Chapter 10

Yaz was packing the bags. Finally she's having a holiday again and will be spending the whole day with Clara. Pass two week's was exhausting between her work and moving and she hardly ever saw Clara as well. She also felt extremely bad feeling she was neglecting her girlfriend because most evenings she was so tired she would just fall asleep on a sofa or lie in a bad and pass out before Clara even finished with her shower. But she was surprisingly patient and never complained, not even once. In fact she was absolutely wonderful making a dinner every evening and just giving her big snuggle on a sofa.
Her father got on so well with Clara now they've been on a phone for nearly every day sorting out the toxic waist issue and also other stuff that Yaz didn't even have strength to go into. She loved her dad's Pakora, she was probably the only one who did. So he would make it specially for them two and then send it to her through Yaz. Clara got him Alexa and now he was like a kid with a new toy.
New wardrobes arrived last week and Clara insisted she knew how to assemble them better than the people from the store so she spent three days putting them together and surprisingly did it really well. She did freak out from time to time throwing a massive tantrum complaining about primitive engineering and how she missed adding and removing rooms. What ever that meant Yaz had no clue she just found it funny.
They are leaving tomorrow and heading all the way to Scotland to some place called Inverlochy Castle that Yaz never heard of but it was a seven hour drive from where they were and Clara instead she will be driving the whole way. So Yaz suggested they do take a brake and stay overnight somewhere on a way. In the of a day they were staying 4 days and they could leave a day earlier, there was no need to rush. 

"Yaz..." Clara peaked from the door "Make sure you pack warm. It's Scotland and we are in nature"

"We have four suitcases babe...Somehow I think it's gonna be enough" she laughed "I packed your custard cream" she showed a whole bag filled with it on bed

Clara zoomed around the room and glued herself on her back "Exited?"

"Out of my mind would be correct interpretation" she leyed her hands over hers rocking side to side "You're totally spoiling me. And I know this cost an arm and a leg...Airbnb would've be just fine you know"

"Maybe Yaz...but it wouldn't be same experience...besides that's why I have you to spoil you" she kissed her cheek "Right I have to go now or we will have charcoal dinner"

"Thanks for cooking"

She zoomed out of the room.


It was seven in the morning Clara was putting suitcases in a booth. Kettle was boiling the water for the tea and Yaz looked outside to the garden. It was covered in frost, all the trees and the grass but not the blue box. There was something about that box that was bugging Yaz and she couldn't put her finger on it. Clara never used it and yet it was her favourite thing in a world. Referring to it as Tardis, spoke about in a female gender and she caught her saying hello to it one morning. Clara was eccentric, there was no doubt in that. And most of it Yaz would brush off, but since they lived together she saw a strange pattern in her behaviour. Mentioning things from the past from perspective of a person who was there or saying stuff like, "I didn't have to think about it when I was a bloke" to a point where Yaz asked her polightly iff she was a man before...not that it would change anything in their relationship. She loved Clara with all her heart and didn't give monkeys about it. But there was a pain behind her eyes that was worrying Yaz it wasn't silly stuff that would come of her mouth. She loved every bone in her body, but there were secrets from her past that she wished Clara would share with her, she could only hope that one day she would.

"Hey where did you drift?" Clara came up behind her kissing her shoulder.

Yaz turned around. She tucked her hair behind her ear and ran her hand down her arms wrapped around her waist "Hey love... You know I love you with every cell in my body?"

"Is that a statement or a question?" she smiled


"I do...And you're everything to me beautiful" she said kissing her softly "You didn't eat your breakfast?"

"I can't..."

"Oh, but it's crumpets...your favorite"

"I'll eat something later"

"Alright love...I'll stop off anyway. Shall we?" she said with a massive smile on her face

"Sure...let's go"




They were almost three hours into their trip and the weather was terrible as usual. Yaz couldn't help but think that since the beginning of their relationship, the rain had always followed them wherever they went. Or she was just superstitious and paying too much attention to something that was perfectly normal for that time of year. Still, it must have been difficult for Clara to drive and she really felt sorry for her. Yet she never complained or said a bad word about it or for that matter never complained about anything. Like when her roof was blown off in the storm or when her favorite garden house was struck by lightning or her car was damaged in the hail on their last trip to Oxford or the fact that she had hardly seen Yaz for the past two weeks. Not to mention the severe lack of intimacy during that time, it couldn't have been easy for a woman whose libido was literally popping out of her ears. But Yaz never heard a single complaint, in fact, she was so attentive and loving that Yaz sometimes wondered if it was her nature or if she had been so hurt in the past that she was now clinging to this, worried that if she made a mistake, she would lose it. But Yaz also knew she couldn't think of anything that would make her leave Clara except maybe Clara literally telling her she didn't want her anymore. Deep down, she hoped that Clara was the endgame for her, the person she would spend the rest of her life with. Honestly, she couldn't even imagine herself with anyone else. Whether that was too much too soon, she didn't know or care, her heart never asked her permission from the start.

"Are you alright darling?" Yaz asked brushing her palm over her cheek and Clara turned quickly kissing it giving her smile

"I'm fine darling...Don't worry...we're there in 5 minutes, 45 seconds by my calculations...I must admit I'm just really hungry"

"Me too" Yaz smiled "Love ya"

"Love you too beautiful"

"I should send a text to mum so she's not worried. You know she called me the other day gushing how happy she is with us being together"

"See...didn't I tell you you worry too much. But Yaz...the most important thing for me is you and me. I know it's something that means a lot to you. But even your mum absolutely couldn't stand me it would never change how I felt for you. I don't care what people think about me...just you..But it's nice...Your father is greit"

"Oh god he's driving my mum insane...have been talking to him about aliens and space"

Clara turned around grinning

"Oh come oooon....he will never shut up about it are aware of that" she just continued grinning and made a funny face to Yaz scrunching up her nose

Clara looked at the map on a phone that was hooked to the dashboard " we go minute away...You will love this place. The owner is an old friend of mines. I haven't been here in ages. Last time I was here his dad was running the's all changed now. I can't remember any of this" she looked at the street with all the houses and then she turned left heading towards a beautiful old house with a pub at bottom.

"Is this it?"

" it?"

"I love it...OMG how old is this house?"

"It was built in 1752's old"

Yaz was deciding what suitcase to take out...they had so much stuff it was absolutely obscene. She was trying to remember what was were and she was hoping she made the right choice. "Right...I think those two...iff I made a mistakes we'll have no toiletries" she laughed

"Let's hope you didn't then" Clara grabbed the suitcase one by one pulling them out of the car when an older man came out to great them

"Doctor!" he said walking fast and Clara's fate lid up. She left the bag and rushed to to hug him

"Duncan..." she hugged him tight "It's so nice to see you again"

"You're making me tear long has it been?"

"Too long...way too long mate"

"I love the new look. Wasn't sure what to expect but I must say you nailed it this time"

"Duncan...this is my Yasmin Khan...Yaz"

"Yasmin...what a beautiful the flower. Welcome Yasmin"

"Very nice to meet you Duncan" she smiled

The man was beside himself from emotions and Yaz couldn't help but wonder how long has it really been since they saw each other last time.

"I've got the best room for you Doctor and Sophie just finished food"

"Much appreciated...I'm absolutely starving"

They walked into a big pub. It was buzzing with people. A younger man who introduced himself as Duncan's son took their bags upstairs and Duncan took them to their table. He was extremely polite and Yaz saw he really loved Clara. There was a tear in his eye when he spoke with her. The food was brought literally five minutes after they sat down.

" the Doctor and Yasmin Khan" Duncan said proudly

The lady smiled and shook their hands "I was so exited to finally meet you. Duncan spoke about you from the day we met"

"And he was always in my hearts as well Sophie" she looked at him across her shoulder "One of the kindest people I've ever known"

"Please enjoy yourselves ladies" Duncan said smiling

"Noo...sit with us" Clara said

"No Doctor. You have your food in peace. We will have time to talk"

"When was a last time you saw each other?"

"Years ago Yaz...I can't even was a long time ago" she looked towards him as he came back to the bar with a bit of dreamy look in her eyes "Wonderful man Yaz...the whole family really...such kind people"

They finished the meal they both needed so much and went upstairs to their room. It was nice and cozy. Their suitcases neatly placed on wooden holders by the window that was overlooking the courtyard of the pub. It wasn't open as it was winter but it was big and wooden benches and tables were still there covered with nylon to shelter them from the rain. The music and murmur of people talking and laughing could be heard from downstairs. Clara unbuttoned her shirt and took off cufflinks leaving them on a table. Yaz could see in her she was exhausted. It wasn't late at all, she didn't look at the time but it couldn't be more than noon. But Clara was up since five in the morning and drove for nearly four hours in a rain and Yaz could see she was struggling. She came up to her and gazed at her lovingly. Kissing her lips with short kisses.

"Hey, let me do it love" she said quietly and moved her braces of her shoulders then pulled her shirt out of the trousers unbuttoning the rest of the buttons. Clara let her do it, she wasn't complaining, just moved a strain of hair from her forehead and Yaz looked up to her smiling then looked down again unbuttoning her trousers letting them fall to the floor. She undressed them both and took Clara's hand leading her to the shower.

"Like it?" Yaz asked smiling spreading soap all over her body caressing her gently

"Love it...Could get used to it"

"I'm fine with that" Yaz smiled kissing her short

She wasn't doing it seductively, and had no expectations of that sort. She just wanted to take care of her, be gentle with her and show her how much she loved her. Clara let her do everything even dry her out with a towel, she kept smiling at her all the time. And Yaz could see she was enjoying in every moment of her attentiveness.

"Wanna take a nap darling?" Yaz asked as they came out of the bathroom

Clara smiled gently and wrapped her fingers around Yaz's face pulling her for a gentle kiss.
"Clara.." Yaz took her by the wrist "I wasn't expecting"

"I know" she said shortly "But I was" she smiled and kissed her deeply one of those kisses that made Yaz feel like was falling through the sky

It's been nearly two weeks since the last time they did this. And Yaz wanted to make it up to her. She wanted to take this slow but Clara was bursting at seems. In her mind what they did in a shower was a warm up enough and she had no patience to wait any longer. Yaz could read it in her body language, in the way she kissed her, the way her hand was wrapped at the back of her head and the other slipped around her waist running down her spine and over her behind. She also knew that iff she wanted to make it up to her she was going to have to move fast because there was no force in the world that could stop her girlfriend when she started. She had a way of maneuvering Yaz in two seconds giving her a whiplash. She wraps her hand at the nape of her neck deepening the kiss and slips her hand between her thighs. Clara moaned into her mouth.

"I was faster" she smiles into her mouth "Bed?"

"Mmmm" Clara nods moving back kissing her one more time before lying down and propping herself on her arms watching Yaz as she finds herself place between her thighs.

"You'll have to be quite" Yaz smiled looking up

"I'll do my best" she laughed and her head tilted back closing her eyes as Yaz's lips trailed over her mound and hot breath hit her thighs

"Shoot..." she ran her hand through Yaz's hair and rolled her hips over her lips.

Yaz took her gently slowly feeling her melting into her, she rested her feet on Yaz's shoulders and scooped up her hair into her hand tangling her fingers into it. She felt her breathing underneath the palm of her hand that rested on her stomach, muscles clenching with each thrust of her fingers through her. Quiet morning escaping her lips and her cheeks bright red. Clara felt like she was falling apart. She missed her touch, her breath, this feeling of her inside. Like a part of her was missing taken away. She missed it more than she would admit it even to herself. Yaz felt her shudder, her legs trembling and she lead her through it to see the stars. Clara grabbed her hand that rested on her sides and lace her fingers squeezing her tight. She slumped to bed and rolled on her side. Yaz found it weird as she never did that before.

"Love? What's wrong?" she said worriedly rushing by her side "Clara?" she moved her hand that covered her face "OMG love...why are you crying?"

Clara pulled her by the hand and wrapped herself around her into a ball tucking her face into her neck without a word

"'s ok darling I'm here baby please talk to me...what's going on?" but she sobbed into her skin tears rolling down Yaz's chest without a word. She heard her whimper quietly and squeezing the life out Yaz. Clara was strong and her legs closed around her so tightly. Yaz stroked her hair and didn't ask any more questions, she just whispered to her while rocking her in his arms "It's ok I'm here, I love you so so much"

She finally calmed down after almost ten minutes of crying her soul out shaking like a branch. "I'm cold" she said into Yaz's neck

"Alright baby...just let go of me, just a little ok so I can get the's right there on a floor"

She let her go and Yaz grabbed it as fast as she could wrapping them both into it. She was really worried, didn't know what to think. Clara wasn't saying anything and she wasn't going to ask either. She let this, what ever it was to be on her terms.
She lay down next to her and Clara wrapped herself around her again, but she just lay on the pillow, bloodshot eyes and blotchy face looking at her wordlessly, running her thumb over Yaz's cheek.

"Is that better?" Yaz asked stroking her hair

"Much...thank you"

"Don't be silly, you don't need to say thank you. I love you darling. With every cell in my body. You do know that right?"

"I do Yaz. I'm sorry about this"

"I don't know what you're talking about" she smiled "I'm worried about you darling. You don't need to say anything or explain. Just know that I'm here my love"

"Tell me Yaz" she said still sniffing

"Tell you what my love?"

"Tell me you're mine...I want to hear it"

"I am yours my love, body and soul. Every part of me that's breathing" another tear rolled down her face dropping on the pillow and Yaz wiped it away "Have you questioned it love?"

"No...Just needed to hear you say it"

"I'm yours for as long as you want me to be. And there is nothing in this world that would ever change that"

Yaz was very worried, she knew enough even from her training to see that Clara was broken inside. Broken into pieces that she desperately put together herself trying to hold it together. She had no idea what was causing it. But what had just happened made her determined to do whatever it took to change that, to help her heal, she just hoped her love would be enough.

Clara fell asleep curled up into her with her head tucked into her neck breathing slowly. But Yaz couldn't sleep, not this time. She stayed awake the whole time trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Thinking about everything she possibly could. All the silly stuff Clara would say, the blue box in the garden, the people she knew and the people she talked about, the places she mentioned and the strange gadgets she owned. And no matter how desperately she tried, nothing made logical sense, nothing that fit within normal parameters anyway. One thing the dhow was absolutely sure of was that she would never again neglect Clara like she had for the past two weeks. She already felt bad about it, but after today she really hated herself for it.

Clara woke up and lifted her head and to Yaz's relief had a smile on her face. She felt her hands trailing over her hips and it melted her heart.

"Hey love. Had a nice nap?"

"Mmmm" Clara mumbled and brought her hand to her face wrapping her beautiful fingers around it and Yaz's heart skipped the beat "Come here" she smiled and kissed her deeply moving around underneath the covers and trailing her hand all over her. Yaz knew what it meant she just wasn't sure if it was a right time. But there was no way she would stop her or ask any questions, so she went with it. She desperately needed her anyway, it's been way too long for both of them and it felt nice.

She finally fell asleep herself, she didn't feel so much tiered physically as mentally. Mainly from fear and worry that swept thrust her. But Clara seemed back to herself. In some bizarre way almost as iff this had never happened. So Yaz simply accepted it. She dozed off for a short while then woke up to a sound of Clara taking a shower. She got out of the bathroom and started to get dressed

"Where are you going love?"

"Sleep darling, I'm just gonna go downstairs for a bit. I want to ketch up with Duncan for a while"

"Alright honey" she watched her getting dressed, it was one of her favorite things. Bizarre but it was hers. She watched her as she buttoned her shirt and tucked it into her trousers then pulled the braces over her shoulders, finally the cufflinks on her sleeves, then leaned over to Yaz running her finger across her nose smiling softly

"I adore you beautiful" she crouched down by the bed and Yaz propped her head on her arm

"I promise I will talk to you. Just not now love. I love you with all my hearts" she said stroking her face "I'm so sorry I scared you, I didn't mean to. I just had a bit of head wonk...You know...things fuzzing inside...But you were wonderful and I love you so much for it"

"I love you too darling more than I could even say"

"I never doubt that, not for a minute...that's all you need to know. Sleep now, you need to rest. I won't be long I promise. When I come back we can have a little walk around and dinner. How's that sound?"

"Perfect" she smiled and Clara's kissed her softly before she left




The rain finally stopped, washing away all the frost, but it was still cold. It was very cold and Clara wrapped Yaz up like they were going for a walk around the Arctic Circle, making her wear so many layers that when she put on the jacket, she felt like she couldn't move her arms. And as soon as they went outside, she also put the hood over her head, which was so big and fluffy around the edges that now even her vision was obstructed. But Yaz let her do it because she found it lovely and incredibly considerate. Again something she never had in her life apart from her family and that doesn't count in this setup. So she would let Clara do literally whatever she wanted with her. To most people that amount would seem overwhelming, but for Yaz it was something she could never get enough of and she loved her for it. They walked slowly through the village. Clara laced their fingers together, then put their hands in her pocket to warm them. The village was small and surrounded by beautiful nature. They stopped several times just admiring the view. The air was fresh and Clara's cheeks were bright red and Yaz wondered if she was cold. Her skin was already normally cool to the touch, something Yaz had gotten used to over time. But in the beginning when she pressed against her, the only thing that warmed Yaz was passion. They both needed fresh air and a change of canary,  walking for nearly an hour and now on their way back to the pub as it was slowly getting dark.


"Yes love?"

"About earlier"

"Clara...darling you don't need to.."

"I want to Yaz..." she stopped and turned towards her "Yaz...listen...there's like stuff in my past, things I did...decisions I made that made that bother me. You know like a shadow that follows you around"

"Mmmm" Yaz nodded "Like illegal stuff darling?"

"No Yaz nothing like that...just...I lost someone really important someone i really loved...and there were other things many's complicated...mess really...Most of the time I just don't think about it. But past two weeks have been...difficult and with you not being around it just became overwhelming. Does that make any sense?" she scrunched up her frozen face

"Perfect sense love. I'm so so sorry I've neglected you and I wasn't there..."

"It's ok need to say sorry for that"

"But I do...I'm so sorry I was just so tired all the time"

"Yaz it's fine...that's fine, really it is...There's so much I want to tell you Yaz...I want to tell you everything...but there's so much there Yaz...too much...and some things....well...I want to Yaz...I was planning to I just need a bit more time that's all...I need to...I don't even know where to start"

Yaz pulled her in and hugged her tightly "Thank you for telling me this. Take as much time as you need love it's really tell me when your ready ok?"

"I love you Yaz...that will never change" she said tucking her head into her neck and Yaz pulled back gazing at her bringing her hand up to her face "I love you with all my heart...I just need you to know I'm always here for whatever.....You can kiss me" she smiled "there's nobody here"

Clara smiled and wrapped fingers around her face "I adore you Yasmin" They kissed softly for quite some time on a little village road between the fields.

"I'm freezing" Yaz said into her lips her cheeks flushed from the cold

"Me too it's really freezing...let's go back" Clara smiled 0rubbing her hands on her back

Clara felt like a ton of bricks had just fallen off her shoulders. She could never have asked for anything more than what Yaz had just given her. More understanding and patience than she could ever hope for, and that meant the world to her. Now it's time to finally set things right. And she wanted it very much, the secrets were tearing her apart and the burden of the decisions she had to make. But this gave her a new hope, one she didn't have six weeks ago. It should have been so easy, but as everything in her life things always wnt wrong and so did this in every imaginable way. And now she was wrapped in a web of lies and secrets that she could only hope that Yaz would have enough love in her heart to forgive her.




They came back to the pub and had a lovely meal. Duncan and Sophie came to sit with them for a while and Yaz relased what Clara was saying how absolutely lovely they were. Music was playing and the place was buzzing in the evening. Rounds of drinks being poured. It was a small place and everyone knew each other really well, cracking jokes and laughing. Yaz loved it so much she wished they could come here more often. The local pubs didn't feel the same and she never went to them herself. But this felt as iff they stepped into another time the one long gone in big cities.

"I had no idea you actually drink Clara?" Yaz said laughing after she brought another round from the bar

"I don't...not normally...but it would not be polite to decline it here"

"I'm really tipsy you know" she giggled with her eyes glowing looking at Clara flapping her eyelashes

"You look cute tipsy" she laughed

"And you look sexy't be saying that out loud"

"I think after this I need to take you to bed"

"You can take me to bed when ever you want" she looked at her with glass eyes

"Shhhh...I see I'll have to gag you as well"  she shook her head laughing

"Clara I see you girls are having fun?" Duncan said coming back at their table. He was at the bar so couldn't sit with them all the time. But now and then he pop over to join them

"Best ever Duncan. Can't remember the last time I sat in a pub drinking...definitely not in this body" she laughed and Yaz frowned confused but she was to drunk to think

"So you still have quite a way to go tomorrow"

"We do it's a long trip but it will be worth it"

"I do hope I will see you again Doctor"

"You will Duncan...I can promise you that. I wouldn't miss it for the world"

"I hope you remember me one day Doctor...and continue to come here when my son takes over the pub"

"Don't say stuff like that...we still have a long way to go" she puts her arm around his shoulder

The whole conversation made no sense to Yaz what so ever but she was gone. Leyed her head on a table like a kid and ready for bed.

"I think I need to take her upstairs" Clara laughed looking at Yaz

"She checked out didn't she?" Duncan laughed

"Oh yeah...Come on Yazee're a goner" she got up and reached for Yaz's hands pulling her up and she just slumped on her shoulder "See you for breakfast Duncan"

"See you in the morning Doctor"

"Come on you" she dragged her to the stairs and then just picked her up, carrying her the rest of the way as Yaz's head slumped on her shoulder. She laid her on the bed and then began to remove her clothes. Yaz moaned rolling around on the bed like a pancake as Clara took off her pants. She finally succeeded and tucked her under the covers, then sorted herself, laughing all the while at Yaz mumbling incoherently, then laid down behind her, pulling her close. She was happy, as happy as could be. A sense of inner peace for the first time. Her hearts were filled with love for Yaz. She liked this life. It was different, but she loved every minute of it. She rested her head on Yaz's shoulder and kissed her cheek then fell asleep in just a few minutes.




They were only a an hour away from the hotel and the ride was nice. No rain for a change and music playing in a car. Yaz was getting excited as they were coming close. This was her first Christmas vacation and she didn't know what to expect. Her life has literally turned upside down in past six weeks. She went from nothing to suddenly having everything. Something she could never even dream off.
She couldn't remember how she got into the room last night and laughed when she saw herself but naked in the morning messing around with Clara how she took advantage out of her which she somehow didn't find funny at all saying she she would absolutely never. And that made Yaz laugh even more.

"Happy?" Clara looked at her smiling

"Out of my mind. I still can't believe this to be honest. My first proper Christmas love"

Clara took her hand hand and kissed her knuckles "It's absolutely beautiful...there's a lake as well. Did I tell you about the lake?"


"Oh yeah...If you like it we can come again in summer. Then it's even more beautiful. Not as beautiful as pink beaches of Srinum but maybe I'll take you there ones as well"

"Pink beaches? There are no pink beaches?"

"Maybe not here Yaz...but I can assure you they are real"

"Oh yeah...where then"

"I'll tell you one will be a surprise" she turns around making a funny face

"You just talk silly again" she giggles

"I never talk silly Yaz...Well maybe sometimes...When I have a head wonk but most times I'm not I assure you"

"You that name Gallifreyan...I googled doesn't exist"

"Maybe you just spelled it wrong Yaz" she grinned

Yaz shook her head laughing. She was glad she was back to her old silly self.

The last hour of their journey passed very quickly, and Clara told her about the pink beaches, but she didn't say where they were. She was sure she was just making it up, trying to make her laugh. They reached the castle and it was absolutely massive, surrounded only by mountains and beautiful fields. Yaz's eyes widened as the car slowly approached it, she pressed her face to the window. She had never slept in a castle in her life and wondered if it was cold. Clara parked the car and as they got out, she smiled at Yaz, who stood as if hypnotized by the scene.

"Like it?" she smiled

"Fucking love it...this is amazing"

"Good because I would hate if you didn't Yaz...Come on" she nods her head "Let's go inside

Yaz stood in the massive lobby and spun around looking at the opulent interior. The big Christmas tree looked magical. Clara was arranging their reservation at the front desk, turning around from time to time to smile at her. Finally they took the keys and went to their room. Yaz was nervous, again feeling like she didn't belong in a place like this. But Clara reached for her hand, holding it all the way upstairs, running her thumb over it as she usually did when she knew she was nervous.

"'s just a hotel" she leaned over whispering in her ear

"I'm trying to...My heart's popping out of my mouth"

"That's uncomfortable Yaz" she laughed

The room was stunning and overlooking the mountains. Their bags were already in their room waiting and Yaz rushed to the bathroom

"Hey look...they have to soaps" she smiled

"Aaaaa...keep those Yaz"

"I'm keeping everything...hey look at this...aren't they cute" she was showing small shampoos

Clara slumped on a bed exhausted and Yaz climbed it and sat on top of her smiling

She ran her hands down Yaz's legs and laughed "You look like you're gonna pop Yaz" she looked at her face beaming with a permanent smile

"I will" she bend down kissing her "All because of you"

"I make you pop Yaz?" she giggled

"Yap in different ways as can make me pop now...iff you're not too tiered?" she laughed and rolled her hips on her

"You'll make me pop if you keep doing that Yaz"

She giggled and rolled again few times

"You cheeky bugger" Clara grabbed her arm rolling her on her back "Now you're gonna see who's gonna pop" ...