Chapter 30




Another month passed, the Doctor and Yaz returned to their little getaway planet. The winter was harsh and the snow deep. They traveled several times to get away to a nice warm place and to celebrate their 6 month anniversary. Surprisingly there were no problems. For the two of them, the outside world almost didn't seem to exist anymore. Even the Doctor managed to forget for a while, but the words she heard on Atropos still haunted her every so often. From time to time, she would still wake up in a cold sweat, huddled next to her wife in the middle of the night.


"Look at her Yaz, she's so big" Doctor pointed happily to the monitor in the medic bay of the Tardis


The baby was getting bigger and stronger by the day, and they were both exited about each month passing eagerly waiting for it to be born. But Doctor still wasn't any smarter about how similar to her the baby is and as the time passed, she was less concerned about it as well.


"She is so pretty. Look at the little nose" Yaz smiled exited looking at the picture that showed every single detail


"And a little feeties" Doctor pointed on the screen "I can't wait to kiss those feet"


"Look at this...I still can't believe we made this"


"Me neither's seriously unreal" she takes the shot and gives it to Yaz


"Aaaaa...I really hate those things"


"Sorry..." she kisses her forehead "But you both need it. Come on mummy" she helps her down from the table


Yaz's stomach was by this point quite big, but it was growing at much slower rate than before.


"Help me to the shower?"


"Sure, let me just put this away...Hey I was thinking...fancy a trip tomorrow?"


"Yap I always fancy a trip? Where are you taking me?" she takes her hand walking towards their room


"Surprise...It's warm...and we would be alone" she smirks


"Warm and alone...magic words"



"OMG...dismantling Tardis, are you?" Yaz came back from the kitchen eating ice cream and walked into the console room that was covered with cables everywhere. Doctor had a full gear on, goggles, gloves and her apron and she was dragging cables from one end to the other.


"There's was blockage I had to sort out just in case for tomorrow. Hey, come and help me out..."


Yaz jumped at the opportunity and was next to her in a second "What?"


"Lift my goggles" Doctor said leaning towards her


Yaz lifts them up on her forehead


"Kiss me" she said smirking




"That helps" she grins


"Oh, sod off!!" Yaz puts her palm over her face pushing her away laughing "Come ooon give me something to do"


Doctor laughed taking her gloves and apron off " that panel and you will see a bunch of wires. See this" she gives her a little gadget "...connect it for me so I can get the reading"


" you can get a kiss" she laughs kissing her and zoomed off to the panel


Yaz was trying her hardest to reach the panel and when she did, she connect the little gadget.

"Alright done" she said satisfied


"Ok great" The Doctor peaked behind the pillar towards Yaz and couldn't help but laugh when she saw her grabbing the console with both hands trying to pick herself up off the floor. She was going to go and help her, but then she decided not to, knowing how desperately Yaz was trying to prove to herself that she could still do things despite her condition.


"You alright there Yaz?" she asked hiding her face behind the pillar laughing


"Yap...fine...Why wouldn't I be?" she barely managed to stand up on her own


"Wanna do more?"


"Yes of course" she pulled her top back down


"Ok...take that wrench and I need you to tighten that valve underneath the lever. You know the one that keeps getting loose all the time"


"Sure" she took the wrench and went down on the floor rolling herself on her back trying to get to the valve, but her stomach was in way and she couldn't get deep enough underneath the console.


"Did you, do it?" Doctor leaned her forehead on the pillar laughing her head off


"Just a minute!!" she yelled


Doctor walked up to her and stood above her laughing "Yaz … it's ok stop"


"Noo I can do it"


She grabbed her by the legs pulling her out

"Yaz …Yaz stop..."


"I could have done it you know" she frowns


"I probably would by the morning...I just have no heart looking at it till the morning...come on get up mummy" she pulls her by her hands


"I wanted to be useful" Yaz plopped her head on her shoulder disappointed and irritated with herself


"I know you did, and I can assure you Yaz you're very useful...but you do have your limitations now...Also I don't want you getting hurt desperately trying to prove it...but It was fun to watch" she smirks




"Come on...I need about an hour to finish this of, and we can go for a walk if want...It's beautiful out there"


"I'd like that" she kept her hands wrapped around her waist and her head on her chest listening to her hearts


"You have to let me go first" Doctor laughed shaking her head


"I don't want to" she giggles


"Should I just carry you around like a kangaroo then?"


"Yeah, why not" she giggles grabbing her braces with both hands "Than I could kiss you all the time" she pressed her lips on her neck


"Oh, don't do that Yaz" she scrunches her're giving me a head wonk"


"I know" she grins still kissing the soft skin of her neck tracing hands down her waist lifting her t-shirts out of her trousers "You smell nice"

"I smell of Tardis oil" she laughs


"I's sexy" she brushed her lips over hers looking at her seductively unbuttoning her trousers and pressed her lips onto her neck again


"You're totally cheeky" Doctor stumbled and her back hit one of the pillars. Her eyes were already half closed and after seven months of being together Yaz knew exactly which buttons to push "I'm being manipulated" she mumbled...



Later on, that evening Yaz was in the kitchen digging through the fridge for her second dinner. She took the glass container out and when she opened it up, she almost threw up on the floor from the smell.

"Can you please get another fridge for your stuff omg!" she yells from the kitchen, and as stood up she froze to death and dropped the glass bowl on the floor "DOCTOR!!!" she screamed as loud as she possibly could


"Yaz!!!!!" she yelled lifting her head up panicked


"DOCTOR!!!!!!" she screamed again, and the Doctor ran into the kitchen, jumping over all the cables and stairs and in a second she was at the kitchen door. She froze in fear when she saw the Angel standing in front of Yaz, tears streaming down her face




"Doctor" she stared at the statue freaked out of her mind "I can't hold it anymore"


"Do not move" she walked around it and stood in front of Yaz "Get out Yaz"




"Get out now!!!" she yelled at her the way she never did before pushing her with one hand to move away


Yaz left the kitchen, but she didn't want to move away from the hallway. The Doctor took out the sonic and scanned the creature, slowly raising the sonic to eye line for a quick read


"Yaz...listen to me very carefully"


"Yes listening"


"Go to the console and on a left side take the plate off. You will see a bunch of wires...forget them...what you need is behind's a cable...go and rip it out now...Go! ... Don't run Yaz"


She didn't care less, she ran as fast as she could and got down on all fours, tearing the plate off and pulling out all the wires. She could see the cable, but it was deep... really deep inside and she had no idea how to get to it.

She looked around and saw the wrench the Doctor had thrown on the floor "God give me strength please" she said desperately


The Doctor blinked, she couldn't take it anymore, she was in agony by this point, her mind was racing miles an hour thinking about Yaz, poor Yaz, and how she's going to get that cable. The Doctor knew where it was, and it was deep… deep inside the Tardis.


Yaz grabbed the wrench and squeezed as hard as she could reaching out as far as she could "Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr" she screamed "Come ooon pleaseeee" she managed to reach enough to pull one section of the cable out so she could grab it. The cable came out and Angel disappeared.


The Doctor stormed out of the kitchen and into the control room to find Yaz standing with a wrench in her hand bolted to the floor.


"Oh God" Yaz said in a shaky voice dropping the tool on the floor, hands shaking her legs giving up on her.


The Doctor grabbed her before she fell to the floor and pressed her against her chest. Yaz just collapsed kissing her face and lips crying her eyes out.


"It's's gone. It's gone beautiful" Doctor pressed her head on her chest holding her tight


"Stay here" The Doctor sat her down on the steps and zoomed around the console taking one of her shots and gave it to Yaz


"This will calm you down" she kissed her forehead and scanned her with the sonic then zoomed around the console kicking the cables with her boot dragging the mattress around


"Come need to lie down Yaz"


"Don't leave me" she said still panicked


"No chance...Not happening...Come on" she helped her up and Yaz was already feeling dizzy as the Doctor's injection knocked her out. She laid her on the mattress and lay behind her, waiting for a while until she fell asleep.


Yaz woke up in the middle of the night. The lights of the Tardis were dimmed and soft music played around. She saw the doctor bending over the console. She was calm inside and assumed the drugs were still working.


"Doctor...darling" she said quietly


"Hey sleepy head" Doctor smiled and walked up to her. She sat on the mattress and kissed her worried lips "How are you feeling?" Doctor stroked her cheek gently


"Better...Come lie next to me"


"I think that could be definitely arranged" she smiled kicking her boots off and lied next to her pulling her as close as she possibly could

"It's ok now Yaz...don't be scared I sorted it out"


"How did it get inside?"


Doctor took her hand and kept kissing her fingertips brushing them over her lips "The circuit I was repairing glitched and pulling the memory out of thd Tardis onto a screen...I'm so sorry it was my fault Yaz"


"No, it wasn't stop that. I got scared it was a Division coming for you"


"I must admit Yaz I was a bit petrified...Shouldn't be really using that word in a same sentence as Angel should I?" She scrunches her nose


"No, you shouldn't" Yaz smiled


"I'm sorry I yelled like the kitchen"


"It's ok babe no need to say sorry but you can really scream you know" she giggles "How can so much voice even come from such a tiny body?" she laughs


"Oh it can...and much more believe me" she laughs "I'm done with work...wanna go to bedroom?"


"Nah...I like this...It's romantic" she says stroking Doctors face gently


"I adore you my little head wonk" Doctor kisses her gently "Sleep now. Tomorrow will be a nice day"


Yaz tucked herself into her neck and fell asleep.

Doctor couldn't sleep. Her mind kept racing with million thoughts and having Angel in a Tardis in front of everything that was her reason for living gave her anxiety like nothing till now. She was scared to close her eyes this night, so she decided to stay awake