Chapter 11
Yaz woke up and saw Alex splattered on her stomach across the bed like a pancake with her face stuffed into a pillow, her arm hanging off the bed and a sheet rolled down to her waist. The apartment was dark as all the shutters were still closed from last night and only a small bit of sunlight filtered through the edges of the doors. She tapped her hand lazily across the side table looking for her phone.
"Aaarhhg.." she said grumpy when she realized it was not even six in the morning and left the phone back on a side table. She wasn't sleepy anymore, which was odd for her. But they fell asleep early last night because of the storm. She got up and went to the toilet then quietly crawled back to bed lying next to Alex and rested her head on her arm watching her sleep. She ran a line with her palm down Alex's back over the curve of her bum and then back again thinking how beautiful she was.
"Mmmm" Alex mumbled with a sleepy smile
"Sorry...I didn't wanna wake you up"
"Don't stop...feels nice" she turned her head towards her "What's the time?"
"Half five" she smiled kissing her shoulder and continued running her hand all over her gently
"To early...but keep doing's soo nice" she giggled and hummed into the pillow sleepy as Yaz's hand continued running up and down her
"Yazeeee" Alex hovered above her smiling silly "Oh Yazeeeee"
"Morning silly" she smiled bringing arms around her shoulders "You're happy this morning
"Come on...get your bum up and let's have some nice breakfast"
"Mmmmmmm" she yawned and kissed her sleepy "Cuddle first"
"I can do that" she giggled and ran her lips down the middle of her all the way to her tummy then blew air to her stomach
"Aaaa...tickles" Yaz giggled and ruffled her hair "You're dangerously close to where I will want you to stay and then we will never get out" she laughed
Alex giggled and climbed back up her body hovering above her "Who said I don't wanna stay there?"
"Look at her all confident" she cupped her face "God you're cute"
"I am a bit more...a lot more actually...It's a nice feeling Yaz...Like I have this whole new me to discover"
"You're so know that...C'mere" she wrapped her arms around her holding her tight
"It's you Yazee who make me feel that way...Every day you make me feel more and more like that...And I love you so much for that" she looked up smiling
"You should feel like that" ran her fingers through her hair as Alex wrapped herself around her "You deserve it...Cause you're beautiful, and cute and adorable and the most beautiful kindest person I've ever met. And you make me feel loved Alex...the way I always wanted to be loved"
"And you're gonna make cry first thing in the morning" she lifted her head up looking at her lovingly "Love ya"
"Love you too" she kissed her shortly then smiled "Come on...let's see what that storm did last night...and I have to pee" she giggled and tapped bum
"I thought we get all dressed up and maybe go to the beach today"
"We could...but you and I have no luck in that department" Yaz said getting to the bathroom "You get allergy and I burn...we're a right pair together"
"Well...we could go to Gardens Of Augustus"
"What's that?
"Beautiful botanical gardens"
"You have a thing about dates in botanical gardens don't you?"
"Looks like it..." she giggled
"But yes...I think it's a better idea than the beach...we should go to the beach later...when it's not so fucking hot that our brains are spilling out on the stones" she giggled
"I agree Yaz...But let's have some breakfast first cause I'm starving...I already waisted through all the biscuits this morning" she showed her empty box and threw it in a rubbish bin next to the table "Oh...they called me about the kitten today"
"Have they...and?"
"Oh she's all healthy now and ready to go home"
"Yeeey...I miss my stinky...I can't wait to see him"
"Me too Yaz...I got used to him sleeping on a bottom of the bed...I keep thinking he's there when I move the duvet"
"Babe what should I wear?" she asked opening the wardrobe
"Dress...definitely dress...too hot for anything else"
"Does that mean you're gonna wear a dress as well?" She turned around smiling cheeky
"Maybe" she smiled
Yaz picked up Alex's dress from the wardrobe and threw it on the bed "There...decision made"
"Jesus" Yaz's eyes open wide when she saw shattered terrace of the Hotel and staff still cleaning up after the damage
Tables were all dirty from pine needles and dirt and parasols all laid on the ground. The window of the restaurant was cracked as something must have smashed into it. And it didn't stop there. Some of the cars parked outside were damaged by the tree which fell on the ground ripped out of the ground by the strong winds.
"This looks like a tornado went through" Yaz said looking around shocked
"You do get them in this parts...but nit like the ones in US Yaz. They are water tornadoes"
"Are for real?"
"Oh yeah...I'll show you when we sit down...they form above the sea and suck all the water inside. Sometimes they do come out on the land but they soon lose strength and just shatter...but they can do some serious damage in a mean time Yaz...Not to be taken lightly"
"Have you ever seen one?"
"Yes...I have"
"What does it look like?"
"Like a finger of God Yaz...magnificent and scary at the same time...I do love them"
"You missed your job should've been a storm chaser" she giggled
"Oh...have you seen Twister?"
"We can watch it's awesome...It's about storm chasers"
"Best movie ever for you babe" she giggled "Alright you got yourself a movie date"
"Yeeeey...." she kissed her knuckles and tugged her towards the restaurant
"Where are gonna sit babe?" She looked around confused as everything was in a chaos
"Look...there's a clean table over there Yaz...go sit down I'll bring the food over.."
"Alright babe...please coffee ..I need my brain to start up"
"Alright darling"
Alex picked up a tray and picked up plates and cutlery then proceeded to the food section. She slowly picking up little bit of everything they loved to eat
"Morning" a man next to her smiled as he was filling up his plate
"Oh, Morning" she replied smiling
"Terrible storm last night"
"Yes...made quite a damage" she pointed towards the broken glass with a fork
"I'm Terry" he reached her hand
"Alex...nice to meet Terry"
"Yes" she replied and moved down the table taking some bread
"Me too"
"I can tell by the accent" she giggled
"So what's a pretty lady like you doing here?"
She pursed her lips and looked up at him "On vacations with my finance"
"Oh, I see"
"Yeah" she replied "Well, have nice day" she took a tray and moved to get some drinks then came to the table
"Who's that?"
"Dunno...maybe another swingler"
Yaz choked on juice spitting it out and screamed laughing
"Whaaa?" Alex asked confused
"Swinger babe" she barely managed to say from laughing
"What is it with this place?"
"Dunno...maybe you're just pretty babe" Yaz said smug whilst spreading the butter on her croissant
"Or maybe this place is just filled with horny people" she said and took a bite of her sandwich
"I'm boiling" Yaz sat in a shade with flushed cheeks and looked at Alex who didn't look any better with bright red face and her hair all curled up from the damp in the air. Last night’s storm didn't cool the air at all just made it more humid and almost impossible to breathe. Although the gardens were stunning Yaz felt like she suddenly gained 10 kg. Alex was standing in front of her waiving her dress like a 5 year old girl trying to cool herself down and in same time flapping tour guide in front of her face
"This isn't it?" Alex looked down at Yaz who was scooping up her hair lifting it from her shoulders and her back as it felt like a thick carpet covering half of her body thinking how utterly stupid, she was leaving down. But in all fairness she thought the rain would make the day a bit cooler and sometimes it felt nice nit to have it all tied up pulling on her roots. She looked up huffing and puffing. She didn't want to complain as Alex put so much effort into this holiday but she seriously thought her brain will start spilling out of ears if doesn't say something
"I'm sorry" she frowned
"Oh Yazeeeee don't say sorry...this is like Chinese torture....All I keep thinking about is that wirpool bath"
"Oh Jesus...don't say that or I'll wish we had a teleport"
Alex reached out her hand and pulled her up "Come on...let's go...nice garden but plants are not worth this torture"
On a way back Alex tugged on her hand with a massive grin on her face
"What's the grin for?"
"Look" she nodded towards the fountain
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"C'mere" she pulled her by the hand and they literally ran for it
"We're gonna get arrested" Yaz laughed as sat on the edge dangling their feet in the water
"I don't fucking care at this was life or death" Alex ran her hand through the water and splashed her "I think I'm cool enough to continue walking"
"Yeah let's go" Yaz rotated herself on the edge but before they left wet her hair which made it bearable enough just until they came back to the hotel
"Is it full?" Yaz asked tapping around in her bra and her nickers
"Full enough" Alex said closing the tap and took her tunic off
"OMG...this feels like I've died and gone to heaven "Yaz said squeezing the sponge above is Alex's head and kissed her shoulder gently
Alex sat in front of her playing with bubbles popping them one by one and blowing foam into the air "That was the worst heat know I checked the temperature when we came back was 37 degrees Celsius"
"You can legit fry an egg on that...thank fuck we didn't go to beach"
"But this is nice"
"This is perfect" Yaz wrapped her arms around her and pulled her on herself
They fell silent for a while. Alex watched the sun filter through the close blinds of their room melt into Yaz's hands gently running down her stomach. Part of her didn't want this vacation to end. She enjoyed the endless time they spent with each other without being bothered by work and day-to-day obligations. She felt like she desperately needed more time to enjoy those moments of love and intimacy she'd wanted for so many years. It was the first time in her life that she truly felt complete, and this holiday gave her the opportunity to explore it and enjoy it to the fullest. Part feared that something would get lost between the daily stress of earnings, money and paying bills. And she selfishly wanted to keep them suspended in the air hovering somewhere outside time and space in their own little bubble of happiness.
"Mmmm? What baby"
"Can we talk about something?"
"Yes of course...What's up?"
"Can we make a promise to each other"
"What kinda promise darling?" she strokes her hair and kissed the side of head
She sat up and got up
"What are you doing?" Ya giggled
"I just want to..." she sat back down and wiggled clumsy until Yaz picked up what she was trying to do and grabbed her hips pulling her in wrapping her legs around herself
"Better?" She giggled
"Yeah" she smiled and wrapped her arms around her her shoulders
"So... what’s the promise?" Yaz asked running her fingers down her back and couldn't help seeing she was upset as her face was suddenly riddled with worry
"Can we just keep how we are now"
"I don't understand darling...keep what?"
"When we go back...can we please still have this..."
"You mean be like this together, cuddle and spend time together?"
"Yes know I always fuck it up when I'm trying to explain something ..I just..." she moved Yaz's hair of her shoulders as she was talking then tucked it behind her ears as her eyes were roaming lovingly over her face "I don't want us being so busy that we don't find time for this means so much I..."
"I will always find time for you Alex, it will be very fucking hard for me to get beck to reality and sit at my desk for 10 hours because all I want is to be like this with you"
"It's not too much sometimes?"
"Fuck girl no...If money was falling from the sky I would just say fuck it, can we just go get our cats and stay here for next six months"
"Me too ...I just don't want things to change...for us to change"
"We're not going to...I promise"
"I can't lose this...I don't want money is worth it"
"I yes we can make a promise to each other that if ever see we are losing us we will stop and we will regroup and find other way"
"I love you" she leaned her head against her and brushed her thumb by her ear gently
"I adore you...C'mere you" she cupped the back of her head and kissed her slow and gentle "And your lips are blue" she giggled
"I'm tired and my head hurts from that heat" Alex said leaning her head against her shoulder
"Let's have a nap"
"We can order food to our room and watch movies after nap"
"You read my mind...Now get your cold ass out of this water before we both get ill"
Alex fellt really ill from the heat. Her head was exploding, and she couldn't sleep. She kept tossing and turning and Yaz woke up worried.
" alright?" she looked at her curled up on the bed with her hand pressed on her forehead shoving her face into the pillow "Baby what's wrong?" she leaned over her shoulder concerned
"My head ..I can't take this anymore" she turned around and Yaz saw she was crying
"Jesus Alex...Where's your tablets?"
"I don't have any...I left one packet in a previous hotel and I only had four in the other one"
"Fuck sake why didn't you say anything..." Yaz got op and started getting dressed
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going down to the reception...someone must have something...there's like hundreds of people working here"
"It will stop Yaz"
"It won't need painkillers..." she went to the bathroom and wet the towel "Here...lie on your back baby" she put the towel over her head and brushed her knuckles over her cheek "I'll be back soon alright"
"Yaz" she grabbed her wrist as she was gonna turn around
"What darling?"
"Thank you"
"Oh don't be silly billy" she leaned over kissing her shortly and ran out of the room downstairs to the lobby
"Excuse me" she called out for anyone at the reception
"Hi, can help you?"
"I hope so, my fiancée...she's having a terrible migraine from the heat and we ran out of you have anything maybe I'll pay for it"
"I don't but we do have a doctor in our clinic for emergency...come with me"
"Aaaa thanks so much"
The lady took her to the other end of the hotel and threw the small hallway to one of the doors
"Hello" Yaz said as she walked inside
It was just a small room with some basic medical stuff obviously only equipped in case of some emergency. And a young woman was sitting down with some other lady from the hotel having a coffee. Yaz explained what the problem is but the doctor insisted to check on Alex, so Yaz went up to their room with her.
"Alex darling...the doctor came over to see you"
"Ha?" She turned around confused
"The doctor baby...from the hotel...Please come in" Yaz pointed towards the bedroom
"Hello, my name is Gianna" the women kneeled next to the bed
"Hi" Alex barely managed to speak from the pain
"Your wife tells me you're a doctor?"
"That's nice...Do you suffer from migraines Alex?"
"Yes I have them since I was young...I head a head injury"
The women talked to her for a while then came up to Yaz "She's dehydrated so I'll give her some fluids and something to relief the pain and I'll come to check on her in one hour"
"What happened?" Yaz asked worried out of her mind
"It's the heat but nothing so serious she needs to go to the hospital, if she starts vomiting, please call me immediately...Here's the direct number. She should be better in an hour or so"
"Thank you so much"
The woman opened up the bag and started connecting IV bag and pulling all the stuff out and Yaz's eyes grew wider from panic"
"It's alright's just an IV" Alex said when she saw her face standing by the bottom of the bed freaking out "I'll be alright" she smiled a little but Yaz cold see she wasn't ok
"Here we go, I'll come back in one hour"
"Thank you" Alex said
Yaz escorted the woman to the door and pulled her by the sleeve a little "She's gonna be fine, right?"
"She will don't worry...she's mostly just dehydrated but IV will sort it out"
"Alright thanks" Yaz shut the door and went back to the room
"Hey...C'mere" Alex reached out with her hand
Yaz reached for her hand and sat on the edge of the bed looking up at the tube going from the bag to Alex's arm and felt sick
"It's good you did go down darling...Don't be scared"
"Can we please stay away from the sun?" Yaz said brushing her thumb over Alex's hand
"I didn't know you had migraines...when you say head mean what your dad did?"
"Yes darling"
Yaz sighed deeply "Fucking piece of shit...sorry"
"Don't say sorry...he is"
"Is your pain going?" Yaz asked as she saw her slowly closing her eyes drifting away
" is"
"Sleep baby...I'll be here...Not going anywhere" she grabbed the pillow and threw it on the floor then and sat down next to her holding her hand brushing her finger over the side of it and kissing her fingers. Yaz lied her head on the edge of the bed and fell asleep. An hour later knocking on the door of their room woke her up and she looked up seeing Alex was still asleep
"Hi" she said opening the door
"How is she doing?"
"She fell asleep after you left and she's been sleeping ever since"
"That's good"
Alex woke up and spoke to the Doctor shortly whiles she was disconnecting all the stuff and putting it away.
"Here. Give her one tablet a day" the doctor turned to Yaz "You have enough for two days and this is prescription for the pharmacy. Make her drink a lot and stay away from the sun. No beach or sunbathing. Make sure she eats but nothing too heavy. Fruit is good like oranges they are full of fluid as well"
"Thank for this I really appreciate it"
"That's's good you went for help, or she would probably end up in a hospital...this weather is terrible. I had four more people from the hotel with the same thig today"
"Jesus...thank you so much" she said and closed the door them leaned her forehead against it relieved
"Hey baby..." she smiled coming back to the room
"I need to pee Yaz"
"Alright...come on slowly" she took her hand and got her up
"It's alright I can walk Yaz...I didn't have operation" she giggled
"I'm not letting you out of my sight" Yaz refused to let her walk on her own
"You'd make a good nurse" Alex giggled as she stood by the bathroom door whiles she was on a toilet
"Neah...It's just because it's you" she laughed "Don't let it full you...I'm not that considered" she giggled
"Oh...So it's a privilege?" she laughed
"Big one" she giggled helping her back to the bed
"I do feel doesn't hurt anymore"
"Come on...let's just watch that Twister movie if you want...I know your dying to see it"
"Yeeeey ...I am" she climbed the be haply "I'm hungry now...We should order some food?"
"Definitely I'm starving...Do you feel better?"
"I do...I'm just tiered...I just wanna snuggle up"
"One snuggle on a way"
"So did you find it?"
"Trying to" Alex fiddled with Yaz's laptop "...aaaa there it is"
"I think that's our food" Yaz got up as someone knocked on the door
"Here we go Yaz....C'mere " she tapped her hand on a bed...hey this reminds me if home"
"It is isn't it...God that smells nice"
They sat up in the bed with trays in their lap and put the laptop in the middle on the bed.
Half hour later Yaz made herself comfortable in Alex's lap. In a way it felt nice not to go anywhere and stay in a room the whole afternoon.
"That was a good movie" Yaz said with a yawn and turned on her back
"Told ya" Alex smiled
"I never even herd of it"
"That's because you were like five when it came out Yaz" she giggled and
"OMFG..." she laughed like crazy
"Talking about that...when is your birthday missy?"
"December the 15th"
"Aaaa Sagittarius lady"
"I have clue about horoscope Yaz...means nothing to me"
"Loyal, smart, assertive, and compassionate...It is you Alex"
"Hmmm ..that's interesting...and you are?"
"So what's Leo? Cute, cheeky, loving, fearless, loyal...did I say cute?"
"Fiercely protective over their loved ones" Yaz tugged her hand and pulled her for a kiss
"You are...I like that"
"Wanna go for a short walk? Sun went down...I think it will do you good some fresh air"
"Yeah...let's go down to the beach"
"Like vampires...everyone goes during a day and you and I go at night" she said getting up
"OMG...I look like someone slapped me with a wet fish" Alex looked at herself horrified in a mirror
"You had an IV few hours ago....give yourself a break"
"Did you watch Dracula?" she said as she was getting dressed
"If I was three when it came out then no"
" were not born yet Yaz"
"Briliant...Were my parents born?"
"I'm not that old Yaz"
"Alex...reality're seven years younger than my mum"
"You're making me feel weird now"
"I'm making myself feel weird...So Dracula it is after the beach"
"God it smells so nice here" Yaz stood by the railing of the stairs leading to the beach
"What a beautiful sunset" Alex came up behind her and wrapped her arm around her waist resting her head on her shoulder
"I'm glad you're feeling better...I was shitting myself today"
"I'm sorry ..I should've told you about my migraines" she kissed her cheek gently then pressed her cheek against hers
"This is sooo beautiful Alex...I never had a holiday like this in my life...And you proposed"
"Me neither Yazee...I'm so happy...I never thought I'd ever be this happy" she pressed her cheek against hers looking at the sun go down sinking into the water on the horizon
" clows...I used to think they are sugar candy. When I was a kid and I thought I walk underneath the rainbow"
"I read this story when I was little, about the little girl who made wish and was following the rainbow so her wish can come true...I thought if I could pass underneath it my wish will come true but then I got lost and some lady found me in the middle of a field and bought me back home to my mum"
"What did you wish for"
"That I was a girl was the only thing I ever wished for"
" got your wish" she palmed her hands on her stomach "Did you ever have doubts?"
"Yes...yes I did" she took her hand and stated walking down towards the beach "...but only because of how others made me feel Yaz...not because I didn't want it...but because others made it living hell for me to exist ..So you just wanna be normal"
"I actually hate that term normal...Like it's fucking disease what we are...I had some family looking at me as if my gay will somehow jump onto them and infect them"
Alex chuckled "Oh I had that, many times...I had a woman in a store wiping the till after I picked up my stuff I had woman not wanting to my patients"
"Whaaaa? Wtf there's men and women doctors"
"Oh Yaz I could go on forever...People moving away from me on a bus...It was one of the reasons I bought a car...People I knew from the town looking at my crouch trying to figure out what's going on there, sneering at me, making fun of me. My mum lost some friends because they thought she shouldn't be encouraging me in my delusion but making me love myself in my own body which god gave me...Not everyone was like that...there's some really wonderful people...But I got tiered of it all"
"Oh Alex"
"It's one of the reasons why I moved Yaz...Because nobody knows my past in Sheffield...I can just blend in"
"Well my parents got practically kicked out of the masque because of me. Also lost some friends and family...Even my nanny flipped her fucking lid...but then turned a corner...But like Charlie they stuck by me...Hey look Ice-cream...want one"
It was a last day and Yaz sat on the beach watching at the water glistening in a sun. It felt like the end of a dream going back. It was the best holiday she ever had, and she didn't want it to end. She never knew it was even possible to be this happy or feel so loved as she felt with Alex. She was exited to finally tell her family they were getting married and thought about how her mum would react to it since they knew each other for such a short time and with her sister’s track record and her own it hardly helped the situation. But she couldn't care less even if her parents didn't agree. She was more certain about wanting Alex for the rest of her life than anything ever before.
"Hey...trying to burn before we go home?" Alex laughed standing above her
"I hope not...just taking it all in... I don't wanna go home"
"You and me both...C'mere" she reached for her hand and pulled her up "...let's go for a swim...We can keep to shallow water if you're nervous"
"'s really choppy today"
They took a swim then sat down in a shade. Yaz was wiping her hair in a towel while Alex was taking sandwiches out.
"You look so cute in this Yaz" she looked up at her with a massive loving grin across her face
"I love the frills around the straps...Sonya bought it for both of us...hers is with water melons" she laughed
"I love the think they got a big soggy in the heat"
"That's fine...I'm used to soggy food on the beach" she laughed "You should see what my dad used to bring with's a fucking miracle nobody got salmonella poisoning"
"At least your dad took you on a beach...mine would leave us in a car in front of the pub with a Coke and a bag of crisps...made us not to tell mum...She thought we're going fishing"
"What the fuck did she ever see in him?"
"Mum says he changed when he started drinking...and how he just became more angry and bitter at life...I'm the youngest...I don't remember him any other way...Talking about my family Annie was asking me what are we doing next weekend...she wants to come for a visit"
"Yes definitely...I'd be nice for her to come over"
"But she's not gonna stay with us like mum. She's gotta a mait in Sheffield she hasn't seen in a long time so she's staying with her...also so kids can spend tome together...I have to call my mum today"
" too or she'll freak out on me"
"One last swim?"
"Absolutely...come on...let’s go"
Alex walked out of the bathroom wiping her face in a towel and glanced at their packet bags by the door. Suddenly she felt like she was going to burst into tears and felt so silly about it because she was going home with Yaz. They live together and are getting married so why did this feel so hard. The only explanation she had was that in 40 years of her life this was the first time she had someone, first time she went on a holiday with that special someone, it was a lot of firsts for her, and it all felt overwhelming on so many levels. She left the towel on the table and brushed her wet hair looking at the text from her mum freaking out from happiness about the garden wedding and she had to turn off the sound on her phone because it became annoying with her mum sending millions of photos of her garden and she already sent some ideas about the flowers
"OMG what's that?"
"My mum...told you she's gone send like 200 photos...she's gonna jam my phone with this" she took the phone looking at it frowning worried
Yaz wrapped her arms around her slipping her hands underneath the waistband of her cotton trousers kissing the side of her shoulder "Let me see"
"Wait they're still coming can you believe many did she take and why is there a photo of her roses" she giggled covering her face with her hand "She's seriously bonkers"
"Wait until my parents start"
"Yaz...should we just elope?" She looked at her over her shoulder laughing
"Not a bad idea" Yaz laughed and turned her around brining her hands to the back of her neck "Vegas?"
"Better than my parents believe me" she laughed "Wait until my nanny hears I'm not wearing a dress...she'll have a melt down"
"OMG...I can feel my anxiety saying hello to me at the moment" Alex laughed
"But it's existing...hey...I worked on something today on the beach...let me show you"
She quickly wiped her computer out.
"That's why you kept turning it away from me...I wondered what's all the secretsy all about....I didn't wanna say anything"
"Nothing misses you does it?"
"Nope...OCD..." she laughed
"One second..." she opened the file and turned the laptop towards her "There...what do you think?"
"OMG....!" Alex squeaked "Are those...."
"Invitations know those little cards you give to all the guests with the photo...what are they called"
"Thank you caaaaards..." she said with the wobbly lip "Yazee...those are stunning"
"Like them?"
"I love them baby" she looked at the screen and a tear dropped down to the table
"OMFG don't cry" Yaz grabbed her turning her around
"I'm gonna cry all the time Yaz...I'm gonna be a right mess" she smiled wiping her face
"You're so fucking adorable.." she said with a smile and brushed her thumb over her face
"I just find this all so overwhelming...nicely overwhelming...but I'll still be a mess" she laughed and wrapped her fingers around Yaz's neck "For me this is like all my dreams are coming true Yaz...all of them...every single one and It's maddening" she giggled stroking her neck
"Uuu baby I'm all your dreams" Yaz giggled grabbing her hips pulling her in and rocking them side to side "I'm gonna get cocky" she giggled
"I don't care..." Alex chuckled
"Well, after my track record you're absolutely 100% all my dreams coming true...Thank fuck that machine didn't work...I owe it everything"
"That was my best pick up line" Alex laughed
"Oh.. it was a pick up line was it?"
"Not on purpose...I couldn't do it on purpose Yaz if someone paid me for it"
"'re a natural" she laughed and pressed her against herself whilst Alex sifted her hair through her fingers
"My hair is a mess" she giggled
"I love your curls they're so beautiful" she looked at her dreamy moving a little curl from her forehead and ran her fingertip over her cheek gently "I love you...I love you so much I can't find words for it"
"Same here beautiful" she locked her fingers behind her back and squeezed her against herself "You're my dream Alex...and she goes again " she giggled as Alex's bottom lip wobbled
Alex's hand wrapped around the side of her neck and she saw her eyes closing slowly as she was pulling her in. She loved how she gazed at her in awe just before she would kiss her. And how her eyes would always be half open when their lips would touch. She kissed her gently slowly deepening her kiss holding her face between her palms.
"Let's go on the beach" Alex said resting her head on hers "There's a full moon it's stunning"
"I'd love that...I never walked with anyone on the beach in the moonlight...I have with my sister but that doesn't count"
Alex laughed "I did with Jamie...also doesn't count. Listening about his girlfriend dumping him" she giggled "Come on" she kissed her shortly one more time "I just need to quickly get dressed
"You got yourself a moonlight date"
"Better than cheese date?" Alex giggled
"Mmmmm...will see...that was a good date" she raised her eyebrow
"I was giving my best there" she laughed pulling her top on "There. Done let's go"
As they walked down the steep stairs onto the beach the cook summer air hit their skin. It smelled of salt with a hint of Lavender, Rosemary and Immortelle planted around the hotel. The moon just came up as it was slowly getting dark, and waves shined in the darkness
"OMG this is stunning" Yaz said as they stepped on the beach. She wrapped her arms around Alex's waist just standing there mesmerized looking at the waves crushing on the beach
"Oh god I really don't wanna leave" Alex sighed gazing at the sea as the wind played with her hair she reached for Yaz's hand lacing their fingers together and walked slowly trying to remember every moment for years to come
"I have an idea...I always wanted to do that" Alex stopped and started taking her trousers off
"What are you doing?" she laughed "Are you in your nickers Alex Sigma?" she laughed
"Nooooo...I have my bikini underneath" she laughed "I'm not that brave Yaz...Let's walk through the water it'll be great"
"I can't take mine off cause I legit have a G-string underneath" giggled and rolling her trousers up "I'm not in a mood to shine my ass around here"
"C'mere let's go" she laughed tugging on her hand happy as a kid
"I love this...It's not even cold" Yaz said as they slowly walked through the shallow water"
"Aaaaa...sea shell...someone must have left it" Alex picked up a beautiful brown sea shell someone left on one of the rocks
"It's so cute...take it home Alex, we can keep it for a memory"
"Definitely...we'll find a room for it”
"I took some sand earlier...and I had and know your tiny bottles you bought in Venice...."
"OMG Yazee yes yes..."
"I can make like a little note and we can tie it with string around the bottle"
"Oh I loooove that...and we have some nice photos...we just need to get frames" she slipped her hand around Yaz's waist and leaned her head on her shoulder.
They walked in silence for a while just soaking in the evening. Thinking same thoughts how they really didn't want to leave this place.
"My feet are getting cold" Alex said "Come let's sit on the beach for a while before we go back up"
"I am a bit cold now"
"I'll warm you up" Alex smiled and kissed her cheek
"You can warm me up in many ways" she smiled cheeky
They sat down and Alex pulled her in wrapping her legs and arms around her "Better?"
"Yes...aren't your legs cold?"
"Not yet...I love the air...feels nice" she cuddled Yaz and watched the beach and the cliffs above them
"Don't be sad" Yaz kissed her cheek as she saw Alex drifting into her thoughts "We have a kitten coming home"
"We doo" she grinned "I can't wait"
"And grumpy stinky...I bet he loves being at mum's"
"He's gonna be big fat cat when we pick him up" Alex giggled tucking her hair behind her ears
"And you're wedding dress is coming" she said kissing the tip of her nose
"It is...I'm still nervous about that one"
"You're gonna look amazing" she smiled "I love you" Yaz kissed her cheek gently then showered her face with small kisses looking at her melting away
"I love you too..." she gazed at her face as the moonlight shined on it "You're so beautiful Yasmin"
"Charmer" she smiled and kissed her gently
They stayed for a while listening to the sound of the waives then slowly headed back to their room both still feeling the mixture of happiness and sadness.
Chapter continues after the artwork


It was a cultural shock coming back to UK as they landed to a rainy cloudy day and the magic of their holiday suddenly burst like a bubble into a hard cold reality of every day life. They still had the whole Sunday before going to work as Alex decided for them to return on a Saturday, so they have some time to adjust and do the basics like picking up a cat and washing their clothes. It was one time Yaz was grateful for her OCD organization skills.
"I'm gonna freeze" Yaz said looking outside through the sliding doors of the Airport at the rain pouring down heavily
"No you're not Yaz" Alex tipped her suitcase and opened it up in the middle of the floor digging through her stuff and wiped out a jumper and a pair of socks"
"You have a jumper?" Yaz laughed
" never know if weather might change"
"Can I have some of you OCD please" Yaz laughed "Oh that's perfect" she smiled satisfying as she was already starting to shiver
"Stay here Yaz, I'll go get the car"
"You don't have umbrella your gonna be soaked"
"Who said that" Alex laughed and unzipped the back pocket of her suitcase wiping out a small foldable umbrella
"I give up" Yaz laughed
" ready cause I can't stay here, I'm gonna park up in a taxi lane Yaz so we need to be fast"
"Alright babe"
They drove back in rain. It was pouring so hard Alex had a hard time driving.
"The airport is shutting down you know" Alex said as she drove back
"Yeah they're closing it down in next time we fly out it'll have to be from Manchester or some other place"
"Oh for fuck sake..."
"I know...what a bummer"
"Are they gonna renovate it or what?"
"No clue looks like there shutting it down for good...OMG this rain"
"Are you alright driving?"
"Not really...but I have to" she looked up at the sky "We're home soon anyway...It says 10 more minutes" she said looking at her gps
Yaz's phone rang and she was digging through her bag quickly "Oh hi mum...we are in a way...ten more minutes"
"Hi Nadjia" Alex shouted
"Hey girls"
"Wait...I'll put you on a loud speaker"
"Hey girls...Hakim made some food so park up and come up"
"Oh bless you both...I'm starving" Alex smiled "Is Sonya there?"
"Yes and Prem"
"Weeeeeeee!" She squealed haply
"Someone's happy " Yaz giggled "Alright mum...where gonna come up then...won't be long "Pleaseeee make a coffee my soul is sleeping
"She had three already Nadjia...make her some tea" Alex giggled
"Noooo...don't listen to her...cofeeee please...I'll pay you"
"Alright you two" Najia laughed "See you"
"I'm starving...God I live your parents" Alex said digging through the booth looking for presents
"Here...I think they're in here" Yaz opened another bag "I can't fucking remember
"Here Yaz I got them...Well at least the rain stopped...for now" Alex looked at the sky as they were coming into the building...That's just gross" she commented on the dark clouds
"I thought you like storms?" Yaz smirked holding the door
"I do...this isn't the storm Yaz...this is just depressive rain after a holiday"
Yaz just laughed all the way to fhe elevator
Nadjia opened the door with a big smile
"Hey you two"
"Hey mum" Yaz leaned over kissing her cheek
"Hiya" Alex walked in with a grin from ear to ear and hugged Najia
"Look at you two all happy...I'm so jealous I admit it" she giggled
"Hi dad" she leaned kissed his cheek and smelled the food from the pot "Mmmm nice"
"Hey girls
"Hakim!" Alex ran into the kitchen
"Hey darling...You look happy...Check the oven" he nodded
"Arrrrrrhhhh....That looks yummy" Alex grinned haply
"Dad, Where's Sonya?"
"She went quickly out with Prem before the rain starts again....Sooo had a nice time?"
"Yeeeees....Aaaa stinky" she saw their cat and picked him up" ....and we have some news" Yaz grinned
"Told ya he's gonna be fat cat" Alex laughed squishing his cheeks
"What's going on?" Nadji smiled "Well, you can't be pregnant...that's for sure"
Alex almost choked on her drink as her and Yaz looked at each other laughing
"Well....Yaz grabbed Alex's hand."
"You're getting married aren't you" Hakim burst out
"Whaaaa?" Nadja looked at him frowning
"Well look them...they look like the sun is shining out of their buts"
"Thanks dad...that was colorful...but yeeeeees" she grinned and squeezed Alex's hand looking at her flustered and her cheeks went bright red
"Aaaaaa...I knew it...wasn't I right Nadjia...see"
"Yes yes....enjoy in your moment" she rolled her eyes smiling "C'mere you two" she opened her arms to Yaz's absolute confusion hugging and kissing them both "I'm so happy for you both"
"You are?" Yaz asked confused
"Yaz if you had one more flop I'd kill you’s a bloody relief at least one of you is getting married"
"Welcome to the family Alex" Hakim hugged her tight
"Thank you" she looked at Yaz over his shoulder stressed out
"Come on...set up the table...we now have something to celebrate"
"Wait..." Alex practically yelled "There's something else" she looked at Yaz
"You sure babe?" She asked
"Yes...I can't do this...I'm sorry"
"What's going on?" Nadja asked confused looking at them both
"I have to say this...I told Yaz...I…it doesn’t feel right...not now. Well specially not now with us getting married and all that...and..."
"Hey you two" Sonya said straight from the door
"Hey...Your timing is perfect as always" Yaz said
"What's going on?"
"Hey girl" Alex came up hugging her "OMG he's so big...hello little man...You've really grown, I can't wait to squeeze you"
"Well, here's gonna love you for that...he's been screaming half way down the park" she unclipped the baby and just passed him on to Alex "Here...knock yourself out...What's going on?"
"Their getting married" Nadjia said
"No fucking way...Aaaaaaaa" she screamed "You're gonna be my sister" she hugged Alex
"Yeah...I am" she smiled nervously
"Don't I get a hug or you're just happy to get Alex?" Yaz winged
"Course you're getting a hug..." she came up kissing her cheek and hugged her "But I look at you all my life and sorry Alex wins"
"Fuck off Sonya" she giggled
"Go on Alex dear...sorry about the circus...what were you gonna say?" Nadjia asked "Let's sit down everyone.... we’re standing like on a bus stop"
Alex chuckled and pulled the chair sitting next to Yaz holding Prem against her chest
"I was a man" she just came straight out and Yaz almost choked not knowing if to laugh or be serious.
Everyone went silent out of pure confusion and she could see her parents weren't getting it
"You whaa?" Sonya asked confused
"Sorry...I'm not good in this...I get stressed...I should've broke it to you more gently...I was born as a boy...I'm a trans woman"
"Really?" Nadjia asked completely confused out of her mind
"Yeah...really" she smiled nervously
"OMG Alex...I would never in million years..."
" and hormones and all that stuff do wonders today..."
"Waaaaw ...."Hakim just said trying to process it all
"I'm sorry" her eyes filled with tears
"It's alright, don't cry baby" Yaz stroke her back gently
"For what?" Sonya asked confused "Give him here darling...Hey don't cry..." she got up and took the baby the kissed the top of her head
"Just not telling you earlier...look I understand this is a lot to take...and...I hope you're not upset with me"
"Don't be stupid Alex" Nadjia got up and came up to her chair "C'mere honey" she pulled her in Alex wrapped her arms around her waist "It's alright don't cry...We appreciate you telling us this honey it can't be easy...We still love you...were just taken back a bit that's all"
"Nooo...Alex honey it's fine...I'm sorry...I just didn't know what to say without sounding stupid" Hakim said and gently put his arm on her shoulder
"Hey..." Nadjia lifted her head raising her gaze "Come tears's a happy day" she stroke her face as Alex looked up at her "Just take it step by step alright...?"
"Mmmm" she nodded
Nadjia kneeled down next to her and took her hands into hers "Listen...we still love you...This doesn't change a thing ok?"
"Alright" she burst out in tears
"Come on...don't cry its alright...Go wash your face and we're gonna have a nice meal together...We still have engagement to celebrate" she smiled wiping her tears
"I really love you all" she looked around them all
“And we love you too Alex” Hakim said
"She was worried you're gonna start hating her and you’re gonna be against us getting married" Yaz said with tears in her eyes trying to calm herself down
" god Alex" Sonya said shocked "What the fuck girl"
“Alex that’s so silly…How would this change anything...”Nadjia said stroking her hands
"Alex we're not those kinds of people honey " Hakim said "Come on...your favorite food is getting cold"
Alex got up and wiped her tears. She came up to Hakim and hugged him tight "Thank you"
"Don't be silly...nothing to thank me for" he tapped her back
"C'mere you" Sonya pulled her in with one hand still holding the baby "Still my favorite sister, ha?...Love ya"
"Oi!....Favorite?" Yaz jumped
"Get over it" Sonya laughed
Alex went into the bathroom and washed her face. She was trying to breathe and pull herself together. She still felt a whole in her stomach and was slowly calming down.
"Hey baby" Yaz whispered from the door
Alex turned around and opened her arms "Oh god, I feel like I’m gonna throw up" she tucked her face into Yaz's neck.
"It's alright baby...told you there gonna be fine...You shocked them a bit.."
"What's wrong with me saying it like that?"
"Well, that's just least you didn't start with ....I'm not like you, but everything is there..." she giggled
"Oh god...that was a classic " she giggled wiping her tears
"Come on...let's go and have some nice food I'm fucking starving"
"Mee too..." she smiled
"Sonya is gonna ask you million prepared...mum and dad are too embarrassed they will just ask me" she laughed
"That's fine Yazee...I'm still shaking" she took her hands out and they where shaking like a branch
"You silly billy...I love you so much" Yaz wrapped her fingers around her neck and kissed her softly
"Love you too"
" some mascara running down your face"
"I look a mess"
Yaz took some baby wipes and cleaned her face " look pretty...C'mere...let's go" she reached for her hand
"So.. when are you gonna get married?" Hakim asked passing Alex a salad
"Dunno" she giggled "Haven't talked about it yet"
"Well, if you're gonna have it in your mums garden girls then I'm afraid you're gonna have to do it fast or wait for spring"
"That's true" Alex said
"Not like were in a rush mum"
"I dunno" Sonya said "it's only small, you could get married next month....we'll still have a nice weather"
"Don't they have those tents with heaters?" Hakim added
"Look at all you lot trying to get us to have shotgun wedding" Yaz rolled her eyes as she was setting up the table
"Well honey, I must admit I don't see a point wanting for a almost a year for 10 people at the wedding" Nadjia said
"That's true" Alex said
"Mmmmm?" she smiled cheeky
"You're fucking up for it, aren't you?"
"Well...makes since Yazee...Sooo...?" She stood by the table with a plate in her hand pouting her lips with a puppy look
"Oh alright then"
"Yeeeeey!" Alex jumped off the floor and ran around the table kissing her cheek
"Don't you complain at me how it's stressful missy...I don't wanna hear it"
"You won't...I swear" she stood and crossed her heart "Not one word"
"Fine then" Yaz rolled her eyes laughing
"I'm stuffed like a turkey" Alex huffed carrying the suitcase up the stairs
"I'm fucking dying" Yaz giggled opening the apartment door "Alright, alright...stop winging...we're home" she said to Sniffles as she wouldn't stop meowing since they left "Home sweet home" she sighed as they came inside
"There....Jesus gooo" she said opening the cat transporter and he shot out as soon as the door opened up
"Right...three more to go" Alex huffed
"Let's get it done before we die" Yaz took the keys and they went back to the car to get the rest of the stuff
"Oh Yazeeeee" Alex said as she was opening the booth
"We're gonna be babysitting Prem on Friday"
"We are? Why us?"
"Well, your uncle is having a birthday party remember?"
"Oh, yes" she rolls her eyes
"What's the story Yaz? Why are you not going?"
"I'm persona non grata in his house"
"Yeah...It's my gob Alex" she said taking a suitcase out
"Why? What did you do?"
"Tell him to fuck off"
"Yeah...see they have parents don't...he keeps putting my dad down all the time I just couldn't fucking take it one day and...well I opened up my gob at the family dinner told him he can't speak to him that was circus..."
"'re do have a temper Yaz"
"I do..I know" she laughed
"I got fed up with his shit...his father in law is car dealer...he got into it because of his wife...My mum and dad work their asses off...they weren't given stuff.."
"Your poor dad...why doesn't he say something Yaz?"
"That's his oldest brother...he won't ever contradict him Alex"
"Oh...that's just sad"
"It is...he's just a tosser"
Evening came fast, and they passed out on a sofa watching TV and eating cakes her dad gave them. Yaz fell asleep curled up in Alexa's arms. She only lasted till half of the movie. As it ended Alex didn't want to wake her up or move herself. Sleeping on a sofa had become a habit now and she often wondered why they even have a bedroom. But they loved it, so she just pulled the covers over them and played another movie until she herself fell asleep.