Chapter 43




"Did you have a good time?" Yaz asked lying in bed waiting for the Doctor

"I have Yaz…I needed that," she left her earring in the drawer of the side table

"Are they new?" she laughed pulling the elastic of the Doctor's little boxers with rainbow candy on them

" them?" she grinned happily

"C'mere sexy" she pulled her elastic and kissed her as she climbed into bed

"I should get some more if you like them so much" she giggled kissing her collarbones sinking under the covers

"You'd look sexy even if you were wearing a bin liner and an antenna on your head"
"You too," the Doctor said lifting up Yaz's top and brushing her lips over her breast

"Excuse me?" she raised an eyebrow moving the duvet and placed a finger under the Doctor's chin "Did you just accidentally call me sexy?"

"I said you'd look beautiful whatever you wear Yaz," she smiled

"No didn't say that" Yaz giggled and cupped her face in her hands "Tell me again"

"I don't know what you mean" she looked at her pretending to be stupid trying to get back on her breast

"Tell me...please" she giggled and kissed her "Am I sexy baby?" she said into her lips, smiling

"Yes, you are beautiful…truly stunning," the Doctor said, then pulled the duvet back over her head and got under the covers

"Your never gonna say it properly are you?" Yaz smiled gently caressing her head through the duvet

"Hey you… How's my favorite munchkin doing?" she pulled down Yaz's bottoms and ran her hands over her stomach

"Today she kicked like crazy"

"Oh, did she now? You've been kicking your mum a lot? You're my big girl, but can't kick mummy too hard," she tapped Yaz's belly with her fingers "I sang to her the other day while you were sleeping. I think she likes it... You know, I should really check on you two tomorrow Yaz"

"Okay baby," Yaz said with a yawn. They had had a busy day and she found herself bearley keeping her eyes open.

"You're tired Yaz..." The Doctor mumbled from under the duvet, resting her chin between her breasts "You need to rest... sleep darling"
"Will you stay with me?" Yaz asked, almost anxiously moving the duvet and playing with her hair

"I was planning to work...I was going to move the Tardis to that gate tonight and see if I could make it work"

"Please stay," she stroked her head imploringly

"Oh, don't make that puppy face at me, cheeky bugger...You know I can't say no to that"

Yaz giggled and spread her arms and the Doctor crawled into them, then the Tardis dimmed the lights and played some beautiful music. She snuggled in and as much as she didn't want to admit it, she wanted nothing more than to stay next to her all night.

"You like this" Yaz smiled "You found yourself a new place"

"Mmmmm...nice and soft" she wrapped her arm around her "Also...I love your tummy next to mine like this...sometimes I feel the baby move"

"Oh god, I didn't think of that...that's why you're squeezing me like that"

"Yap.." she lifted her face grinning and pecked Yaz's lips then tucked her face back into her neck "I love you Yasmin"

"I love you too my beautiful Bighead"

Yaz's fingers gently running down her back lulled her to sleep and she felt herself drifting off within minutes.





A violent shaking of the Tardis woke them in the middle of the night. Things falling to the floor.

"Whaaa!!!...God" Yaz woke up screaming and sat up in the dark room completely disoriented for a moment

"It's okay Yaz...It's fine darling it stopped" The Doctor comforted her hugging her tightly against  her chest "Nothing can happen to us here"

"I hate this… I really do," she said petrified

"It's okay darling" the Doctor ran a finger over her face "Just another jolt that's all...Which is exactly why I would feel so much more comfortable if you were on Earth Yaz" she cupped her face and the Tardis turned on the lights and beeped alarm from the control room. The Doctor looked worried

"What's going on?" Yaz looked up worriedly

"I don't know Yaz....I have to see"

"I'm going with you"
They got up and dressed as fast as they could. Yaz just pulled on her dress and she had never seen the Doctor get dressed so quickly in her life. She even forgot her braces and just shoved the broken laces into her boots.

"I really need new boots," she complained as they walked towards the control room

"What happened?" Ryan walked out in his boxers
Into the hallway and Sonya stood behind him in her pajamas petrified

"No me in a control room Ryan...wake up others"

"Right...I'm on it" he shut the door quickly

The console was blinking and all the monitors were up and running all the data on them. The Doctor ran down the stairs and frantically around the console and Yaz went to the Tarids door.

"Oh this is not good" Doctor said hunched over the console then ran on the other side

"What's not good babe?"

"Oh this is bad...this is really bad Yaz"

"I hate when you do that...What the hell is going on...speak" she opened the Tardis door and looked out "Doctor!!!"

"You never call me that anymore Yaz, unless there's trouble or your upset with me...and you're not upset with me sooo..."

"What the hell is that?" she pointed to the bright red sky in the distance

The Doctor jumped up and ran to the door. "'s fire Yaz"

"Fire from what?"

She scrunched up her face "Aaahhh... you know that sun Yaz"

"Yeaaaah...what's the fire babe?"

"Well a massive chunk of it just fell on the planet"


"Yeah...not good Yaz" she ran back to the console

"What's going on Doctor?" Hakim said running into the control room, the rest of Yaz's family following

Najia was in her dressing gown, still sleepy, but very shaken.

"Well..." The Doctor squirmed turning to them "I have good news and bad news...the bad news is that a huge chunk of that sun just fell on the planet...that was the earthquake we felt.. ."

"Shit" Sonya said petrified

"What's the good news?" Ryan asked

"That it didn't fall on us" Doctor said scrunching her nose

"Fantastic" Najia said sarcastically

"Yeah...sorry" said the Doctor running back to the console "There was a build up of a big cauldron overheated and just exploded..." she gestured with her hands and looked at the monitor "It's very.. . .very unstable...I mean it's eventually it will explode and everything will start falling to the planet""

"Any other good news you have?" Ryan asked sarcastically

"What do you mean? falling meteors?" Sonya asked frantically "Like in the movies?"

"Oh..." the Doctor waved her hand "Those are movies Sonya...much worse than that" "Whaaah?"

"Alright..." Yaz walked up to her pulling her aside "You're scaring the shit out of them..."

"I'm just telling the truth Yaz…it's going to happen. It's overheated and it's going to end up falling apart piece by piece until . . ."

Yaz put her hand over her mouth when she saw everyone looking at them in utter horror. Everyone except Ryan who was completely used to it by now.

"Can you skip to the part of what you're planning to do babe?" Yaz asked still holding her hand over her mouth and the Doctor nodded muttering into her palm "You do have a plan don't you? Please tell me you do" the Doctor nodded again muttering into her palm

"Right..." she turned back to them all "We have to finish the machine tonight...Any questions?"

"Tonight!!!" Sonya frowned in confusion "How the hell are we going to finish it tonight?"

"Doctor, that machine is nowhere near finished," Nadjia said

"We can try," Hakim added

"Aaaah positive thinking Hakim" the Doctor jumped pointing finger at him "I like that"

"Ryan!" Yaz nodded to him to say something

"Okay...let's get to work...we can do it" he snapped his fingers turning to everyone "No worries...we've been through worse...Right Yaz" he turned to her

"Absolutely...a hundred times worse"

"We can do it" the Doctor jumped up and started running around the console " ...there isn't much left to do" she flipped the screen " Just a few things...well...more than a few...But let's stay positive... "

"Right" Najia said not so positive " is that thing gonna stop this?"

"Yeah, how we're gonna stop massive chunks of molten rocks falling on a planet Doctor?" Sonya added

"Well, it can't really stop this sun from exploding but...oh, and this bit is exiting" she ran around  the console and pointed to one of the screens nobody understood

"There's exciting bit?" Sonya asked confused

"Oh definitely Sonya...see I made many modifications from original model...because I knew it's not just life support we needed...We needed much more than I copied Tardis shield and amplified it...quite a bit really"

"Oh, so it can work on a whole planet Doctor?" Hakim asked his eyes getting bigger

" will ...well it should enclose the whole least that's the idea...Still not sure iff it will work.. should do" she squirmed "...Well, we're gonna soon find out"

"And what if it doesn't?" Nadjia asked worried

"Aaaarrhhh...then we're in a bit of pickle as they say..." she scrunched her face "But I'm good in a pickle...I'm very good in improvisation..." she smiled

"Oh God" Najia sighed and sat on the stairs

"We can always run" Sonya added

"We never run from danger Sonya...well we do sometimes" Doctor said "But definitely not from problems and we're really good in solving problems"

"That's encouraging" Sonya said

"Right...Get dressed everyone no doodling...we're leaving in ten minutes"

Everyone left the control room leaving Ryan Doctor and Yaz alone.

"Doctor...honest" Ryan turns to her "This is just us your talking to now...What are the chances of us actually sorting this out?"

"Not sure Ryan...I haven't tested it. This is all happening way faster than I expected...I didn't think we will have to build the whole machine in several days"

"Oh boy" he said worriedly and sat on the stairs

"I believe in you" Yaz smiled

"Oh Yaz, you always do" Doctor brushed her finger over her cheek "But this is very different...This machine is not even close to being finished and we need a very powerful shields to protect the whole planet. Tardis shields are powerful but they run on artron energy. This machine doesn't"

"I still believe in you" Yaz said

"Me too" Ryan said "I mean you know this stuff Doctor...iff anyone knows how to do it it's you"

Doctor took a deep breath and leaned over the console. "Look at you much you've grown...Staying positive in a face of danger. I'm really proud of both of you"

"Thanks Doctor" Ryan said still sitting on the stairs



They parked the Tardis outside the workshop and stepped out into the dark street. It was late at night and the air was relatively fresh. The sky was still red from the explosion and looked beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Nadjia watched Yaz walk with the Doctor holding her hand and constantly wondered what her daughter's life was like. How many things she saw and went through with that woman, and she never told anyone. She kept thinking about the times when Yaz would come home to a birthday party or just Sunday lunch and sit at the table as if it were a normal day.

"Alright Tardis team..." Doctor said flipping the lights in a massive workshop "Let's get this party started...Well it's not really a party...But it could be if we finish in time"

"It could be a party we really don't want as well" Sonya said

"Come on..." Yaz put her arm around her sisters shoulder "It's gonna be fine you'll see...she's really good in a tight least historically she was"

"You two are proper nutters you know that" she giggled "You really found each other"

"I know right... it's brilliant" Yaz smiled and kissed her cheek

Everyone immediately went to work. They didn't need much explanation from the Doctor. Everyone knew what needed to be done by that point and worked together as a pretty good team. They made part by part and the Doctor put them all together slotting them in their places and connecting them all together. Hakim worked on redirecting the energy source with the Doctor coming to his desk from time to time to check on him. She would pat him on the shoulder and smile completely impressed. Yaz was helping her put everything together. With the modifications, the machine was similar to the Tardis in many ways and Yaz found her way around it quite easily. Every so often she looked at the Doctor, exchanging smiles. Working side by side with her again, it made her heart skip a beat.

"How are you doing darling" Doctor came up to her and kissed her temple "Whanna rest a bit?...You should rest just a little"

"Nooo time to rest now"

"There is for you darling. I don't want you to over work yourself. Come on just sit for a bit...pleaseeee" she begged

"Alright...but just for a little bit"

"Good..." Doctor jumped and rolled some boxes closer to the machine and made her a little bench to sit on so she could be closer to her

"Excuse me" a tiny woman walked inside the workshop followed by few other people

"Yes?" Doctor looked towards the door

"Hi...we heard you are the people working on that machine"

"Yes...yes we are" Doctor walked over to the them "I'm the Doctor and this is my family... Hakim, Najia, Sonya, Ryan and my wife Yaz"

"We brought you some food and thought you might need some help?"

"Goodness...aren't you nice...thank you...Yes we could definitely use extra pair of hands"

"These people are all engineers and my husband is really good with machines, he is inventor so he knows quite a bit"

"Brilliant!!..." she stood happily in front of them with a big smile on her face "Well I think we might just finish it tonight" she turned to others "See I told you it will be fine in the end"

They all ate and got back to work. Doctor was zooming around frantically explaining everything to everyone. It was almost dawning and Yaz walked outside to look at sunrise. Her back was aching and she was trying to stretch. She looked down and her feet were swollen like a pair of donuts. Familiar hands rested on her shoulders and she turned around

"Hey baby" she smiled at the Doctor

"Hey beautiful. You're in pain darling" she rubbed her back and her shoulders trying to relief the tension

"I'll be fine" she smiled across her shoulder to her

"I'm worried about you" Doctor wrapped her arms around her shoulders and kissed her cheek

"Look...isn't it beautiful?" she looked at the pink sky as the sun came out slowly over the horizon and leaned on her chest

"It's stunning...We are soon finished Yaz" she rubbed her nose over her cheek "We made it beautiful"

"I never doubted you"

"You never do" Doctor kissed her cheek again "I love you so much"

"And I you baby...see we're not such a hot mess after all" she giggled

"Maybe we're just perfect hot mess Yaz" she said looking at the sunrise



"Alright my team" Doctor stood in the middle of the workshop "Guess we're done"

"I can't believe we did it" Najia said relived

"Start believing..." Doctor smiled "So...should we turn it on?" she asked completely exited

"Yeah Doctor...go on...let's see if it works" Hakim said exited

"Wait...but how are we gonna get it out of here? It's massive" Sonya asked confused

"Aaaaa" Doctor jumped "We don't have to Sonya" she hopped around and grabbed a big switch then pressed a big button on it and looked up.

The whole ceiling of the workshop slowly opened up to the sky.

"Woooow...that's proper awesome" Ryan said looking up

"When did you do that?" Yaz asked confused

"Oh...I didn't Yaz...I arranged it way before we came here...Right, let's see if it works, shall we?"

The Doctor hopped around and took the massive lever in her hand, then took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Everyone stopped breathing for a second as she pulled it down, and the huge giant turned on millions of blue lights. The big engine started pumping with a loud noise that sounded like a hum. The small pipes filled with a glowing liquid that began to flow through all parts of the machine, then the ground shook beneath them almost knocking everyone to the floor, and a massive beam of blue light shot up into the sky. Everyone looked up excitedly and horrified at the same time not knowing what to expect. The Doctor ran outside and looked up at  as an energy dome began to spread across the sky. People ran out of their homes and into the streets looking up at the sky as it slowly closed into a huge bright blue dome that shimmered until it completely engulfed the entire planet

"Did it work!" Yaz ran outside "Did it?"

Doctor looked at her with a massive smile across her face and ran up to her cupping her face and planting a loong kiss onto her lips squishing her cheeks between her palms "It did Yaz...we did it" she said shaking

Everyone else was already outside looking up "Doctor is this it?" Ryan asked "Did we do it?"

"We sure did Ryan...Brilliant job everyone...My fam...extended Tardis briliant people....We made it"

They all smiled and hugged and kept looking at the sky above their heads turning slowly beautiful light blue color.

"OMG...rain" Sonya said reaching out a palm of her hand

"Briliant...that's exactly what I was waiting for...Now I'm sure it works properly" Doctor said haply as the rain started pouring down from the sky and she draped her arm around Yaz's shoulder

"Told're the best person I ever met" Yaz looked up at her and Doctor placed a small kiss on her lips

"So are you are you" she turned back to the sky her hair getting wavy from the rain and closed her eyes smiling




They parked in the park underneath the trees and went for a little walk. It was still early morning and the lack of sleep was soon catching up with Yaz. But the air was still fresh on a skin from the rain and the scorched ground now wet started to smell of herbs. Doctor was swinging their hands as they walked slowly and every once in a while planted a surprise kiss on Yaz's cheek

"What's that for?" Yaz giggled

"No reason...just happy Yaz" she looked at her sideways smiling

"So what now? What's the next step?"

"I have to get that gate repaired Yaz. After that I really don't know. Guess we'll have to see where it leads"

"And what if it leads to that hell hole up there?"

"No idea...but I will do once it's repaired"

"Isn't that dangerous? You don't know what's on the other side?"

"Says the woman who just walked through the teleport and ended up on a bottom of the ocean then called me to tell me she's on some other planet" Doctor laughed

"Oi...That was a long time ago. Besides I was trying to impress you"

"You have, I never thought in minion years you would do something like that...Not to mention you went through another gate and ended up on Gallifrey" Doctor taped her nose

"I was worried about you"

"You could've been killed by the Master"

"And I'd still do it in a heartbeat for you"

"I know beautiful, but please don't" Doctor draped her arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple "Not ever again...Don't ever face the Master have to promise me that"

"Why are you so scared of him? "

"No...not scared darling...I'm not scared of him. I'm just very well aware he is unpredictable and dangerous and I don't want you anywhere near him"

"What happened to him?"

"He...well...he's not well darling. The Master was driven insane after looking into the Untempered Schism on Gallifrey when were kids.

"What's Untemered Schism? Why would that drive him mad?"

"It's a gap in the fabric of reality from which you can see the whole of the Vortex" Doctor shook her head "It's just not something pleasant to be looking at Yaz...but on Gallifrey it's a apart of initiation ceremony for children entering the Time Lord Academy...Master just saw something her shouldn't have and with time it drove him mad"

"OMG...that's horrible. So him being the way he is...that's not really his fault?"

"No isn't" she she took her hand and squeezed it tight

"Did you have to look into it?"

"Yes" she kissed her knuckles and smiled for her a little

"Was it horrible?"

"'s not pleasant at all Yaz"

Yaz walked in silence for a moment then turned to her  "Darling..."

"Yes Yaz"

"You wouldn't ever want our kid...."

"Noooo" Doctor jumped and stood infront of her "Absolutely not life and my past...that's not her path...she will choose her own"

"Cause if it made Master go mad...I just"

"No darling...look I grew up there. I love Gallifrey. But it doesn't mean I agree with everything...far from it...I don't agree with a lot to be honest. And I would  never put my child through it either. Master and me...we share those  thoughts  darling...he wasn't always like this. Besides baby...Gallifrey is no longer's just ash and death"

"Is that why you would always forgive the Master?"

Doctor took deep breath "Forgiving and forgetting are two different things Yaz. I would forgive him because he is beyond help and I so wanted to help him. But there were things he did I will never forget and never go over..."

"Would you help him...still...iff you could?"

The Doctor sighed and stood in front of her, brushing strands of hair from her face "Yes...I'm sorry"

"For what?" She brought her hand to her cheek "You don't need to say sorry for that"

"I just don't want it to upset you...make you feel uncomfortable"

"If you mean make me feel jealous...It's not baby...I know a part of you will always love him. And you've always been honest with me about how you feel" she brushed her thumb over her face "It's what makes you so beautiful...It's why I love you. I would never have you any other way" she frowned and shook her head

The Doctor leaned against her palm and closed her eyes for a moment, then took her hand and kissed her fingertips. She placed a long kiss on her forehead "I love you Yaz" she said into her skin "Nothing can change are my future....He is just a part of my messy past 

"I don't have doubts if  that's what you're afraid of" she brought her hand to the nape of her neck and looked into her eyes "So chill out" she smiled and kissed her briefly

Doctor draped her arm around her shoulder and pulled her in kissing the side of her head "Let's go back mummy...You need to rest"

"I'm knackered...I could fall asleep standing up" Yaz said leaning  her head on her shoulder and slipping her arm around her waist



Tardis was quiet when they came back, everyone was sleeping. Doctor quickly checked the situation on the console and smiled haply "Working like a Swiss watch" she said and they walked to their room.

"Turn around" Yaz tapped her hip and tangled her fingers into Doctor's hair spreading the shampoo

"You're really enjoying in this?" Doctor smiled blinking as the water from the shower splashed against her face

"Yeah" Yaz kissed her shoulder "Besides you still have oil in didn't wash everything out" she rubbed the back of her head "here at the back"

"Oh...I thought I have"

"Nope...but it should be out now" she ran her hands over her shoulder blades "There...rinse it out" she said and took a shampoo bottle squeezing it on her hand and rubbing it into her own hair

"I need to check you and the munchkin later" Doctor said running her palms over her stomach then ran a finger down the line in the middle to her belly button smiling and Yaz jumped giggling


"Look Yaz...your belly button is popping out" she poked it like a child "Waaaaw"

"Of course it is...I'm spreading like a doe" she giggled "Soon everything is gonna be popping out" she said rinsing her hair ignoring Doctor studding her tummy. She found it funny how she was fascinated with every single change her body is going through. Studying her like some new galaxy she just discovered. She finished and stepped out of the shower.

"How much more will know grow?" she giggled as the Doctor rubbed her hair in a towel

"Dunno Yaz...I never had a pregnant wife" Doctor laughed and leaned over her shoulder kissing her cheek

"Are you sure you're not missing one baby in there?"

"Nope...only one Yaz...Not sure I would know how to handle two at the same time to be honest. It would be a disaster...turn around"

"I'm sure it's no different than one"

Doctor wiped her face with a towel playfully "I'm quite happy with one for now" she kissed her lips quickly "We can talk about a second one when we see iff we survive this one" she said casually leaving a towel over the the sink

"Excuse me?" Yaz frowned "Second?"

"Mmmmm" Doctor nodded and reached for her hand "Careful Yaz...floor is wet...I'll bring you a dryer"

"Are you serious? You would want another baby?"

"Dunno...why not?"

"Blimey...You're really into this aren't you?" she said walking into the bedroom

"You wouldn't?" Doctor peaked from the bathroom with the softest extension on her face

"I didn't say that darling...I'm just taken back by you....I mean...loads of people have two or three kids, for me it's normal. And my family is huge so I'm used to it" she was explaining whiles taking clothes out of the drawer and pulled the nightie over her head

"Loads of people had more than one child on Gallifrey Yaz" she put a hairdryer on a chest of drawers "It was just never my life...I never thought I'll ever get fixed to nobody...have a wife and a baby" she chatted away pulling t-shirt over her head then walked over to Yaz and slipped her arms around her kissing her shoulder "But now I have you"

Yaz leaned into her automatically and closed her eyes "I just want us to be happy...I want us to have a life we are dreaming about" she brought her hands over Doctor's

"We will beautiful...I don't care what it takes" she kissed her cheek

"I'm making your t-shirt wet" she giggled

"I'll change..." she rubbed her nose over her cheek "I adore you my sweet potato"

"And I you?"

"Come on dry your hair. I don't want you getting ill"

"It's like a furnese babe, how the hell can I get ill"

"Don't know...but I don't want to find out...besides why do you not use Tardis to dry your hair....why use that thing?"

"Because it makes my hair split babe...I'm human remember...different hair than yours"


"What that I'm a human?" she giggled

"Mmmm" Doctor nodded and sat on the edge of the bed fiddling with some part of the machinery

"What's that?"

"'s a control panel I took off that gate. I've been trying to make it work" she scrunched her face twirling it in her hand "...but I've never seen a technology like this before. It's really challenging. I do like to be challenged Yaz but not when the whole planet is about to explode and my family is on it" she frowned

"I've seen that before" Yaz said

"Excuse what Yaz?"

"Let me see" she took it in her hand "Oh, was just much bigger..."

"Where did you see it? And where was I when you did?"

"You were in Madagascar collecting dead stinking birds" she was yelling whiles  drying  her hair "...and I went through a teleport that looked exactly like that...but much bigger"

"Noo way Yaz...shoot...I don't like this"

"They were ill with that plastic thing...can't remember what was it called"

" Praxeus   Yaz... I don't like this at all"

"We can't open a portal to a planet infected with a virus" Yaz said worriedly

"No we can't Yaz...Well this a game changer...I need to know more about where this came from"

"And how the hell will you find out? That girl...did she ever tell you where she came from?"

"No...she never did Yaz...I have no idea. She did the most stupid thing and sent to her home planet information for the human vaccine. But before she did that she injected herself with it and it and it sped up her illness...So my best guess is that they are all dead Yaz. All the data was on her ship I had no time to look where she sent it"

"But we already established that this star...sun...thing was built thousands of years could it be that the teleport is leading to that past? Or it doesn't work that way?"

"I'm not sure until I get it to work...I have no idea"

"Iff it does...Can you give them the right medication?"

"Slow down Yaz" she looked at her worried "Technically yes, but the risk of opening that gate is big...I'm gonna have to think Also I can't disturb the past...our's not that easy...I need more information...but" she left the part on the bed and walked over to Yaz cupping her face "I have a very smart wife who just gave me something to work with"

Yaz smiled and Doctor kissed her gently "Now come on mummy...your hair is dry, get your cute bum into bed look like you're  gonna fall asleep standing up Yaz"

"So I have cute bum?" she giggled cheeky walking towards the bed

"Yes Yaz you doo...your cute all over...Bed!!" she shook her head laughing

"What about you?"

"I'm fine...I'm gonna do some work"

"Please lie with me till I fall asleep"

"Alright potato...but please just get into two seriously need to rest...and your feet Yaz, they are soo swollen"

"They are going down...that shower helped"

Yaz snuggled in and put her leg over the Doctor's side. She was extremely exhausted and didn't even notice how much her back hurt until she lay down. The cuddling made her fall asleep halfway through the sentence, which made the Doctor chuckle. She stayed a little longer, thinking about their conversation. She never thought family would be on the menu or her path given what her life had been like. She always thought that the only thing that would be left behind her would be a dying Tardis, and she never thought that she would fall in love, even promised herself that she would never let it happen again. But then she met Yaz, and she stole both of her hearts from the moment she laid eyes on her and things changed so much, something planned, she thought, mostly unplanned, and then again that was her, she never had a plan, so no wonder the baby fit into it perfectly, she thought. But now, for the first time, she had dreams, and she hoped with all her hearts that she was strong and smart enough to make them come true. Because the alternative scared her beyond belief, a fear she had never experienced in her long life. Pure dread of losing what she already had. But she pushed those thoughts away and stroked Yaz's tummy, humming some long-forgotten song from some long-forgotten memory. She didn't want to leave the bed. It was nice and cozy and she loved every minute of it being cuddled, but the pressure of the problem was weighing heavily on her mind so she kissed Yaz's face gently and then slipped quietly out of bed.



"Hi Doctor" Sonya said quietly as she stepped into the control room holding a tray with tea and some cookies

"Oh, hi Sonya" Doctor  raised her head from the console smiling

"I made you some tea"

"Oh did you now? How nice of you. Thank you"

"It's ok...Didn't you sleep?" she asked passing her a mug "here...have a biscuit"

"No..I have too much work to do" Doctor sat on the steps next to her

"You don't rest a lot do you?"

"I don't need as much rest as humans Sonya"

"Oh...alien...I forgot...I do forget sometimes. You don't look alien...but then neither do these people...except for number of fingers and color of their eyes. But you look completely human"

"I assure you I'm not...very different from the inside"

"Yeah...two hearts...So does that mean if one stops you can live with only one?"

"No...not really...I just regenerate if I'm...well, too damaged"

"I don't think I could handle that if you were my wife...or a husband"

Doctor smiled from the corner of her lips and sipped some tea

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to offend you"

"You didn't..." Doctor smiled at her "Everyone is different. I suppose I'm just lucky I have your sister"

"I think that luck goes both ways" she smiled "I never saw Yaz so happy" she went silent for a moment "I don't think I ever saw her truly happy at all to be honest...I don't think any of us ever have" she looked at console "This and the makes  her so happy. She found her home"

"I don't think I ever was either till I met her. I thought I was...sometimes at least I thought" she scrunched her face and took a biscuit "But sometimes we don't really know what happy means until we really are. And I think that's what happened to me" she grinned haply

"So what are you working on?"

"Wanna see?" she nodded smiling exited

"Yeah sure" Sonya left a cup on the tray and followed her to the console

"See this control panel I took of that portal, I was trying to figure out how how to repair it"

"And did you?...Repair it?"

"No...not yet"


"But I  never saw this technology before...Can you believe it never seeing it...I've seen so much stuff and I still get surprised...I like to be surprised" she scrunched her face "Well, most of the time I do but not when I need to stop the sun from exploding...Anyway" she hopped to the monitor "Your sister recognized it from way back, so now I'm doing  all this research to find out where it came from"

"And did find out?" she asked exited

"No" she said abruptly leaving Sonya frowning confused "But I'm sure I will" she smiled exited

"Right...ok" she shrug her shoulders "I should be going...and you seem to be busy...soo...yeah...thanks for the chat"

"Always Sonya" Doctor waived and went back to her work

The Doctor continued to work, just her and her Tardis, chatting while everyone slept. It was unusually quiet unlike in the past days when someone would always be walking around, passing by or asking questions.

"Hey love" Yaz smiled from the top of the stairs

"Hey beautiful...had a nice sleep?"

"Missed you...but yes" she came up behind her and kissed her shoulder.

The doctor took her hand and wrapped it around herself "I'm sorry... but I do have some good news" she turned her head and kissed her gently

"What did that beautiful brain of yours find out?"

"Well, do you remember Yaz when I was saving Jake? Adams husband"

"Yeah...police officer" Yaz leaned on her back looking over her shoulder

"When the autopilot failed and I had to pick him up with the Tardis. Well, I went to check the data..." she walked a few paces around the console holding Yaz's arm around her without letting go "I found that the debris transmitted ships energy at the time of the explosion that was picked up by the Tardis"

"Really?....So can you track it?" Yaz smiled over her shoulder

"Bingo Yaz...well I hope I can...I don't have a lot...but hopefully it should be enough for Tardis to work out where they came from...should's really the only thing I let's hope it works"

"I knew you will find a way" Yaz kissed her cheek

"It's only because you knew where the teleport comes from Yaz...I'm afraid this has nothing to do with me" she turned around and slipped  her arms around her "and everything to do with my very, very clever wife" she grinned

"Joined effort baby" Yaz smiled running hands over her chest and pulled her by her braces into a slow kiss

Coughing jolted them both and they quickly pulled apart.

"Sorry" Ryan said not knowing in which direction to look embarrassed out of his mind

"Yes Ryan?" Doctor asked fixing her coat frazzled and Yaz turned around laughing

"Sonya sent me to tell you that there's a weird noise coming from our shower and there's no pressure...Sorry I didn't meant know...yeah"

"Oh" Doctor frowned "It must be that filter worries. I'll take a look...I thought I fixed it?"

"Want me to help you?" Yaz asked exited hoping she'll agree

"Yeah sure..."

"Yeees!" Yaz jumped exited



"That's fine Yaz...just turn it a little bit more" said the Doctor from the hole in one of the walls where she squeezed herself up to her knees "I need just a little bit more pressure...just tiny bit Yaz"

"Is that okay? Tell me when to stop!" Yaz shouted from the other side if the room turning a massive valve

"Stoooop!!" Doctor yelled


"It should be fine now...that filter was so clogged...It's a miracle we even had any water" she said wiggling out

"I did notice pressure was off when I got up...I forgot to tell you"

"Well that's all sorted now Yaz. I have some serious maintenance to do when we get home" she wiped her hands on her hips "I need the Tardis in perfect condition for when baby comes...can't have no water, or heating...or something else going wrong and something always goes wrong" she turned and looked at some other cables hanging from the ceiling above them scrunching  her face "Yeah...definitely needs work Yaz"

"I want us to do it together...pleaseeee" Yaz said putting the tools back in the bag "I want to do more...I can do it...You know, like this what we did was easy babe and it really makes me happy" she zipped up on the bag then put the Doctor's goggles on her face "I can be your pregnant mechanic" she giggled

The Doctor moved her gaze from the ceiling towards her and when she saw her started laughing

"How do you see anything through that?" she looked up and around the room

The Doctor laughed and stood in front of her raising goggles on her forehead "You look like a pregnant Minion" she laughed

"Brilliant... just the look I was going for"

"Minions are cute" Doctor kissed her temple and put goggles away

"Well, you look super sexy when you wear them" she squeezed Doctor's cheeks between her palms and kissed her

"I think you're making up for thousands of years of no one ever calling me that Yaz" the Doctor laughed grabbing the bag off the table "Shall we?...Or do you just want to stay in the engine room for few more hours?"

" least no one will barge in when we're kissing" she shrugged following her

"That was embarrassing," said the Doctor as she climbed the stairs, "Now I need a shower again," she wiped her hand on her trousers again and blew a dirty strand of hair from her face

"At least you have pressure" Yaz giggled and smacked her bum playfully

"My bum never got that much attention either," she said climbing the stairs and Yaz rolled her eyes laughing

"Maybe it wasn't as cute as this one babe" she laughs

"Auch..." Doctor laughed