about to call you"

"Oh, please can you speak to the Doctor...this cream really smells horrific I can't Yaz I'm gonna be sick it smells of shit"

"Whaaa?" Yaz smacked the Doctors shoulder "Did you give my sister shit cream for Ryan?"

"The what Yaz?"

"Shit know for Ryan's rash?"

"It's just a bit unpleasant smell Yaz...that's all. It will help him loads"

"Baaaabe....Sonya is literally throwing up"

"Sorry really does help"

"OMG I'm so sorry...yeah I'll speak to her...and how's dad?"

"He's fine.... everyone is fine don't worry...just don't go out Yaz keep yourself safe"
"I will babe...I'll call you later"

She hangs up the phone shaking her head. Doctor didn't even flinch still deep into her work "Babe"

"Yes Yaz" she looked up so softly at Yaz that she simply couldn't be upset with her

"Oh boy..." she sighed "Could you give my sister pleaseeee something that smells a bit nicer...please"

"I suppose so...I'll figure something out don't worry. Hey, look at this" she pulled her hand to be closer to the monitor "I just finished the drawing" she said haply showing her the Eye of the Deep

"Waaaw that looks amazing love"

"I can't wait to finish it Yaz" she smiled

"I know baby" she put a finger on her chin and turned her gaze "You're amazing you know that"

"Neah...You just love me Yaz" she smiled "I am smart though" she said smug 

"Yeah, you're both babe" she kisses her quickly "I'm starving"

"Me too...but we can't go out just yet it's too hot"

"I do have Tardis though...and you can take food to my family"

"I definitely could...let me just finish this we'll do it together"

"Alright" Yaz leaned over and kissed the top of her head making her smile then went to get dressed

It was those little, tiny things that would make Doctor's hearts jump. Just knowing how much she's loved meant so much to her she would still get little fuzzy feeling in her stomach each time Yaz would randomly come up to her kissing her or cuddling up to her and she was hoping that no matter how many years they will spend together this part will never get lost.






"You missed a part" Doctor pointed to a corner of the baking tray as Yaz was laying pasta for lasagna and kissed her shoulder

"I was going to put it there" she laughs

"Didn't look like that to me" she takes a pickle from the fridge "Pickle?"

"Uuu yes please" she opened her mouth "We could have a movie night?"

"Aaaaa...I think we could Yaz. But you do need to sleep if you're going with me tomorrow morning to the workshop"

"You know I never have a problem with sleeping" she laughed "Waaaw that looks nice.... that's it...pop it in the oven" she said standing back admiring her cooking skills

"That does look nice" Doctor picked up the tray and shoved it in the oven "I do love your cooking Yaz"

"I would've done it before. Just never had time. I'll never forget poor Graham with his sandwiches" she laughed "And you always had pockets filled with sweets"

"I still do Yaz" she wiped out a who bag of sweets out of her pocket

"Silly sod" she takes the bag and puts it on kitchen top then wraps her arms around her "I love you" she looked up to her lovingly and Doctor cupped her face between her palms

"I adore you my little head wonk" she kissed her gently "Come...let me show you something"

She led her to the console and pulled up the picture on screen "Look...."
"Oh...waaaw...that's beautiful" she leans closer

"Aaarrr....about that it's not" she scrunched her face

"What? Why?"

"You're looking at their dying sun"

"OMG" Yaz stood back horrified "What does that mean babe?"

"It means that it looks absolutely beautiful until it destroys their word"

"Shit" she looked at her worried "How long do they have?"

"Oh well, in your terms Yaz long....about two thousand years...but in their terms one generation" she flipped the screen and pulled out another reading out "And that's not need to understand it's a process before they will be essentially cooked to death this world will slowly become toxic to live in... look"

"OMG...this is horrible..."

"Solar storms Yaz, radiation, toxic gasses, heat in which no creature can possibly survive. As that star expands it will become more and more like inferno down here. Not to mention all the other climate changes, oceans evaporating and so on"

"What the hell.... can we help? Can't we do something...anything to stop that?"

"Relocate the whole planet and I can't see how Yaz"

"So, you making that machine means nothing then?"

"No, Yaz it does. It will shield them for a them time"

"Time to do what?" Yaz got upset at hopelessness of the situation. She kept thinking about that day she was sitting in a little tavern looking at the people passing by and a thought of them all dying couldn't now escape her mind. She suddenly felt ill

"Time for me to think of how to move them or stop the process..." Doctor walked around the console "There's something else...something that bothered me when we came here, and I couldn't put my finger on it...and I still can't...not really" she flipped few switches "Well I can sort off"

"What are you going on about?" Yaz frowned

"Come" she pointed at some information "Remember what ai thought you Yaz...Tell me what's odd about this reading?"

Yaz concentrated on a data across the screen in Gallifreyan and suddenly it clicked

"That looks man made?"

"Bingo!" Doctor jumped "Is that what you say? I can't remember...old brains" she frowns then shakes her head "Anyways, yes ten points doesn't look real...something is off"

"And how do we know for sure iff it is, or it isn't?"

"I have to go and have a closer look Yaz"

"You whaaaaa?....No no no no... what in a Tardis?" Yaz stepped in front of her blocking her path

"I have to be sure Yaz what it is...the readings are incomplete...I can't see from here Yaz...we are way too far for that kinda reading" she tried going around her, but Yaz placed her hand on her chest

"Noooo!!!!" she yelled "You're not going way...I'm putting my foot down on this one. Find another way I'm not interested"

Yaz jumped up in complete terror. She knew what was coming next, the Doctor was not the easiest person to talk to when she had something on her mind. And it was absolutely impossible to change her mind"

"There is no other way Yaz...Don't worry ...I've done this before. Tardis has shields"

Yaz rolled her eyes "I don't give a shit...find another way!"

"Blimey Yaz...calm down...this isn't good for the baby" Doctor tried calming her down but Yaz moved her hands away

"What you're doing isn't good for the baby!!!" she started pacing around "In fact it isn't good for anyone" Yaz lost it completely "This is madness" she pointed to the screen "How do you know it's not alien? What if you get trapped? What if you get taken?  What if they shoot at Tardis and nock your ass sideways to another blinking dimension and I never see you again like when you were in a prison...What if you get..."

"Yaz!!" Doctor yelled grabbing her shoulders "Calm down...please"

"I can't" she looked up eyes filling with tears "I want to help these people I do... but I'm sorry iff this will sound selfish...I'm not prepared to lose you over it...I'm not" she shakes her head tears rolling down her face

Doctor wiped them with her thumbs gently "Ssssshhhh....calm yourself's ok...I won't go"

"You won't" Yaz whimpered

"No.." she shook her head

"Promise me...swear to me on Gallifrey you won't"

Doctor smiled "I swear by Gallifrey I won't...I'll find another way" she pulls her in on her chest "Can you stop crying? ...Please I hate when you cry"

"You're the one who made me cry you silly sod" Yaz mumbled into her chest "Don't do that to me anymore please...I'm beginning you don't gamble with yourself anymore"

"Alright...I won't ok...please calm down now" she kissed her head and ran her hands over her back gently "It's alright Yaz..." Doctor looked around suspicious and smelled the air "Yaz? ...."


"What's that smell?"

"Oh shit!!!!!....Lasagna....noooo"

She wanted ti run towards the kitchen, but Doctor stopped her "No no no... you walk I run" 

"Oh boy..." Doctor took the burned food out of the oven

"Is it edible?" Yaz came after her worried to even peak through the door

"Aaarrhh...suppose so" she scrunched her face "Maybe" she waived the kitchen cloth to get rid of smoke

"Oh nooooo....noo...come ooon" Yaz looked at the tray and slumped on the kitchen top

"I'm sure it's fine if we scrape the top Yaz" she lifted the charcoal crusty bit from the top with the fork "See it's fine underneath...."

"Is it?" Yaz lifted her head hopefully

"At least 10 percent Yaz"

"Aaaaaarrhhh" she slumped her forehead back to the kitchen top

"We can make pizza" Doctor tried cheering her up hopping to the fridge "I'm sure we have everything...Oh...we need to do shopping Yaz"

"Forget it" she turned around to walk out and Doctor hopped to stop her grabbing her for her t-shirt and pulling her back

"Oh no no... you're not giving up now.... can't be a quitter Yaz...Come on we can make it work"

"Right" she giggled as Doctor was pulling her by the t-shirt 

"Come on mummy...let's cook" she turned Yaz who pursed her lips like a grumpy child and put an apron on her that she grabbed from one of the drawers, then pulled out one of those big white chef hats and shoved it on her head

"Baaabe...what are you doing to me?" she rolled her eyes giggling.

"You look cute Yaz..." she smiled and put one hat onto herself

Yaz looked down and her pinny said - Hot and spicy, and the food is pretty good too - and burst out laughing "When did you get this?"

"I was going to give it to you for Christmas but now is a good time as ever"

"Are you saying I'm hot and spicy?" she smiled cheeky

It was as good as actually saying it...although Yaz knew she would absolutely never say those words, but it was as good as.

Doctor grinned and took her hands pulling her towards the fridge " made you laugh"

"You're adorable" she pulled her hands and smashed her lips on hers "Pizza?" she leaned her forehead on hers





Later on, Doctor went over to Khan's to check on Ryan and she took a less smelly cream with her as well that Yaz made her find. She was also taking a whole tray of steaming hot pizza Yaz and her just made for them. Her hands were so full she had to smack the door with her boot instead of knocking.

"Hey sweetheart" Nadjia opened the door and started laughing when she saw the Doctor balancing a hot tray in one hand a plastic container with cakes in another and big Doctors' bag under her arm

"Uuh.. hot hot" Doctor was fidgeting

"Blimey hun...let me take that" she took the tray "Oh waaw...did you make that?"

"Aha...there was a lasagna first...but we burnt it. Tardis made cakes so we take no credit for that one."

"Hi Doctor, Sonya came and took the cakes of her "Oh waaw, did you say your ship made that?"

"Yes...Tardis can cook well I do have a food machine and it does automatically stock up some stuff, bread, milk, eggs.... but food shopping can be fun" she smiled cheerfully "Also Yaz prefers old fashion way"

"Well thanks for that...really appreciate it"

"Where's Hakim?" Doctor turned around the rooom

"He came down with a fever as well an hour ago" Nadjia said worriedly

"Oh boy...and Ryan?"

"Not good at all Doctor" she opened the bedroom door

Ryan was in a bed and not in a good shape at all. He was burning up and rash spread all over his body. Doctor moved his t-shirt to have look and scrunched her face on horror "Blimey that's bad...and surely uncomfortable...Right" she took a sonic and scanned him "Really high fever as well...poor sod" she took out few things then game him another injection "Here take this" she passed a little box to Najia "Two of these, every six hours...same for Hakim"

"Thank you, Doctor,"

"Is he gonna be, ok?" Sonya asked extremely concerned. She was not comfortable with Ryan being ill from some alien virus, it made her cringe a bit.

"Yeah, he will...Don't worry. It's only a first day Sonya. He should be much better by tomorrow morning" she scanned her and Najia just in case "You lot seem fine...that's good"

"Well at least that's the good news...I'm just glad Yaz is fine" Nadjia said relived "How long is it going to last hun?"

"Hard to say, not sure with humans Najia, but it shouldn't be more than few days. I'll come back in the morning before we go to the workshop" 

"Alright hun..." Najia said with a worried look on her face

"They will be fine honest" Doctor said at the door






When it finally got cooler in the evening Yaz desperately needed to get out because their room was starting to feel claustrophobic for her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed like kid waiting for Doctor to put her sandals on looking at her fiddling with the straps

"Oh, for good sake give it to me" she laughed "You'd think in 3000 years you'd learn how to undo the sandals babe"

"Why they have to make them so complicated?" she shakes the shoe in her hand nervously "It's just shoes"

"They are not complicated...look" Yaz unclipped the small buckle with ease laughing "Besides who's they? Tardis made them for me" she giggled

"Well, they should come with instruction manual Yaz" she continued to complain putting them on her "Oh, pink toenails...that's cute" she grabbed her toe wiggling it

"Neah...stop that.... that tickles" she giggled "I can paint yours" she makes a cheeky face

"No way Yaz...not happening"

"Why not? You have cute toes"

"I do not have cute toes Yaz...and I draw the line with hair straightening"

"You don't have to straighten your hair...I love it curled"

"You just love everything about me Yaz" she reached for her hands pulling her up "Which is cute.... really cute" she wrapped her arms around her "But you're not painting my toenails...and do not make that face either" she smiled at Yaz making a puppy face pouting her lips

"Just once...they can be Tardis blue" she flapped her lashes

"Noooo...and stop making that face Yaz my brains are going funny" she grabbed her hand pulling her out of the door

"Hey, wait I need to pee"

"Oh" she laughed rolling her eyes "We can play scrabble later on" she said leaning on the door frame

"It's not scrabble babe and you cheat"

"Excuse me! I so do not cheat Yasmin Khan" she said offensive

"You do make up words" she Yaz smiled and kissed her offended lips shortly passing next to her "Come on grumpy.... let's go...and yes ok we can play so called scrabble"

"Honest Yaz they are real words"

They walked down to the main road with all the small stores and stands passing by a beautiful park with same giant flowers like in the hotel courtyard. Yaz couldn't stop staring at cute wonky houses, each different than the other. Considering how Shar was terrifying, this place was quite the opposite and Yaz never thought she would actually like it so much. She's been to so many different places with the Doctor but this one had some charm she that was drawing her in. Maybe it was beautifully embroidered clothes that people wore or wonky houses and curvy narrow streets that looked magical in the evening with all the lights turned on. Or maybe it was the sweet smell of the air and some local plants in a warm evening with light breeze hitting her still hot skins. She wore the beautiful, embroidered dress she got for herself, and local fabric definitely made the heat more tolerable.
To her absolute shock Doctor wore short sleeves with no under shirt. Which for her was absolutely unbelievable. It was strange to see her without her coat let alone showing her arms.
But there she was giving into the relentless heat of this place. They walked through the beautiful gardens and Doctor showed her tiny lizard looking creatures in beautiful colors who could actually fly to Yaz's absolute shock when one of them took off over her head making her scream and Doctor laughing at her cheeky.

"So where are you taking me babe?" Yaz asked as they left the park and continued walking down one of the smaller streets. She looked up and saw clothing lines above their heads and smiled. She really loved this place

"Well, Yaz since now I have a wife to answer to and my wife will not allow me to go and investigate that sun over there...Weeeeee are going to the library where the public archive is to see what we can find about their sun"

"See...there's always another way love" she grinned at her pulling her hand

"Right...sure there is Yasmin...there's always the most painful way of going through 280 000 years of historical records looking for a needle in haystack and hopping for a miracle"

"God, you really are grumpy about me asking you not to go"

"No... Yaz I am absolutely not grumpy. What makes you say that? I was merely saying how this is no easy task and probably with minimum results whiles flying over and having just a quick look..."

"Are you trying to annoy me into submission"

"Excuse me?"

"Hey, don't play that with me...I know you for ten years, and I know what you're doing. You will now never shut up about it and give me million reasons why that's the only plan that works"

Doctor didn't reply to that, she just scrunched her face defiantly knowing deep down Yaz was on to her. She also knew deep down Yaz was right in asking her not to go, but she still wasn't ready to admit it.
Four hours later they were still in the archives digging and they still haven't found one singe information about the sun possible being man made structure or alien origin.

"We've been here for hours" Yaz threw a book on the ground. She was sitting on the floor back propped up against bookshelf

"I'm not saying anything Yaz" she put a book on a shelf then looked down from the ladder at Yaz sitting on a floor picking a corner of a page with her fingers disappointed. Suddenly picking on her didn't feel funny anymore. Although she was just messing her around, now she felt sorry for her seeing her being so disappointed. She came down and sat on a floor in front of her then hooked her hands behind her knees and pulled her over the floor closer to herself. "Hey...don't be sad"

"Never mind" Yaz started down between them

"Hey" Doctor put a finger under her chin lifting her gaze "I'm sure we'll find something Yaz. I was just joking with you"

Yaz pouted her lips disappointed "Yeah...and what if we don't?"

"We will...we always do. And you know why Yaz"

"Whhhy?" she asked with a distinct tone of disappointment in her voice

Doctor dragged her even closer until Yaz's legs were practically wrapped around her "Cause we're the best and me...Nobody like us two out there"

She managed to drag a smile out of Yaz, and she looked at her with a glimpse of hope in her gaze

"We're the smartest" Doctor kissed her forehead "And the most persistent..." then another kiss on her cheek making her giggle little bit "...and the most capable I might add...the most qualified out there" she kissed her nose

"You really think highly of us, don't you?" Yaz smiled raising her eyebrow

"Of course, I do Yaz....When did we ever fail?"

"There's a fist time for everything" she looks up to her and tucks her hair behind her ear "I love you"

"I love you too my sweet round potato...Wanna go and get some nice pie? I know just the right place. Found it the other day with your dad and Ryan"

"Yeah...pie would be nice" she strokes a palm over her cheek "And what about all this?"

"Aaarrrh" she scrunched her face looking at the pile of books on the floor around them "Well, I figured we have at least 1000 years to figure it out can wait till tomorrow evening"

Yaz giggled and wrapped her legs around her more "I wanna kiss you" she whispered laughing

"We're alone here Yaz...why don't you then?" Doctor smiled "You think I'd be doing this if we weren't?"

"Mmm.."she winks "I thought I was just irresistible to you, and you just can't help yourself"

"Mmm...and that...still waiting for that kiss Yaz"





It was late into night and Yaz rolled over the bed finding it empty. It didn't take long for her to figure out where her wife was. So, she rolled the sheet over herself and stepped into the Tardis.

"Hey, you" Doctor smiled looking up as she was hunched over the console "Why are you not sleeping beautiful"

"I should be asking you that question" she said walking down the steps and

"Arrrh my mind was raising I thought I need to try something else"

"Any luck?" Yaz kissed her shoulder blade and rested her head on her back

"I think so...I'll show you in a minute...I made some changes on Tardis so I can amplify the reading" she moves around the console making Yaz giggle when she casually takes her arm wrapping it around herself dragging her along with her " Tardis signal bounces off the surface giving me a picture like ground penetrating radar"

"That's cleaver"

"I really don't know why I didn't do that before Yaz...very useful really...I mean we could do it before just not as far"

"So, when will you have a reading?"

"Soon about 45 minutes"

"And what will you do in a mean time?"

Doctor lifts her head up from the console smiling "Oh...I don't know Yaz...I always have something to do"

"Oh...alright then...I'll leave you to it then" she rubbed her face on her back



"I never said that what I have to do doesn't include you" she smirks and turns around

"It does?" Yaz wrapped her arms around her neck

"Absolutely" she kissed the top of nose "It's a very important work Yaz" she trailed her finger at the edge of the sheet wrapped around Yaz

"Bedroom?" Yaz closed her eyes as Doctor's lips pressed on a side of her neck

"Hotel or Tardis?" she mumbled into her neck then kissed her earlobe

"Oh god.... Tardis" Yaz already had trouble speaking "...more private"

Doctor smirked into her skin and scooped her up into her arms " two are getting heavier"

"I know" Yaz giggled "Surprised you can still do this"

"Oh, I can always carry you Yaz...specially to where we're going" she smirked cheeky

Yaz giggled and tucked her head into her neck






Doctor lied behind her trailing her fingers lightly down her arm.

"Where are your thoughts?" Yaz turned around tucking herself underneath her as much as her stomach allowed her

"Honest Yaz...nowhere....just enjoying in this...In you" she smiled and kissed her nose

Yaz ran her finger over her forehead and that line she loved so much "What do you think she will look like?"

"Anaya? Oh, she's gonna be gorgeous...big beautiful brown eyes just like yours and your hair"

"So, she's not gonna be anything like you, ha? ...You made her, not the postman" she giggled

"Goodness Yaz, not the postman.... we get post from Kerblam" she scrunched her face in disgusted 

Yaz giggled into her neck "OMG I just want to bleach my eyeballs now"

"Me too Yaz"

"So maybe Anaya will look like you...maybe she will have your eyes and blond hair...she's got your hearts"

"Little tiny hearts Yaz...beating inside you" she goes all soppy in a second squeezing her hand between them to place it on Yaz's tummy

"I just can't wait to see her and touch her and kiss her"

"Oh, Yaz I might just never let her go" 

"You might not be the only one" she laughed "I still can't believe I'm gonna be mum...I think we will both just stare at her not believing she's real"

"Oh Yaz...just few more months"

"Do we actually know when she's coming?"

"Should be around Christmas Yaz...I bloody hope I'm right or that one's gonna be embarrassing...and complicated" she said confused

"Oh god" Yaz giggled "Darling"

"Mmmm?...what love"

"Can we just stay home after this trip? You know...till the baby comes?"

"Sure..." she kisses her forehead gently "Why you ask me this beautiful? Something bothering you you're not telling me?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Because when you just stayed pregnant, we had arguments about you staying put and you wanted to go to all these adventures, and I've been taking you everywhere...So why change of heart? I thought you love it?" she rubbed her thumb over her cheek gently

"I don't know...after what happened with Shar I just had enough baby" she strokes her hair tucking it behind her ear "I get worried something will happen to you and I will stay alone, I get worried something will happen to her and we will lose her" she sighed deeply "I'm not saying I never want to go anywhere because I definitely do. I just need to keep still for a while and think only about us and what movie we will watch"

"Yaz...I am so sorry about Shar"

"Nooo don't say that"

"No... listen" she takes her hand and trails her fingertips over her lips "I do feel responsible Yaz...and whatever you say won't charge how I feel. And I'm so sorry, I never wanted you to go through that"

"I love you" Yaz said quietly, and a single tear rolled from her eye over her nose and soaked into the pillow

It made Doctor's hearts bleed, she absolutely hated seeing Yaz crying for whatever reason. She wipes her face with her thumb gently and wraps her fingers around her neck "Hey beautiful, don't cry" she kisses her gently dotting around her whole face "Please...besides I did promise you that cave, and to go back to the underground city to see our friends" she moves her around draping Yaz's leg over her hip to get her as close as she can

"Mmmm" Yaz mumbled

"Come on...sleep now darling it's so late. You need to sleep"

A part of Yaz felt guilty, because Doctor was putting so much effort into all those trips and partly because she felt so much better in their bedroom than any of the beautiful hotel rooms that Doctor was taking her to. It was smell of the room and sheets, the sound of Tardis and having Doctor's arms wrapped around her so tightly and her fingers tangled in the hair at the back of her head. Having her face pressed into her skin that smelled so wonderfully sweet. It was the safest and the most beautiful place in the universe. So Yaz wrapped herself around her even tighter, her tummy pressing on her and the thought in her mind how like this, between them their baby is safe. Nothing can ever happen to her because they would both die like this protecting her. It was a dark thought, but the one that also comforted her in some strange way.

"Please stay" she said quietly, and Doctor's hands wrapped around her tighter in response

"Not going anywhere beautiful...not tonight. Sleep love" she held her tight






Doctor was bent underneath the console, head deep inside amongst the cables and her bum up in the air. Yaz walked behind her and slapped her bum "Morning sexy!"

"Shoot" Doctor jolted bumping her head on the top of the console "...Aaahh"

"Ups ...sorry babe" Yaz giggled rubbing the top of her head and kissing it "I thought you heard me coming...soo sorry"

"It's fine Yaz...just not used to being groped at the console"

Yaz giggled like crazy "Groped babe?" she laughed

"I'm not complaining" she gets up her hair all messy "Morning" she grins and kisses Yaz quickly "Goodness don't you look cute"

"It's cute, isn't it?" Yaz turned around proudly showing off a cute white maternity dress. It had thin straps tied into little bows on her shoulders and was cut underneath her breast falling over her baby bump to her knees. Doctor made a rather funny looking face grinning at her. It was one of those expressions between happy, admiration and getting hot on her. It always made Yaz giggle because only Doctor could look so cute and goofy getting hot on. Then she shook her head visibly getting over exited and trying to get herself back on a track.

"Look Yaz" she grabbed her hand before Yaz could say anything and drags her over to the other side of the console "Loook Yaz" she points to the monitor that was showing the sketch of the planet or rather spherical object with several massive round holes

"Is that?"

"Yap..." she said exited hopping around the console "It's definitely artificial Yaz"

"I can see that....waaaw...who made it? What is it?"

"A bunch of very good questions that I have no answers to at the moment Yaz. But what we do know is that it's a machine, or structure, or a ship or...well something"

" can we stop it"

"Too early to tell Yaz...not enough information" she said flipping stuff on the console than she pulled up more information "'s like a pulse...rhythmic pulses send out into the universe Yaz, like a message, signal...SOS we don't know. Maybe they are asking for help Yaz"

"Waaaw...I don't know if I should be excited or terrified"

"Exited" Doctor grins into her face "Please don't be terrified" she kisses her quickly making her laugh

She missed her hopping around all exited like this. And whatever this new discovery is, it's worth seeing her little wife so excited and hyper

"Alright babe...if you say so...So basically they have neighbors who are about to explode"

"Essentially yes...So, if Tardis can decode those signals Yaz then maybe we can send the message back, start some sort of communication with them"

"Aaaaa...OMG you're so right...and maybe they can tell us what's going on and maybe when we know more, we can help everyone.... well, you...I'm pretty much like Tardis interior anyway"

"Oi...stop saying that Yaz" she points a finger at her across the console "I really hate when you talk like that"

"I know...sorry...I just wanna help"

"And you are helping Yaz...if you didn't stop me from going, I wouldn't come to this. Now go put some shoes on Yaz, don't be barefoot. I don't want you getting ill"

"Babe it's 100 degrees for god's sake how can I possibly get ill?"

"Just humor me Yaz"

"Alright...I'll put some flip-flops on...want some ice-cream?"

"No... thank you Yaz" she said not lifting her head from the console already concentrating on the work

Yaz was just about to open the fridge door when Tardis started to shake so strongly it threw her on one side and she hit the counter falling to the floor

"Yaz!!!" Doctor yelled and ran towards the kitchen "Goodness Yaz...are you alright?" she bends down wrapping fingers around her head "Did you hit your head?"

"No no"

"Did you hit anything Yaz?"

Tardis shook violently again and Doctor blanket herself over Yaz against the cupboards. They heard crackling and glass braking, squeaking and stuff falling around them out of kitchen cupboards, glasses and plates smashing all around them. They could also hear people screaming from the outside. The shaking seemed like it was never ending. They huddled together, Yaz desperately trying to hold hands over Doctors head in same time as her body was protecting her worried glass falling down will cut her to bits.

"OMG what's going on?"

"Earthquake will pass" and it did slowly, the shaking was stopping "There, it stopped" she looked up and around

"My family!" she wanted to get up, but Doctor stopped her

"Noo Yaz!!" she squeezed her not letting her move "'re barefoot" she got up and moved some pieces of broken glass with her boots then picked up Yaz from the floor and carried her into the hallway then took her phone out of her pocket. Tardis was still shaking a bit and Yaz was clenching for her arm looking up

"Doctor" Nadjia picked up "We're all two?"

"We're fine as well...I think we should maybe all stay in Tardis for the time being...I'm coming to get you Najia" she put the phone down

"Is everyone ok?"

"Yes...come with me Yaz"

As they got back to the console Doctor was flipping switches really fast "Hold on Yaz" She yelled and pulled the lever

Yaz opened the door to her parent's room "Mum!!" she hugged her tightly and looked over her shoulder all the cracks in the walls and ceiling

"Come on everyone" Doctor came out ang grabbed Ryan " doodling...get inside...Yaz stay away from Ryan and your dad for now, they need to go to medic bay"

"Babe there's people hurt" Yaz says to her as her family was getting inside

"I know Yaz....we'll get to that as soon as everyone is settled" she said helping Ryan to walk

"Daaad!" Yaz almost cried seeing him barely managing to walk

"Hey pumpkin" he waived to her "Don't worry, I'm fine"

"Oh god..." Yaz felt utterly useless at this point, standing on the far corner of the console room watching her family. Ryan and her father barely managing to walk, and she couldn't even touch them

"Right..." Doctor said as they all came back to the control room. She turned towards Najia and Sonya "This is really important so listen up. I'm sorry about this...I really didn't know this was happening here. So, if you want me to leave you on Earth, I'm gonna do it now. Iff, you stay I can't guarantee...." she pointed towards the door helplessly "I'm sorry"

"No!" Najia said firmly

"Whaaa?" Doctor looked at her surprised

"Now you listen to me Doctor, because what I'm gonna say is important" she started walking towards the Doctor making her step backwards shocked "All of us" she swirled finger around the room pointing to everyone "We're family...and we stick together...and us Khan's...we're not quilters. Now...there's some injured people out there that need our help and I suggest we get moving Doctor because there's no time to waste"

"I'm there with mum" Sonya said still hugging Yaz by the stairs

"I'm not going anywhere...don't you dare even think that thought" Yaz said

After initial shock Doctor flashed a massive smile and hopped to Najia kissing her cheek quickly "Thanks mum" she grins "Now...let's go Khan's" she turned on a heel like the wind flipped few switches and pulled the lever






When Tardis door opened up the sight was horrible. The hotel they were in was relatively undamaged but injured people were stumbling all over the street. Roof tiles shattered on the payments, broken pottery and glass some houses crumbled like a giant fist squished them into dust.

"OMG" Yaz stepped outside shocked

"Blimey" Doctor followed her outside "Right...I need to get to work...Yaz honey please put some shoes on" Doctor ran towards the console and pulled a big bag out from underneath one of the panels filling it up with all sorts of stuff "Nadjia, Sonya" she called them

"Yes Doctor" Sonya turned around

"Medical supplies...all pretty self-explanatory, give one shot right there in the neck to those who are bleeding a lot...Stops the bleeding and... well repairs small stuff until medics come. Then put this patch on their shows all the information to the medical team"

"Got it"

"Questions? .... No... let's go" she said so quickly that nobody even had time to ask any questions

"What about me?" Yaz asked standing at the door lost

"Yaz darling I can't have you do stuff like that pregnant...But you're definitely coming with me" she grabbed her hand "Yaz shoes!" she looked down at her bare feet

"Oh yeah sorry...I'm stressed"

"I'll get them" she ran towards the bedroom






Few hours have passed, and Doctor was jumping around ruins helping to move the ruble and helping people as bast as she could. Sonic helped in many ways as well. Sonya and Najia were in makeshift hospital helping with everything they could and Yaz found herself useful with a local tavern owner preparing meals for those who had no home to go to this night.

The horrible heat didn't help the situation one little bit. Those left under the ruins were in danger of dying from heat and lack of water.
Suddenly a noise ripped through the sky. A massive shuttle was landing down.

"OMG what's that?" Yaz asked the tavern owner

"Hospital shuttle...finally" the lady said looking up in the sky

"Aaaa I've been on one of those"

"Oh, have you now?"

"Aha...sonic bomb"

The lady looked at her quite horrified "'re lucky to be alive love"

"I know...can you believe it" she smiled

The lady reminded her of Grace. She looked extremely similar to her and had the same kind and beautiful energy. She also kept calling her love and it made Yaz's heart jump. It's been over ten years since Grace died and yet Yaz could still hear her voice in her head. Like it stayed there forever imprinted on her soul. Then she remembered how Doctor said she carried those she lost inside her, and she wondered if this what she meant.

"Listen...why don't you sit down honey and have some rest. You are with the baby"

"No, it's fine really" Yaz shook her head

"No love, you're not fine. You've been standing for five hours straight" the woman said "Go rest and eat something yourself. I will need help for dinner" she practically pushed her to sit in a big comfortable chair on a terrace "I bet you're hungry?"

"I am a little"

"See...told both need to eat"

"So, boy or a girl?" the lady asked sitting opposite her at the table

"Girl" Yaz smiled digging into the nice stew

"Awww...I like girls...I have three...And the lady with gold hair, is she the other mother?"

"The Doctor, oh yeah" Yaz said proudly

"That's nice...Did you say Doctor? That's the Doctor?"

" know her?"

"No... but everyone knows of her. Good way or bad, I still think God's sending her to help us with that machine she's building. Nobody else in the universe bothered helping. Now I can say I fed her wife and the baby"

"Oh, she would be absolutely grateful to you for making me eat" Yaz giggled

"So how much longer before"

"Five more months.... we think...not really sure.... it's complicated"

"Well, babies come when they are ready to come...when they are called to this world"

"That's a very nice thought"

"We are all called you know...for a purpose, a task to fulfil in a big wheel of time. We all have a place in it"

"'re making me soppy now" Yaz's eyes glistened





Sonya wiped her forehead with a side of her hand. Her face was covered with dust sticking to sweat on her skin making her itchy. She looked around hopelessly at makeshift beds and hundreds of people. Some crying some moaning in pain and some just being quiet like they have purposely detached themselves from the reality and floated away into some other prettier place. She felt as if someone dropped her in the middle of world war without any explanation. Suddenly she felt fingers wrapping around hers. They were cold and skin felt paper thin. She looked down

"Have you seen my grandson?" the old lady said with a soft voice

"No, I'm sorry...What does he look like?" she kneeled next to the bed

"The bakery"

"Excuse me?"

"Baker...he was in the kitchen"

Sonya looked at her murky lilac eyes and suddenly released what the woman was saying. "OMG .... wait for a minute" she ran to one of the rescuers and pulled his sleeve "Hey you!"

"Yes mam?"

"The bakery...did you find a child?"


"Who was at the bakery for god's sake? Did you find a child there"

"Oh, wasn't me...but he was" he pointed to another person and Sonya ran up to him. She grabbed the man for his tunic turning him around "Hey, were you at the bakery!"

"Aaaahhh yes why?"

"Have you found a child?" she asked franticly 

"I don't understand, what child"

"OMG, am I speaking Spanish...for fuck's sake have you rescued a child from the bakery?"

"No mam just old lady"

"Oh shit..." she grabbed fistful of his shirt shaking him like a plum tree "There's a kid underneath that rubble...he was in the kitchen...please fucking go!"

"How do you know that?" the man asked shocked

"His grandma just told me...just please go and find him"

The guy nodded and rushed to other two men having a break smacking them on a shoulder and explaining

"Oh god I hope they are not late" Sonya looked towards the tent

Doctor was desperately trying to move one of the big slabs of stone having few other people joining in to help. There was a woman trapped underneath and time was desperately running out.

"Arrrrrhhhhhhh" Doctor grunted pulling all her strength then peaked underneath the part they managed to lift and realized where the problem was. There was a metal bar preventing the stone slab from being moved and further. "If I could just...shoot..." she tried slowly balancing with one hand and quickly got her sonic out with another hand "Aaahhh..." she pointed, and the bar released

"That's it pull!!" the men yelled, and the slab finally moved

"Well, that was a nice team effort" Doctor wiped her hands on her sides then hopped down onto the street looking for Yaz. She saw her behind the long table scooping stew and pouring it into bowls and smiled. "Any for your wife?" Doctor squinted from the sun leaning over the table

"Babe!!" Yaz smiled and ran around the table throwing herself at her

"Missed you too" she kissed her temple "So how's it going? Yaz are you sure this isn't too much for you?"

"I'm absolutely sure and I had a rest, and I had some food as well"

"Good then" Doctor draped her arm over her shoulder "Oh Yaz...there are so many people injured"

I know it's horrible. I just saw a child pulled out of the ruble half an hour ago. Made me cringe...I've never seen devastation like this in my life"

"I've seen worse, but it doesn't make it any easier...I'm glad you found a way to help Yaz"

"Me too. Aaaa ...there's mum and Sonya" she points amongst the crowd "Mum!" Yaz shouted and waived

"Hey, you two" Najia said looking absolutely exhausted

"Hi" Sonya waived lazy with her hand

They were all covered in dirt, dust and blood, exhausted and drained not only from what happened but also from the relentless heat

"God, I stink" Sonya lifted her shirt little bit of her chest. It was sticking to her skin making her feel ill.

"Your sister saved a child today" Najia said proudly

"Really?" Yaz smiled

"I'll tell you all about it" Nadjia said beaming

"Are you hungry? I've got some food here" Yaz said pointing to big pot

"Yes, oh god yes please and water...I really need water" Sonya said

"There's clean water there" Yaz points towards some machines that they brought in for everyone

When they sat down Yaz brought everyone some food and sat on the Doctor's lap. Something she never did in public, but she needed it today, and the Doctor didn't protest, on the contrary, she seemed to welcome Yaz's gesture and wrapped her arms around her, resting her head on her shoulder. She exhausted.  The ground was still occasionally shaking in small tremors, which made everyone nervous. It was not a pleasant feeling and Yaz was happy to sleep in the Tardis. They still had Hakim and Ryan to worry about. And at this point, this trip seemed like a nightmare.

"Doctor, you look tiered and haven't said a word" Sonya said worriedly

"I am mind is racing. I need to resolve this fast. See that sun there, it's not a sun. Yaz and I just found out this morning it's some sort of a machine or ship or something that is artificially made"

"Whaaat like a death star?"

"No Sonya not quite like that" Doctor laughed

"What's a death star?" Nadjia asked confused

"Star Wars mum" Yaz smiled shaking her head

"But it is sending a signal, like a message that need to decode. Maybe we can send the one back...see what's happening, help do something. I don't know" she buried her face into Yaz's shoulder and squeezed her harder around her waist

"I'm sure you will figure it out Doctor....there's nobody out there smarter"

Doctor chuckled into Yaz's shoulder " pressure then"

"Doctor....Doctor" the lady ran over all covered in dirt

"Yes" she turned around

"We need you Doctor I'm so sorry"

"Yaz I'm..."

"No darling it's fine.... go"






Evening came and darkness hugged the city streets. They were all dropping of their feet and Yaz's feet specially were swollen like a pair of donuts. She was eagerly waiting for the Doctor, her mum and Sonya already sitting in the tavern. Sonya fell asleep resting her head on the table and Yaz was getting worried where the Doctor was.

"She's gonna come back" Najia got up and kissed the top of her head. Yaz just smiled at her sadly "There she is" she points smiling and Yaz jumped off the chair and ran to her embrace

"Stop running" Doctor laughed "Two seconds are not making any difference Yaz" Doctor wrapped her fingers around her face and kissed her lips to Yaz's absolute shock
"Waaaw" Yaz smiled into her lips

"I really missed you Yaz...let's just go home" she draped her arm around her shoulder

When they came back to Tardis Yaz and the Doctor showed them around then Doctor went to see Ryan and Hakim and Najia and Sonya brought them some food as well. They were all finally clean and finished with all the obligations and could relax. Doctor suggested movie night with popcorn, and everyone was delighted.

"Yaz I really thought your pulling my nose when you said how big this place is" Najia said putting food back into the fridge "It's's like a hotel Yaz"

"Wait till you see the library mum" Yaz smiled

"Do you have a hairdresser Yaz?" Sonya asked making Yaz laugh like crazy

"Oh yeah, and a nail salon and massage parlor after a hard day of work.... silly"

"Well, you did say you got a swimming pool"

"Come on let's go" Yaz picked up a big bowl of popcorn and led them to the library

"Hi...almost ready" Doctor hopped around setting up a big projector screen

Najia and Sonya just stood completely wordless staring around

"Bloody hell!!" Sonya said

"Nice ha?" Doctor smiled

"Nice? It looks like a bloody National Library...a British museum...this the hell?"

"I really thought nothing can surprise me anymore" Najia said speechless

"Right...all done" Doctor jumped around to the sofas "We have candy, also have some nice blankets to make it cozier. Awww I'm so chuffed..." she smiled scrunching her face all cheerful "Family movie night...what an end of a day"

In half an hour, everyone was nice and cosy. Sonya fell asleep with her head on her mom's lap and Yaz lay with her feet on the Doctor's lap enjoying the gentle foot massage she was getting, which was divine after a long day. The Doctor also knew all the pressure points and that helped with her swollen ankles. Yaz also learned how the Doctor and Nadjia are the same in the voiceovers during the movie and having both of them doing it at the same time seemed like audio commentary. They managed to find a flaw in every single scene and yelled at the character how stupid they were. It felt more like watching football than a movie. But having her sister and mom in the Tardis library and watching a movie with the Doctor was like an impossible dream for Yaz. Something she would never have believed a year ago. And she cherished every minute of this moment that meant the world to her. She just hoped her dad and Ryan would get better soon as well.

"Alright girls...I'm off to bed" Najia got up when the move finished "Sonya darling come on...let's go to sleep"


"Ha? Whaa? ...oh" Sonya woke up disoriented "OMG did I fall asleep"

"Girl, you passed out in first ten minutes" Yaz giggled

"I'm bloody knackered I am" Sonya got up stretching her arms "Alright, night you two"

"Night girls" Najia waves

"Night night...remember your dream" Doctor said

They stayed alone in a quiet of the library. Yaz was way too comfortable on Doctor's chest to even think about moving. She looked up smiling showing her little dimples.

"What's that happy smile for?"

"It was a nice evening"

"It was Yaz, and I was thinking how this year we need to have your family over for Christmas"

"My family doesn't celebrate Christmas silly, we're Muslim...but I can still ask them"

"You celebrate Christmas Yaz" she moved a strain of hair from her forehead stroking her gently

"That's because you do and it's fun....and I get the presents" she laughed

"Aaaaa so it's the presents"

"Yeah" she giggles kissing her fingers

"Come on should go to bed you know" Doctor glides her hands over her gently

"I can't be bothered to move" she moaned and turned around tucking her face into her neck kissing her



"Are you being cheeky with me?" Doctor scrunched her nose as Yaz brushed her fingers on the edge of her trousers

"No" she mumbled into her neck and released the waistband hook on her trousers

" your hand being cheeky Yaz?"

"Mmmm" she giggles kissing her collarbone popping a button

A small moan escapes Doctor's mouth and her back arched a bit as her hand slipped between the fabric with ease. Doctor reached for her sonic and pointed it over her head locking the door whiles still having any composure to do it.