Chapter 15

The walked through the Tardis door and for both of them it felt like waking up from the dream. They were still here on their little honeymoon how Yaz called it and Doctor absolutely loved it when she called it that. But the night spent in the cave was so magical like a world within their little world.

"Yaz" Doctor stopped her whiles halfway up the steps "Hurry me here I'll get everything ready"

"Sure" she turns around and runs up the stairs

Doctor reached inside her coat pocket and took something out. She looks up to the Tardis "Keep this for me will you. I will need it later. You will love it I promise" she drops it down the hole in the console.

"Right...let's see what we have shall we...Sorry for leaving you overnight...I needed this...Don't be upset" she continues to speak to Tardis "I know you like her...thank you for that"

Doctor set all the samples for analysis and started the deep scan of the area.

"Hey...How's it going?" Yaz walked in with ice-cream "I can eat this? Right?" she shows the box to the Doctor

" can" Doctor laughed "Oh...ok well that's interesting.... Come have a look Yaz. What do you see?"

"The mineral deposits are quite high and isn't this like that dark layer...Right told me once that this is when the ground gets scorched I remember when you did this after Gallifrey"

"Yes!!...Gold star Yaz...So this would indicate a massive disaster of cataclysmic proportions Yaz....something that would make life on this planet impossible"

"But the cave paintings surely they would be done before? And if they have been done before then how are all those layers inside of the cave it makes no sense Doctor"

"No it doesn't. Deposits inside of that cave are millions of years old but painting are not"

"So who made them? And where are they?"

"Good question Yaz...I'm still waiting for that deep ground scanner...the circuit keeps messing me around" she's crawling under the console trying desperately to reach something making silly noise that made Yaz laugh

"What's funny?" Doctor comments from underneath the console with her bum sticking in the air

"'re cute"

"Cuuute? Blimey Yaz what else will you call me....Arrhhh I need to make this work or we will have to draw it ourselves..." few sparks fly from the console and the screen popped up

"You got it...It's working"

"Ohhh....ooohhhh....wait a minute....that's interesting...Look..." Doctor pointed to the screen

"What am I looking at Doctor?" Yaz was squinting at the screen

"Look see there.... this whole area is massive hole Yaz. I was right and nothing wrong with sonic. Except..." she goes to the other side of the console where Tardis gave her loads of other readings

"Thaaat is massive...How didn't I see this before...Why didn't I see that before...I was here. How could I miss it?"

Yaz comes up to her and slumps herself over Doctor's back sliding her arms around her waist "You did say you were not in a good place last time you were here love. Maybe you just missed it"

"I must have done...But now I'm intrigued?"

"What to go and have a look?"

"Why not?"

"What if it's just a massive hole filled with magma you a super volcano in Yelowstone?"

"Good point Yaz Tardis would get that reading"

Doctor was moving around the console literally dragging Yaz glued to her back without a care in a world and Yaz finds quite amusing. She thought by this point Doctor would get irritated, but she clearly isn't too bothered

"And what's that?" Yaz points to the small dot on a screen reaching over Doctors shoulder

"That I'm trying to work out because it's giving me a weird reading like it's almost clocked"

""Maybe this where all the Dragons are?"

Doctor laughs "No Yaz they are not. Dragons sleep in caves such as the one where we were. There was one just down from us"


"Oh don't worry it's winter...he can't hear a thing when he falls asleep"

"That was a joke right?

"Yes..." Doctor laughs "But I got you didn't I?"

Yaz stands up straight, but she stumbled grabbing for Doctors coat "Doctor"

"Yaz!!!!!!" Doctor turned around and caught her just as she was going to hit the floor

Yaz woke up in their room Doctor sitting by her side stroking her face

"Doctor...What happened"

"How are feeling Yaz" she strokes her face

Doctors was riddled with worry. She's never seen her looking like that even through all the stuff they've been through. She takes her sonic and shines in her eyes then measures her pulse

"Better now. That was scary" Yaz prompt herself up on her elbows

"Scary? You made my hearts stop Yaz. You were out for good 5 minutes" she strokes her cheek "Well we are definitely not going anywhere today. You're resting and I'm doing tests to see what's going on with you"

"Nooo...please don't not now. Just lie next to me"

"Yaz I have to see what's going on. This is the second time and don't tell me you haven't eaten today"

Yaz got up and sat on the edge if the bed staring at the floor

"What's wrong, ok? Do you feel bad again?"

"I'm late"

"Late for what?"

"I'm late"

"Late to go where?" she opens her arms making confused faces

"Nowhere, OMG" Yaz rolls her eyes

"I don't understand what you're saying "

"I'm pregnant!!!!!"

"You whaaaaaat????" Doctor jumped of the floor and took a step back her mouth opened staring at Yaz

"I'm pregnant" Yaz got of the bed and starts pacing around the room

"How is that possible?"

You're asking meee? I don't know how you people make babies"

"Well not like Blimey...but that's not possible!" Doctor puts her hand on her temples in confusion

"Oh, I can assure you it is!!" Yaz's anxiety was hitting the ceiling by this point

"Nooo it's noot...unless it is?" she scrunches her face "unless...nooo...but how?"

"What? What are you going on about?"

"Well you know that night in a when I did the CONTACT, I've never done that before"

"Whaaaat?...So you knocked me up?"

"What? Yaz noo...what the hell? I don't think so...Well, I don't know... Did I?"

"Well obviously you have!!!!...Like don't you have...I don't know...sexual education or...something...from where you are?" she shrugs her shoulders and slumps herself back on a bed

"We do...but that's beside the point...I'm not from there am I Yaz. Don't know who I am or where I come from oh how different I am or am I even because my memories are still in a fob watch...And I'm a woman now it's all so confusing Yaz...And none of this makes any sense...Are you sure?"

"What are we gonna do?"

Doctor was standing in middle of the room completely confused and in shock thinking thousands thoughts all at once desperately trying to work out how she do what she did

"Do you....even want it?" Yaz was asking anxiously looking up from the edge of the bed

"Wait...Whaaa? What are you saying Yaz?" she looks at her confused

"Well if you don' know...I understand...with how your life is and all that"

Doctor makes her little soft face and crouches down in front her. She lifts her chin up with her finger to make her look at her "Yaz...look at me"

"Mmmmm" Yaz murmured on brinks of tears, her eyes already glistening

Doctor pulls a brightest smile ever "Yaz this is brilliant...of course I do.... strange, confusing and Im not gonna lie…totally unexpected…but bloody brilliant!!"

Yaz starts smiling slowly still looking at her sheepishly "Really? Is this really how you feel?"

Doctor runs her thumb across her lips and cups her face with hand. Yaz closed her eyes and tears start rolling down her cheeks

"Yes beautiful that really is how I feel" she lean over and starts kissing her passionately


That evening Yaz fell asleep in her arms as almost every night, but Doctor laid there staring at the ceiling sliding her hand down Yaz's stomach. She stopped for a moment and just kept her hand there...she didn't know what she really wanted or expected. Not like the baby will talk back to her or anything. She just tried feeling it. She wasn't sure how she felt...confused, scared, happy, worried...mostly worried. Suddenly she felt like Yaz was made out of glass that could shatter at any point into thousands of pieces, it was a feeling she already had even before this strange situation but it seems to have magnified by the tenfold.
Yaz opened her sleepy eyes and looked at her with so much love it melted Doctors hearts.

"Hey're still here?"

"Not going anywhere today...Not happening"

Doctor turned on her side and gazed at her for a long time in silence, running her finger from her forehead down to the tip of her nose. Made Yaz giggle, she ran her thumb over her soft lips and Yaz closed her eyes. This little gesture made her close her eyes every time and Doctor loved doing it so much. She wrapped her fingers around Yaz's face.

"God you're so beautiful" she whispered and pulled her for a kiss

Yaz rolled her on top of herself and wrapped herself around her. She stroked her face, moving her hair behind her ears. “I love you so much” she whispered
Doctor ran tip of fingers down her leg that was wrapped around her kissing her gently.

"I want you" yaz said quietly sliding her hands down Doctors back wrapping herself more around

"Yaz I'm not sure" Doctors face was riddled with worry and so much concern

"Sure about what?" Yaz stopped and looked at her frowning panic rising inside her not sure what she meant by that that

"I'm not sure we can do that now...What if I hurt you or..." she looks down towards her stomach

Yaz giggled "OMG!!...Don't be silly...of course you're not gonna hurt me...not like we're hanging from the chandelier" she laughs

"I don't know Yaz, I'm just so scared"

"Hey beautiful Bighead...don't be scared just do what you always can kisses hurt us...Ha?" she kisses her worried lips "just do it slowly if you're so scared ok?"



"How is this going to work? In 2 months we're going back to what our life do I keep us safe?...All of us...this isn't just you and me now? I want this so much but I'm so scared....I've never been so scared in my life Yaz...I've never been so happy either...Or lost...or confused"

Yaz stroked the back of her neck and smiling. It was the most beautiful thing she ever heard her say.

"It's not your job to keep us safe love. We do it together as we always did. We have the fam, all of them. We are not alone. You're not alone. Not this time.... not any more" she kept stroking the back of her neck gently feeling herself melting into her completely

"Remember Vinder and Bell. Bell was pregnant throughout the whole Flux when the whole universe was crushing around them. But love abides...surely, we can beat whatever is coming. Please darling don't worry. Let's just enjoy this, be happy. Are you happy?"

"I'm over the moon Yaz...I'm having to remember to breath since you told me"

Yaz smiles and strokes her face as gentle as she possibly could "Then love me me like you always do...every night"

"You're gorgeous...and.." Doctor got flustered

"And what?" Yaz giggles wrapping herself around her enjoying in Doctors hands running down her legs

"And..." she's desperately trying to get the words out

"And what love?" she giggled stroking her face

"Sexy" Doctor finally muttered in the most awkward way possible with a cramp all over her face.


"Thaaaaank you!!" Yaz laughed "Finally!!!...Can you say this more often's not a dirty word you know. It's actually really nice to hear"

"You're crazy really are"

"Just kiss me...You can't say this and not kiss me now...You just can't" she starts flirting and rubbing her leg on Doctor's hip

"Kiss you where?" Doctor smiles kissing her neck

"Mmmmmm.....aallll over....aaallll night please" Yaz giggles

Doctor kissed her breast and wrapped her fingers around her neck. Yaz tilted her head and closed her eyes. Doctor sat on a bed and pulled her by her legs wrapping them around herself. She ran the tips of her fingers down her chest to her stomach kissing it gently. Yaz arched her back at every touch melting into her completely. Doctor kissed her slowly and gently jet so passionately. She wanted her so much this night but she found it hard to let go…she was so scared. Yaz felt her hand wrap around her neck pulling her up for a kiss. She sat up wrapping herself around her kissing her softly running her fingers down Doctors spine and cupping her face with hands ..kissing her passionately.

"Don’t be scaered" Yaz looked into her beautiful eyes “Love Ya”


Doctor wrapped her hands around her hips and kissed the tip of her nose. Her eyes filled with longing and fear combined as she was gently trailing her fingertips down her spine and

She reached for the little curl of Yaz's hair and moved it from her shoulder then razed her gaze again. "You seem so fragile now" she said wrapping her fingers around the side of neck

"I assure you I'm not" Yaz smiled softly playing with soft hair at the back of her neck and placed a small reinsuring kiss on her lips. "Kiss me..." she said kissing her again" smiling into her lips and felt her fingers cupping the back of her head pulling her in taking her lips into hers. She felt her relaxing slowly as one kiss followed another in an endless chain and her hands started roaming all over her pulling her in and rocking her slowly in her lap.

"I can feel your hearts pounding" Yaz giggled moving her hair from her face

"I know...all your fault" she giggled and wrapped her arms around her tipping them down on the bed. She watched as her lips wrapped around her breasts making her gasp and she ran her fingers over her shoulders gently as she trailed them over her body and her fingers running lines down her sides and then draping her legs over her shoulders to find a home for herself between her thighs.

Yaz's lips parted in a soundless gasp as hot breath hit her skin and her lips sealed themselves on her passionately. Her toes curled on her shoulders as Doctor's arms wrapped around her hips scooping her up into herself. 

Yaz was in daze playing with hair and clenching the pillow with the other hand. Doctor kept stroking her stomach gently. This little gesture made Yaz melt into thousands of pieces, she reached out and stroked her beautiful fingers. She ached her back when she felt her inside her...finally being one again. Together in their universe under the stars.
Doctor was so different with her this time so gentle and caring still worried and scared. Not really knowing how to walk this new path but she willing to do her best. She felt it in her touch as suddenly all her confidence has drained out of her. But Yaz didn't care because Doctor didn't have to do anything, she could fly by just gazing at her. She let herself fall into this universe closing her eyes falling apart in her arms.

Doctor laid her head on her stomach gently. She kept tracing symbols with tips of her fingers on her tummy...doing it for quite some time.
Yaz was still week and dazed with her eyes half open. She loved her lying there with her arm still wrapped around her hip holding her.

"What are doing?" she stroked her hair

"Telling them I love them" she smiled


"Well if they are like me, they can be either or change or...we don't know do we...we just let them decide. Fist time you can decide you know"

"Your're so beautiful you know. Come here"

She laid on Doctor's chest making herself comfortable in her arms snuggled under the covers.

"See I'm still here...and you didn't hurt me That was really beautiful"

"I'm still nervous...give me some time"

"I want the baby to be like you" she looked up to her

"You do? Why?"

"Because they would never die...and it would be a part of me that would be with you forever"

"Don't say that...please don't say stuff like that. I will find a way" she traced her fingers gently down her spine "Sleep now. You have to rest. And I will run all the tests in a morning"

"How long do I have before you know?"

"I have no idea Yaz. With us is much longer...Almost a year...I have no idea until some time passes then we will see."

"Well it's good I have a Doctor then" Yaz giggles

Doctor was working most of the morning fiddling with samples she took from Yaz waiting for Tardis to do all the checks whilst Yaz was sitting in the armchair that mysteriously found itself in the middle of the control room the next morning. And Doctor refused to admit she had anything to do with it. She was trying desperately to digest a massive breakfast Doctor made for her and insisted she has to eat it.

"Doctor are we going to see that hole or not?"

"No not now Yaz" she kept fiddling with samples

"Why not??"

"Because Yaz...I am not having you running around in that state..."

"What state? "

"Well your state Yaz....Like state.... What if you get in danger?"

"We always get in danger"

"What if you get taken"

"You will find me. Oh, now you will definitely find me I have no doubt" she giggles

"Yaz!!!! This isn't funny you know....I can't risk it I'm sorry"

"But you promised!!" Yaz frowns

"I know I did Yaz...but that was before I... well I"

"Nocked me up?" Yaz giggles

"Stop saying that!!" Doctor gets all flustered waiving her hands around

"Well you did...come ooon" Yaz got up and walked behind her wrapping her hands around her waist

"This isn't going to work this time....It's not Yaz"

"Please come oooonnnn....I'm sure it's fine and you said yourself it gets boring"

"Oh so now you're board are you?"

"Noooo...stop twisting my words" Yaz rotates her to face her and grabs her braces pulling her like rag doll "Pleaseeee...I'll be really careful I promise"

Doctor is making faces avoiding to look at her but she is slowly softening up more Yaz is begging

"Pleaseeeeeeeee...pretty please...sugar on a top"

"Alright then" she moves Yaz's hands off her braces and points finger at her like to a child "But you're listening to everything I say Yaz...and no wondering off or defining me" Yaz was trying to kiss her but Doctor was fighting her hands still trying to make a point "Oooor trying to impress me Yaz...promise or else I'm sending you straight back to Tardis"

"Promise...promise ok promise"

Doctor slumped her shoulders giving up this argument and Yaz wrapped her arms around her neck kissing her but Doctor was just standing there purposely not giving her any reaction back until she finally gave in and wrapped her arms around her waist

"You're so not fair you know...I know what you're doing...I don't have all those brains for nothing Yaz're totally manipulating me....But just to be clear I know it and I'm allowing it"

"Love yaaaa" Yaz flaps her lashes

Doctor took a deep breath rolling her eyes "I love you too"

Tardis made a sound as the results were done and Doctor almost jumped out of her skin from excitement

"Aaaa!!! It's done Yaz ..look" she points to the blurr on the screen

Yaz looks confused "What am I looking at?"

"Baby...look" Doctor points looking at the screen so close she almost pressed her face to it

"What exactly Doctor I'm confused"

"It's right there Yaz look" Doctor points her finger to a tiny black dot no bigger that a grain of rice melting completely "Hello, I'm you we'll get to that at some point" she scrunches her face "And that's your other mum...she's definitely mum" she grins at the dot

Yaz can't help but laugh shaking her head. All she sees is a dot on a screen, but Doctor is talking to it going all soppy and it is absolutely adorable.

"They are only small's been only a week. But we'll get there"

"Is a baby like you?"

"I can't know now Yaz...But I know how it happened"


"My energy when we are together...Well your body was kind of ready and well when I did what I did it just got attached and because you see...Well it's complicated Yaz Time Lords are loomed"

"What does that mean?"

"Hard to explain Yaz like IVF… so you see it started...well looming"

"So it is like you then" Yaz smiles

"Probably Yaz...not sure yet how much"

"So does that mean that every time you do....that...I can stay pregnant?"

"I suppose so Yaz I don't know...I didn't even know this is possible...It's amazing" she stretched a biggest smile on her face

She starts running around the console gathering stuff and zooming around like crazy. She comes up to Yaz and gives her a shot without any warning

"Auch!!!!!....What was that?" she rubs her neck

"Oh just some know prenatal stuff and some other stuff you need...No worries"

"What other stuff?"

"Oh just some stuff against you...well fainting like that...I can't deal with that Yaz...I'm sorry It's too stressful it gives me anxiety" she twists her face in discomfort

"Also we will have you checked every week and take this" she shoves a small cube in her hand

"What's that?" Yaz is twirling it in her hand

"I'll show you in a minute and....What did I forget...oh more thing..." Doctor grabs her hand and pulls her along the long hallway next to their room. She waives her sonic and the door open out of nowhere. They walk into a small room that had a miniature version of the console in the middle of it.


"What's that?" Yaz looks around surprised

"Yaz...look at me" Doctor gets serious

"Mmmm?" Yaz is still looking around not really concentrated

"Yaz!" she tries to get her attention

"I'm listening" she finally looks at her

Doctor reaches for her hands holding them tight "Yaz...this is a safe room"

"What's a safe room?" her eyes wonder around the room

"If anything happens to me Yaz, or if at any point I tell you to go have to promise me that you will...And you will not question what I say, or worry about me!! And no matter questions asked Yaz, you will get in here and not come out until it's safe"

"Nooo...whaaaa? What are you saying? Nooo...can we please get out of here" she tried to turn around but Doctor stops her

"Yaaaaaz!!! I'm not losing you both. You promise me! Listen to me Yaz!! Nobody can ever get inside this room. It will not open or show itself to anybody except you and me. It doesn't even exist for anyone else. They would have to destroy the Tardis to get to you. So, you go here and you leave keep yourself safe. Your key opens it, and Tardis will make it appear wherever you are. Also...this console will only work when you're in here. It overrides the main one in case someone, or something takes over the Tardis. It will only listen to you...Also..." she points to the wall and pushes with her hand and the door opens to the outside "That's emergency door out. Did you get that?"

"I'm not leaving you!!! Noooo!" her eyes fill with tears

Doctor wrapped her fingers around her face

"This is not a discussion Yaz!!!..Not even an option...This is not only about you and me anymore...You keep yourself safe...both of you...And I will always find you no matter where you are, as long as you're in here you're safe. The Tardis will keep you both safe Yaz, no matter what. You can stay here for months until I find you. Tardis will give you everything you need. And I will find you.... remember that! I can take care of myself…I always have done. But I need to know you're safe. Promise me Yaz right now!!!"

"I promise..I promise...if you get me out of here now...please... I hate this place" tears start rolling down her face and her chin start to wobble

"I love you...both of you so very much" she presses Yaz's head on her hearts and wraps her arms around her tight "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I put you through this. I had to make sure you knew Yaz. The way our life is...I'm sorry. I love you more than anything in this universe...both of you"

"Come on let's get out of here" she takes her hand "I have a nice surprise for you" she smiles

"I need one after this" Yaz wipes her tears holding her hand as tight as she possibly could

"You will love this I promise" Doctor smiles pulling her hand down the hallway back to the control room

She let's go of her hand runs to the console grabbing something and runs back to her and clips a little bracelet around her wrist smiling

"What's that? It's beautiful" Yaz looks at a brass color bracelet with Gallifreyan symbols all over it

"Look" Doctor pressed on the bracelet and a tiny hologram popped out "!!!!" she points at the same little tiny dot that was on the other monitor "Hello again...It's me again. Aren't you cute little jellybean. I love you. Look here's your mummy. She can see you now all the time because I made her this bracelet...We both can." she goes all soppy again and it makes Yaz laugh

Yaz's chin starts to wobble again she threw herself around Doctors neck "What have I ever done in my life to deserve you?"

"It's what I'm wondering about you every day Yaz." Doctor squeezed her tight

They pull apart gazing at each other for a moment. Doctor wrapped her fingers around her face "I adore you" she kisses her gently

"So, tomorrow we go investigate that hole in a ground...Right? You promised" Yaz smiles

"Yap...we sure are!...But today you're resting.....And I need to do more tests" she zooms to the console

"What tests? I thought you're done?"

"Absolutely not Yaz. This is way too interesting. Now I want to know everything. We can't make a baby Yaz every know...when we...anyway yeah go and rest"

"Yeaaaah...nooo we definitely can't" she makes horrified face walking upstairs

"Oh, Yaz and eat please" she looks up to her

"I just did"

"Well eat again Yaz"

"Dear god I'll be rolling around Tardis by this rate" she mumbled walking up the steps

"And you would look cute doing it" Doctor laughs

"Very funny"

Doctor spent most of the day at the console doing god knows what. Yaz lost track of half of the stuff she was saying. She made her eat 5 times to a point Yaz felt like she would be sick. Yaz still couldn't get over this situation she stood in front of the mirror in their room. She lifted up her t-shirt and lowered her jogging bottoms. She kept staring at her stomach in a mirror trying to wrap her head around everything. Not just this absolutely bizarre situation, but also everything that has happened since they got to this planet. She kept tracing her hand over her stomach smiling

"I love you...whoever you are in there. I don't know why you chose me...but I'm glad you have"

She had no idea Doctor stood at the door looking at her in silence smiling. She slowly walked away not wanting to spoil that moment for Yaz...she felt it was something that was just hers to have.


They woke up early the next day.

"Noooo....please I really can''re making me feel ill" Yaz begged and slumped her head on a kitchen counter

" need to eat more...the energy that your body is now using is enormous...Every cell and every part..."

"Iiii knoooow you told me million times about the process I know...I just can't eat that much it's making me feel physically ill. Can't Tardis make something...tablet, juice, shake, lobotomy would be nice at this point"

Doctor stopped with her hands in the air in the middle of explaining and twisted her face "Yeah...why didn't I think off that?"

"Whaaaa? I'll kill you I swear I'll kill you. You made me eat 4 plates of this...whatever this gooey thing is" she scoops up the sticky gooey substance from her plate making disgusted face

"That gooey thing is everything your body needs right now" Doctor says offended "I'm doing this for your own good Yaz...And you are feeling much better...not passing out anymore no morning sickness nothing...I wish people knew that. It would be so much easier on women"

"Noo, no it wouldn't believe me it wouldn't. Don't ever pattern it please"

"Now that's a good idea...haven't thought of that"

"Oh god shoot me someone please!!!!" Yaz slumps her head on a table again

"By the way I love your new style. You look lovely" Doctor referred to Yaz's floaty cotton trousers and a t-shirt top she started wearing

Yaz gets of the highchair and proudly shows her new wardrobe smiling "Oh that...yeah. I found it much more comfortable than tight jeans... besides I don't want to squeeze the baby. Glad you like it."

Doctor walks up behind her wrapping her arms around her and placing her hands on her tummy. She lays her head on Yaz's shoulder

"This your new way of cuddling me?" Yaz smiles rocking herself left to right and smiling

"Yap...that way I cuddle you both" Doctor smiles

"I was right you know"

"Right about what Yaz?"

She leans on Doctor's chest putting her arms around Doctor's closing her eyes "You are the best person I've ever met"

Doctor kisses her cheek "That could be debatable Yaz...but you definitely are. We need to get moving. Unless you want to stay?"

Yaz jumps "Noooo no no we are going. I just need to change to something warmer or I'll freeze outside. I'll probably just put jogging bottoms on"

"Well go on then.... get a shift on mummy" Doctor makes a smug face

"Love ya" Yaz smiles on a way out