Chapter 14


" I put this in a cup or in that little bottle you gave me" Yaz asked holding a tiny pieces of the rock and a chisel in the other hand

"Oh, that can go into the bottle love. Come and see this...this is amazing" she switches off the flashlight she had on top her head

"OMG that glows in a dark!!!!" Yaz comes closer to the rocks "What is that?"

"Those are those same organisms from that lake Yaz. So what does that tell you?"

"I would assume that this whole tunnel was under water at some point?"

"I'm proper impressed Yaz...I knew I had a smart wife" she smiles

"Oh babe it's only because you're teaching me"

Doctor looks at her seriously "Don't ever say that Yaz...You are smart...Besides even I had to learn stuff...I just had longer time to do it. It doesn't make you any less smart. And don't anyone ever tell you otherwise” she exclaimed by raising her finger “You wanna know a secret?"


"I wasn't considered that smart on Gallifrey"

"Noo get out...Now you're just trying to make me feel better" Yaz smiles and nudges her

"I'm serious Yaz...I really wasn't...resourceful and academic no...not really. In fact I was one of the worst students on the academy" she laughs

"Your serious?....You're actually serious" Yaz looks at in shock

"I am..." Doctor looks at her "Don't you say this to anyone.... I’m only telling you things because you're my wife"

"I would neveeer...But you're so smart how is that even possible?" Yaz fell silent and Doctor looks back down to the rocks "Thank you for saying this to me...That means a lot Bighead"

Doctor wsa acting as if she didn't hear that comment. But she did, she's just getting to emotional to respond so she diverted to the rocks again

"Going back to that...look" she get up and walks around scanning with her sonic and the whole wall illuminates "Look at thaaaat Yaz!!!" she kept walking around exited "Uuuu wait...Now what's that...Hmmm...that's odd" she reads her sonic confused

"What is Doctor"

"I'm getting a strange reading from this....It shouldn't be....hmmmm..."

"Strange in what way Doctor?"

"Not sure Yaz...I would have to put this data for Tardis to have a look at it. But it almost seems like there's I don't know like a big massive hole behind this tunnel...And I mean massive Yaz"

"How massive are we talking about Doctor"

"Oh I don't know Yaz the size of Scotland massive"

"Alright that's big...could it be another cave we don't know about?"

"Could be Yaz but I'm detecting something else as well. It's strange energy coming out of this almost as if it's....Alive"


"Yeah...strange....Oh well never mind for now. Tell you what… we'll do some tests when we come back to Tardis and I'll do some scans of the area....I might be wrong...I'm really wrong but I might be" she shakes her sonic "I do hope sonic isn't playing up with me.. that would really make me upset...Not to mention it would be embarrassing"

"Doctor!! Look" Yaz points to the wall of the tunnel next to her "Is my imagination running wild with me now or this looks like cave painting?"

Doctor runs over and lights up the wall with her flashlight "Yasmin Khan don't you ever say you're not smart again....Now that's amazing...Look Yaz...those are very very old and they faded with time but they are definitely cave art Yaz...Look creatures similar to humans harvesting the land and loooook!!!" she glides her hand on the walls "Animals...children playing"

"Look Doctor those are boats on the river aren't they?" Yaz points to one of the drawings depicting a small fishing boat on a river and children playing on the shore

"What happened to this place Yaz?....It had people...creatures living here...Where are they? Where have they all gone?" she looks at Yaz intrigued "What happened to this planet?"

"Do you think they all died Doctor? Or moved away?"

"I don't know Yaz...but I want to find out"

"Really?...I thought you don't wanted to work?. . Don’t get me wrong I don't mind...just what you said"

Doctor looks at her smiling "We can still have fun Yaz...If you want?"

"Yeeees of course I do" she smiles

"Well then Yaz.." Doctor starts bouncing around "Let get all the samples and I will also need to scan this place...Arrrh I should have taken deep scanner from Tardis....Why didn't I think of that...Oh never mind....I'll just improvise"

Yaz stopped for a second looking at her from the side smiling. She was so happy Doctor is coming back to her old bouncy self again.... but she still didn't want to leave this place for a long time.

They walked back towards their little lake and all the way Doctor didn't stop talking about all her theories of what might have happened to this place. They included everything from Daleks to Cyberman to climate change and natural disasters. Yaz found it fascinating how her brain was working out one million theories all at once end how every single one of those made some strange sense.
They were finally back at the lake and Doctor was sorting out her little samples carefully into the bag, so they don't get damaged on a way.

"Hey...I'm gonna take one last swim before bed time. You wanna come with me?"

"Definitely...just let me sort this out go"

Yaz got in the water playing with her hands and making it glow. She went to the edges and studied the white rocks thinking about all the stuff Doctor said about the layers and how they show history. Suddenly a simple rock seemed to tell a story of a millennia and it was an amazing world. She was so deep into her thoughts it startled her when Doctor put her arms around her.

"Hey...where are you drifting?" Doctor smiles

Yaz turned around and smiled placing her hands on a back of Doctors neck playing with her hair "Just amazing all of you opened up a whole new world for me now. It's like they tell a story now...those rocks"

"They are...all of it is...all around us Yaz...every rock every plant every particle tells a story. I'll teach you everything" she swings her around in a water laughing "But not tonight...tonight I'm just going to kiss you" she gazed at her slightly smiling

"All over?" Yaz smiles showing her adorable dimples climbing Doctor like a tree and wrapping her legs around her

"All over...all night" Doctor smiles and kisses her passionately


Yaz opened her eyes and Doctor was sleeping next to her. Rolled on her stomach and face in the makeshift pillow. Her beautiful golden hair was curly from the damp in the cave and half across her sleeping face. She looked so peaceful and so happy, so calm Yaz though. Yaz ran her hand down her back all the way to her waist and curves. Tracing her fingers down her soft skin. All she could think about is how absolutely beautiful she was and how hopelessly in love she was into her. She drifted in her mind to the time when the only thing she had was a hologram and how her heart used to skip a beat when she heard those words "I miss you". Never did she even dare to think in her mind this moment would ever be when this same woman would lie next to her like this. Never did she think she would ever know every inch of her. Never in her wildest dreams would she ever think she would be hers under the stars telling each other the sweetest things looking into each other’s eyes with so much love.

"If you continue like this I will never get out of this bed or this cave" Doctor murmured into the pillow made out of rolled up blanket "I don't want to move"

"Well then don't" Yaz smiled sliding her hand down her back to her waist

"Mmmmm...that's nice" Doctor stretched a bit and moved just slightly enough to just turn her head and look at Yaz. She smiled softly still sleepy "You slept nice?"

"I did those few hours" she smiled cheeky


"Nope...not at all" Yaz giggles

"You better not" Doctor makes a face "We need to get up"

Yaz started kissing her back tracing her hand down her curves

"You're being naughty again...that's just not fair" Doctor buried her had into the blanket

Yaz giggles and continued to kiss her sliding her hand all over her

"What have I done to you...." she murmured into the blanket "Aaaarrrrhhh my samples we need to get them tested Yaz..."

"We will..." she kisses her shoulder continuing to run her hand cheeky down her back and between her thighs

"I hate you...tinker" Doctor murmured.....