Chapter 24

As they all walked slowly towards the tavern Sonya rushed ahead pulling her sisters hand

"Yaz...can I just speak to you for a second?"

"Sure...Go ahead honey...we will ketch up" Yaz says to the Doctor

"What's wrong Sonya?"

Sonya took her sisters hand and looked into her eyes "I'm so sorry Yaz"

"For what Sonya I don't understand?"

"For saying all those horrible things about her. I had no right saying that...judging her like that"

"Sonya it's fine...I understand that for you she might seem...well...a bit weird, and you may not understand what I see in her"

"No!...It's not ok Yaz. Seeing you today in tears like that....and the way she looked at you and first thing she said was your name...god...and the way she kisses you with so much love. She didn't even care what happened to her. And stumbled to help dad when she couldn't even walk. I wish someone will love me like that. I'm so sorry Yaz...I don't care iff she eats corps dust...god, you two love each other so much"

Yaz looks softly into her sisters eyes and runs her hand down her cheek "Yes we do...we really  do Sonya...and someone will love you like that one day as well...I'm sure of it. And thank you for saying means a lot to me" she smiles and grabs her hand "I told you she's a good kisser and she's funny" they both giggle

"Kissing you on Arctic circle...I bloody died Yaz...that's so romantic girl" Sonya placed her hand on her heart signing

Yaz pulled her sisters hand to a stop "Hey wanna know a secret? Haven't told anyone yet"

"Sure" Sonya in anticipation

Yaz puts her sisters hand on her stomach "We're having a girl Sonya" she says with massive smile on her face glowing from happiness

"OMG Yaz" Sonya through herself around her neck "God I'm so happy for you Yaz...I will be auntie"

"You will yes" she smiles

"I can't wait for you to have this baby Yaz"

"Me neither...but I also enjoy in Doctor fussing over me as well" she smiles cheeky

They walked together towards the tavern holding hands and laughing

"Hakim are you going with me to fix the Tardis?"

"You're not going anywhere tonight. No way" Yaz jumped

"Yaz I'm fine...I have to sort it out. We can't wait anymore...look what happened today and it's because they are losing power Yaz and I have to find that other orb. They need me"

"And I need you as well and this baby needs you as well...mum" Yaz turned to her mum for support

"Doctor...excuse me for saying this but I do think Yaz is right. Honey you really took a hit today and I really think that just for today you should take it easy. First you two got wasted last night than this today. It's just one day. Besides you can go early in a morning before the heat"

"Mum is right you know. You have to rest"

"Alright but just for tonight Yaz and we are leaving as soon as it dawns"

"Thank you" Yaz snuggled into her shoulder

"So what happens iff you ever get ill Doctor?" Sonya asked

"If I do...and very really do...I got Tardis. But I don't get ill that much...the odd virus here or there I pick up on other planet...I had one that turned me blue ones and all I did was chirping but it went away by itself. I do get over most stuff. I even grew my arm back ones"

"You whaaa?" Sonya looked at her shocked but so did everyone else including Yaz who was visibly shocked darting her eyes around the table not knowing what to think about her wife growing an arm back

"Oh yeah!!...I can heal most stuff!!" she was explaining excited..."I only regenerate if..." Doctor looked towards Yaz and stopped herself in a middle of sentence

"Oh, go on... say're enjoying in this way too much" Yaz rolled her eyes smiling

And she did enjoy in it...a lot. There was a part of the Doctor that totally enjoyed being the center of attention. And that in itself was a contradiction because she was also the most private and closed up person as well, with so many secrets, some of which even Yaz still didn't know. She did continue. She was answering millions of questions they asked her all throughout the evening exited to share it with someone.


After dinner walking back into the courtyard Doctor pulled Yaz's hand "Hey, stay" she says quietly

"Hey, mum, dad!! We will stay outside for a bit" Yaz yells towards her family as they walked up the steps

"Alright baby see you in a morning." Najia says waving

"By Yaz...Doctor" Sonya says smiling cheeky

"Why did you want to stay?" Yaz squeezed her hand and kissed her shoulder over the coat

"Oh, I could do with a walk" Doctor held Yaz's hand between her fingers and kissed her knuckles "Besides I haven't seen these gardens in a while"

"I could do with a walk as well after today" Yaz sighed and rocket Doctor hand as they were walking

"I know. I'm so sorry about today Yaz I will make it up to I promise"

"Stop apologizing for something that wasn't your fault darling. I'm just glad you're here with me"

They walked in silence for a while. Doctor was gently stroking her hand with her thumb. Yaz loved when she did it, which wasn't very often, only when they were alone.

"You enjoyed talking to my family" Yaz leaned on her arm wiles walking

"I have...they are nice your family...specially your dad...I do like your dad a lot"

"How come you're comfortable telling them all that stuff? Normally you don't talk that much? And by that I mean about yourself, because you do talk a lot"

"I don't mind it Yaz, they are your family and I want them to get to know me better. Otherwise they would be scared for you. But I still don't say everything" she smiles cheeky

"Talking about that. You never told me about the time you were banged up. How did you survive all those years in jail?" she shoots out unexpectedly with a question

"Why are you bringing that up now, Yaz?"

"I just want to know. We said some stuff today to each other. It made me think we never talk about some things, and I want to...we should say it...good or bad, I would like to know. Like the whiplash kiss you gave me" she giggles "Please tell the hell did you not go mad?"

"Oh Yaz, it's difficult to explain. Time feels different for me. I'm used to waiting. There were times when I waited a lot longer. Sometimes hundreds of years. But I did think about you a lot. It doesn't change the fact I've missed you. I've missed you a lot Yaz...all of you...but specially you." she pulls her hand and smiles to her "It gave me time to put my thoughts in know...about how I felt towards you. I just didn't know what to do with it when I realised how I felt...But I'm glad I got that sorted" she brings Yaz's hand to her lips and kisses her knuckles making her smile

"Why did you never say how long you were banged up?"

"I don't know Yaz" she shrugged her shoulders..."I was more upset for leaving you all and you were all upset so much. I think I did tell you that once. That wasn't easy...and that shoving didn't help either. I felt so bad for leaving you"

Yaz pulled her by the hand turning her around and wrapped her free hand around the back of her neck "You beautiful weirdo...You must have been in so much pain. Iff you only said something, than maybe they wouldn't be so upset, you know. And I wasn't upset with you. I already told you that. I shoved you because I loved all came out in a wrong way...all my emotions...I do feel bad for doing that to you.
I was over the moon to see you...I thought you were dead" she stroked her cheek and kissed her gently "I love you" she whispered still stroking her cheek with her thumb

"I love you too Yaz...loads" Doctor smiled then continued to walk

"You were banged up for longer than I'm me chills just thinking about it"

"Ok, that's a weird concept when you put that way" Doctor laughs

"It is isn't it ...I'm a spring chicken for you babe" Yaz cheered up and got her giggles back

"You're being cheeky now Yaz"

"I love being cheeky with you"

"I noticed" she twitched the corner of her lip 

"It gets you so confused" she giggles turning her around by her hand again "I can literally see you glitched just now"

"I did not glitch Yaz..." she protests pointing a finger at her

"Oh yes you did!...You twitched your lip...right in a corner" she giggles and continued walking..."You'd never think someone so old would do that, but you do, and it's adorable how old fashion you are"

"Are you trying to say I'm not cool Yaz?" she gets all offensive about it

"Nope...that's not what I said...I think you can be extremely cool. You're just not aware of it. And sexy and charming and dashing...Not on purpose's all random with you, which makes it that much more attractive because you're not trying to be. But you are old fashion and that's totally cool and sexy as well babe"

"Old fashion in what Yasmin Khan?" she jumped almost offended

"Oh you never swear...ever...I don't even think you know how to"

"Ewww of course not, that's a horrible habit...I would never"

Yaz laughed "Well I did!...And a lot as well before I met you" she giggles

"Well I'm glad you're not anymore Yaz"

Yaz smiled and continued "Also...It took 3 months and you being drunk to tell me I'm sexy and I have a good ass....Well, there was that poor attempt before and it was absolutely cute and adorable"

"There are many other words to describe how beautiful you are Yaz, and I think I say them to you all the time" she makes a smug face

She rolls her eyes smiling "You won't kiss me in public. God forbid touch me in any way except hold my hand and sometimes it's just my finger when you get nervous...Even that cute thumb thing you do is only when we are alone..."

"No Yaz...I really don't see a need for public display of affection. We have a bedroom for that...not to mention it makes people feel uncomfortable"

She busted out laughing shaking her head "Well you definitely don't have that problem in a bedroom babe I give you that one"

"No of course not...why would I?" Doctor scrunches her face confused

" never ever show your arms which is a shame because those are some beautiful arms you have there...well your beautiful all over, but my point if. Even in a scorching heat like on that poisonous planet or now when everyone is boiling...your constantly covered up to your neck"

"Yaz my body temperature is much lower than be precise it's 15 degrees degrees Celsius or 59 degrees Fahrenheit so I'm not hot"

"You never told me that!" she glanced at her frowning confused "Well that explains a lot! Like two t-shirts and a coat and why your skin is so cold all the time...Why the hell did I never ask you that? I just thought you were shy...I just got used to it. But I remember the first time I touch you I was in shock...Ryan asked me do I think you're a vampire" she started laughing

"Whaaaa?" Doctor twisted her face confused out of her mind

"Don't get me wrong babe, I told you...I totally love it now, and I can't imagine you wearing anything else and I'm totally obsessed with your braces...very dashing"

"Well I think I dress pretty should see what they wear on Gallifrey Yaz...this is really skimpy"

"I give up with you..." she laughs and turns her around squishing her face between her hands "I love you just the way you are...don't ever change"

"Not planning to Yaz"

"Good...don't!  I was just answering your question, I wasn't  complaining...just to be clear on that. To me you are my perfect loveable weirdo and I wouldn't have you any other way"

"Yaz...your hands are cold and you're shivering"

"I know...I'm a bit cold and my tummy is getting cold I'm getting worried about the baby...can we go home?"

Doctor takes her coat off draping it around her "Sure let's go..."

" that's sexy what you just did there" she laughs looking at her confused face at comment she just made and takes her hand "Do you think baby can get cold?..." she asked walking back...


Back in their room Doctor sat on a bed packing her bag for the morning

"When are you leaving in a morning?" Yaz peaked from the bathroom wiles brushing her teeth

"Early Yaz as soon as it dawns. We have so much work on a Tardis and I'm planning to get that orb...Hopefully...well...I feel sure I will...should do...I will be proper upset if something happened to it you know"

"God I really hope not. It's bad enough what happened to them. I can't imagine having to leave like that" she comes out of the bathroom in her nightie and walks over to the Doctor "to leave your world like that, and have no home to come back to" She realized in a second what she said when she saw Doctors face "Oh god..." she comes closer and runs her fingers through her hair pulling her on her stomach "I'm sorry...It just hit me"

"It's fine Yaz..." she wraped her arms around her waist kissing her tummy

"No it's just hit me now why you're so obsessed with helping them...You always are, but this was different" she kisses the top of head "I'm so sorry"

"I have a home with you now Yaz" Doctor laid her ear on her stomach running her hand gently down the sides of it "Both of you"

Yaz placed her hands from both sides of her head lifting her gaze up to her eyes "You are my home for a long time...way before we were together" she sat in her lap lifting her nightie wrapping her legs around her and tucked her hair behind her ears

"You really like those sleeping dresses don't you?" she runs her hands up her legs "I like them too" she smirks cheeky

"Did I tell you recently how beautiful you are?"

Doctor scrunches her face making her laugh

"You're still beautiful...even when you make that face"

Doctor glides her hands down her back and brushes her lips over hers with her eyes half open

"Now see that...that's extremely sexy" Yaz whispers closing the gap kissing her passionately...


Early morning came and sun peaked through the shutters of their room. Doctor was long awake just lying in bed behind Yaz with face buried at the back of her neck running her hand gently over her tummy for more than an hour. She was trying to figure out if she could possibly speak to her baby by using the CONTACT but figured out it doesn't work. She wasn't getting any response back.
She concluded it must be because the baby is still too small and maybe it didn't know how to use it. She was trying to remember if CONTACT was something she was thought or she always knew how to do but couldn't remember.
Then she remembered that using the CONTACT somehow made the baby in a first place.
A mystery she was still trying to unravel and she spent almost 45 minutes and 60 seconds trying to unravel how CONTACT could loom a baby. Then she remembered that looming wasn't really something that was fully explained to any of the Time Lords. But then it popped in her brains how she wasn't really sure if she was a Time Lord at all, and that led to thinking about the Timeless Child and Tecteun and she suddenly felt like she will through up. So went back to thinking about her baby and how she didn't really give monkeys about how she managed to make it, but she was extremely happy that she did. And then Yaz finally woke up and she kissed her beautiful neck that smelled of sandalwood from the perfume she bought her on a marketplace "Morning beautiful" she said quietly "Why did you wake up? It's early"

"Mmmmm" she monad into the pillow squishing her sleepy face into it and pushed her bum closer to the Doctor "Just wanted a cuddle before you go"

"You could have slept and I would come back before you even woke up and still give a cuddle"
she laughed

Yaz turned around and draped her leg over Doctors hip snuggling herself inches from her face "Nope...I want it now" she puts her lips and Doctor kisses them smiling "How long are you awake?...Admit it" she moved one strain of her hair that was falling over her face that Doctor obviously didn't care about

"Mmmm 4 hours, 35 minutes and 40 seconds"

Yaz laughed "Well now it's more than 40 seconds"

Doctor glitched and Yaz busted out laughing "See made you glitch"

"You're a know that...I never saw this side of you before"

"Well life's a gamble never know what you're gonna get" she makes a smug face and kisses her confused lips.

She loved when she managed to confuse the Doctor. It was almost a challenge for her of how to confuse someone who had intelligence beyond her understanding. But it proved to her also that Doctor had a very human, beautiful side of herself and that if she didn't, she would probably be like a machine.

"I have to go now Yaz" she said quietly running her finger down Yaz's nose

"Please don't...just a little bit longer" she snuggled in closer. So close she physically couldn't be any closer even if she tried and she pushed her arm through to reach Doctors lower back stroking it gently with her fingers



"We spoke about this"

"About what?" she frowns smiling

"You doing this every time I have to get up" she tried wiggling out but Yaz held her with her leg and giggled continuing her game "You're naughty" she points her finger at her

"I know" she flapped her lashes and brushed her half opened lips onto hers "Love ya" she said as Doctors eyes started to close and their lips were already touching.
In the end she did get what she wanted. Doctor had zero capacity in her brains to say no to her and that was another thing that Yaz found extremely attractive.


Yaz fell asleep again. Her soft face buried half inside the pillow and her hair across her shoulders she was curled up pressed against the Doctor's chest snuggled up to her as close as she possibly could as usual. It was hard for the Doctor to leave her. As much as she didn't want to admit it to herself, she loved those snuggles a lot, but she had to leave. With a bit of luck she will be back before Yaz wakes up, she thought. She slowly got up and got dressed slinging her white tunic over her trousers, looked at the watch on Yaz's wrist and realized she was already 10 min late to meet Hakim. She kissed her temple and Yaz made a quiet moan snuggling into the pillow.

"Morning Hakim" she smiles as she was getting down the stairs

"Morning Doctor, how are you today?"

"As good as new...told ya..."

"We've only been here three days and it seems like a lifetime" he says as they slowly started to walk "so much has happened"

"I know...exiting isn't it?"


Doctor pulled a panel of from underneath the console dragging herself underneath it. "Could you pass me that wrench please"

"Sure...Do you do all the repairs on the ship Doctor?"

"Yap all"

"It's a big ship...isn't it a bit too much?" his eyes wondered around the control room

"Nah... gives me something to do. I would be bored otherwise. Here could you just hold those wires for me for a second? Just don't let them touch or...well you'd be dead and I don't know how I would explain that to Yaz"

Hakim laughed taking the wires "Just tell her I died happy Doctor"

She cracks up laughing "I like you Hakim...I can see now where Yaz gets it from" she get up and hops to one of the pillars and pulling more wires out

"Gets what Doctor?"

"Oh you know...need for adventure and being brave...Very brave your Yaz you know. Not many people faced up to Cyberman and live to tell the story" she runs uo to a second pillar pulling massive cables out stretching them all the way to the console

"Cyberman?" he asked confused

"The Cybermen were a race of cybernetically augmented humanoids"

"I'm not sure I follow you Doctor"

She plugged one of the cables into the console and turned around "Nasty creatures Hakim and very dangerous. They have been altered until they have a few remaining organic parts. They retain living human brains"

Hakim looked shocked and confused "Yaz saw those?"

Doctor runs to the other side of the console flipping few switches and smiles "She took down the whole Cyberman fleet Hakim. Told ya, she's very brave. I'm very proud of her...And you should be too" she zoomed around and looked up "Right...let's see if this works, shall we? Remember don't touch the wires" she turns on the Tardis and looks up smiling "Alright Hakim I think we did it! Sounds good to me"

"You know Doctor I was just looking what you're doing and I think the problem is that those cables there are overloaded and it's frying your circuits"

Doctor stopped and scrunching her face concentrated on what he's saying

"If you don't mind me saying this, but I think If you reroot the energy flow it will still work but it won't put so much stress on those circuits over there"

"Hakim you smart man...I think you're right. Why didn't I think of that?"

"As I said Doctor it's a massive ship and by the looks of your controls I think it was attended for more than one person flying it..." he points his hands over the console

Doctor smiled shaking her head "You have a brilliant mind...And you would be is meant for more than one person" she turns off the engine "Right let's put this back and let's get that orb"


"I found that place you told me about in India"

"You have...well I'm glad I was helpful"

"Very  helpful Hakim...the information you gave me helped me to locate all the temples in surrounding area and there's only one that is Buddhist one there. Soo...let's go and visit our friend and see what he can tell us about the orb. Hold on tight Hakim" she pulls down the lever and in minutes they were in India

"Well that wasn't a bad ride...let's hope we get back without missing a month or two..." she smiles walking out of the Tardis "Yaz would kill me if I miss the baby being born"

Hakim got worried for a second, but he took is as a joke. Then he remembered Yaz saying how Doctor missed a whole year once and got really worried, but he quickly got distracted when they started walking down the buzzing streets. It was extremely hot and humid, and Hakim was grateful for the cotton tunic he was wearing.

" it is Hakim!" she points towards the small place between the houses. They walked into the courtyard and passed a few small kids running around. The Doctor smiled looking at them thinking for a second how she's gonna be mum soon herself. She felt warmth around her hearts for a moment. "Over there Hakim" she points towards the small door and entered inside. It was quiet and peaceful inside and they couldn't see anyone until one priest came around the corner

"Can I help you? Are you lost?" he said smiling

"Oh, hello...I'm the Doctor and this is Hakim my father in law. We are looking for the man named Dawa"

"Oh, he left for Nepal a month ago. So sorry. But iff you come with me I can give you information where you can find him"

"That would be great. Thank you" Doctor says and starts following the man

"Funny that...You said your name is the Doctor?"

"Yes" she replied intrigued

"He said he was waiting for the Doctor" the man opened the small drawer of the desk and took the pen and the paper out writing the details "Here we go...I'm glad you're going there. He's been waiting for a long time to see you"

"And did he say why he is waiting for me?"


"Never mind. Thank you so much" she smiled, and they walked away

"That's odd Doctor...How does he know about you?"

"I don't know Hakim...let's find out"

A small boy ran across the courtyard and pulled the Doctor by her sleeve. She turned around and looked down "Well, hello there" she smiled and the boy pulled her down

The boy comes close to her ear "You are the universe" he says smiling and she looks at him confused

"Excuse me?"

"You are the universe and she is a morning star"

"Morning star?" she smiled and a boy takes a small wooden symbol out of his ropes showing it to her.

"Mmmm..that's an interesting thing you got there. What is it?" she looks at the round symbol with what looked like branches going to the middle of it and he points with his finger on a circle

"Universe" he says and points in the middle smiling "Morning star" he put his tiny hand on her cheek

"What are you trying to say?" she asked gently

"Nima!...Leave the lady alone" the priest comes up to the boy "Sorry about that...he does that a lot"

"It's ok..." she gets up confused and looks at the boy as the man was taking him away

"Doctor? What was he saying?" Hakim asked confused

"Oh just showing me a nice pendant he's got" she replied still looking at the boy as he disappeared around the corner entering the house "Right..." she snaps out of it and turns towards Hakim "Let's go to Nepal!"

They landed in Nepal shortly afterwards and stepped out of the Tardis. Beautiful mountains surrounded a small town. The street was buzzing from people and tourists. Doctor looked up and saw prayer flags flying in the wind and she smiled "Beautiful" she said softly

"What are those, Doctor? The little flags?" he looks up

"Prayer flags Hakim" she turns towards him and points up with her finger "Each flag is imprinted with sacred mantras, prayers for peace, compassion and wisdom" she looks up smiling "They are meant to spread compassion and goodwill throughout the universe. Absolutely beautiful...isn't it?" she drifted for a moment looking up

"That's beautiful" Hakim looked up

"Alright let's go and find Dawa...hopefully will have some luck this time" she started walking down the street and they entered another courtyard. She saw praying wheels on side of the wall and ran up to them "Aaaaa....I love those" she ran and brushed her hand down every wheel turning them and laughing

"Doctor?" a man's voice could be heard from the other side of the courtyard and she turned around

"Yes?" she saw a man standing by the pillars "Dawa?" she asked as she turned towards the man

"Yes...finally you came. You look smaller than what I saw you" he smiled

"Aaaaaa....Dawa...just a man I need...Nice to meet you. This is Hakim, my father in law.... Saw me? What do you mean by seeing me?" they started walking down the courtyard

"I saw you in my dreams as a vision. I was looking for an answer to a problem and I got a message it is you?"

"And what problem would that be Dawa?" she asked frowning her face intrigued

"I believe you know Doctor" the man smiled and opened the door that led them to the flat rooftop. As soon as they stepped up Doctor saw the orb placed on one stone block wrapped up in some fabric like sitting comfortably in a nest

" beautiful man" she jumped running towards the orb and kneeled next to it

A man smiled "Well Doctor I'm so glad I was right"

Doctor took the sonic out and scanned the orb "Aaaaahhh..." she sighed relieved "They seem to be fine" she turns towards the man "Do you know what this is Dawa?"

"No...but some things are meant to be kept as secrets aren't they Doctor. All I knew is that I had to keep it safe. I'm sorry I couldn't save the other one, I tried but the damage on the impact was too great. It literally fell apart into small pieces causing poisoning the river. I knew people won't understand and they will think it's some sort of a curse. So, I knew I needed to keep it safe. I didn't know what to do with it so asked for guidance. That's when I saw you...I've been waiting for a long time Doctor"

"You are the best...Gold star for you Dawa for what you did" she smiles and carefully wrapped the orb into the cloths placing it in her bag "Don't worry Dawa...they will be safe from now on...I'll make sure of it"

"Would you like some tea Doctor, Hakim?"

"I'd love to" she smiles

They've spent some time chatting to the man. He then took Hakim to show him around since he was extremely interested in the place. Doctor walked around for a bit and then went up to flat rooftop and sat on the wall dangling her legs over the edge and looking at the mountains and the flags flapping in the wind. She made a wish and wrote it on a small piece of paper she found in her pocket 

"Would you like to hang it up Doctor?" Dawa asked gently

She turns around "I'd like that very much"

He helped to attach the little paper to the string

"What is that you wished for Doctor? "

"Forever" she said turning her gaze towards the mountains "Do you think there is such thing as forever Dawa?"

"Everything is forever Doctor...the whole never stops...You should know that are the universe" he smiled and she looked at him drifting into her thoughts


"So did you have a nice look around Hakim?" she said walking back to Tardis

"This place is amazing...I loved it. But I can't help the feeling I'm not of much use to you Doctor"

"Whaaaa?...Not much use Hakim?" she draped her arm around his shoulder "Who told me about the other orbs?...And who helped me to locate Dawa...and and who helped me yesterday when the orb was draining my energy. Aaaaand you helped me to repair my Tardis" she made him smile "Not to mention us two getting waisted...I think we are a right team Hakim" she smiled cheerfully "Though Yaz wouldn't agree with me on that last one" she scrunched her nose


Tardis landed back in Egypt but she parked it a bit closer to the town this time thinking how she didn't want Yaz to walk that far. She could have landed it in a hotel but Tardis seem to love the desert so she thought she should make her happy since she will be left alone again.

"Let's hope I got the century right Hakim or we're in right trouble" she swished off the engine

They slowly walked back to the hotel and she saw Yaz, Najia and Sonya walking down the stairs

" look different?" she looked at Yaz confused

"No shit Sherlock!" she stormers down the steps and Doctor looked at Hakim confused

"You've been gone for a month!!!!....Where the hell have you been?..." she yells and Najia didn't look any happier darting Hakim from the top of the stairs refusing to come down.

"Whaaa???" she looked at her genuinely petrified "Ups...Yaz...I am so so sorry...I don’t know what to say...Tardis was sitting switched off for a long time and needed repair and..."

"I'd shove you now if I wasn't pregnant..." she says frowning coming down the steps "But I'm happy to see you" she throws herself around her neck

Doctor smiled utterly relieved and kissed her head "I'm so sorry Yaz...I really am.."

"Hey dad. It’s nice to have you back...but you're dead meat...mum's real pissed off with you. Well thank god you gave me that hologram so this time at least I knew you were alive"

Doctor draped her arm aroun her shoulder and kissed her temple "I'm sorry...but we got the orb"

"Well I'd be pissed off iff you said you didn't after a month" she smiles rubbing her hand on Doctor's stomach "And you've got a massive bill to settle in that tavern...Not like mum could use her Pounds"

Doctor laughed and kissed her head "Alright...don't worry about that...all go down there today"

"Hello sorry about that" Doctor says humbly passing her on the stars

"I'm not impressed Doctor...but I'm glad your both fine. Been worried sick"

"Sorry...I'll make it up to everyone...promise"

Najia smacks her shoulder "Go on...spend some time with your wife...make it up to her not to me" she laughs and turns her eyes on her husband "You on the other have some making up to do"


They walked into the room and Doctor pulled Yaz's hand turning her around. She wrapped her hand around her face and kissed her for a long time "I'm so sorry Yaz...Please forgive me"

"Stop...there's nothing to forgive" she strokes her face "But you've missed a lot" she smiles and looks down on her tummy that practically dubbed since Doctor saw her last

Massive smile stretched across Doctors face. She kneeled down and lifted Yaz's t-shirt. "Aaaaa...Linea nigra!" she jumped exited like a kid

"The whaaa?" Yaz looked confused

"Linea nigra Yaz...the dark line" she runs her finger down the dark line across her tummy "That's what it's called.... god it's beautiful"

"I was gonna ask you about that? What is it?"

"It's from your hormones Yaz...they are swirling around you now...there's so much going on're creating another person's absolutely amazing" she got all hyper exited making Yaz laugh

She run her hands down her tummy and pressed her lips on it.
"I'm so sorry munchkin...I didn't mean to leave you...but I'm back now and I promise I'm not going anywhere" she kissed it again "I love you so very much" she glides her hand over it and stands up gazing at Yaz who stroke her cheek gently "God I've missed you so much"

Doctor wrapped her hands around her neck and kissed her passionately running her hands down her waist maneuvering her towards the bed behind her. They slumped on a bed and Yaz closed her eyes as Doctors lips ran down her neck and a collar bone. Suddenly Doctor lifted her head up "Shoot!!"

"Whaaat?" Yaz looked at her frowning confused as she crawled out of bed quickly

"What are you doing?" Yaz looked at her utterly confused

"Don't worry Yaz I'll be with you in a second" she crouched down digging through her bag "Aaaaaa...there we go.." she pulls the orb out of the bag and carefully places it near the other one by the window on a sun "There...peewee...I forgot Yaz" she sighs relieved

Yaz slumped back on bed laughing relieved "Well that was close!" she giggled

"It was wasn't it" Doctor laughed crawling back in a bed running her hand up Yaz's leg and pulled her cotton bottoms down together with her underwear in one swipe making her giggle like crazy

"Blimey...never seen you work that was fast...I would think you waited for a month not me?" Yaz giggled

"Exactly Yaz...a month is a long time to wait" she smirks and kissed the inside of Yaz's leg gently looking up seeing her close her eyes...


"OMG I don't know how to reach you anymore" Doctor laughed as they laid in a bed facing each other and she tried bringing her closer but tummy kept being in a way. She lifted the covers and peaked underneath "Goodness...look at're so big and you're not even half way there. What have they been feeding you?"

"You silly sod" Yaz giggled

"I have an Idea...wait..." Doctor started wiggling pulling her leg and managed to drape it over her hip making Yaz giggle like crazy

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ya closer for won't one right?"

"You're pulling me like a rag doll silly...Of course I want one" she snuggled in and kissed her briefly stroking her hair and tucking it behind her ear "It's so big now...I can't get my shoes laced anymore"

"I'll lace up your shoes beautiful. And you're due for another check now as well...I'll do that later" she says gently "So, tell me...What have you been doing for a month?"

"We went around everywhere...mum got friendly with people in a tavern. Sonya started flirting with the owners son"

Doctor laughed "OMG thankfully it wasn't longer. And you beautiful? I feel so bad Yaz I really do...I..."

"Ssshhh..." she puts a finger over her mouth "Don't...I'm not angry...I'm not happened. You're here now next to me and that's all that counts. Now please...tell me about the orb finally...I'm dying to hear"

"Oh the Yaz it was really exiting. First, we went to India and didn't find that priest there. Turns out he went to Nepal. So we went to Nepal and found him and he was actually waiting for me to come and pick up the orb"

"How did he know about you?"

"Oh well I'm very well-known Yaz..." she laughs "Just joking Yaz..he had a vision when asked for guidance and saw me...kept it safe all this time Yaz. Wonderful man. And he helped me hang my little prayer flag as well"

"Prayer flag? I didn't know you're praying Doctor?"

"No Yaz I don't...But that's special...they say all those prayers travel throughout the universe...So you know...if they really do...and you never know...I thought I'd do it just in case"

"So what was it...your prayer? You don't need to tell me iff you don't want to"

She paused in silence for a moment and ran her finger down Yaz's face "It was to have forever with you Yaz" she said gently

Yaz's eyes filled with tears and she quickly wiped them "I adore you...You big softly..." she kissed her briefly

"Darling..." Yaz said quietly

"Yes Yaz"

"I love this cuddle but I'm going to explode I really need to pee" she frowns smiling making Doctor laugh

"Sure...go on..." she started laughing how poor Yaz was struggling to get out of the bed

"Wait...Wait Yaz...I'll help you out silly" she laughs and get up hopping around the bed to grab her hands

"I feel so useless" she mumbled walking into the bathroom

"Your far from useless Yaz...right know you’re doing the most important thing ever"

"Yeah...what's that?...Rolling around the bed the whole day? " she yells from the bathroom sarcastically

"No're caring our baby...I think that's quite an important task if you ask me...more important than running around Nepal" she clips her braces on and stands next to the bathroom door "Wanna go with me?"

"I'll go anywhere with you now...Where are we going?"

"I'm going to settle that debt in a tavern and I thought whilst there you and I can have some lunch...I do feel hungry...I haven't eaten since yesterday"

"Yesterday!!!!!" Yaz peaked out of the bathroom "No wonder you're like a stick...And yes definitely just let me take a shower first...I suppose I can have my third breakfast today" she moans into her chin making Doctor laugh

"So what will you do now with the orbs?" she asked whilst scoffing through her plate and running bread around it getting the last bit of the sauce from it

" you want some more food?" she giggles looking at her perfectly clean plate

"Well...." she smiles "They do have some nice pie"

"Alright" she bursts out laughing "I'll get you some pie" she gets up amd runs to the bar "Could we have one of your pies please?"

" that for the pregnant lady?" a young man asked wiping the bar with a cloth and looking over Doctors shoulder tears Yaz

"'s for my wife" she confirmed proudly

"Sure no's on a house iff it's for her"

"Really?" Doctor asked confused "And why is that?

"She's my girlfriends sister...nice lady" she smiles

"Oh...I see...Thanks for that...that's really nice of you" she walks back to the table



"You know when you told me your sister is flirting with the owners son?"

"Yeah...what about it?"

"Well he is under impression she's his girlfriend"

"He's whaaaa?" Yas looks towards the bar

"So my conclusion is that...either he is delusional or we are being lied to" she laughs leaning over the table

Yaz leaned over the table and whispered "She can't date someone from this she for real ? She's going back to Sheffield soon"

"I know Yaz" she is trying not to laugh

"How is this gonna work out?"

"I don't know Yaz" Doctor tightens her mouth in a goofy face laughing finding the whole thing quite amusing

"This isn't funny!!" Yaz frowns at her

"I wasn't laughing Yaz" she's replying laughing from the corner of her lips controlling herself

"You're making that face"

"What face" she says confused

"That one...when you find something entertaining"

"I have a face for that?"

"You have thousands of faces"

"I know I've been told Yaz" she laughed

"'re not helping" she rolls her eyes "Mum's gonna have kittens"

"What kittens?" she looks at her confused

"It's a saying...she's gonna flip her lid Doctor"

"And a pie for the nice lady" the young man smiled as he brought the plate and Yaz looked up to him worried

"Thanks" she stretched tense smile on her face looking at the Doctor

"Relax your pie" she couldn't stop giggles

"Right...tell me about the orbs...I need a distraction" she stubs the pie with a fork looking over Doctors shoulder towards the bar


"Yes, the orbs...I need to now find them a new home Yaz but before I do that I need to power them up..."

"Use the always do that" she replied with her mouth full scoffing through her cake

"I thought about that Yaz, but I cant. The artron energy from the Tardis will kill them. It's too strong...I need to think of other way"

"Why do you need to power them up?"

"Iff I just drop them on a new planet they won't open up Yaz...they are too weak"

"You're will find a way"

"Right" she said worried "I haven't got much time Yaz to figure it out. The one we have is still fine but the one that was in your time in Nepal is extremely weak. It's been waiting for a long time"

"I know...take them with the Tardis to our time...surely it must be energy source that could you can use there?"

"That's the thing Yaz...there isn't...can't exactly plug them into a socket can I?...I thought the sun would be enough but it isn't. They need something else and until I find out what I won’t know."


“You will…I don’t doubt you babe..”  She reached with her hand across the table.


“Eat up…and I’m gonna take you somewhere very special” she whispered smiling