Chapter 3


Doctor was up early bouncing around all over the place as usual. The control room looked like tornado went through it. Cables all over the floor and Doctor was all covered with dirt. Yaz walked in still trying to wake up but she was right awake as soon as she saw the state of Tardis

"Blimey...What in a name...are you dismantling Tardis or what?" she stood there with mouth open looking around all the mess

"Oh good you're up...I need your help" Doctor jumped over the cables and plugged a cable to one of the supporting pillars "Come here Yaz...can you hold this?"

"Sure" she grabbed the cable

"What are you doing?"

"I need to prepare her for would be really embarrassing iff froze to I'm making sure we have extra heating...oh and some other bits...because at some point the show will be so high that...oh well we won't be able to out at all...Exiting isn't it?"

"Yeees!" Yaz smiles happier then ever "When will it start snowing Doctor?"

"By my calculations and percentage of damp and estimated temperature drop I would say we need to be fast Yaz" she's jumping around connecting other cables and flipping switches "Right Yaz...keep that cable we go!!!" she pulls the switch down

Suddenly the sparks start flying around the console and Tardis makes a loud sound. Temperature started climbing so fast Yaz though she will pass out

"Doctooor? Is it meant to be this hot...good grief I will pass out"

Doctor stands in the middle of the room sparks still flying and the heat from the ventilation is blowing so hard her coat is flying in the air. She's making ten different faces running around the console

" you trying to cook us alive?" She jumps over the cables and opens Tardis door to get some air inside then goes back to the console and switches everything off

Few hours have passed and Yaz is underneath the console completely wet boiling hot. Doctors hair is glued to her face and she only has a short sleeve t-shirt on. They are both huffing and puffin. The temperature inside Tardis has claimed up to impossible levels.

"Ok Doctor I managed to crew it back on" Yaz gets up wiping her face of with her hands and lifting t-shirt of her body to get some air in

"Well done Yaz...I managed to reconnect everything so let's hope this works...ready?"

"As ready as I can goes nothing" she grabbed the cable and shoved it in a pillar

Doctor flipped the switch and pulled one lever down. Nice cool air started blowing on their faces.

Yaz sighed with a smile on her face "Oh god that feels nice"

"Alright...we god it Yaz!!!" Doctor runs across the room jumping over stuff still tweaking things and making sure things are ok "Hungry? I'm hungry...I really fancy fried egg sandwich?"

Yaz blows into her face "Yap...that sounds great I'm starving. What about all this lot? We just leaving lt like that?"

Doctor flies over grabbing her hand and pulling her away " needs to settle...and you and I are having a snack in a mean time...Go on" she pulls her along towards the kitchen

Yaz is filling the dishes into the cleaner and Doctor comes behind her sliding her hands around her waist resting her face on her shoulder

"You did great today...I'm really proud of you" she kisses her shoulder and turns her around still holding her around her waist "How about we clean up that mess and we go out to see those flying stones I've been promising you?"

"I'd like that very much" Yaz drops her head on Doctor's shoulder "I like this...I like you being like this" she kisses her neck and takes a deep breath

"What's wrong Yaz?"

"Please don't ever change...I love this new you. I loved previous you as well...I fell for really fell for you...But this you is's just so different"

"It's different because I'm letting you see me … it's what you always wanted...For me to let you in...So that's what I'm doing, I'm letting you in Yaz. This part of me will always be yours from now on, and that will never change"

Yaz lift up her head and looked into her eyes "Really?...I didn't know"

"Yes Yaz really...this is me....this is me letting you in"

Yaz tuckes her hair behind her ears not taking her eyes of her for a single second

"I love you so much" she whispered

"I love you too" she kisses her short "loads" another kiss "and loads" another kiss until Yaz starts giggling again

"Now let's get that mess sorted and let's get ready and go out...I'm not risking night falling like yesterday again"


Yaz smiles and starts walking out of the kitchen when Doctor smacks her bottom with a kitchen towel

"Go on...hurry up!"

"Oi!!…Alright, alright I'm going I'm going your lordship" she giggles

This time they managed to come back before dark but Yaz feels she's been running a marathon after a whole day. Tardis feels nice again. Not the inferno from few hours ago

"So...did you have a nice time?...Impressive isn't it?"

Doctor hopes Yaz had a great time, she's really doing her best to impress her with everything

"I absolutely loved it. And I know you explained to me about the lack of gravity but it still blows my mind how they float like that. I am proper impressed"

"Good that was the intention....I'm really putting effort here you know"

Yaz walkers over to her and gives her a small kiss on a cheek "I know you are...and this girl is impressed"

"You better be...Oh, I have some work to do on Tardis so, go get yourself sorted and we'll do something fun"

"Alright love"

"Did you just call me love?" Doctor smirked

"Yap" Yaz giggles

"I like that"

"I'm off...have fun ..oh you want something from kitchen?"

"No I'm fine...don't eat that jelly"

Yaz still didn't understand the jelly problem. She just decided not to eat any jelly ever again around Doctor

As Yaz was going out of the console room the bright ball of light enters the Tardis

"Doctoooor!!!" Yaz screams

The Kerblam man appeared in front of her and Yaz froze when his robotics eyes stared right at her

"Aaa...finally!!" Doctor jumps exited

"Doctor what is he doing here?"

"Don't worry Yaz. I ordered something" Doctor walks up and takes the the box smiling and Kerblam man disappeared

"What did you order?" Yaz asked with true discomfort on her face

"Oh you know...just some stuff I need for repairs"

"Those things still give the creeps. I wish you wouldn't do that"

"Sorry Yaz"

"Alright I'm off now. Just please get rid of that bubble wrap"

Doctor sat on the stairs when Yaz left the room. She drifted away into her thoughts.
After all that has happened for past years these three days was the first time she actually felt really truly happy. It was the first time when for three straight days she hasn't felt anguish about the future and the past. Her mind was always raicing so much that it became normal, she forgot what it was like when it didn't. But when she's next to Yaz her mind goes still. She though about what she said to Yaz, about letting her in...Was this truly her? It is...but it was her that she'd forgotten a long time ago. It felt comforting to have it back. To know she still had it. The stillness, the passion, love.

"Hey love! Doctor what's wrong??? What happened?" Yaz asked anxiously

"Hey...Nothing...all fine. Just thinking that's all?" She snapped out of it pulling smile on her face

"You would tell me? Right?

"Yes I would definitely tell you. Sit next to me"

Yaz sits on a steep in front of her and leaning on her enjoying her ice-cream

"You want some?"

"Nah thanks"

"So snow tomorrow then?"

"Oh yes by the end of the day definitely"

"Doctor leans over to hug her and suddenly her face goes white.

"Oh nooo...thats bad" she grabs Yaz's ice cream out of her hands

"Heey!!! All you need to do is ask"

"That's really bad Yaz" Doctor is making faces and she gets up like the house is on fire

"How much of this did you eat?"

"What? Why?" Yaz's face goes into complete panic

"Oh this is not good...not at no" Doctor whips out her sonic and manically approaches Yaz and without any warning starts opening her eye

"What are you doing???" Yaz is smacking her with her hands trying to move away but Doctor is persistent and she flashes a sonic into her eyes "Doctor!!! Stop...what is going on"

"I told you not to eat the jelly"

"Yes but that's ice-cream "

"I know it's ice-cream" Doctor waives her hands frustrated

"Well then?"

"I meant ice-cream"

"You whaaaaat?" Yaz panics and gets up "But you said jelly!!!! "

"I know I did... I meant ice-cream....this is really bad!!"

"Stop saying that...Why is it bad?"

Doctor runs to the console and scoops up a spoon of it for analysis

"Doctor!!!" Yaz get into her face leaning on a console "WHY IS IT BAAAAD?"

"Oh well because in about less then half hour you will start tripping"

"Whaaat? Is this like drugs?"

"Nooo of course it's not drugs...well it has hallucinating properties yes, but..."

"Like drugs!!! Like happy cookies!!! You just roofed me!!!"

"I told you not to eat it!!!!"

"You told me NOT TO EAT JELLY!" Yaz takes a packet from the console shaking it in her hand going epic on a Doctor "Does this look like a jelly to you????"

Suddenly she felt really dizzy and her legs where going


She starts sliding down the console and Doctor catches her a second before she slupms to the floor

"Aaaalright...I got you!!"

"Doctor I don't feel well"

"I know you don't...well obviously it works faster on humas"

"Doctor why is Tardis pink?"

"Ok...I think you need a shower"

Doctor scoops her up and carries her towards her room. She kicked the door with her foot and slumped her on a bed.

"I love you" Yaz mumbled giggling playing with Doctors hair whilst she's getting her clothes off

"I love you too...God you're really out of it. Yaz how much of that did you eat?"

Doctor is pulling her trousers off and unbuttoning her shirt

"Wooow...hey...I'm not that kind of girl Doctor...naughty Doctor"

"Blimey Yaz...This is going to be a long night"

Yaz is crawling all over her and making it really difficult for her to undress her, but she managed somehow after third attempt.
She finally gets her in a shower and sits her in a bath but Yaz is continuing to trip out.

"Doctor there's a Cyberman behind you"

"No, Yaz there isn't"

"There is...I can see him" she points a finger with a wobbly hand

"No...there's definitely no Cyberman in Tardis" Doctor is really controlling her herself from not bursting out laughing


"Yes Yaz"

"Did I tell you how hot you are? When you're wearing know...those...big glasses"

Doctor couldn't hold it of any more, she starts laughing

"No Yaz you haven't told me...but you're definitely telling me now"

"You're really really...and I mean really hot stuff" she starts running her fingers down Doctors arm

Doctor covers her face with a hand and burst out laughing

"Oh dear...thanks...well I suppose it's nice to hear...not that anyone ever called me that"

"Doctor I feel really sleepy"

"Ok...I think we're done"

Doctor gets her up and drags her to bed thankful that it only lasted for a short time. She tucked her in a duvet and layed behind her wrapping her arm around her.

"I love you sexy" Yaz mumbled her last words before falling asleep

Doctor still couldn't stop laughing