Chapter 13
Doctor is standing by the door ready to go. She had her usual attire on except a winter version with a navy jumper, winter braces and her little rainbow scarf on. She had a big backpack on her back she packed in secret.
"Doctor!!!!! Are you for real?? You're gonna freeze dressed like that in your trousers that don't reach and that coat. I mean it’s like Arctic out there…If you get ill I have no clue what to do…you do realize you’re stuffed”
Doctor laughs "Yaz I'm fine I assure you and these are Tardis made clothes Yaz…In fact my coat keeps me very warm…and no I'm not going to get ill. I rarely do, and If I ever did you have don't worry...let's go now. Oh, and by the way you look absolutely lovely" Doctor commented on her white winter jacket with a massive fluffy hood which she thought made her look absolutely adorable.
They walked for about two hours though the frozen forest. It was magical with snow glistening in a sun that peaked through the trees. It was quite and the only sound was their feet squishing the snow. They held hands chatting quietly along the way.
Doctor suddenly stopped showing Yaz to be quite and pointing between the trees on a couple of animals similar to stags but much bigger and with beautiful white hair and eyes blue like the sky. They stood there for nearly 20 min looking at them between the trees until a bird flying of from the trees startled them.
"That was magnificent...I've never seen an animal looking so magical in my life" Yaz smiled
"They change color of the fur in winter to white and their eyes go blue. Usually, they are light brown. Makes them see better in a snow so they don't get snow blindness...stunning, aren't they?"
They continued for another hour until they came to the edge of the mountain. And by the time they did it was already almost night "Aaa...I remember this...Not long to go Yaz...come on" she pulls her hand up the narrow path
They finally arrived to the opening in the mountain...a narrow entrance no more than 6ft wide "Here we are...Come on..." Doctor smiles walking in first and pulling Yaz by her hand
They walked in and Doctor takes her sonic out to light up the way through.
"Why are we here Doctor? It's a cave?"
"You'll see Yaz....patience" she smiles
Walking through the narrow tunnel they spot a light shining at the very end that could be seen through the darkness. As they approached closer to the end Doctor suddenly stopped
"Here we are....Close your eyes" she says smiling "And nooo peaking this time...don't spoil it"
Yaz smiles "Promise no peaking" she closes her eyes and Doctor leads her into the cavern. She can feel light on her eyelids shining through as Doctor leads her deeper into the cavern.
" can open them now!" she says beyond exited with a huge smile across her face
When Yaz opened her eyes her face dropped on a floor. She was completely speechless. The light was coming from a the most beautiful lake inside of the cavern that she couldn't even imagine in her dreams. The turquoise water was crystal clear showing the wite smooth rocks at the bottom. It was so clear it seemed like it was only one foot deep. The light from the water was reflecting on the stone ceiling making it all even more magical. Yaz couldn't figure out where the light was even coming from.
"I...I is this even real??? She looks at the Doctor mesmerized. How is it shining like that?"
"Illuminance microorganisms in the water Yaz....similar but not the same as plankton on Earth...millions of years old...Oh, don't worry...totally harmless...just magical. See that small opening up in the ceiling" she points to the small hole above them "sun reaches the water during a day...and those small organisms soak it up..and then they radiate it during the night...glowing like this...Beautiful isn't it?"
"Beautiful?...It's breathtaking Doctor" she couldn't take a smile of her face
"So...swimming?" Doctor smiles
"Whaaat??? But it's snowing outside??"
"Go. Touch the water Yaz...come on" she smirked
Yaz bends down putting fingers in the lake "'s hot"
"Yap..." Doctor takes her sonic out and scans the cavern "In fact this whole place is's about 82 degrees in here Yaz so I think we're safe from freezing for tonight "
"Tonight? Are we staying overnight?"
"Yap" Doctor smiles "If you want to? Wouldn't recommend going back at night Yaz"
"I'd love to but we...what did you pack?"
"Everything we need Yaz...Don't worry...So? Swimming?" she smiles
"Oh yeah...definitely!!" Yaz smiles
They got all the stuff out of the bag. Doctor thought of everything. Food, drinks, snacks, sleeping bag, towels, Yaz's pajamas, she even packed their toothbrushes and a toilet paper, and she sneaked in Yaz's hairbrush knowing how her hair gets tangled easily and she hates it.
"I'm totally impressed...that bag must have weight a tone...and you carried it all this way. Can you be any more beautiful than what you already are?" Yaz smiled looking up at her whilst setting up the sleeping bag on a floor
"Yah...I could actually. This isn't the best look"
"Oh just stop're stunning Doctor"
"Neah" she scrunches her face
They got all the stuff out and took their clothes off. The cavern became even more warmer throughout the evening.
"Carefully Yaz, the rocks are slippery hold my hand" she helped her getting to the water slowly
It was surprisingly deep in the middle. All the way to their chest. And as they walked in the ripples, they made in the water made it glisten even more. Yaz was playing like a kid making circles and they both giggled like kids. Doctor suddenly went quite standing in a water looking around the cave. Yaz came up behind her and ran her hands down her waist kissing her shoulder
"Why so quite suddenly? What's in that beautiful big head...tell me? Something made you sad"
"No Yaz.. actually, made me happy...Last time I was here I was a broken man trying to get away from everything and everyone, hiding from the word"
She turns around and meets her beautiful brown eyes gazing at her with so much love she could die that second and she'd be happy. She slides her hands around her waist pulling her close
"Funny how life goes, all I wanted was to die back then and jet I couldn't. And now I'm here with you I never want to, if that means never losing you"
Yaz stroked her face gently moving hair from her cheeks. Doctor closed her eyes melting into her touch with all her soul. She was running lazy circles down the back of Yaz's spine giving her tingles down her back. Yaz's fingers found the familiar path to the back of her neck stroking her gently pulling her in and pressing forehead onto hers.
"You're like a dream I never want to wake up from" Yaz says quietly
"Should we stay sleeping then?" she smiles gently
"Fine with me" She reaches for her soft lips kissing her passionately both falling into that dream.
Yaz's hands were wrapping around her body gliding through the water over her breast and curves of her waist. She was pushing her hips slowly until Doctors back was on the rocks behind her. Hard rocks against her spine and Yaz`s warm skin against her made her shiver
“I never wanna wake up from this” she said reaching for Yaz's hand and run fingertips over her open palm razing her gaze to meet Yaz`s eyes. The longing in them made Yaz feel like she was falling through the sky. This simple gesture gave her tingles down her spine. How can one touch make her fly.
She interviewed their fingers and pressed Doctors hand on the rocks reaching with her lips for the cruck of her neck driving quiet moans out of her lips while her fingers seeped through her hair that became so heavy from the water falling down her back and over her shoulders. She went into her daze whiles Yaz's soft lips ran traled her collar bone and over her breast and her fingers mapping the curves of her hips.
Yaz wanted her so badly, but she also wanted it to last. She kept sliding her fingers down her chest and around her breast down the curves of her waist. She wanted this moment to last for her as long as it could. To keep her in her beautiful daze, wanting so badly for her beautiful, gentile little wife to feel loved like never before. She kissed her again gently and passionately, Doctors beautiful long fingers wrapped themselves around her face.
Doctor found it difficult to breathe her hearts kept skipping their beats, she could swear she heard them echoing around. She kept gasping as Yaz's hand played lazy traces down the edges of her stomach. She reached for her hand and wedged it between her thighs.
"I need you" she said between her deep breathes slightly opening her eyes "I really need you" she rubbed her leg on Yaz's hip impatiently
"Alright love" Yaz smiled sliding her other hand around her waist to proper her up against the rocks
Doctor wrapped her arms around her neck immediately. Her eyes looked different almost filled with some despair
Yaz pressed her hard against the rocks kissing her passionately not letting her breath. She could feel her legs wrapping themselves around her and she rests her back on the rocks rocking her hips in slow motions moaning quietly and frowning her face in a most adorable way. Her cheeks were flushed, and her beautiful blonde hair curled up from the steam coming out of the water.
Yaz's hand was hurting but she couldn't care less. Her beautiful tiny wife seemed so light in the water even more fragile than ever before.
She traced her beautiful long fingers across Yaz's lips gazing at her with eyes half open. Her moaning echoing across the cavern walls as she muttered things in Gallifreyan making Yaz smile. She had no idea what she was saying but she loved every word.
"Fly off my love" Yaz whispered, and she did.
Her orange glow spread across the water in the most magnificent sight reflecting on the ceiling and cavern walls. She held on to Yaz resting her head on her shoulder breathing fast
"Stay...don't move" she barely spoke
"I'm not love" Yaz kissed her hair. She felt her trembling around her.
She finally moved her aching hand and ran her fingers down Doctors spine.
"Tell me" Doctor spoke quietly still lying her head on her shoulder
"Tell you what my love?" Yaz said quietly running fingers through her wet hair
"Tell me you're mine"
Yaz smiled and reached for her cupping her face "Always yours...only yours my beautiful Bighead" it almost made Yaz cry
They stayed like that for a while...kissing gently leaning on the rocks. The Doctor came around slowly. She kept smiling giving Yaz tiny, short kisses. She reached for her hands but Yaz yelped
"What's wrong?" she asked concerned
"Oh destroyed me a bit" she laughs "It's fine it will heal"
"Whaat?...Blimey Yaz... Let me look at that...I'm so sorry" she was absolutely mortified "I don't know what came over me Yaz"
"Love came over you" she kisses her laughing "Stop fussing...I'm fine" Yaz giggled
"Noooo you're not!!...I'm so sorry. Please let me look at it"
"Was that nice?" Yaz smiled
"Obviously yes… in fact beautiful...but."
"Well then, stop fussing" she kissed her shortly again" I'm not made out of sugar. Except I'm cold now...can we get out of the water?"
"Yes of course" her face was still horrified but she gently reached for her other hand helping her out of the water
"I am never doing this again Yaz and please if I ever do can you please stop me..." she keeps rambling on as she's getting out of the water
Yaz rolls her eyes "Will you stop this!!" she looks up to her eyes "This is the first time you've completely let yourself go. I've never seen you like that...So yes, you are doing that again...Don't you dare!!!...Plus I'm very proud of myself as well, so don't you take that away from me or I'll be seriously upset with you. Besides if you were a Tardis you'd make sure I learned how to make you fly" she walked of with a smug look on her face
"Whaaa ..Did you just compare me to Tardis?"
Yaz smiled cheeky raising her eyebrow. She wrapped towel around herself and stood by the water just admired how absolutely beautiful it was.
"You ok Yaz."
"Sure...just looking. It's just so beautiful. And so hidden from the world. I don't want to leave this place ever"
"Oh you do believe beautiful as it is you start getting bored with time. Besides there's so much more out there to see. Even more beautiful than this place. It might surprise you"
"I want to see the whole universe with you" she smiles looking at the lights on the ceiling
"And I with you Yaz. But right now, I want to see you either dressed or under these covers. Your choice, just please don't stand there naked I really don't want you getting ill"
"Since when have you become like my mother?"
"And since when have you defined me Yaz?...Come on please I'm serious. Besides I'm hungry? I really fancy a sandwich"
"I am actually" Yaz gets changed into her pajamas and sits next to her
"Do you miss us going around?"
"Right now...No... not at all Yaz"
"I thought you'd changed your mind by now"
"No chance...I've been flying around for centuries Yaz these 12 days are nothing. It's like someone giving you 2 minutes of vacation in a year. Would you change your mind after a minute....I don't think so"
"Well it definitely puts it in perspective when you say it that way"
"I once took 12 years of vacation. That was nice"
"I wish I could live as long as you"
Doctor gulps "Oh Yaz...don't say things like that" she kisses the side of her head
Yas made herself comfortable lying her head in Doctors lap.
"Were you ever in love?"
Doctor takes a pause and then sighs deeply "Yeah I was"
"What happened?"
"Things went many ways...Which is why I'm not letting it happen now" she starts gently stroking Yaz's hair
"Were you Yaz, ever in love? We always talk about me...and I actually know nothing about you. I would like to" she smiles
"I was... once...and it went badly wrong as well"
"I'm so sorry...I won't ask anymore if you don't want talk about it"
"Noo it's ok I want to tell you. I just haven't thought about it in a long time. It was someone I fell for who didn't fall for me back...I was just stupid"
"No you were not stupid Yaz. We can't pick who we love. And sometimes those that we do...well they are not worth it" she stroked her hair gently
"You're talking about The Master?"
Doctors face cramped, and her hand stood still on Yaz's head
"It's fine...I always knew it. Since that day you told us about who he was. I saw the pain in you, it felt familiar. Did you two ever?.."
"NOOOO!!!"Doctor jumped "'s complicated. But no" she didn't know what else to say or add to that so she went quite just gazing at the water
"You love him and hate him in a same time?"
She starts stroking her hair again looking to the distance of the cave "Yes...yes I do.
So tell me more Yaz...about yourself...I really want to know. Please"
"Not much to tell really...It was the only time, and it was a total disaster on an epic level. It was making me question myself in ways you don't want to question yourself. I wasn't in a good place when I met you. I was going there, slowly, but I still wasn't there. But when I met you, you made me believe in myself again" she reaches for her hand playing with her fingers and looking up to her "It's why I fell for you"
"You did the same for me Yaz in more ways than you know" she traces her finger from her forehead to the tip of her nose
"It's why my mum was questioning you at the time. She was worried about me. She didn't want me to get hurt again. God she wouldn't leave me alone for months questioning me about you" Yaz laughed
Doctor laughs "Your mum saw stuff we both didn't at the time...Or we did and we didn't dare to admit...She'd kill me now"
"Nah she wouldn't...She knows...can't hide nothing from her...She'd kill you iff you hurt me" she laughs
"Well not planning to...So I should be safe then" she laughs and brushes her finger on Yaz's cheek
"I know...It would be really embarrassing iff you had to regenerate because of my mum" she starts giggling like crazy
"You're seriously crazy you know that"
"You can always say to her...Im the Doctor, sorting out you daughter every night" she's giggling like crazy
Doctor bursts out laughing "What was in that water Yaz"
"I don't know it was some crazy woman calling herself Doctor and her hands and legs were all over me I tell you it was mad" she was having laughing fit
Doctor couldn't stop laughing "Stooop I'll coke on my cookies...What have I created"
"I's like magic...I'll call you Doctor magic fingers from now on"
Doctor laughed so hard she almost did choke on her cookies.
"Kiss me" Yaz went quite looking up to her playing with her hand intertwining their fingers together in the air
Doctor leaned down and kissed her slowly.
"I want you" Yaz smiled
"You just had me" she laughs "besides I don't think your hand would agree" she kisses her hand smiling
"Well lie next to me then and give me a cuddle" Yaz smiles playing with her hair
"I think that could be arranged" Doctor smirks
They took their clothes off and snuggled inside their little makeshift bed. Yaz snuggled up more pushing her bum as close to her as she could
"You can't get any closer Yaz even if you tired" Doctor chuckled kissing her shoulder
"I can always try" she smiles
Doctor put her arm around her and squeezed her "You're adorable you know"
"I still can't get my head around you"
"What do you mean Yaz?"
"You're so this…another person. It's like every time you say things like this makes my head spin. What is it…12 days ago I was afraid to touch you. And now all of this. My head is spinning"
"12 days ago Yaz I was afraid to touch you too" she said lazily outlining the curve of her hip with her finger
"Nooo you weren't!!!...You afraid...nah...I don't buy that" Yaz smiles
"Oh yes I was...Not the same way like you were but I still was Yaz"
"What the hell were you afraid of with me for?" she laughs
"I knew if I go there...cross that line, there's no going back for neither of us two. Besides, you kept giving me those head wonks all the time just looking at you. Believe me Yaz the struggle was real. The number of times I simply had to go away, remove myself from wasn't easy. I really fell for you Yaz...I really wanted you…so badly"
"Really? I did? Give you head wonks then...OMG" she smiles satisfied "Do you feel it now?" she wiggles her bum and smiles cheeky
"Yaaaz...that's not fair"
"Whaaat? What's not fair? I don't understand Doctor" she wiggles again smiling
"You're a tinker you know that...I totally underestimated you…see that’s the side I didn’t know about you" she smiled
"Oh yeah...How's that?" she keeps messing her around knowing full well Doctors switch, but she cannot help herself. The fact that she even had this much power over her was way too amusing for her to ignore
Doctor started kissing her shoulder gently and Yaz turned her head to meet her lips. She kissed her passionately running her hand down her stomach and up to the curves of her hips.
"Don't...stay like this" Doctor whispered when she wanted to turn around and pressed her hand gently on her stomach "I want you like this" she said slipping her hand between them and kissed her passionately
Yaz gasped into her lips. She was taking her so slowly and gently making her feel like she was falling into the abyss wrapping her arm around her chest and kissing her so gently and so passionately holding her in her arms that Yaz never felt safer or more loved.
"God, I love you so much" Yaz whispered into her lips
Doctor smiled "Close your eyes"
Yaz surrendered to her completely melting in her arms letting Doctor take the lead in this dance across their universe. Her heart was pounding so fast as heat was rising through her the only sound breaking the silence was moans leaving her lips. She mumbled something incoherent digging her nails into her arm that was holding tight
"Where you're going Yaz? Not going anywhere" Doctor smiled and held her thither kissing her neck
"CONTACT" she whispered in her ear consuming the most precious thing in the universe with all the love she had inside her.
Doctor kissed her shoulder and ran lazy traces with her fingers down her soft stomach. She smiled looking at her falling asleep curled up against her desperately looking for her hand to hold on to it.
One though went through Doctors mind lying next to her...There was nothing in this universe that will ever take Yaz away from her, and there is no price she wouldn't pay to keep her.
A loud bang woke up Yaz. She opened her sleepy eyes and Doctor wasn't around. She wasn't sure how much time passed. She got dressed and quickly sorted out her hair. She was so grateful Doctor took her hairbrush because her hair was all tangled up and sticking out messy.
"Doctor!!" she yelled across the cave but there was no answer "Doooctor!!!" she yelled louder but still nothing
She took a flashlight out of the bag and ventured down the narrow hallway leading from the cavern deeper into the cave. She was scared, her heart beating fast, but she was worried, and her fear wasn't going to stop her. Suddenly hands grabbed her from the darkness, and she screamed like Tardis was on fire.
"OMG Yaz it's just me!!!" Doctor laughed
"Stooop doing that to me!!!!!" Yaz smacked her on the shoulder then hugged her "What are doing here? "
"Just went for a walk"
"You whaaaaa? A a dark...what the hell...why?"
"Well I had to pee first and then I got distracted"
"You went to pee here?"
"Where am I supposed to go Yaz a snow?"
Yaz shakes her head in disbelief "I give up..." she starts laughing "So was it nice walk then? "
"Yeah...not bad...You rested? "
"I am... I actually lost track of time. I'm not even sure what time it is"
"Oh it's actually quite early evening Yaz...remember it gets dark early. How's you hand?"
"Better...look...told you" she laughs
Doctor reached out and stroked her gently. "I still can't get over the fact that you've allowed me to do that...I still feel bad about it Yaz"
"Well don't...You were so beautiful...I won't ever forget that"
Doctor swings her around pinning her against herself "You're the one who's beautiful...And I can't believe you're mine...I have to pinch myself sometimes"
"You're telling me!!!...I never thought in million years you'd even consider.."
"Why not? Why wouldn't I ever consider Yaz?...In fact I was considering for way too long...You're a beautiful soul Yaz" she kisses her lips shortly "And're beautiful lady"
Yaz starts laughing "You can say it you know"
"Say what?"
"What you're thinking...I say it to you all the time" she giggles flapping her eyelashes playing with the her hair twirling it through her fingers
Doctor reaches for her hand and starts walking through the tunnel "I'm a gentleman Yaz...I have a line"
Yaz giggles "Alright sexy hot stuff... if you say so"
Doctor rolled her eyes shaking her head and laughed. She continued down the hallway until they came back to the cavern.
"Hay, I have an idea!" Doctor says smiling
"Do tell my gorgeous smart wife" Yaz can't stop grinning how happy she was, over the moon
"I really like when you say that...Anyway, I have a map of this place from before when I was doing some research on it. How about we go and explore. I need to take some samples of soil and rocks as well on the way. It would be fun Ha? "
"I think that's a great idea"
"I will show you how to do that...And when we come back to Tardis I will show how all the analysis are made in case you ever have to do it yourself. It's a fascinating subject you know...We can find out exactly how old is this place, all the climate changes that happened...even natural disasters that may have happened in a past" Doctor is getting into her nerdy self excited that she has finally someone who's willing to listen
"Doctor" Yaz stopped for a moment pulling her by the hand
"Yes Yaz?" she turns around a bit worried
Yaz's expression changes to almost so emotional she's about to cry
"Yaz? Are you alright?"
"I just..."
"What?" Doctor says confused and worried
Yaz grabbed her braces and snuggled into her chest "I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me...I'm just so emotional"
"Is something worrying you Yaz?" she runs fingers dow her back
"No" she sighed into her chest "I just get so overwhelmed...I can't tell you how desperately I wanted this...for so long.'s just... so much"
Doctor smiles relieved "Oh god scared me...I thought something was wrong for a moment. It's ok to feel that...nothing is wrong with you. Just something I think we both suppressed for so long it now feels like we're gonna explode" she wrapped her fingers around her face lifting her head up "It's nice? Ha? ...Nice head wonks" she smiles gently "If it makes you feel any better It's no different for me...I haven't felt like this in a long time Yaz...I don't even think I ever have...not like this...not like with you...I love you my little head wonk" she smiles gently and Yaz reaches for a kiss
"Come on this will be fun you'll see" Doctor pulls her by the hand

