Chapter 12



Yaz was lying in bed looking at the ring on her finger while Clara was in the shower. It was absolutely beautiful, but very unusual. Gold with a stone that changed color under the light and the same symbols as those in Clara's diary engraved all over. Yaz had never seen anything like it in her life nor could she understand what the symbols meant. Clara explained the meaning of it and how it represents a vow of love, a promise, a bond between two people that will last forever and how the inscription is thousands of years old. It was so beautiful that she couldn't stop looking at it.
She also couldn't believe that they were actually engaged. Her brain struggled to process the information that was so surreal she felt like it was happening to someone else, not her. That was it, Clara was her completion, the person she would spend the rest of her life with. The person she wanted more than anything in this world, and her heart couldn't take it. It felt like it was going to explode. She went through a strange series of emotions from happiness to moments where she had to hold back tears. And right now she was having one of those moments where tears were running down her face and soaking into the pillow.
She would have to tell her family, if not now, then when she got back. Sonya would just tell her "I told you so", her dad had already called Clara her wife, but she knew her mother would worry that it was all too soon. And maybe it was, but Yaz didn't care, she had promised herself six weeks ago that she would grab what was there with both hands while it was still there for the taking and how she wouldn't question it and let the universe guide her. She was completely in love with this woman, who from the first day she met her felt like she was running under her skin.

"Hey you...daydreaming?" Clara came to bed and kissed her temple

"Cuddle" Yaz opened her arms making room for her between her legs

"Mmmm...comfy" she scrunched her nose wiggling her bum making herself comfortable on top of her and Yaz automatically locked her legs around her


"Much...I'm cold" she snuggled pulling covers over their heads giggling

"You are cold honey...but this is nice...I'll keep you worm" she smiled moving hair from her face kissing her

Yaz loved it when the weight of her body pressed her into the mattress like that. There was something about it that made her feel safe. It was stupid because Clara was so tiny and seemed so fragile at times, but when she was like that, she felt like no one could hurt her or harm her like she was protected from the world, a world that many times was very unkind and brutal to her.

"So tomorrow we go and watch the sunrise?" Yaz asked, stroking the back of her head and sliding her hand down her shoulders. She felt her warming up a little. Her coldness greatly worried Yaz and she was going to talk to her about it. She was worried that it was a medical condition that, if left untreated, could cause serious problems. It's not normal for someone to feel so cold all the time. But now she especially felt like ice, so Yaz didn't mind the lack of oxygen under the covers, it was minor discomfort for Clara to be warm.

"You really don't need to go with me darling. I know you love your sleep"

"I do, but I'm going. I can sleep later....Aaa that tickles" she giggled as Clara ran her fingertips at the back of her leg

"You will be grumpy when I wake you up...I know you"

"I promise I won't"

"Iff you are I'm leaving you in bed"

"Deal...Clara..." she said trailing fingers down her back

"Yeees my lovely?"

"Kiss me" ....



It was five in the morning and Clara was already up getting dressed. Yaz was rolled up like a burrito in a duvet and she found her so adorably cute sleeping she didn't want to wake her up. Well not just yet anyway. Looking at Yaz sleeping was one of her favourite things. When Yaz slept there could be a Dalek invasion going on and she would sleep right through it. She would be so checked out that Clara could literally do whatever she wanted with her, and the most she would get out of her would be the occasional moan. Yaz also talked in her sleep, she did it a lot and often, especially when she was extremely tired and it would be fun for Clara to ask her random questions waiting for an answer. Mostly she would get incoherent answers, but sometimes she would get an interesting or funny answer. Like the other one, she had a whole conversation with her about what she wanted for dinner, she also got out of her what she was going to get for Christmas and where Yaz was hiding it, which was cheeky, but Clara just couldn't help herself, it was stronger than her .

She fastened her braces and put on the cuffs while looking out the window. It was still dark outside, but the lights from the castle illuminated the surrounding fields. It was peaceful, nice away from everything. It calmed her mind to look into the distance and see nothing but nature. Today she was happy and full of hope that today is the first day of her new lifeLife with a woman who held her hearts in her hands, healing them from all the pain that had accumulated in them over the centuries of her long life. But it was all still fragile to Clara and she will continue to feel that way until she eases her soul. Also her troubled mind scared her and every time she thought about it, she would feel anxious and her thoughts would start racing.. So she pushed it away again like stepping on it keeping it under the water hopping it will drown and never resurface again. But no matter how many times she would step on it, it wouldn't drown. It kept coming back for her.
And the only times she would feel free would be in Yaz's arms with her lips on hers, feeling her hands trailing down her curves and her fingers in her hair. She was her light in the darkest of times, the serenity that calmed her mind.
But just for today she was truly happy from the bottom of her hearts. And there was a reason she was going to the lakes. It was to give a message to the wind and the morning sun for universe to grant her this one wish she had, that was life with Yaz.

"Hey sleeping beauty..." she trailed a finger down Yaz's nose then wrapped her fingers around her face "Wake up Yaz darling" she said softly

"Mmmmm..." Yaz moaned and kissed her palm "five more minutes pleaseeee"

Clara smiled "Alright beautiful"

She let her sleep for another five minutes looking through the window then finally got her up.




It was still and very quiet outside, frost covered the grass and crackled under their feet. The cold air hit their cheeks as they held hands and walked towards the lake. Yaz was glad she got up even though her soul was still sleeping when they got to the lobby, now suddenly she woke up when cold air hit her lounges.

"Look Yaz" Clara whispered pointing at a does grazing in the distance

"Awwww...they are so gentle"

"So beautiful isn't it"

They came to the lake and it was beautiful. A thin sheet of ice was forming at the edges, which sparkled like crystals in the soft light appearing from the sky. Clara stood behind Yaz and wrapped her arms around her waist lacing their fingers on her stomach. She rested her head on her shoulder and kissed her cold cheek. It was beautiful as the sky slowly became lighter and the sun rose behind the mountains.

"Look's waking up" she said quietly

"You know what day it is today?" said Yaz rocking gently in her arms

"What day beautiful?"

"First day of me being your future wife" she smiled turning her head to meet her gaze and Clara kissed her gently, deeply and passionately one of those kisses that made Yaz fall apart in her arms

"I love you with all my hearts Yasmin"

"I'm so happy with you Clara...I've never been happier in my life" she leaned on her enjoying in a snuggle "There was something about you that spoke to my heart from the day I met you my love"

"I know what that was Yaz?"

"What darling?"

"Our hearts having a conversation"

Yaz giggled "Yeah? And was was the conversation about?"

"Mmmm...something like...Hello you there...You seem familiar to me...Yea you seem familiar to me too...I like you...You know what...I think I like you too, that beat...that sounds familiar to me...Do you wanna go out for date? Yeah I'd love too"

"You're so fucking crazy you know that" she laughed "But you'd be was something like that...So what do they sound like when we kiss?"

Clara turned her around and reached for her hand sliding it between the layers of her clothing and pressed it to her hearts.
"Feel them Yaz" she wrapped her hand around her face kissing her slowly deeply her heartbeats quickened and felt like drums on Yaz's palm. Their energy traveling through her like fire burning through her veins. Yaz moaned into her mouth grabbing at the lapel of her coat. They pulled back their heads resting on each other breathless and happy.

"I really fuckin love you" Yaz said into her lips

"I love you too beautiful. So much...But you know what?"

"What love"

"I'm freezing" she said smiling making Yaz laughed

"You look like a strawberry babe...look at those cheeks my god" Yaz squished her face between her palms trying to warm her up "Come on...let's go to bed"




Yaz sank into the kiss moaning into her lips and looking into her half open dreamy eyes. Her leg was draped over Clara's side, her hand trailing her back. She was deep inside her moving slowly, gently in a steady rhythm, while her other hand rested lazily on the pillow with her fingers tangled in Yaz's hair.
Yaz didn't want to fly, not just yet. She just wanted to feel her, to have her inside her as long as she could, and Clara saw it in her eyes, so took it slowly, kissing her and looking at her dreamily, she whispered to her how much she loved her.
She herself could easily stay like this for hours without letting go because being inside Yaz was the best feeling ever, her warmth wrapping around her, soft and gentle, knowing she was hers and seeing her melt in her arms under her touch. Of all the wonders of the universe nothing compares to this. She loved watching Yaz's eyes close at every movement as he slowly drifted away, losing herself more and more with each stroke of her fingers. Her breathing quickened and soft moans left her lips as she quickens her pace. Yaz tucked her head into her neck and wrapped her arm around her.
For Clara it was amazing to watch. She trailed kisses down her face and then kissed her deeply, picking up the pace. Yaz moaned loudly wrapping around her pulling her inside. Clara rolled her onto her back and trailed her lips over her neck and down her breasts. She felt her fingers gather her hair and listen to her moans.

"Please...please don't" Yaz begged her fingernails digging into Clara's arm

"Fly for me Yasmin" Clara whispered brushing lips on hers and kissing her deep so deep Yaz was coming into her mouth letting her swallow her moans. She shuddered and slumped in her arms head tucked into her neck and her hand wrapped at the back of her neck. She curled up around her wrapping herself around her body

"I don't think I could love you any more" she whispered into her neck and Clara kissed her head holding her tight

Clara gazed at her lovingly "I didn't think I could love you more than I already did beautiful, and yet I find myself loving you more each day"




Yaz ran her fingers down the curve of her hip traling her whole body mapping it under the covers. She knew it so well now. Every curve, every freckle, every little detail. Like the tiny tiny birthmark on the inside of her thigh that made her smile because only she was allowed to see it. It was hers, belonging only to her eyes. And there wasn't an inch of her body that her lips didn't touch and Yaz found that incredible. No one has ever belonged to her so much and she has never belonged to anyone like that. They leyed curled up gazing at each other.

"Hey wanna hear the news?" Clara said haply twirling Yaz's hair through her fingers


"My lawyer sent an email today...All the paperwork is ready for me to sign for the house"

"Really?...OMG babe" Yaz brought her hand to her cheek kissing her exited

"That's it I'm paying it as soon as we come home darling and by the New Year it's ours...Mmmm also I got a catalogue for the conservatory. I want us to choose together"

Yaz's chin started to wobble

" crying" she put her fingers at the end's of Yaz's lips stretching them into a smile "You are forbidden from crying over this missy"

The silly thing made Yaz giggle.

Clara wiggled and sat on the bed legs crossed all exited. "Aaaand...we have to talk other stuff as well wedding...I'm not fussed It's just a thing. In my mind you became my wife the moment I've put that ring on your finger but I'll do what ever you want"

"Not sure mind is spinning I never had a wedding"

" you want a dress?...I suppose you do...traditional or classic?"

"I don't know...I have to talk to my mum love...OMG" Yaz sat on the bed as well seeing her all worked up

"And family I don't have any but I know you have loads...Well I do have friends, many really I could call them. That would be weird, some are not even here...I'll have to take Tardis"

"You whaaa?" she frowned

"Nooo that's not the option not anymore...I'll think of something"

"Clara!...slow down!...OMFG you're gonna give yourself an aneurism" Yaz puts a finger over her mouth

"I'm just trying to think" she mumbled with a Yaz's finger still over her mouth

"We will sort everything out one by one...slowly...take a deep breath love"

"Alright...I'm just chuffed" she kissed her finger

"I can see that" she laughed stroking her hair and tucking it behind her ear "I've never seen you so exited...It's nice...But I'm still in shock I need a day or two to process it all"

"You have no idea how long I've waited Yaz"

"7 weeks?" she laughed

"In your terms in mine much longer" she reached for the back of Yaz's neck and pulled her in kissing her gently then slumping them back into bed




They were getting ready for another dinner, but Yaz didn't really want to go. She would never tell Clara this, but cuddling in bed with her was more appealing than sitting around a table with a bunch of strangers. And as much as Clara called herself socially awkward, Yaz didn't think of her as such at all. She more than knew how to stand her corner and was incredibly chatty. And if social awkwardness meant being completely honest about what was on your mind, Clara was definitely it. But Yaz herself would have more than welcomed that kind of awkwardness because she just felt intimidated and embarrassed feeling that everything coming out of her mouth was wrong. She also couldn't help but feel that she didn't belong in this world.
She grew up in a working, middle-class family in Sheffield that usually had enough, but it was often a tight squeeze for her parents. She is used to looking at prices before ordering food or collecting coupons for discounts. Clara, on the other hand, didn't have to do any of that. But then she was also a definition of "Money can't buy happiness". Everything about this trip was magical and now she knew why Clara had chosen it too. But the magic stopped for Yaz the moment she had to come down and face the other guests. She hoped it didn't show on her face because she would absolutely hate herself for it and she would never want to offend Clara who had obviously put not only time, effort and love into this, but a ton of money as well. Yaz knew because Sonya told her how a Christmas package in this place was about four and a half thousand pounds which made Yaz choke on her chicken nuggets.
She put on her beautiful dress and was happy with the way she looked though she still considered Clara to look way more sexierIn fact she was so anxious that it was easier thinking how Clara looked soo good that she was already melting her to bits. Then she remembered earlier and felt herself getting worked up. She wasn't sure iff her brain was malted, or she could seriously still feel her inside. Either way her brain was filled with filthy thoughts right now and she had to pull herself together iff wanted to survive tonight.

"You look stunning" Clara came up to her and kissed her trailing fingertips down her back

"I can't even look at you babe or I'm not gonna last this evening" she giggled and cupped her bum pushing her forward

"Right...keep your hands there Yaz and I'm not even gonna make it to the dinner" she moved her hands from her ass to her waist making Yaz giggle

"Please don't leave me alone down there"

"No chance...I promise...please don't be nervous"

"I'm trying...I'm sorry"

"I adore look beautiful. Let's go"




Reception was nice to her surprise and Clara introduced her to some lovely people. So it made it easier. Also she would either hold her hand or lightly place her palm on her back just as a reinsurance she was there.

"So Yasmin, Clara tells me you got engaged yesterday. How lovely, congratulations"

"Thank you yes...well, still trying to get my head around it" she smiled a bit nervously

"So you're a police interesting. Like a detective or?"

"No mam, traffic disputes mainly"

"Oh, I see"

"Yeah much less existing. But it's how I met Clara so I'm not complaining"

"See my dear universe moves in mysterious ways. I met my husband when I was serving him fish and chips at the local joint" she laughed


"Oh yeah, I've worked in a shop, pub, fish and chips place you name it" she snapped her fingers laughing

"I see you're having a nice chat?" Clara said coming up behind her

"Hey love, yes we are" she smiled at her

"Brilliant...see told ya...Here's your drink" she smiled giving her a glass of juice

"So Sharon where do you work?" Clara asked

"Oh, just part time for a Division"

"Excuse me?" Clara's face went whiter than usual and she reached for Yaz's hand

"Oh, sorry...Charity organization in Guildford. We call it a Division...slang really"

"Right...if you excuse me...I'll be right back" she kissed Yaz's temple and went away

The woman kept talking but Yaz was worried about Clara. "I'm so sorry if you excuse me I need to find Clara"

"No worries dear"

Yaz spent good ten minutes trying to find her until she finally did. Sitting on the steps outside in cold. Fresh freezing air hitting her face. She felt her hearts beating fast in her chest like drums and she was trying to calm them down.

"Clara?...OMFG Clara you will ketch a cold"

"Yaz go inside it's cold" she turned around

"No shit it's freezing...Not without you...why are you here?"

"Just needed fresh air"

"Bulshit ...Clara...what's going on?" she comes in front oh her and Clara takes her hand pulling her closer

"Oh, Clara..." she sighed worried as Clara placed her head on her stomach.

Yaz threaded her fingers through her hair "I really wish you tell me love"

She kisses her stomach pulling her onto herself with her arms wrapped around her upper legs. "Love ya" she lifts her head smiling and Yaz stroke her face moving her hair.

"Love you too Clara...but I would love you more if go inside and you don't sit on a cold stone"

"Come on let's go inside" she got up and placed a deep kiss on her forehead