
Yaz woke up in Sheffield knowing thing are out of place. This is not where she's meant to be. The pain in her head is agonizing but she needs to make sense out of the chaos in her brain.
Her memories have been wiped...but have they? Time is running out, she needs to save the Doctor before it`s too late.
Number of chapters; 1/1
Rating: G
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Chapter 1
Control room seemed so quiet, silence filled the room and not even Tardis letting any sounds. Even she was in pain.
Yaz closed her eyes, leaning her head on Doctor's hand. Her beautiful long fingers were wrapped around her face.
"Will it hurt?"
"No won't. I'll be as gentle as I can" her eyes were filled with tears and she couldn't stop them from falling down her face no longer
"Tell me again. I know I won't remember but please tell me again" Yaz's beautiful big brown eyes looked at her like she was the only thing in the universe
Doctor took a big breath. The pain in her chest her hearts gave her, was too much to bear. "I love you more than anything in this universe"
She broke down, tears rolling down her face, she took another breath and pulled Yaz's to meet her soft lips. They kissed passionately through the tears both remembering the night before when they loved each other under the stars.
The Doctor pulled back and closed her eyes. Yaz held her hands cupping her face.
"I love you" she whispered
Doctor tilted her head back and looked up to the ceiling of the Tardis
"Goodbye my universe" she yelped through the tears as Yaz flopped into her arms
Doctor sat on the edge of the bed in Yaz`s room back in Sheffield, she pressed her lips onto hers for one last me. Her face turned to stone of pain when she turned around towards the Tardis and shut the door behind her.
Alarm clock was persistent and Yaz grabbed it, throwing it across the room. Her head was hurting so much she felt physically ill. She woke up and looked around confused. Why is she in her bedroom? What was she doing there?
A sharp pain ripped through her skull. She had the weirdest feeling like she's not meant to be where she was. Like just a minute a go she was somewhere else. But the pain was distracting her from thinking, so she got up and went into the bathroom.
She brushed her teeth through the pain. She was in agony by this point, trying to wet her face. Maybe a cold shower would help her, she thought.
Water was running down her face and she closed her eyes. Sharp stabbing continued through her temples, and it felt like ice was going through her brain. She leaned on shower wall in desperation. If this continues, she will have to call the doctor...The Doctor.... pain almost knocked her out. She slumped to the floor of the shower...Doctor ...Yaz closed her eyes, flashes of light blinked in front of her eyes and the shower cubicle spun around. She wasn't sure if she was sleeping or falling. It felt like falling...but falling somewhere safe...she let herself go. Slumped, curled up on the floor of the cubicle lying on the cold tiles. She closed her eyes listening to the voices in her head looking at images running like an old fashion movie in front of her eyes
Tea at Yaz's...Gallifrey it's my home...The Master was coming...Tardis humming...cloister bell pounds.... I want to tell you everything...I wish this could last forever...forever...I love Would I do...What Would the Doctor do...My Doctor...My love under the universe...Doctor...humming
She opened her eyes...pain was gone. She could feel a dreadful feeling climbing from her feet up her body going through her spine.
"Doctor...nooo!!!!" she's putting clothes on so fast like never in her life. Her wet hair is dripping down the floor and wetting her shirt, but she couldn't care less. She runs out of her room pushing Sonya onto to the wall
"Oi...are you insane" Sonya yells
"What's the day today?" Yaz hits the table with both hands trying to get her mums attention
"Yaz? Is everything ok? her mum looked her confused
"What's the day mum?"
"Yaz are feeling alright?" Najia looked worried
"Stop asking me that...what's the day today mum?"
"Sunday Yaz...It's Sunday" Najia replies confused
"Sunday evening...course...the evening we bored Tardis..."her face lights up she runs to the door
"Yaz!!" Nadja yells from the kitchen
"Yes, I'll get the bread mum" she slams the door behind her
"Did we run out of bread?" Najia turns to her husband, and he shrugs his shoulders confused
That night Yaz didn't take the elevator, she ran down those stairs as fast as her feet could carry her until a cold air hit her flushed cheeks outside on the road. It was there...the small blue box …parked up in front of the building. Her face lid up and her eyes filled with tears...
"Doctor!!!" she whispers the sign of relief
She ran into the Tardis bursting through the door. Doctor was slumped over the console, and she got startled
"Doctor!!!!" Yaz barely managed to speak trying to catch her breathe
"Yaz!!...You alright? You look like you've been running" she looks confused
Yaz approaches her slowly holding her hands in the air "Please, please just don't speak...whatever I say just please don't speak"
"Alright...I'm listening" she puts her hand on her hips intrigued
"I'm not that Yaz" she points to her building
"You're not?" Doctor says confused
"Well, I am but I'm also not...It's complicated" she finds herself suddenly explaining herself in Doctorie way. Years travelling together did this to her...rewired her brain
"What are you talking about're losing me. You're you but not you? But you're here...are you? Or not even here" Doctor waives her hand smacking Yaz's hand
"What are you doing??"
"Sorry checking are you a hologram"
"Why would I be? ....OMG never mind" Yaz frowns confused "Please hear me out"
"Alright you, but not you Yaz....listening" Doctor smiles
"Years have passed since this night...Decades for you...But that's another story...You left me here to protect swiped my memories... well you thought you have...Except you haven't...well they came back, and I don't understand how or why"
"Protect you from what Yaz...who? You're not making any sense. And why would I wipe your memories? I would never do that"
"The Master"
Doctor's face turns to stone at the mention of that name. She turns around and walks around the console
“...Listen to meeee...You have to listen to me..."
"Oh, believe me you got my attention...go on" Doctor leaned on a console looking at her across the room suspiciously
"Things went really, really bad, as bad as they can get...and you had no choice. But you have it not. You have a chance to stop the chain of events, to change things stop things do it differently so that future never happens"
"How do you know about The Master Yaz? If what you're saying is true then please let me see. I can look inside you mind see what you saw" she takes a step forward but Yaz steps back moving her hand
"NOO!" she yells nervously
"Why won't you let me have a look?"
"Because you wouldn't understand...not now...not yet...Not everything" Yaz is holding back her tears
"What wouldn't I understand Yaz? What happened? You obviously came here scared out of your mind...asking me to change absolutely everything...the whole future but why won't you let me look? You can’t ask me something like that without giving me information Yaz"
"Please don't make me do this...I will tell you everything...things you have to know just please..." she turns around and sighs "Not everything..."
"You have to tell me Yaz. Why? Why can't you tell me...What is it that scares you so much...Whatever it is Yaz I can't fix it if I don't know what I'm fixing....Obviously you're here for a reason...a big reason...but please let me have a won't hurt and I will only look at what's important for me"
"I can’t...!!" Yaz yells, turning around to meet her gaze and it's tearing her apart inside.
"Then how can I possibly trust you do I know you're not sent here by the Master? Ha? Make me understand Yaz...Make me trust you, because at this point, I'm really finding it hard to do that"
Yaz took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. Time is running out…She’s leaving her no choice but to lay down her soul bare and open every part of herself. She won’t understand…none of it…this is going to be a disaster, but she’s got no choice.
"Your name is The Doctor, you come from a planet called Gallifrey from constellation of Kasterborous...You're a Time can't regenerate..." tears are running down her face
"Your childhood friend was The Master, but you went very separate ways" Yaz slowly steps towards the console and places her hand on it "Her rainforest floor needs repairing, and there is a temporal disturbance in London you should have a look at" she points to the screen
Doctor's face turned white. "How could you know all this?" she whispers
"Because you taught me" Yaz says quietly
Tardis hums "I know beautiful, she doesn't believe me" Yaz looks up tear goes down her face
Doctor's face dropped to the floor "Did you just speak to the Tardis?"
Yaz looks at her with eyes swollen from tears and smiles. She slowly comes closer to her…
"And you are my universe absolute everything, and I cannot let you die even if it means losing you" tears rolled down her cheeks "she takes her hand and places it on her temple breaking down in tears "So go ahead…look"
She closed her eyes CONTACT
As memories start flooding her hearts are skipping their beats...every moment every motion every gaze and every touch, the laughter the pain and all the tears ..."Goodbye my universe"...Doctor's eyes filled with tears.
She wrapped her fingers around Yaz's face, and she leaned her head on her hand with her eyes closed and tears running down her face. Doctor gazed at her in silence, having to remember to breathe.
"Yaz...please look at me" she says quietly and steps closer.
Yaz opened her swollen beautiful eyes and met her gaze "I will leave now if you want me to!" she says with a shaking voice
"No... I don't want you to" her hand found a path around Yaz's waist, and she stroked her cheek with her thumb wiping her tears away. Doctors face went ten different ways of soft in one minute of their time
"What do you want?" Yaz felt her legs going
"All of it" she smiles
She leaned and kissed her through her tears long and gentle pushing her backwards until her back was against the console. Yaz's hands desperately grabbed onto her face as she finally felt her lips against hers again. Those beautiful lips she never thought she would ever kiss again. They pull apart gazing at each other's eyes.
"I don't understand" Yaz looked up to her confused stroking her face gently looking deep into those beautiful eyes she loved with every part of her being
"Time Lord tricks...I never wiped your memories Yaz, I stored everything inside of you. Knowing what you will do.... Well at least counting on it... I'm glad you didn't disappoint me or that would be bad" she smiles
Yaz smiled choking in her tears, burying her head into her coat, crying her eyes out.
"'s's over now you're safe" she ran fingers through her hair "Hey look at me"
"Mmmm" Yaz looked up barely managing to breathe
"Gold star for my Yaz, ha!" Yaz smiled stroking her beautiful fingers wrapped around her face
"I love you more than anything in this universe" Doctor said gently and closed that small gap between their lips kissing passionately
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