Chapter 45



Yaz woke up to an empty bed, but the shower was running so she smiled and rolled around haply. It was the first time they had had a proper night of sleep and she finally felt rested. She rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

"Morning potato" Doctor opened the cubicle door a little smiling

"Hey baby"

"You look sleepy...come here...water is nice"
Yaz took the nightie off leaving it on a side of a sink and stepped into the cubicle

"Awww....that feels nice" she said closing her eyes as the water ran down her hair and her back

"Told ya" Doctor stood behind her and wrapped her arms around her

"I it's like those waterfalls...just nicer couse now you're cuddling me"

"I wanted to cuddle you then" Doctor kissed her shoulder and squeezed a shampoo on her hair then rubbed it in

"Uuu I get a full treatment this morning" she laughed

"Half of the treatment...the rest tonight" she giggled and leaned over to kiss her cheek

"Is that a promise?" she laughed
"Absolutely...I'm taking you for a date"

"Oh, waaaw...spoiling time...Me like it...But I need to spoil you as well sometimes"

"You are're having my baby"

" isn't everything you know...I am your wife as well"

"You are...and you're giving me a baby so I need to spoil you" she said rubbing fingers through her hair

"You silly sod" she laughed "How come you're around this morning anyway?"

"Oh Yaz, I was so tiered I woke up around five and just rolled on the other side...Me can you believe it? I had no strength to get up"

"I'm glad you stayed. You need to sleep more anyway. I think your insomnia has more to do with stress than you people not needing so much sleep. I think you're just telling me a lot of wof"

"I'm not Yaz...we seriously don't need as much sleep. But we still need some...and I had literally none past few days"

"Mmmmm that feels really nice...can we skip to tonight?" she said closing the water

"If we wouldn't have exploding sun definitely" she said scooping up all the Yaz's hair and squeezing all the water out of it then did the same to her own.

They stepped out of the shower together and Doctor dried her hair in a towel

Yaz turned around and smiled. She run hands down her sides and her back.

"I miss this" she said enjoying feeling her wife’s soft skin under her palms. She was running hands everywhere and nowhere feeling her every curve.

Doctor cupped her face smiling "Me too...I promise I'll make it up when we come home" she brushed her nose over hers gently

"Cave?" Yaz smiled running fingers down her spine

"Mmmm" she pulled her closer "You're giving me a head wonk" she said brushing her lips over hers as Yaz hands glided over sides of her stomach down her hip bones

"I know" she giggled "But you smell so good" ran her thumb over her hip bone

"Stop saying that" she gripped the back of Yaz neck giving her shivers

"But you do...vanilla and cinnamon...reminds me of Christmas" she cupped her bum with one hand "Hard to resist"

Doctor felt herself being slowly navigated towards the bed. She didn't complain, just thought how now she will have even less time for work. But she pushed the thought away when the back of her legs hit the bed. "I'm letting you do this" she said

"Alright boss..." Yaz grinned into her lips and pushed her to sit on the bed

"Boss Yaz?" she lifted her eyebrow then pulled her by the hand into a kiss 

"Oh, come get a kick out of it completely" she smiled into her lips pushing her down and sat on top of her

"You cheeky bugger, no I don't" she was running her hands over her laughing

"You love bossing people around and you absolutely haaate being told what to start squirming and fighting like you're constipated"

"Blimey Yaz..." Doctor laughed "I do not look constipated"

"You doo" Yaz laughed " look like you desperately need to go to toilet and you're having to hold it...But it's're cute"

"I'm failing to see how you find that cute Yaz"

She bent over and kissed her smiling "Everything about you is cute...and sexy" she said dotting kisses over her face and trailing  them down her neck that smelled like a the most delicious Christmas cake "Very..very sexy"

"Right...iff you say so" she scrunched her face confused as Yaz kissed her neck

"Stoop" she grabbed her chin laughing

"Stop what Yaz?"

"Overthinking it now and kiss me"

Doctor grinned cheeky "Kiss you where Yaz?"

"All over" she smiled and sat up trailing fingers over her. Brushing her thumbs over her breast and ran her palm over a little birth mark Doctor had right above her belly button that was Yaz's favorite.

"Aaaaa...tickles" Doctor laughed

"I love's so cute"

Doctor smiled and ran her hands over her breast and palming her stomach in circles watching Yaz closing her eyes. She loved all the little changes her wife`s body was going through. How the curve of her waist has changed, and her breast become fuller and softer. She loved the beautiful curves of her thigs that were now even more prominent than before. She wanted to trail every inch of her, mapping her body with her fingers and her lips end store it in her memory for centuries to come so one day when she will no longer be able to feel her underneath her fingers and her lips she could escape inside her mind to this very moment in time. It was a heavy thought and the one she had to fight to push at back of her mind.

She laced their fingers together pulling herself up and buried her face into her neck for a moment with big sigh.

"What's wrong baby?" Yaz wrapped her arms around her rocking them slightly

"You're beautiful Yaz" she looked up to her and smiled

She felt Doctor's nails tracing gently down her spine then fingers wrapped at the back of her neck pulling her for long kiss.

"Heavy?" she smiled resting her forehead on hers and playing with soft hair at the back of her neck

"No...cause not...I love it" she kissed her gently then trailed her lips down her jaw and her neck moving her wet hair out of the way

"We're gonna make the bed wet" she giggled

"Now you care about the bed Yaz?" she smirks kissing her earlobe

Slowly they started losing themselves in each other. Doctor's breathing becoming deeper and her hearts pounding against her chest. She grabbed Yaz's hips and pulled her onto herself practically lifting her up trailing lips down her collarbones. She was wedged in her lap with not an inch of space between them as her tummy took up most of the space. But the Doctor hardly complained and enjoyed every minute of her hands trailing down her back and her nails digging into her sides.

Yaz giggled ruffling her wet hair through her fingers and closed her eyes.
Quiet moans were leaving her lips as Doctor's lips trailed down her neck

Doctor wrapped her fingers around her face and looked at her big brown eyes "Stars Yaz, you're so beautiful" she said and kissed her like there's no tomorrow, like she will combust that very moment

"I need you" Yaz said into her lips between  the kisses tugging her hair "Please baby" she said pressing her forehead against hers rocking her hips,  slowly dragging herself over her in a shameless desperation

"What is it that you need Yasmin?" Doctor brushed her finger over her lips and trailed her fingers down her spine making her shiver and curl up her toes

"I need you inside me...pleaseeee baby" she begged gently tugging on her still wet hair at the back of head rubbing her face against hers.

Doctor found it fun to wind her up sometimes admittedly enjoying how cute she was seamlessly begging her when she herself felt like she was bursting at seems.

Doctor smiled and wrapped her arms around  her kissed her deep driving air out of their lungs, pulling desperate moans out of Yaz's lips

Knocking on a door almost made them both hit the ceiling.

"What the fuck" Yaz jumped

"Doctooor!" Ryan called on the other side

"You gotta be kidding me" Doctor whispered "Yeees Ryan?" she yelled

Yaz buried her face into Doctor's neck laughing like crazy

"You have a message on a console....sorry"

She rolled her eyes "Thank you for letting me know Ryan...I'll have a look at in a minute"

"Any time...see ya" he trailed off down the hallway unaware of what's happening on the other side

Yaz wrapped her arms around her shoulders and laughed into her neck so much she couldn't breathe "I can't believe this"

"I need to find more private space on a Tardis" she shook her head. Her cheeks still flushed and hair all messy falling over her face.

Yaz looked at her laughing "Please tell me he didn't hear us?"

"Goodness Yaz noo"

"Because if he did I'm gonna die"

"I'd straight regenerate from shame Yaz" Doctor slumped her face into her neck puffing "Well I must say I was hoping for a better ending to this" she giggled wrapping her hands around Yaz "Come on potato...let's get dressed"

"I need another shower" Yaz laughed supporting herself on Doctor's shoulders getting up




They walked down the hallway holding hands. It was at least they could do after morning fiasco.

"Go and have breakfast I'm gonna have look at this message on a console" Doctor kissed her forehead

"You want me to make you some?"

"That'd be nice...I won't be long... promise" Doctor brushed her hand over her backside as she turned twards the kitchen. She was rarely showing such physical affection when they were not alone and it made Yaz warm around her heart when Doctor couldn't keep her hands of her.

"Morning" Yaz said to Ryan who was digging through the fridge

"Hey mummy...morning...Do we have any eggs?"

"Dunno...should do...they should be on a door"


"Well, then we ran out" she shrugged "Want some crumpets?"

"Yeah sure" he sat down at the bar

She looked for any sign on his face that might tell her if he had heard anything half an hour ago, but she was relieved there wasn't any so she could finally relax. She was terrified that someone could hear them and put all her faith in the Tardis blocking out the sounds. There were times she even felt uncomfortable knowing that the Tardis was literally like a person listening to everything that was going on. But she bent over to push those things away. She often wondered how many secrets the Tardis knew and wondered if she ever revealed them to the Doctor.

"Your face looks better" she said passing him a plate

"Yeah...I looked like I was in a fight...but Doctor's cream is helping"

"Does it smell nice?"

"No, it's horrid as usual. What does she put in to them?"

"Honestly...I don't wanna know" she laughed

"You two seem happy this morning" Sonya walked in and bent over kissing Ryan

"Hey" Yaz smiled "Crumpet?"

"Yeah...thanks" she sat down

"We were wondering what Doctor puts in her creams" Ryan said

"Oh god...knowing her corpse dust and worm shit"

"I assure you I'm not" Doctor walked in

"Shit" Sonya bend her head laughing

"I have excellent hearing I have you know" she grabbed a crumpet from Yaz's hand and kissed her shoulder brushing herself over her as she passed her by.

"Good to know" Sonya remarked

Yaz smiled at her and Doctor gave her a wink. It made her laugh and thought about what's gone into her this morning. She started to wonder was it her finally getting enough sleep.

" do something for me today?" she sat down on high chair next to him

"Oh's not buying another worm is it?"

" many do you think I need?"

"I don't know...I hope no more"

"I need you to do something on Tardis...Yaz can't and I don't wanna ask are younger"

"Sure no problem...and since when do you let me work on a Tardis?" he frowned in confusion

"You're family Ryan, it's about time you learn a thing or two"

"Waaaw...." he got off his chair  and leaned over her shoulder kissing her cheek quickly "Thanks Doctor"

She didn't react, just smiled a little fiddling with her sonic. Several years ago, she would've cringed to that which proved to herself just how much she has changed throughout this regeneration

"Morning everyone" Hakim walked in dragging his feet still sleepy

"Morning" everyone said at the same time

He walked over to Yaz and leaned over her shoulder "Mmmm...crumpets"

"Want some dad?" Yaz asked as the new lot just popped out of the toaster

"Definitely pumpkin"

She passed him a plate and he sat down with the others "Where's mum?"

"She's having a lie in, the heat is giving her a headache"

"Why didn't you say so Hakim?" said the Doctor turning towards him "I have just a thing for it When you finish breakfast I'll give it to you...excellent stuff...once I got stuck on this planet when my Tardis broke down...the atmospheric pressure, it was squeezing my brains....aarrrhhh the pain...but this really helped"

"I see you got new boots today" Ryan said to the Doctor looking at her feet dangling from the chair

"Oh, yeah finally...Like them?" she raised her leg

"What's to like?...They're the same as the previous ones

"Mmmm" she frowned and turned in her chair "They are that technically makes them different boots...not the same"

"Iff you say so" she laughs "Why do you always wear the same stuff?" he asked thinking how he was wondering this for years but never really asked

"I don't Ryan...I have loads of clothes"

"But they all look the same"

"They may to you, but they are not"

"No they are seriously not" Yaz laughed sitting down "Believe me her stuff is overflowing in my drawers"

"No its nooot" she complained

"Yes they shoved your braces in my drawer"

"Just them...we need bigger wardrobe anyway"

"You have a massive wardrobe...what the hell" Ryan frowned

"That's different...It's for when we travel...I can't go to other part of Tardis each time I need a clean t-shirt Ryan"

"Mmmm...point taken"

"Right...I'm off. Call me if you need me Doctor" Hakim said and walked out

"I will...see ya...oh...I'll text you directions to that restaurant"

"Thank you...I appreciate it"

"Why does he need a restaurant?" Sonya frowned

"He's taking mum for a meal" Yaz said

" he now"

"Right...I'm off as well" Doctor said "Ryan come to the control room when you finish"


"I need my pregnant mechanic" Doctor leaned over Yaz's shoulder

"Mmmm...sure" she got up quickly Doctor pushed her back in a chair

"When you finish breakfast" she smiled

"Alright...won't be long" she lifted half eaten crumpet

Doctor grabbed her wrist taking a big bite "Well now you will be faster" she laughs and zooms off



She was in a control room alone as everyone still hadn't finished their breakfast. She still felt tired which was rather unusual and slightly uncomfortable feeling for her, but she pushed herself through it and rolled up her sleeves spraying her arms over the console. She had loads to do and so much to resolve and all those people lives hanging by the threads desperately depending on each decision she's going to take and yet she was struggling. Struggling between her role as the Doctor and a desire to simply be a wife and future mother. Pressure of her own personal problems weighed so heavy on her in so many ways and all she wanted was to sink into her wife`s arms and forget everything, forget that the world and the universe even existed until she finds answers to all her questions. But she couldn't do that. That's not how her life worked. So she took a big breath and turned on the monitors.

"You alright Doctor?" Hakim walked in quietly or he hasn’t, and she just simply didn't register him being there all along. She looked up worriedly and wordlessly at him

"Need to talk?" He asked politely walking towards her "This is lot to do for just one person Doctor...I know we are all here...but let's face it...we are pretty useless when it comes to most important stuff"

She listened and didn't reply to that. She didn't know what to really reply because partially he was telling the truth. He came up to her and glanced at the console "Even this ship is meant for more than one person" she smiled slightly from the corner of her lips "It's ok to be scared Doctor. A lot has happened to you and my daughter. Big things on a way...I somehow feel you didn't plan them" he smiled

"No...we didn't" she smiled shaking her head looking down to the console "But I want it" she said straight away

"I know...I know you do. I can see it in your eyes when you talk about it at dinner, and I see the way you look at my daughter. But I also see the burden of responsibility you feel. You may be thousands of years older than me, but we are no different Doctor when it comes to our families"

"I feel like I'm torn apart Hakim" she finally said moving away from the console "I have this" she pointed to the control panel she had to repair "And I feel guilty because all I want is to is be there in the kitchen with everyone. I feel..." she turned around "I need to figure myself out so I can be the best of myself for Yaz...and I'm not doing that...and months are passing slipping through my fingers" she turned back towards him "I'm feeling more and more scared I won't be prepared, and something will happen. I have to be able to protect them and for that I have to be the best of myself" she slumped her shoulders "I haven't been that for over a year now Hakim"

"I think you expected too much from yourself Doctor. You will figure it out if you just let yourself exist in a moment. You know Yaz wasn't planned. We wanted kids but we had serious financial problems, but she happened and I had no idea how I would feed my family. I used to come up to her cot and apologize to her for being a shit father"

Doctor looked at him and smiled a little then sat on the steps. He walked over and sat beside her

"She would look at me with her big brown eyes and smile completely unaware of what I was saying but just one look at her and I was the best of myself...and you know why?"

She nodded looking at him sideways

"Because I loved her so much, I would do anything for her and my wife. That's what made me the best of myself Doctor...and you will be too"

"You think?....I'm pretty chaotic Hakim"

"And I was pretty lazy myself if I'm honest with myself"

Doctor laughed and looked at the floor resting her arms at her knees "I can't fail Hakim" her tone has changed suddenly

"I thought you said you're historically good in a tight spot?"

She laughed rolling her eyes "Yeah" she looked at him "I suppose I have said that...but you know Doctor lies all the time" she laughed

"Not about this she doesn't" he nudged her shoulder

"Hey you two" Yaz walked in smiling

"Hey potato" Doctor smiled looking up above her and reached for her hand wrapping it over her shoulder kissing her knuckles

"What have you two been chatting about? You both look depressed"

"Not depressed...just a bit worried that's all" Doctor said

"Alright...I'll leave you to it" he got up

"Hey...wait" Doctor jumped on her feet "Nadjia.." she zoomed around the console and gave him medicine "Two spoons...those little tiny ones, you know the once they give you with the cup of coffee and sometimes  they make them with hole in a middle it's so annoying. Why make a spoon with hole in a middle...can be even called a spoon with a hole...I'm rambling...anyway two of those...noo more or she will star hallucinating and...well it's not pleasant"

"Right...thanks Doctor...oh,  by the way those spoons are designer ones...they are meant as art"

"Oh...interesting...thank you Hakim" she smile happily "You resolved a mystery that was really bugging me...not that have a coffee that often but you can't go to Italy and not have one...or Turkey...or Bosnia...never mind" she waived her hand

Hakim laughed "Thanks Doctor...see ya "Cuba" he said on his way out

"What?" Doctor turned confused

"Cuba...nice coffee as well"

"I see you two are getting along great" she said slumping herself on her back kissing her shoulder

"Always Yaz...I really like your dad" she turned around "Whanna go for ice cream?" she smiled tucking Yaz's curly hair behind her ears. She let it dry naturally and it was falling down her shoulders in millions of tiny curls which Doctor loved twirling around her fingers

"I thought you have loads of work to do and we have exploding sun?"

"We do, and I do have loads to do" she took her hand and guided her to the the door "But a wise person once said to me that if you wanna be the best of yourself you need to live in a moment...and at this moment I wanna have ice cream with my wife" she smiled and kissed her temple at the door



They walked around holding hands and eating something similar to ice cream, but more like frozen crushed fruit that tasted like strawberries. It was still hot, but not as hot as before. More like a really hot summer day. Compared to the previous heat, it seemed almost refreshing. Work was still going on all over the city as people were still repairing their houses from the many earthquakes, but life was mostly going on as normal. As normal as it possible could.

"Hey look at this Yaz" Doctor pointed to one lady with a baby "That's gonna be us soon"

"I know...I see them all the time now...isn't that strange"

"Tell me about it...I'm the last person alive who would go around noticing I see them on every corner and makes me wonder how did I miss all those kids before" she giggled

"I had this really stupid thought the other day"

"No thoughts are stupid Yaz"

"I was know how we said we'd buy stuff for the baby and then I we need a pram? I mean...We do...but then I thought...they come with this car seat and we don't have a car so what do we need...Tardis seat" she started laughing "Or...console baby holder"

"I don't even know what we need Yaz...I was thinking of all the situations we find ourselves in and then imagined having a baby...and I thought do I say to Dalek...sorry...I'll come back to you in a minute, let me just change a nappy"

Yaz pissed herself laughing "I think even Dalek would stop half way through Exterminate" she laughed

"Part of me just wants to simply stop and be mum..."

"But the word needs the Doctor" Yaz leaned on her shoulder "And you know you won't just ignore the know that baby"

She sighed deeply and Yaz continued "I'm under no illusion darling...I know this isn't going to be a house with a picked fence and a golden retriever and going to school plays"

"But a part of me wants that...does that make sense?"

"It does"

"You know once I was a human...did I ever tell you that?"

"Nooo..." she looked at her confused "How?"

" was my tenth regeneration" she pulled her hand and sat with her on a stone bench "I was in hiding...long story short I put all my memories into a fob...becoming just a normal human working as a professor...I had no memories of who I Ruth...and I fell for this woman...oh I really fell for her Yaz" she smiled "But then time ran out and I had to become the Doctor again...a part of me Yaz...the human part of me didn't want to...a human part of me wanted to live just that simple life...Falling in love wasn't in my plans you see...but it happened"

"We never do plan do we...heart doesn't ask" she said stroking her hand

" doesn't...but I had to open that fob...I had to let it all go...that person...that me...had to die...I had to become me again" she shut her eyes tilting her head then opened them up again and looked at Yaz "I didn't want to be lonely you see potato...a part of me always was always longing for just this..." she put her hand on Yaz's stomach "The point I'm trying to make Yaz is that I want to much I possibly can...I really do"

"Well..." Yaz stroke her face gently "Then let's try" she leaned over kissing her cheek
Doctor's phone rang and she picked it up confused


"Ryan...oh shooot Ryan sorry...I forgot"

"Where are you?"

"Just having Ice-cream..."

" what do you need me to do?"

"I need you to help me fix the drainage system...something is clogged there...remember I showed you this once before?"


"Sorry Ryan I know it's a nasty job but there's a lot of us on a Tardis it has to be done and I haven't got time for everything"

"No problem Doctor...don't apologize...I'm on it"
"Thanks Ryan...iff you need help just call and I'll be back soon anyway"


He hang up and turned to Sonya "Wanna go with me?"

"Where are we going?"

"I need to check the drainage where all the waist goes...Tardis processes everything but it all needs to go somewhere first to be processed and...well that bit it clogged.."

"You mean like shit?"

"Well if you put it that way...I suppose...and waste water from kitchen and so on"

"But it's also shit?"

Ryan starts laughing "Well yes obviously Sonya...we do all go to toilet...come on...go with me'll be fun"

" it won' really know how to charm a woman don't you"

He draped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple "Hey I took you on another show me one guy who can do that one" he smugs

Doctor put her phone away and tapped Yaz's knee "Come on potato...let's get back slowly...I know it's not as hot but you still shouldn't be in a sun"


The Doctor was at the console. She took apart the small teleporter and connected it to the Tardis trying to figure out where it might lead without actually having to activate it and find out. Yaz was in the library looking for more information on the artificial sun, trying to find a way to fix the sun that she wasn't too hopeful of finding a way. It was a machine that was far too advanced and complicated to be operated by just one person. She spent hours in the library and needed a break. Her legs were killing her, and the baby wouldn't stop kicking. Which was nice and exciting, but not when she had to sit for hours studying book after book and walking around endless shelves. Not to mention she had to go up and down the stairs and go to the bathroom at least five times.

"Hey babe...wanna a little break?" Yaz came in with some tea and biscuits

"Hey potato...sure...come here...let me show you something"

She left the tray on the step and walked over to the console "Look Yaz...this is the center...remember the scan" she was showing the blueprint now hovering above the console as a 3D model "It's the operating room for the whole thing"

" right in a centre there's a room?"

"Yap...right in the middle of it is operating room...also..." she moved down the console "I now know how it works. They harnessed the energy of the dwarf star to power up the whole machine ...It's amazing"

"So there's a way of getting to the actual operating room?"

"There is Yaz but I'm reluctant landing Tardis in the middle of exploding star without knowing how to repair it. It's a risk...I don't know how much is there...what's  there or can it even be repaired anymore" she walked back to the hologram and turned  it around in the air "But what's really bugging me...and this is really...really bugging me is that this system shouldn't go faulty like this Yaz...I read through the whole thing now...and by all the calculations this should not be happening for at least another 7000 years"

"So what you're  saying is that it's designed to last a lot longer regardless of the maintenance"

" know...everything needs maintenance and things will go wrong but not to this what's causing it Yaz? What happened to cause it. I can't find one thing on those plans that could go so badly wrong to cause all this" she pointed towards the door then put her hands on her hips "It's really bugging me...I just wanna go up there and have a look"

"But you won't...right? Tell me your not just gonna shoot up there blindly not knowing what's going on"

"I won't Yaz...I'm not that mad" she laughed and kissed her temple

"You used to be"

"Well a man can woman...person...I'm trying to figure out what could've gone wrong before I go"

" you're still gonna blindly land the Tardis...only this time you're gonna have plan...maybe" she rolled her eyes

She ignored  her statement and continued "I should be able to figure it out Yaz...I'm sure it's right there poking me right in my nose and I just can't see it"

"Can I help?"

"I'm afraid with this darling there's very little you can do...Tarids is running tests to see all the scenarios ... so we will see what she will come up with....also I'm trying to get this thing working..."

"The teleport?"

"Yeah...I'm trying to figure out where it leads" she puffed a hair from her face and splayed her arms across the console

"What's wrong?...I mean I know loads is wrong but you're really troubled"

"What iff I don't repair it Yaz? What do we do with all these people?...I'm trying to think to expand the Tardis...I could do...possibly...maybe...I've never done this before"

"What do you mean? Like evacuate the whole planet? Like Noa`s arc?"

She looked up to her worried "Mmmmm...I can't just leave them here Yaz"

"OMG...that's a lot of people"

"2.3 million souls to be exact Yaz...where do I fit 2.3 million people and where do I take them?"

"And will they wanna go?"

"Exactly" she went to one of the monitors "I found a's's at the moment uninhabited...but it would mean starting all over again Yaz...from zero...Even if I can possibly fit everyone in here I can't exactly fit all the houses and all the stuff's..."

"Their entire lives...I know..."

"And I can't just leave everyone Yaz...that's not even an option"

Yaz sighed deeply and walked over to her kissing her shoulder and ran her hands down her waist "Look...don't think about it now...I'm sure it won't come to that...I'm sure you're gonna figure something out"

"But what iff I don't Yaz?"

"But what iff you do love" she rubbed her face against hers and kissed her cheek "You're the always find a way" Yaz looked over the console to the little teleport



"Ryan...this is absolutely disgusting" Sonya stood next to him as he was emptying some drainage out. The smell was making her gag.

"Sorry...not a date I was imaging"

"It never is with the Doctor" she laughed

"What's that?" he looked at the massive hose blowing up as something was passing through it slowly "What the hell?"

"Ryan...what the hell is that?"

"I have no idea" he looked as the stretch on the hose as it was coming closer to the opening until something dropped into the drain splashing all the waist on them

"OMG" Sonya stood shocked with open mouth "Aaaaaaaaaaa.....Ryaaaan I've got shit all over me"

"Aarrrhh...shit is the least of your problems...what the hell is this in the drain?" he wiped his face looking at something wiggling inside it that looked like eel

"Call her!!...Just please can we get out of here!!"

Ryan picked up the phone and called the Doctor

"Hey Ryan...How's it going?"

"Aaarrrhh there's something in the drain that just popped's wiggling...Aaaaaaaa" he screamed and the line dropped

"Shoot...stay here Yaz" Doctor

"What's going on?"

"Dunno...just stay here" she waived  her hand running out

"Ryan do something about it!" Sonya screamed crawling on the floor trying to get away from the slimy creature that jumped out and was wiggling on the floor like a snake "Away...away...oh something!!!" she kept screaming as Ryan was throwing things at it trying to stop it
"Like what?" he said throwing one more thing at it

"I don't travelled with her not me"

"Stop!!!" Doctor yelled from the top of the stars "Don't move"

"Don't move?" Ryan said in horror "Are you for real?"

"Was last time I checked...stop moving both of can't see you if you keep still" she looked up and around taking her sonic out then saw a metal bucket on a floor picking it up slowly and going down step by step. Sonya was curled up in a corner completely petrified.
Doctor jumped down and quickly covered the animal with the bucket. Sonya just ran up the stars and Ryan was still sitting on a floor

"What the hell was that?" Ryan asked looking at himself completely mortified "I'm all covered in shit"

"Actually no...technically you're not's just organic matter already processed by the Tardis"

"Oh that just makes me feel a whole lot better now"

"I know it smells bad...Sorry about that" she was saying and sliding a metal plate underneath the bucket to trap the animal

"What is that thing anyway? And why was it inside the pipes?" Ryan asked shaking some slime from his hand

"I must have a leak somewhere I have to have a look"

"We have shit leaking around the Tardis?" Sonya asked disgusted

"Organic matter!!!..." Doctor rolled her eyes  "Nevermind ...Anyway...he shouldn't even be here...It's just a fish you two...similar to a eels...totally harmless. Just the poor thing got trapped in a system. I really should check everything. I have so many repairs to do"

"How many animals do you have here?" Sonya asked

"Oh thousands Sonya...But I don't keep dangerous animals on Tardis so really nothing to worry about. I need to get this poor sod cleaned up and return him where he we know what the blockage was"

"Right..." Sonya said unimpressed "Can the next task not involve any animals pleaseeee Doctor"

"Or shit" Ryan added

"Oi you two...who do you think cleans all that usually?...Go you go...go get cleaned up"

"Alright...see ya" Ryan waived as they were leaving

"Right...let's get you sorted...they really got scared of you...oh you really smell badly"

"Hey...what was that all about? Yaz asked as the Doctor came back to the control room "OMG...what the hell?" she put her arms out "Where have you been?"

"You don't wanna know...I'm gonna go and clean up"

"Blimey...please" she laughed

"We have a leak somewhere. I have so much to do when we get home Yaz...can you keep an eye on this whilst I get sorted?"

" I just monitor it?"

"'s just running a some tests that's all..I won't be long...I just"
"Yeah...need to burn those clothes"

"Pretty much yes..."

Doctor left and Yaz sat in her armchair in a corner texting Dan about the baby for about 20 min when the console started pinging and she got up to have a look

" I reading this right?" she asked the Tardis and she hummed in response "I don't understand...what the hell"

"Hey you're gonna be happy I smell much better" Doctor said haply coming back

"I'm sure I will but you're not gonna be happy with this" she pointed to the console

"Aaaa...results...what?" she ran around looking at everything "tampered...someone is actually causing this?" No, no, is this possible...Why would someone do that?"

"So someone actually disabled it"

"It's what it Tardis has all the information she was able to run the simulations to determine what could be causing the failure" she was reading from the screen "The temperature is rising rapidly and the pressure us building up like inside the pressure cooker..."

"It's gonna explode completely isn't it?"

"Not if I have anything to do with it...Whatever was done Yaz must have been done from inside that chamber...Surely it can be reversed...She splayed her arms across the console "Yaz"

"What baby?"

"I'm so sorry ..that date I said" she she closed her eyes for a moment ""

"You have to work....I's fine darling"

Doctor walked up to her and reached for hand then stroke her face "I'm so sorry...I promise I'll make it up to you" she ran a finger over her nose "I want us to go home" she leaned her head on hers

"I know...we's alright" she ran her hands down her waist "I can still keep you company"

"You can...I need my pregnant copilot" she smiled and kissed her gently "My girls" she said kissing her and wrapped her arms around her

"Love ya" Yaz smiled

"Love you too"



Hakim and Nadjia went for a meal and Ryan and Sonya just disappeared somewhere in the city. They were alone in a quiet control room. Doctor was deep into her work and Yaz was reading a book she found in a library about Gallifrey babies and pregnancies. She found it fascinating to read as it gave her inside into what to expect from her baby. Like the fact she will sleep for the first few days until her regeneration energy settles and how she will have a tiny little haze floating around her body when she's born. The book was beautifully illustrated with images of baby's development stages, and she leaned a lot about how Doctor's body functions as well. Thinks they never really spoke about or if they have it was very little. It also explained all about the regeneration and what is actually happening inside the body.

"Hey...I love this" Yaz said raising a book

"I'm so silly Yaz...I completely forgot I have that. I'm glad Tardis gave it to you"

"She practically threw it at me" she giggled "I should show this to mum and know...they have so many questions"

"Aaaa....what a greit idea....You should Yaz"

"Wooooow" Doctor jumped "I got it" she jumped of the floor exited and ran around the console

"Got what baby?"

"Where this teleport leads Yaz"

"You have?" she put the book on a side and got up walking over to the console

"Yes...look...there's actually two places Yaz it leads to, one is their home planet and one is that sun up there...look I have direct coordinates"

" we don't need to take the Tardis"

"There's no WE in're staying right here Yaz" she points the finger

"Oh come ooonnnn...nooo" she wined

"I don't wanna hear it Yaz...this isn't up for discussion" she said walking around the console 


"I don't want you going on your own"

"I always have Done Yaz. I'm not taking you pregnant there....I'm sorry" she said seriously and continued to read all the data

"I can't wait to have this least you're gonna stop leaving me all the time"

"Aaaaa...but then you're gonna have a baby Yaz"

"Oi you...What is this? Been a man for too long or what? Patriarch marriage...what's next...I'm gonna be in Tardis kitchen whilst you go saving the universe"

"That is not what I said Yaz...And excuse me but I do not have outdated views about woman's place being in the kitchen. I'm only pointing out that thing will know...when the baby comes" she shrugs "It's to be expected...and not only for you Yaz...for me as well....and stop sulking...your lip is wobbling" she smiles "C'mere" she nodded her head "Let me show you everything"

"Fine...but I'm not gonna be in a kitchen" she said stepping to the console

"Don't be silly Yaz..." she smiled kissing her temple "Though you do cook good" she smirks

Yaz smacked her on a bum laughing "Gonna throw a potato at you" she giggled

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