Glamour and Shadows 

1954 US

Yasmin Khan, a talented young costume designer from the UK, moves to Los Angeles in a pursue of her career. She meets Frances, a rising movie star. Both women struggle each facing their own challenges from racism to misogyny. As their friendship deepens into a powerful relationship, together, they have to navigate career struggles and societal norms.


Trigger warning
While this is a beautiful love story about acceptance and understanding, this is also not a story for everyone. It deals with racism, misogyny and mental health issues. It contains foul language, body shaming, physical and verbal abuse.

Human 13th and Yasmin Khan AU

This story is E (explicit) Some chapters contain explicit sexual content there for it is not suitable for anyone who in not full of age. 

Number of chapters; 1 / ?

Rating: E


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Rating: 4 stars
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