About me


  Hello all of you beautiful people out there. My name is Alisia and I love all things creative, writing being one of them. I am not a professional writer by any means. English is also my second language so please kindly have that in mind whilst reading my work. My real job is costume design. Writing is my hobby and I do it to run away in my mind into beautiful imaginary worlds that I wish I was a part of in real life.


  Most of my life I have written stories that have never left the privacy of my home. They haven't been shared with anyone, mostly because I viewed them as something very intimate and personal to myself. But recently I have met a beautiful bunch of people who are passionate Doctor Who and Thasmin fans as I am, and their love and support has given me the courage to share this with the rest of the world.


Please leave me your thoughts. They are all greatly appreciated

Alisia :)


Rating guide

All titles will be rated as follows:

G - general - suitable for all ages

T - teen - suitable for teens and up ( it may contain sexual content )

M - mature ( may contain mature sexual content, some violence or injury )

E - explicit - explicit sexual content