Chapter 24




Morning arrived faster than either Alex or Yaz had wanted. Struggling to get out of bed and get ready, they both dragged their feet around the house half asleep, knocking into each other around the room realizing while staying up late was nice, it was also the stupidest idea ever. They were running late and trying their best to get ready as quickly as possible, but Alex spent unusually longer time in the bathroom this morning and Yaz was starting to grow nervous. She quickly put on her dress and tied her hair back before knocking on the door. 


" alright baby?" 


Alex opened the door in floods of tears "Noooo" 


"OMG Alex...what's wrong?" 


Alex grabbed her by her wrist pulling her inside and shut the door quickly. 


"What's wrong.... why are you crying? Something hurting you?" she asked worried. 


"Nooooo" she nodded her head "Just give me a cuddle please." 


"Hey...hey...C'mere beautiful" she wrapped her arms around her gently "What's going on baby? Talk to me" she asked worried out of her mind as Alex was still not making it clear what's going on just crying uncontrollably into her shoulder 


"It's just...I'm supposed to go out like this" 


"Like what baby I don't understand?" 


"Like this...without make-up...and I just..." she crumbled not able to finish her sentence 


"Your mind playing up on you again?" 


"Mmmmmm" she nodded crying her eyes out clutching Yaz's dress 


"Oh baby..." she hugged her tighter 


"I'm sorry... I'm just..." 


"Tiered and overwhelmed baby it's alright...Listen's what we're gonna do" she pulled away and cupped her face between her palms wiping her tears "You're gonna put your makeup on cause I'm not having you feel like this today...not today" 


"But she said no makeup..." 


"I don't give a fuck what she said" Yaz shook her head "You put your makeup on baby...alright? Would that make you feel better?" 


"Mmmm" she nodded through tears "I'm so pathetic" 


"No, you're fucking not...don't ever say that about yourself...You're fucking brilliant and gorgeous..." she said dotting kisses all over her face "...and smart and sexy...super sexy" 


"God Yaz...what do you see in me?" 


"My fucking future..." 


"I'm having a melt down...and I love you and I'm so fucked up head is in a mess" 


"No, you're not...I mean you are having a meltdown, but you're not fucked up...Now come on baby...put your makeup on darling. Take what you need with you and then you're just gonna take it all off when we get there...ok?" 


"Alright" she nodded kissing her with a tiny smile 

"I love you" she stroke her palm over Yaz's face gently "so much...." 


"I love you too gorgeous" Yaz wrapped her fingers around the side of her neck "Want me to help you?" 


"Just be here...don't go" 


"Alright baby...I'm here" she kissed her one more time gently "Come on...let's get you ready" 


"What if she gets upset with me?" 


"No, she won't...she's not an ass" 





"I'm so sorry for that" Alex said sitting in a passenger seat as Yaz thought it was a better idea for her to drive this morning, giving Alex time to calm down. 


"Sorry for that earlier?" 


Yaz grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles "Already told you...don't ever say sorry for how you feel" 


"I haven't had a melt down like that in a while" 


"Then it was already overdue then" Yaz smiled 


"Suppose so" Alex laughed "I'm so worried...We not gonna be there Yaz when they set everything up. What if it goes wrong?" 


"It's noot" 


"But what if it does? What if it's not how we want it?" 


"We gonna ask for a refund" she giggled 


"I'm serous"


"So am I" she laughed then glanced at Alex who was in ten different types of pain at this point as her mind was rolling one potential problem after the other 


"It's gonna be perfect" she said reassuring 


"I hope to god you're right" 


"I am right...Once they get your mum, my mum and my granny on their case believe me everything is gonna be perfect" she giggled 


"My mum has those sketches printed out" Alex laughed 


"And my mum has a copy" Yaz burst out laughing 


Alex fell silent for a moment then suddenly jumped "What about the cake Yazee? OMG...we didn't make room in a fridge" 


"Oh well...suppose we can be without it" she giggled 


"Yazeeee...I'm serious" 


"I think Charlie is perfectly capable of making room in a fridge" 


"I should call her...I'm gonna call her" 


" call her then" she shook her head laughing as Alex was digging for her phone in her bag. 


She was having a bad morning, and her lack of sleep was exacerbating her anxiety. Yaz learned by now to just go with it and be there as a support as much as she could without asking too many questions. 


"Muuuum...super important. Pleaseeee make room in the fridge for a cake...I completely forgot I don't know what the hell I was...." 


"I did it already Alex take a breath" 




"It's alright.... it’s done...we got it. Please relax...go make yourself looking like a bride and enjoy yourself baby"


"It's becoming difficult for me to focus right now...I'm really trying"


"I's ya" 


"Love you too" Alex pouted her lips and put her phone down "She already did it" 


"Seeeee..." Yaz smiled at her "Come's a perfect day Alex….We're getting married baby!!" Yaz screamed in a car making her laugh then pulled down the window "We're getting married today" she yelled out of the open window beeping 


"OMFG Yazeeee..." Alex burst out laughing 


"I'm marring Alex Sigma!!!!" she screamed 


"Congratulations!!" a random man standing by the streetlights yelled back at her 


"Thanks mate" she yelled passing him by


"Aaaaaa....Shut uuuup!!!!" Alex laughed like crazy then leaned over and pressed the horn herself laughing 






Yaz almost fell asleep while having her hair washed. She had trouble keeping her eyes open and felt dizzy from not getting enough sleep or food, so Alex dashed to the nearest store to get them both something to eat while she waited for her hair to be done. She was straining to stay awake herself, wondering how she would make it until the end of the day. 


"You look really tired" Lilly noticed as Yaz was dosing off 


"Oh god...we were up till six in the morning" 


"Ufff...that's brutal" she laughed 


"My family came...also I think it's nerves" 


"It gets like that...I haven't slept at all a day before my wedding...I was too excited" 


"I'm not usually that just hit me yesterday morning...OMG I'm actually getting married" 


"Oh, I know the feeling...You just rush around all over the place and then you wake up one morning and realize you're getting married in 48 hours" 


"OMG yes totally" 


"Do you know each other for a long time?" 


"Since July" Yaz giggled 


" at first site" 


"Definitely" Yaz smiled 


"It's nice when it happens that way. You seem very happy together" 


"We are" 


"Alex is glowing. I've never seen her like that...she's a good girl bless her" 


"She's the best" Yaz smiled haply "So you're Charlie's friend?" 


"Actually, my mum is...they share the love for pottery and local pub" she giggled 


"Hiya" Alex smiled from the door " you tuna Yazee" she waived a bag with sandwiches "...and a coffee..." 


"Oh god I need that" 


"Eat first Yazee...don't want you passing you go you coffee as well" 


"Oh thanks...that's really sweet of you. I didn't have time in the morning so it's my first.... Oh thank you so much for those cakes" 


"That's alright" Alex smiled sitting down in a chair 


"Glad you like dad made tons" Yaz laughed 


"I eat too much sweets" 


"I don't think anyone can beat Alex in that" Yaz giggled 


"True" Alex laughed "If it's in front of me I'll eat it" 


"And stay slim unlike me" Yaz added 


"True...but you have boobs Yazee I have raisins" she looked down her top in disappointment. 


"You can always fix that...I can't get rid of my ass" Lily laughed 


"Had enough of surgeries for a lifetime...they will have to do" she shrugged. 


"They're perfect" Yaz smiled 


"Well glad you think so cause that's all you're getting" she giggled 


"Alright're done. You can have your sandwich and a coffee now" she said wrapping a towel over Yaz's head


"Thank youuuu" 


"Come're next" she turned to Alex "Park your bum" she tapped the chair 


"Hmmm...." she sifted through Alex's hair 


"Nooo!" Alex looked up at her 


"Just a little" 




"Alex...don't be a baby...just a millimeter...I have to cut the ends" 


She huffed pouting her lips 


"'re getting married...I swear I will only cut a little" 


"Promise" she pointed a finger at her 




"Oh, alright then" she shrugged 


"My's just grows you know" she laughed shaking her head 


"That's my's not just hair" 


"I knoooow I knoooow...but even gold needs to shine girl" 


"Point you remember my accident?" 


"Do I remember? Are you for real? I'll never forget it as long as I live. I never saw anyone crying so much in my life" 


"Oh god" Alex giggled 


"What accident?" Yaz asked confused 


"So I get a call at nine in the evening and Alex is hysterically crying on a phone so much I thought someone died" 


"OMG what happened?" 


"I burned my hair with a hairdryer" Alex laughed 


"Whaaaaa? Hoooow?" 


"I had my hair just over my shoulders took forever to grow, and I was going out with Annie and her friends...So I rolled it on a the whole front part" 




"She held the hairdryer there for fuck knows how long until the hair snapped" 


"OMFG Aleeeex" Yaz burst out laughing 


"It was was all over the bathroom floor all around me...I thought I'm gonna die" 


"So, she came to salon at almost ten for me to fix it" 


"Hence this hair style I have now Yazee" 


"But I like it" Yaz smiled "I can't imagine you any different to be honest" 


"I loved it long... but I suppose this is more practical...then I dyed it blonde...she convinced me" 


"I'm just gonna pop to the toilet" Yaz got up 


"It's downstairs honey" Lily pointed "Talking about toilet" she tilted Alex's head more backwards "I heard what happened last time...Charlie called me.... Why didn't you tell me?" 


"I didn't wanna cause a scene" Alex purist her lips 


"She won't be coming back" 


"I'm so sorry..." 


"No no... you do not apologize for some dickhead treating you like a piece of shit.... That was way out of order.... I’m not having that shit Alex...She can keep her opinion out of my salon. I'm so sorry it happened here. You do know you're always welcomed?" 


"I knoooow" Alex's eyes opened up looking up at her as her chin wobbled "Thank youuuu" 


"Nothing to thank me for...By the way I told everyone" she laughed 


"OMG" Alex laughed 


"Fuck it...if she can give it, she can take it beach...You're way too polite Alex...should've told her to fuck right off.” 






"Happy?" Yaz turned to her as she drove back home "You look stunning" 


"Mmmm" she grinned silly "You look gorgeous a cute doll" She wasn't able to wipe the silly smile off her face since they left the salon and couldn't take her eyes off Yaz looking breathtakingly beautiful either "I'm so nervous now" 


"I'm starting to be I won't lie" she giggled. After a short moment of silence Yaz reached with her hand for Alex's and placed it to her lap "Baby" 


"Mmmm" Alex turned with a smile 


"You're gonna be my wife" she grinned and looked at her exited 


"Iiiiii knoooow....I knoooow Yazee....It's so maddening" 


"I really fucking love you" she said squeezing her hand quickly before changing the gears 


"I love you too gorgeous" she flinched as her phone rang and reached for her bag 


"Hey mum.... are they done?" 


"They are.... Where are you?" 


"On the way home.... what does it look like? Oh, wait I'm putting you on loudspeaker.... Here..." 


"Hey Charlie....she looks fucking amazing...I'm gonna have a nervous fit today" 


"And she does as well mum!!!" Alex giggled 


Charlie laughed on the other end "I'm sure you both look lovely." 


"Garden...tell meeeee" Alex yelled "I'm dying here" 


"It looks fantastic." 


"It does?" Yaz asked exited 


"Really? .... tell us more.... Floor it Yaz" 


"I wanna get married not killed" Yaz laughed 


"Honestly girls...I have no clue how they fitted all of it in my garden but they did and it looks fucking amazing....Come on, get here sharpish you're gonna lose your shit when you see it" 


"Coming mum!" 


"Heeey girls....I fucking love it!!!" Sonya could be herd next to Charlie 




As soon as they parked up, they both rushed out of the car. Alex grabbed Yaz's hand pulling her hastily towards the house. 


"Hey, you two" Sonya came out "Waaaaw look at you two...are you getting married or something?" She giggled 


"Something like that" Yaz laughed 


"We better" Alex smiled pulling Yaz by the hand making her laugh "Muuum!....Muuuum!" 


"I'm here...and I'm still not death by the way" she said from the kitchen 


"Come on Yaz" she tugged on her hand as she laughed passing next to Charlie 


"She's gonna lose her shit" Charlie shook her head at Yaz 


“She already is” Yaz laughed


"Ooooo myyyyy goooood!!!!" Alex froze at the door 


"Holly shit!" Yaz gasped. 


"I know...right" Sonya smiled behind them 


"Told you" Charlie smiled 



Alex took a step forward and gripped Yaz's hand. Her gaze wandered around the tables, the glasses and gauze tablecloths draping over the edges like fine cobweb, the gentle powdery and white roses mixed with dandelions and sage, the candles rising from the white ceramic holders her mother made for them, and the notes placed on top of the taupe gauze napkins on each plate. 

Her heart skipped the beat as she brushed her fingertips over the wooden chairs, and she walked slowly around soaking each detail. 


"Alex" Yaz said quietly 


"Mmmmm" she raised her gaze with tears in her eyes 


"Do you like it?..." 


"Oh baaaaby..." she gasped taking a long breath as one tear rolled over her cheek 


"OMG...please don't cry.... you’ll mess up your makeup....It's fucking stunning...I can't...huh" she looked around the garden and tugged Alex to rest her back on her chest wrapping her arms around her waist "Look baby...look at the little's so fucking cute" 


"And the balloons...and they have their own little table" Alex whimpered "And bouncy castle" 


"And look..." she pointed to the wedding aisle made out of birch draped in a beautiful gauze with rose flowers at each end 


"We're gonna stand there Yazee..." Alex turned over her shoulder with a smile "You and me" 


"We are...and you're gonna be mine forever" 


"And you heart" Alex said as Yaz kissed her gently 


"Hey, you two" Charlie called them as she stepped outside "Are you still breathing?" 


"Muuuum" Alex whimpered "it's stunning" 


"I knoooow...I still can't believe this is my garden....Can it stay like that?  


"I'm gob smacked" Yaz said "Did you see the tables and the wedding aisle?" 


"I saw everything...We were all walking around for about an hour when they finished" 


"When is everyone coming?" Alex asked 


"At four" Charlie said 


Yaz sat on one of the chairs and pulled Alex into her lap "We should then start getting ready in about an hour...What ‘you think baby?" she asked pressing her lips to her shoulder 


"Yeah...I think that's gonna be enough...all I need to do is take a shower and put on a dress" 


"True..." Yaz said "Alright...then we still have time we don't need rush.... Where’s Sonya?" 


"Upstairs" Charlie said "...she's putting Prem for a nap so he's not grouchy later" 


"I need to get off the sun" Alex brought her hand to her cheek 


"OMG yes...let's get inside" 


"Are you two hungry?" Charlie asked 


"I am" Alex raised her hand 


"Maybe a little bit I'm too nervous to eat" Yaz smiled pushing Alex playfully towards the house with her arms wrapped around her waist 


"I'd like to just lie down for at least 20 min" Alex said "You know...before we start getting dressed" 


"You alright honey?" Charlie asked concerned 


"I'm having a bit of headache but I'm sure it's gonna go I'll have a tablet now" she said sitting at the table 


"Oh noooo...stay there I'll get it" Yaz said and rushed upstairs 


"Alex please promise me you're gonna get that sorted as soon as you come home" 


"I wiiil.... Don’t worry...It's just a migraine mum" 


"I'll always worry Alex...I don't like this at all" 


"I knoooow...hey guess what" 




"I'm having mono, mono twins when I come back" she said exited trying to change the subject 


"What's that?" Charlie asked confused bringing the plates 


"What's mono mono?" Yaz asked as she came back to the kitchen "Here you go" she placed a tablet into Alex's palm 


"Thaaaaank youuuu" Alex smiled pouting her lips demanding a kiss 




"Juice please" Alex smiled into her lips "Sooooo listen...this is so exciting. I studied it and I saw it as an assistant, but I've never had a patient of my own till now. So, you have different types of twins but mono mono are identical twins that share the same amniotic sac and placenta in uterus...Very rare" 


" they are in a same bag" Yaz laughed passing her juice


"Yeaaaah technically...isn't that amazing....I'm so chuffed" she smiled widely 


"How does it work if we wanna have a baby?" Yaz asked as she was helping Charlie with food 


"What you mean Yazee?" 


"Would I need to go to IVF?" 


"No baby...It's called IUI... the sperm is placed directly into the uterus using a speculum" 


"Really?" her eyes opened wide "Waaaw...can you do that?" 


"Noo darling" Alex laughed "It's done by reproductive endocrinologists." 


"Oh...I thought you just shoot your soldiers inside and that's it" 


"Noooo Yazee!!" Alex burst out laughing smacking her hand on the table "You silly sod" 


"Well why noooot? Isn't that the same know..." 


"Not really.... it’s frozen Yaz...can't compare it" Alex was still pissing herself laughing 


"Oh...ok... well I suppose that makes sense" she shrugged 


"They're a bit stiff" Charlie laughed and winked at Yaz 




"It's stronger than her" Yaz laughed 


"She will never stop taking a piss out of me" 


"It's too easy Alex" Charlie laughed


"Anyway...mooooving on” Alex rolled her eyes pouring soup into Yaz's plate 


"Will I need injections? Cause I'm petrified of needles" 


"Yees....Sorry" Alex scrunched her face "But I can do that!" she exclaimed haply "It's a trigger shot Yazee...otherwise you may not stay pregnant" 


"What if I don't?" 


"We try again...and if it doesn't work then IVF can be an option...I'm sure it's gonna work" she kissed her temple "Don't worry...I know many women who stayed pregnant from the first go" 


"I hope you're right." 


"Come on you your food and go and rest for a while.... you haven't got much time" 


"I'm eating" Alex said waiving her spoon 


"And talking..." Charlie laughed 


"She always does" a voice from the door startled her 


"Ollie!" Alex jumped exited 


"Hiya" Yaz waived 


“Hy sweetie”


"What are you doing here?" Alex asked hugging him 


"This" he lifted a tray 


"Oh...I thought you came to see me?" She giggled 


"I'm gonna see you later" he laughed 


"Thanks baby" Charlie took a tray off him "Whanna eat?" 


"Might do...what's on a menu?" 


"Oh, so now I have a menu ha?" Charlie smacked him with a cloth "You eat what you get you little fucker.”


“He`s hardly little mum” Alex laughed


"Stew and potatoes" Yaz laughed 


"That's good enough" 


"Oi!" Charlie jumped "get a plate and sit your ass down" 


" everything ready?" 


"Yeeeah...look...the garden" Yaz pointed 


Alex jumped across the kitchen and took his hand dragging him outside 


" this looks like some fancy hotel" 


"I know right...." 


"I still can't get my head around you getting married...feels like losing you" 


"Heeeey" she kissed his cheek "You're never gonna lose me...just got Yazee on top" 


"She's cool...Haven't spent much time with her're keeping her hidden"


"Noooo I'm noot" she giggled 


"Oh yes you are....mine mine touchy...mine" he giggled 


"Fuck off...She is mine" 


"You can share you know...We're not gonna steal her.... Talking about that.. we're all going hiking next week....wanna come?" 


"Really? Yeah definitely...Who's everyone?" 


"Eddie, Annie...Jamie all the kids...We're going in a pack as usual" 


"Oh, that's brilliant...count us in" 


"So, Jamie told me you're moving to grannies on Monday" 




"If you need some help let me know...Actually I should check the heaters for you" 


"I'll help you" 


"Alright...actually noo...I need you to check my bike I don't wanna go to..." 


"I know...don't worry.... What's with your bike?" 


"Making some noise not sure" 


"Alright, bring it over and I'll have a look...I have to go and rest a bit" 


"Alright look fucking amazing by the way..." he kissed her temple 


"Thank youuuu" she smiled and waived getting back to the house 




Alex stood by the bed in her nickers for the past five minutes looking worried 

"What's wrong?" Yaz asked throwing her bra on a chair lifting the thin sheet off the bed 


"What if I mess up my makeup?" 


"You're not...just lie on your back 


"What about my hair?" 


"Your hair is fine all you need to do is put the flowers in it" 


"What if you mess up your hair?" 


"My hair is concreted to my head I doubt very much it's going anywhere...besides we only have 20 min come on" 


"Alright..." she said reluctantly "I really don't wanna mess it all up" 


"You're noooot...come on.." 




"Promise" Yaz laughed getting into bed "I doubt I'm gonna sleep anyway I just wanna spread myself out a bit" 


"I don't think I can sleep I just wanna close my eyes for short.  I hope my headache goes" Alex said getting carefully into bed 


Yaz couldn't help but laugh at her getting into bed as though she was walking on eggshells and then ever so carefully laying her head on a pillow before pulling the sheet over herself 


"You look like a virgin on a first wedding night" Yaz laughed 


"Shut it" Alex burst out laughing "Don't make me laugh now" 


"It's alright" Yaz looked at her cheeky tracing her finger over her breast "I'll be quick and easy.." 


"Stooooop" Alex giggled "Your dirty cow" 


"I could totally take advantage out of you now and you wouldn't even move so you don't mess up your makeup" Yaz giggled tracing her finger straight line between her breasts down to her stomach 


"Enough!!!" she laughed palming her hand "Dooon't keep still" 


"You're so fucking cute" Yaz kissed the side of her head and lied next to her 


They both fell silent for a few minutes holding hands on the mattress between them, closing their eyes trying to get a short moment of rest. Yaz was even dozing off struggling not to properly fall asleep as she was actually worried about messing up her hair and makeup. 


"Yazee" Alex 




"I'm nervous" 


Yaz chuckled and squeezed her hand "it's just me baby" 


"What if I mess it up?" 


Yaz opened her eyes and turned her head towards her "Alex" 


She turned to look at her "Mmmmm?" 


"You won''s just me baby...if you get too nervous just take a pause...big breath and smile. And I'll know" 




"It's ok to be nervous...I am" 


"You don't look it...Sometimes you do...but not today" 


"I'm just good in hiding it" she laughed "I'm shitting myself" 


"You are?" Alex's eye opened wide 


"I am... but we’re fine...It's just our family.  They know all our shit" 


Alex looked up at the ceiling "True" 


"Well then...they know we're fucked up" 


"Also true..." 


"They are all fucked up as well" 


"Yeeeah" she laughed 


"Well then" 


"Love ya" 


"Love you too" 


"We have ten minutes" Yaz looked at her watch 




"I knoooow...I'm gonna die" Yaz chuckled 


"Me too" Alex looked at her laughing 


"Close your eyes" 


"You first" Alex smiled 







Things got crazy really fast. From the moment they got up and Alex went downstairs to the kitchen to just have some drink things got crazy really fast. Charlie and Sonya took over but to keep a surprise Alex and Yaz insisted they swap places, so Sonya was helping Alex to get dressed and Charlie was giving a hand to Yaz. 

The front door was left open, and the entire family was slowly gathering in the garden. Alex approached the window. She peered through the sheer curtains to see all of her siblings chatting and wandering about, admiring the decorations, children climbing the castle and running around. She appeared to be looking down on her own life from above, laid down beneath her feet. It transported her back to a Friday morning many years ago, when she glanced out her bedroom window, saying goodbye to her mother's garden, her beautiful pink roses, and her beloved tree house. It was on that particular Friday morning when just breathing became too difficult and existence seemed pointless, when all hope had drained away like water from shriveled leaves. It was a day when she thought she had seen her last sunrise...A day devoid of twilight. As her fingers grasped the sheer fabric of the curtains, she sighed and gazed at the tattoo on her wrist. 


"Are you alright?" a soft voice jolted her 


"Heeeey" she turned around with tears in her eyes 


"Nooooo...." she smiled "And yes...dunno...huh" she exhaled 


Sonya gave her a soft smile 


"There was a time I never thought this wasn't possible" 


"Anything is possible...anything except the wooden stove my Nanny says" she chuckled 


Alex laughed "I think I'm a wooden stove" 


Sonya burst out laughing "Well, you definitely beat all the odds" 


"You look stunning" Alex smiled 


"By boobs are about to fall out of it if I only bend down.... but thanks" she laughed 


"Boobs is good...I'd die for those" 


"Highly overrated if you ask me" she laughed "So... let’s get you dressed...ha?" 


"Mmmm....Breath Alex" she palmed her own stomach 


"I'm so happy..." Sonya said lacing her dress " get you for a sister" 


"Awwww..." Alex reached with hand and Sonya squeezed it "Me too babe..." 


"You're proper brilliant you know" she said tying a bow 


"So are you... I admire you...being alone with Prem... you’re such a great mum...I want kids... just not sure I'd be able to do it on my own" 


"I suppose were all capable of amazing stuff when we're tested" 


"That's so true Sonya" she turned around with a smile "Sooo? What’ a think?" 


"Fuck...girl..." she took a step back with a smile 


"Looks good?" 


"My god" Sonya shook her head ""You look fucking amazing…

That's it I'm switching sides" 


Alex burst out laughing 



In the other room Yaz was giggling with Charlie as she was pulling the satin ribbons of her top at her back 


"Pull!" Yaz giggled 




"I swear I'm sweating..." 


"You're not" Charlie laughed. 


"I've put on weight since I'm here...let's hope I can button those trousers" she huffed taking them off the hanger. 


"We can always leave the button open and close the jacket" 


"That's definitely gonna make nanny happy" she said as she stepped into them. 


"Or I should just go like this?" she put her hand on her waist laughing standing only in a bra top and trousers. 


"You want your gran to survive this wedding don't ya?" 


"Yeah...I should put a jacket on" she laughed and grabbed it from the bed 


"Alright hun...that's it..." Charlie straitened her jacket "You're good to go" she stepped back and smiled "You look gorgeous honey" 


"She does" Nadja peaked from the door 


"Muuum!" Yaz jumped and reached out for her 


"Look at you" Nadjia smiled taking her hand "You look amazing sweetheart...I’m so sorry I'm late, your nanny took forever to get ready"



Yaz smiled beaming "So you like it?" 



Nadjia stopped for a short moment as she gazed apon her daughter. Her eyes welled up with happy tears as she studied every inch of her outfit. The delicate fabric's silky texture and the chain of pearls that outline the edges. 


"You look beautiful" she said through tears 


"Oh mum" Yaz pulled her in for a hug 


"Don't Yaz, I don't want to mark it with my makeup darling" she stood back and brushed her knuckles over her cheek 


"I think necklace is too much" Yaz asked grabbing it from the table 


"No don't need look stunning baby" 


"Can you help me with this" she took a head decoration from the table 


"Charlie" Sonya said quietly from the door "OMG Yaaaaz" 


"Like it?" 


"OMFG I love it...that's so fucking cool...girl you look hot" 


"Isn't she gorgeous?" Charlie smiled 


"She is Alex" Sonya smiled 


Charlie's eyes opened wide and exited, Nadjia smiled at her "I think she's ready" she nodded towards the door 





Charlie slowly opened her bedroom door and peered inside. Alex stood by the window looking outside, the late afternoon sun accentuated her silhouette, and the little flowers on her dress glistened as it slid down her back to the floor, leaving her mother gasping... 


Chapter continues after the artwor


"Alex" she said quietly 


She turned with a huge smile and stood there for a moment as her mother looked at her, tears streaming down her cheeks. 


"Don't're making me cry… do I look?" She twirled while spreading the edges of her garment. 


"Oh Alex..." a whimper left her mouth swallowing her tears “C'mere baby" she opened her arms "You look stunning....stunning. If your grandma could see you now" 


"She'd say; Alex...why are you in a dress?" she giggled 


"Probably..." she laughed “She'd be so proud of you baby" 


"I hope so" Alex pouted 


"My god...You're so beautiful" she palmed her cheek and Alex leaned into it "Let's finish it off." 


Charlie pulled out a box from the drawer. She opened it and took out a pearl necklace. 


"Waaaaaw" Alex's eye opened wide 


"She's with you today" Charlie said clipping it around her neck 


Alex rubbed her fingers across the chain of beautiful white pearls, her lower lip trembling. It was one of her grandmother's special occasion pieces of jewelry. One of those passed down from a mother to a daughter. A title she never granted to her herself. She always assumed the necklace would one day be given to her sister. Wearing it on her wedding day meant more than just remembering her beloved grandmother. She felt more of a woman today than she had ever felt before. 


"There we go..." Charlie smiled cupping her face "I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you baby...You've come a long way" 


"I have mum but only because I had all of you to keep my back...mostly you" 


Charlie took her hands and kissed her open palms one by one "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you earlier Alex...I'm so sorry you had to go through all that pain....all of you...but mostly you" 


"Heeey" she pulled her mother to her chest hugging her tight "You did your best mum...I always knew that we all did our best...I love you" 


"Come on...It's time baby" Charlie smiled 


"I'm so nervous mum" 


"Of course, you's a big day" 


"He won't come, will he?" 


"Who?...Noooo...He's too much of a pussy to face all your brothers...don't you worry about that" 


"Oh...I almost can you help me with earrings please.... I think I'm shaking" she put her arms out and her fingers trembled 


"It's alright's just your Yazee" 


"My Yazee" she nodded with a smile 


"Let's go" she nodded towards the door 






"Muuuum" Yaz was flapping around the kitchen leaving her little bag on a kitchen top "Is my makeup, ok?" 


"Yeees you look beautiful" 


"Where's dad?....Dad needs to take Alex" 


"I'm here pumpkin" Hakim smiled "But I need to take you first”


"Take me where? I don't get it" she asked flustered "Nanny....where's nanny and Sonya?" 


"Sitting down" Nadja said "...come on Yaz or you're gonna meet Alex in a kitchen" 


"Yes of I need anything? vows?" 


"In your bag" Nadja giggled 


"Right" she grabbed the bag and quickly took a small paper shoving it in her pocket "Go...go sit down." 


"I will, you're going with dad" 


"Am I?" 


"Yes" he reached his arm "Let's get you there" 


"You're gonna...." she pointed to the door 


"I wouldn't miss it for the world" he kissed her cheek 


"See ya sweetheart" her mum kissed her cheek gently 


"See ya mum...." she said then stopping her at the door "Muuum" 


"Yes darling?" 


"I'm gonna be fine right?" 


"The best sweetheart.... Now goooo go get your wife" she giggled 


Yaz hooked her arm to her dad's and looked at him smiling. She felt herself shaking and assumed she looked like the right idiot with a silly grin splattering across her face "Let's go..." 


She continued smiling as she walked to the aisle catching her nanny’s eyes, smiling back at her, and giving her a little wave and her sister waiving Prems little hand to her. She stepped underneath the arch and closed her eyes holding back her tears as her father kissed her forehead “I'm gonna go and get your wife now" he smiled 


"Alright dad...go...this way" she pointed to the side laughing "Hiya" she smiled nervously to the registrar. 


In the meantime, Alex was on her way down to the kitchen, tapping down the stairs carefully whilst her mum was holding the back of her dress 


"Hiya" she smiled seeing Hakim in the kitchen 


"Hi darling" Hakim waived "Waaaw you look like a princess.” 


"Awww...thank you.... You should find a seat" she smiled haply 


"I will after I escort you" he smiled 


"I don't understand" she frowned "I need to go to my Yazee" 


"Exactly..." he lifted his arm "Let's go" he nodded 


"Whaaaaa?....Mum?" she turned to her confused 


"Your Yazee wanted you to have this...Hakim very kindly agreed" she smiled. 


"OMG...but you're her dad...I... you should be...." 


"I already have.... she’s waiting for ya.... she’s gonna think you changed your mind if we don't go" 


"Hakim....I..." she scrunched her face as she was about to burst into tears "Why are you doing this for me?" her chin wobbled, and she was shaking more than ever. 


"Well...I figured I already have two daughters, so I don't mind one more...Iff you'll have me?" 


"OMFG" she threw herself on him hugging him tight "Yes I do.... I do...But I must warn you" she smiled pulling away "I'm a hand full" she laughed. 


"Hand full of love" he smiled “...Let's get you married sweetheart." 


"Huh...mum my makeup" she turned for a last minute check. 


"Perfect baby..." she smiled "Go to your Yazee" 


"Alright" she nodded nervously and hooked her arm to Hakims. 


"I don't know what to say," she said as they walked out "I'm not good in this sort of stuff...I get all flustered”? 


"Don't say nothing...just smile...your time to shine" he tapped her hand 


"So, I just walk slowly?" 


"Yap...slowly" he giggled. 


"I think I might pass out" she said as they stepped outside 


"That's alright...I'll catch ya" 


She giggled and took a deep breath before beginning to slowly go down the aisle... Her gaze darted nervously across her siblings and the rest of her family. She kept smiling foolishly while clutching Hakim's wrist. Annie giving her big thumbs up with a massive smile, Jamie blowing her a kiss and her other brothers smiling at her encouraging her shaking steps. Her focus then shifted to her mother, who was waiting for her beside the aisle, before settling on Yaz, who looked as beautiful as ever, beaming like the brightness star in sky. She half wondered if she herself looked confused and afraid at this moment. As she approached closer, they both giggled to each other, Yaz giving her a cheeky wink as she got closer, but Alex spotted her quivering like a branch. 


"Hiya" Alex said with grin 


"Hey baby" Yaz giggled "You're stunning" she whispered 


"So are you" Alex grinned "Huh..." she huffed as her cheeks blushed "Oh, hello there...sorry...didn't see ya" she smiled to the registrar...Nervous." 


Hakim kissed her cheek and let her go stepping next to Yaz. 


"Welcome family and friends" the registrar started "We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Alex and Yasmin. This is not the beginning of a new relationship but an acknowledgment of the next chapter in their lives together....." 


Alex kept her gaze on Yaz's as the registrar continued to speak. She felt a light breeze cool her flushed cheeks and continually trying to steady her trembling legs. 


As words poured out of registrar’s mouth Yaz felt a wave of panic wash over her, and there was a single moment when all the sounds faded into the background and all she could hear was the beat of her own heart, but she kept her gaze fixed on her silly, gorgeous Alex, who was beaming back at her a big, beautiful smile. 


It was time for their wedding vows and Alex reached inside the hidden pocket of her dress talking a small pink paper out making Yaz giggle noticing the heart pattern at the back of it. 


"Hello, sweet pea" Alex gave her a hooded smile then continued "...I'm going to read this since you know how I mess up when I'm nervous. And I've never been more nervous in my life than I am right now in front of you. So, let's get started..." she huffed, giving her one more smile then looked down at her notes again. 


"My beautiful Yazee...From the time we met, you have shown me the kind of love and acceptance that I could only dream of. Saw me the way I'd always wanted to be seen, and you loved me in ways I never imagined or thought I could be loved. Your unconditional love and that beautiful big heart you have beating inside you has helped me to find parts of myself I had no idea existed and to feel myself in ways I had never imagined possible. When I look into your eyes, I see a reflection of myself that I have always wanted to see, and for that alone, I am eternally grateful. I feel complete with you by my side. I can only strive to give you as much as you have given me my gorgeous Yaz, to love and cherish you in the same way you have loved and cherished me, but I promise you one thing: I will love you with every breath I take until you are my last. 


"Huh..." she puffed with a smile "I managed..." 


"Yes, you have silly billy" she smiled back at her "...I don't think I can top this..." 


"You already have" Alex winked at her 


"'s here somewhere" she laughed going through her pockets forgetting in which one she put her notes " we go...panic over" she exhaled then cleared her throat and glanced one more time at Alex who just couldn't stop giggling. 

She felt nervous but happy beyond belief and her silly giggle reflected both emotions. 


"My lovely, silly beautiful Alex" Yaz started and gave her one more smile for good measure.

"...It all started a few months ago on a lovely summer day with a faulty vending machine and a stubborn baby. All I wanted was a cherry Coke, but I never dreamed that one pound would turn out to be the best gift I could ever imagine. You came into my life at just the right time when I wasn't prepared but needed your love the most. I can't put into words the intense and endless embrace you have on my heart.

You complete me my beautiful Alex. You are the partner I've always longed for, and this day is nothing short of my wildest dreams.

Committing the rest of my life to you is actually quite simple because I am nothing without you. Your brightness and loving-kindness have made me the richest and happiest person on the planet. You are one-of-a-kind and stunning in ways that no words could possibly explain. I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life. My beautiful Alex we are a team, soul mates, two sides of the same coin. And there is nothing we can't accomplish or overcome together with our determination, love, and dedication to each other. 

She took a big breath and lifted her gaze with watery eyes.


Alex gazed at her with her big silly smile, tears in her eyes and a wobbling lip. 


Oh, one more thing..." Yaz scrambled through her pocket and pulled out a necklace "It's that pound I owe you from the vending machine" she held the silver necklace with a pound coin pendant. 


"OMG Yazeeee!!!" Alex jumped exited "...I love it!!!!" she wiped her happy tears "Go on...put it on me" she turned around. 


"You'll get the ring I promise" Yaz said clipping the necklace on her with shaking hands "Love you silly billy" she said as Alex faced her kissing her briefly then stood in front of her again 


"Love you too" Alex said and ran her fingertips over the necklace smiling exited. She could feel her heart beating so fast it felt like it would jump out of her chest. 


The registrar continued with the ceremony. 


"Do you, Alex Sigma, take Yasmin Khan to be your wife, to love and to cherish all the days of your life, today, tomorrow, and always?" 


"I do" she said in a shaking voice. 


"Do you, Yasmin Khan, take Alex Sigma to be your wife, to love and to cherish all the days of your life, today, tomorrow, and always?" 


"I do" she smiled widely. 


"A ring is an unbroken circle, with ends that have been joined together, and it represents your union. It is a symbol of infinity, and of your infinite love. When you look at these rings on your hands, be reminded of this moment, your commitment to each other, and the love you now feel for each other. 


Alex, place the ring on Yasmin's finger and repeat after me: 


Yasmin, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever. 


Alex reached for the ring with shaking hand and repeated the words placing a ring on Yaz's finger. 


And now...Yasmin, place the ring on Alex's finger and repeat after me: 


Alex, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge: to love you today, tomorrow, always, and forever. 


She did the same and flashed a massive smile to Alex lacing their fingers together. 



Before these witnesses, you have pledged to be joined in marriage. You have now sealed this pledge with your wedding rings. By the authority invested in me, I now pronounce you married! 


"Can I kiss her now?" Alex giggled 


"That's usually how it goes" the registrar laughed 


"Goodie" she smiled tugging Yaz's hand 


"Love you silly billy" Yaz smiled 


"Love you too sweet pea" Alex smiled into her lips and closed the gap between them. 


"Go now" Annie said to kids and they ran up to them two frowning flower petals and rice over them 


"Wooohoooo" Annie yelled from the back 


"Go girl!" Ollie added and then everyone started cheering 


Alex burst out laughing wrapping her arm around Yaz's waist "I did it!" she yelled haply 


"You bloody well did" Charlie laughed and grabbed her daughter kissing her cheek "I love you so much baby" 


"Love you too mum" she said with a wobbling lip 


"And you...welcome to the family" Charlie squeezed Yaz and kissed her cheek 


"Do I get a kiss from my girls?" Hakim smiled 


"Cause you doooo!" Alex smiled and opened her arms 


"Be happy" he said hugging them both " very happy...that's all I want...and don't ever let each other go" Hakim said 


"Love youuuu" Yaz whimpered 


Jamie ran up to Alex picking her up from the ground and swirling her around "You did it!" 


"I did.... I fucking did" Alex giggled 


After loads of kisses and a few happy tears they all settled around the table. 



Chapter continues after the artwork


"Look who's here" Sonya was carrying Prem 


"OMG what is he wearing?" Alex smiled seeing his baby grow with a big sign "My favorite aunties are getting married" 


"Like it?" 


"It's brilliant" 


"I fucking love this" Yaz laughed "When did you get it?" 


"I got it locally.... Charlie’s help" 


"I just want to say" Yaz's grandma leaned between them "You both look really beautiful" 


"You're making me soppy now" Yaz smiled at her 


"Love you honey" she kissed her cheek "This is something little for you both " She placed a box with big white bow on the table in front of them 


"What's that?" Yaz blinked surprised 


"Well, you're gonna know if you open it aren't you" 


"Go ahead open it" 


Yaz removed the bow and slowly opened the box. Between the thin scrunched up paper, she pulled out a picture frame with a black and white photo. 


"OMG where is that?" Yaz looked at the photo of an old house, a man and woman standing in front of it with two children 


"That's my house Yaz, my mum and my dad, my brother and me.... It’s for your timeline" she smiled looking at Alex and Yaz "If they didn't send me two would've never met" 


"OMG that's so beautiful" Alex said "Beginning of our timeline Yazee" 


"My god...naaanny...But that's probably the only photo you have of them." 


"And it's now yours" she smiled kissing the top of her head 


Yaz got up and squeezed her tight "Thank youuuu..." 


"That's so special...thank you so so much" Alex said 


As it got darker, fairy lights appeared on the tree next to the table, adding to the romantic ambience. Everyone chatted and laughed as the candles burned down. Alex had no idea her brothers and Annie had vanished until Annie cleared her throat into the microphone, which was broadcast over the big speakers, and everyone looked around. 


She was standing on a made up stage, smiling, when Alex noticed her brothers approaching her, laughing. 


"Oh no... this was your idea I'm not doing this" she waived her hands 


"Ooooh yes you are" Ollie laughed grabbing her hand and pulling her up 


"I swear I'll kill you" 


"No, you won't..." Eddie laughed 


"Are they putting on a show?" Yaz's granny leaned over to Charlie 


"Karaoke" Charlie laughed "She's gonna kill them" 


Yaz laughed as Alex was dragged across the garden. Annie drew Alex in and pushed a microphone into her hand. 


"OMFG here's me embarrassing myself in front of everyone" Alex laughed like crazy 


"I chose this one cause it seemed so fitting for you today sis" Annie said lacing her fingers with Alex's 


"OMG what did you choose?" Alex covered her face with her hand 


"Hit it, Ollie!" Annie shouted. 


As the first beats began, Alex jumped exited "Noooooo waaay!" 


"What's that?" Nadjia asked Yaz confused 


"God mum where do you live?" she rolled her eyes laughing "Bon Jovi...It's my life" 


"Oh...never herd of it" she shrugged 


Annie put the microphone to her lips and began singing the lyrics that were so dear to her family's heart. 


"This ain't a song for the broken-hearted

No silent prayer for faith-departed....." 


Her and Alex leaned their backs to each other, and Alex continued singing with confidence. 


"And I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd

You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud..." 


She spun around and began shouting and jumping. Everyone stood up, and Yaz laughed, clapping her hands to the beat, while Alex became completely immersed in her element, leaping, and singing at the top of her lungs.... 


It's my life

It's now or never

But I ain't gonna live forever

I just wanna live while I'm alive

It's my life

My heart is like an open highway

Like Jamie said, "I did it my way"

I just wanna live while I'm alive

It's my life 


Jamie, Ollie, and Eddie joined in and continued


"Yeah, this is for the ones who stood their ground

For Alex and mum, who never backed down. Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake

Luck ain't even lucky, got to make your own breaks" 


Alex snatched Yaz's wrist and pulled her over to sing with her. She joined her laughing like crazy. 


It's my life

And it's now or never

I ain't gonna live forever

I just wanna live while I'm alive

It's my life 


As she sang Alex put Yaz's hand on her chest shouting 


My heart is like an open highway 

Like Jamie said, "I did it my way"

I just wanna live while I'm alive

'Cause it's my life 


"Sonya!!!" Yaz called for her to pull her up on a stage. She joined Annie and Alex's brothers as they continued singing the lyrics


"Better stand tall when they're calling you out

Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down" 


Alex was jumping holding Yaz's hand up in the air. 


"It's my life...." Alex finished and grabbed Yaz kissing her passionate then picked her up by the waist and swang her around 


"You fucking nutter" Yaz laughed 


"I knoooow...Me loove youuuu" she giggled putting her down 


"I love you too silly" she draped her arms over her shoulders 


"Hey, you two" Sonya yelled "Go on kiss" she held her phone up ready to take a photo 


They smiled gazing at each other and kissed softly then just giggled like kids. 


"That's enough for tonight" Alex huffed taking Yaz's hand as they were coming down from the stage. 




Slow music came from the speakers, and the treehouse's lights twinkled. They danced slowly in a garden corner, separating themselves from the rest. A faint breeze brushed over Alex's back, followed by Yaz's fingertips drawing a line down her spine as she snuggled her face into Yaz's neck, kissing her slowly. 


"Mushy?" Yaz whispered. 


"Mmmmm" she hummed and raised her gaze meeting Yaz's eyes 


"Love you" Yaz said quietly and kissed the tip of her nose gently 


"Love you moooore" she giggled and took her lips between hers slow and gentle, Alex way making Yaz's skin tingle and her stomach churn. 


Alex laced their fingers together raising their hands up smiling and looking at their wedding rings 


"You're mine" Yaz said brushing her thumb over her hand 


"Forever" Alex smiled and pulled her closer 


"It turned out so perfect" Yaz said 


"It diiiiid" Alex smiled "About that..." she wrapped her arms around her waist "That thing with your dad..." 


"Mmmm?" Yaz hummed smiling cheeky 


"You knocked me sideways Yazee..." 


"That was the point" she giggled and rubbed her nose over her cheek "Dad you always wanted" 


"Dad I now have..." 


"Yes you do" she smiled kissing her 


"I'm gonna be honest with you, I was so worried my dad's gonna mess this up for us" 


"I knoooow...but he didn' was perfect" 


"It was..." Alex closed her eyes and kissed her gently dotting small kisses over her lips 




The evening was slowly drawing to an end, it was early dawn, and the sun was rising. As they helped to clear the tables, the kids slept on a mound of pillows close to their tent. 


"Alex honey" Charlie came up to her as she was picking up plates "Go baby...we will finish this up" 


"You sure mum?" 


"Yes...go you go...take your wife to bed" 


"Alright mum" she kissed her cheek, made two steps then came back and draped herself over her back "I'm married" 


"Yes, you are" Charlie laughed tapping her hand "Gooo you silly goof" 


"Love ya" she kissed her again and ran off looking for Yaz 


They stumbled up the stairs after saying their goodbyes to everyone. Alex was tripping over her dress as Yaz helped her up, clutching her waist. She snatched her wrist and dragged her inside the room, slamming the door shut behind them. 


"Shit... that's gonna wake up Prem" Alex scrunched her face "Or not" she listened and when she heard no sound she tugged on Yaz's hand pressing her against herself. 


"Yes wife?" Yaz giggled running her hands over her 


"Mmmmmm....say that again" Alex giggled wrapping her arms around her 


"Wife" Yaz chuckled and pulled her into a kiss 


They kissed passionately as they stumbled across the room, eventually collapsing at the edge of the bed. Alex giggled as she fumbled with her dress, pushing it up and sitting on top of Yaz. She opened her jacket and kissed the line between her breasts. 


"Aleeeex....don't do that," she laughed as Alex's lips dotted her breast. "Granny's house on Monday" 


"Mmmmmmmm" Alex laughed into her collarbone, moving her lips up the slope of her neck to her ear, making Yaz's toes curl. She trailed her hands over every part of Alex that she could reach, quickly losing control as they were both severely deprived of intimacy at this point, and every touch between them made Yaz's stomach churn. 


"I'm serous" she pushed her up 


Alex continued giggling silly running her hands over her chest giving her a cheeky wink. She was still tipsy and Yaz laughed at her glossy eyes trying to focus on her. 


"Dirty Alex..." Yaz laughed. 


"Love ya" Alex smacked a kiss to her lips then decided its smarter to get up and cool off her head before doing something she might regret later. She struggled to get out of bed, fumbling with her dress and lost balance rolling off the bed. 


"OMG!!..." Yaz laughed "You alright?" she leaned over the edges of the sofa 


"Yap...fine..." she got up wobbling a bit and straitened her dress "Might need help getting this off" she looked down 


"Alright charmer...let's get you to bed" she laughed getting up 


Yaz stood up, tossed her jacket on a chair, and began unlacing Alex's dress. She hooked her fingers underneath the straps, yanking them off and letting the dress fall to the floor while she dragged her lips across her shoulders. It took every ounce of self-control to wheel herself off kissing every inch of Alex at this point 


Alex moaned quietly reaching for her hands wrapping them around herself 


"Let's go to bed charmer" Yaz whispered into her neck and brushed her open palm over her stomach 


"Mmmmm...." Alex hummed leaning on her "I'm drunk and sun's coming out. I think I'll pass out as soon as I hit the pillow" 


"As long as you pass out on top of me, I'm fine with it" she giggled pulling away and quickly disregarded the rest of her clothes. 


Neither of them bothered with anything else and just crawled back into bed. 


"I'll look like a panda tomorrow" Yaz laughed. 


"Cute fluffy cuddling panda" Alex said climbing the bed kissing the length of Yaz then draped herself over her 


"As hard as this is I will miss being here" Yaz said as she ran her fingers down Alex's bare back 


"This is gonna be very hard for me...I got sort of lulled into being here again...I really miss my family Yazee....I'm sorry I don't wanna sound weird." 


"Don't be'd sound weird if you didn't give a fuck Alex...Hell I'm gonna miss your mum" Alex lifted her head and kissed Yaz's chin "I adore you" 


"And you're so fucking cute now I could crush you"  Yaz smiled 


"I'm so tired" Alex rested her head on her chest. She was sleepily tracing her fingers up and down Yaz's side falling asleep 


"Sleep baby...I'm knackered completely...I think I even passed the point where I'm so tired I can't even sleep" 


"Mmmmmm....try...I'll cuddle you to sleep" Alex mumbled. Her fingers slowing down and stopping on Yaz's hip  



I hope you enjoyed in this chapter and all the artwork. 

Here are some photos which were my inspiration for the esthetic of the wedding