Chapter 9



Theta worked late on Friday and Yaz finished early for a change. She grabbed some food on the way from the station and headed to her office. Since the incident with Mark, Theta still felt uneasy and would never go home late without Yaz. She found herself still looking over her shoulder at times and hoped with time her mental state would go back to normal. In spite going through physical and mental abuse she refused to linger in the shadow of her past, always trying to look things from the positive perspective. Yaz made her feel safe and protected, allowing herself to be adored in ways she never thought was possible. And equally loved back more than she ever thought she could. 


Interphone rang and she rushed to open the door. 




"Food delivery for desperate hungry girlfriend." 


"Alright babe " she laughed pressing the buzzer. 


"The key isn't working." Yaz said as she climbed the stairs "I think some kids shoved chewing gum inside the lock." 


"Oh shit. I should call maintenance, or nobody will be able to get in. It worked fine this morning." 


"Some noodles and spring rolls as requested" she dangled the bag in front of her face and laughed as Thetas eyes grew wide. 


"Thaaaaank youuuu" she dropped a quick kiss to her lips and grabbed the bag "I'm done, just need to send this email across when I eat. mum asked if we wanna come for lunch on Sunday?" 


"Yeah sure." She said sitting in the chair opposite her. 


"What's wrong baby? You look like something is bothering you?" 


"Neah, just tired. And the day is depressing" she said swirling the chair towards the window. 


"I know it's been raining since morning." 


"I applied for my passport today" she smiled proudly. 


"Aaaa...Did ya? I can't wait for this holiday. Only 5 weeks left" 


"Few more months and we're gonna hit a year of being together." 


"I knoooow. I can't believe how fast time goes”? 


"God, I'm gonna fall asleep in a cinema" she yawned. 


"We could cancel...If you're too tired." 


"Nope, I'll be fine. Hopefully" she giggled "If not you're gonna enjoy yourself in sand dunes whiles I check out next to you." 


"And worms" she laughed. 




"Want some popcorn?" Yaz asked as they waited to pick up the tickets. 


"Yes please" 


"You should go and pee. You know you can't wait till the end." 


"I was just thinking that." 


"Go, I'll get the drinks.” 


"Alright baby." 


She paid for the food and drinks then moved to the side. Her phone pinged. It was her brother asking her to have a chat about some problem he had so she quickly answered back explaining she was in the cinema. Malik was always confining himself to her, sharing all his problems. And although she was the youngest of all her siblings, he often treated her as the older sister. 


"Done" Theta said coming back "Everything alright?" 


"Mmmm?" Yaz mumbled texting then looked up "Yeah, sorry" she put her phone in a pocket "Malik, he wants to talk to me about something. I just told him we're in the cinema. I might meet up with him tomorrow. Look what I got for you?" She waived M&M packet in front of her face. 


"Aaaaaa...You remembered." 


"Course I did...Let's go in." 


As they sat down Yaz still struggled keeping awake. She had no clue how she would last the whole movie but had no heart cancelling as Theta was banging on about it since it started playing. Twenty minutes into it she was dowsing off and then twitching each time someone would yell from the screen but then managed to come around somewhere in the middle of it trying to catch up with a plot as Theta explained exited in her ear. The movie seemed as though it was never ending, and she was grateful when the credits finally rolled. But when the lights came up, she was met with Thetas delighted smile, so it was worth the pain. She hoped next to Yaz through the garage excited like a kid then started singing the song from the movie laughing how it echoed through the garage and some kids from the other part of the garage joined her making Yaz laugh. 


"It was so cool when that worm was flying" Theta said sitting in the car 


" was good." 


Theta burst out laughing. 




"You look cute when you lie." Theta laughed "There's no flying worm. I'm fucking you around. You were snoring ten minutes into the movie." 


"I'm sorry." 


"C'mere you" she pulled her by the jacket into a kiss "Thank you for putting up with it. I'm sorry it wasn't fun for you." 


"That's alright. You had fun, I had a nap, everyone got something out of it" she laughed "Thank god it's Friday and I don't need to get up tomorrow" she said buckling the seat belt. 




They had a lie in the next morning. Even Lola was sound asleep not interested in waking up. Yaz quickly glanced at her phone then left it back on the side table and draped her arm around Theta pulling her across the bed like a rag doll making her giggle. 


"What's the time" Theta asked. 


"Early" she mumbled into her shoulder. 


"No, it's nooot" she chuckled. 


"Half eleven" 


"We need to go shopping." 


"No, we don't.” Yaz kissed her shoulder again. 


Theta rolled on her back giggling "There's a draft going through the fridge" she said dropping a kiss to Yaz's nose. 


"Mum's got food..." she said without opening her eyes. 


"So, we're just gonna steal it?" 


"Mmmm...or crash their lunch time" she giggled lazily running her palm down Theta then snuggled her head on her chest humming content and falling asleep again. 


Lola woke up wagging her tail, giving few kisses to Theta then lied back down next to her so Theta gave up on getting them up. She lazily ran her fingers through Yaz's hair falling asleep again. 


It was almost one o’clock when they finally got out of bed. Theta found a few eggs in the fridge and some leftovers of bread and scrambled some eggy bread for late breakfast. 

Yaz put her phone on a side and quickly ate then got up and started getting dressed. 


"We need milk" Theta yelled from the kitchen cleaning the table. 


"Just WhatsApp the list babe" Yaz said buttoning her trousers "And take the rubbish out I'll throw it out on a way." 


"Alright babe" she took her phone and texted the list, but the message wasn't pinging on Yaz's phone, so she went to check. WhatsApp was already open on her screen and Theta froze reading the last message. 


"Please get away for at least an hour. I need you so much. Pleaseeee" the message read across the screen and Theta felt as though the ground opened up beneath her feet. Her heart was beating so fast she put her hand on her chest, her chin wobbled, and tears collected in her eyes. 


"Did you send the list?" Yaz came to the kitchen putting her jacket on. "I need to be fast the store's gonna shut." 




"Why what babe?" She said taking the car keys and her wallet from the table. 


"Why would you do that to me?" 


"Do what? What are you talking about?" She shoved the keys in her pocket and looked up "Theta?" She frowned confused as she realized she was about to cry "Babe...what's wrong?" She reached out for her, but Theta stepped away. 


"Don't touch me! Don't you dare!" 


"Theta what the fuck?" She frowned. 


"Why? Whyyy....Whyyyy would you do that to me? I've been nothing but honest with you. I trusted you so much!" She burst out crying and covered her mouth with her hand as she crumbled into tears. 


"Theta what the fuck are you going on about?" 


"Who is she? Who are you seeing?" 


"WHAT?" Yaz blinked utterly confused. 


"Don't make an idiot out of me. I'm not that stupid. The message?" she grabbed her phone shaking it "Who are you texting with? Jesus Christ what is it with me?" She left the phone on the table and turned towards the sink crying her eyes out "Why is this happening to me all the fucking time? Why would you hurt me like that?" 


"What message? ...What are you going on about?" Yaz took her phone and saw the message on the screen. She closed her eyes exhaling. "Oh, my fucking this is from my brother. It's his message...Pleaseeee look." 


"Oh, come ooon!" she turned around ".... How stupid do you think I am? ...I need you so much...Your brother talks to you like that? I can't believe this is happening to me." She covered her face with her hands crying. 


"Theta for fuck’s sake I'm not lying...Loook!!..." she put the phone on the kitchen top in front of her. "It's from Malik...His girlfriend is cheating on him, he sent me the message he found on her phone from some bloke...Remember yesterday? ....Remember I told you he said he wants to speak to me about something?...It was this. Just pleeeease fucking look at the conversation" she put her hand on her shoulder and Theta finally looked down to the phone "Look's from his number." She scrolled through the conversation "I'm not cheating on you darling. Why the fuck would I ever do that?" 


Theta wiped her face and snaffled taking a phone with a shaking hand. 


"See...It's not me baby. I was literally just chatting with him when I was getting ready. I'm not cheating." She said quietly as Theta went silent staring at the phone. "Do you believe me now?" She turned her around slowly and Theta raised her gaze as tears rolled down her face. 


"I'm sorry" she cried out. 


"C'mere you silly sod" Yaz pulled her in closing her arms around her. 



"I'm so sorry" She cried into her neck with a shaking voice as her hand clenched her jacket. "My message wasn't going through, so I took your phone to look, and I saw..." Jaz pulled back and cupped her face. 


"You didn't even look who sent it, did ya?" 




"You silly snuggle bug. I'd never do that to you, ever." She smiled. 


"I thought you're..." 


"Theta...whyyy? Whyyy the fuck would I do that?" 


"I don't knoooow." 


"I'd never fuck you around, ever. I love you for fuck sake" She said wrapping her fingers around her face and Theta reached out holding her wrist trying to calm herself down 


"I'm so sorry. I panicked, I..." 


"No shit...Bloody hell babe you can really flip out.... Can I get a snog now?" 


"Yeah" she smiled, bringing her hand to the side of her neck and pulling her in. 





"What's wrong?" Theta whispered placing small kiss to the side of her breast and pulled the duvet over them. 


Yaz exhaled as her fingers ran gently through her hair. "Why did you think I would ever do that to you? " 


Theta sighed trailing her fingers over her arm "Because people do it to each other...even after twenty years. They do it when they have kids, they do it while planning a wedding. That's the scary thing about it." 


"But I'm not that kind of person." 


"I don't think you are baby...I never thought in million years you would be...that's why I was so shocked when I saw that message, I just froze. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Please understand me." 


Yaz hooked her finger underneath her chin and raised her gaze. "Please promise me something." 


"What baby?" 


"That you will never freak out like that on me before talking to me. I would never do that to you in million years. If I wasn't happy with you Theta, I would break up with you, I would never cheat. So please if either of us ever feels unhappy, I want us to talk, try and work it out. If we can't then split up. But I never wanna have this lack of trust between us again." 


"Alright baby, I promise. I don't want that either." 


"Once we start having that babe, it will destroy us and everything we have. You can't have a relationship without trust. It doesn't work." She brushed her thumb over her cheek. Her eyes filled with tears and it pained Theta to know she hurt her. She moved up and curled herself around her, her hand palming her cheek. 


"I promise, I love you so much. I'm so sorry, please forgive me." 


"There's nothing to forgive baby. All I want is for this never to happen again. C'mere" she pulled her into a gentle kiss closing her arms around her and rolling her on top of herself. Her hands palming every part of her, trailing down her back and over her sides. "Love you, so fucking much" she whispered with little smile. 


"I adore you. You're everything to me." Theta kissed her deep and passionate, her lips grazing gently down the side of her neck and over her shoulder then went back to her lips as Yaz's arms hooked beneath her thighs pulling her in possessively. She slowly sat up and pressed herself against her. Her fingers gripped the side of Yaz's leg, and she swayed her hips slowly, watching as Yaz exhaled and their eyes locked. 


"You're stunning" Yaz whispered palming her breast and tracing fingers slowly down the curve of her waist and the other woman smiled softly. 


"I love much" she leaned over kissing her gently.  


She watched as Theta craned her neck and slammed her eyes shut, golden hair framing her face bathed in the soft light of the room. Shadows playing against the curves of the small breast and the soft belly, her cheeks flushing as she exhaled, her lips half open and fingers trailing gently over Yaz's chest sending shivers down to her belly. Then she reached for her hand lacing their fingers together as she moved slowly against her, drawing air out of her lungs, and Yaz's back arched in response as she picked up a pace. Her long hair spread across the pillow, eyes rolling at the back of her head falling into the sheets as every cell in her body tingled. Theta ran her finger over her lips watching her fall apart beneath her. Yaz flashed her a drunken smile, her fingers closing at the back of Thetas neck pulling her down into a lazy kiss. 


"That was hot" she smiled tucking blonde curls behind her ears and rolled her lover across the bed.


Theta giggled falling into the mattress still catching a breath and moving hair that got stuck to her face as Yaz hovered over her. "Hey gorgeous" she smiled doting kisses on her lips and closing arms over her shoulders then fell silent as Yaz's painted her face with her lips and slipped her hand between her thighs. 


"I wanna watch you" she said into her lips and Theta gazed at her with a soft smile. Hazel eyes half open, blurred, pale cheeks now flushed, fingers closing at the nape of Yaz's neck, the creese between her brows getting deeper and Yaz pressed her lips to it. 


"I..." a sigh barely audible left her lips and she draped her leg over Yaz's sides. 


"God you're beautiful" she kissed her deep and passionate swallowing her whimper as the other woman trembled in her arms. 




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