Chapter 5


Alex woke up at six, she didn't have to. But the internal alarm woke her up as early as if she should have gone to work. She was still getting used to waking up next to someone and now it became even more real when that someone was lying in her bed.
She ran her hand down Yaz's arm and kissed her bare shoulder, then Yaz's hand reached up to hers and kissed her knuckles turning towards her

"Morning" she said still half asleep "Thought you said we can lie in?"

"My inner clock" she pointed to her temple smiling then leaned over so close her eyes were going funny waiting for Yaz to kiss her. It was a non verbal demand in the most adorable way.
She kissed her gently and smiled into her lips

"Wanna get up?" Yaz asked  running hands over her shoulders and down her arm

"Neah...I wanna enjoy in this...but I do need to pee" she giggled and scrunched her face

"Me too...go" Yaz giggled and Alex shoot out of bed running to the bathroom

Yaz stretched with a yawn and turned to the window. Alex's bedroom looked very cozy in the early morning hours with the curtains drawn over the windows and just a glimmer of morning light filtering through the fabric. It smelled like vanilla and Yaz couldn't tell if it was the sheets or something else, but made it even more comfy.

"Done...go" Alex giggled running back to bed

When Yaz came back to the room Alex left her phone on a side table and lifted the duvet smiling "C'mere..." she smiled "you look so cute in a morning"

"You need glasses" Yaz said climbing on the bed. And she literally had to climb on it, because she happened to have two mattresses and that made her wonder how Alex didn't have back pain from her sofa bed after sleeping on this bed. She lay down, and Alex supported herself on her elbow and stroked her face looking at her as if she was a world wonder, chatting and chirping as always twirling the strap from Yaz's top between her fingers

"So...lunch at your parents...what do I buy?"


"Well, normally I'd bring a bottle of wine but I assume your family doesn't drink"

"No...that's true...some chocolates for mum...she's gonna love you for it, and my dad is a coffee addict so we can look for some special selection"

"Alright...I'm looking forward to that"

"Me was all so fast at the hospital...I want my parents to meet you properly"

"What about your family? When are we going?"

"Friday morning...can you take time off work?" Alex asked running her finger over Yaz's collar bones 

"I can...and I need to give my mum key to my apartment to feed the cat...Talking about have a night shift" she pouted her lips "I'll miss you" she stroke her face

"I'll miss you too...I'm sorry...I do have them twice a month"

"It won't be the same sleeping alone again"

"I know...I hate night shifts...they throw me out of my sleeping routine so much"

"So will I meet your whole family?"

"'s Jamie's birthday so everyone's gonna be there and my mum can't wait to meet you. She keeps pestering me about it" she laughed

"You're seem very close to them?"

"My family is everything to me...if it wasn't for them Yaz...I wouldn't be here...literally I wouldn't"

"Jesus" yaz said lacing their fingers together and kissing her knuckles

"My mum gave up everything for me. She remortgaged her house to pay for all my medical bills and operations. She struggled so much...and I'm not the only one...there's five of us...They were all there for me and still are...Loving me and supporting me through my journey. I am beyond blessed in that"

"I'm not gonna pretend I understand what you went through...because I don't...But I know how much my families support means to me. My religion's very clear cut...But my family chose love for me. And one thing I do know is when someone hates you only because your skin is different color"

"Your skin is beautiful...stunning" Alex kissed her collar bone "And your hair is the most beautiful thing ever when it shines indigo blue in a sun" she smiled and reached for her lips kissing her softly

"You do something for me?" Yaz said playing with the hair at the back of her neck


"You make me that nice omelet?" she flapped her lashes smiling

"Oh yeah" Alex grinned haply

"We can go shopping together before we go to my parents...I can just work in the evening since I'll miss you like fucking crazy it will get my mind of it"

"Brilliant" Alex said and and kissed her lips then showered her with kisses going down from her neck between her breasts ending on her tummy blowing air into it and making her giggle then hopped out of bed.

"Oh...I'll need a shower..." Yaz said getting up"

"Yes of course...aaammm...towels are in a small cabinet behind the door...take any...the rest of the stuff is on a shelf in a shower...I'm a bit obsessed so there's probably more than anyone needs"

Yaz laughed "Alright babe"




"I'm nervous" Alex said as they entered the elevator in Yaz's old building

"Don't parents will love you...they are really easy and desperate for me to find anyone...golden combination believe me. You will be treated like a queen" she laughed

"Huh..." Alex puffed "Do I look ok?"

"You look beautiful"

"Make-up...not too much?"

"Too much? Babe you wear so little of it, that it couldn't be too much even if you tried...Which only proves my point that you're a stunner" she kissed her briefly and reached for her hand when the door opened up

As they walked down the hallway Alex tugged her hand

"You alright?"

"Just give me a minute"

"Alright baby...take your time"

"Did I take the chocolates?"

"You did...they're in the bag"

"Right...if I ramble...can you please stop me...I don't wanna embarrass myself"

"Alright baby" she brushed her knuckles over her face

"Huh...alright...Here goes nothing" she said and pulled her hand

Yaz rang on the door and Hakim opened up with a massive smile on his face. Still wearing his apron he kissed Yaz's cheek "Aaaaa just in time...come on nice of you to make it"

"Thank you for including me...I really appreciate it"

"Of course we include you Alex girlfriend" he smiled "Make yourself comfortable girls. Nadjia just popped to get some bread"

"Oh...why didn't you call me...we were in a store just now"

"Ah...didn't wanna bother you"

"Here's something little for you and you wife" Alex said passing him a bag "I hope you like it"

"Oh Alex, you really didn't have to...but thank you so much....Uuuuu is that?"

"Yes..Yaz told me you loved coffee so we chose some interesting blends for you...One is from Kuba then, Turkey and this one is Arabica...oh there's also this...Those are flavors you can add if you like"

"Waaaw...I'll tell you what...I'll make one after we eat...That's so lovely Alex thank you"

"Chocolates are for you wife...but you can share them...suppose anyone shares chocolates" she grinned

"I don't think Najia will share...she gets very possessive over them" he laughed

" me make a table" Yaz tugged her hand gently

"How is your daughter doing?" Alex asked as she carried the plates

"She's better today...a bit of pain but happy...That baby...I tell Yaz I could crush him"

"Oh babies are the best..." Alex smiled

Nadjia came through the door shaking her dress. "I just got caught by the rain can you believe it"

"It's HARP" Hakim said "I'm telling you...they are changing the weather. Look at this heat...we're gonna be growing bananas in Sheffield if it continues"

"You and your conspiracy theories...Aaa you're here" she smiled at girls

"Hi mum" Yaz came up kissing her cheek

"Alex! I'm so glad you could make it" Najia came up to her hugging her "Just to let you know...if you don't like what he cooked we're not gonna get upset"

Alex laughed "Alright as long as it doesn't have mushrooms...I'm  allergic...I get this rashes all over me and it's very itchy...and nevermind"

"She got you some chocolates" Hakim pointed to the bag

"Oh did you? Alex how nice of really didn't have to spend your money"

"Can't come empty know in some cultures it's considered extremely rude as well"

They chatted away for nearly 2 hours. Yaz looked at Alex who seemed to be perfectly relaxed chatting to her father about the global warming.

"But you know there's still no solid evidence that it's just global warming. Earth naturally goes through changes from ice age to global actually happened many time before in our history. Did you know that there was a mini ice age in a Tudor time?..." Alex was in her element and Hakim same as Yaz didn't mind her rambling. As his daughter, he seemed to be enjoying in her company so she found herself relaxing really fast.

"Oh mum...could you pleaseeease feed Sniffles for me over the weekend. Alex and me are going to Yorkshire to see her family"

"Oh are you now? That's nice"

"'s my nephew's third birthday...I can't miss it"

"You have siblings Alex?"

"I do...four in fact...three brothers and one sister"

"Oh waaaw that's a big family. Hakim has six siblings"

"Oh do you?...How nice" Alex said

"So yeah mum, we are leaving on Friday and coming back on Sunday evening"

"Sure problem"

"Thaaaank youuuuuu" Yaz whined kissing her cheek "Alright...we should go...Alex needs to change and sort herself out. She's working night shift"

"If you have something for your daughter I can take it to her" Alex said "She's on ky ward"

"Oh...that's so lovely Alex...yes thank you I'll actually give you a bag with some juice and some fruit she wanted" she ran to the kitchen bringing the stuff "That's really sweet of you...thanks"

"Alright girls...well...come again" Hakim said

"We will"

"Thank you so much for everything...this was lovely" Alex said and hugged Najia

"Any time hun...well, have a nice time in Yorkshire and call me Yaz please don't let me worry"

"I will...don't worry...bye"

They waived and left. Alex had a massive grin across her face as they came out. Reaching for Yaz's hand as they walked twards the elevator

"Happy?" Yaz asked

"This was so nice Yaz...I really like your parents...specially your dad...he's so lovely...and smart...did I mention smart?"



Alex was flying all over the place and had an emergency to deal with. She could not wait for the rest because she was mentally and physically exhausted. It was already three in the morning, and she half assumed that Yaz had already fallen asleep, but he hadn't.
Yaz immersed herself in her work, determined not to go to bed until Alex called. She was already on her third cup of coffee and kept looking at her phone waiting for her to text or call her when she had a break. It seemed so silly, but the apartment seemed so empty without her. Sniffles apparently felt the same way about Yaz because he literally hasn't left her side since she got back. She thought about asking Alex if she could take him with her the next time they had a sleepover because she felt so bad leaving him now. She felt even worse knowing that she was going to leave him again for the weekend so she decided to beg her mom to take him home with her. She was excited about the trip though. She rarely went anywhere, and going to Yorkshire with Alex made her truly happy. She was also excited to meet her family. The hours seemed to drag on and each time she looked at the clock, only ten minutes had passed. Until the pinging of the text.

"Hey gorgeous...I guess you're sleeping..."

Yaz didn't even read the rest of the message, instead she picked uo the phone and called Alex

"Hey...soooory....sooory...had emergency I couldn't talk" Alex kept apologizing

"Don't be silly"

"Did I wake you up?"

"Nooo" Yaz giggled "I was waiting for you to call"

"Oh Yaz darling...gonna make me soppy now...Please after this go to bed"

"Promise...what was emergency? Are you alright?"

"Nothing to worry about Yaz...lady was in a car accident...but baby and her are fine...She's sound asleep above me in a room...Also met your sister...she was exited...a bit confused at first  then asked me loads of was nice"

"Aaaaa...alright...well glad you two get along...but Jesus this woman...I would just die doing what you're doing"

"That's why you're not doing it Yaz...but I would make people loose their business if I did what you do" she giggled

"It would be all in badge" Yaz giggled

"Yeeeees...or white or shades of sand" she laughed

"Well, you would be good for organic stores" Yaz laughed

"Alright darling...go to bed now please it's so late...I have another three hours to go and I'm done"

"Alright baby...can you sleep there?"

"I can...we do have a room I can rest in, so that's exactly what I'm gonna do now as well...and gooo to sleeeep"

"Alright...I ya"

"I love you too"

It was seven in the morning when Alex quietly unlocked the door to Yaz's apartment. She looked up to see her fast asleep, one leg hanging off the bed and hugging the pillow. Sniffles was on the bed, but he came down to say hello and ran into the kitchen looking for food. Alex gave him breakfast trying not to make any noise and stripped down to her panties and under top and underwear leaving her clothes on the kitchen stool and just ran into the bathroom to brush her teeth hoping the running water wouldn't wake her up. She didn't have the strength to take off her makeup, not that she had any left after a long shift, so she just crawled into bed, hugging Yaz's waist and burying her face in her hair. Yaz moaned incoherently and squirmed closer to her falling asleep again. This made Alex emotional because this was the first time in her life that she came home from a late shift exhausted to find someone waiting for her in bed. It seemed to her that one of those wishes had just come true. She took a deep breath absorbing Yaz's scent, kissing her neck and falling asleep within minutes.



It was Friday afternoon and they were on the road not ten minutes from Alex's mom's house. She had been chirping since she woke up wrapping all the presents she and Yaz had bought. They left Sniffles with Nadjia before they left and took the entire tray of cakes that Hakim had made for Alex's family sending it with them. A move that nearly brought Alex to tears.

"You're shaking baby"  Yaz said as they drove into the road

"I'm so excited Yaz...I haven't seen my mum in weeks or anyone we are mum's house" she said as they parked infront of semi detached house in a small road.

It had beautiful pink roses lining the driveway and white cotton curtains fluttering through the open second floor window.

"That's my bedroom up there Yaz...well not just mine...we all shared, then when everyone moved out it became only mine...but anyway...that's it Yaz" she said exited and parked up.

A small woman with blonde, short and kinky hair wearing jeans and a white T-shirt came out of the house and Alex jumped out of the car running towards her. She grabbed her, lifting her off the floor like a little doll.

"Muuum" she cried out

"Hey baby"

She put her down to the floor kissing her cheek

"You look beautiful baby...but you lost weight need to eat"

"Oh leave that now." she giggled "Mum this is my Yaz...Yaz my mum Charlotte...Charlie"

"It's so nice to meet you Yaz" the woman kissed her cheek straight away with same enthusiasm and chirpy nature typical for Alex

"Very nice to meet you Charlie"

"Jamie!" Alex jumped when a tall man came out

"Hey sexy" he smiled opening his arms and Alex flew to him

He squeezed her to tightly and wouldn't let her go for a long moment

"Stealing mums food again?" Alex laughed when they parted

"Of course...can't miss the chicken day" he laughed

" my Yaz...Yaz my brother James...Jamie...not to be mistaken by Jamie who is having his birthday...that's his son"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Yaz"

"Very nice to meet you James"

"Right...let's get your stuff out...mum prepared your room for the two of you"

"Aaaaa...Yaz we're staying in my room" she grinned opening the booth and taking all the bags out....oh muuum"

"Yes baby"

"Here..." she leaned into the back seat of the car "Aaarrrh....Yaz's dad send some cakes...give me" she pulled out a tray

"OMG that's so sweet...say big thank you to your  father Yaz"

"Will do...he loves cooking" she smiled

Jamie took all the bags out of booth

" don't have to carry all that...give me something" Alex said trying to take a bag

"No way missy...move your ass. Go on...mum's got plates out already"


"Yes...she even made a soup....she never makes soup for us" he said walking up the stairs

"Come Yaz..." Alex pulled her hand " is down here...then living room and this is where my mum makes her pottery"

Yaz liked the house. It was warm and inviting, filled with photographs on the walls. A white kitchen whose fronts were hand-painted with beautiful meadow flowers. Pots hang from the walls and shelves with beautifully painted ceramics in the same style as the kitchen. Children's drawings framed on the wall above the rustic kitchen table and checkered pastel green cushions with large bows tied on the chairs. It was wonderful, sweet and full of memories. 

"OMG I love this place" Yaz said smiling

"See...not like my OCD Alex laughed"

"And no badge" Yaz giggled

"No...just the odd pottery" she pointed to the shelf on a wall"

"Your pottery is so beautiful Charlie"

"Waa thanks hun...just my hobby...I do have Etsy store though so I sell here and there"

"It's beautiful"

"Come on everyone...let's eat" Charlie said

They talked all through to the evening, laughed and made jokes. Yaz saw a different side of Alex as she teased James all evening and they were bantering with each other.

"Alright...I have to go and pick up Jamie..." James got up and kissed Alex's head

"Tomorrow....what's the plan?" Alex asked

"We're having people over around five" Charlie said "I will need you to pop into the store Alex"

"Sure problem...I did order a cake as well, I need to pick it up"

"Alright...I'll  give you a list in a morning"

"Do you need some help?" Yaz asked "I can help out...I'm used to big parties...lots of family"

"Thanks hun" Charlie said "Actually I might just take you up on that one...I need to make some bite size sandwiches for kids you can help me with that"

"I'd love to" Yaz said happily

"Right....I'm off...bye" James waived

Charlie started picking up the plates and Alex grabbed her hand "No mum...go to bed...we will clean up"

"Alright's nice to have you back" she kissed her forehead

"Night mum"

"Night Charlotte" Yaz said

"Night girls"

When Charlotte left, Yaz and Alex started collecting all the plates and carrying them to the kitchen. Yaz left the plates on the counter and wrapped her arms around Alexa's waist kissing her shoulder blade rubbing her face against her back.

"You're tired..."


"You're so different's beautiful to see"

"I'm myself here Yaz"

"I know baby" she kissed her back and ran her hands down her waist line "I love this's even more chirpy than the other you"

Yaz loaded the dishwasher and followed Alex up the stairs, holding onto the waistband of her pants. They entered Alex's bedroom. Only a small lamp next to the wooden bed illuminates the space. It was simple with just one double wardrobe and chest of drawers, light cotton curtains and a patchwork blanket on the bed in shades of blue. A few photos framed on the dresser. Yaz ran her finger over the wood and leaned over..

"Those your siblings?"

"Mmmm" Alex said walking up to her with her hands inside her pockets "And me" she smiled

Yaz turned to her in confusion then realized what she meant so she looked at the photos again. And there she was...her Alex in jeans and a t-shirt with short hair and her signature beautiful hands. The same but slightly different face as if looking at her twin brother.

"Waaaaw...That's you baby"

"Yap...that's me at 13...we all went fishing together. One of the best days of my life"

Yaz sighed and took the photo running her fingers over it

"That's Jamie, Anna, Ollie and Eddie" Alex pointed

"Waaaw...still handsome you know" she smiled

"Oh yeah?" Alex laughed

"Yeah...still my Alex" she stroke her cheek and Alex leaned into her palm

"Did you tell your mum to put us in a same room?"

"Yeees" she grinned and reached for Yaz's hand pulling her

Yaz wrapped her arms at the back of her neck brushing her thumb over the gentle skin right at her hair line. She was tired and her eyes were heavy. She pulled Alex gently towards her until their lips met. They kissed slow and gentle. Alex's hands trailed down her lower back and and then slipped gently brushing over her back side. It was a first time there were there and Yaz didn't make a big deal out of it. But it was, and it made her heart melt in so many ways. Alex pulled apart and rubbed their noses together gently with half closed dreamy eyes.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"Bought me a cherry Coke" they both burst out laughing

"Let's go to look like you're gonna fall asleep in my hands" Alex said tugging on her hand "By the way...bathroom is in a hallway" she giggled

"Oh...alright ..I need to be quite"

Alex was already in bed when Yaz finished in the bathroom. She lifted the duvet and Yaz slipped under it. It was a new, very welcome thing to feel Alexa's bare legs against her skin recently. As shy and insecure as she was, she slowly let herself go and Yaz enjoyed every minute of their deepening relationship.

Alex tangled their legs together slipping her arm around Yaz's waist and kissed the tip of her nose smiling.

"What's the grin?" Yaz smiled

"Just happy" she said running lazy lines down her back "If I tell you something...promise not to laugh"


"You're the first girl I brought home"



"How many girls did you have?"

"Just two...but not like this Yaz...I don't even know if I can call it my girlfriend. First one ghost me after second date"

"I fucking hate when people do that...and second?"

"Dated for a week...then she met a gorgeous man who can give her baby and left me. She even came to my clinic asking me to be her OBGYN"

"No fucking way...please tell me you didn't"

"I did Yaz" she laughed hiding her face into Yaz's chest

"Oh Alex...why would you do that to yourself?"

"Desperation...lack of self confidence...stupidity...mostly stupidity" she scrunched her face

"Oh baby...that's like a fucking punch in a gut...but you wanna know something?"

"What" Alex looked up

"Thank fuck she did that...I'm gonna send her a card"


" Well, if she hadn't...I wouldn't have you...She fucking did me a favor" she giggled

Alex burst out laughing "Well she did me a favor as well when you put it that way...should we write a card together?"

"Yeees" she giggled then rubbed her face into Alex's neck wiggling herself closer

"You're falling asleep" Alex leaned over and switched off the light then put her arms around Yaz again kissing her gently "Nightie night"

"Night baby" Yaz said with a yawn tucking her head into her neck


"Morning mum" Alex came down to the kitchen and leaned over kissing her mum on cheek "Mmm strawberries" she picked up one from the colander

"Morning baby...had a nice sleep?"

"Mmmm...the best" she said taking cereal out of the cabinet

"I wrote you a's on a table"

Alex took envelope out her jeans pocket and put it on the kitchen top in front of her mum

"Alex nooo...please!"

"Shhhh..." she kissed her cheek "Love ya" she smiled then walked over to the fridge taking the milk out

"Alex...keep your money please I manage"

"I don't want you to manage mum...I want you to live.....Sooo? How do you like my Yaz?"

"I love your Yaz...she's so lovely...I love the way she looks at you" she talked  whilst cleaning the strawberries over the sink

Alex slid herself over the counter leaning over to see her mums face grinning "How does she look at me?"

Charlie smiled and looked at Alex "With love" she kisses her forehead "You look at her the same"

Alex blushed and moved away "I do love her...and I can't believe I'm saying it"

"I'm happy for you...oh...can you help me to get the table out of garage?

"Yeah sure" she said digging into her breakfast "I got the coolest present for Jamie"

"What you get him?"

"It's like this light that displays all the planets and stars on ceiling and comes with a play tent"

"Oh he's gonna love that...he can camp in the garden"

"I thought fact I was gonna camp with all the kids today...we can play treasure hunt. I'll buy some goodies and make a map"

"Oh I love I'm done...let's get the table out"

"Morning" Yaz walked into the kitchen still sleepy

"Morning hun" Charlie smiled over the shoulder washing hands

"Hey gorgeous" Alex smiled "Did you sleep well?"

"Oh yeah" she smiled

"Right I'll go to garage so you can kiss her" Charlie smiled and walked outside

Yaz started laughing

"I know...right..." Alex laughed

" better kiss me then" Yaz giggled


"So Yaz...I had this idea...I wanna do a treasure hunt for kids today" Alex said as they drove towards the store

"No way....OMG I love those"

"So we need to get some goodies...I'll do the map and everything and then we can hide sweets in the garden. You help me?"

"Yes yes....absolutely"

"Goodie...let's get all the stuff for that first, then we can get all the boring stuff like frozen vegetables"


They went to buy pirate costumes for all the kids because Alex wanted to make it as real as possible. She was hopping around the store like one of the kids.

"Hey Yaz, look One eyed Willy" she turned around with a pirate hat on her head and an eye patch on her face grinning

"Whooo?" Yaz laughed

"One eyed Willie Yaz....oh don't say you don't know....Geronimooooo" she lifted the plastic sword and yelled making Yaz choke laughing

"Wtf babe...I really don't know?"

"The Goonies Yaaaaz"

"Never heard of it" she giggled

"Oh..mwell you are suppose you wouldn't...but you gotta watch it's so cool"

"Alright...One eyed Willy" she tapped her hat laughing "You make a sexy pirate"

After buying everything they needed for the treasure hunt they entered Tesco. Alex was studding a list her mum gave her and Yaz tugged on her sleeve

"Hey babe" she whispered "I have to go and buy some toiletries...I just got my period today"

"Alright...don't worry...I'll be at frozen section...I need to get some peas and carrots and well there's a lot take your time just call when you're done"


Alex made her way through the store putting the last bits into the trolley. She rolled around in the frozen section trying to decide between two different packages of frozen peas and when she finally made up her mind after almost ten minutes, she turned around and almost bumped into an older man. She blinked frozen as their eyes met and swallowed deeply, then turned quickly without a word leaving the trolley walking down the isle.

"I thought you left?" he addressed her walking few steps behind her

"I have"  she replied shortly and felt him following her

"You don't look like you left...Why you came back? Forgot some skirts?"

Alex closed her eyes for a second and continued to walk looking frantically for Yaz around the store.

"You've got some balls coming  back here...oh yeah sorry I forgot you've got none"

She finally saw her and grabbed her forearm really tight "Let's go"


"We're leaving"

"You look pathetic..." he yelled

"Who's he? Is he talking to you?" Yaz kept asking confused trying to look behind them as Alex dragged her towards the exit

"I should've beaten it out of you when I had a chance"

Alex was pulling her frantically and she kept turning around not understanding what's going on

"Alex what's going on?"

"Just walk" she replied

"Is that your girlfriend?....So now you're a dyke as well?"

"Oi..." Yaz nudged her arm out of Alex's grip and turned around "What's your fucking problem mate?" she yelled

"Fuck...Yaz" Alex turned rolling her eyes and grabbed her harder "Leave it Yaz" she pulled her so hard Yaz couldn't get out of her grip

"Should've wiped you off into the sheets...freak"
he yelled "Fucking freak!" he yelled spitting on a floor as people started turning around

"Sir...If you don't leave I'm gonna have to call the security" the younger man stepped in front of him thankfully blocking his path giving Alex time to get away

She dragged Yaz out and let her arm go. She was holding her so tight Yaz was rubbing it to ease the pain "Wtf was that? Who the fuck is this guy? Alex!" she yelled stopping

"My father" Alex turned to her

"Whaaaa?" Yaz blinked shocked

"He's my father Yaz...Now please let's just go" she grabbed her hand pulling  her towards the car

Yaz went silent and sat in a car. Alex slammed the door and walked around then sat at the wheel. Her chest was rising and she shut her eyes then opened them again trying to pull herself together.

"I'm sorry" Yaz said "I thought it was just some random jerk"

"He is a jerk and nothing to be sorry for...He could've hit you Yaz" she said turning towards her with teary eyes

"Babe Jesus" Yaz brought her hand on her cheek

"Let's just go home" Alex said and turned the car on. She drove into the main road and turned shortly to Yaz then looked at the road again
"My mum kicked him out when I was 13" she said "He thinks I'm a freak...mistake of the nature...He is so ashamed of me he would be celebrating if I died tomorrow...feeling is mutual"

"My god Alex...Look you don't need to explain I..."

"He used to take a piss out of me down the pub, telling everyone I liked lipsticks and how he should beat it out of me until I don't know what my name is, but my mum wont let him"

"Jesus" Yaz looked at her horrified

"He used to come home drunk then yelled at my mum it's all her fault because she's too soft, so she raised a faggot" she wiped a tear that dropped down her cheek and gripped the wheel again

"I love so much" Yaz said brushing her knuckles over her face "I'm so sorry you had to go through that...what a psycho"

Alex took her hand and kissed her fingertips

"You're dad Yaz...your dad is what I always wanted..." her chin wobbled "It's why I love his cooking and his silly conspiracy theories...because your dad is my dream dad"

Yaz's eyes filled with tears and she kept stroking the back of her neck until they pulled over in front of another store. Alex did all the shopping without saying a word then drove back to the house.

They walked in and Charlie smiled from the kitchen "Did you get everything?" she looked at Alex's then Yaz's face and smile drained from her face

"Yes" Alex put the bags on the kitchen top and splayed her hands across the counter arching her neck "Bumped into dad"

"Oh Jesus...Alex"

"I'll be fine"

"God help me I wish that man gets hit by a bus" Charlie said stroking her head "I'm so sorry baby"

"I'll be fine mum"

"What happened?" James walked into the kitchen "Alex? What happened honey?"

"She bumped into that fucking scum of your father again"

"Did he do something Alex?"

" his usual...I'll be fine" she turned around and ran upstairs

Yaz wanted to go after her but James pulled her by the arm "'s alright...she just needs a minute...C'mere" he nodded towards the garden

"I should've fucking killed him when I had a chance" Charlie hit the work top with the kitchen cloth

James sat on the bench and Yaz sat next to him.
There was a moment of silence before he calmly started to talk

"One day my dad came home early. We were all downstairs messing around...playing music and just being silly. Mum was at work...He walked in and saw Alex wearing a lipstick and my sisters hat dancing with her to a music video"

Yaz felt her blood running cold as he kept talking. A part of her didn't want to hear what happened next but a part of her wanted to understand Alex better and this was unfortunate way of getting to know it.

"My dad grabbed her and pulled her upstairs...all we heard were screams and crying, none of us dared going upstairs but my sister called mum. My dad left the house after that and we found Alex curled up underneath the bed crying.

Yaz gasped for air...her leg twitched from nerves and tears rolled down her cheeks. James continued talking.

"That night mum waited till he came back and fell asleep, then poured a petrol all over him. She woke him up giving him a chose to leave or she'd set him a light. So he did...She pressed changes against him. Social services and police were everywhere. He beat Alex so badly he damaged her eardrum. He got 5 years, but when he got out he never left Alex alone....He enjoys in tormenting her, insulting her and publicly humiliating her. He has a restraining order but Alex just wants to live and to be left alone trying to get out of his way...trying to get out of everyone's way.

Yaz cried...she cried so much she was choking on tears. James put his arm around her gently

"My sister is the strongest, kindest, most beautiful person I've ever met. She's been through hell but kept walking. She is my inspiration in many things...also stopping me from complaining too much how life is hard"

Yaz smiled through her tears

"She's gonna be fine...don't worry. I'm sorry for this...I know this is hard...I just needed you to know that before you go up to her"

"Thank you for...fuck" she was trying to breathe shaking "telling me"

"It's alright's us loving her...that's Alex's strength you know...Go on...go up there now. I think she's ready to see you now"

"Alright.." she wiped her face and went back to the house trying to pull herself together before going upstairs.

Charlie came up to her calmly "I'm sorry about this"

"Please don't...noo's alright really"

"Go up honey...I think she needs you more than us now"

Yaz went upstairs and then stopped putting her hand over her mouth feeling like she was going to scream gasping for air. She then shook her head and took a deep breath wiping her face once more before grabbing the doorknob. She quietly entered the room to see Alex curled up on the bed in a ball clutching a pillow.

"Baby" she said quietly slowly walking towards the bed

Alex looked at her with bloodshot eyes and a red face. She wiped her face and held out her hand. Yaz lay down and Alex curled up around her, hiding her face in her neck. She didn't say anything, she just cried. She was crying so hard, Yaz could feel the tears soaking her top. Her hands tug at the fabric of her T-shirt. She felt her whole body shake and spasm.

"It's alright baby...I love you...I love you so, so much" Yaz kept saying stroking her hair "I got you's alright...I got you beautiful"

Alex was shaking. It was as if her whole life was spinning in her head like a long movie that had no end. Only this movie was a horror movie. She wanted to run away somewhere far away where no one knew who she was or what she was. Hide on some lonely mountain top surrounded only by nature and animals. They didn't judge...they didn't care. She wished she could crawl into Yaz and hide there, or take her with her to some far, far away place. Her mind was racing so hard she couldn't stop it. She felt pain, fear and anger, all at the same time. She wanted to cry and scream and wanted to tear the skin off her flesh until there was nothing left of her that anyone could hate but ashes and bone. And then her mind went still, numb and frozen as if suspended in the air and there were no thoughts. She just felt exhausted... she was so tired.

Yaz felt her falling asleep. Her body slowly relaxing from the spasm. She was afraid to move or even to breathe. So she hummed a song quietly, a song her nanny used to sing to her after she would wake up from a nightmare.

She woke up an hour later rubbing her face into Yaz's neck.

"Hey beautiful" Yaz said stroking her hair

"Hey" she said razing her gaze

Yaz stroke her hair tucking it behind her ears

"I'm sorry" Alex said kissing her lips

"Don't...don't you dare say sorry for this. I love you"

"Love you too" she said quietly "That was a beautiful song"

"It's an old song from Punjab" she smiled brushing her thumb over Alex's face

"What does it mean?"

"It's a song about the child who was afraid of a dark and one day a star heard him cry so she came down from the sky to light up his room"

"That's beautiful" Alex kissed her gently "I love you so much Yaz...I do feel better. He just sets me's past but he just does that to me"

"Babe anyone would be set off by that...fuck I wanted to through something at him"

"I'm glad you didn't" she smiled "But you're a tough cookie Yaz" she smiled "I didn't  expect that from this tiny person"

Yaz giggled

"Hey...let's just forget this and have a nice day"

"Alright baby..." Yaz stroke her face gently and kissed her nose

"Let's go down and I'll sit in a kitchen make a treasure map and you help mum with sandwiches"

"Alright baby...I'd like that...Does that help?"

"Mmmm..." she nodded


"I just need to wash my face"

"Ok darling"

Alex washed her face in the bathroom and Yaz hooked her fingers into the waistband of her jeans kissing her back. She ran her hands gently down Alex's waist. It was still making her feel ill that someone would hurt her like that.

Alex turned around with a smile "Better?"

"Beautiful as always" Yaz smiled and kissed  her

Alex reached for her hand leading her down to the kitchen.

"Hey" she said and Charlie turned around. She wiped her hands into a cloth and rushed to hug her

"You feel better?" she stroke her face and kissed her cheek and Yaz saw Alex melt into her mum like a little child.

"Mmmm...let's just think about the party...I'm not giving him satisfaction of ruining this day for us"

"Alright baby" her mum kissed her one more time

"Yaz will help you with food and I'm gonna do this map...hey look what I bought for the kids...Where are the bags?"

"In a hallway"

Alex cheered up hoping to the hallway and Charlie came up to Yaz kissing her cheek and stroke her face "Thank you"

"For whaaa" Yaz frowned confused

"Loving her"

"Easiest thing I've ever done Charlie" she smiled

"Look mum" Alex came back and started taking all the costumes out

"OMG they're gonna fucking love that" she smiled

"And this...look mum..."

"One eyed Willy" Charlie laughed

"Yeeees...and Yaz chose a pirate outfit as well..."

" know the tree house in a garden?" Yaz said

"Mmmm?" Alex looked intrigued

"If we speed up...we could turn that into a pirate ship you know...Do you have Christmas lights and some stuff we could use?"

"Aaaaaaa...yes yes..." Alex jumped "Yes we could...and I could...wait...I have this old petroleum lamp that Ollie used for fishing...Mum is it still in a garage...our stuff?"

"It's all there a box up on a top shelf"

"Aaaa Brilliant"

It was still early as they all got up at eight. Alex sat at the table with crayons and a big paper drawing a map and Yaz was making sandwiches and putting all the food on the big platters with Charlie. The atmosphere changed into chirpy chatting about happy things and they laughed. . Yaz called her parents and they ended up having a long chat with Charlie inviting her for a big celebration when the baby comes home. It turned out to be happy morning after all. As happy as it could possibly be with everyone trying to wash away a bitter taste out their mouth.


This chapter is dedicated to my childhood friend who suffered physical and mental abuse from his father for years, but never gave up on his dream of becoming a dancer. He fulfilled his dream and eventually found love and happiness. It is also dedicated to all those who are still suffering in silence. I hope this message reaches you...never give up on your dreams, no matter what they are because

Darkness never prevails / 13th Doctor

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